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2012-07-05, 04:28 AM
You have spent the last year or so working for Sir Osbeorn of Clyster, a minor baronet who lives just outside the western edge of Clyster. The work has been dull and dreary, but Sir Osbeorn is a kind master, and you've grown lazy and dull-witted eating his food and drinking his wine and ale. Now the housegirl has brought you his summons, and you wonder at what the problem could be. The normally cheerful and flirty servant is subdued, and refuses to meet your eyes.

You step into the study of Osbeorn, though it could hardly be called such. Osbeorn sits behind a rickety table which serves as a desk, which holds a small pile of parchments, and Osbeorn's single owned book. He looks up from a piece of parchment and frowns at you. "You're here. Good. Well, don't just stand there, come in, come in"

Sir Osbeorn is a heavy-set man, who was obviously once muscular and powerful, now gone to fat. His blonde hair and moustaches are mostly grey now, and his normally gruff manner is now even more serious.

He stands from his stool and looks each of you over. "There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to come out and say it. I simply cannot afford to pay you or feed you any longer. I was told there would be war, and my duty is to field four men. I was expecting to ride to war with you and the two town boys this year. Instead, there's been nothing but peace, and so you've done nothing except ride out to the farm every few days to check up on peasants. Well, that's work for Ælfred and Bertram. They're town lads, they'll live here and die here, and not care for much beyond feeding their brats. But you're both too clever and too wild to spend the rest of your lives looking after peasants, and you've been making trouble. Don't bother to argue, word gets around."

He has obviously been practising his speech, for he forges on ahead over any objections you might have. "Well, it's not all bad. I have a cousin, out west. Sir Olvar, his name is. He owes me a favour, and I know he needs more men right now. The village, Maiden's Vale, is tiny, but there's plenty of brigands and the like out there for you to take your frustrations out on."

2012-07-05, 05:36 AM
Barclyffe scratched his head and wrinkled his brow. The old man had done well by him, there was no doubt, and in turn Barclyffe had wanted to do well by Sir Osbeorn. It was frustrating, no it was more than that, it was disheartening that now he couldn't.

He moved forwards, and knelt down on a single knee in a sign of fealty. There was a a tear in his eye, and his voice choked in his throat.

I am sorry my lord, that I could not go to war with you, that I could not repay the kindness that you gave me. You would have been within your rights to cast me to the wolves, but you took me in and showed me mercy. It was more than I deserved.

I will travel west to Maiden's Vale and avail myself upon your cousin that I may be of service to you, even in though I give service to another.

Barclyffe raised his gaze to meet the man who had treated him better than his own father. Thankyou.


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2012-07-05, 05:47 AM
Osbeorn is moved by the gesture. "Now now, lad, get up," he says gruffly.

"I understand how it is. You've both served me well, and it's nobody's fault I had nothing useful for you to do. Even I caused a bit of trouble in my youth. So don't think I hold it against you. I've been thinking about the best way to repay your service, and this is the best I've been able to come up with."

2012-07-05, 11:39 AM
Ruarc lowers his head, takes his sword from his scabbard, and kneels next to Barclyffe. He isn't sure what exactly one is suppoesed to do in this situation, so he figures that Barclyffe knows best. He places the tip of his weapon against the ground.

My lord, I may not speak as well as my fellow, but I can only thank you for the opportunity to still be of some service. I am grateful for your hospitality, your food, drink, and friendship, but a warrior's place shall ever be at war, and neither you nor I can do anything to change that. Perhaps I may learn more of this culture of yours, and shall better be able to be your servant at arms if ever you have need of me again.

Though disappointed to leave this man that he has grown to respect, Ruarc is secretly eager to be out in the world again, and to fell the rush of battle. He means what he says though, about learning more of the world, and returning if Osbeorn is in need.

2012-07-05, 06:54 PM
Barclyffe waited til his companion, Ruarc, had finished addressing Sir Osbeorn. It was an eloquent speech, better than what Barclyffe could muster. Ruarc was a warrior, he knew the right way to address other warriors, whilst Barclyffe, he was just a thief and a scoundrel. He would have been a dead thief or perhaps an incarcerated thief if the elderly baron hadn't taken kindly to him though.

Maiden's Vale? He said. That will be a bit of a journey by foot, hopefully the weather will hold out. We had best be started then.

He nodded once more to the old man. I am still your bondsman, Sir Osbeorn, and should you require my services please send word and I shall return, only infirmity or death will stay me.


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2012-07-05, 10:50 PM
Sir Osbeorn harumphs at your display of fealty. "Now lads, that's enough. Any more and I'll end up sending those two stupid boys out to get themselves killed instead of you two who can handle yourselves." If you didn't know he lacked a sense of humour, you might almost think he was making a joke.

Osbeorn turns to the door and bellows, "Niamh!" The serving girl pokes her head in the door.

"Send those other two in." The girl nods and disappears. A few moments later, you hear a voice raised in complaint before the door opens again. You catch a brief glimpse of a red-haired man in a monk's robe before an ancient yet spry woman shoves her way into the room. "It's about time, I've been waiting outside for hours now. Do you think that's any way to treat me?" The monk enters behind the old woman.

Osbeorn, normally a stickler for protocol, simply rolls his eyes and introduces the pair. "These two will be travelling with you. This is Mother Clay. Olvar's going to be a father any day now, and Mother Clay has been raising the little ones in our family since, well, before I can remember. And this is Brother Cedric. He's heading out west, and could use a couple of strong lads nearby. You're under no responsibility to travel anywhere out of your way for him, though. This is strictly for as long as you'll be heading the same way."

2012-07-05, 11:09 PM
Barclyffe smiled at the old man's response to Mother Clay.

Well met Mother Clay, Brother Cedric. My name is Barclyffe, Barclyffe Fitzhenry. It'd be my honour to escort you. Barclyffe tipped his head slightly as he spoke. Mothers, Brothers, Cousins, this was quite the family affair, he chuckled inwardly.

I will need to provision for the trip as I no doubt believe that my friend, Ruarc will need to do likewise, then we can be off. Best to try and make as much distance before nightfall.

Barclyffe scratched his chin momentarily and then pushed his greasy hair back off his forehead, though the gesture was futile and it fell straight back into place.

What say we meet outside in fifteen minutes? I should be able to scrounge what I need for the trip in that time.

With that, if there is no other business to attend, Barclyffe bowed slightly once more to Sir Osbeorn and then to Mother Clay and finally to Brother Cedric and left.

Whilst leaving, he whispered quietly to his companion in arms. I should have said thirty minutes and then seen if I could slip away to give my fond farewells to the scullery maid! A wry smile on his face.


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2012-07-06, 12:17 AM
"Young man! Don't you know better than to leave the room before your betters dismiss you?" Mother Clay snaps at Barclyffe's retreating back.

"Ah, just a moment, Barclyffe," Osbeorn says, frowning at the old woman. He takes a package and a letter from a shelf and offers it for Ruarc or Barclyffe to take. "A gift. For the little one. If you'd be so good to give it to Lady Angela with my compliments. And my letter of commendation for your new employer."

The letter is sealed with Osbeorn's seal, while the parcel is merely a piece of cloth tied up with a piece of string. "Now, I'll leave you fellows to get acquainted, while Mother Clay and I discuss some last minute details." It is obvious the meeting is at an end.

2012-07-06, 12:26 AM
Barcylffe frowned. She obviously didn't know anything about him, she probably wouldn't care. But if not for his loyalty to Sir Osbeorn, that kind of attitude in Mother Clay would see her left by the side of the road to fend for herself.

Hells, times past he'd slip a dagger through her ribs.

But he had changed in the last year and a bit. That was not Barclyffe Fitzhenry anymore.

Sorry m'lady, I meant no offence. But it is a long road, and we have preparation that needs to be done. That and the road is dangerous with brigands and robbers who'd just as soon kill you as look at you. I was merely hoping to expedite our journey as efficiently as possible to ensure that no harm came to you or the good Brother here. Sir Osbeorn has made you our ward, I would not have harm come to you if possible.

Barclyffe took the envelope from Sir Osbeorn and without looking at it, he tucked it within the confines of his tunic. I will see this gets where it needs to go. Thankyou again.

He then waits by the door until Sir Osbeorn dismisses him.

Patience was and had been a virtue of his in the past, right now, he wanted to get on the road. He was truthful when he spoke of the dangers of the road, but he was just as concerned for his own skin as that of Mother Clay or Brother Cedric, perhaps morseo.


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2012-07-06, 01:00 AM
Boudicca knocks on the entrance, and speaks in an apologetic, somewhat higher-pitched than normal, softly spoken voice "Pardon my lateness..."

2012-07-06, 01:32 AM
Sir Osbeorn looks furious at Boudicca's lateness, and he seems about to give her a dressing down, but then thinks better of it.

"Late as usual, I see. I've just been informing these two of a change of circumstances. I'm unable to afford your pay any longer, and the war looks like it's fallen through, so I don't have anything for you anyway. But I happen to know that my cousin, Sir Olvar, has been having troubles with brigands. There's at least a couple of season's work there, so you'll have at least another half a year's employment. Now get out, all of you. I'll be out shortly. Brother Cedric, if you'll excuse me...?"

He indicates the door.

2012-07-06, 01:47 AM
"I apologize again for my tardiness. If I may say though... It has always been a pleasure to work for you. And, I'll miss you, and your lectures on punctuality." She smiles genuinely. Bows slightly, and backs out of the room somewhat quickly, as though to avoid another lecture.

2012-07-06, 05:26 AM
Leaving the room, Barclyffe returned to his quarters. His gear wouldn't take very long to organise. Due to his past, his equipment had always been stored in a ready state, just incase he had to make a hasty departure. His pack was stocked, his weapon belt looped over the edge of his bed, the only thing that would take any time was putting on his hardened leather vest, and even then it could slip neatly over his head and then be tightened with a few draw-strings.

He took the envelope from Sir Osberon from inside his tunic and wrapped it carefully in a sheet of weather proofed canvas. At first he thought about putting it in his pack, but that would be careless. If he had to flee the pack might need be discarded. Regardless of what happened on the road, he would see the letter reach it's intended.

Equipped, he left his room for the last time. Sword at his side, crossbow and backpack slung over his shoulders. He grabbed a sturdy walking staff as he left.

Farewell, he muttered to nobody in particular as he left Sir Osberon's lodgings. Even though he had promised that he would return if needed, he had a feeling that he would never see the old man again once he had departed on the trip west.

Outside, he waited for his two fellow men-at-arms, and their wards, the Brother Cedric, and Mother Clay.


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2012-07-06, 05:44 AM
Brother Cedric acknowledges his new companions as he is introduced.

When invited to leave he gives a slight bow of his head towards Sir Osbeorn.

"I leave you in the Peace and Grace of The Saviour, my lord."
He turns and leaves quickly and quietly, heading for the courtyard.

OOC - I didn't buy and provisions in my start up kit. Do I need any, or are you glossing over these details?
I'll buy bread, cheese, and a waterskin if need be.

2012-07-06, 06:47 AM
Heading to the courtyard, Barclyffe noticed Brother Cedric. He waited and watched. He was curious. He had said fifteen minutes, but really it had only taken him five. Maybe there was time to visit Elizabeth, the Scullery Maid. No, no time for that, not to do it right.

Mother Clay was not with the monk. The old crone was probably dressing down Sir Osbeorn for something. He sighed, she would not be a companion that he was looking forward to travelling with.

Finally, after sizing up the monk, Barclyffe walked out, whistling an old tune. He didn't know the name of the song, or the words that went with it, but it was something he always tended to whistle, a force of habit.

Greetings again Brother, he said to Cedric. Sir Osbeorn mentioned that you are headed in our direction, but if you don't mind me asking, where exactly are you headed? Barclyffe lowered his pack and bow to the ground whilst he waited for the others. Taking out a pipe, he chewed on the stem and bit. He didn't smoke, not anymore, but like the whistling, he liked the pipe.


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2012-07-06, 08:18 AM
At the sight of the monk, Ruarc became downright giddy, and it was all he could do to keep his composure without looking like a complete idiot. He saw the maid, but dismissed her as unimportant. He thunders down to his quarters, in sudden rush to be off. The barbarian throws on his armor without a care, starts to leave, then notices how absolutely sloppy he's been with it. Meticulously taking the time to put it on correct, and throwing on his backpack, Ruarc makes his was back up to see Barclyffe and Brother Cedric.

Greetings, companions! He is unable to contain the huge grin across his face.

2012-07-06, 08:27 AM
Cedric seemed more relaxed now, having some respite from the indefatigable Mother Clay, and smiled at the Man-at-Arms.

"Peace be with you Master Barclyffe. Where am I heading? To do the will of The Saviour indeed." chatters the young monk.
"I am a journeyman monk, sent to endue trials in thw world before becoming a full Friar of my Order.
As such I am under my own recognisance. Exciting eh? Not as exciting as being warriors though I suppose."

The monk suddenly realsies he is jabbering again, and shuts up.
"Er, I'm sure The Saviour will reveal my path to me."

Cedric will have his Spell Master: See Enchantment active at all times. I'll remind the GM whenever I think there could be shiny goodies about.

2012-07-06, 08:37 AM
To tell the truth Brother, whispered Barclyffe, the very first time I was in a fight, a real fight, I fouled my breeches. I guess it was excitement of a type. He laughed.

Seeing Ruarc head over, Barclyffe laughed once more, this time more heartily. Speaking of excited.

Ruarc, friend. What has you grinning like an idiot?


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2012-07-06, 08:55 AM
We are traveling, companions, to see new things and learn of new wonders! What could be more exciting than that? And more, we ride not only to wonders be to war! The warrior tends to... exaggerate a bit in his joy. He slaps the two on the shoulders. To battle and to victory! He turns to Brother Cedric.
Trials, you say? What exactly do these trials entail? Combat? Feats of strength, stamina, and will, to prove yourself? Barclyffe, we aid a good man on a quest for glory and enlightenment! Huzzah! In his thrill Ruarc is shouting in spite of himself.

2012-07-06, 11:54 AM
Boudicca follows behind, listening with a calm face, while thinking about how interesting it should be to travel with such people. If they end up in a fight, all she'll have to do is play the innocent, and she can watch them get injured, then while they recover, she can make them objects to be dismissed so easily as well. That should be fun.

"Traveling companions. Right. More like a bunch of people with the same source and destination. Heading from one employer to the next. You should probably leave the thinking to everyone else. With your attitude, if you end up in trouble, don't expect any help from me."

2012-07-06, 01:45 PM
Ruarc is a bit flustered, but tries not to lose his composure. He scrambles to find a Well... well... we are all going to the same employer, from the same employer, that's got to count for some thing! Aren't you the least bit looking forward to something new? He seems genuinely confused why anyone would not be excited to go. After a couple seconds of pause (enough for it to be more than late) he come up with some thing. If... nay, when I end up in trouble, I will try to handle it myself! His brow furrows, and he slumps, his once eager demeanor gone.

