View Full Version : CON maximizing templates? (3.0/5/p)

2012-07-05, 03:18 PM
I would like to create a character that maximizes the ability to gain permanent boosts to CON right out of the gate through any combination of base race or template.

I'm familiar with some things like the Advanced template from Pathfinder which is nice for the +4 CON (as well as other bonuses), or the (admittedly broken/bent) half-minotaur template providing a +6 CON, but I'm not sure what all is out there.

I've found a lot of templates that focus on other things (shiny, shiny other things) and throw in a +2 CON, but that doesn't really help with the goal of boosting the permanent attribute itself.

Any thoughts?

One build I've been considering (I've got away with much worse in my buddy's campaigns so this is totally playable) is the Tri-Gen Human. The idea being that a bunch of artificers wanted to make a perfected human without mucking around in biology/alchemy. So they used a spell to convert a human into a machine form that suited their talents of artifice, plied their expertise of mechanical perfection on the automaton through three stages of advancement, and after achieving a reasonable facsimile of perfection within the bounds of their abilities, magically converted the automaton back into human form.
Warforged -> 2x Advanced Template -> Incarnate Construct -> 1x Advanced Template for (+1) LA. The end result is (+14 CON, +10 WIS/CHA, +12 the rest (but not Mary Anne), and +6 NA).
Obviously template use is controversial, but this will work in the logic of our group as the template does not change the character's type to something that precludes the application of the template (e.g. type changing to monstrous humanoid, undead, etc.). It's definitely not even the worst Incarnate Construct I've done before... http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/photopost/data/578/DSC01090.JPG ...ahem.

2012-07-05, 03:39 PM
Dragonborn template, of course. Apply it to most races for a+2 Con, -2 Dex. Fair enough, ey? Also, Arctic. -2 Cha, +2 Con. Even better! Neither has a Level Adjustment. Then take your pick of Lesser Ooze Paragenasi, (-2 Cha,) Lesser Ice Paragenasi, (-2 Dex and Cha but +2 Wis,) or Lesser Maeluth, (-2 Dex,) to get a race with a +4 Con and no LA.

This is with no LA and without applying advanced to a PC, (which I think is against it's intent,) AND the idea of stacking the advanced template which I wouldn't allow. Also, any build that gets +12 to all stats and +6 AC for 1 LA should be thrown right out, really.

2012-07-05, 03:48 PM
Lloth Touched. Makes you evil, but you gain +6 Str and Con for a +1 LA, plus immunity to fear, and +4 to hide and move silently checks. Pretty much OP

2012-07-05, 03:56 PM
So lesser Maeluth, Lloth touched, the evil version of Dragonborn I can't remember, and Arctic, ends up with the same con bonus for the same LA and no shaky rules interpretations! Of course, don't let this mess up your concept if you want to be a warforged.

(You could, I guess, go warforged incarnate construct and apply planetouched non-lesser Maeluth and Lloth touched as free templates but it gets so cheesy at that point, jeez. I would say ditch Maeluth and grab Half-Minotaur but you run into issues as far as the order negative LA get applied. But I can't remember if Dragonborn can even be applies to outsiders so it may be just as shaky, ruleswise.)

2012-07-05, 04:25 PM
@Sowz, Those are nice, but I'm trying to find something a bit more bang-for-the-buck. In your second response, what do you mean about evil dragonborn? I wasn't aware that there were separate versions for good and evil.

@Max, I know of Lolth-touched, but I really like to avoid builds that pigeonhole the character into an alignment. It's the same reason I tend to avoid playing paladins for the most part. I do grant that it is a nice template.

2012-07-05, 04:26 PM
Lolth Touched is probably the best one at +6 Con for +1 LA.

There was a template that was just called "Blooded" or "Bloodied" that I think had + con also. I can't remember which book it was in though.

2012-07-05, 04:28 PM
I saw blooded on a build somewhere once, but no mention where it came from there either. I always thought blooded was just a NWN2 background feat.

Edit: found this: http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/bloodedone.shtml
Although, that site may be a bit ridiculous... I refreshed their Martial Arts Attack Name Generator a few times and got this: http://ctrlv.in/99343

2012-07-05, 05:23 PM
Be a Shambling Mound (LA+6). Get a continuous item of Thunderhead (8,000 GP). Thunderhead will do 1 point of electricity damage. Each time a Shambling Mound takes electricity damage, it gains 1d4 Constitution, which lasts for one hour. An hour is 600 rounds. That's 600 points of electricity damage from Thunderhead. This will give you an average of 1,500 temporary Constitution as long as you wear he item of continuous Thunderhead.

2012-07-05, 06:34 PM
@Sowz, Those are nice, but I'm trying to find something a bit more bang-for-the-buck. In your second response, what do you mean about evil dragonborn? I wasn't aware that there were separate versions for good and evil.

@Max, I know of Lolth-touched, but I really like to avoid builds that pigeonhole the character into an alignment. It's the same reason I tend to avoid playing paladins for the most part. I do grant that it is a nice template.

I think it is a fluff difference only. Like, Dragonborn are typically Bahumut but there was something somewhere on evil versions. This is just my memory, though, I could be totally wrong. But I recall that in the initial entry, Dragonborn are non-evil. Maybe not.

Do you not like the fluff of dragonborn? I mean, since there is no LA and no limit on templates, you aren't really spending a buck on Dragonborn or Arctic at all. Dragonborn has some drawbacks, I guess, but Arctic is just a Con for Charisma trade. I take it when possible for most builds, really.

The lesser planetouched where just the highest Con I could think of for a race without an LA. But yeah, there are definitely options with more raw power.

2012-07-05, 06:47 PM
Base Creatures:
Mongrelfolk: +4 Con, +0 LA

Dragonborn: +2 Con, +0 LA
Draconic: +2 Con, +1 LA
Feral: +2 Con, +1 LA
Blooded One: +4 Con, +1 LA
Mineral Warrior: +4 Con, +1 LA
Lolth-Touched: +6 Con, +1 LA