View Full Version : A Tour of Creation IC

2012-07-05, 07:36 PM
Beyond the dreams of avarice; these are the only words to describe the Carnival. Four young heroes find themselves surrounded by this opulence, unaware that this party will serve as a catalyst setting into motion a chain of events that will, for good or ill, forever change the face of Creation.

First we will focus on the young Oracle. A man well accustomed to the opulence of Heaven. Perhaps this is why he alone among our heroes notices the Shadow. A murky silhouette seen only from the corner of his eye, however what little is seen is disturbing enough. The Shadow is heading away from the festivities and just as it is about to leave the young Viziers field of view it shifts growing a second set of arms.

Next is the Golden Hawk, mother and priestess, who upon entering the Celestial city with her young daughter was immediately escorted to a small feast. The feast sits below the raised throne of the Unconquered Sun who sternly observes the festival. Our heroine finds herself seated next to a massively tall Tengese man in golden robes.

Then there is the healer, who shortly after passing through the Calibration Gate bumps into a disheveled god. The god looks upon Ferrus with indignant irritation that is after a mere moment replaced with sheerest elation. “You’re perfect! Come with me.” With that the strange god resumes walks away from the Twilight.

Last but not least is the conwoman, who has stolen the identity of one of the guests in order to gain entrance to the Carnival. What she hopes to gain none but her know, but what is certain is that she will shake the pillars of Heaven and Creation in pursuit of her desires.

Sorry if the writing quality is less than stellar, writers block hit me hard. This is also partially why the thread is late. The other part is that I forgot to account for Independence Day in my plans.

Also, I wanted to start with a plot hook for everyone but I just couldn't come up with one for Ivory Rose. So that's why there's no real hook their. My suggestion for a course of action for her is to invent/pick a god for her to con and than begin conning them. I'll work it into the plot somehow.

2012-07-05, 08:03 PM

The Zenith Caste eats at the feast, both enjoying the food and keeping an eye on her daughter, both to make sure she doesn't commit any social gaffes and to make sure no one tries to take advantage of the God-Blooded child.

She notes the Tengese man in golden robes, and turns towards him. "I apologise, but I do not know your name. I am Caera, and this is my daughter, Lydia."

Caera's being polite here... so if you want a roll, Charisma+Socialise


2012-07-05, 08:22 PM
Malachite Brother Silken

The young Oracle, upon seeing the Shadow, frowns.

Well, this puts a damper on my plans.

The Carnival of Meeting. One of the best times to form connections with mortals with power across Creation, to find those young, aspiring Lawgivers needing guidance...and to shield them from the Bronze Faction who sought much to do the same for the opposite purpose.

Politely distangling himself from a debate with a priest of....some local river or other, Brother Silken, priest of Jupiter (the best lies were those that were mostly true, after all), walks (swiftly, but with dignity) towards the Shadow, an amazed and earnest smile upon his face, and a simple wooden walking stick at his side.

"Wow!" he says, approaching the Shadow. "I've never seen anything like this! Are things always like this in Heaven, Oh Lord of...Night? Darkness? Dreams?

Manipulation+Investigation for my query to find out who he is, and an Int-Occult roll to do the same. If he has Measure the Wind, then he'll know I'm an Exalt if he uses it, though...

Spending 2 motes to reduce the target numbers of Investigation and Occult by 1 each. First set of three stunt die is Investigation, second is Occult. [url="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3595969/"here[/url]

Investigation: [roll0] 6 + stunt successes

Occult: [roll1] 4 + stunt successes

2012-07-05, 09:07 PM

Startled the Shadow turns to face you. You recognize him as Five Days Darkness unofficial god of Calibration. With irritation plain on his face he tersely replies. "Surely you would know as well as I Oracle. Now if you don't mind I have some pressing business to attend to."

Roll Perception+Awareness


The eight foot tall Tengese man smiles at you and inclines his head politely. "Ah, yes Caera. I am so glad to see that you were able to join us. I am known as the Golden Lord."

2012-07-05, 09:22 PM
Caera nods back politely. "One of the gods of An-Teng, if I remember correctly? It's a pleasure to meet you, Golden Lord, and a pleasure to be here for the Carnival."

2012-07-05, 09:40 PM

"Quite right. Now lets see if my memory is as good. Formerly a priestess of Alak and one of the co-rulers of Tiran. You were driven out of the city after you were Exalted by the Unconquered Sun during your defense of the city against Raksha raiders. Is that all accurate?"

2012-07-05, 09:46 PM

The Zenith Caste smiles. "That's about right, although I left voluntarily so as not to bring the wrath of the Realm down on my home."

She sips at the wine, her eyes wary as she asks her next question. "I assume you also know about Lydia's father, then."

2012-07-06, 07:11 AM
Ivory Rose

Ivory Rose had a mental checklist of things Not To Do. It went something like this:

Refrain from getting distracted by drink, gold, jewels, men or drugs, especially since that incident in the East,
Do not Exalt or flare your big shiny peacock golden thing, therefore blowing your cover,
Do not get drunk.
Do not get drunk.
Do not get drunk.
Hey, was that some Sake?

The conwoman took a polite sip of the drink, glad that her persona allowed her to indulge a little in her usual lack of self control. Ivory had money: that was fine. But the first part of any long con was getting an 'in' with the mark, or even their high class of society in general, which she did not have in Yu Shan. Therefore, the trick was a simple one. Find your mark, a venal goddess of rice, and steal something valuble from her: in her current state, no difficult task. Run to someplace where you could not be seen, and change your disguse into a concerned ciziten who managed to retrive the item from the theif, at some material cost to herself: get refunded for something you never lost, and some high society apprication on top of it. And then-

A fair bit behind Ivory Rose, a stallholder notices that a bottle of sake was mysteriously missing from his collection. "Stop! Theif!"


Time to get started.

White Forest, theiving brat (and completely unrelated to the respectful and noble Ivory Rose, how dare you imply!) takes a swing from her Sake for courage, turns, trips, collides with Graceful Heron, Most Respected Chef And Noble Personage of Yu Shan, tumbles to the ground with her, gets up, waves the scroll of secret recipies at her, and smiles. "Magpie will pay a mint for this! Thanks, lady!" And then she's off.

Bottle of Sake still in hand.

Using Flawless Pickpocketing Technique (3m) to ensure a success. If opposed by charm, here's the roll.
Dexterity+Larcenry(10): [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4][roll5][roll6][roll7][roll8][roll9]
Stunt die (use from left to right): [roll10][roll11][roll12]
Ivory Rose is currently using Flawlessly Impenetratable Disguise, which she shall drop when appropiate.

2012-07-06, 07:13 AM

Startled the Shadow turns to face you. You recognize him as Five Days Darkness unofficial god of Calibration. With irritation plain on his face he tersely replies. "Surely you would know as well as I Oracle. Now if you don't mind I have some pressing business to attend to."

Roll Perception+Awareness

Brother Silken nods, a mournful expression on his face.

"I apologize, Five Days Darkness for my initial deception."

He continues to walk with the dark god regardless.

"I merely thought you might like to speak with someone who din't know of your...condition, as it were. Please. Let me make it up to you in some way."


2012-07-06, 01:02 PM

The dark god sighs quite loudly. "Fine. I suppose that if you were to convey my best wishes to my elder brother that would be sufficient." He then stops walking and quite pointedly waits for you to leave.

I forgot to mention this before but your first two rolls were successful 1 die stunts. Recover 4 motes. Also roll Perception+(Investigation or Socialize)

Ivory Rose

White Forest easily makes away with the recipes. However she was neither discreet nor quiet and soon finds herself being pursued by the local law enforcement; which is to say she a nine foot tall orichalchum lion.

This an Extended Opposed Roll of Dexterity+Athletics. Cumulative Difficulty is 5. Roll Interval is five minutes. Normally for a chase I would have you roll Stamina, but do to the fact that the streets are completely packed with people due to the Carnival I ruled that maneuverability would be more important than endurance. Also the difference in your dice pools would have just been depressing.


"Yes, I'm aware of your child's heritage. However there is something else I wish to discuss with you. Are you familiar with the nation of Skyllia?"

2012-07-06, 01:48 PM
Ivory Rose

Okay, step one of plan working. Step two of plan: survive step one.

Even in her current persona the conwoman cannot repress a fearful whimper at the magnificent sight of Yu Shan's security, but she'd already planned for this: it's a busy street of Yu Shan, one of the busiest, and in a crowd like this her relative manuverability and size would be an advantage over the rather terrifyingly large lion.

The really quite terrifyingly large and already moving lion- enough time spent reflecting on the size of the lion!

Pressing her advantages, Ivory jumps to the side to avoid the big nasty swipe of those nasty orichalchum claws and rebounds from the nearby wall and into the biggest patch of crowd. Landing next to a batering merchant, she slips her hand into his pouch and liberates a few jade trinklets, wisking a necklace from a nearby cortasean as she runs on, and so forth. Ivory dodges through the crowd, followed by cries of "What?", "I just had it-", "My jewels!" and the ever popular "Stop theif!". The conwoman exits the crowd a little heavier and noticably richer, as the people behind her sow confusion by variously looking for their lost items, brawling some suspicious nearby or trying desperately to run after their stolen goods, all impeding the progress of one increasingly frustrated lion.

Yes, that would probably do nicely.

Shedding riches, Ivory draws in a breath and runs like she's being pursued by a nine foot tall beastie.

Rolling to rob the crowd if needed (Dexterity + Larcenry, 10): [roll0]
(Dexterity+Athletics, total 7): [roll1]
Stunt die, use from left to right: [roll2]

2012-07-06, 06:19 PM

The wariness in Caera's eyes passes as the Golden Lord passes over Lydia without incident. She tilts her head slightly. "Skyllia... I'm afraid not."

2012-07-06, 06:24 PM
Ivory Rose

The Celestial Lion growls in frustration at the mass confusion Ivory Rose leaves in her wake. Still the lion is a professional and does not allow the unforeseen circumstance to deter it. The Celestial Lion picks up speed running headlong towards the crowd. Just as it is about to run headlong into a very distraught god of paperwork it tenses it's leg muscles and leaps. Soaring over the crowd the heavenly cop lands with all of the grace of its Creation born cousins and once more rushes off after its prey.


"It's a small nation up near Whitewall. They recently lost the entirety of their ruling family to disease and are now on the brink of civil war."

2012-07-06, 06:37 PM

The Lawgiver frowns in thought. "I assume it's vital it not fall into civil war. What would happen if it did so?"

