View Full Version : Let's Play The Sims 3: Legacy Challenge

2012-07-05, 11:17 AM
So, I'm feeling bored, So I thought I'd try a let's play for The Sims 3, and since my current legacy family is starting to lag something awful, I thought I'd start a new one, this time with the people of the playground at the head! So, the basic stuff.

Now, the basic premise of the legacy challenge is you start with one sim, on an empty lot and only enough cash to buy a bed and a toilet or about that. From there, you get married, have kids, and gradually reach 10 generations of sims. The rules are here, although the OP is a bit out of date. (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/39862.page)

Now, playgrounders, there are choices you have to make.
1) What Town should we live in? Since I have ambitions and World Adventures, that just leaves us with the 2 base game towns, Riverview and Sunset Valley. Sunset Valley is the classic legacy challenge, and has a lot of choices for potential wives (Husbands, less so). Riverview, on the other hand, I'm less familiar with (so that's a plus, because I get to see new faces), and a better male-female bachelor ratio. On the other hand, the Riverview Sims have less pre-developed personalities from the start, which is both a good thing and a bad thing.
2) What should are founder be like? Male? Female? What should their name be? What should their lifetime wish be (Any lifetime wish that isn't from Showtime, Pets, Late Night, or Generations is fine, although a few aren't actually possible with the default lifespan) (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/lifetimewishes/)? What about traits? (Pick 5) (http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/traits/)
3) There are a couple of optional challenges for the Legacy Challenge, Like Matriachies, Patriachies, and Legacy Traits (Every child needs to have one pre-selected trait, like Insane, Genius, Flirty, or the like). Do we want to do any of these?

2012-07-05, 12:12 PM
I love Legacy Challenges!

....Umm, let's see...
Let's make her a lady, for variety, so doing Riverview works out fine for spousal options.
We need something special, something for when there's something strange in the neighborhood... Someone we can call...

Yes. Paranormal Profiteer this sucker up!
Traits can include eccentric (because inventors are fun) and Genius, which'll cover our bases for work...
Maybe Insane and Brave, too? Mad inventing and courage to stare down ghosts?

Draconi Redfir
2012-07-05, 12:20 PM
Flirty is never a bad trait to have.

i'm going to seccond the female option for no real reason.

if there's a shortage of sims, you can probably make your own family or two and never touch them again before starting the legacy family.

2012-07-05, 12:54 PM
Checking again, it's not so much that Riverview has more options for male spouses, as it is that Sunset Valley has a disproportionate number of single women. Riverview has 9 single adult men (1 has kids, and 2 are rich and off limits, though) and 7 single adult women (None have kids, and I don't think any of them are rich).

Sunset Valley 8 single adult men (Although one has a child, and another is probably gay), and 14 single adult women (Although 2 have kids, one is pregnant, and 1 is rich and thus off limits*)

I'll also probably add a few young couples to ensure there are enough children for future generations to marry.

*Rich sims can't join the household during the first generation. However, I follow the spirit of the rules rather than the letter, so sims who are rich because they live in a big, nice house with a bunch of friends (and thus, won't sell the house off when they move in) are reasonable. Thus, Agnes Crumplebottom is out, but the people in the Roomies household are fine, because most of their wealth is tied up in the house the five of them live in.

2012-07-05, 12:56 PM
Eh, then I guess Sunset Valley's ok, then. The town's not a big deal to me, and I see a lot of Riverview in my Dynasty.

2012-07-05, 01:08 PM
Oh, I almost forgot:

We need to pick the founder's favorite Color, Favorite type of Music, Favorite Food, and what she (Since I think there's going to be a strong preference towards a female founder, especially since female sims are much more fun to make outfits for) will look like, too.

2012-07-05, 01:16 PM
I don't care about most of that stuff, but I vote at least one unusual element that we'll see how long it lasts in the dynasty, like a strange hair or eye color. Maybe both.

...Maybe give her a quirky, geeky look. Because she's a ghost-buster!

2012-07-05, 03:36 PM
Two things;

1) Theme Naming: Theme naming can be fun, but we'd also need a good theme. I'm not going to permanently scar some poor sim for life by naming him Helium, for instance. I thought about music, but I'm not sure Fermata or Allegro is a good boy's name.

2) Potential outfits I made, and a possible look for the founder. These are pretty tentative, especially if I've committed a crime against fashion again.

Everyday Outfithttp://llnw.thesims3.com/sims3_asset/sims3_asset/media/shard000//shard000/651/531/012/00/screenshot_original.jpg
Formal Wearhttp://llnw.thesims3.com/sims3_asset/sims3_asset/media/shard000//shard000/641/531/012/00/screenshot_original.jpg
Sleepwear http://llnw.thesims3.com/sims3_asset/sims3_asset/media/shard000//shard000/647/531/012/00/screenshot_original.jpg
Atheltic outfit (I'm not sure what I was thinking when I made this. Probably that there aren't enough crazy looking outfits in the default athletics stuff, and I haven't found one I like on the TS3 store)http://llnw.thesims3.com/sims3_asset/sims3_asset/media/shard000//shard000/644/531/012/00/screenshot_original.jpg
Swimsuit http://llnw.thesims3.com/sims3_asset/sims3_asset/media/shard000//shard000/649/531/012/00/screenshot_original.jpg

(Note to self: Use photobucket for future uploads. TS3's site has horrible resolution.)

