View Full Version : Sea druid help!

2012-07-05, 07:11 AM
Hello everyone :) Im getting ready to start a campaign with my brother & his friends its going to be a Aquatic Campaign. And I decided to play an aventi druid who worships the whale queen, and has an obssession with killer whales. I wanted to focus heavily on wild shape, and summoning spells. As far as I am aware nothing is banned as long as it's not homebrew. Is there any suggestions for feats, and what not?

This is what I have to work with.

Race: Aventi (Aquatic Humanoid)
Movement: Land 30 ft/Swim 50 ft
Class : Druid (Goliath substitutes adapted for Aventi & Water)
Starting Gold: 9,000
Left Over Gold: 4,062 gp & 9 sp
Level: 5
Str: 12
Dex: 16
End: 16
Wis: 18
Int: 14
Cha: 14

Racial Abilities:

Water Spell Power
Human Blood

Class Abilities:

Animal Companion - "Being left open as dm said if left alone i'll be getting an orca in a couple of sessions"
Elemental Companion - Water Elemental
Elemental Bond - Water
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Wild Shape 1/Day


Rapid Swimming
Natural Spell
Spell Focus - Conjuration
Augment Summon


+1 Sharkskin Armor
Masterwork Spear
Anklet of translocation
Hewards Handy Haver Sack
Bed Roll



The Party:

Level 5 Aquatic Elf Cleric - Diety: Deep Sashelas - Domains: Knowledge/Water
Level 5 Aventi Paladin
Level 5 Aquatic Elf Sorceress
Level 5 Shoal Halfling Rouge
Level 5 Darfellan Ranger
Level 5 Aventi Druid aka Me :D

Updates!: Switched Stats Around, my feats, added updated abilies,my two allowed Flaws, and equipment, almost done yay!

Updates 2: Including what the rest of the party is so we can know where I will need to fill inthe gaps, and DM has decided to grant me the Elemental Companion along with animal companion since I will not be starting with one. The catch I will be loosing either Wild Empathy or Resist Natures Lure depending his consideration, and my two companions will stack for their bonuses meaning they will progress slower.

2012-07-05, 07:56 AM
With that strength, you might want to consider stone armour. (Races of Stone).

Most aquatic animal companions are very fast, so some kind of ride skill would be useful, and a suitable exotic saddle.

Ranged attacks may be at a premium, so aquatic crossbow may be useful at low level.

Visibility is less than on the surface, so check out some of the 2nd level druid spells that give additional senses (Races of the Wild).

2012-07-05, 08:00 AM
And the Natural Spell feat is, of course, a staple.

2012-07-05, 08:11 AM
At 5th you can have a large shark as an animal companion (and as a mount) but it may be worth trying to find something that you can also use on land if you need to. Stormwrack has an amphibious template that might well be available for a bear or other animal if your DM allows a bit of fudging.

2012-07-05, 08:13 AM
Shaaark!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEGClVL9r7k#t=0m15s

No but seriously, I love aquatic druids.

The staples of course are eschew materials and natural spell. No one wants to turn back into a human and go find a handful of acorns in the ocean just to cast a spell you like.

I personally am in favor of ocean spiritfolk, but if you want to go the anthro route that's not bad too.

Alright, first off you def. want to pick up the elemental companion ACF (I'll plant it at the end of my post), this will allow you to have a water elemental for your companion which is just spectacular in a cinematic sense.
Water mastery is an ability which grants a water elemental to flip some of the world's largest ships by level 10, and even until then you are definitely going to be able to stop or slow every ship you ever see.
Water elementals are made of water and travel 90'/round, it can root, push and debuff creatures and casters, and optionally can create a cloud of debris for additional battlefield control and misdirection.

Second, I really love the idea of praising a mangrove goddess (I named her calcabrina in the campaign I'm DMing), mangroves are the liver of the sea, they float endlessly and generate the earth for them to land on, they are such wonderful and divine plants in real life I just love the connection so much. Having a mangrove goddess allows you to contextualize shapesand, which is top 5 of the coolest items you can get in DnD and affordable at level 1.

If you can afford it, start with a havers handysack, also my top 5 (thank me later).

Other good items include:

Aboleth mucus, for it's frankly unfair ability to take away air-breathing privs. to any creature. Only consider if your DM is VERY lenient.

Heathfire, it's essentially LED glowstick jello.

Honeyleather Tarpaulin, essentially a mega-bivysack for the fantasy adventurer, it's multipurpose and has huge aquatic utility. (inserted at end of post)

Sharkskin armor, great material as it's tough and naturally antiseptic, if you don't want to buy it or don't want to keep it just use your shapesand to emulate it (hell yes, shapesand!).

Wings of the sea is a must have for spells.
In addition pick up the Rapid Swimming feat.