2012-07-06, 06:54 PM

The Golden Lord nods in affirmation and says. "In addition to all the regular nastiness that goes along with civil war, brother killing brother and such, there is also the threat of invasion. The Bull of the North has wanted to incorporate Skyllia into his empire for a long time now and a civil war would be the perfect opportunity for him to do so. The Skyllians are rightfully fearful of this, and thus some daring individuals made the harrowing trip to An-Teng to seek my aid."

2012-07-06, 07:07 PM

The dark god sighs quite loudly. "Fine. I suppose that if you were to convey my best wishes to my elder brother that would be sufficient." He then stops walking and quite pointedly waits for you to leave.

I forgot to mention this before but your first two rolls were successful 1 die stunts. Recover 4 motes. Also roll Perception+(Investigation or Socialize)


"I'm afraid, Five Days Darkness, that I unfortunately don't have access to the Jade Pleasure Dome. Meeting with one of the Incarnae, even the Lady Jupiter herself, would be nigh impossible for one such as me."

He pauses for a moment.

"Perhaps I can assist you in your current endeavor?"

Perception+Investigation:[roll0], spending 2 more motes to reduce target number to 5.

2012-07-06, 07:17 PM

The Southern woman pauses, thinking for a moment before replying. "While I would be honored to assist, Golden Lord, I'm not sure that the people would be willing to accept my help. After all, their request to you is born partially out of fear of another Lawgiver."

2012-07-06, 07:25 PM

Five Days Darkness looks you straight in the eyes and says. "What are you playing at, Vizier? You know as well as I that the Unconquered Sun and the rest of the Incarnae always attend the Carnival." It lasts only a moment but you notice that whenever "Five Days Darkness" mentions The Unconquered Sun he makes a face as if he has tasted something most foul.


"If you fear a man with a sword does that fear then drive you to refuse when someone offers to arm you in kind?"

2012-07-06, 07:28 PM

The Zenith Caste nods, conceding the point. "Very well. I'll help stabilise Skyllia, and help them defend themselves from the Bull."

2012-07-06, 07:51 PM

Five Days Darkness looks you straight in the eyes and says. "What are you playing at, Vizier? You know as well as I that the Unconquered Sun and the rest of the Incarnae always attend the Carnival." It lasts only a moment but you notice that whenever "Five Days Darkness" mentions The Unconquered Sun he makes a face as if he has tasted something most foul.


"If you fear a man with a sword does that fear then drive you to refuse when someone offers to arm you in kind?"

Malachite Lotus

"And that they are always preoccupied with the Contest between Saturn and your progenitor. But I find myself bound by my oath, Five Days Darkness. I will seek the Incarnae."

Bowing to the unofficial God of Calibration, Malachite walks out of sight...and then doubles back. He isn't nearly done yet.

Activating Underling Invisibility Practice, and then stalking the god.

2012-07-06, 08:26 PM

"Excellent, come see me when you are ready to depart. In the mean time I will enjoy the feast. It has been much to long since I have had such fine food."


After you leave Five Days Darkness continues to walk in the direction he had been heading for a few minute before ducking into an alley. Inside the alley he nervously looks for any onlookers; his eyes passing over you unseeing several times. Once he has convinced himself no one is watching he inclines his head and his form dissolves into shadows. After a moment he reappears, only now he bears the face of the Sun.

You continue to follow the imposter along as he travels along extremely circuitous paths. After some time the reason for this becomes clear, he is avoiding the slums. His disguise is conspicuous enough in the nice parts of the city, he obviously doesn't want the attention that the Unconquered Sun would attract in the slums.

After about a half an hour the architecture of the Heavenly City starts to change. It's subtle at first a building here or there that doesn't quite look right in your peripheral vision but seems perfectly normal when viewed straight on. But over time it becomes more blatant as the building twist and curve meeting at impossible angles. There is a beauty of sorts to the mad architecture but a disconcerting one. As the buildings become stranger and stranger inhabitants appear fewer and farther between. Until at last none can be seen except the Shadow himself.

After what seems an eternity in the alien and abandoned district of Yu-Shan a small unit of Celestial Lions comes into view. There are fifteen in all and each of them looks to be grizzled veterans; even by the standards of Celestial Lions. The lions are guarding the entrance to a massive building of moonsilver and orichalcum, easily fifty stories tall. The Shadow approaches the Lions whispering something inaudible to them before entering the building.

2012-07-07, 01:33 AM
((Sorry, computer was without power for a day and a half while I fixed my bedroom's wiring))


Ferrus tries to apologize, startled.
"Oh, oh! So, so sorry, uh, Sir, I was just-"
And now he's even more confused. He follows after the god.
"What, uh, what exactly do you mean 'I'm perfect'?"

2012-07-07, 08:36 AM
Ivory Rose

Guards were supposed to give up, out of breath, after your first cunningly intelligent plan. They were not supposed to be competent. Neither were they supposed to be nine-foot tall lions, a fact that Ivory Rose's mind kept returning to, especially as one soared majestically over her perfectly-prepared chaos.

It just wasn't fair.

She runs on, looking for something that she can use. And, lo and behold and praise the gods (possibly literally, in this case: it was likely a god who had ordered the shipment) for there was a cart of alcoholic spirits in front of her and a street performer doing firebreathing tricks rather nearby. Ivory lept onto the cart, dislodging the sleeping driver with a "Sorry!" and flung out half the contents of her Sake bottle towards a gout of flame from the firebreather.