Draconi Redfir
2012-07-05, 03:55 PM
Ohhh i like the purple outfit!:smallbiggrin:

And is Green hair a Heritible trait? If so we should only continue the line with children who have green hair:smallbiggrin:

2012-07-05, 04:26 PM
The purple outfit and the swimsuit are my favorites as well, but the make-up could do with some de-intensifying...It reads a little less "weird tinkerer" and a little more "clown," particularly since all her colors are very strong; I agree that our heirs should be the sims with hair most like their mother.

As for theme-naming....Hmmmm...
Oh, how about Astral Bodies? Stars, constellations, planets, and such related themes. Our founder can be... *deep breath* STELLAAAAAA!

2012-07-05, 10:02 PM
The purple outfit and the swimsuit are my favorites as well, but the make-up could do with some de-intensifying...It reads a little less "weird tinkerer" and a little more "clown," particularly since all her colors are very strong; I agree that our heirs should be the sims with hair most like their mother.

My first thought was, "why am I looking at the Joker in drag?" Ahem.

Maybe a darker skin tone, like a heavy tan. Or something other than green hair for a whiter than white complexion.

If you're happy with the colors of clothing and whatnot then go with it. If you're having trouble picking colors, http://kuler.adobe.com/#create/fromacolor and http://colorschemedesigner.com/ can offer up suggestions about what "works" together.

2012-07-05, 10:59 PM
My first thought was, "why am I looking at the Joker in drag?" Ahem.

Thank you for that... vivid... mental image.

Adjusted Skin tone and Make-up

After: http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/TheGreatSquark/The%20Sims%203%20Lets%20Play/Setup/Screenshot-2.jpg

2012-07-06, 05:51 AM
Thank you for that... vivid... mental image.

What, you didn't see The Dark Knight? :smalltongue: Plus the whole iconic green/white/purple combo. Blame DC.

Anyway, I think the darker skintone works better for your sim in this case, and brings out more face detail like the nasolabial creases but without being over the top.

2012-07-06, 08:08 AM
Actually, I think it was the red lips that Jokered it up for me. Anyway, the new look is much, much better. I approve.

2012-07-06, 12:40 PM
Presenting, Stella Solaris.

She's as bright and brave as they come, but also a bit childish and eccentric, and, well... She thinks people are watching her. Which they are. But sane people don't mock the invisible beings watching them. If they want to survive, anyway.
Blah, Blah, Blah. I'm a big, omnipotent invisible being who can mess around with people's houses. Well I don't have a house, so the joke's on you!

Thankfully, she's been kind enough to model a few outfits for us.
Boooorrring. This outfit is no fun at all. But some people insist that I have to look "dressy" so this is what they're going to get.
I love stars, don't you? They're all twinkly, and the big invisible beings live inside of them
We really don't, Stel-
That's just what you want me to think!
In the future... All people will wear gymnastics clothing. In their spaceships!
Whose idea was it to make all space suits in sci-fi shows look like pajamas, anyway?
The Gnomes, of course!
I like long walks on the beach! The cold sand feels good between my toes, and beaches are where the Moon Beagles come to earth!

First true update will be up later today, after I finish sprucing up the neighborhood.

2012-07-06, 03:36 PM
Update 1A: Moving In

Remember how Stella said she didn't have a house?
She wasn't kidding. Unfortunately, she doesn't have much money either, so all we can do is this.
"Yay! My own little Shack!"
No, it's an outhouse.
"Actually, now that I look at it closer... *gasp!* It's a magical gnome castle!"
Why do I bother.
"I don't know, Why do you bother?"
Rhetorical question. Moving along.
"Moving right along in search of good times and good news, with good friends you can't-"
"-lose. This could become a habit!"
"Opportunity knocks once let's reach out and grab it."
"Together we'll nab it."
First, don't sing in the cab, it bothers the driver.
"Oh, sorry Mr. Cabby Gnome!"
The Cabbies are not gno- You know what, never mind. Just try not to violate copyright again, okay?
"If there's something strange in your neighborhood... Who ya gonna call?!"
I'd ask how you passed the interview, but I know for a fact there aren't any.
"I wonder if the newspaper arrived yet?"
Thankfully. Hopefully now I can get some peace and quiet.
"Hey, there's an article in here!"
Gasp! Who would have thought a newspaper would contain articles?
"By order of our Benevolent Overlord- Such a funny name for the little lemurs that rule over us."
I don't even want to know.
"All sims of adult or young adult age are to provide details about their traits, professions, and lifetime goals for a list to be compiled and distributed in this periodical. And look, there's a list of single men in Sunset Valley!"

Eligible Bachelors of Sunset Valley

-Stiles Mcgraw
Traits: Loner, Loves the Outdoors, Frugal, Light Sleeper, Neat
Age: Young Adult
Profession: Music Talent Scout (Music 4)
Lifetime Wish: Swimming in Cash (Have 50,000 in simoleons)
Personal Information: Wow, I’m… living with 4 other roommates. Who I don’t know. And now I have to fill out a form all about me? Eep.

-Cycl0n3 Sw0rd
Traits: Absent Minded, Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Genius, Inappropriate
Age: Young Adult
Profession: Automated Spell Checker Checker (Journalism 2)
Lifetime Wish: Chess Legend (Master the Logic Skill and become a chess grandmaster)
Personal Information: Man, this is so totally awes- Wait, what is this form about again?

-Jared Frio
Traits: Absent Minded, Good, Loner, Bookworm, Unflirty
Age: Young Adult
Profession: Automated Spell Checker Checker
Lifetime Wish: Profesional Author (Make 4000 Simoleons a week in royalties)
Personal Information: Well… This is awkward. I certainly have no interest in this. I mean, I suppose meeting a nice woman would be great, but that’s not going to happen. My brother gets all the girls, after all.

