View Full Version : Demon army

2012-07-04, 02:19 PM
I am one of those DMs who will occasionally run a campaign with a family member who makes a whole party. Well a friend of mine made a 20th level party and thouroughly butchered the tarrasque and his titan buddy. here is a description of his party:
tank: 10th level barbarian, 10th level frenzied berzerker, very big axe, super strong while frenzying, hard to kill
sneaky: 20th level rogue improved crit keen rapier, crits on 12-20, good at tumbling behind people... then murdering them
mage: 20th level wizard,really really enjoys meteor swarm... lil too much butchered a titan with it
healer: 20th level cleric, good damage output great healer amazing spellcaster.
eek :smalleek:
I digress. ANYWAYS I want to put them against a demon army composed of:
leader: baphomet (tome of horrors not FC1)
archers: 12 arrow demons
skirmishers: undecided
mages: undecided
cavalry: also undecided
tanks: goristros from fiendish codex 1 not manual of the planes
if you have any suggestions, name name of demon, number of demons, and source. Or if you have another group like airstrike or geurilla or something let me know
the sources i have access to are: fiend folio, MM, MM2, MM3, fiendish codex 1, manual of the planes, and tome of horrors
I know this looks uncompleted but i have all the time in the world
NOTE: homebrew accepted I love homebrew :smallcool:
thanks :smallsmile:

2012-07-04, 02:33 PM
Lilitu from the Fiendish Codex I are interesting.

CR:12, cast as Ninth Level Clerics. Can use any item as if they had succeeded on a UMD check for it, Charm Person, etc..

2012-07-04, 02:38 PM
As a slightly unrelated point, I'm fairly sure Improved Critical can't stack with the Keen weapon enhancement.

Hmmm... an invisible Sorrowsworn demon walking between them using its aura would be nasty... then dropping a Mind Fog to hit the low will-save people.

2012-07-04, 02:39 PM
Lilitu from the Fiendish Codex I are interesting.

CR:12, cast as Ninth Level Clerics. Can use any item as if they had succeeded on a UMD check for it, Charm Person, etc..

ooh sounds fun. I forgot about healers for all the demons because they would be needed :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-04, 02:40 PM
ooh sounds fun. I forgot about healers for all the demons because they would be needed :smallbiggrin:

then again there evil so they wouldnt heal :P

2012-07-04, 02:41 PM
[QUOTE=GreenSerpent;13499543]As a slightly unrelated point, I'm fairly sure Improved Critical can't stack with the Keen weapon enhancement.

actually yes they do stack but it only triples crit not quadruples

2012-07-04, 02:45 PM
Actually it doesn't. Look in the DMG. It specifically states Keen does not stack with Improved Critical (on page 225).

2012-07-04, 02:45 PM
I just feel like something is missing from this army

2012-07-04, 02:46 PM
then again there evil so they wouldnt heal :P

Their stat block lists them as having healing spells prepared.

Now, the really nice thing here is the "Use any magical item".

Any Wand or Scroll or Race/Alignment limited item.

I'm sure you can think of some of the many, many spells that exist that you'd want to use.

2012-07-04, 02:48 PM
well I do have spell compendium and that has spawned some ideas of living spells to maybe add to the army

2012-07-04, 02:52 PM
So, is the Demon Army attacking them, or are they attacking the Demon Army?

2012-07-04, 02:55 PM
theres a lot of strange weather for a few days then a hellmouth opens and demons pop out to kill them. I plan to have the hellmouth stay open for a few rounds after the army dies so they can go inside and kill baphomet 1st edition style to get extra XP and i wanna have them meet baphomet and his bodyguards
so the demons pretty much attack the party

2012-07-04, 03:00 PM
I am just wondering what to fill in the gaps with and if i should maybe create more gaps to fill

2012-07-04, 03:28 PM

2012-07-04, 03:42 PM
Actually it doesn't. Look in the DMG. It specifically states Keen does not stack with Improved Critical (on page 225).

OH you must play 3.5 specifically LOL i play a blend of 3.0 and 3.5 and in my DMG it doesnt say that :sabine:

2012-07-04, 04:23 PM
It always helps when you mention what game you're playing. :smallbiggrin:

For cavalry, there's the armanite from FC1. It's only CR 7, so you might need to add some Fighter levels (or whatever) to make it a threat to level 20s. Give it Ride By Attack and Spirited Charge and upgrade its equipment.

2012-07-04, 04:59 PM
For your cavalry, get a couple of Armanites with barbarian or ranger levels. Give them magical equipment, and choose their feats well. Give some of them ride by attack and others archery feats and stuff.
If you want to be cruel, balors would techinically make good skirmishers, since they've got a high speed.
You could get a hellfire wyrm to flyby attack once in a while, or to be used as a mount by some other demons. Alternatively, just take a different dragon (or a wyvern) and give them the half-fiend template.

The best spellcasters would probably be Lilitu with cleric levels or maybe even just half fiends with wizard or sorcerer levels. A few Arcanoloths with sorcerer levels wouldn't be out of place, either.
For back up spellcasting, get something that can use dispel magic at will (or greater dispel magic). Preferably low CR, and high caster level if possible. Then put in a few dozen of those, so the PC's buffs have to survive multiple dispellings every round.

Remember that most demons can greater teleport at will, making a spontaneous retreat pretty easy to do. The hard part isn't taking them down, it's catching them, and surviving the pursuit.

2012-07-04, 05:38 PM
I like your thinking

2012-07-04, 08:36 PM
If you are going head on fight then you can ignore some of this, however if it is a campaign like setting might I suggest succubus souleaters (BOVD) in a brothel. They are great way of killing any who enter plus they get to die having fun :smallbiggrin:

Also http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/demon is a good place to look at all of pathfinders demons so you can get some inspiration from there.

2012-07-04, 08:42 PM
BTW i do not have access to BoVD

2012-07-05, 04:00 AM
Obryths could be fun to add, not many people carry lawful weapons to bypass their DR with, and with enough smaller ones someone will fail an aura of madness save.

2012-07-05, 04:48 AM
Vrock and Barlgura make excellent skirmishers.

Googling Demonic cavalry 3.5 brought up this homebrew monstrosity (http://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Armanite_(3.5e_Monster))

Bebilith make great tanks.

Arcanaloth make for good spellcasters and, though they aren't demons, they are mercenary and would work for demons.

2012-07-05, 01:03 PM
that is a good armanite. I have 2 other versions and was gonna use one of them because they actually have a higher CR. and I had decided on goristros as tanks because the leader of this army is baphomet lord of minotaurs and goristros are like huge minotaurs almost

2012-07-05, 01:29 PM
If you're having trouble with your rogue dealing out massive flank damage might I suggest the following, which is also useful to keep the barbarian from "Crit-ing" away his problems.

Although technically you can't apply a fiendish template to an elemental, OA refers to a type of evil spirit (Kanzen) which is just that. And you already have the MM. Take a look at the relatively low CR of a Fiendish Elder Earth Elemental, compared to it's DR, Immunity, and high damage output. Have a couple of them pop up with demons riding them into battle until they decide to earth glide under a problem PC and just come up grappling.

"From beneath the earth a hollow moan arises and you see the ground heave, but not quite the same ground that it rose from, this earth is stained with blood as you note inhuman skulls dropping from stalagmites. The earth shifts to reveal a bipedal form complete with twin dots of infernal light which could only be the creatures hate filled eyes. As it steps forth another appears from behind and both carry a Balor rider, or they did as they begin to slip below the soil like sinking ships below a tide; leaving their charges to face you."

If you think Balor's are too powerful, a couple of Hezrou are useful for their stench, and that they have both Chaos hammer and Unholy Blight at will.

2012-07-05, 10:27 PM
sounds cool i think that would work VERY well indeed :smalltongue:

2012-07-06, 03:42 PM

Step 1: MM2 Jovoc
Step 2: Advance by HD
Step 3: LM Tomb-Tainted Soul
Step 4: CW Improved Toughness
Step 5: Mass Bear's Endurance (allied spellcaster)
Step 6: MMIII Shadesteel Golem
Step 7: RoS Fling Ally feat for big artillery demons.


Hurl Jovocs into the fight like squirming, vicious little hand grenades.

Have the shadesteel golem creep up until it's just within range to pulse negative energy healing onto them (and not get hit by their retributive aura).

Watch with savage glee as the PCs beat on the Jovocs, suffer for it. When they get wise, send the big demons in to smack the Jovocs around (or hit them at range with AoE that'll cover them and the PCs both).

A regular Jovoc can HD advance up to 12HD (CR 9). The move from small->medium is good for +2 Con, HD advancement for +2 con, and Improved Toughness as one of their two feat choices for another +2 "worth" of Con...plus Mass BE. That's about 210 hps apice.

Here's the ability that makes it pay off:

MM2, p59:

Aura of Retribution (Su): This effect is always active in a 30-foot spread centered on the jovoc. Whenever the creature takes damage from any source, every nontanar'ri within the area immediately takes an equal amount of damage. A successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 15*) halves the damage...Regardless of the source of the damage to the jovoc, the damage dealt to nontanar'ri by this effet is not subject to negation or reduction because of resistance, immunity, damage reduction, spell resistance, or the like.

* Presumably 10+1/2HD+Con. Advanced, this would be DC 23.

2012-07-06, 03:47 PM
I think that a side effect of the Tomb Tainted Soul feat is that they radiate (retrobute?) the healing done by the shadesteel golem as damage to the PC's because of the last 3 lines, but that's debatable.