Fire blossomed. The horses pulling the cart whinnyed, and bolted. Ivory hung on for dear life. The next few seconds, in the time between now and the inevitable crash, would be vital.

Firstly, stuff the recipie scroll underneath all her clothes, where it would hopefully be kept mostly dry. Take off the outer coat of her disguise and toss it over the head of the nearest horse, hoping the lion wasn't close enough to see this. Then, with a flinch at what she was about to do, Ivory undid the rope holding that horse to the cart.

With only one panicked animal pulling it, the cart could not remain upright for long. Even in Yu Shan the laws of gravity are a constant. It tilted, sending Ivory and a cascade of drink flooding to the floor with an accompaniment of splintering and cracking. There were yells, confusion and a general noise about town.

In the middle of a stunned, drink-drenched huddle of people, one of the women stood up and pointed a wavering finger at a fleeing horse with the theif's cloak draped over it. She was taller than the theif, and had a more pleasant complexion, and generally lacked the edged and pockmarked features that the upper classes expected from a petty lawbreaker. "Theif!" She screeched. "She took my necklace! It was a gift from my husband!"

Ivory is dropping her Flawless Disguise charm to return to her normal form. Whether or not the lion saw her doing so would depend on how well the athletics roll went, I think.
(Athletics + Dexterity, total 7) [roll0]
Stunt Die for Athletics: [roll1]
(Charisma + Socalize, for the lie, total 8) [roll2]
Stunt Die for Socalize: [roll3]

2012-07-07, 09:01 AM

"Excellent, come see me when you are ready to depart. In the mean time I will enjoy the feast. It has been much to long since I have had such fine food."


After you leave Five Days Darkness continues to walk in the direction he had been heading for a few minute before ducking into an alley. Inside the alley he nervously looks for any onlookers; his eyes passing over you unseeing several times. Once he has convinced himself no one is watching he inclines his head and his form dissolves into shadows. After a moment he reappears, only now he bears the face of the Sun.

You continue to follow the imposter along as he travels along extremely circuitous paths. After some time the reason for this becomes clear, he is avoiding the slums. His disguise is conspicuous enough in the nice parts of the city, he obviously doesn't want the attention that the Unconquered Sun would attract in the slums.

After about a half an hour the architecture of the Heavenly City starts to change. It's subtle at first a building here or there that doesn't quite look right in your peripheral vision but seems perfectly normal when viewed straight on. But over time it becomes more blatant as the building twist and curve meeting at impossible angles. There is a beauty of sorts to the mad architecture but a disconcerting one. As the buildings become stranger and stranger inhabitants appear fewer and farther between. Until at last none can be seen except the Shadow himself.

After what seems an eternity in the alien and abandoned district of Yu-Shan a small unit of Celestial Lions comes into view. There are fifteen in all and each of them looks to be grizzled veterans; even by the standards of Celestial Lions. The lions are guarding the entrance to a massive building of moonsilver and orichalcum, easily fifty stories tall. The Shadow approaches the Lions whispering something inaudible to them before entering the building.


Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The lions are arbiters of Heavenly Justice. As such, he should be easily able to slip through. What mere neophyte, mere student could be better than such magnificent creatures?

2012-07-07, 09:35 AM
Caera nods, turning to her own meal.

2012-07-07, 10:45 AM
Ivory Rose

The massive lion dashes right by you in hot pursuit of the horse. Meanwhile various lesser gods get to work putting out the fire.


For a moment it looks as if the Lions are about to let you pass. Then at the last minute the largest of them moves to block your path. The Lion bares it's teeth and growls.. "I suggest you state your business here quickly. We do not take well to snooping."

Yeah, they spent the wp to resist as guarding this place ties into their Motivation.


You follow the god as he weaves his way though a mob of confused and indignant divinities. Apparently their had been some sort of thief. In reply to your question the strange god turns back and says. "You're one of the Chosen, a Solar if I had to guess, but just as important you are a doctor. That makes you perfect. But out on the street is really not the best place to discuss this. Come along." With that he resumes his determined march though the crowd.

2012-07-07, 10:57 AM

He nods in acknowledgement.

"Is not the knowledge that Five Days Darkness is a creature of darkness currently in Yu-Shan enough for me to be suspicious of his presence? Surely the lions of Heaven have such a reason for their trust of such a renegade god?"

Manipulation+Investigation, spending the 4m+1wp for an Auspicious Success. 7 successes.

2012-07-07, 11:10 AM

The all fifteen lions stare at you for a minute dumbfounded. Finally the leader says. "What in the name of Sol Invictus are you going on about? Even if one of my comrades at the gates would allow a Creature of Darkness into Yu-Shan, which I doubt, what in blazes does that have to do with you being here?"

2012-07-07, 11:53 AM
Malachite Lotus

Right. Shapeshifting.

"...That wasn't the Unconquered Sun who just walked through the door."

He waits for a second, building tension.

"That was his shadow. Now, if I'm wrong, then at the very least, I'm guilty of several crimes under the Laws of Heaven, and I will be punished to the fullest extent of the law unless the Unconquered Sun grants me mercy. But if I'm right, then you have just let a creature of darkness into this building."

He looks the lead Lion straight in the eye-not to show that he has no fear, but to show that he is firm in his convictions despite his fear.

"Now are you going to waste time with me here, or do your job and send a squad to investigate?"