You have to understand that swimming is similar to flying except way easier, you don't have a swim quality for turning and such which equates to all swimming = Perfect, this means that the fastest swimmer gains mobility dominance and if you know anything about the history of the global airforce in the last 50 years you'd know that maneuverability trumps all.

Honestly, an aquatic druid with a water elemental is a hell of a lot scarier than it sounds.

Because aquatic natures ally are the minority try your absolute best to make additions to summon nature's ally summon options, for instance a swarm of piranha can be amazingly effective against a caster just due to it's distraction ability. Try and think outside the box when appealing for options, don't think aquaman, think green lantern with sea creatures instead of green energy. Utilize everything given to you.

Every druid reveres nature,
but some pay more respect
to the fundamental building
blocks of the natural
world than to its flora and
fauna. By forgoing her
bond with the animal
kingdom, a druid can
instead take on an elemental
creature as her
Class: Druid.
Level: 1st.
Special Requirement:
Knowledge (the planes) 1
rank, Speak Language (Auran,
Terran, Ignan, or Aquan)
Replaces: You do not gain
an animal companion, nor do
you gain wild empathy.
B e n e f i t : Y o u g a i n t h e
companionship of a Small elemental
(air, earth, fire, or water;
your choice). You must speak the
language of your chosen elemental companion
(Auran, Terran, Ignan,
or Aquan, respectively).
Your elemental companion
has the normal statistics of an
elemental of its kind.
It does not gain any
extra HD, natural armor adjustment, Strength or Dexterity
adjustment, or extra tricks (it is intelligent enough to follow
your spoken commands and thus needs no tricks). It gains
all other special abilities normally granted to an animal
companion, with the exception of Multiattack.
At 4th level, your elemental grows into a Medium elemental
of the same kind. Its statistics change appropriately.
At 10th level, you can choose for your elemental companion
to grow to a Large elemental of the same kind, with the
appropriate changes to its statistics. If you choose for your
elemental to remain Medium, it instead gains 2 HD, +2
Strength, +2 Constitution, and damage reduction 5/ .
At 16th level, you can choose for your elemental companion
to grow to a Huge elemental of the same kind, with the
appropriate changes to its statistics. If you choose for your
elemental to remain at its current size, it instead gains an
additional +4 HD, +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and damage
reduction 5/ . All these benefits stack with existing statistics
except for the damage reduction.



Shapesand: Shapesand is a special kind of wasteland
soil that is psychoreactive; it can be sculpted into any
form according to your will. The new object is made
of sand, but serves as a normal item of the same sort.
A shapesand hammer functions just like an ordinary
hammer, and a shapesand waterskin is just as watertight
as an ordinary skin.
Controlling shapesand is an exercise in willpower. A
DC 16 Wisdom check establishes control of a volume of
sand based on the shaper’s Wisdom score:
Wisdom Score Controllable Volume
1–3 None
4–7 1-ft. cube
8–11 2-1/2-ft. cube
12–15 5-ft. cube
16–19 7-1/2-ft. cube
20–23 10-ft. cube
24+ +2-1/2 ft per 4 points of Wisdom
If your Wisdom check succeeds, you can reshape the
volume of sand as you desire. Once control is established,
the shape lasts as long as you remain within 100 feet of it.
Thus, those with sufficient patience and strong enough
will can construct small fortresses out of shapesand, even
if they must do so a few cubic feet at a time.
Another character can wrest control of a shapesand item
away from you by succeeding on an opposed Wisdom
check, though the winner’s Wisdom score must be high
enough to shape an item the size of the one contested. For
example, if two characters are attempting to control a 5-foot
cube of shapesand, the challenger must not only beat his
opponent’s roll, but must also have a Wisdom score of at
least 12.


Tarpaulin, Honey Leather (big)
Price: 40 GP
Weight: 1#
(Races of the Wild p. 170)
An upgrade from a winter blanket, wearing a honey leather tarpaulin gives a +1 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to resist the effects of severe weather, or +2 bonus if you're stationary. The big tarpaulin is waterproof, 6' square, and could be used to wrap your equipment to prevent it from getting wet, collect rainwater, cover a 5' pit trap, smother a small fire, or convert it into a float bladder.

2012-07-05, 09:04 AM
Race: Aventi

You might want to consider Human + Amphibious Template (Stormwrack p. 136). You get a slower swim speed (15') and -2 Dex, but get to keep your human bonus feat. Amphibious Azurin (Magic of Incarnum) also gets a bonus feat.

My general advice on feats for Druids:

1st) Extend Spell
3rd) Sculpt Spell
6th) Natural Spell

If you're Human/Azurin, you can add Midnight Metamagic (Magic of Incarnum) at 1st for a free Extend/Sculpt Spell once or twice per day. Add Bonus Essentia for more.

If you don't want to deal with metamagic shenanigans, then some other good Treehugger feats:

Spell Focus: Conjuration (nearly useless) + Augment Summoning (not so useless) + Imbue Summoning (PHBII). Not that you want to waste a lot of buffs on disposable summons, but then again... Action Economy is the Win Button.

