View Full Version : Eliminating the Rage/Frenzy downside

2012-07-03, 08:45 AM
So a buddy of mine started up a 7th level campaign, looked at five experienced D&D players, pulled out his 3.5 Ravenloft books and said "Feel free to try to break the game. Anything goes." Which, in my case, meant gestalt. And gestalt prestige.
The resulting build is an incredibly cheesy Warforged Lion Totem Barbarian-Fighter 1/Fighter-Warforged Artificer 6 (DM said I could have the Warforged Artificer ACF's IN ADDITION to standard CF's, didn't feel they were THAT broken)/Fighter-Warforged Juggernaut 1. I intend to go all the way with Warforged Juggernaut for all the immunities and charging stuff, and, since he intends to power-level us all the way to and past 20, I was looking at Prestige Classes and thought that since I'm allowed to blend PrC's together, that blending Bear Warrior and Frenzied Berzerker would be killer for my charger build.
Looking at it, though, wouldn't a Warforged Juggernaut 5 be immune to nonlethal damage and fatigue? Wouldn't, therefore, switching on both rage and frenzy be like activating a major stat boost and then dropping back down to normal when it was done? Does rage/frenzy fatigue/nonlethal damage apply even if your character is immune to those effects?

2012-07-03, 10:05 AM
If you are immune to something, then you ignore it. Your rage and frenzy thus come with no drawbacks after the fact.

2012-07-03, 10:10 AM
Powergaming in Ravenloft?! Geez. Kids these days...

Fouredged Sword
2012-07-03, 09:39 PM
Yes, you feel no penalty for raging after the fact.

Now get a form of regeneration to ignore all damage you are not weak to, and find a way to get immunity to what you ARE weak to.

2012-07-03, 09:43 PM
Yes, you feel no penalty for raging after the fact.

Now get a form of regeneration to ignore all damage you are not weak to, and find a way to get immunity to what you ARE weak to.

Warforged can qualify for Troll-Blooded, right?

Fouredged Sword
2012-07-03, 10:31 PM
Yes, with flaws they can get toughness, troll-blooded, and adimantium body (prereq for juggernaut)

Then you are two rituals away from the fire and acid subtype and immunity to your weaknesses. Then get immunity to the troll bane poison (there is a feat for that).

Then find a way to stack on fire resistance (searing spells can still hurt you, but don't mitigate FR, just immunity). Get FR 100 or so and you have to be hit for 200+ fire damage to get hurt.

And you are immune to ability damage, drain, mind effecting spells, negative levels, ect.

Have fun being truly immortal in 3.5.

2012-07-04, 05:32 AM
Powergaming in Ravenloft?! Geez. Kids these days...

Note that the DM is not quoted as saying ""Feel free to break the game. Anything goes" but ""Feel free to try to break the game. Anything goes."

Remember the old adage: never trust a smiling DM.

2012-07-04, 10:01 AM
Where is Troll-blooded? And also, knowing now that Frenzy/Rage have no downside, is there a better PrC to gestalt with Frenzied Berzerker than Bear Warrior? Another Rage/Frenzy based PrC that I'm missing?

2012-07-04, 10:16 AM
I would check with the GM on the Gestalt. It's under alternate rules in UA, not really part of what I'd assume to be the normal rules system.

Troll-blooded gets you regen vs anything but fire and acid, and the ability to reattach lost body parts. It's in Dragon Magazine 319, but is available online. Downside is the prerequisite of toughness and the fact you have to be first level, so Warforged -have- to take flaws to access it (Another thing I'd ask about)

The reason I recommend asking about, well, everything, is that I had a GM run a game like this. As a result, despite the fact that this was the only broken character I have built (I have had odd combos of abilities before, but I've never managed to consistently outshine anyone), I have been banned from everything but PH and APH in every one of my groups campaigns, and no one is ever going to run a "Please break this" game in my group ever again. It's not cool, especially considering my characters were weaker than a multiclass paladin/monk, a core-only rogue and a multiclass paladin/sorcerer respectively, before the ban.