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View Full Version : TippyVerse PLF (Proxy Labor Force)

2012-07-05, 01:07 PM
So you're a fine young man or woman, possibly the result of advanced breeding (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=248241), and you've just been through the Citizen Advancement Program (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=246310). What shall you do with yourself now?

Work for a living? RIDICULOUS! That's for wastelanders, those not privlidged to live within the great cities of the TippyVerse!

The mundane labor is already handled by permanent unseen servants, an enslaved warforged workforce, recycled citizen remains (skeletons and zombies), and all manner of other forms of putting people out of work. But some tasks require creativity, intellect...expendable XP. For these tasks, we turn to the Proxy Labor Force (since asking REAL citizens to do work would be patently unfair and totally unnecessary). So it's time to get in the PLF queue.

I don't believe that a resetting spell trap can, itself, make skill checks...so we may just have to turn to a member of the PLF itself, crafted by and from one of the city's great archmages. We'll call him Fred.

Fred is a Simulacrum, one with an exceptionally high Disguise check (item-enhanced, naturally), a supply of expendable XP (thought bottles or the like) and the ability to himself cast Simulacrum. His orders are to create Simulacrum of the citizens of TippyVerse from submitted illusionary images and biological samples (and resetting traps that create powdered ruby), and then order them to obey all orders given to them by the individual they were created to resemble.

Once your order for a PLF Simulacrum is completed, he (or she) shows up at your doorstep, ready to perform useful labor on your behalf, with all the capabilities (given a standard CAP graduate) of a 7th level character.

The enlightened archmage council of a given TippyVerse city can construct and equip as many Freds as is necessary to serve the population's needs, and may or may not include additional orders not publically known to CAP graduates.

The construction of non-council approved Simulacrum (or worse still...rogue Freds) could very well be one of the regular investigative tasks conducted by the TippyVerse police force.

Morph Bark
2012-07-05, 07:07 PM
Sounds like there are going to be very, very few jobs left that need to be done by actual people.

2012-07-05, 07:12 PM
Uhhh... getting work done is not hard in the Tippyverse or other spell powered societies...

I have a writeup for this sort of thing as well:
