View Full Version : Help Me Build a Tier 3 Nova Wilder!

2012-07-05, 09:57 AM
So, I'm making a character for a level 10 campaign, and the party is low 3-4, and the DM has made it subtly known that we may be challenged. So, my plan: Build a high tier three who Novas, so the other players are still essential. My thoughts so far:

Knowledge Devotion (Or education) to get Know:Planes for Anarchic Initiate, 3 level dip

Linked Power
Metapower (Linking things to Synchronocity)

I believe that I can manifest an opened ended synchronicity (3 points) with a linked Open ended synch (3 points), for 4 points and no focus. If both synchs have determined clauses, I believe I can hit it for 1 power point

1.)Standard Action manifest Synch with a linked synch (The action for the first is "Manifest Linked Synch", for the linked "Manifest Concussion Blast"
1a.)Repeat step 1 5 times.
2.) Move action, take off my coat.
3.) After my turn ends, Anticipitory Strike, get 6 Standard Actions, Use all of them for max Wild/Chaotic Surged Concussion Blasts.

What you guys got?

2012-07-05, 11:17 AM
How are you getting all the move actions to regain your psionic focus?

2012-07-05, 11:52 AM
Metapower removes the Focus component and 2 PP from the cost of a specific Power/Feat Combo

2012-07-05, 12:58 PM
"When you manifest the modified power with that metapsionic feat, you must still obey any restrictions of that feat (for example, expending your psionic focus)."

I think you're thinking of Dominant Ideal.

EDIT: In terms of this setup's efficiency, you're using some of the most game-shattering tools available to psionics, which are really inappropriate alongside most T4 classes, but using them to spit out a bunch of iterations of a really bad blasting power. Assuming you have any offensive/"active" powers known beside Concussive Blast, I'd expect it to get out of hand. If you don't, it's mostly going to depend on how the Synchronicity chaining is dealt with.

2012-07-05, 01:31 PM
Metapower removes the Focus component and 2 PP from the cost of a specific Power/Feat Combo

As eggs quoted above, you still have to expend your focus with a Metapowered Power. Ardents are the only manifester that can get around this restriction, and then only using an ACF, and for a small subset of powers.

Schism and Psicrystal Containment can let you do this loop a couple of times, but not 5 or more.

2012-07-06, 12:11 AM
I am undone! I have misremembered. So, how do I do a decent nova at level 10?

2012-07-06, 01:11 AM
I am undone! I have misremembered. So, how do I do a decent nova at level 10?

Throw a maximized wild surged Mind Thrust. Chances are you'll provoke a "Psionics are overpowered" response anyway, so why aim high? :smalltongue:

2012-07-06, 01:52 AM
Would Midnight Augmentation (http://dndtools.eu/feats/magic-of-incarnum--74/midnight-augmentation--1939/)(Magic of Incarnum) and Ego Whip (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/egoWhip.htm) work for your DM? That's always a fun option if you can get an additional Foci (psicrystal?) and Empower it.

2012-07-06, 10:04 AM
I never thought of Ego Whip as a good Surge power, but that's pretty sweet.

2012-07-06, 01:54 PM
So, my knowledge of how to Nova is apparently wrong, can anyone else tell me how to Nova with the Wilder?


2012-07-06, 02:42 PM
If you just want actions, you could Surge-link Forced Dream to Synchroncity to buy an arbitrary number of standard actions for 4.5 PP apiece (less with Metapower). But at that point, it would be pretty silly to pretend you're even playing the same game as the Warblade/Totemist/Factotum/T3s.