View Full Version : Spells Missing?

2012-07-03, 08:42 AM
Hey All,

For my Human Wiz5/Master Specialist 2 (getting ready to head into Initiate of the 7fold Veil) I'm wondering what spells I'm missing. Enchantment and Necromancy are banned

Lvl 1
Mage Armor
Burning hands:
Magic Missile
Enlarge Person:
Detect Dragonblood:
Buzzing Bee
Benign Transposition:
Rope Trick:
Endure Elements

Lvl 2 - 16 pages
Scorching Ray
Flaming Sphere:
See Invisibility:
Baleful Transposition:

Lvl 3 - 27 pages
Karmic Backlash
Heart of Water
Least Dragonshape
Anti-dragon Aura
Chain Missile
Dispel Magic
Suppress Breath Weapon
Great Thunderclap

lvl 4 - 20 pages
Stone Skin:
Mass Enlarge Person
Entangling Staff
Firestride Exhalation:
Dimension Door:

Next Level I'm picking up Parboil from Sandstorm, and Dimension Step.

Basic character concept is a battlefield controller who is a bit of a pyro. I do always keep some of the offensive spells energy substituted in case I run into something with resistance to fire.

I'm wondering what spells you all would recommend I pick up in town. I do have little room in my current spellbook, but will be picking up a blessed book in the next town, or at the very least another spellbook.

So, what am I missing?

2012-07-03, 08:51 AM
For BFC i tend to say Wall of Ice as a 4th level spell.
Although creatures can make a reflex to interrupt it when their next to the wall, it can still delay enemies when you cast it in the proper places.
Yes it can be destroyed easely but it will cost your opponents actions and thats where its all about.

I don`t have my own Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil near (which is a Wizard 5/Mage of the Arcane Order 4/Initiate 7/Archmage2 which focusses on BFC aswell).

2012-07-03, 08:52 AM
Ropetrick is a level 2 spell.

You have no protection against mind control (Protection against X, Magic Circle, Disobedience). Thats fine so long as you have a Cleric who can do it, or a scroll of Magic Circle handy.

Stoneskin costs money. Wizards usually use Heart of Stone instead. And even then, Greater Mirror Image or Greater Invisibility is usually better.

L1 could use Wall of Smoke.

L2 could use invisibility

L3 could use Haste, Slow and Stinking Cloud.

L4 could use Black Tentacles and Solid Fog.

2012-07-03, 09:09 AM
Ropetrick is a level 2 spell.

You have no protection against mind control (Protection against X, Magic Circle, Disobedience). Thats fine so long as you have a Cleric who can do it, or a scroll of Magic Circle handy.

Stoneskin costs money. Wizards usually use Heart of Stone instead. And even then, Greater Mirror Image or Greater Invisibility is usually better.

L1 could use Wall of Smoke.

L2 could use invisibility

L3 could use Haste, Slow and Stinking Cloud.

L4 could use Black Tentacles and Solid Fog.

Heart of Stone is a Wiz8 spell. I currently only have access to Wiz4 spells. It's certainly on my list eventually. I do appreciate the level breakdown. Slow in particular is far more brutal than I gave it credit.

2012-07-03, 09:12 AM
Heart of Stone is a Wiz8 spell.

GAH! Wrong heart! Sorry, I meant heart of EARTH :smallredface:

2012-07-03, 09:14 AM
He meant heart of earth. Its basically just stoneskin +

2012-07-03, 09:18 AM
Ah, Heart of Earth. . . that IS really cool. I'll try to get ahold of that one in particular in the next town with a caster.

As far as resistance against enchantment/domination, I'm going to try to grab a ring of protection from evil (particularly as we're going up against Demons soon). Any other suggestions for battling demons? No BoED spells (in exchange our DM isn't using BoVD)

The problem I'm running into with any of the fog spells, is they block line of sight. Are there any foggy spells that would allow spells to still be fired into them?

2012-07-03, 10:43 AM
Disobedience (Complete Scoundrel) lasts hrs/lvl, and at your level, thats good enough for all day protection. It also has a range, which means that you can Chain Spell it. Buy a lesser rod of chaining for 14k gp, and chain Disobedience across the party (share the cost of the rod with the party, since they also benefit).

You can pass the rod (and leftover daily charges) to the cleric if he has some reach method to chain Magic Vestment for everyone. Or, you can use this to chain other buff spells like Enlarge Person (and save the level 4 slot for something else). Or Chain Target Dispel to suppress your enemy's various items. etc

For casting into fog, maybe get the Cleric/Druid to cast Blindsight on you.

2012-07-03, 04:45 PM
The problem I'm running into with any of the fog spells, is they block line of sight. Are there any foggy spells that would allow spells to still be fired into them?
Blacklight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/spells/blacklight.htm)? It's from Deities and Demigods, might have been reprinted in Spell Compendium.

2012-07-03, 05:17 PM
I don't see :

1: Sticky Floor(No save Entangle - Great with Slow), Nerveskitter(IotSV wants to go first), Wall of Smoke (Great low level area debuff)
2: Greater Slide (Move those suckers back into your crowd control), Frost Breath*(Daze and Damage in an area)
3: Stinking Cloud(Largely replaces Wall of Smoke), Slow(Move or Standard=Lockdown), Wind Wall*
4: Black Tentacles, Orb of Fire(Damage +Daze works in an AMF), Solid Fog

*If you keep Evocation, remember to cherrypick the good ones.

Look into the Invisible Spell metamagic feat from Cityscape. That will let you keep LoS into the clouds.

2012-07-03, 05:18 PM
As far as resistance against enchantment/domination, I'm going to try to grab a ring of protection from evil (particularly as we're going up against Demons soon). Any other suggestions for battling demons? No BoED spells (in exchange our DM isn't using BoVD)

Dismissal when you get it. For now: Dimensional Anchor. Most devils can greater teleport at will and that's a bad thing. That means they should ALWAYS have the positioning advantage. And you have no idea how many of them there actually are. The only thing you have going for you with this abilty is it required a standard action to use so when they appear next to you; you get one turn before they get to swing at you. Those little dretches? yeah, all they have to do is surround you and you can't even run away from the devil attacking you.

This all assumes they have no one actively healing/buffing them when they retreat.

Teleport, Greater
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Travel 7
This spell functions like teleport, except that there is no range limit and there is no chance you arrive off target. In addition, you need not have seen the destination, but in that case you must have at least a reliable description of the place to which you are teleporting. If you attempt to teleport with insufficient information (or with misleading information), you disappear and simply reappear in your original location. Interplanar travel is not possible.

The problem I'm running into with any of the fog spells, is they block line of sight. Are there any foggy spells that would allow spells to still be fired into them?
This is why you WANT fogs. They break line of sight and force people into sub-optimal positions. Sadly; it hurts you just as much as it hurts them(funnily enough though fireball's AoE goes inside the clouds.... hint hint)

L1: Expeditiousness Retreat
L2: Mirror Image, Pyrotechnics, Melf Acid Arrow(For the range)

L2 - Not BFC or blasty but worth thinking about. Protection from Arrows, Resist Energy

L3: Arcane Sight(So you know which target to hit), Stinking Cloud, Sleet Storm,

L3: Invisibilty Greater, Ice Storm**, Resilient Sphere, Solid Fog, Dispell Magic

Ice Storm is half BFC and half blasty and has LONG range. It doesn't scale in damage though so abuse it while you can. Best part - only a 2 round duration. That's good IF you want to fog them up to get them to disperse and then have the fog auto-remove itself after they've screwed themselves on positioning. Disagree it's a great spell? Next time you are a DM - open up with it on the party. :)