-Connor Frio
Traits: Heavy Sleeper, Mean-spirited, Innapropriate, Natural Cook, Party Animal
Age: Young Adult
Profession: Spice Runner (Culinary 2)
Lifetime Wish: Celebrated Five Star Chef
Personal Information: Man, I don’t know. I’ve always had an easy enough time making friends, but then they annoy me. What’s the point?

-Christopher Steel
Traits: Angler, Friendly, Daredevil, Great Cook, Great Kisser
Age: Young Adult
Profession: Unemployed
Lifetime Wish: Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium (Have 13 different species of Perfect Fish in fishbowls)
Personal Information: I moved to Sunset Valley, recently, so I don’t really have a job or anything. But it’s nice to have a clean slate, isn’t it?

-Xander Clavell
Traits: Innapropriate, Hot headed, Party Animal, Commitment Issue, Mooch
Age: Young Adult
Profession: Decoy (Criminal 1)
Lifetime Wish: Hearbreaker (Have 10 girlfriends/boyfriends)
Personal Information: Man, my parents are such a downer. So what if all I want to do is party. Is that a bad thing?

-Leighton Sekemoto
Traits: Ambitious, Brave, Good, Family Oriented, Frugal
Age: Young Adult
Profession: Toddler Sports Coach (Athletic 3)
Lifetime Wish: Surrounded by family (Raise 5 children from babies to teenagers)
Personal Information: I’m a single father currently focusing on my career and raising my toddler. Love is not exactly number one on my list of priorities right now, although I suppose it might be one day.

So, voting time! Which man should Stella pursue? Keep in mind that Stiles and Cyclon3 share a house (as do the Frio brothers), so we can get to know both of them a bit better before we make any decisions if either of the two sound interesting. I currently don't have any hard and fast ideas about how the characters are going to be personality wise, so feel free to choose just about anyone as a possible choice if they look interesting, even if their blurb makes them sound like they wouldn't be interested.

Draconi Redfir
2012-07-06, 04:03 PM
I'm going to go with Jared Frio. He mentions how his brother gets al lthe girls, and how he's unflirty, so he should be easy.

... To form a relaitionship with of corse >O8)

2012-07-06, 06:36 PM
Hm. I see a lot of Christopher Steel and his thin lips... So let's go with Jared Frio. Challenging, but worth it.

Bunny of Faith
2012-07-06, 06:57 PM
While I might lean slightly towards Stiles, Jared does seem like an interesting choice. ... Is there not enough room in the tiny shack to put the bed?

Pie Guy
2012-07-06, 11:27 PM
I'm gonna say Cycl0n3 Sw0rd. Because I want people to speak in 1337.

2012-07-07, 12:58 PM
I'm going to be changing the dialogue format a bit so that it's easier to identify who's talking. Stella is purple, much like her favorite color, while I've given Connor Frio Dark Green and Jared is Dark Blue.

As it turns out, there's one more ad in the paper that caught Stella's eye.

Is your house missing vital supplies like bath tubs or electronics? Are the kids getting in your hair constantly? Do you feel like you just need to get away from everything? Then Come to Crazy Dave's Community Center. Featuring an extensive library, an indoor pool, a kitchenette, a wide variety of hobby related objects, a fishing pond, a lovely park, and a community garden, Crazy Dave's Community Center is the perfect place for a young family that has been forced to move onto an enormous lot that left them without enough money to actually build a house!

And as luck would have it, this enormous building that must have been designed by a madman, or perhaps a bored college student who couldn't be bothered to spend time designing a sensible interior, is right across the street from Stella!
Did you have something to do with this?
I have no idea what you're talking about. Why don't you go visit someone else?
That's a great idea! I'll go see if that Connor Frio guy is looking for a friend!
See? I told you the cabbies weren't gnomes.
Silly invisible watcher. The gnomes have to change into sims to drive the taxi, of course!
And this is the Frio house. Lovely, isn't it?
And the interior's not bad either.
Stella, what are you doing?
Swatting a fly.
Oh, okay. That's fine.
That was disgusting.
That was delicious!
Having swallowed a fly (note to self: Keep Stella away from spiders. And birds, just to be on the safe side. Better just keep cats, dogs, goats, and horses away from her too, while I'm at it), Stella rings the Frio's Doorbell, and is invited inside.
Hi, I'm Stella Solaris! I'm new in town, and I saw your name in the newspaper's singles section.
Wait, the lemurs actually published that?
They're trying to mess with my head, I just know it. Simland isn't really ruled by lemurs.
So what brought you to Sunset Valley?
The Invisible star-beings told me to come here, and purchase a giant lot that left me without enough money to buy a shower or a fridge.
You know, that gives me a great idea for a novel! Oh, I'm a journalist by the way.
Wow, a journalist! That's pretty cool!
Thanks. So what do you do for a living?
I'm a ghost hunter!]
Who ya gonna call?
Ghost Busters!
We have GOT to stop making that reference.
http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/TheGreatSquark/The%20Sims%203%20Lets%20Play/Update%201/Ilikeparfaits.jpgMy favorite meal is Parfaits! What's yours?
I'm more of a fish and chips guy, myself. But parfaits are definitely delicious!
Yup! You know, Parfaits may be the most delicous desert on the planet...
They went on like that for a while. I'm not going to bore you with all the details (although Stella must have complimented the Frio house, like, five times), but the topic of astrological signs did come up. Connor's an Aquarius, apparently. Stella's a Pisces, by the way.
Eventually, Connor had to go to the bathroom. While her new found friend was emptying his bladder, Stella got into a fight with her left hand.
The hand won, apparently.
Some gossip was exchanged inside the Frio's bathroom (from the direction, I suspect Stella was talking about me, but I'm big enough not to mind), while Connor's brother Jared trolled forums like the jerk he is.
Somehow, gossiping about players turned into flirting...
Which Connor was surprisingly into.
Bathrooms aren't the place I'd choose to hug, but then, I'm not a sim. Thankfully. After they hugged, Stella asked to stay over for the night.http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/TheGreatSquark/The%20Sims%203%20Lets%20Play/Update%201/ToastandJam.jpg
Stella herself had toast and jam, while the Frio brothers ate Peanut Butter and Jelly.
If memory serves, the topic of blockheads came up during a discussion of some rude behavior on Jared's part. Connor apparently agrees with Stella.
Hands were held...
Yes, Stella?
Huh. Didn't expect to actually get them to kiss this soon.
I don't think Connor minded in the slightest, though.
Stella, being Stella, went to bed in her bathing suit.