Natural Bond (Complete Adventurer). Oh, if only Fleshrakers could swim...

Companion Spellbound (PHBII). Lets you REMF with some decent space between you and your front-line sharktopus.

2012-07-05, 09:31 AM
With that strength, you might want to consider stone armour. (Races of Stone).

Most aquatic animal companions are very fast, so some kind of ride skill would be useful, and a suitable exotic saddle.

Ranged attacks may be at a premium, so aquatic crossbow may be useful at low level.

Visibility is less than on the surface, so check out some of the 2nd level druid spells that give additional senses (Races of the Wild).

The spell's part, and the ride advice I am going to take into consideration but i'm probably going to avoid the crossbow since ranged attacks get serious trouble in water and stone armor while a good idea doesn't feel very aquatic to me but deffinetly something to consider.

And the Natural Spell feat is, of course, a staple.

Naturally ^^

At 5th you can have a large shark as an animal companion (and as a mount) but it may be worth trying to find something that you can also use on land if you need to. Stormwrack has an amphibious template that might well be available for a bear or other animal if your DM allows a bit of fudging.

Hmmm thats not a bad idea though i've been told if I play my cards right I'll be able to get a orca animal companion lol.

Shaaark!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEGClVL9r7k#t=0m15s

No but seriously, I love aquatic druids.

The staples of course are eschew materials and natural spell. No one wants to turn back into a human and go find a handful of acorns in the ocean just to cast a spell you like.

I personally am in favor of ocean spiritfolk, but if you want to go the anthro route that's not bad too.

Alright, first off you def. want to pick up the elemental companion ACF (I'll plant it at the end of my post), this will allow you to have a water elemental for your companion which is just spectacular in a cinematic sense.
Water mastery is an ability which grants a water elemental to flip some of the world's largest ships by level 10, and even until then you are definitely going to be able to stop or slow every ship you ever see.
Water elementals are made of water and travel 90'/round, it can root, push and debuff creatures and casters, and optionally can create a cloud of debris for additional battlefield control and misdirection.

Second, I really love the idea of praising a mangrove goddess (I named her calcabrina in the campaign I'm DMing), mangroves are the liver of the sea, they float endlessly and generate the earth for them to land on, they are such wonderful and divine plants in real life I just love the connection so much. Having a mangrove goddess allows you to contextualize shapesand, which is top 5 of the coolest items you can get in DnD and affordable at level 1.

If you can afford it, start with a havers handysack, also my top 5 (thank me later).

Other good items include:

Aboleth mucus, for it's frankly unfair ability to take away air-breathing privs. to any creature. Only consider if your DM is VERY lenient.

Heathfire, it's essentially LED glowstick jello.

Honeyleather Tarpaulin, essentially a mega-bivysack for the fantasy adventurer, it's multipurpose and has huge aquatic utility. (inserted at end of post)

Sharkskin armor, great material as it's tough and naturally antiseptic, if you don't want to buy it or don't want to keep it just use your shapesand to emulate it (hell yes, shapesand!).

Wings of the sea is a must have for spells.
In addition pick up the Rapid Swimming feat.

You have to understand that swimming is similar to flying except way easier, you don't have a swim quality for turning and such which equates to all swimming = Perfect, this means that the fastest swimmer gains mobility dominance and if you know anything about the history of the global airforce in the last 50 years you'd know that maneuverability trumps all.

Honestly, an aquatic druid with a water elemental is a hell of a lot scarier than it sounds.

Because aquatic natures ally are the minority try your absolute best to make additions to summon nature's ally summon options, for instance a swarm of piranha can be amazingly effective against a caster just due to it's distraction ability. Try and think outside the box when appealing for options, don't think aquaman, think green lantern with sea creatures instead of green energy. Utilize everything given to you.

Every druid reveres nature,
but some pay more respect
to the fundamental building
blocks of the natural
world than to its flora and
fauna. By forgoing her
bond with the animal
kingdom, a druid can
instead take on an elemental
creature as her
Class: Druid.
Level: 1st.
Special Requirement:
Knowledge (the planes) 1
rank, Speak Language (Auran,
Terran, Ignan, or Aquan)
Replaces: You do not gain
an animal companion, nor do
you gain wild empathy.
B e n e f i t : Y o u g a i n t h e
companionship of a Small elemental
(air, earth, fire, or water;
your choice). You must speak the
language of your chosen elemental companion
(Auran, Terran, Ignan,
or Aquan, respectively).
Your elemental companion
has the normal statistics of an
elemental of its kind.
It does not gain any
extra HD, natural armor adjustment, Strength or Dexterity
adjustment, or extra tricks (it is intelligent enough to follow
your spoken commands and thus needs no tricks). It gains
all other special abilities normally granted to an animal
companion, with the exception of Multiattack.
At 4th level, your elemental grows into a Medium elemental
of the same kind. Its statistics change appropriately.
At 10th level, you can choose for your elemental companion
to grow to a Large elemental of the same kind, with the
appropriate changes to its statistics. If you choose for your
elemental to remain Medium, it instead gains 2 HD, +2
Strength, +2 Constitution, and damage reduction 5/ .
At 16th level, you can choose for your elemental companion
to grow to a Huge elemental of the same kind, with the
appropriate changes to its statistics. If you choose for your
elemental to remain at its current size, it instead gains an
additional +4 HD, +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and damage
reduction 5/ . All these benefits stack with existing statistics
except for the damage reduction.