2012-07-06, 01:52 PM
"You sound like a child looking for adventure with no real idea of how difficult, unrewarding, or desperate real adventure is. Trust me, it isn't as fun as the stories."

2012-07-06, 01:56 PM
After a few minutes, Sir Osbeorn and Mother Clay make their way out into the yard. His anger seems to have dissipated, and he bellows for the stableboy to bring a horse around for the old woman. Once she's seated comfortably on the creature, he turns to the rest of you, oblivious to the tension.

"Well, looks like this is it. Next time you're in Clyster, I may have work for you again. If not, you're always welcome to the barracks and the mess. Mother Clay, Cedric, be well. The rest of you, good luck, and hopefully I'll see you soon enough."

There's nothing else you need to do, and the day is bright and sunny, without a single cloud. This should be an easy and pleasant trip.

2012-07-06, 01:59 PM
She waits for everyone to be ready to go, and begins walking when the others begin to move.

2012-07-06, 02:04 PM
Ruarc thanks Osbeon, shoulders his pack and begins walking. After a few steps however, he turns back to Boudicca, looking grim. My brother died in battle, and to say war is easy would be an insult to his memory.But the measure of a hero is that as he drowns, he remembers to keep his chin up and a smile on his face.
The warrior turns and continues walking.

2012-07-06, 02:08 PM
"The true measure of a warrior is not found in words, expression, nor bearing, but in action, and conduct. A child may get the idea to run up to a dragon and fight it with a stick, but I'll be edging closer to it behind a shield... from behind. There's no such thing as 'old heroes'. They don't live long enough."

2012-07-06, 03:23 PM
Can't see why ya couldn't stab it in the back with a smile. I never said to die early, just to enjoy every minute of what you can get. There may not be old heroes, but there are those who tell the tales of when they were young. In any case, I am sorry, for in my eagerness I forgot that we go not to war, but to discipline simple criminals. And in that task we had best work as friends, and not bicker as fools.

2012-07-06, 03:25 PM
She nods "You make sense. Agreed."

2012-07-06, 03:46 PM
Cedric keenly observes the interplay between the warriors, wondering which one was suppose to be in charge?
He walked beside the horse, using his staff as a walking stick and waits for a break in the banter.

"My trial is a strength of faith Ruarc and enlightenment. There is no glory but in The Saviours service."

2012-07-06, 11:13 PM
Mother Clay seems to be cheered by the fine weather, and her normally sharp tongue is blunted for now. She has been quietly singing old-fashioned hymns to herself as she sits side-saddle, and on hearing Cedric's latest remark, she turns to him.

"Truly you an inspiration to us all, Brother Cedric. It is nice to see such fervour in a young person for a change. Just now I have been enjoying the fresh air sunshine, and thinking what a beautiful thing God's work is. And it will be lovely to meet another of God's newest children. I've had nothing to do for a few years now, and having a purpose truly adds a spring to one's step."

2012-07-07, 07:20 AM
Barclyffe laughed silently at the disagreement between the knight and the barbarian. He was a realist. Why sneak up on the dragon to stab it in the back, leave the beast alone and let it eat everyone else. Who wanted to be a hero? Most heroes were poor, or as Boudiccia said, were dead. Barclyffed cared less for living on in song than he did for living on in a pub, with a tankard of ale and a busty wench or three by his side.

With staff in hand, he moved along behind the group. As a matter of habit, he loosened his blade in its scabbard every few hundred yards.

As Mother Clay began to sing hymns, Barclyffe naturally started to whistle along, unaware that he was doing so. It was the tune he normally whistled and like his pipe and like his blade, it was something he did subconsciously when travelling. The fact that it was a hymn, and that Mother Clay sang words to it was completely overlooked. Barclyffe just didn't realise.


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2012-07-07, 01:22 PM
As Ruarc walks, he turns to ask a question of Brother Cedric. His foot clumsily slips into a rabbit borrow off the road, however, and before the warrior can recover, the weight of his heavy pack throws him off balance, and he falls onto a large bolder. Ruarc struggles to rise, bruises stinging and with a mighty blow to the head, but as he does so his foot gives way. He has a sprained ankle, to top it all off!

2012-07-07, 05:24 PM
"Oh look, someone clumbsy."

2012-07-07, 09:31 PM
As Ruarc stumbled and fell, Barclyffe's first thought was bandit attack. His hands reflexively reached for his crossbow in case an archer had sniped the barbarian. There was no archer however, Ruarc was just being a klutz.

Thank God we aren't travelling to war friend. You'd most likely die in muster. Barclyffe shook his head. It wasn't a fortuitous beginning, and what would this injury mean if they were attacked on the road.

Here, take this, Barclyffe said, handing Ruarc his walking staff. Just make sure you don't knock yourself out with it.

Barclyffe then moves to the back of the group, looking around and constantly on watch.

Are there any other travelers on the road? If so, what kind of people?


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2012-07-07, 11:38 PM
Tutting to herself, Mother Clay bustles over to Ruarc, shaking her head the whole time. Anyone standing in the way is unceremoniously shoved out of the way.

"Sit down, you fool, you'll make it even worse," she frowns at the barbarian. She takes a piece of cloth from her apron pocket, and tears it into strips, using them to bind his ankle.

"Somebody help this oaf on to my horse. I'm not a fast walker, but I'm faster than this boy now. And make sure he doesn't fall asleep."

2012-07-08, 12:56 AM
At her age, Mother Clay is an extremely slow walker, but she is still able to manage a better pace than Ruarc. What's more, he is dazed and seems to understand little of what is occurring around him.

Days pass, and fortunately Ruarc's wits seem to be returning, though slowly. An unkind soul might observe that he had little to begin with. Mother Clay is forced to sit with him each night to make sure that his head injury isn't fatal, and her mood worsens each day, as do her spiteful comments to everyone save Brother Cedric.

Fortunately, considering the state of the party, there is no trouble on the road. You pass several villages, and you're fortunate to find shelter in a farmer's barn once or twice. The peasants you meet seem confused by the strange appearance of your group, but are too frightened to say much.

Just when it seems that your supplies are going to be exhausted, and your tempers frayed past breaking point, you crest a hill, and Mother Clay calls out happily, "Look! We're not far now! See, there's the village up ahead! Not far now at all."

As she says, there is the village down in a valley below. It consists of a group of old stone houses with thatched roofs, overlooked by an ancient manor house, more fortress than palace. However, it seems all is not well. No peasants work the fields, no smoke rises from the forge, and no children play in the village square. What's more, from a wooded area ahead, you hear snarls and howls, though you can't see what might be causing the ruckus.

Oblivious, Mother Clay continues to walk down towards the village.

2012-07-08, 01:44 AM
Brother Cedric pauses for several seconds, eyes closed and hands clasped in supplication about his staff. He seem to be praying silently.

Premonition @ 37% please.

2012-07-08, 01:44 AM
Barclyffe paused as Mother Clay continued blithely into the village. Should I let her go in by herself? He mused. No, he had given Sir Osbeorn his word. Swearing, he unslung his crossbow from his back and moved forward to the old woman.

Stay back, he spat. He didn't care for sensibilities. The woman was daft anyway, he could care less what she thought of him, all that mattered was what he thought of her. And she was a hag, a bitter old asinine hag.

Can't you see it? Can't you hear it? Something is wrong. The village is dead, or in fear and hiding. Either way, we are not walking in to be sheep to the fox.

With agile fingers, the assassin flipped open the catch on his bolt case and drew forth a bolt, knocking it in place.


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2012-07-08, 04:39 AM
Surprisingly, the old woman does not take offence at Barclyffe's tone, instead straining her ears to hear. She looks shocked at the strange sounds coming from the woodland ahead, and afraid. She looks back at Barclyffe, evidently waiting for him to let her know what to do. There is some distance between you and the wooded area, perhaps ten metres, and now you can faintly hear cries for help, though whoever is calling doesn't sound like they are in pain.

Whatever is making the sounds doesn't seem to be aware of you. Yet.


You can't be sure, but the clear ground between you and the wooded area certainly seems to be safe.

2012-07-08, 05:28 AM
Get back to your horse. Ruarc, he called. Get your lazy backside of the horse and help Mother Clay onto it. Now, you, he spoke to the old woman. If something attacks and overruns us, you ride back the way we came. Fast. Ride until your horse can't run anymore. Don't stop, don't come back, just ride.

With that he stood his ground and aimed down the crossbows sights, looking for whatever could be causing the sounds.

If Mother Clay moves back to the horse, Barclyffe moves forward, silently, crouching low to make a smaller target. He does not respond to the cries for help.


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2012-07-08, 05:34 AM
OOC: Forgot the stealth roll.

Stealth: [roll0]

2012-07-08, 06:38 AM
Cedric takes his bow out of his pack, and carefully unwraps the bowstring from its waxed wrapper. He then strings his bow and knocks an arrow from his quiver. Cedric is unhurried and methodical, taking about 20 seconds to conclude the process, all the while Barclyffe is sneaking forward.

2012-07-08, 09:40 PM
Boudicca equips her shield, and draws her sword. "I hope none of us gets wounded."

2012-07-09, 10:34 AM
Ruarc climbs unsteadily down from the horse, just barely managing to keep his feet. Eschewing his help, Mother Clay then manages to climb into the saddle. Though it is obviously extremely painful for her, she manages to suppress any sounds of pain. Ruarc stands by the horse, clearly unsure of what to do next, while Barclyffe disappears into the wooded area.


You creep forward as as quietly as you can. The road through the wood turns after only a short distance, and as you round a tree, you see the source of the strange sounds. An oak tree stands by the side of the road, and in it, you see a ragged man. He sits on one low-hanging branch, while his head and hands are trapped in a stocks affixed to another higher pair of branches.

Below him circle a small pack of filthy wild yellow dogs, perhaps four or five. It's difficult to tell, as they are continually circling the tree, and occasionally attempting to leap up at the unfortunate man. While you observe the scene briefly, he lets out another yell for help. Fortunately, the dogs do not notice you in their eagerness to devour the helpless man.

2012-07-10, 05:32 AM
Barclyffe looks for a tree that would be easy to climb but keep him above the snapping jaws of jumping, hungry dogs.

2012-07-10, 05:54 AM
You notice that the tree just in front of you would be an easy climb, and what's more, it has a branch well above the dogs which would hold you quite easily.

2012-07-10, 06:08 AM
Unloading his crossbow, he returns the bolt to his case and flips the lid closed, hooking the catch. He then slips the strap on his crossbow over his shoulder and climbs the tree. Once safely in the tree he again returned and reloads his crossbow. Once all good and ready he fires at the largest, meanest looking animal and calls out to his allies. Dogs! Wild Dogs!

Attack Roll (skill = 13) [roll0]

2012-07-10, 08:36 AM
On hearing the alarm, Cedric holds his bow high and draws the string. He waits for the target of a wild dog before lowering and loosing the arrow.

Upon seeing a target, he will loose!
Bow [roll0]
ABR [roll1]

2012-07-10, 03:22 PM
Boudica moves towards the shout, shield and sword already in hand.

2012-07-10, 08:08 PM

Unfortunately your plan goes awry. You manage to make it into the tree and take aim at the pack leader, but just as you fire your bolt, your target takes another leap at the man, and you miss. The dogs are alerted by the sound, and your shout. What is more, a number of the dogs run past the tree, and disappear from view. Two of the dogs remain, and are now attempting to get up to your vantage point. Fortunately, you are safe for the time being.

Bouddica and Cedric hear a cry of "Dogs! Wild dogs!", giving you just enough time to prepare your defence before a trio of dogs tear towards you with surprising speed. Cedric manages to fire his bow at one dog, but the shot goes astray. Then, the dogs are upon you.

One heads towards Cedric and leaps toward him, but some instinct impels Cedric to step aside at the last moment, sparing him any harm. Another begins to circle Bouddica, snarling. The third dog charges towards the horse with Mother Clay and Ruarc, and bowls straight into Ruarc, knocking him over. The horse shys away from the dog, but fortunately does not rear.

2012-07-10, 08:29 PM
Boudicca will attempt to close on the encircling dog, and kill it.

2012-07-10, 08:30 PM
Boo, I was hoping to have a DM Fiat Surprise against the Pack Leader.... oh well. :smalltongue:

Barcylffe laughed at the stupid dogs. Calmly he loaded his crossbow once more and waited for the beasts to jump before firing at point blank range. They had left the man in the stocks alone, which was all he wanted to achieve, though he was a little annoyed his shot had gone wide.

Who are you that you're in the stocks? He called out. Left in the stocks to be dog food? And why should I be risking my own life to save yours? That's not something I would normally do.

Attack v 13: [roll0]
ABR: [roll1]


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2012-07-11, 05:16 AM
Brother Cedric drops his bow and picks up his staff, laying at his feet. He sweeps the staff about, trying to keep the dog at arms length or force it away.

Round #2 Change weapon - Defence = 6.
Round #3 1d20 with Attack = 13. ABR 1d6

2012-07-11, 05:57 AM
While the dog attempts to gain a tactical advantage over Boudicca, she simply chops down with her sword, half severing the creature's head. It drops to the ground immediately, obviously dead. Meanwhile, Cedric picks up his staff just in time to keep the other dog at bay, which has turned to attack him.

The third dog has managed to get it's teeth into Ruarc's left arm and begins to worry at it. It suddenly stiffens, Ruarc's dagger in it's side. He shoves the creature away, and begins to rise to his feet again. Mother Clay has moved the horse away, and has moved far enough away that she can ride away quickly while still watching the combat.


Barclyffe's bolt scores along the side of the dog, wounding it slightly. However, this just serves to madden the creature, and now it seems less concerned with eating, and more with simply tearing him to pieces.

The man calls over to Barclyffe, quite casually, "Not to worry, my lord. Feel free to leave me in here, I'm sure I'll be fine. Err...thanks for distracting those dogs, though. I feared me I'd end my days in here."

2012-07-11, 09:58 AM
Cedric swings and lunges with his staff, fending off the Dog as best he can.

[roll0] Attack = 13, Defence = 6. ABR [roll1]

2012-07-11, 10:18 AM
He sighed and drew his sword. No point risking good bolts when the dogs were pretty much jumping up to be hit. He waited til the dog was at the apex of its leap and thrust down with the weapon, trying to stab it in the face.

As he did so, he called out to the man in the stocks once more.

You haven't answered the question. Who are you to be left in the stocks to be eaten? And, he paused, a smile on his lips, if you call me Lord once more, I'll come over there and end you myself!