Oh, and Bunny of Faith asked about putting the bed in the Outhouse. I'm going to leave it up to you guys which you think is a better layout, although once Stella gets a double bed or a shower, the bed is going to have to go out.

By the way, Connor is probably going to be moving in in a few days. The question is, should Jared come with him? On the one hand, Jared's a jerk (I didn't get screenshots, but he insulted both his brother and Stella). On the other hand, if he does come, the Frio household will be sold, and the money from that should let us add something resembling an actual house. Also, Jared is a natural chef, which means the rest of the household will hopefully put up with him because of his cooking. Also, that fridge you get for reaching the final level of the culinary career is pretty sweet.

Word around the town
By the way, I use several mods in my version of TS3. One of those is the NRAAS Story progression, which replaces EA's Story mode. I use NRAAS because a) Sims don't always reproduce often enough in EA's story mode, which limits options for our heir's spouses, and b) IT also gives me nice little blurbs about stuff that happens around the town. So, here's some of the latest gossip from Sunset Valley.

-Haley Starshine and Elan are now engaged to be married!
-Pauline Wan and Hank Goddard's engagement lasted all of 12 hours of coming into contact with NRAAS's story progresion.
-A Fight between Mr. and Mrs. Marr proved that even if you give two evil sims Family oriented, that's no guarantee they won't start fights with each other.
-Cycl0n3 Sw0rd and Emma Hatch are now dating.

Draconi Redfir
2012-07-07, 07:52 PM
Well Stella and Jared seem crazy. You think we caloud take Conor in, then lock him in a room with no door until he dies? >:D

No one will suspect a thing~

2012-07-07, 08:58 PM
Good call on the mods. I know some people are "purists" as far as that goes. Any chance of getting a full list of the mods you're using? I like NRAAS stuff.

As to the whole chef thing, do you have that "there can be only one" option turned on for the careers at higher levels? I know I had a upper mid level chef constantly kicked down to level 5 until she quit in a huff and went into painting. Just saying, you might be putting up with sourpuss for a long, long time....

2012-07-07, 10:02 PM
I use a memory mod to cut down on auto memories (and frankly, I ought to reduce the stuff it does remember), a mod that makes Romantic Reputation less stupid, a couple of quality of life things form AwesomeMod, NRaas story progression, and a mod that eliminates the stupidity of twins and triplets with different zodiac signs.

2012-07-07, 10:20 PM
I vote bringing Connor in with us, and using him as a general money-slave.

Rising Phoenix
2012-07-08, 06:44 AM
I vote bringing Connor in with us, and using him as a general money-slave.


Also people who play the Sims 3! Yay!

On another note. The game's nearly unplayable for me if I don't use NRASS mods, crashes way, way too often...

Bunny of Faith
2012-07-08, 07:34 AM
Connor is a jerk! Clearly the solution is to build an actual house, and then force him to live in the outhouse.

Rising Phoenix
2012-07-08, 09:29 AM
Connor is a jerk! Clearly the solution is to build an actual house, and then force him to live in the outhouse.

In two out of my 3 plays in Sunset Valley Connor always ends up being BF with my household for some reason. Molly French on the other hand...

As an elder she seduced my main guy...who than brewed a youth elixir for her. She used and became young again. It was all sweet and dandy until after their wedding night...

The next day she joined the mafia...cheated on her husband...and started stealing stuff...

She also got pregnant at the time which was amusing rp wise. (the daughter was my guys though...thankfully)

She got kicked out of the house shortly afterwards...:P

2012-07-08, 05:17 PM
Connor is a jerk! Clearly the solution is to build an actual house, and then force him to live in the outhouse.

:smallamused: Now that is an excellent idea.