Wow lots of info to take in but I actually love alot of them especially the elemental idea deffinetly something to consider. And I am so going with the sharkskin armor :D

You might want to consider Human + Amphibious Template (Stormwrack p. 136). You get a slower swim speed (15') and -2 Dex, but get to keep your human bonus feat. Amphibious Azurin (Magic of Incarnum) also gets a bonus feat.

My general advice on feats for Druids:

1st) Extend Spell
3rd) Sculpt Spell
6th) Natural Spell

If you're Human/Azurin, you can add Midnight Metamagic (Magic of Incarnum) at 1st for a free Extend/Sculpt Spell once or twice per day. Add Bonus Essentia for more.

If you don't want to deal with metamagic shenanigans, then some other good Treehugger feats:

Spell Focus: Conjuration (nearly useless) + Augment Summoning (not so useless) + Imbue Summoning (PHBII). Not that you want to waste a lot of buffs on disposable summons, but then again... Action Economy is the Win Button.

Natural Bond (Complete Adventurer). Oh, if only Fleshrakers could swim...

Companion Spellbound (PHBII). Lets you REMF with some decent space between you and your front-line sharktopus.

I'll be honest with you Im pretty much dead set on the aventi as my race (love it) The Spell focus + augment summoning + Imbue summoning combo actually sounds like an awesome idea I might go with that. I just looked up natural bond and I like it high on my list of many considerations. And the companion spellbound while an interesting idea since I planned on doing mostly summoning, and wild shaping I would think that would ultimately bog down my spells wouldn't it?

Also I added the amount of gold I have to spend so you all can have an idea of what my budget on things are when you giving advice on things to purchase.

2012-07-06, 09:11 AM
Race: Aventi
Starting Gold: 9,000
Level: 5
Str: 16
Dex: 14
EndCon: 16
Wis: 18
Int: 14
Cha: 12

Strength isn't very important to a druid of you're wildshaping per the PHB. You might get more use out of that 16 if you put it in another stat.

If you are the party diplomancer, consider putting it in Charisma.

If you have trouble deciding what skills to get, consider putting it in Intelligence. A lot of Druids neglect Kn:Nature or Spellcraft or both because they just don't have enough skill points to go around.

Here's another way to go with those numbers:

Str: 1612
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Wis: 18
Int: 1416
Cha: 1214

2012-07-06, 12:34 PM
You mentioned anything but homebrew...but how is your DM about adaptations?

Peruse Races of Stone (yeah, weird...trust me). Look up the Racial Sub Levels section for Goliath Druid.

Show it to your DM. Cross out Goliath and write Aventi. Cross out Earth and write Water.

Very good 'template' for elementally-focused, elementalish-raced druids, and I think most reasonable DMs would let ya do it (I sure would).

2012-07-06, 07:31 PM
Strength isn't very important to a druid of you're wildshaping per the PHB. You might get more use out of that 16 if you put it in another stat.

If you are the party diplomancer, consider putting it in Charisma.

If you have trouble deciding what skills to get, consider putting it in Intelligence. A lot of Druids neglect Kn:Nature or Spellcraft or both because they just don't have enough skill points to go around.

Here's another way to go with those numbers:

Str: 1612
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Wis: 18
Int: 1416
Cha: 1214

The reason I went with low charisma is my character isn't every good socially she's pretty of feral in behavior. She wasn't going to be the party diplomancer she's basically gonna be the animal, and area specialist summoning lots of killer whales, and over sea creatures while wild shaping into the appropriate creature of the situation. :3

You mentioned anything but homebrew...but how is your DM about adaptations?

Peruse Races of Stone (yeah, weird...trust me). Look up the Racial Sub Levels section for Goliath Druid.

Show it to your DM. Cross out Goliath and write Aventi. Cross out Earth and write Water.

Very good 'template' for elementally-focused, elementalish-raced druids, and I think most reasonable DMs would let ya do it (I sure would).

I talked that over with my brother and he liked that idea so we are gonna use it. :D

2012-07-07, 12:50 AM
Stormwrack has some good alternative aquatic summons on page 171 that replace a normal one at each level. Hippocampus in exchange for wolf at first level is a notably good exchange, because it gives a 3hd creature with a cr of 2. You should look at the whole list to see if other exchanges appeal to you.

2012-07-07, 12:59 AM
Underwater you can get some of the best grappling forms (giant squid for instance), so you might consider going that route. Hold the enemy in place while your allies kill it with fire something.

2012-07-07, 12:59 AM
Stormwrack has some good alternative aquatic summons on page 171 that replace a normal one at each level. Hippocampus in exchange for wolf at first level is a notably good exchange, because it gives a 3hd creature with a cr of 2. You should look at the whole list to see if other exchanges appeal to you.

I actually have :3 And my brother siad I can add those or I can add the amphibious creature template to any of the non-aquatic creatures I summon. :D

Underwater you can get some of the best grappling forms (giant squid for instance), so you might consider going that route. Hold the enemy in place while your allies kill it with fire something.

Not a bad idea so basically I wild shape into something with a high grapple and then let everyone else go to town?


Updated first post with changes input, and further suggestions requested and greatly appreciated.

2012-07-07, 11:36 AM
Underwater you can get some of the best grappling forms (giant squid for instance), so you might consider going that route. Hold the enemy in place while your allies kill it with fire something.

Sorry. Water elemental + Shapeshifting into animals.

My brain works in weird ways.

2012-07-07, 02:53 PM

Sorry. Water elemental + Shapeshifting into animals.

My brain works in weird ways.

lol its all good :3 Now then I need some more ideas on equipment, and because of the character concept I am considering taking the feral template for this character any thoughts?

2012-07-07, 11:19 PM

Wilding clasps.

2012-07-07, 11:53 PM
At some point you are going to want to invest in free movement, since not a lot of aquatic things get pounce. Probably anklets of Translocation (with clasps!)

A Belt of Battle is also good, grants you extra actions.

2012-07-08, 12:18 AM
At some point you are going to want to invest in free movement, since not a lot of aquatic things get pounce. Probably anklets of Translocation (with clasps!)

A Belt of Battle is also good, grants you extra actions.

ok so anklets with wilding clasp? :3

2012-07-08, 12:26 AM
ok so anklets with wilding clasp? :3

That would be my suggestion. It gets you a 10ft. move as a swift action, so you can move up to an enemy and full attack.

2012-07-08, 12:34 AM
That would be my suggestion. It gets you a 10ft. move as a swift action, so you can move up to an enemy and full attack.

ok cool and should I go with my idea for the feral template the dm is basically going to run it like this I wont loose a level at the beginign so we will all still be level 5 but I would become level 6 until everyone else is level 7. Plus my stats would change dramatically.


Str: 12 (1)
Dex: 16 (3)
End: 16 (3)
Wis: 18 (4)
Int: 14 (2)
Cha: 14 (2)

Feral Variation:

Str: 16 (3)
Dex: 14 (2)
End: 18 (4)
Wis: 20 (5)
Int: 10 (0)
Cha: 14 (2)

What do you think?

I can get the anklets but not the clasp....yet anyway XD

2012-07-08, 12:37 AM
Not too bad. Just remember that other than your HP and wisdom you aren't getting anything from Feral that works in a Wildshape, since you get the physical stats of what you transform into. However it does get you a small boost to HP and spell DC, and it isn't like its going to damage you too much (you are a Druid).

2012-07-08, 12:37 AM
On a level 5+ Druid, Feral's basically +2 Con/+2 Wis/-4 Int in exchange for a level. I'd skip it.

2012-07-08, 12:42 AM
On a level 5+ Druid, Feral's basically +2 Con/+2 Wis/-4 Int in exchange for a level. I'd skip it.

I was going to take it because if fits the character concept I had in mind and I wont be dropping to level 4 to use it per the dm's system on how they use templates. But its still in consideration.

Not too bad. Just remember that other than your HP and wisdom you aren't getting anything from Feral that works in a Wildshape, since you get the physical stats of what you transform into. However it does get you a small boost to HP and spell DC, and it isn't like its going to damage you too much (you are a Druid).

Oh I know the feral template would be more to help with my survivability & combat when outside of wild shape since starting out I will only be able to wild shape onces a day plus it would fit the idea of the character I have in my head. But like I said above still in consideration.

Also I included a short list of the whole party so we can figure out where I will need to adjust to fill in blank spots.

2012-07-08, 01:15 AM
Remember, at level 8, you can be in Wild Shape 24/7.

And an item that lets you talk in Wild Shape is, what, 500 gp? 700 gp? Something crazy low like that. Even at level 5, get in Wild Shape at the start of the 'it looks like we might run into trouble' adventuring day; that's like 5 hours right there. A 5 hour long buff is PLENTY.

And level 9, if you get Exalted Wild Shape or Frozen Wild Shape, you have a form that lets you talk while in wild shape without a magic item at all.

