View Full Version : character help

2012-07-04, 07:50 PM
Ok guys my dm is starting a new campaign it will be a evil one using pathfinder the world is infested with undead pretty much if u die and ur body isnt burned u become undead if u could cast spells and die u become a lich ect. Divination magic is lost so doesnt exist in the world and magic users are hunted and either killed or forced to do the occults bidding. So there is a little built about the world the campaign is starting at level 1 everyone must be a assasin bounty hunter smuggler thief some thing of that nature.

So here is what I'm asking, i am looking to be a bounty hunter so tracking hunter those nature of skills also need to beable to deal good damage i dont know the point buy yet also dont want to be sneaking around the whole time im looking for a level 1-20 character guide of classes and feats of how to make a good bounty hunter nothing is banned aslong as it fits flavor wise and skills are still 3.5, also it is a kinda of game going on 100 particapants the goal of the game is be the last one alive so there will be PC fighting also.

one of the main reasons why i am asking for some help is i have not played much of pathfinder i have played 1 game that went to level 6 and i played straight monk.

Any help would be much appreciated

2012-07-05, 01:55 AM
oh and one other big note my GM is very big on customizing his bad guys and is very big on min maxing so need to be able to stay alive

2012-07-05, 06:10 AM
I don't know pathfinder as well as I do 3.5, but what you ask for sounds a lot like a straight ranger.


Have your favored enemy be Undead, and you'll be quite powerful damage-wise. High HD and many skill points give you the abilities and survivability you ask for.

2012-07-05, 06:40 AM
Your wording could use some work, but I'll offer advice anyway.

As for variants:
If you want a proactive role, use a battlescout to set up plans and enact them.
If you want guns, use trophy hunter.
If you want passive bonuses and abilities use infiltrator.
If your dm is willing, go for yokai hunter and allow ghosts and spirits to exist freely in the world, making your variant much more important.

Favored Enemy: Undead Subtype

Golden Ladybug
2012-07-05, 06:41 AM
Well, if you're going for Bounty Hunting, then perhaps its as Simple as Ranger? With Favoured Enemy: Undead, and possibly Favoured Enemy: Humanoid (Whatever-Race-Is-Most-Common-Amongst-Your-Fellow-Party-Members) will hold you in good stead, no one tracks betters (good for sniffing out Bounties) and you can do well in both melee and at range.

This (https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1OI2lQ_FPUpnXD4i3sBLgzvgyOV9l43gKL0JM83co7 iI&pli=1)is a nice guide for the Pathfinder Ranger

Also, if you're main opposition is weak, crappy zombies, and you're willing to do something completely contrary to your character concept, I suggest going Summoner and sticking tons of arms on your Eidolon and giving it a bunch of shortswords. Because Summoner is the best class at everything ever, and should be used for everything Not really, I'm just incredibly biased

Summoner Guide here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=184592)

2012-07-05, 07:20 AM
I have to agree with everyone who suggested ranger but I'd add that this kind of game really favours the cleric class with their ability to control or turn undead. There is no reason why you cannot worship a god of hunters or a god of the dead with a mission to send the dead back to their rightful rest.

2012-07-05, 11:17 AM
Alright im going to look into ranger with the variants mentioned also will take a look at the summoner.

And hover divine magic doesnt exist because the dm believes everyone would then play clerics which pwn the undead and would make the undead not nearly as much of a threat

2012-07-05, 11:33 AM
And hover divine magic doesnt exist because the dm believes everyone would then play clerics which pwn the undead and would make the undead not nearly as much of a threatWhich would be true. I take it that necromancy still exists though? In which case the wizard can exert some control over undead at higher levels.

2012-07-05, 12:18 PM
Hmm, do you have a list of classes that are banned in the game? While playing as a Ranger is kind of the obvious choice, we might be able to make a different suggestion if we know what you are and are not allowed to play.

2012-07-05, 04:19 PM
there are no class truly banned as I had stated before if the flavor for the concept is there it is allowed only thing that is banned is cleric cause of no divine magic there are no gods to pray to so there for also pallys can't be played unless u want to be gimped lol

2012-07-05, 05:28 PM
It doesn't matter if there are no gods. A cleric doesn't have to worship a god, she can dedicate herself to an alignment concept. Notably, it is also stated that a cleric needn't worship a specific deity or have a religion at all, but can draw their power from a philosophy or even their personal devotion to a cause or way of life. OK, DM's rules and no clerics but you could try to be pedantic.

2012-07-05, 07:10 PM
Thank you hover I didn't know that have always ran off the assumption that clerics need god to pray to and what is a pedantric

2012-07-06, 01:21 AM
A pedant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedant) is one who insists on things being correct, as is right and proper.

The equivalent would be sticking to Rules as Written in a given situation even when they make no sense and go against Rules as Intended.

2012-07-06, 01:27 AM
A pedant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedant) is one who insists on things being correct, as is right and proper.
But that doesn't explain what a pedantric is at all. :smalltongue:

2012-07-06, 01:37 AM
But that doesn't explain what a pedantric is at all. :smalltongue:A pedant called Ric?

2012-07-06, 02:15 AM
nice that actually gave me a pretty good laugh lol