2012-07-07, 12:17 PM
Ivory Rose

Ivory Rose looks down morosely at her clothes. The fine courtly silk had cost her a lot of mone- had cost other people a lot of money to buy, which she had promptly stolen, but the point was she had looked fabulous in it and it just didn't have quite the same effect when stinking of drink. At least it would possibly help her sell the con further.

Ivory retrives the scroll, pleased to see that it is barely damp and the seal is unbroken. That at least, was good. Absent-mindedly picking up some jewels left on the ground and hiding them within her clothes, she goes off to find her mark and make sure this was worth the ruin of her second-favourite dress.

2012-07-07, 02:02 PM

"Right! Of course," Ferrus follows the god, looking around in silent awe of the sights around him.

(sanguine, can I get your skype name so I can get some help working out these bonus point errors?)

2012-07-07, 05:08 PM

The massive lion lets out an exasperated sigh. "I checked his essence myself, and while it's true I can't say for certain that he was the Unconquered Sun what I can say is he that he was a god of equivalent power and most definitely not a creature of darkness. There are very few beings who match that description, and all of them have access to this facility. So even if you are right and that's wasn't the Unconquered Sun, it was still someone who is allowed to be here. Now please return to wherever it is you came from, I really don't want to have to force you."

Ivory Rose and Caera

A brief search shows that Ivory Roses mark has begun drowning her sorrows in food. She seats at the end of a huge table in the shadow of a massive throne. Upon the throne rests a fierce four armed man whose piercing gaze drifts across the feast. His eyes lock upon Ivory Rose and fill with a deep sadness, but it passes after a moment and his eyes drift onwards.


The god eventually leads you to an office cluttered with paperwork. He takes a seat behind the desk and gestures for you to sit in the chair opposite him. From the chair you can see out the window what looks to be a massive feast. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Uvunavu, the Chrysanthemum Shogun, God of Health and Well-Being, Left Hand of Yaogin, and the Third Syndic of Whitewall. But please just call me Uvunavu. Now have you heard of a nation called Skyllia?"

2012-07-07, 05:43 PM
((Googling Skyllia didn't turn up much, so I suppose it's nothing so major that I should make a lore check for it))

Ferrus sits down, eyeing the feast for a moment. It's been a long time since he could afford a good meal.
"And I am Ferrus, Twice Enlightened Mender of Mind and Body. It's nice to meet you, Uvunavu, especially considering your area of godly expertise. With all the ills in the world, it's good to know there are others interested in curing them. I'm afraid I haven't heard of Skyllia, though."

2012-07-07, 06:01 PM
Ivory Rose

The trip has taken a little longer than it should, due to three stops in front of a mirror and the purchase of some makeup in an attempt to fix her appearance, but after flirting some information out of an egear guard she's found her mark again. The conwoman feels a twinge of sympathy at the god's obvious depression, but reassures herself that she will be given what she wants soon - and anyway could probably afford what Ivory is about to take away.

The thing on the throne looks at the thief, which Ivory notices but dismisses. Her prey is in sight now and she's not going to wait. Getting in character, she bustles fowards into the feat, and right into the sight of the goddess.

"Oh, is it really you?" Ivory's persona lets out an undiginifed squeal before remembering herself and trying to collect her dignity, which was rather hindered by the soaking state of her clothes. "I mean, I shouldn't be surprised because the guards told me where to find you but I've always heard about your cooking arts and let me start again." She uses her hand to cover a nonexistant blush, and properly composes herself this time. "I am Ivory Rose, and today I had the misfortune of running into a thief. There was an accident with a cart of drinks, as you can see-" Ivory's persona chuckles lightly at herself, even as the inner conwoman cringes in shame "-and in the confusion that dreadful woman accosted me and made away with some trinkets, but in the struggle I managed to grab this from her hand." Ivory lifts up the recipie scroll and proffers it to the despondant goddess. "I'm told this is yours. If you may pardon me, I am glad this has happened: the minor misfortune is nothing beside the chance to meet you."

Rolling Manipulation + Socalize, if needed: [roll0]
Stunt Die: [roll1]

2012-07-08, 07:29 PM

The Zenith Caste notices Ivory's approach, and blinks, looking at the conversation in interest...

2012-07-09, 04:08 PM

"It's a small nation near my own city of Whitewall, notable only for it's incredible fertility. The crop yields would probably go unremarked elsewhere in Creation, but this far north it is incredible. However recently the nation became ground zero for an outbreak of an incredibly virulent new disease. However the extent of the danger wasn't immediately obvious as for some reason the majority of the population act as carriers, spreading the disease but not actually displaying any symptoms themselves. Skyllian grain merchants are omnipresent in the north, so the disease spread quickly. Due to our proximity Whitewall was the first to be afflicted, however by the time I had determined the diseases origin it had also spread to Gethamane and Cherak, as well as several smaller settlements. The Haslanti League have high enough crop yields to be self-sufficient and the Ice Walkers of the Bull's Empire sustain themselves through their ancestral herds, so both of them have yet to be infected, but it is only a matter of time."

Ivory Rose and Caera

While listening to your explanation Graceful herons pale white skin turns a golden brown, in what you think might be a blush. "Oh, um, that's uh, well I, uhm....A reward! Yes, I should give you a reward. But what? Oh, I've got it! I'll make you some of my legendary peach cobbler! It takes about three days to make it the right way though, so please tell Golden where you will be then. Bye." With that the energetic goddess rushes off, almost forgetting to take her scroll of recipes with her.