Sword Attack v Skill 13 [roll0]
Sword ABR [roll1]


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2012-07-11, 05:10 PM
Cedric lands a ringing blow on the dog's head, following it up with another to it's side, forcing the air out of the dog's lungs. It is stunned for a moment, then takes to it's heels, tail between it's legs.

Barclyffe thrusts down at the dog as it leaps up, but mistimes and loses his balance. He only narrowly manages to grab a branch, and his sword nearly tumbles out of his grasp.

"If you must kill something, I suppose I'm the best choice. I'll try not to move around too much for you, eh? As for the why of it, I guess it doesn't pay to get on the wrong side of the new lord."

Boudicca makes her way down the road, and has just spotted a commotion in the tree ahead of her.

2012-07-11, 05:56 PM
Happy that the Dog is seen off, Cedric collects his bow and unstrings the weapon. He carefully wrapping the string in the waxed cloth before stowing both in his backpack. He will then wander off in search of his lost arrow, wiping and returning it to his quiver when done so.

This may take a few rounds to do this, so I'll be over there...

2012-07-11, 06:18 PM
New Lord? Barclyffe paused. What happened to the old Lord? Sir Olvar?

As the dog jumped up again, Barclyffe once more tried to stab it with his sword.

Sword Attack v Skill 13 [roll0]
Sword ABR [roll1]


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2012-07-11, 06:35 PM
Boudicca continues down the road. After all, if the individual takes this long, obviously the dog is too difficult for a male.

2012-07-12, 12:28 AM
Barclyffe finally manages to impale the crazed dog in the chest, and it falls back down to the ground. For a while, it stands there, simply growling up at Barclyffe. Finally, it's eyes glaze over, and it collapses on to the carpet of leaves underfoot, breathing heavily.

"Well, Olvar is still the lord of the manor, I suppose. But that won't be the case for much longer, methinks. His cousin is going to inherit the title, and it were him what put me in these stocks here. Olvar never minded me speaking my mind, but I guess that Maxim is of a different sort."

Boudicca rounds the tree and immediately her leg is gripped in the teeth of the final dog. It attempts to tear a piece out of her flesh, but fortunately the dog has no chance of piercing through her armour with it's rotten teeth.

Mother Clay brings the horse back around and dismounts, with some difficulty. She immediately begins tending to the wounds of Ruarc.

"I wonder if you might help me, Brother? I wouldn't normally trouble you, being a man of the cloth, but truly I could use a little help. This dol...I mean, poor fellow is rather badly hurt again."

2012-07-12, 01:19 AM
Boudicca decides to dispatch the mangy dog, by reaching into her pack, and tossing it some of her jerky after sheathing her sword. "There you go pooch. Gonna be friendlier now? I'd rather not kill you."

2012-07-12, 04:39 AM
Now that one of the 'real' warriors had turned up, Barclyffe sheathed his blade and hooked his crossbow back over his shoulder.

Lord Maxim you say? Well, this could put a spider in the cookie dough as his mother always used to say. Why she said it, he had no idea, his mother never made cookies once in her lifetime.

Is Sir Olvar of ill health? I had not heard such a thing on the road.

He watched the dog, Boudiccia was brave in her armour, but then every knight he'd ever met was brave in their armour. Take them out of it, and it was a hole 'nother story. He smiled. Just kill the damn thing already, he thought to himself, don't feed it, it'll just keep following us around.


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2012-07-12, 06:00 AM
Boudicca is forced to shove the dog away with her booted foot in order to avoid having her hand bitten. At first, the dog ignores the offered food, apparently more interested in eating human. After a few tries, though, the starved creature notices the jerky and bolts it immediately. He still seems hungry and somewhat aggressive. At least he's not going to attack you again immediately, though.

2012-07-12, 07:34 AM
After Cedric has re-packed his bow and returned his spent arrow to its quiver, the monk joins Mother Clay tending Ruarc.
"I wish Brother Charles was here. He is much better at this sort of thing than I... Now let's see what we have here.
Can you move your arm feely Ruarc? Are you in much pain?

Brother Cedric lays his staff down and takes some clean strips of linen from his pack just for this purpose and
uses water from his waterskin to clean the wound as best he can.
"I learned this technique after reading the works of Sycrata, the great Emphidian physician."

I hope this style of free-forming is acceptable to you Boss, and is done solely for colour.

2012-07-12, 07:48 AM
After Cedric has re-packed his bow and returned his spent arrow to its quiver, the monk joins Mother Clay tending Ruarc.
"I wish Brother Charles was here. He is much better at this sort of thing than I... Now let's see what we have here.
Can you move your arm feely Ruarc? Are you in much pain?

Brother Cedric lays his staff down and takes some clean strips of linen from his pack just for this purpose and
uses water from his waterskin to clean the wound as best he can.
"I learned this technique after reading the works of Sycrata, the great Emphidian physician."

I hope this style of free-forming is acceptable to you Boss, and is done solely for colour.

2012-07-12, 03:13 PM
Boudiccca drops some more jerky for the pooch. "Now, that's better. Who's a good doggy?"

2012-07-12, 07:18 PM
The dog continues to eat Boudicca's offered food. By the time the starved creature seems satisfied, Boudicca has given away a day's worth of food. Still, it seems worth it, as the dog slinks away peacefully.

The man in the stocks continues to talk, responding to Barclyffe's question. "Well, he's not ill, exactly. You see, two days ago, Lady Angela had her babe. That was the night of the full moon. That woman, the white one..."

Suddenly, the man cries out in pain. He attempts to twist around in the stocks, but suddenly starts in pain again. From further up in the tree comes an odd sound. An acorn flies down from the tree, and hits the man on the back as he cries out in pain a third time. A squirrel appears on a branch, holding an acorn, and chitters at the man.

Meanwhile, Mother Clay thanks Cedric for his help. "Oh, thank you, Brother. I wasn't taught by any famous surgeons, and I can't read. But I have tried to learn some of the local techniques, and they can be effective in their own way."

Cedric, after hearing silence from the woods for a minute or so, suddenly hears cries of pain.

2012-07-12, 07:21 PM
Boudicca attempts to hit the squirrel with a rock. "Now, that is odd timing. A squirrel hurting someone just in time to shut him up. I smell a witch." Boudicca gets the man out fo the stocks. "Lets get you away from the squirrel, and see what you have to say. Would you like some food and water?"

((lulz, it's like... she's the knight in shining armor. Oh wait, she is.))

2012-07-12, 08:46 PM
As the knight moves to let the man out of the stocks, Barclyffe cries out. Woah there Boudiccia, we are letting nobody out of the stocks. You can't just go releasing anyone you want from their sentencing. You are overstepping your bounds here. We do not have that authority, and damned if i'm going to get strung up because you're a soft touch.

The thief jumped down from the tree, eyeing the dog carefully and then trotted over to where Boudiccia was with the man. He said so himself that he accepts being in them. Now, let us do what we came here for, and nothing else. If you want, plead his case to Sir Olvar when we see him, but do not, I repeat do not let him out until you do.

You don't even know his name or what he is in the stocks for.

Barclyffe shook his head and scowled. This one was trouble, and had a head and ideals bigger than she was. He was not going down with her should the local authorities decide to take a dim view on the release of a criminal.


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2012-07-12, 08:48 PM
She feeds and waters the man anyway, and does what she can for bidning any wounds he may have.

2012-07-12, 08:51 PM
Much better. He said with a smile. And no man should be left to the mercy of wild dogs. That is against the King's Law from what I can remember. We will make mention of that, and perhaps it will reduce his sentence.

So, again, Barclyffe turned his attention to the man. You were saying about Sir Olvar.


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2012-07-12, 11:28 PM
When Boudicca throws the rock at the squirrel, it hisses evilly at her, and looks like it might throw the acorn at her instead. When she begins to climb the tree, though, it simply drops it and leaps away to another tree. It quickly disappears from view.

The poor man in the stocks thanks you for chasing off the creature, and says, "Quite right, I want to stay in here. Right now, I'm a criminal serving my sentence, but if you let me out, I'm an outlaw. That means he can do whatever he wants with my wife and little son."

As Boudicca climbs to his level, she notices that his bare back is covered in whip marks. He accepts a drink of water and some food gratefully, and while she treats his back, he continues.

"They haven't sent anyone out since they put me in here yesterday. Much obliged. Anyway, guess I should have told you who I was earlier. I'm Solly. I worked in Olvar's house, cleaned up for him, got his food for him, that sort of thing. Anyway, like I said, Angela had her babe two days ago, but it took sick, like they always do on the full moon."

"Olvar rides out to get rid of that white woman, and next thing, his cousin, Maxim le Cloche comes into the house with a bunch of lowlifes, forces her and her little one out. I says to him 'Who gave you the right to do that?' He says, 'Me, the lord of the manor'. He orders me whipped and put in the stocks for looking at him funny, and that's last I've seen of anyone 'til you came along."

2012-07-13, 12:18 AM
"Alright, got it. So there's a criminal that took possession of the manor illegally. This means that since he stole that position from the proper authority, he needs to be executed. After all, that is this nation's law, is it not? Thugs should be easy enough to deal with." She smiles, "I've got better armor. First though, I think we should be looking for Olvar, if he lives he will be indispensable as the rightful authority."

2012-07-13, 12:34 AM
Well, it was nice meeting you Solly. Boudiccia, we need to go. he said and moved away from the man in the stocks.

Barclyffe grabbed his spent bolt that is still intact as he heads back to the road. He can't help but laugh at Boudiccia's comments. Thugs? he thought, Most knights were thugs. And Boudiccia was proving that to be correct, thinking with the blade rather than brain. Maxim might have a claim to the land, should anything befall Sir Olvar. Best not to rush in and execute a lord whether he was an uncouth, unfair tyrant or not. Barclyffe had promised Sir Osbeorn a number of things, but he didn't know if he was prepared to risk his life for another man, at least not without knowing more details.

He shook his head.

Back on the road, he made sure everyone was ok. We might have a problem, he declared to those there. Sir Olvar may have been usurped. His wife and child have been kicked out of the house by Maxim le Cloche and the lord is missing these past two days.

I suggest we play this coy. If we rush in and shoot off our mouths or worse, swing our swords, it could go very poorly for all concerned. We have injured, he motioned to Ruarc and non-combatants, he nodded to Mother Clay, and we'll be heavily outnumbered. First things first, we need to find Olvar's family and then we need to find Olvar.

Barclyffe cleaned off his bolt and added it to his bolt case, then picked up the staff he had discarded on the road. He tapped it once against the stones to check it was still sturdy and then continued.

Thoughts? We don't want to start a war yet. And I fear that heading into the village arm in arm with a knight and a northern warrior from Thuland might just give the impression that we do.


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2012-07-13, 01:48 AM
"We find Olvar first because without him there is no point in remaining in this area. Once he is safe, we find his family. What sense in finding his family first? Yes, it may seem a bit cold, but it is logical. How are we to support a newborn and new mother?"

2012-07-13, 01:58 AM
He sighed, audibly and physically, slumping his shoulders as he did so.

If you'd been on time when Sir Osbeorn was giving us instructions, you'd know why we are to find the family first.

She, he gestured to Mother Clay, she is why we find the family first. Would you not agree Mother Clay? The reason why we are escorting Mother Clay to Maiden's Vale is so that she can care for and raise the infant, or did you think that she was seeing the sights?

We find the family, deliver Mother Clay into their fold so that she can take care of the bub and then we find Sir Olvar. Which, he added, will be much easier to do without having to protect Mother Clay should open hostility occur.

Oh, and Maxim is Sir Olvar's cousin, so there might be legitimate claim upon the title should anything have befallen him.


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2012-07-13, 02:01 AM
"Yes, instead we can leave her to the mercy of Maxim along with the mother and child. Would you stop and think, please? I for one was not raised in such a way as to leave an elder woman, a new mother and a newborn alone and undefended with enemies about. Though I suppose not all cultures are entirely aware of ethics, courage or morality."

2012-07-13, 05:32 PM
Brother Cedric moves over to the stocks and while the two mercenaries bicker, he once again closes his eyes in silent prayer.

Premonition once more @ 37%, and See Enchantment: Spell Mastery.
P.s. I got my arrow back ok? As I missed I asumed it was ok, stuff in the turf?
When there is a pause in the discussion, Cedric will add.
"To remove Solly from the stocks would indeed be a crime, visited upon him and us. This situation is more severe than I could have imagined. It would be wise to keep an open mind and avoid rash actions at times like these. Perhaps a refreshing ale would help to calm everyone's nerves just now. I have faith that The Saviour will send us a sign."

2012-07-13, 05:42 PM
"The gods act through mortals. It is by our acts that their will is seen. One action leads to another, one situation to another. This is called destiny, or sometimes fate. Only through the actions of a few is the world ever made better. I'm not the type to wait for a hero to show up. I do however agree for the moment. I'm not going to release him yet." Boudicca waits for the others before resuming her walk back to the road.

2012-07-13, 06:44 PM
"Indeed, the Gods have no power other than that give to them by men. However, I believe the One True God, and The Saviour Gatanades offer eternal salvation to all who repent, and that through faith and prayer our destiny will be revealed to us."

2012-07-13, 06:46 PM
"I believe that Evil men win, when Good men do nothing. I also believe that that happens far too often. Others can sit in prayer, and hope for someone to save them. I'll just get the job done."

2012-07-13, 07:03 PM
Brother Cedric waits with the knight and walks with her when she advance, staff in hand. He laughs and lightens the tone somewhat.

"Have you been on the Crusades Boudicca? You seem to have much in common with many a Crusader knight I have met. They often have an unencumbered directness which facilitates the expedition of their duties. I myself have an acute encumberence of the mind as I must continuously strife for righteousness. This being an almost impossible task I am kept busy most of the time."

2012-07-13, 07:06 PM
"No, I have not personally been crusading. My philosophy and way of thinking were both however effected by the Guards that trained me. It is possible they were Crusaders. They even helped me get my armor, sword and shield when I made my life choices blatantly clear."

She smiles lightly. "Righteousness is not limited to anyone one religion however, at least in my experience. I have met many people I would consider to be good and just, and forthwith. Honest to a fault, holding honor and the treatment and protection of others above all else. Would that not be righteous?"

"To always act in accordance with one's faith is never easy, but for some it is easier than for others."

2012-07-13, 08:14 PM

You detect no danger on the man or stocks.

2012-07-13, 08:22 PM
Boudicca clasps the monk's shoulder, gives it a gentle squeeze, then resumes walking back to the road.

2012-07-13, 10:17 PM
Barclyffe shook his head as the female knight walked off. She was a fool, she was nothing but a thug and bully in expensive armour. Sir Osbeorn would not condone such actions, but then how he put up with her as long as he did remained a mystery.