So you could conceivably be in wild shape all the time, even without access to a Pearl of Speech.

2012-07-08, 01:20 AM
Remember, at level 8, you can be in Wild Shape 24/7.

And an item that lets you talk in Wild Shape is, what, 500 gp? 700 gp? Something crazy low like that. Even at level 5, get in Wild Shape at the start of the 'it looks like we might run into trouble' adventuring day; that's like 5 hours right there. A 5 hour long buff is PLENTY.

And level 9, if you get Exalted Wild Shape or Frozen Wild Shape, you have a form that lets you talk while in wild shape without a magic item at all.

So you could conceivably be in wild shape all the time, even without access to a Pearl of Speech.

Very true lol I already have a good idea on what feats i'll be goinf for as this character levels.

They are Beckon the Frozen, Frozen Wild Shape, Primeval Wild Shape, and extend spell. Not nesecarilly in that order lol.

2012-07-08, 01:40 AM
Don't forget Dragon Wild Shape!

and Primevil wild shape is an epic feat...

Here's an extended character sheet you might want to look at...


2012-07-08, 01:42 AM
Don't forget Dragon Wild Shape!

and Primevil wild shape is an epic feat...

Here's an extended character sheet you might want to look at...


No its not :3 I found it in the frostburn book.

Your wild shape forms are stronger than normal.
Prerequisite: Wild shape ability.
Benefi t: When you assume a wild shape form, you can
opt to cause the shape assumed to be a primeval form of the
creature that existed in the ancient past during a vast ice age.
Doing so grants the new form a +2 racial bonus to Strength,
a +2 bonus to its natural armor, and resistance to cold 10.
A primeval wild shape has a much shorter duration than
normal, since the enhanced qualities of the new shape drain
your supernatural energies much more quickly. A primeval
wild shape has a duration of 1 round per druid level (or per
level of the class that granted you the wild shape ability)
instead of the normal 1 hour per druid level.

2012-07-08, 01:44 AM
Ah, I got confused...

Yea, I wouldn't like that at all...

Level 6: Natural Spell
Levle 9: Frozen Wild Shape or Exalted Wild Shape
Level 12: Dragon Wild Shape
Level 15: Frozen Wild Shape or Exalted Wild Shape

If you want to be wild shape focused... that's most of your feats already spoken for...

2012-07-08, 01:57 AM
Ah, I got confused...

Yea, I wouldn't like that at all...

Level 6: Natural Spell
Levle 9: Frozen Wild Shape or Exalted Wild Shape
Level 12: Dragon Wild Shape
Level 15: Frozen Wild Shape or Exalted Wild Shape

If you want to be wild shape focused... that's most of your feats already spoken for...

Ummm you might want to check out the very first post ^^ -Points to the top- I'm doing a Wild shape/Summoning build and I already have Natural spell due to taking two flaws.

Also I'm considering switch my weapon from a spear to punching daggers what do you guys think?

2012-07-08, 02:49 AM
3 words

rideable attack tortoise

2012-07-08, 03:50 AM
Let's see here...

Assuming you are a Human or Azurin with 2 flaws, that would give you:

4 feats at level 1 (level 1 feat, human feat, 2 flaws)
1 level 3 feat
And the rest would be like what I mentioned, IF you were focusing 100% on Wild Shape. Basically, your level 6 - 15 feats are all spoken for if you want to focus on Wild Shape...


1.) Druids don't need much spell components... there are a few here and there, but they are rare. Mostly, they just need a divine focus of some berries and leaves of the right sort, so you don't need eschew materials.
2.) Your weapons are claw or maybe bite, or if you are low level, Shillelagh... which means a masterwork oak club or masterwork oak quarterstaff, maybe greatclub if you can convince your DM to houserule proficiency / that it works with Shillelagh.

2012-07-08, 03:58 AM
3 words

rideable attack tortoise

just out of curiousity did you read the first post? XD

2012-07-08, 04:08 AM
Assuming you are a Human or Azurin with 2 flaws, that would give you:

4 feats at level 1 (level 1 feat, human feat, 2 flaws)
1 level 3 feat
And the rest would be like what I mentioned, IF you were focusing 100% on Wild Shape. Basically, your level 6 - 15 feats are all spoken for if you want to focus on Wild Shape...


1.) Druids don't need much spell components... there are a few here and there, but they are rare. Mostly, they just need a divine focus of some berries and leaves of the right sort, so you don't need eschew materials.
2.) Your weapons are claw or maybe bite, or if you are low level, Shillelagh... which means a masterwork oak club or masterwork oak quarterstaff, maybe greatclub if you can convince your DM to houserule proficiency / that it works with Shillelagh.

I have already stated I will not be using Human or Azurin Im going the aventi its something I am dead set on. As the Eschew materials that was a suggestion but I thought it sounded odd.