Days 2-4

When we last left Stella, she was sleeping over with her new boyfriend. Here's a picture of the happy couple.
By the time Stella wakes up, the sun is already overhead. Breakfast is eaten,
Spoiled PBJs are cleaned up,
Video games are played,
And kisses are shared. Eventually, though It's time for Stella to leave. Sensibly, she decided to visit the library and learn a little more about logic and it's use in fighting ghosts before her first night at work.
Eventually, though, the call comes in.
By the time she's finished banishing a spectral infestation from 2 houses, Stella is famished, and without a fridge, she ends up eating out at Hogan's Deep-fried Diner.
... In her exercise gear, for some reason.
Arriving at the little shack she calls home, Stella pays the bills (A measly 5 simoleons), then goes to bed.
http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/TheGreatSquark/The%20Sims%203%20Lets%20Play/Update%202/GoodnightStella.jpg Good Night, Stella.
Exhausted from a late night at work (A Ghost Hunter's work hours are from 5 PM to 3 AM!), Stella sleeps until, well, noon. Now that it's been a while since she last saw Connor, she invites him out on a date at the library.
So, last night was your first day at work. Catch any ghosts?
Just a couple of spirits. I sent most to the science facility for study, but one was so cute and friendly I just had to keep him! I named him Casper!
(Here's a picture of Casper on the sink, by the way)
You know, Connor, dealing with ghosts has had me thinking...
About what, Stella?
Well, about mortality. Life is really short. We only live for about ninety days, and it seems a shame to waste even one of them.
Yeah, I suppose it does.
Connor Frio, will you marry me?
Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my go Oh my g Oh my Oh my Ohm Ohm Oh Oh Oh
Breathe, kid. Before you invent a new letter symbolizing half an O.
*gasp* I mean... *huff* Yes, Stella, I'll *huff* marry you.
Can't... Breathe...
AFter something like that, I suppose the next thing Stella did had to be a bit of a let down, but...
Drinking juice in the library, Stella? Really? Wait. What kind of library has a bar in it?
Wait, who's that?
Oh, hi Haley! Congratulations on your new marriage, by the way (Haley and Elan seem to have wasted no time in tieing the knot properly, since they were married within a day of their engagement. Granted, that's typical for sims. And they're not the only couple that got married that day; Emma and Cycl0n3 Sw0rd-Hatch were married yesterday as well, although that was to ensure there were no legal complications over the child they're now expecting.
For some reason, Jared Frio showed up at the library as well... Arguing with some random woman.
You make me want to vomit great swarms of big, buzzing flies!
Now that's just cold.
Meanwhile our heroine and her new fiance discussed important details over a game of chess.
So, we're going to do things simple, so no cake, right?
Yeah, that sounds about right.
But we still need the wedding rings, right?
Oh, yes! We can't have a wedding without rings? How else could we say, "With this ring I thee wed!"
And then there's the wedding license to fill out, and-
Yes, dear?
Oh, right, the game. Uh.. Congratulations?http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/TheGreatSquark/The%20Sims%203%20Lets%20Play/Update%202/Promotion.jpg
For some reason, winning a game of chess apparently convinced whatever Arcane organization that manages ghost hunters to give Stella a promotion. She's now an ectoplasm cleaner.
Sadly, work calls Stella away from the date, and with a kiss goodbye,
It's off to the diner.
I don't get it. The diner is being haunted, and yet a huge army of sims descends on it to-
After Stella resolves the haunting (apparently a poltergeist had started flinging soup at the customers), she heads of to the Wan/Goddard household. Apparently, despite breaking off their engagement, Pauline Wan and Hank Goddard are still living in the same house. Sims sure are wierd.
Stella, as one would expect from someone who's deepest desire is to become a paranormal investigator, is unphased by this large congregation of spirits.
Pauline Wan, on the other hand...
6 Upset spirits later, Stella heads home exhausted, stopping only to pick up a couple of apples at the grocery store.
So tired, she's still shaking the sleep from her eyes when a very important guest arrives...
No, not Jared Frio.
Wait, what's he doing?
... Really, Jared, really? On your brother's wedding day?
Undettered by his brother's tomfoolery, Connor places the wedding ring on Stella's finger.
(Ooh, pretty!)
And Stella does the same.
You may now kiss the bride.
Very good.
Umm... That's enough now...
Oh dear. I'd tell them to get a room, but... they don't have one.
Much better. Now, let's give the newlyweds some privacy, shall we?
That's right, clean that up. Jerk.
Well, at least you're nice enough to make a pancake breakfast for your sister in law.
Wait, did Connor leave that out? Huh. Didn't think he was going to get baby fever that quickly.
Wait, wait, wait. How did Stella manage to change outfits while consummating her marriage? Wait, no, don't tell me. I really don't want to know.
While his new bride gets some well deserved rest, Jared begins his first novel, "The Girl who came from the stars." Aww... That's sweet, Connor.

So, here's the new house. The Frios moving in brought a whopping 70000 Simoleons, so I was able to make the new Master Suite very luxurious.
A good look at the new house.
And this... This is why I didn't let Stella design her own bedroom. Don't worry, Mrs. Solaris, you'll get to design your children's rooms.
And this is the rec room, complete with an inventing station for Stella to come up with new inventions (hopefully without burning the house down).

Jared moved into the outhouse, sleeping in Stella's old, uncomfortable bed, right across from the shower with no hot water. Serves him right, knocking over his brother's fiance's trash can on their wedding day.

2012-07-08, 05:42 PM
What an interesting little house. Here's hoping for greenhaired nooboos!

Rising Phoenix
2012-07-08, 07:19 PM
I haven't played the ghost hunter profession just yet...seems like a lot of fun.

Great Update.

Quick question. Does anyone remember the name of the mod that removes the reaction to ghosts? I.e. a mod that prevents Sims from removing their action list to react to wraith grandfather wandering through the house at 3 am...

2012-07-08, 08:33 PM
Hmm... I don't know of one, although I haven't come across that problem either (then again, both of my encounters with ghostly anscestors in recent memory began when I spotted the ghost and told the Matriarch of the family to go talk with her mother or to spend some time with her ghostly husband, and I suspect telling a sim to actually interact with a ghost prepares them for seeing it enough that they'll just treat the ghost normally.

EDIT: Oh, one last thing. New outfits for Stella to wear at inappropriate times!