Mother Clay, it would seem the decision is yours. I am going into the village one way or another, we need information on what is transpiring within its borders, even if Boudiccia manages to find Sir Olvar alive, it could take days, even if it only took hours, we don't know exactly what is happening in there now that Maxim has taken charge.

Barclyffe took the letter out from inside his tunic, wrapped in the waterproof canvas. He held it up to her. Sir Osbeorn entrusted me to get this and you to his child. It also contains our letters of introduction, but was a gift first and foremost for the child, and you were to care for it. I am sure that should Sir Olvar be found alive, his first concern would be for his family, so, do you wish to come with me into Maiden's Vale? It might be dangerous, but no more than trying to take you on a quest to find the Lord. If he has not returned, then surely foul play is afoot and it would be safer neither here nor there.


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2012-07-13, 10:36 PM
"I must ask... how is an old woman alone safer in a village ruled by a tyrant than surrounded by a group of armed warriors?"

2012-07-14, 12:21 AM
Mother Clay gives Barclyffe a tired smile.

"Thank you, young man. You are right, my place is with the young child. Perhaps we'll find the Lady in the town, I can't imagine she'll have gone far if she's not been forced to. Now, if you'll help me down, we can get this lug into the saddle and into someplace safe and warm."

After Barclyffe helps her down and Ruarc up, she begins walking down towards the town, Ruarc following on the horse. Those entering the town pass through a gate, though the gatehouse is as deserted as the town seemed to be. In the town itself, every house is shuttered and presumably barred. Many of the doors seemed to have the usual folk protections against evil magic, such as sprigs of heather, or dried frogs or rabbit's feet.

The manor looms over the village square on the northern side. On the southern side stands an old inn, it's door slightly open. A man with a beard stares out of the door, but ducks inside when he sees the strange group entering the village, closing the door behind him.

On the north-eastern side of town, a road exits from the square, passing over a stream and then through another gate, similar to the one you've entered through.

2012-07-14, 03:54 AM
"There's the inn! Ruarc can take some rest inside while we ask the locals what goes on. I'm sure the truth of it can be found here."

Cedric will guide the horse across the square, then help Ruarc to dismount and enter the Inn - tethering the horse in the process.

2012-07-14, 03:56 AM
Boudicca will stick by the monk. "I like you ser monk."

2012-07-14, 03:58 AM
Agreed. Now, let us make sure that nobody mentions Sir Osbeorn, Sir Olvar or what we are doing here. We are merely travelling through and need to rest here whilst out companion recovers. At least until we know what is happening.

Mother Clay, Cedric, we are escorting you, mother and son to visit a relative.

We were attacked by wild dogs, our friend Ruarc was injured and we need to rest whilst he recovers. Nobody mention the man in the stocks either, or all will unravel. Let us keep this tidy and it will all go smooth.

Barcylffe chuckled. It seemed that Ruarc's clumsiness had given them a perfect excuse for staying in the village without arousing too much suspicion. If only he could be that useful when not injured.


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2012-07-14, 05:27 AM
After hitching the horse outside, you push your way into the inn. Actually, it could hardly be called an inn. The common room is tiny, holding perhaps a dozen people, if that. Judging by the size of the building, it probably has only one or two guest rooms at most, and there doesn't seem to be anything in the way of a kitchen. A few frightened looking townsfolk sit at tables, and cower when you walk in.

The innkeeper, a huge, black-bearded man, looks anything but happy to see you. Nevertheless, he seems eager to please you, and bustles over to you.

"Good day, gentlefolk. Please, make yourself at home. What brings you to Maiden's Vale? We don't have much in the way of food, only a little bread and cheese. Plenty of ale, though!" he chuckles nervously.

After pushing Ruarc into a chair next to the wall where he is less likely to fall over, Mother Clay sits herself down. She's obviously exhausted. However unpleasant she may be, that she made this journey mostly on foot at her age is testament to her toughness.

Over in the corner, Cedric spots a familiar figure.

2012-07-14, 05:50 AM
"Would you happen to have tea? If not I suppose water would do. Also, would you happen to know where I might buy some food, since you have so little?"

2012-07-14, 06:47 AM
Brother Cedric baulked at the prospect of having to lie! The colour drained from his already pale complections. Before they entered to the Cedric whispered in Barclyffe's eas. "I cannot lie Barclyffe. It is a sin against God. Please don't suggest anything that is not true on my behalf."

When they enter the inn, Cedric's whole face lights up as he recognises his old friend!

2012-07-14, 08:00 AM
You're right, I shouldn't have included you in this. You are not part of this, not so much as Sir Osbeorn asked us to escort you as far as we could, well, here we are. I guess this no longer concerns you. It has been a pleasure to travel with you though. Barclyffe held out his hand to the monk.

As the barkeep asked for an order of drinks, Barclyffe nodded. Ale, my good man. It's been a hard journey, especially for the lug here, he indicated Ruarc. So, it's my shout, make it two, and bread. Day old if you've got it.


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2012-07-14, 10:27 AM
"Tea?" The man scratches his beard. He's obviously completely taken off guard by the request.

"Sorry, don't have much call for that. Water I can do, though. As to where you can find food, not really sure about that. Guess I could scare up a little mutton, besides the bread and cheese."

He brings over the drinks and food, holding out his hand for a Florin. Once he's paid, he rubs his hands together briskly. "We don't see many strangers out this way. Travelling far?"

2012-07-14, 10:29 PM
"Not far. Thank you for the food." She walks over and offers it to Mother Clay. Then eats one of her trail rations.

Christopher Loh
2012-07-15, 05:09 AM
Brother Charles smiles, "Brother Cedric! What brings you here? It has been a long time since we last met."

2012-07-15, 09:59 AM
Barclyffe handed the man a florin. His purse was a little bit on the empty side. But, if things didn't pan out here, he knew how he could refill it. He smiled. Sir Osbeorn had been a good influence, but he wasn't here now. I probably should try to stay true to how Sir Osbeorn said I should live, not get back into the thieving business, he thought to himself.

Well, we're not travelling far right now. Not since my friend here came afoul of the road and wild dogs. We'll be needing to stay a while til he is fully recovered. Barclyffe moved his foot and put pressure on Ruarc's injured leg as he spoke, hoping the Barbarian would catch on and let out a moan.

He took a chunk of the day old bread and sniffed it, then shrugged his shoulders and dipped it in the ale before munching down on it.

So, is their a lord that we should pay our respects to whilst in town? Wouldn't be right for armed travelers such as we to come traipsing through without showing proper deference.

OOC: Hey, you thieving knight!
That was my food!!! You want it, you pay up!. Geez.


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2012-07-15, 10:06 AM
At first Ruarc gives a sharp look to Barclyffe, not understanding what in the world that was for. Then he realizes, lets loose a not-so-subtle groan, and for extra effect swoons a little, catching himself against the wall. The warrior probably overdid it, but hey, better safe than sorry.

2012-07-15, 11:43 AM
Brother Cedric goes over to see his old friend in the corner!

"By The Saviour Brother Charles! What are you doing here? I am on my Journeyman Trial, on the road to full membership into my Order.
I never thought to see you here! The will of The LORD is being revealed to us..."

The monk sits down to catch up fully, and begin talking in Bacchile (which of course very few people can understand)

Talking to Brother Charles in Bacchile.
"I have stumbled into a family feud by the looks of things, two cousins at odds with each other, a missing lord, his wife ad new-born baby - what a to-do!"

2012-07-15, 07:18 PM
At the mention of lords, the man goes white and begins stuttering. He looks at Barclyffe desperately, as if he were begging him for something, though what, Barclyffe can't tell.

"Ah, well, it's like this, you see... We're having a bit of an odd time right now. Were...were you interested in Sir Olvar and Lady Angela, or Maxim le Cloche?"

2012-07-15, 09:19 PM
Ruarc cuts in, eyebrow raised. Well, which would you rather us be looking for? I'm sure we could arrange either.

Christopher Loh
2012-07-16, 01:07 AM

Switch back in Bacchile.

"I have been tasked by the Bishop to investigate of involvement of sorcery in this region. Could there be any link between this missing Lord and the dark arts?"

2012-07-16, 01:13 AM
If anything, the innkeeper looks even more apprehensive at Ruarc's words.

"N...Naturally we fully support our rightful lord. Whoever that might be. We'd never think of breaking the King's laws, of course."

2012-07-17, 04:19 PM
Mother Clay, watching the discussion with the innkeeper, finally stands up and hobbles over. "Young man, we have been sent by Sir Osbeorn, cousin of Sir Olvar. This lot may look like rufffians, but you can trust them."

The relief on the man's face is palpable. He grins hopefully, then calls for the inn boy. "Sprout, go and get Sethun. He'll know what to do. Tell him that friends of the lord are here." He looks up at the group.

"The real lord."

A minute or two later, several older men crowd into the inn. Though they seem mistrustful at first, the innkeeper assures them that all is well. The eldest of the group steps foward.

"Please, kind folk, you must help us. That she-witch, Queen Fhionn, plagues us. She has taken the lord, and will soon take his heir. And if that weren't bad enough, that scoundrel le Cloche has taken over the manor house, and will soon inherit if nothing is done to stop her. We fear terribly what might become of our little village if that happens."

2012-07-17, 05:09 PM
Boudicca walks over with mother clay.

2012-07-17, 05:56 PM
With Brother Charles words, and the talk of witchcraft at the bar, the blood drains from Brother Cedric's face in apprehension.

Christopher Loh
2012-07-17, 09:41 PM
Brother Charles gives a pat on the shoulder of Brother Cedric.

"Have courage. The Lord is with us in this."

*Walks to the rest of the group*

"I have been tasked by the Bishop of Clyster to investigate about sorcery in this region. It seems our path aligns at this point in time. May I join you?"

2012-07-17, 09:48 PM
Ruarc grumbles a little a bit being called ruffian, but sees Mother Clay's point. He perks with interest at the mention of a witch, however.

2012-07-18, 05:56 AM
Barclyffe laughed out loud. Well played, he muttered to Mother Clay. He continued dunking the day old bread in his ale and then stuffing the soggy result in his mouth.

Well then, first things first. Sir Olvar's heir needs to be seen to by the Mother here, he finished the last piece of bread and then sculled the remainder of his ale. If you are true and honest to Sir Olvar, then I am sure that we can trust you and your kin to keep Mother Clay and Sir Olvar's family safe whilst we find the Lord himself.

He scratched at his stubble. It was itching, and he was probably due a shave sooner than later. Queen Fhionn? Would that be the White Woman that Solly spoke of? If so, I'm not so sure about dealing with witchcraft. Sir Osbeorn sent me here to deal with bandits. But a witch. That's more work for them. He nodded his head to where Cedric chatted with his friend.


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2012-07-18, 07:23 AM
Remember, companion, a favor to Lord Olvar is a favor to Lord Osbeorn. We can never forget that.

2012-07-20, 07:26 AM
The old man looks worried at the possibility of you refusing to take on Queen Fhionn, but says, "Perhaps when you see the child, you might take pity on the poor creature. He is dreadfully ill, and probably won't last until the morn. Please go at once to Lady Angela, she is staying over in the old mill house."

You remember seeing a rickety old mill on the stream, though it will require passing by the manor house. Perhaps it will be an opportunity to gauge le Cloche's strength, and whether an assault might be possible.

Christopher Loh
2012-07-20, 10:33 AM
Brother Charles, "May the Lord have mercy on the child."

*Turns to the rest*

"Shall we set off at once?"

2012-07-20, 12:38 PM
I don't see a good reason not to. Ruarc shoulders his pack and makes to leave. On second thought, perhaps we should send a scout ahead? It doesn't hurt to be cautious, no sense to die in vain. At the very least we can take some with us... This last part he mumbles to himself.

2012-07-20, 04:37 PM
"We could also stop at the manor and have a look at the opposition... perhaps?"

2012-07-20, 08:06 PM
Perhaps in other times, but the child seems a rather pressing matter. Maybe I was mistaken about even sending a scout ahead.We should make haste. Ruarc turns to the bar tender. Thank you for your help.

2012-07-21, 07:33 PM
Deciding to set out immediately, you group gathers your things and leave with Mother Clay. Stepping out of the inn, you see that the sun has now set, and clouds have covered the sky. A frigid wind whips around you, and you shiver, chilled to the bone.

As you walk past the manor house, you take a good look at the building. Perhaps in other times, it might have looked strong and safe. Now there is something forbidding about it, as though it is a threat to the safety of the villagers. The ground floor is of the sort of stone commonly found in this region, and is covered in moss and ivy. There is one large entry door in the front, plus a few windows with stout wooden shutters. From inside the ground floor, you hear shouts, cheers, singing, and other sounds of revelry. Apparently the revellers are of a rougher type, as you also hear smashing crockery, and the occasional crashing of wooden furniture.

Looking at the upper floor, which is constructed of wood, you notice a figure watching you from one of the windows. The window is dark, so you don't get a clear view of the person. When they notice you looking at them, they quickly duck inside the window, closing the shutters.

2012-07-22, 01:07 AM
I mean, Ruarc, that a sword is not much use against a witch. Dealing with that kind of foe is the place of the church.

Regardless, Barclyffe joined the group heading to the old mill to see the Lady Angela and her child.

As the group head past the Manor house, Barclyffe watched the window with interest. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, he moved to the back of the group, until he was the last one in line.

Once past the house, Barclyffe sidles off to the side, out of the way. He retrieves his crossbow, loads it and waits to see who follows.

Stealth : 19 [roll0]


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2012-07-22, 04:58 AM
"Brother Charles and I are not member of a Fighting Order, but by the will of The Saviour we will put ourselves to the task!"

Cedric looks rather sheepishly at Charles, unsure of what lays ahead.

2012-07-23, 02:42 AM
You gradually make your way over to the mill house you saw earlier. While you do so, you notice that the clouds are becoming thicker, and a cold wind blows up, chilling you through your clothing and armour.

When you arrive and knock on the door, a red face peers at you through a crack in the door. Once the owner of the house realises who you are, she lets you in, though she still seems suspicious of you. It seems she is the cook of the noble family, and is kindly allowing the lady and her child to stay while the manor house is held by le Cloche.

Lady Angela sits in a rocking chair by the fireplace, nursing her child. She gives you a wan smile, obviously exhausted. "I understand Sir Osbeorn sent you. He was...always a good man. Thank you for coming."

She begins to tear up, though doesn't weep yet. "My husband tried to save our baby when that strange house appeared on the hill. But now he's disappeared, and I haven't known what to do. Others from the village have tried when the house came before, and they never came back. The house will be gone by morning, and so will my husband and baby. Please, will you help me? I have nobody else to turn to. I'll lose everything without your help."


Once or twice, you think you see movement behind you. However, no threats materialise, and you're not entirely convinced you did see something.

2012-07-23, 08:28 AM
Hmmm. Thought Barclyffe. He could have sworn that someone would have left the manor house to follow the group. It's what he'd have done. Of course, Barclyffe wasn't sure if he could trust his eyes. What with the talk of witchcraft, anything was possible.

Keeping his crossbow loaded, he slowly made his way to the mill. Constantly keeping an eye out behind him.

Once he arrives at the mill, he unloads the weapon and returns it to his back as he approaches.


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2012-07-23, 04:47 PM
"My dear lady fret not. The Saviour is merciful indeed, and it is no coincidence that we find ourselves here. I believe your prayers will be answered as we will do whatever we can to defeat this Witch and free your Husband from her clutches!

My brethren, Brother Charles has been sent here from Clyster for this specific purpose."

2012-07-23, 04:57 PM
"Does the house always appear upon the same hill, and do you know how often it happens?"

Christopher Loh
2012-07-24, 10:33 AM
Brother Charles, "I believe that the child has not yet been baptised? If so, let me baptised the child in the name of the true saviour. May the Lord preserve the child in his mercy."

*Proceeds to perform the baptism ritual on the child*

"How much do you know about this witch?"

2012-07-26, 10:21 PM
If there was anyone about, they're gone now, you're sure of it. It seems surprising that le Cloche hasn't set anyone on your trail. Either he is too inexperienced to think of such a thing, or he doesn't consider you a threat.

The lady smiles politely at Cedric's words, and looks slightly sad that Charles has taken it upon himself to baptise the child, though she doesn't object. However, you notice when she shows the child that he is obviously extremely unwell. His skin is a strange grey colour, and though you'd expect him to stir and perhaps cry when the water touches him, he merely continues to breathe shallowly. He is obviously completely unreactive to anything that happens. Shortly after the baptism is complete, Barclyffe arrives. Though the cook seems alarmed at another armed figure, she soon relents when it becomes clear that he is with the group.

After the baptism, she begins to explain what has happened. "For as long as I've lived in Maiden's Vale, the town has been cursed by this Queen Fhionn. Whenever a child is born on the full moon, the house appears, and the child becomes sickly. A few days later, the child dies, and the house disappears again. They say that about ten years ago, this was before I married Olvar and came here, a group of knights, priests, and friars came to try and drive her away, or even destroy her. None of them returned, and the house continued to appear and take the children."

The cook motions you over to the window, which faces the hill above the town. She opens the shutters, and points to the top of the hill. You can just see a faint white glow, the colour of old bones. The sight sends a chill down your spines. There is obviously some eldritch power at work. Lady Angela averts her eyes, obviously unable to bear the sight.

2012-07-28, 02:51 PM
Boudicca also moves over to look out the window.

2012-07-28, 07:07 PM
The more Ruarc thinks about Barclyffe's comment on a sword not being much use, the less he likes it. Some thing that couldn't be felled by a well-placed blow or two... the implications weren't good. For one, Ruarc had always thought of the moon as a bright-faced companion when he was travelling by night. This felt then like a betrayal of sorts, and even though the warrior felt silly about it, he was personally wounded. Silent, he moves over to look out the window as well, no longer so eager to learn more of magic.

2012-07-28, 08:22 PM
Catching the last of the conversation, Barclyffe looks concerned. My lady, I have a letter of introduction for your husband from Sir Osbeorn. A gift as well from him for your little one. He patted the pouch under his shirt. I will hold it for now, and give it to Sir Olvar once he is found.

As for le Cloche, he said to his companions. He is either a fool, supremely confident or frightened of conflict. He set no dog upon our tail, though I waited for some time after we passed. This is a good sign as far as I'm concerned. If he is a fool, he'll make mistakes, and thus be easier to defeat. If he is supremely confident, he does not consider us a threat, giving us more ability to move around. If he is frightened, then we may be able to run him out with a mere show of strength rather than an all out war.

Now, he straightened his armour and adjusted his blade in its scabbard. I guess we should head off for house, at least we need to scout the area.

He did not look confident. Witches and witchcraft were not for the blade but the bible.


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Christopher Loh
2012-07-29, 09:30 PM
Charles smile and pat Barclyffe's shoulder to ease him on the challenges ahead.

2012-07-30, 06:32 AM
"I might point out that... as little as I myself like it, that while we would probably all enjoy standing here. We should probably get about our business."
Boudicca looking more resigned than eager, heads outside.

2012-07-30, 12:08 PM
Lady Angela looks at you beseechingly for a moment, then seems to think better of it. "I...thank you. May good fortune go with you." She bows her head, a solitary tear tracing it's way down her cheek.

Mother Clay makes her way over to the lady, taking the child from her and urging her to get some rest. The cook motions you towards the door, opening it so that you can make your way out again. She points to a path leading over the stream, towards the forest. "If you follow that road, it'll take you towards the forest where the house is."

With that, she steps back inside, closing the door. You hear the sound of a bolt being slid home. Just as this happens, a light sprinkle of rain begins. It's not enough to hamper you, but you could quickly become chilled if it starts falling any thicker.

Following the path toward the forest, you cross the stream, and as the trees become thicker, you come to an ancient stone wall which effectively blocks the town off from the forest proper. The gate is a fairly recent, sturdy oak door, and just this side of the wall is a small, rickety gatehouse. Little more than a roof and three walls, it contains an old man with a lantern, and a raven perched upon his shoulder.

As you approach the gate, the raven croaks at you. Turning to face you, the old man raises the lantern to see your faces. "Who goes there?" The lantern swings in the old man's fist, and the shadows surrounding him dance in a sinister way.

2012-07-30, 06:44 PM
Where Ruarc was from, Ravens were symbols of wisdom, and friends. But then again, the moon was once a friend as well. Friends. I hope. Perhaps you could tell us?

2012-07-30, 09:54 PM
Content to let his friend do the talking, Barclyffe loosened his blade in the scabbard as was his want. He looked around. What damned sequence of events had led him to this?

Brother, he whispered to Cedric. I hope you or your friend have dealt with witches before.


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2012-08-01, 10:51 AM
"I know that Brother Charles and I have certainly read a great deal about Witches, and I know what to do in the face of such evil, but I have never actually seen one of course..."
Cedric looks worried towards Charles.

2012-08-01, 05:35 PM
This isn't exactly boosting Ruarc's confidence. The fact that even the clergy is not entirely sure what to do... he doesn't want to think about it. He fervently hopes that the Raven Man is truly and ally.

2012-08-01, 07:11 PM
The old man scratches his dirty chin and looks at you for a moment. He stage-whispers to the raven, "What do you think, Gristbitten? Can we trust this lot?" The raven seems to croak a response, and the old man nods.

"You don't quite look like those others that passed through here, so I reckon you're not with him up there." He jerks his head toward the manor house.

"Go on, then, pass through."

The raven croaks again, and the man's eyes widen. "Well I never." He starts chuckling to himself. Then he suddenly stops, and his eyes snap back to you.

"I said, pass through. Hurry up, don't got all day."

2012-08-01, 07:58 PM
People shouldn't be talking to birds, or listening to them like they are talking back. It wasn't right. Still, hand on the hilt of his blade, Barclyffe moved forward quickly and with little fanfare.

Once on the other side of the gate, he stopped and sniffed the air. Maybe it was just his nerves, maybe it was something else, but he didn't feel right. Cautiously, he removed the crossbow from his pack. He then removed a bolt from his case, but did not lock the draw on the bow or fit the quarrel. Instead, he carried both loosely, ready should he need them.

Before we go any further, he said nervously, Would you be so kind as to offer up a blessing? He said to Ceodric and Charles. Any will do.


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2012-08-01, 09:42 PM
Boudicca gets her lantern from whence it is tied, and lights it before stepping through the gate. It is after all, night.

2012-08-03, 05:52 PM
Brother Cedric grips his staff firmly and concentrates before praying.

"Lighten our darkness we beseech thee, O LORD. Show us the Courage and Knowledge to defeat this Witch and bring safe home the rightful Lord of this Manor. In The Saviour Name, Amen!"

2012-08-04, 06:03 AM
Thank you, Friar. The blessing is comforting to the warrior, but not much. Ruarc readies his sword in his hand.

2012-08-04, 07:57 AM
Barclyffe nodded as Brother Cedric provided the blessing. Amen, he said at the end, after it was finished. He didn't know if he was religious or not when it all came down to it, but anything was better than nothing at this moment, heading to face a witch.

He waited further, watching. Surely one of the warriors, especially the knight, would lead on, but they didn't. Barclyffe half smiled, though it was more a wry smirk. Perhaps even a cynical grimace. Bow in hand, he headed deeper into the forest, towards the location of the house.

What are you doing Barclyffe? He asked himself. You're no hero. This is stupid, you're stupid. Turn back now. Run away. This is a witch. You're just a thief, a brigand. You're out of your depth, it's over your head.

Still, he moved on, unsure as to why he did.


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Christopher Loh
2012-08-04, 09:31 AM
"I know that Brother Charles and I have certainly read a great deal about Witches, and I know what to do in the face of such evil, but I have never actually seen one of course..."
Cedric looks worried towards Charles.

Brother Charles, "Whatever powers these minions of the evil has in their disposal. It will not be able to stand against the power of our Lord. In his name, we shall triumph!"

*Holds the staff with his left hand and raise his right hand to the sky*

Brother Charles, "The LORD has spoken! No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me,” declares the LORD."

2012-08-04, 12:03 PM
Boudicca in the meantime, has continued walking, and wonders when they will notice that it has gotten dark around them.

2012-08-05, 04:47 AM
Leaving the strange old man behind, you step through the portal and enter the forest. Boudicca walks with ease, having lit her lantern. The others find it more difficult, finding that the night seems to swallow up the light only a short distance from her lantern. They are forced to stay close to her, or risk stumbling and falling often.

At first, there is nothing in the way of a path. It seems that the gate exists simply to keep forest dwelling creatures at bay, rather than a place for villagers to enter the forest. The dark forest confuses you, and shortly after entering the forest, the rain begins to fall more heavily.

Just when you begin to think that you'll never find your way to the top of the hill, you stumble upon an old trail. It seems to have been used mainly by deer and other animals, though something about it suggests it was originally made by humans.

2012-08-05, 10:48 AM
Boudicca turns and heads along the trail, to the side of it so as not to slip on the mud.

2012-08-05, 07:23 PM
Barcylffe growled. Stupid forest, he thought. One lantern wasn't enough for the group obviously. He motioned for the others to stop as he laid his crossbow on the ground, and retrieved his own lantern. Quickly, sheltering the tinder from the wet with his body, he struck a spark to the tinder and lit the lantern. He then reattached his bow to the back of his pack and put the bolt back in his case. What good was a crossbow if he couldn't see what he was going to shoot at anyway.

With his left hand, he held the light source out, and with his right, he drew forth his sword. He was not going to face a witch with nought but a friendly lantern in his hand to defend himself with.


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Christopher Loh
2012-08-06, 11:27 AM
Brother Charles, "I would suggest that me and Brother Cedric hold the lantern for the party. It is far more useful for the warriors in our group to keep your hands free in engaging the enemies."

*Exchange his unlit lantern with one of the warrior's lantern*

2012-08-06, 12:00 PM
"It is also far more useful for the warriors to be able to see the enemies. I will keep mine. Besides, if an enemy does appear, I will smash my lantern on their face, setting them on fire, or is that not useful?"

Christopher Loh
2012-08-06, 07:36 PM
Brother Charles, "A lantern will bring light to 15 metres around it. Chances are you would not be standing at the edge of the light from the lantern bearer. You can choose to hold either your sword, your shield or the lantern but not all three. Alternatively me and Brother Cedric will hold the lanterns while you hold the sword and shield. Its your choice."

2012-08-06, 07:46 PM
Barclyffe gratefully hands his lantern over. The last thing I want is to get doused in burning oil should it be struck. Thankyou.


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2012-08-06, 08:14 PM
Boudicca pulls out her shield, and holds the lantern. "Unless someone wants to walk in front of me, I'm holding onto the lantern so I can see as far as possible."

Christopher Loh
2012-08-07, 11:56 AM
Brother Charles smiles and change the lantern with Barclyffe.

Stays in the middle.

2012-08-09, 04:55 AM
Having finally decided your lighting arrangements, you continue along the path. It winds through the forest, and once or twice you wander off the path due to the now heavy rain. Abruptly, the path ends in a small clearing, in which you find a grey horse tied to a tree. There is nothing on the horse to indicate who it belongs to, but it has obviously been there for some time, as the ground underneath the creature has been churned up by it's hooves to a large extent.

Opposite the path's entrance to the clearing is a chalky white cliff face. It is about ten metres to the top of the cliff, and you notice that there are a number of places where you could place your hands and feet, if you chose to climb. All the same, it looks to be a moderately difficult climb.

2012-08-09, 05:27 AM

The barbarian moved to the horse, gently he patted the animal on the neck. It's ok there, you've been here a while haven't you. Obviously you would belong to Sir Olvar. Well, don't worry, we'll find your master. Won't we. He said, changing the target of his speech from the horse to his companions. Looking around, he found some grass, pulled it from the earth and fed it to the beast, still stroking and patting the neck.

You going to climb this then Bar? He said to the roguish man-at-arms, smiling as he did so.

2012-08-09, 05:47 AM
Barclyffe looked from the white cliff to his friend. Well, I guess someone has to, and you'd probably break your neck the way you've been travelling lately. He lowered his pack to the ground, and removed the rope from within and then reclosed the pack.

A handful of straps held his armour tight to his body. One by one, he unbuckled these, then shirked his vest off, over his head. Don't let me get possessed. And if I scream out, you come get me, ok? He said as he prepared for the climb.

The armour was placed on the pack and the rope looped through the arms of both and tied in a simple knot. Happy, Barclyffe then unbuckled his weapon belt that held his sword and placed it over his right shoulder and under his left, rebuckling it so that his blade now hung across his back rather than from his side. Finally, happy everything was secure, he looped the loose end of his rope through his belt and made ready to climb.

I'll secure the rope when I get up there.

He winked. As long as I don't get eaten.

Start the climb, unencumbered by any equipment save my clothes and my sword.


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2012-08-09, 02:45 PM
"Well, if you scream because you fall and we rush on over, how much good will it do? Especially since anyone with good hearing will know where you are, and if this witch has guard we'll all end up dead."

2012-08-09, 04:39 PM
While Bar is preparing himself for his climb, Brother Cedric closes his eye in prayerful contemplation for several seconds.

Premonition for cliff area - 10m range

2012-08-09, 10:41 PM
Good idea Boudiccia, I guess you'll be climbing then. He offered her the rope, then after a moment took it back and laughed. Didn't think so.

Barcylffe then took a few deep breaths and began to climb.


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2012-08-09, 10:50 PM
"Yes the funny thing is, if you hadn't just snatched it away quickly, I would have accepted the task. You presume much."