And why am I required to use those? From what I read Druid can use spears too and since we are gonna be under water swinging a club would be bad :p The punching Dagger won't work I double check but the full list of druid weapons is this.

Druids are proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear.

2012-07-08, 07:48 AM
I wouldn't invest in +1 spear. You'll fight in Wildshape; investing in a magic weapon is mostly a waste of time. At this point, I think a +2 Wisdom item is going to be a big consideration simply for extra spell slots (and save DCs; surely you can cast some combat spells too). +2 Con doesn't hurt especially for Wildshape combat either.

Don't forget that Polar Bears can swim, when you get level 8 and can turn into Large forms :smallwink:

EDIT: The reason for Clubs is your level 1 spell "Shillelagh" which greatly enhances a Club-type weapon making them stronger for you than e.g. Spears.

2012-07-08, 05:54 PM
I wouldn't invest in +1 spear. You'll fight in Wildshape; investing in a magic weapon is mostly a waste of time. At this point, I think a +2 Wisdom item is going to be a big consideration simply for extra spell slots (and save DCs; surely you can cast some combat spells too). +2 Con doesn't hurt especially for Wildshape combat either.

Don't forget that Polar Bears can swim, when you get level 8 and can turn into Large forms :smallwink:

EDIT: The reason for Clubs is your level 1 spell "Shillelagh" which greatly enhances a Club-type weapon making them stronger for you than e.g. Spears.

I suppose that make sense ok i'll cut back the spear from +1 to master work.

True but swinging weapons like clubs take huge penalties while under water so using them would be a bad idea.

2012-07-08, 06:06 PM
Which is why... if you are a Druid fighting underwater at level 6, you are fighting as a Crocodile, Squid, or Medium Shark? Or summoning a Porpoise, Crocodile or D3 Crocodiles?

I suppose if you really want a weapon, you get a masterwork shortspear that is entirely made out of darkwood which has had ironwood cast on it by your mentor, or made out of coldwood or duskwood or bronzewood or whatever 'strong as iron' wood you find, and then cast the level 2 spell Brambles on it?

That would also be useful for ape like forms...

2012-07-08, 06:14 PM
Engaging in melee combat? How common. Don't you have a meat shield for that kind of thing?

2012-07-08, 10:41 PM
Which is why... if you are a Druid fighting underwater at level 6, you are fighting as a Crocodile, Squid, or Medium Shark? Or summoning a Porpoise, Crocodile or D3 Crocodiles?

I suppose if you really want a weapon, you get a masterwork shortspear that is entirely made out of darkwood which has had ironwood cast on it by your mentor, or made out of coldwood or duskwood or bronzewood or whatever 'strong as iron' wood you find, and then cast the level 2 spell Brambles on it?

That would also be useful for ape like forms...

Hmmm brambles good idea.

Engaging in melee combat? How common. Don't you have a meat shield for that kind of thing?

We do but Im a back up melee and summoner :3

2012-07-09, 07:50 AM
Oh, if you want to ride your companion/summons use the spell fins to feet and an air breathing spell, even the generic shark mount looks amazing when you give it legs.
Also, you could just buy a tamed sea creature if you're going to always be underwater, pets are pretty cheap gold-wise for what they can do.

2012-07-09, 04:20 PM
Oh, if you want to ride your companion/summons use the spell fins to feet and an air breathing spell, even the generic shark mount looks amazing when you give it legs.
Also, you could just buy a tamed sea creature if you're going to always be underwater, pets are pretty cheap gold-wise for what they can do.

yeah the dm said that we will be under the water more often than not by a large margin lol but good idea thanks.

2012-07-12, 06:45 AM
Ok everyone we are starting the game this friday at 6pm that gives me 38 hours to make any finishing touches so I seriously need your input on what I have made so far.

Race: Aventi (Aquatic Humanoid)
Movement: Land 30 ft/Swim 50 ft
Class : Druid (Goliath substitutes adapted for Aventi & Water)
Starting Gold: 9,000
Left Over Gold: 196 gp & 9 sp
Level: 5
Str: 12 (1)
Dex: 16 (3)
End: 16 (3)
Wis: 18 (4)
Int: 14 (2)
Cha: 14 (2)

HP: 15 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 7 + 8 = 42
BAB: 3
AC: 17 = 10 + 4 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 0
Touch: 13
Flat-footed: 14

FS: 8 = 3 + 4 + 1
RS: 5 = 3 + 1 + 1
WS: 9 = 4 + 4 + 1

Racial Abilities:

Water Spell Power
Human Blood

Class Abilities:

Animal Companion - "Being left open as dm said if left alone i'll be getting an orca in a couple of sessions"
Elemental Companion - Water Elemental ~Replaced Resist Natures Lure per dm descision~
Elemental Bond - Water
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Wild Shape 1/Day