Stella's ghost hunter outfit
Stella's swimsuit without the Sarong
Something for date nights
A more whimsical choice for formal wear
And a more practical outfit for tinkering

Also, Jared Connor's current outfits that you haven't seen yet.
Jared's formal wear, tweaked to better suit his casual personality
An outfit for athletic purposes
And, a swimsuit.

Rising Phoenix
2012-07-08, 10:40 PM
Hmm... I don't know of one, although I haven't come across that problem either (then again, both of my encounters with ghostly anscestors in recent memory began when I spotted the ghost and told the Matriarch of the family to go talk with her mother or to spend some time with her ghostly husband, and I suspect telling a sim to actually interact with a ghost prepares them for seeing it enough that they'll just treat the ghost normally.

It kinda becomes a problem when you have 3 cats and the two first founders buried on your lot...

hhmmm...maybe I should do a let's play as well...eventually...

Draconi Redfir
2012-07-08, 10:45 PM
Married on the first date. These guys don't waste time do they?:smalltongue:

2012-07-08, 11:38 PM
I really like her tinkering outfit and formalwear.

2012-07-09, 08:27 AM
Married on the first date. These guys don't waste time do they?:smalltongue:

Technically, the rough estimate is that the standard Sim lifespan is 1 day=1 year (Granted, this leads to some stupid stuff like 3 year pregnancies and 30 year old high school students, but it works for the overall total lifespan). So it's not totally unreasonable.

In general, founders in legacy challenges tend to have very fast courtships, simply because the challenge emphasizes having large numbers of kids, which is difficult to balance alongside a job if you don't get right on it.

EDIT: :smallsigh: Wow. I mixed up the Frio brother's first names. Okay, let me set the record straight.

Connor Solaris (ne Frio) is an aspiring author and soon to be Father (Oops, spoiler! :smallwink:) He's a bit of a loner, but ultimately a good guy.

Jared Frio is chef who can't seem to stay in a steady relationship, already has one illegitimate child he takes no responsibility in raising, and has managed to get himself a new girlfriend while his ex was still pregnant. Unless the breakup was caused by him cheating on Claire, which I'm not entirely discounting yet.

EDIT2: Update!

Oh, by the way, meet Oort, Stella's Teddy Bear.
So... the rest of day 4 was kind of uneventful. Jared is learning to paint
You call that painting? My baby sister can paint better than that!


Okay, you're not a baby. Please stop hitting me, sis.

Connor is making good progress on his first book.
He also planted a small garden with the seeds every first level gardener somehow finds in their pockets.
Jared meanwhile, invited His girlfriend out on a date to the community center.
Now where are those two going?
Well at least Jared lets the lady go first...
Oh dear. I have a bad feeling about this.
What the? That was not there a second ago!
Much better
Or not...
Wait a second. Was that the nooboo music box I heard?
How does she do that??
And, it's time to go to bed.
Day 5:
In order to invent things, people need scrap. So, naturally, Stella heads out to the junkyard to salvage some stuff.
For some reason, I don't think she was feeling too well that morning.
She certainly seemed in a hurry to get home.
Connor finished his first novel. The Girl Who Came From the Stars proves to be surprisingly popular, despite, or perhaps because of some confusion over the fact that it's not actually a science fiction novel.
After rummaging through the junk yard, Stella is predictably filthy, and needs a shower. Still not feeling well, Stella?
Stella decides to tinker in the basement with her newfound scrap.
Welding? In a sarong? Who would be so insan- Oh, right.
And... It's... a doohicky. Called the smasher, apparently.
Jared finished his first "painting" by the way. Here it is, hung up in his tiny outhouse.
http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/TheGreatSquark/The%20Sims%203%20Lets%20Play/Update%203/Dreaming.jpgSome Apple pancakes for dinner (I really need to send Jared out grocery shopping)
, and it's off to bed.
*snore* Must... Stop... Invaders... From... Crystal... Cove... *snore*
Tomorrow, Stella. Tomorrow.
Stella, what are you doing up at this time of night?
I don't know. I feel... funny...
http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/TheGreatSquark/The%20Sims%203%20Lets%20Play/Update%203/Knockedup.jpgYay! I'm going to have a nooboo!
Why are you still wearing those shoes?
And... Who on earth wears heels to bed?

So, nooboo (baby) names. If I recall, we were going with a space theme for names, so here's a couple of names.

Girl: Andromeda, Antennae, Cassiopeia,
Boy: Kuiper, Orion, Draco

Draconi Redfir
2012-07-09, 06:42 PM
I say that for the moment we stick to the baisics.

Girl: Luna, Gia
Boy: Sol, or maybe Titan.

Rising Phoenix
2012-07-09, 07:06 PM
I say that for the moment we stick to the baisics.

Girl: Luna, Gia
Boy: Sol, or maybe Titan.

I like this. Going with the space theme:

Girl: Uranus, Astrid, Nephenee
Boy: Kronos and um... Comet? Cannot think of another proper boy's name that's space related.

2012-07-09, 08:24 PM
I'll vote Luna for a girl, Sol for a boy.

Bunny of Faith
2012-07-09, 08:47 PM
I'll vote Luna for a girl, Sol for a boy.

Bugger. I'd like to suggest names, but Luna is an awesome girl's name and Sol is an awesome boy's name. :smallfrown: I vote these two! :smalltongue:

2012-07-09, 09:04 PM
I like those, too. What I'm thinking of doing is grouping each generation's names up by some category, so the first generation can be Stuff in the Sol System, while the second generation might be Constellations or Galaxies, the third might be stellar phenomenon, the fourth might be gas giant moons, and so on and so on.