2012-08-10, 04:14 PM
While Barclyffe prepares for the climb, you attempt to direct your concentration to the top of the cliff. You find that you just don't seem to be able to direct it to that extent. The best you are able to manage is halfway up the cliff, and that certainly doesn't trigger any warning sensations within you.

As agile and dextrous as he is, Barclyffe finds the climb an easy one, and he begins scaling the cliff. When he has managed to climb two-thirds of the way, those remaining below glimpse a figure on the top of the cliff. There is just time to shout a warning to Barclyffe, and then a small boulder tumbles from the top of the cliff down towards him.

Barclyffe vainly attempts to tuck himself into the cliff, but unfortunately the boulder hasn't travelled far enough away from the cliff for that to help. The boulder strikes him hard enough on the left shoulder to cause that arm to go numb. With only one hand effectively gripping the cliff face, he quickly loses his grip and falls, landing on the ground below. The wind is expelled from his lungs, and, gasping for air, he only just manages to crawl away from the cliff face as another boulder tumbles down.

Several figures raise themselves from their concealment at the top of the cliff, and turn and begin to flee from the top of the cliff towards the top of the hill.

Barclyffe takes 3 damage from the impact of the boulder, then another 2 from the fall.

Christopher Loh
2012-08-10, 11:19 PM
Brother Charles rush forward, "Lord. Have mercy on your faithful and heal them of their wounds."

Cast Lesser Healing

2012-08-11, 12:10 AM
Barclyffe lay still for a moment. His shoulder hurt, his back hurt and he was struggling for breath. Tears welled in his eyes from the pain, but he choked them back. I, I'm not going to lie, he said, wincing. That hurt! Truth be told, he was lucky to be alive. He had seen men die from such a fall, and if the stone had been but a few inches to the left, it'd have cracked his skull.

When Brother Charles came and prayed over him, part of the pain left Barclyffe's body. Breathing came easier and he felt like he could move without risking further injury. He stared at the clergyman for a moment, before whispering in awe. What kind of miracle was that?


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Christopher Loh
2012-08-11, 02:06 AM
Brother Charles smile, "The miracle of the Lord."

2012-08-11, 02:24 AM

Ruarc gasped as Barclyffe fell, but there was nothing he could do to aid his friend. Instead, he watched in awe as Brother Charles called upon the power of God to partially heal the man. I didn't know that prayers were answered so quickly. He said.

2012-08-11, 02:32 AM
Sitting up, Barclyffe shook his head. His shoulder was still somewhat numb, his back ached, and his ribs hurt. Perhaps one of them broke in the fall. But he was not as bad as he had been or could have been.

Praise the Lord. He said. A new respect for religion had been found for the man. He had always worshiped, but it was the worship of fear, the worship of one who was told to worship or he'd suffer for it in this life and the next. Now, he looked upon the two clergymen and saw why they worshiped.

He stood, and arched his back, cracked his neck and rubbed his shoulder. Are they gone? Should I try again?


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Christopher Loh
2012-08-11, 10:11 AM
Brother Charles looks to Barclyffe, "Fear not. Worship the Lord in love and not in fear. For God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

*Surveys the top*

"If they do not follow up even after a successful ambush, they are likely to have fled. You can try again."

2012-08-11, 11:57 AM
And this time, I'll stand below you, to catch you if you fall. We don't want you any more battered than you are now, lest we come across more of these cowards. After all, the yellow bellied fools would never attack us unless they were desperate, or certain that they could win. This realization is unsettling to Ruarc, as so many things have been recently. However, his confidence is renewed after he remembers the speed with which Brother Charles' prayer was answered, and its potency.

2012-08-11, 09:55 PM
don't catch me, take my bow and stop them from dropping rocks on me said Barclyffe. He limbered up again uttered a short prayer, and began the climb once more.

2012-08-12, 10:24 PM
Ruarc shrugs and takes the bow. I'll try to manage both. I suppose it goes without saying that it would be helpful if you could try your best not to end up dead. The warrior is half joking, half serious.

2012-08-12, 11:11 PM
Barclyffe again manages to scale the cliff quite easily. This time, no threat appears, and he reaches the top in due time. Once at the top, Barclyffe notes that two paths lead away from the cliff-top. One is like an animal run, and wanders around the side of the hill to the north. The other is path obviously made by humans, and leads directly up the hill to the east.

Barclyffe finds that there are plenty of tree roots and rocks to tie a rope around.

2012-08-13, 01:29 AM
I'll try not to die, friend. Said Barclyffe as he started the climb. The climb is easy, but it still makes his lungs burn and his shoulder ache. His back too. The miracle, whilst powerful hadn't removed all his ailments from the previous assault and fall. He breathed hard for a second or two, before waving to the assembled group below.

I'll tie the rope off, give me a minute, he called.

Quickly, he looped the rope around a root from a large, old tree. It was thick, sturdy and strong. He tied a simple, but functional knot and then tested it, but holding onto the rope and leaning bodily against it. It held, but then, he was only slight and wore no armour. Still, he would be able to assist the larger of the men climb the rope, and Boudiccia in her plate. Surely she would take it off before climbing up, but that couldn't be counted on.

Ok, rope is secure, one at a time. He called out again. And preferably without your heavy, metal fashion accessories. He laughed as he held onto the rope and braced himself to assist, but he faced away from the cliff, ready to meet any threat that would come to cast him from it.


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2012-08-13, 08:50 AM
Ruarc, directly under where Bar scaled the cliff, takes off his armor and backpack and secures them, imitating how Bar did it. He then grabs the rope and begins to climb. I'll be right up.

Christopher Loh
2012-08-13, 10:39 AM
Tie the pack for the rest of the party member before climbing up.

2012-08-13, 04:27 PM
Brother Cedric will string his bow and nock an arrow.
"I will wait here till last. Up you go Charles."

2012-08-13, 11:10 PM
When Ruarc gets to the top of the cliff, Barclyffe waits a moment for him to regain his breath, then he hands him the rope. Your turn, he said. I'll watch for attack, afterall, my eyes are better than yours. He said with a grin.


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2012-08-14, 12:05 AM
When it is her turn to ascend, Boudicca refuses to remove her armour during the climb, making it difficult to get her to the top of the cliff. In the end, she needs to be lifted, requiring several of the others to haul her up on the rope. Once at the top, she stomps past without a word.

She then stands at the top, looking at each of the paths, lost in thought.

2012-08-15, 03:57 PM
Brother Cedric will be last up, tieing the rope about his waist.

"I'm coming up! Free free to pull?"

[roll0] Reflexes

2012-08-15, 07:53 PM
Barcylffe grumbled at Boudiccia. Her arrogance and naivety were unacceptable. Why had Sir Osbeorn sent her here? Was it punishment for her, punishment for he and Ruarc, or was he just happy to be rid of all three? He thought about how he'd like to slide a blade between her ribs, feel her life force ebb away. But he shook his head. He wasn't a murderer. Well, not anymore. Truth be told, he was more of a thief than a killer, but sometimes necessity dictated otherwise.

Helping the monk up to the top of the cliff, he then used the rope to pull up all his gear. The hardened leather vest was a comfort, it fit snug when secured and it warmed the body. He adjusted his equipment to how he liked it, pack on the back with his crossbow and sword back on the hip. He took out his sword and tested the weight.

There are two paths. Boudiccia has been eyeing them for sometime, supposedly. And I cannot track. Ruarc, feel free to take the lead.


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2012-08-15, 08:31 PM
I'd be delighted to, though to be honest tracking quarry of any sort has never been my strong suit. Ruarc tries his best to look for traces of the two figures who attacked Bar.

Perception is 5.

2012-08-16, 01:39 AM
Ruarc realises from examining the ground at the top of the cliff that there must have been more than two ambushers. Which direction they took is less clear, however. The rain has muddied the ground far too much.

The rain continues to slash down at you, and suddenly a bright flash of lightning blinds you temporarily. Only a heartbeat later, the boom of thunder stuns you; the storm is one of the worst you have experienced. It is a short while before anyone manages to regain their wits enough to talk, though even that is difficult; speech is becoming more difficult as the rain becomes more severe. You could see hand signals in the light of your lanterns of course, but in order to make yourself heard, it seems that shouting near the ear of your comrade will be necessary.

2012-08-16, 06:26 AM
Oh well, said Barclyffe. When in doubt, right is right. Unless anyone has any reason to go left? He moved to the path on the right and, assuming that the others were following, began down it.


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2012-08-16, 07:43 AM
Ruarc smiled as he followed his comrade. It was better to move on then stand here like fools, he supposed. And rain couldn't hurt anybody. With any luck, it could conceal their approach to the house.

2012-08-16, 09:27 AM
Choosing to take the direct route, you begin struggling up the hill. Though the hill is not especially steep, the rain makes it a difficult climb.

Suddenly, you seem to hear some strange sounds from ahead. Unless you're mistaken, it sounds like the screams of men who are experiencing sheer terror. A figure, probably a man, tears past you down the hill before you even have a chance to react.

Then, up ahead, you see a remarkable sight. A woman floats into view from a stand of trees ahead. She is dressed in an oddly fashioned garment, reminding you somehow of the garments of the noble women of Ereworn, though only superficially. She appears to wear jewellery, though her form is too indistinct to make out any details. Her eyes are luminous white orbs, devoid of any expression and she glows with an unearthly white glow, illuminating her immediate area.

Surrounding her are a number of figures. Several of them seem to be nothing more than common thugs, but a few of the figures suggest somewhat more noble appearances. One is a heavily armoured figure entirely clad in plate armour; even his face is hidden by a full faced helmet. Another can only be a knight; his face, though partially hidden by an unkempt beard, is incredibly handsome. The third reminds you of Sir Osbeorn, though younger and perhaps more handsome. This can only be Sir Olvar. All of the men wear blank expressions, and move in an unnatural, jerky fashion, dragging themselves through the mud while staring at the woman, enraptured.

Before anyone can react, Boudicca screams in fury at the sight, and charges up the hill, sword held high. Her rage impels her to run; even in plate armour she manages to cover the ground quickly.

What happens next is by no means clear. Suddenly there is a bright flash and a great boom. Everyone is thrown to the ground, except the strange woman, who merely watches dispassionately. You can only watch helplessly as most of the men struggle to their feet again with unnatural speed, including the figure you assumed to be Sir Olvar. The woman floats up the hill while her guardians struggle up the hill. Finally, you manage to shake yourselves from the daze, and regain your feet. Several figures still lie on the ground, unmoving.

Rayk & Guylan
Whatever your reason for coming to Maiden's Vale, and whether or not you were trying to find the strange white woman, you did indeed find her. The last thing you remember is her face before you, and then everything after that is a dream, or perhaps a nightmare. You had dreams of fighting other men, and of rain and thunder, and her singing strange and beautiful songs to you, and of being inside the house in a cold, death-like sleep, while outside the windows unmentionable horrors cavorted and indescribable smells reached your nostrils. Others joined you in your worship of her. Then the explosion, and then...you awaken.

2012-08-16, 09:52 AM
"The Saviour preseve us from such abominations!"
Brother Cedric picks himself up and scrambles to the nearest casualty, to see if he can help.

2012-08-16, 10:01 AM
Ruarc jumps to his feet and sprints over toward Olvar, sword in hand. Lord Olvar, I am at your service! What is this terrible trance that was over you! Can you speak? The warrior then looks around, bewildered, and wonders what happened to Boudicca.

2012-08-16, 10:03 AM
Cedric finds that two of the figures are apparently dead; one being one of the shifty looking men, the other Boudicca. Much of her body is scorched, and her armour is severely damaged, still hot and crumbling at the touch. Her sword hand is completely burnt, the remains of her sword melted along her arm. Her face is untouched though, and she lies with her eyes closed. She seems to be at peace for the first time since Cedric met her.

The two other men who accompanied the unnatural woman seem largely unhurt, however. Still unconscious, they begin to stir, and it seems as though they will shortly awaken.

Meanwhile, Ruarc is disappointed to find that Sir Olvar is not amongst the remaining people. He must have left along with the other men and the woman.

2012-08-16, 10:44 AM
Barclyffe stood for a few moments before casually walking forward. As hed did so, he sheathed his sword. He knew he had been right all along, and here was imutable proof. Swords would be no good. He arrived next to Brother Cedric, and gazed down at the body of Boudicca. Making a clucking sound with his tongue, he tapped her head gently with his foot, as though trying to rouse a sleeping companion.

We should bury her, he said calmly, though he was anything but. He knelt down and searched for her coin purse, there was no reason for the dead to be more wealthy than he, and in this unfamiliar place, and with the unfamiliar stresses he returned to the familiar, theft.

2012-08-16, 11:23 AM
Blood. Blood everywhere.

The sword he wields is drenched in it, shivering as if in hunger for more, his shield, a mass of nicks and cuts from the nondescript warriors that shout and scream, attacking him or being cut down. The scene was surreal, and under normal circumstances, it would be immediately obvious to him that it was a mere dream, a vivid one at that, but in dreams, men are rarely concious of the fact, and he was no exception.

He could smell the fear, the sweat of an unfortunate man whose blade clanged against steel instead of biting into Rayk's flesh, and pushing aside the blow with his shield, his blade howled in bloodlust as it sank deep into his chest.

This isn't real...

The blood sprayed from the deseased in a fountain of red that obscured his vision, somehow immune to the rushing water from the heavens.

Lacrimosa dies illa
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus
Huic ergo parce, Deus,
Pie Jesu Domine
Judicandus homo reus
Huice ergo parce, Deus,
Pie Jesu Domine (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbiFSfj_BcA)

The music! Oh, how it reaches out! How it pulls at his heart, calling just for him! The melodies drown out all sense of fear, all sense of pain, all sense of suffering. All sense of reason.

This isn't real.

Rayk rubs the blood off his eyes, yearning to see the girl, the singer who entrapped you so. There can't be a better fate than this.

But a different sight greets his eyes altogether.

No longer was he on the battlefield, slaughtering foes. No longer was he swaying to the music of the wonderous lady. He is stuck, unable to move, unable to free himself even though no bonds were present.

This isn't real!

As the cold permeates and numbs his thoughts, he stares blankly at the window, and of the shadows that writhed beyond. One such monster latched onto the glass, a hideous thing that bears no semblance to naught but the insane. And then it was gone. A hallucination?

No, now it is on his side of the glass, approaching him, filling his nostrils with scents that made him gag and made his eyes water.

This isn't real!!

He blinked to clear his eyes, and no longer was he lying on the floor, prey to whatever wanted him; he now kneels before the lady, and like the many around him, chant. Chant in her gloy, chant in her-


An explosion, a fury of nature that devours all in it's path, reveals itself to him, rushing towards him to clai-


The scene dissipates, and he stands once more in a familiar place. Too familiar. A nightmare he had many times before, and would have for many nights to come.

Wake up!

From within the ground, a man his age pulls himself out with a little difficulty. Maggots wriggle out of his rotten corpse, squirming and they writhe. Pus oozes out of an abnormally large wound on his chest. Turning a face that was more bone than flesh, it looked straight at Rayk, eyeholes drilling into his very soul. "This is all your fault. ALL YOUR FAULT!"


Rayk gasps as he awakes, immediately jumping to his feet and drawing his blade upon instinct. For one brief moment, blood drips from the blade, blood that belonged none other than to the son that he had accidentally killed that fateful day - and then it was gone. His blade was clean.

"Who might you be?" he asks warily, taking a foot forward and immediately regretting it; he almost stumbled, his mind still disoriented from the nightmares, filling his head with a dull headache that didn't help any.

2012-08-16, 12:39 PM
Ruarc, disappointed and frustrated that he was not able to reach Olvar before he left, turns to the knight wearing the face guard. Maybe you should tell us who you are first. After all, you have given us no reason to trust you, let alone a good reason. The warrior growls.

2012-08-16, 01:48 PM
"Put that blade up man! You have been bewitched and are lucky to be alive. Do not waste the opportunity of life renewed!"
Blurts the monk in frustration.

Turning to Bar
"I don't think we have time for a burial tonight my friend. She will have to wait till the morrow..."

2012-08-16, 05:56 PM
The knight glances hesitatingly from speaker to speaker, his shield fully bearing the crest of a rose, weeping silently, in front of him.

But the words of the monk struck a chord in him.

...are lucky to be alive. Do not waste the opportunity of life renewed!

These words, all so familiar. Lucky? Lucky that death is postponed just to prolong the suffering of a living nightmare? What was the point of staying alive when the blood of a friend runs from your blade?

"I don't think we have time for a burial tonight my friend. She will have to wait till the morrow..."

He blinked. Was it the death of someone close? Was it a matter of circumstance?

"My name is Rayk. Rayk Morrow." he said, slowly lowering his guard.

"Who died? Who is this lady you speak of?"

2012-08-16, 06:44 PM
Digging through Bouddica's coin purse, Barclyffe finds an oddity: two of the coins have fused together from whatever calamity occurred. This makes for an interesting memento, but they are useless for commerce. The rest of the coins are fine, if a little darkened, and Barclyffe finds four florins in total.

2012-08-16, 07:11 PM
Barclyffe tucked the coins into his own purse and stood up. For the first time he looked at the 'rescued' knights. Both were disheveled and could really do with a bath. Or maybe that stench was from the burnt, dead bodies? He shrugged. This was little time for worrying about hygiene.

She was an insufferable, intolerable and arrogant boor. But she doesn't deserve to be left to the elements and whatever it was that had enthralled you. He said after a moment. Or to the wild dogs in these parts. Though I guess they've more sense than to come near such a haunted place.

I am Barclyffe Fitzhenry, this good man is Ruarc from Thuland, and these are Brothers Chalres and Cedric. Barclyffe looked past Rayk to where the other man stood, stunned still, then he gazed after where the White Lady had flown. He shook his head. Every ounce of his being was telling him to flee, to run for his life, for his soul. But he stood still, waiting and watching. If he lived past this night, he would have to sit down over a nice mug of ale and some stale bread and re-evaluate his thought processes under stress.


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2012-08-16, 08:19 PM
Slowly the world came back into focus, Guylan shook his head slightly......true, there had been a beautiful woman. But there were other things, the great looming shadow of a wolf, a great maw that dripped with maggots..blood and death.

And peace, he was devoted to his lady; he would kill and die for her in an instant. Part of him mused that it was fates way of punishing him for professing such devotion falsely in the past. Part of him despaired at her loss. And part of him was waking.

" Pardonnez-moi, s'il vous plaît. Pouvez-vous m'aider? Je suis perdu."

Seeing looks of confusion for the most part, and his memories of a sea voyage returning to him, he tried again.

" Hello? Can you...folk...tell me what has happened here?"

As his vision cleared he looked around and down at himself, and his face went pale and aghast.

" Sacre Bleu!! No! No, no, no, no, no.......this will not do! Please, have mercy. Do any of you have, perhaps, a mirror? And some wax, and a clean piece of linen......and some oil and.."

His hand flew to his face and he whimpered a little, " .....my knife! It is gone! I must also beg a sharp blade."

He drew himself up and leveled piercing green eyes at them, " You have the pleasure of making the aquaintances with Sir Guylan de Champois. Please forgive my unforgiveable appearance."

2012-08-16, 09:42 PM
Ruarc sighed, exasperated, at the two knights, one obviously bewildered, the other distracted by his own appearance. At least they didn't seem like a threat. You were both bewiched, but I'm sure you've figured that out by now. The witch has killed a friend, and our Lord Olvar is still under her enchantment. With all due respect, I think that Olvar is our most pressing concern at the moment. Guylan, I have a dagger if you are in need of one, though I'm not sure how much good it will be against the likes of her. The warrior sets after the witch, glancing back to see that the others were following. A lone sword would be dead, or bewitched, before he would be of any use. To be honest though, I have no idea how you two were released. It seems a rather important question, don't you think?

2012-08-16, 10:09 PM
The knight pauses a moment longer, willing the dull headache to go away while processing their cordial reactions. Are they allies? Would his curse pass on to them? Would they die because of him?

"I...I am Rayk Morrow," he said, sheathing his blade and storing his shield, "I do not know why I am here...but perhaps, these strange nightmares were superseded by my own," he said with a strained smile, thought he expected none to see it though his helmet. He has never been able to escape from his nightmares, and he suspected he never will.

"But was the lady you mentioned slain close to you?" he asked, clutching his fist tightly. He would hunt down this monster, and put an end to it, if this was the case. No other should suffer the way he did.

Christopher Loh
2012-08-16, 10:27 PM
To the rest, "Brother Cedric is correct, we do not have luxury of time. We need to proceed right away to catch up with that witch before more innoncents are being hurt."

Offers a short prayer to the newly departed.

Right hand over the forehead of Boudica and left hand holding his staff.

Give her eternal rest, O Lord,
and may Your light shine upon her forever.
Receive her soul and present her to God the Most High.

Let us pray: We commend our sister, Bouddica to you, Lord.
Now that she has passed from this life,
may she live on in Your presence.
In Your mercy and love, forgive whatever sins she
may have committed through human weakness.
We ask this through the mercies of our Lord.

2012-08-16, 11:40 PM
Ruarc sighed, exasperated, at the two knights, one obviously bewildered, the other distracted by his own appearance. At least they didn't seem like a threat. You were both bewiched, but I'm sure you've figured that out by now. The witch has killed a friend, and our Lord Olvar is still under her enchantment. With all due respect, I think that Olvar is our most pressing concern at the moment. Guylan, I have a dagger if you are in need of one, though I'm not sure how much good it will be against the likes of her. The warrior sets after the witch, glancing back to see that the others were following. A lone sword would be dead, or bewitched, before he would be of any use. To be honest though, I have no idea how you two were released. It seems a rather important question, don't you think?

" Yes, this Olvar must be saved."

" Who is this Olvar person?"

He checked his sword and shield were still hung and was relieved to find them.

He called after Ruarc, " The dagger is for my beard, good sir. One should not go adventure unless one is presenting at ones best. To appear slovenly is to invite sloppiness in other aspects of ones conduct........"

The man had already stalked off.

Guylan looked about at the others, " It seems we are off then. Are we leaving these poor souls where they lie? It seems awfully coarse."

2012-08-18, 02:23 AM
Leaving your comrade behind in the mud, you continue up the hill. Shortly, you come to an huge dead oak tree in the middle of the path, which splits to go around both sides of the tree. The tree looks postively ancient, and has apparently been blasted by lightning, which has split the tree down the middle.

Ferns grow out of the bottom of the split, covering the inside of the tree. As you approach the tree to pass it, the ferns part to reveal some odd little objects made from pinecones and straw, which begin to move about. You quickly realise that the objects are puppets, made to look like the group! There is Mother Clay on a little straw horse. Boudicca stomps along in ridiculously huge armour. Barclyffe, looking distinctly rat-like, creeps along. Ruarc, dressed only in a loincloth, gazes at even the smallest rocks in wonder. Finally, Cedric, dressed in a habit made of moss, blesses the others every second step.

2012-08-18, 03:46 AM
Tell me, how can this creature we are after, be defeated with cold, hard steel. What we saw was not a woman, it was a daemon spirit as I live and breath. This is a fools quest if ever there was one. He continued up the hill as he spoke. Even if these two, he said eyeing the newly 'rescued' knights with sidelong glances, as though he doubted their truth and veracity, help fight against this devil, you saw what she did to Boudiccia. Her armour and sword were melted more than if they'd been cast into a forge.

At the sight of the dolls, Barclyffe stopped and squinted. Oh, that's just great! he said. Gently he prodded the doll of Boudiccia with the end of his sword, setting himself as though he were afraid it would come to life and attack him.


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2012-08-18, 04:31 AM
With a last glance back at the fallen Guylan resigned himself to the fact that he was in a barbaric realm and must accept the inhabitants brutish ways.

He was still sighing at lifes vagaries when he noted the puppets.

He stared at them for a few moments, noting the inconguruity of the scene.

" Ze likeness, it is quite good, no?", he said with a chuckle.

2012-08-18, 07:05 AM
Rayk sighs, looking at the scene before him.

So serene, yet probably holding a dark, bitter secret, just like him. Did the tree suffer some horrible fate, torn asunder by a force of nature it couldn't escape? Did it quaver under duress from it's inevitable fate, shedding leaves that had given it life?

Bending down on one knee, letting the cool green grass tickle the cold worn metal that serves as his defence, he eyes the dolls.

They were creepy, without a doubt. Yet, there was something innocent about them, about how they moved without a care for the world, frolicking about in the grass as if there was nothing to burden them.

He notice there was no doll for him, and for that, he is glad. He would not like the reflection of the soul it would provide for him.

Christopher Loh
2012-08-18, 08:32 AM
Brother Charles just observed the situation before doing anything.

2012-08-18, 10:03 AM
Ruarc scoffs at his likeness. Certainly, I can't be that barbaric? I don't look on everything with awe, only... some things.
I wonder if this is only a distraction, or if it is something more sinister. Brother Charles, Cedric, could either of you offer any insight on the nature of these effigies? I don't like that this witch knows even this much about us.

2012-08-18, 11:58 AM
Brother Cedric meditates a while, attempting to sense any malicious intent near this tree.

[roll0] Premonition 37%

2012-08-18, 02:22 PM
The figure of Ruarc begins smashing itself into various parts of the scenery, including rocks, trees, and the ground. Ruarc himself begins to feel an intense pain in his head and chest where he injured himself on the journey.

Meanwhile, the figure of Mother Clay ducks out of view, and when it appears again, it is holding a small wooden club. Similarly to the children's puppet shows sometimes shown at fairs and carnivals, Mother Clay begins smashing the figures of Boudicca and Barclyffe about the head. Barclyffe is reminded of the rudeness of Mother Clay on the journey, before he too feels the cruel pain in his head. While all this is going on, the figure of Cedric struts along proudly, indifferent to the suffering of his comrades, apparently sure that nothing can hurt him.

At the edge of the stage, a sly-looking figure dressed in a habit stalks into view. It can only represent Charles. He bows to the Cedric figure, who blesses him. As soon as the puppet Cedric turns away from Charles, the little Charles figure turns to the audience, and sniggers evilly. This occurs several times; the Charles figure bows to Cedric, receiving a blessing in return. Then the figure makes some rude gesture or laughs at Cedric whenever his back is turned.

Ruarc & Barclyffe
You both receive 1 damage from the mysterious pain.

Unsurprisingly, the tree feels quite dangerous to you.

2012-08-18, 03:01 PM
The warrior doubles over from the pain, and rubs his head.. These recent developments alarm Ruarc greatly. Maybe his puppet was doing this because he was metaphorically "beating himself up?" Well, if that was the case, then it made no sense to continue to do that: after all, what is wrong with enjoying the world, and being curious about it? On to other thoughts then. I wonder why Mother clay is here, or rather her puppet. She isn't with us, nor is she directly involved! Ruarc tries to hold onto his puppet in the most gentle manner possible, or at the very least prevent it from hurting itself further.

Health: 12/11

2012-08-18, 03:07 PM
Ruarc certainly intends to approach the tree and take hold of his puppet. He nearly falls flat on his face, however, when he finds that his feet are firmly stuck to the ground. As soon as this revelation becomes obvious to the others, they too realise that they are incapable of moving from where they stand.

2012-08-18, 03:43 PM
Ruarc grunts as he awkwardly rises.Knights, Guylan and Rayk, can you move? This may tell us whether the dolls and the binding are connected, or are distinct enchantments.

2012-08-18, 04:01 PM
"This is a very dangerous place. At the first opportunity we should leave."

Brother Cedric once again slips into meditation.

See Enchantment Spell Mastery - Anything showing up?
[roll0] ESP for hostiles 8%.

2012-08-18, 04:29 PM
Ruarc grunts as he awkwardly rises.Knights, Guylan and Rayk, can you move? This may tell us whether the dolls and the binding are connected, or are distinct enchantments.

Guylan looks momentarily confused at his companions antics, but he nods and moves towards the tree to try and retrieve the puppet of Ruarc.

2012-08-18, 09:38 PM
Unfortunately for Guylan, he too finds that he cannot move from where he stands. Whatever the effect stems from, it doesn't seem directly linked to the puppets currently on stage.


You begin gathering your concentration in an attempt to detect whether there are thoughts around you other than your comrades. You do not detect any enchantments, at least not any of a permanent nature.

Christopher Loh
2012-08-18, 10:49 PM
Brother Charles will gently lift one of his feet above the ground to see if he can move.

2012-08-18, 11:59 PM
" Well, it seems we are all stuck? I would break out my bow and try to find a target but I do not recall what has become of it while I was bewitched."

2012-08-19, 05:41 AM
Barclyffe grimaced in pain. What in the dark hells? He cried. He turned to move, but found he couldn't. He started to panic. He groaned as he put his strength into trying to move his legs, as he tried to run. He gripped his sword with both hands and lashed out at the dolls, trying to smash them into pieces.


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2012-08-19, 06:21 AM
" Do not be so quick to destroy it! It is quite pleasing, no?"

" I think it captures your likenesses quite well. Well, perhaps not those who have passed, I did not have the pleasure of knowing them."

" My compliments to the puppeteer, whoever you may be."

Guylan decided to enjoy the show, there was, after all, little else he could do...

2012-08-19, 06:52 AM
Rayk tries to move as well, but finds himself in the same predicament as his new friends.

Watching Barclyff desperately smash at the green dolls, he smiles slightly. Now, there was one who didn't give up easily.

And he didn't plan to do so either. He had enough of giving up.

Drawing his dagger, he eyes the one target Barclyff has not yet stabbed; the tree. After all, there was no doll of him, nor was there one of Mr. Beard, and he doubt that destroying the dolls would be anything more than a slight reprieve.

No, he wanted to attack the thing at the source.

Grabbing the dagger by the hilt, he let fly, the glinting edge spinning about as it hurls towards the tree.


Attack: 13

Christopher Loh
2012-08-19, 08:45 AM
When Brother Charles discovered that he cannot move, he will quiet down and observed while thinking of a plan.

He will not attempt to pray for any "miracles" at this point in time.

2012-08-19, 09:15 AM
Don't destroy them? That's easy for you to say! The blighters just copped me. said Barclyffe, growing increasingly desperate.

Christopher Loh
2012-08-19, 11:02 AM
Brother Charles will look for a branch around the place.

Once he found one, he will light it with the flame from the lantern.

Once its lighted, he will prepare to burn down the oak tree.

2012-08-19, 11:38 AM
Charles attempts to reach a nearby fallen branch. Using his staff, he tries to pull one toward himself, and manages to slowly work one near enough to grab. However, it shortly becomes unnecessary.

Barclyffe sweeps aside several of the little puppets with his sword. As soon as he does this, a odd hissing sound comes from inside the tree. The other puppets continue with their show, and it seems at first that there is no way to stop the show.

Then Rayk's dagger, narrowly missing Barclyffe, arcs gracefully up, and then neatly down into the hole in the tree. Suddenly all the puppets drop out of sight, and whatever was stopping you from moving your feet is gone, so quickly that you almost lose your balance.

A small streak of movement appears briefly on the inside of the tree, and then suddenly a squirrel pops it's head from out of the top of the tree, well out of reach. It chatters at you, obviously furious, and begins to grab anything it can find, bark, twigs, or acorns, and hurl them at you ineffectually.

2012-08-19, 03:01 PM
Squirrel. Just like the one that was throwing acorns before. We should have figured that out sooner. Comrades, don't trust any squirrels we meet. Until further evidence, I'm going to assume that all squirrels, nay, all small animals, are spies for that witch. Ruarc takes out his own dagger, then thinks better of it. Wel, that would probably be a waste. It's only a squirrel, and how whould I get my dagger back? Lets move on. We've already lost enough time.

2012-08-19, 04:20 PM
Barclyffe stumbled. Able to move freely once more he was about to smash the rest of the puppets when he heard Ruarc mention the squirrel. He jammed his blade into the ground and drew his crossbow from his back. After fitting a bolt to it he took aim and fired.

Attack 14: [roll0]
ABR: [roll1]

2012-08-19, 07:16 PM
Smiling in relief, Rayk stands up, stretching the kinks from his joints for squatting for so long.

But now, there is a matter of the squirrel. And his dagger.

Slowly approaching the nasty thing, He draws his blade, and takes a swipe at the squirrel, before rummaging the hole with his free hand for his dagger.


Attack: 13

2012-08-19, 08:21 PM
The squirrel is well out of reach of Rayk's blade, but he swings at it anyway, on general principle. The first time he rummages in the tree, he brings up one of the puppets instead of his dagger. On closer inspection, it looks nothing like a person, just a pinecone with a bundle of straw tied around it. The next time he places his hand in the tree, however, he manages to find his dagger.

Barclyffe begins preparing his crossbow. At first the squirrel does not seem to notice, but when Barclyffe takes aim, the squirrel looks oddly frightened, and seems about to jump away. Sadly for the squirrel, it is not quick enough, and the bolt sticks firmly in it's tiny shoulder. The creature tumbles out of the tree to land at Barclyffe's feet, twitching, but still alive.

When the rodent realises it cannot move with a heavy bolt stuck in it's body, it closes it's eyes, seems to concentrate for a moment, and then undergoes a startling transformation. A strange grey mist forms around the squirrel, and then suddenly is gone. In it's place is a small, child-like creature with wrinkly skin, ugly features, and bright red eyebrows. He screams in terror and pain, and starts gibbering, "Please, kind sirs, please don't hurt little Erkiss! He only do what mistress tells him! Scare humans, Erkiss! Open door, Erkiss! Run, Erkiss! Erkiss will help you! A favour, yes? A goblin-favour?" The filthy little goblin smiles up at you, the effect being hideous rather than charming.

2012-08-19, 08:34 PM
Rayk looks at the...thing in disgust. What was that, a goblin? Masters of treachery, and probably out to kill them with such a dangerous enchantment to stop them from moving. As much as he hated this, he knew that extreme measures were necessary. He just hopes that his new friends won't think much of the side he was going to show.

Stepping towards the goblin, he crushed the puppet mercilessly, and stares down at the goblin, his helmet lending to the symbol of impassive malevolence.

And he stomps down on the goblin's hand, grinding bones beneath his steel boots. Not enough to break the hand, but more than enough to cause a lot of pain.

Bending down beside the goblin, he uses his dagger and presses it against the goblin's throat, applying just enough pressure for the filthy thing to bleed slightly.

"One chance goblin. Any mistake will makes things painful. For you. Who is your mistress?"

2012-08-19, 08:48 PM
Erkiss squeals in pain and misery. "No, no, no! Erkiss will help you! Stop, stop! It is the Queen! The White Queen!" The little creature thrashes around, not trying to escape, just trying to stop the pain.

2012-08-19, 09:00 PM
"Who is the White Queen, what has she planned for us, and why are you helping her?" Rayk asks, easing the pressure slightly. He'll really need to clean his dagger after this.

2012-08-19, 09:33 PM
"You've seen her, yes? She'll take you, yes, in the house, and you'll go with her, and when she comes back, you won't. Erkiss fears her, yes, and he helps her, so he doesn't go with her."

He looks up at you with wide eyes, afraid, but apparently not of you.

2012-08-19, 10:38 PM
Barclyffe shook his head. The whole situation was anathema to any sane, living man. He put away his crossbow and drew his blade. His injuries hurt. His breathing was ragged and his head swum.

Surely this daemon spawn should be dealt with by the Clergy. He said, looking to Cedric and Charles. Truth be told, he wanted to slay the thing right then and there, but he did not want to be cursed. The supernatural was mysterious, enigmatic, esoteric, and all together not to be trifled with. He was afraid of it.

Suddenly, something dawned on him. Goblin. Who tried to gainsay my climbing of the cliff? Does this daemon witch have other vassals? Or was it one of her unwitting, enchanted dupes?


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2012-08-19, 10:44 PM
Sir Guylan sighed at the completion of the show then watched with interest as the men tried to murder a small rodent.

Truly mighty warriors...

But when the creature revealed itself to be one of the fay he came over at once.

" It is a Lutin! How very interesting!"

" Please. Do not harm the creature overly much, it seems as much bound to its mistress as we were."

He leant down, " Will you keep your promises, little Lutin? The fay must always keep their word it is said...."

2012-08-19, 11:51 PM
The goblin is dismissive of Barclyffe's question. "Those men...pah! Fools. They weren't for the Queen...only they are now," he cackles.

"Lutin! Yes, Lutin. That is us. We don't break our promises, no, we don't. Bad things happen to little goblins who break their promises. Much worse than nasty men with nasty swords. Erkiss cannot break his promises." He smiles up at Guylan. He apparently has taken a liking to him, no doubt because of his kindness.

2012-08-20, 12:03 AM
Barclyffe cast his eyes suspiciously over the shaggy, foreign knight. No man should know so much about creatures such as this, yet here was one, who was in league, enthralled supposedly with and by this 'White Queen'. Perhaps he still was.

Life was much more simple when it only involved common theft. He gripped the hilt of his blade tight, waiting for some kind of assurance from the clergymen.


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2012-08-20, 12:38 AM
Barclyffe cast his eyes suspiciously over the shaggy, foreign knight. No man should know so much about creatures such as this, yet here was one, who was in league, enthralled supposedly with and by this 'White Queen'. Perhaps he still was.

Life was much more simple when it only involved common theft. He gripped the hilt of his blade tight, waiting for some kind of assurance from the clergymen.

Guylan noted the haggard looking man regarding him suspiciously and shrugged,

" So it is said by the peasants at least. The creature does seem relatively harmless though."

" Perhaps you are shocked to see your folktales come to life. My mind has broadened a little since being held in thrall to a legend made flesh."

Christopher Loh
2012-08-20, 03:26 AM
Brother Charles to Brother Cedric, "You do know the official stance of the church."

"Barclyffe, do the necessary."

*Making the killing sign*

2012-08-20, 03:33 AM
Ignoring the unpragmatic Brother, with his lust for Goblin blood, he keeps his eyes on the goblin, asking the rest a very important question. The result of which will determine the goblin's fate.

"Can goblins break their promises?" he asks te party, before turning back to the goblin, breathing down its face.

"Have you promised the White Queen anything?"

2012-08-20, 04:35 AM
Noting the priests bloodlust Sir Guylan fell fully back into his role.

' No, thees will not be. If we do not act with honour then we are no better than beasts ourselves."

" I will stand protector for this pitiful creature, as my honour dictates. Do not threaten violence against it or I will be forced to answer in kind."

He loosened his sword in its scabbard but did not draw it.

" Besides, there are practicalities here that men of more feminine pursuits may not understand, no?"

" Already we know that those she cannot control with sorcery she will control through fear. Loss of control seems to be a state we should wish to bring about if we are to succeed."

" We should learn as much as we can if we are to have any chance of success in our endeavours."

" Surely this Olvars life is worth putting aside your baser urges?"

Sir Guylan tried, but did not quite succeed at putting on a smile to cover his inherent distaste for men of the cloth.

For it is not these droll fellows fault that one of their superiors is trying to have me killed.

2012-08-20, 04:51 AM

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This pitiful creature has attacked me. It also attacked an innocent man who was wrongfully held in stocks. I say that you are still enthralled by this witch, or worse, you willingly give your allegiance to her. Barclyffe pointed his sword at the imp. This evil thing would lie til the moon bled to save itself and its mistress. I would not trust anything it said, and if you were sane or sound of mind, you'd not trust it either.

Barclyffe, for all his posturing, was no warrior. At least, not enough of one to take on a fully armoured knight. And not whilst he was badly injured.

2012-08-20, 05:03 AM

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This pitiful creature has attacked me. It also attacked an innocent man who was wrongfully held in stocks. I say that you are still enthralled by this witch, or worse, you willingly give your allegiance to her. Barclyffe pointed his sword at the imp. This evil thing would lie til the moon bled to save itself and its mistress. I would not trust anything it said, and if you were sane or sound of mind, you'd not trust it either.

Barclyffe, for all his posturing, was no warrior. At least, not enough of one to take on a fully armoured knight. And not whilst he was badly injured.

Sir Guylan smiled indulgently, " It is not an innocent, this is true. But it is at our mercy. And by the measure of our mercy are we known as men."

" I will ignore, this time, your disparagement of my character and my honour as you are obviously in distress and distraught at the terrible assaults this lutin has visited upon your and other persons."

2012-08-20, 05:51 AM
Shaking his head, he looked to the clergy. Then back to the goblin. Mercy is a luxury. Would you offer the witch mercy?


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Christopher Loh
2012-08-20, 05:59 AM
Brother Charles to the knights, "Are you trying to offer mercy to a spwan of hell? Are you one of them? Bear in mind the consequence if you are making this out of your own free will."

2012-08-20, 06:18 AM
Brother Charles to the knights, "Are you trying to offer mercy to a spwan of hell? Are you one of them? Bear in mind the consequence if you are making this out of your own free will."

Sir Guylan shrugged.

" Am I one of them?", he chuckled.

" You do not frighten me, Albishman. Go back to your books and leave the Lords work to those with God given wit and strength in their arms."

" Do you truly fear that Satan is doing his vilest work through this cowering thrower of acorns?", he laughed uproariously.

2012-08-20, 06:26 AM
The little goblin looks sullenly at the ground, refusing to answer Rayk's question. "Erkiss not going to answer. Not until big strong humans promise not to kill Erkiss. Erkiss could help humans, if they spare him."

He looks a little hopeful when it appears Guylan is going to protect him...but only a little. He's obviously well aware that anyone could suddenly strike, and the idea of his death being avenged doesn't appear to be of much comfort to him.

Christopher Loh
2012-08-20, 06:44 AM
Brother Charles, "By offering mercy to one, you have associated yourself with them."

2012-08-20, 07:22 AM
Things were getting out of hand. The Monk put himself between Sir Guylan and Bar, giving Charles a stern stare.

"ENOUGH! " The Monk claps his hand loudly for silence

"It is the nature of Fey to divide, beguile, and misguide. It is their way. I will not allow this creature to drive us to violence! The Church has a grim view of such creature for these reason, however mercy and honour should be the over riding virtues in this situation. These are the values which define us and set us apart from the Fey.

The creature is bound by oath yes? It is offering us an oath. We would be churlish in the extreme to refuse even the smallest help in this situation. This may give us an advantage when facing the White Witch later.

Brother Cedric goes close to the Goblin, comforting it with a kind smile and gentle touch.
"Fey Creature, we must rescue Lord Olvar and save his babies soul from the White Lady. Do you sware to help us to achieve this?"

2012-08-20, 08:05 AM
The little goblin nods eagerly, wanting to please. "Yes, yes, yes! Erkiss can help save man and baby. You can tell Erkiss what to do to help now. But Erkiss will be up at house if you let him go. You can tell Erkiss what he can do then. Erkiss promise to be there."

A glint comes into the little creatures eyes. "Maybe you have good trick to play on Queen? Erkiss loves tricks and pranks..."

2012-08-20, 08:30 AM
Rayk nodded, but didn't let go yet. He had one more request of the goblin, one last one to ensure no backstabbing when the time came.

"I need you to promise me...promise us one more thing. Promise us that you will no longer bode us any ill intent, and from here on treat us as...friends and allies." he told the goblin, removing his foot, but keeping his dagger steady, though the pressure has lessened considerably.

2012-08-20, 09:01 AM
Erkiss smiles hopefully. "Of course, yes! Erkiss has new friends and allies now, hurrah! No bad feelings towards new friends, Erkiss promises. Erkiss tells secret now to new friends."

At this point, he sniggers, obviously proud of himself. "White Queen never got goblin-promise. White Queen says, 'Do this, Erkiss, or White Queen take Erkiss in house when it go.' So Erkiss do. 'Stay, Erkiss, until White Queen come back, or White Queen find Erkiss.' So Erkiss stay. But Erkiss never make promise to help Queen. Erkiss clever, clever," he giggles into his hand.