As Graceful Heron leaves a tall woman in purple robes walks out of the shadows to stand next to the throne. With a smile she says to the four-armed god. "How about we make our annual wager a little more interesting. Say, if I win I get your cobbler."

2012-07-09, 04:27 PM

He sighs.

"You're making a mistake."

But he can't convince the lions of the truth; there isn't much else he can do but hope.

Scowling, he heads back to the Carnival.

2012-07-09, 04:46 PM
Ivory Rose

A... dish of food? With skilled practice, Ivory keeps the dissapointment from her face. Even if it didn't satisfy her immediate desire for something pretty, it could easily be the gateway into the social strata she so desired, especially with three days to plan and prepare. That is, assuming the goddess wasn't lying - and even should that unlikely thing happen, Ivory could easily use her promise to publically embarass her into something...

..But first, find out who this 'Golden' was. It wasn't often that Ivory wished she spent more thought on silly stuff like politics and so forth instead of makeup and herself, but the way the Goddess had said that name implied she ought to know it. Or maybe that was just Heron's personality. The best thing to do now would be to ask somebody.

Looking around for a friendly face, the conwoman catches word of a bet from the throne and reflects on that, storing the information should it grow into a con later on. But first, some relaxation and conversation after a very busy chase. Noticing the woman's attention, Ivory goes up to Caera with a smile and a polite bow. Take some time to enjoy the talk first. "Oh, hello! I noticed you looking - don't worry, it's no object - and I thought I'd come over to talk, if you don't mind." She gives the woman her best smile. "I just arrived here, and it would be good to take a rest with a friendly face. I'm Ivory Rose. It's a pleasure to meet."

2012-07-09, 05:08 PM
Caera nods. "My name is Caera, called the Golden Hawk by some, and this is Lydia, my daughter."

2012-07-09, 05:31 PM
Ivory Rose

The conwoman can't resist the smile that springs to her face at the sight of the child, or the little coo. Children were a weakness for the conwoman, or at least something she considered a weakness, as opposed to her vanity, self-obsession, drunkeness and gree. "It's a pleasure to meet." She says, extending her hand downwards. "What brings you two to Yu Shan?"

2012-07-09, 05:38 PM
Brother Silken

The portly priest sits on the other side of Ivory, smiling as he adjusts his cushion.

"Hello, Hello! This is quite the occasion, is it not?"

Brother Silken has a wide smile, and extends slightly chubby fingers towards both women.

"Brother Silken. Sorry. Am I interrupting?"

He doesn't acknowledge the presence of the Incarnae; to bow before them without them making the slightest motion towards him would, ironically, be considered the height of rudeness and ill manners.

2012-07-09, 05:49 PM
Ivory Rose

Ah! A priest who, juding from his portly size, had at least a few tastes in common with Ivory. "No, not at all on my side. I am Ivory Rose, and it is grand to see a holy man about." The woman takes Brother Silk's hand with a dainty grasp, too proud and careful to admit that she has very little idea as to what the occasion is. Presumably it has something to do with the throne.

Ivory takes away her hand, and suddenly realizes it is still a little damp. A genuine blush springs to her cheeks, accompanied with a light laugh. "Ah! I am sorry." She apologizes to everybody present. "I ran into a little accident on the streets today. It was mildly terrifying, and the cause of my current apperance, which I must apologize for. My dears, I look terrible."

Now that's blatantly fishing for compliments. Even damp the woman has still obviously fussed over much of her looks. But at least the quirk of her mouth shows that some part of her reconizes this vanity.

2012-07-09, 06:02 PM

Caera smiles. "If you wish to join in, Brother, feel free. It's good to see a fellow priest here, even if we do serve different gods.

In any case, Ivory Rose, I'm here for the Carnival of Meeting. Much like I assume everyone here is, hmm?"

2012-07-09, 06:20 PM
Brother Silken

"The great Carnival of Meeting, yes. A chance to walk among the gods themselves, and should I be so lucky, to catch perhaps a sight of she whom I serve."

A bit overdramatic. But it suited.

"To have received an invitation was a great honor. How did the two-three-of you come to receive an invitation?"

2012-07-10, 12:13 AM

"That...that is a very worrying prospect. Do you know of a cure for this plague, or is that what you needed my help with?" Ferrus wrings his sleeves, feeling a good deal of sorrow for Whitewall's suffering.

2012-07-10, 09:10 AM

"Through much effort I've been able to keep the disease in remission, keeping my people comfortable and greatly reducing fatalities, but no I have not found a cure. Even worse, this treatment is pushing the bounds of what I can do, if many more people in Whitewall become infected I will be powerless to help them. I can only imagine how horrific things must be in Gethamane and Cherak."

2012-07-10, 09:20 AM
Ivory Rose

Ivory internally pouts as nobody picks the bait and gives a compliment, but doesn't let it show. "A fair pinch of persuasive and charitable work is what I do, convincing people to place their money where it may be put to better use for themselves or others." The conwoman's favourite kind of lie is one that could be seen as the truth looked at in another direction, and this is certainly that. She leans forwards and lowers her voice, as if letting the two priests on a secret. "I'm planning to use this invitation as an opportunity to network, myself - it is a once-in-a-lifetime deal to expand my work out into Yu Shan of all places, and I do not intend to pass it up!"

She leans back. "Now, that is enough about me. May I ask what gods the both of you serve, and how you came to be here, Brother Silk?"

2012-07-10, 09:35 AM
Brother Silken

"The Maiden of Secrets herself, the Lady Jupiter. And I am here because I, most mercifully, was chosen."

Wonderful. His suspicions were correct. Thankfully, he didn't have too much Quintessence on him right now, or he'd have to check his pockets frequently.

"And, my dear Ivory Rose, I find it quite noble of you to live such a life of service and charity. Good works are so rare in this world."

He didn't recognize either of them from the Cult files, so he'd have to take a personal touch with them. Ayesha would understand completely.

Now, a touch of wry humor, and a message. He leans in equally close, and mock whispers back.

"Never fear, my dear. Your secret is safe with me."

2012-07-10, 09:42 AM
Ivory Rose

Luckily, Ivory has much experience with her covers being blown, and the best thing to do in such situations is bluff it out and hope that the other person is testing a guess or has chanced onto an unlikely combination of words.

"Which one?" She says, smiling with - yes, a bit of coyness would do. "A lady has many secrets, good Brother - it is how she keeps her allure."

2012-07-10, 09:52 AM
Brother Silken

"That you are a glorious, noble ray of sunshine amongst this scattered place that is Creation."

And with that, he reaches over, takes her hand (if she lets him), and raises it to his lips.

2012-07-10, 10:16 AM
Ivory Rose

Ivory smiles her special at the flatterer, her vanity ensuring that any hidden meaning goes shooting right above her head. "Oh, that's no secret." She extends her hand gracefully, letting some flirtatiousness drop into her eyes. "I try and make sure every handsome man knows that."

She waits to see what he says to that. On the eyes, he's personable but nothing special, but even Ivory would admit that sometimes there's more to a man than appearance. And hopefully this one would be entertaining.

2012-07-10, 10:49 AM

"I can see what I can do to help your people, Uvunavu," Ferrus nods.

2012-07-10, 03:14 PM

"I used to serve the city god of Tirian. Now, I serve the Unconquered Sun."

2012-07-10, 03:42 PM
Brother Silken

He playfully swats in Ivory's general direction, smiling all the while.

"I am flattered, my dear Ivory Rose, completely flattered."

As to Caera's announcement, he affects surprise, and raises his eyebrow quite knowingly.

"A priestess with a child in service to the Unconquered Sun...well, now. I don't suppose you'd happen to be what the Immaculate Faith calls Anathema and what my order knows as...Solars?"

2012-07-10, 03:52 PM

Caera pauses. "I am one."

2012-07-10, 04:26 PM
Brother Silken

He reaches out his hand to Caera, and begins to pump it enthusiastically.

"Marvelous! Absolutely marvelous! I've read a great deal about your kind, but I never thought I'd actually meet one."

He's giddy with excitement, that's for sure.

"A pleasure to meet you, an absolute delight, my dear."

2012-07-10, 04:30 PM
Ivory Rose

"Now, Brother Silk, that is quite a serious accusation to-" The conwoman lets her mouth transform from a firm line to a comical O of surprise as Caera casually reveals herself. "Oh, I sorry, I didn't mean to say - to imply - that is, it is not something it is considered polite to be back home." She flusters, apologizing. "We are close enough to the Realm for the Immaculate Faith to hold some unfortanate sway."

She turns to frown at Brotherr Silk. "You are pleased? Where I am from, the reaction would include more screaming." Her persona admits.

2012-07-10, 04:44 PM
Brother Silken

"I am a priest of The Maiden of Secrets. The fact that the Immaculate Order has suppressed the truth only brings that knowledge more firmly into Her domain. All that which is hidden and suppressed are hers to guard and keep."

He spreads his arms magnanimously, as if to encompass the whole of the Carnival.

"And are we not in Yu Shan, in Heaven itself? If Anathema were truly demons, then I expect that here, in the place where gods reside, I expect that Caera would be killed rather quickly. And probably unobtrusively, too; wouldn't want a messy killing to upset this place."

Let the Lunar play the fool, but he knew what she was. But what purpose did the Silver Pact have in coming to the Carnival of Meeting?

2012-07-10, 04:45 PM

Caera chuckles. "It's all right. The Immaculate stance on the Celestial Exalted is indeed unfortunate, but I will not let fear or shame drive me into concealing who or what I am. I am Caera. I am the Golden Hawk, Chosen of the Unconquered Sun. I'm a priestess, leader, mother, swordswoman... and I will not deny any of what I am."

She takes the offered hand, and shakes.

2012-07-10, 04:58 PM
Ivory Rose

"Your Pride does you credit, and gives a good outlook for the rest of my stay - I have been here but shortly and already I have met two people like you. Imagine tomorrow!" She chuckles and then stops herself with a slap to the head, giving an apperance of just remembering something.

"Oh! I recently spoke with Graceful Heron - goddess of rice and a fine chef, if you did not know - and she told me to 'tell Golden' something. There are many people with Golden in their name. Do you know to whom she might be referring?" The pretty face turns concerned.

2012-07-10, 05:42 PM

His eyes widen.

"Oh, you are indeed in for a treat. The greatest, most succulent peach cobbler in all the worlds. Absolutely delicious and delectable."

He pauses.

"Or so I've heard, anyway."

2012-07-10, 05:59 PM
Ivory Rose

The conversation is going nicely, with open words on all sides: it is time for Ivory to do her job, and search for riches abound. Picking the portly priest first, on the basis that one feels rather less guilty about conning a childless man, she burns her essense and allows the power to sharpen her vision and catch all the little clues that would normally be impossible to detect - little sublites about how he holds his pose in such a manner, how he wears his clohtes in such a fashion, how he says his words, revealing the true riches and position. More out of habit than anything else, for it would be truly unlikely to meet a -

Ivory's eyes widen and she just manages to change her gasp into a hiccup as she swoons onto the table. In two seconds she is up and apologizing, not having to pretend to feel faint. "I am terribly sorry." She breathes deeply, trying to get strength back into her. Out of habit, she falls back on almost-the-truth. "I was involved in rather an - incident less than an hour ago with a theif, and it has left me feeling more unwell than I thought."

Through her greed-tinted eyes, the Priest seems suddenly different and also noticably more attractive, but she pulls together all her practice to keep her manner the same as it was before. "May I ask where you heard such a thing?" She asks, smiling weakly. "It is good to know that I am in for a treat."

2012-07-10, 06:06 PM
Brother Silken

"A thief? Oh dear."

He reaches over to support her, if need be.

"And it's a fairly common legend. I learnt it as a child."

2012-07-10, 06:11 PM
Ivory Rose

Ivory accepts the support both gratefully and with grace, resisting the urge to pickpocket the man. That would be uniquely shortsighted, even at her worst. "If you might tell me it?" She asks. "My family were soldiers and merchants to the woman - I am afriad I am the closest one to a diplomat, and the only one with time for legends and stories."

2012-07-10, 06:21 PM

The Zenith Caste smiles. "Brother, may I tell this story?"

2012-07-10, 06:24 PM
Brother Silken

"But of course."

He seems to listen to Caera's story raptly, still puzzling over the mystery of why the Lunar was here to begin with.

2012-07-10, 06:38 PM

Lydia turns and starts listening, knowing her mother's skill with storytelling, as Caera closes her eyes, and begins to speak.

She speaks of the time, long ago, when the Solars were new and the gods had just ascended to Heaven.

Of the first Carnival of Meeting, and how a woman named Graceful Heron was invited- for she was famed across the land, even known and sought by the Exalted themselves. And of her request to the Unconquered Sun himself.

Of the Sun's agreement, and granting her a single peach.

Caera speaks of the three day and nights during which Graceful Heron worked, without rest, creating this masterpiece to exceed ambrosia itself.

And of how, upon tasting it, Ignis Divine granted her access to the Peaches. And not only that, but how this woman who had prepared meals for Exalted and now the Most High himself and impressed both was granted divinity, so her skills would never be lost.

"If she agreed to prepare a meal for you, you are indeed in for a treat."

Charisma+Performance: [roll0]

I don't think her Specialty is applicable. But here's the Stunt Dice if she just stunted: [roll1]

2012-07-10, 06:46 PM
Ivory Rose

Caera speaks, and for a few precious moments, the cyncial conwoman sits and listens as if she were truly the woman she pretends to be, or the streetborn child she had left behind in her home city long ago. For those moments, what is foremost in Ivory's mind is not the confidence trickes that may grow from Graceful Heron's gift, or the manipulations that may ensure, but the fact that what she shall be offered will be a piece of history beyond anything else.

And then the moment is over, but it still remains, for a story spoken is a story remembered. Ivory stores it away for later use, and smiles down at Lydia. "Your mother is a very talented storyteller." She says. "My determination to find this 'Golden' has grown three-fold. It is rare to meet someone who can shape stories into having such an effect."

2012-07-10, 08:56 PM

Uvunavu smiles wanly and says. "Excellent, I'll have one of my subordinates escort you to the nearest gate after the festivities. Now if you don't mind this plague has caused a mountain of paperwork, and after I'm done with that I have to go to my other job and fill out another mountain of paperwork."

Everyone Else

The eight foot tall Tengese man who had so far been eating his meal in piece slightly off to the side of your conversation extends his hand and jovially says. "That would be me. The Golden Lord, pleased to make your acquaintance."

Caera gets a 3 die stunt. Take 6 motes, a Willpower, or 1 XP

2012-07-11, 12:51 AM

"Right, I'll leave you to your work," Ferrus nods and gets up to leave for the feast below.

2012-07-13, 01:08 PM
Ivory Rose

"It's a pleasure to meet you too." Ivory takes the hand of the man with confidence, her smaller fingers disapperaing inside his fist. "This is Brother Silken, priest of Jupiter, and Caera, priest of the Unconquered Sun. I am Ivory Rose. Your friend Graceful Heron told me to contact you and through you let her know where I will be in three days - is there a way I could contact you once I have confirmed where I will be?"

2012-07-14, 09:37 PM
The Golden Lord bows as each person is introduced, giving a smile to Caera and her young daughter as they are. "A pleasure meeting you all."

After Ivory Rose explains the situation he thinks for a moment. "I will be returning to An-Teng after the Carnival. So if you have your confirmation before the end of the day you can merely find me and tell me. Otherwise I suppose you will either have to hire a Sorcerer to cast an Infallible Messenger spell for you or relay the information through prayer."

2012-07-21, 10:35 PM
Caera thinks for a moment. "Well, I could deliver the message through prayer, but I'll be up North, so unless you're there too, that doesn't help much."