Rapid Swimming
Natural Spell
Spell Focus - Conjuration
Augment Summon


+1 RestFul Sharkskin Armor
Masterwork Spear
Anklet of translocation
Hewards Handy Haver Sack
Bed Roll
Belt Puch
Healing Belt
Vest of Resistance +1
Freeze Powder x5
Rations x10
Replenshing Skin
Sunrod x5





Swim: 8 = 7 + 1 + 0
Spot: 10 = 6 + 4 + 0
Listen: 10 = 6 + 4 + 0
Survival: 12 = 8 + 4 + 0
Concentration: 10 = 7 + 3 + 0
Spell Craft: 10 = 8 + 2 + 0
Ride: 8 = 5 + 3 + 0
Handle Animal: 10 = 8 + 2 + 0
Knowledge Nature: 10 = 8 + 2 + 0
Heal: 5 = 4 + 1 + 0

I know that is alot of information to look at but I am putting it all up so that I can get some final critiques, and possible suggestions for fixes and changes. Thanks again for all the great help, and once again below is a list of the whole party just for refference purposes. ^^

The Party:

Level 5 Aquatic Elf Cleric - Diety: Deep Sashelas - Domains: Knowledge/Water
Level 5 Aventi Paladin
Level 5 Aquatic Elf Sorceress
Level 5 Shoal Halfling Rouge
Level 5 Darfellan Ranger
Level 5 Aventi Druid aka Me :D

2012-07-12, 10:37 AM
Looks good as is but it would look better on a character sheet like one at Myth Weavers (http://www.myth-weavers.com/forumhome.php).

2012-07-12, 12:37 PM
How strong of an influence do you expect extraplanar material to have on the campaign (other than, obviously, your own summons)?

If you expect extraplanar "stuff" to go on with any amount of frequency, and the possibility of planar travel on your own part to be open, one altnerative to consider from the Planar Handbook might be:

Pick up Knowledge(Planes) 8 and Spellcraft 5. If you have 1 rank of Knowledge (Planes), you can take the Druid Planar Substitution level at 4th to substitute Resist Nature's Lure for a +2 to saves vs SLAs of Outsiders (and have Knowledge: Planes as a class skill for that one level).

This will qualify you for the Planar Touchstone feat (at 6th most likely)...you can pay a visit to the Ice Catacombs (P 163) on the Elemental Plane of Water and pick up a nifty limited-use ability.

More important, however, is that this also qualifies you for Stalwart Planar Ally (at 9th). Any time you summon a creature from the plane you're keyed to via Planar Touchstone, it's duration is doubled and it gains a +4 unnamed bonus to AC and Saves for the duration of the summons.

Not a bad boost if you're regularly doing summons.

2012-07-12, 03:52 PM
How strong of an influence do you expect extraplanar material to have on the campaign (other than, obviously, your own summons)?

If you expect extraplanar "stuff" to go on with any amount of frequency, and the possibility of planar travel on your own part to be open, one altnerative to consider from the Planar Handbook might be:

Pick up Knowledge(Planes) 8 and Spellcraft 5. If you have 1 rank of Knowledge (Planes), you can take the Druid Planar Substitution level at 4th to substitute Resist Nature's Lure for a +2 to saves vs SLAs of Outsiders (and have Knowledge: Planes as a class skill for that one level).

This will qualify you for the Planar Touchstone feat (at 6th most likely)...you can pay a visit to the Ice Catacombs (P 163) on the Elemental Plane of Water and pick up a nifty limited-use ability.

More important, however, is that this also qualifies you for Stalwart Planar Ally (at 9th). Any time you summon a creature from the plane you're keyed to via Planar Touchstone, it's duration is doubled and it gains a +4 unnamed bonus to AC and Saves for the duration of the summons.

Not a bad boost if you're regularly doing summons.

could work I'd have to talk it over with the dm since he is replacing my resist natures lure with my elemental companion.

2012-07-14, 12:09 PM
Oh man, looks like your DM doesn't realize druids are already T1 without being given 2 companions.

This is pretty much what a haversack is, the belt pouch indicates you might be confused:



You're not proficient with spear as a druid, only shortspear. You could probably talk your DM to allow trident as a parallel to shortspear even though it's martial, tradoff is more damage for lower range.

With the remainder of your money I suggest you upgrade it with one of these weapon materials to avoid the druids metal allergy:

Zalantar (Darkwood)
Cost: +10 gp/pound
Bonus: Considered Masterwork item. Has Hardness 5, and 10 hit points per inch of thickness.

Lenaer Wood:
Cost: +10 gp per pound of item's normal weight.
Bonuses: -25% weight; +10 ft to range increment for ranged weapons.

If you're going for shortspear or trident Lenaer wood extends your range inc and weighs 1lb lighter (which is a lot contextually).

Also, who do you worship? Do you need a holy symbol? Can this go on a shield?

Also, pick up universal solvent, thank me later ;p