Draconi Redfir
2012-07-09, 09:04 PM
ditto if my suggesting them doesn't already count:smalltongue:

2012-07-10, 07:33 PM
Another potential male name: Phoebus (sun god)… or maybe Phobos (Martian moon)?

2012-07-11, 02:49 PM
Update may be a few days, as I'm waiting on a couple of modders to update their mods to 1.36

Rising Phoenix
2012-07-12, 07:53 AM
Anyone else notice that update 1.36 significantly makes the game slower?

My launcher installer application and exiting the game now have to run for significantly longer and sometimes crash...

Also the Diesel stuff pack is decidedly meh. At least it has some good clothes for guys, which is the only reason I got it for.

2012-07-15, 07:37 PM
Update 4: Stella is Pregnanthttp://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/TheGreatSquark/The%20Sims%203%20Lets%20Play/Update%204-%20Stella%20is%20Pregnant/1-NoobooNews.jpg
So, apparently, patching the game cancels all the queued actions for your sims, so Stella got to tell Connor about the baby before they went back to sleep.
After getting up and having a nice breakfast, Jared read the pregnancy book he had in his inventory when he moved in.
"Because the expecting mother is now carrying perhaps as much as an additional 30 pounds, she may experience back pain, as well as swelling of the feet." Huh.
So, this was in the book, Connor?
Yes, Stella
And was this also in the book?
Connor is more than a little excited about the fact that he's soon going to be a father. Personally, I'm not sure he's going to feel anything at this point of the pregnancy.
Who's going to be a little genius?
There's no way the baby answered him. Is there?
After Connor is finally finished obsessing over Stella's barely visible baby bump, he decides to examine his new wedding ring. Aww...
Meanwhile Stella gets to work fixing Connor's laptop. I thought he was the practical one?
While Connor tends the small garden, Stella finds a copy of Connor's first book in the mail.
A friendly game of Chess between two newly-weds.
Oh, remember how I promised Stella she could design the baby's room? Well, here it is. Well, at least she didn't go too crazy.
Finally! Jared goes to pick up the stuff the household needs to make something that is not pancakes!
You know Stella, you really ought to read that book, too. It's really quite informative.
That's a great idea. I'll pick up another baby book while I'm out at the bookstore, too!
Oh, right. I forgot about that. Stella got a call yesterday from the book store, asking if she would help clean up the DIY aisle (Apparently people have been trying the techniques in the books out inside the store!) They've offered to pay her for her time, and she can claim any interesting scraps of wood or metal she might find.
His laptop fixed, Jared is now free to begin work on a new book.
After a brief chat with his Girlfriend, Jared heads off to work. You know, I really ought to buy him a better bed. He just can't get enough sleep on that slab of rock I bought Stella back when she was poor.
A couple hours later, Stella is 200 dollars richer, has a nice pile of scrap to tinker with, and she's purchased another book about pregnancy for Connor to read.
Connor finishes his second book, The Life and Times of Benny Madmen, while Stella is out. Apparently he's got a talent for writing novels, because his new novella tops the bestseller list.
I really ought to get Jared to make these guys something that is not breakfast food.
You're right, this really is a great book.
I told you it was, dear.
You know, it says something here about foot rubs...
Well let's see what we can do, then.
After work, Jared decides to invest most of the rest of the household funds into purchasing the diner where he works.
Apparently Jared left his stereo on, because, well...
"Laughing like Children, Living like Lovers, Rolling like Thunder-
Under the Covers. And I guess that's why they call it the blues."
Huh. I never would have pegged Jared for an Elton John fan.
Good night, Stella and Connor.
Good night, jerkface.
By the time they wake up, Stella's belly has expanded quite a bit. Connor thinks Stella looks radiant, but he's a bit biased.
Wow... the baby's going to be here soon, I think.
Who's our little genius?
Oooh, Ooh! Maybe he can become an Astronaut and visit Crystal Cove and fight the Space Weasels!
There are no Space Weasels in Crystal Cove, dear.
That's what the Space Weasels want you to think...
Stella then visits the library to study the finer points of ghost hunting. Did you know you can get promoted just for reading books while on Maternity Leave? Well, Stella can, anyway. She's been promoted to Spirit Sweeper, the fourth rank of the ghost hunter profession. Only 6 more to go, Stella!
Jared decides to check how his most recent attempt at trolling went.
Ha! Troll fail!
Hey, Zelda, you want to come over?
Sure, Jared
While Jared is inviting his Girlfriend over, Connor works on his third novel, a sequel to his recent bestseller. Despite the general tendency of sequels to be worse than the original, Benny Madman Goes to LA sells just as well as the original, and gets excellent reviews from the critics.
So, this is Zelda Mae, Jared's girlfriend. She's a party animal and a bit childish, as well as more than a little flirtatious. She's also very easily impressed by just about anything, but apparently she has a green thumb. She's currently employed in the Music industry, where she hopes to make it big and become a Rock Star.
Some light flirting turns into...
Oh my.
She said yes, by the way.
Stella gets to work on new inventions.
Behold! The Drinking Llama! ...

Yeah, this thing's completely useless
More useless contraptions!
I have no idea what this new thing is supposed to be.
Apparently Connor is keeping his wife's new thingamabobs above his work station. He's a braver man than I, apparently. I wouldn't let those things near me. In other news, Connor's fourth novel, Pineapple Stroodle, is well underway. What it involves... I have no clue, to be honest.
http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/TheGreatSquark/The%20Sims%203%20Lets%20Play/Update%204-%20Stella%20is%20Pregnant/50-Toyforbaby.jpg And it looks like Stella finally made something useful! The baby is sure to love it.
I have got to get Jared to make something for you guys to eat besides pancakes and waffles.
And to the right, you can see Stella's latest invention, the Tentacle Wind-up Don't get too excited, it's not a toy. It just sits there.

And... Occasionally moves on its own. Backing away now.
A discussion of Stella's career prospects.
Some cuddling...
And... Stella's water breaks. Like most Sim fathers, Connor can do nothing but wave is arms wildly and dance in place.
He's so useless right now in fact, that Stella had to drive herself to the hospital. Connor came later, in a taxi.
Meet Sol Solaris!
Hi, Sol!
A picture of the new family. D'aww. Wait, Sol's not in this picture. It is now much less cute.
Welcome Home, Sol.
Oh, and here's Sol's room now fully decorated.
So cute...
Cuteness overload. MY brain cannot handle so much cuteness.
Error: Cuteness Overload. Please Reboot the Penguin
Error: Cuteness Overload. Please Reboot the Penguin
Error: Cuteness Overload. Please Reboot the Penguin

*Penguin Rebooted*

For the record, no, that last picture is not the two of them working on another one. It's just a celebration.

EDIT: On the matter of Zelda; I'm currently of the opinion that Jared should marry her and move out after he's reached Cooking 10 (And thus fufilled his usefullness, and by that point Stella and Connor should have a steady enough income to support themselves. However, we could, if you guys want, move her in. She works at the wrong time, so she doesn't help with baby duties, and few of her traits are very useful to us, and she'd take up room for more babies (and Heir #1's spouse, for that matter), especially if she got pregnant, but then again, I have been pretty hard on Jared.

2012-07-15, 08:52 PM
Eh, we can move him out when he's gotten the best fridge, sure.

Anyway, fingers crossed for little Sol taking after his momma!

Pie Guy
2012-07-15, 09:29 PM
I think our protagonist just built a perpetual motion device... :smalleek:

Draconi Redfir
2012-07-15, 10:01 PM
no idea what to do with Zelda. We could maybe build a seccond house on the propperty to house her and Jared, and they and their kids could become the caretakers of Stella's.

2012-07-15, 10:48 PM
How evil-slavemaster do you want to get? You could bring in Zelda and subjugate her into nanny service. On that note, can we have a household sim actually marry a townie and NOT have them move in? I've never tried. Zelda could also boost gardening when she's not changing dirty nappies.

Plus she's got that childish trait going for her, great for playing with kids. And does she really want to be a super musician, or is it just what she's doing now? Maybe you'd be doing her a favor by bringing her in and having her switch careers. You can always boot their family later. After squeezing the last bit of usefulness out of Jared and taking what you can from ZM, dump them on the curb like last week's trash without a penny or place to stay. *Evil cackle* 'Course I'm not sure what your exact legacy challenge rules are, so YMMV.

Guess who has a wolf/dog companion and likes to torture sims. This guy <---. :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-16, 08:50 AM
Eh, we can move him out when he's gotten the best fridge, sure.

Anyway, fingers crossed for little Sol taking after his momma!

Well, he's already as brave as she is, but on the other hand, he's clutzy enough I don't think we want him inventing things. Don't know about the hair yet.

Draconi Redfir
2012-07-16, 11:53 AM
The hair is the most important part! Any child not posessing the founder's green hair can not be the one true heir!

I also vote that any girls we have be named Lun. It's a shortened Luna yeah, but i know someone who loves kids and is named Lun:smallbiggrin:

2012-07-21, 07:39 PM
Sorry about the delay. Working on a particularly large update, but the game has bugged out and won't let anyone touch Sol for some reason.

Rising Phoenix
2012-07-23, 07:38 PM
Sorry about the delay. Working on a particularly large update, but the game has bugged out and won't let anyone touch Sol for some reason.

Ouch. Have you tried the cheat resetSim?

Barring that you can get mastercontroller +mastercontroller cheats from nrass industries and try resetting via that.

2012-07-23, 08:53 PM
Ouch. Have you tried the cheat resetSim?

Barring that you can get mastercontroller +mastercontroller cheats from nrass industries and try resetting via that.

I found out that the bug only affects the snuggle, feed, play with, and change diaper commands, not hold, and that it doesn't affect the baby at all once the sim has the baby in their hands. I've got the screenshots now, I just have to go through them, sort out which I'm going to use, and actually write the post.

2012-07-23, 10:33 PM
I found out that the bug only affects the snuggle, feed, play with, and change diaper commands, not hold, and that it doesn't affect the baby at all once the sim has the baby in their hands. I've got the screenshots now, I just have to go through them, sort out which I'm going to use, and actually write the post.

Weird. Is this something you only noticed after patching to 1.36? Or have you held off on doing that? Does it affect any other babies that you're aware of, or just lil Sol?

I haven't actually played since patching--4x eats up almost all my gaming time these days--though going into my building/construction world for a spell hasn't yet displayed any major screw ups, even with the mods I use, and I use a LOT of them.

2012-07-24, 12:06 PM
Apparently it's been showing up since arround showtime, although this is the first time I've encountered it. Update is coming along, but I have 234 screenshots to wade through.

Rising Phoenix
2012-07-24, 08:07 PM
Apparently it's been showing up since arround showtime, although this is the first time I've encountered it. Update is coming along, but I have 234 screenshots to wade through.

I've had a bug where the Sims cannot pick up their infants at all... ResetSim usually fixed it, but it came back after a bit.

Thankfully I haven't encountered it after installing Nrass mods.