View Full Version : 2e Question: Loot for characters starting beyond level 1

2012-07-03, 12:27 PM
Okay, I've always had a personal problem. I've considered starting 2e at higher levels than 1, so I can give my players better dungeons, monsters to fight, and am not sure What Loot they should be allowed to carry around at higher levels.

There is no designated WBL, to my knowledge, and am not sure about loot balance.

Any advice concerning this from past experience and system mastery?

2012-07-03, 12:30 PM
1st ed. & 2nd ed. are very compatible...
if you have access to the 1st ed. DM's Guide, there are 2 charts set up for determining magic items for higher level characters &/or NPC's

2012-07-03, 12:39 PM
Define "higher levels."

They really mean different things depending on where you're standing.

Up to, maybe, 7th or so level, there's a couple of charts in the hard bound monstrous manual that shows you how to create an adventuring party of varying level, including how to randomly roll for magic items and it talks a bit about wealth.

Beyond that, you as the DM merely have to use y our best judgement. There really is no sure guidance beyond that.

2012-07-09, 06:52 AM
Off the top of my head give them 300gp per level above 1st so at 2nd level they get 300gp extra and so on.
There's nothing stopping you asking them for what magical items they want only make it clear you have final say on what they can have so you can avoid them giving their characters say a Vorpal Sword or Staff of Fire and so on.

2012-07-09, 06:55 AM
Wasn't it only into well into 2e that they started giving GP prices, as opposed to XP which was supposed to be rewarded for finding the item?

AD&D was pretty much about giving you a bunch of components to throw together as you saw fit. Since there's no CR or anything of the sort, just be arbitrary with both your gear and your monsters, and hope it all goes together well.

2012-07-23, 02:56 PM
There was "proto-CR" in early D&D/AD&D. It was called monster level & ranged from I (kobolds, giant rats, hobgoblins) to X (demon lords, liches, iron golems)

As to the question in the OP; I concure that the 1e DMG has 2 potential equipment genrators, the PC one typically gives some minor/basic magic & the NPC one which typically gives some pretty solid gear (better at L4+ compared than the PC version anyway).

Using d20/3.5e as a model for gear wouldn't hurt either, so long as one takes into account the differences in magic item effects/properties between the editions. Magic armor in AD&D is better than d20 magic armor, as it helps (some) saves & has a lightweight enchantment built in. A ring or cloak of protection helps AC & saves, not just AC. It doesn't stack with "enhancement" bonuses (magic armor) either, but does with other "protection" items.

2012-07-24, 07:48 AM
There was "proto-CR" in early D&D/AD&D. It was called monster level & ranged from I (kobolds, giant rats, hobgoblins) to X (demon lords, liches, iron golems)

As to the question in the OP; I concure that the 1e DMG has 2 potential equipment genrators, the PC one typically gives some minor/basic magic & the NPC one which typically gives some pretty solid gear (better at L4+ compared than the PC version anyway).

Using d20/3.5e as a model for gear wouldn't hurt either, so long as one takes into account the differences in magic item effects/properties between the editions. Magic armor in AD&D is better than d20 magic armor, as it helps (some) saves & has a lightweight enchantment built in. A ring or cloak of protection helps AC & saves, not just AC. It doesn't stack with "enhancement" bonuses (magic armor) either, but does with other "protection" items.

Was it 1e that had 5% per level chance of certain items per class?

2012-07-24, 09:10 PM

That is actually a third possible method, from the 1e monster manual (also used by B/X).

2012-07-25, 02:12 AM
IIRC, the Monstrous Manual (2e big monster book) had some charts in the back for generating NPCs of adventuring level. Basically, you compare their level to a chart. At 1st level, each NPC has a 10% chance of some sort of minor magic (potions, scrolls, etc). At 2nd level, they have a 20% chance of 2 of those items. At 3rd level, they have a 30% chance of 2 of those lesser, and a 10% chance of a slightly better item.

By the time you hit higher levels, they had some guaranteed items. You probably find more if you're actively adventuring but, hey, that's why you're playing, right?

2012-07-26, 11:29 AM
IIRC, the Monstrous Manual (2e big monster book) had some charts in the back for generating NPCs of adventuring level. Basically, you compare their level to a chart. At 1st level, each NPC has a 10% chance of some sort of minor magic (potions, scrolls, etc). At 2nd level, they have a 20% chance of 2 of those items. At 3rd level, they have a 30% chance of 2 of those lesser, and a 10% chance of a slightly better item.

By the time you hit higher levels, they had some guaranteed items. You probably find more if you're actively adventuring but, hey, that's why you're playing, right?

I really like this idea, thank you :smallsmile:.

I had trouble digging up the 1e Dungeon masters guide, but I always did like Tables :smallsmile:.

2012-08-23, 10:36 PM
I found that the random generation tables usually gave unsatisfactory results; it would be cool if there was some sort of Traveller style generation system for creating high level characters.

2012-08-24, 08:13 AM
I found that the random generation tables usually gave unsatisfactory results; it would be cool if there was some sort of Traveller style generation system for creating high level characters.

That would be cool, but it would be prohibitive, I think, especially since every DM has differing opinions as to what's reasonable for LevelX characters to have.

2012-08-24, 04:26 PM
I found that the random generation tables usually gave unsatisfactory results; it would be cool if there was some sort of Traveller style generation system for creating high level characters.

pet project time?

You are everywhere Matthew:smallbiggrin: