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View Full Version : 0 to 20 in 3.5 (Vixsor, Chivalry, Linguz, Tegannie)

2012-07-05, 11:17 PM
April 11

Church bells ringing, children playing, adults talking and drinking. The entire city of Basilland seemed to be out and about. Vendors had closed their stands, and those who were not catering the wedding had closed their restaurants. Everyone was in their Sunday best, though you could tell there was a difference in wealth. Nevertheless, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, whether or not they knew the bride or groom.

There were rows upon rows of chairs to sit in, all facing the white gazebo, decorated with flowers and garland, where the two would be wed, with seats reserved for the bride's family and husband's family near the front.

The wife's family seemed to be very friendly, many mingling with the groom's family and townspeople. She, Anne Louise Cadenza Marshall, was nowhere to be seen today, but in the days before the wedding, made herself a part of everyday life in Basilland. Although rich enough to spend her life in her gardens, she enjoyed being outside of palaces and royal buildings.

Her family is proud of their heritage, many wearing white garments with dragon images on them. Although their blood was diluted enough that the dragon heritage was nearly lost, they keep to their family's proud tradition. However, they are not all the uptight nobles that many hear about. Many of them are very friendly to all, and mingle amongst everyone.

The husband's family, while cordial, seem to talk to those obviously closer to their level of wealth. Duke Eugine Booth waded through the guest, saying hello to everyone, but not staying in place for long. He seems to be alert, and on edge, attributing it to being excited for his big day.

Before the ceremony begins, there are many activities for the guests to enjoy. There are many bands scheduled to play, and games for both adults and children to play. Simple ball games are played by children, while a small group of adults seem to be enjoying themselves with Creatures and Caverns. Many eat and talk, drink and talk, or drink and drink and drink, only to escorted away by guards.

The guards themselves all seem to be doing their job, but slightly confused. They are vigilant, looking out for anyone causing trouble, but with the entire city invited, there is nowhere and no one who can be told to leave. The guards are many of the town guard that have been seen before, but some extras have been hired, including one of the Raptorans from a nearby colony.

One very vocal person who seems to not be enjoying himself is Laurent Booth, Eugine's younger brother. He has had more than one too many drinks, and constantly complaints about the "robot" that replaced him as best man. The guards watch over him, but cannot let him leave, as he is still part of the wedding party.

Even the hired help all seem to be enjoying themselves, as they are being paid well, and are allowed to attend the party and eat food themselves.

The wedding itself has not started yet, and few stay seated. As you all make your way around the guests, you hear one of the bands playing.

I've been looking for a rider who's qualified
So if you think you got the ranks, step onto my ride
She's a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine
With a flaxen mane and a chestnut sheen

If you wanna ride her let me know, know, know
Come on what you waiting for, for, for
My mare is ready to explode, explode, explode
So hop on up and watch her go, go, go, go

She'll get you where you wanna go, and she won't break a sweat
she can ride all day till she's a silhouette,
Can you handle the scarp? Can you run through the hills?
If you can baby boy then she can go all night

Cuz she's 0 to 20 in three point five
Baby you got the reins-

Now shut up and ride (ride, ride, ride)

EDIT: The wedding takes place on the Western end of the city, with the end of the seating meeting the buildings. On the outside of town, there are many small houses (from which people enter and leave) and a few inns, each at least 2 stories high. The gazebo and chairs are all on flat land, for a perfect view of the couple when they make their vows.

Unfortunately, with it being 11:00, and no trees around, some people are hot, and seeking refuge under tents where the food is set up. Some even go into nearby buildings, those staying in hotels have binoculars to see if anything is going on.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-06, 03:48 AM
Lydrim was wandering the party, unable to spend even one day away from his purpose. He was built to be a body guard, and he took it seriously. He tried to stay near the groom without smothering him and scanned the crowd, looking for any potential threats.

2012-07-06, 04:12 PM
Maithil crouched on the roof of the inn, an unwelcome guest by the innkeeper, but nonetheless still there due to her job. Her scythe rested on her back and Shock by her side. The blue lizard had been very affectionate, keeping near her at all times since they met. She sighed and eyed the crowds, pondering what would happen if she were to glide in now.

After several minutes of thinking, she stood up and glided down to the grounds, Shock on her back. The space around where she landed cleared as she arrived, people beginning to back away, but she didn't mind them. She patted her shoulder and Shock climbed up to it. This only made the people who hadn't seen it back away more. Here was a black winged girl, with a scythe on her back and a blue lizard on her shoulder, it wouldn't take long to understand what happened. She rose her hand to calm them and explained how she was a guard and to just ignore her.

After not much hanging around at the wedding, Maithil turned around and returned to her spot on the roof.

2012-07-09, 08:26 AM
Rihanna? Really?

Aileen rushed about, carrying trays here and there to hungry wedding guests. When her cousin Sean had been contracted to supply some meats for the catering (a multi-business affair to be sure), his eyes had lit up.

"Aileen, I'm gonna be needing you to do me a favour." he had said, hands rubbing together like an over-eager fly.

Said favour took the form of an uncomfortable corset and low cut blouse, and some of the guests had not stopped staring at her all morning. She blew a stray strand of curly grey-brown hair out of her face, both her hands being occupied, and did her best to smile and nod at all the questions and requests and the like.

Her father's temper was getting the better of her though.

"Yes miss, I'll see if we can arrange for some pork without salt on it, we wouldn't want you being uncomfortable."

Sean would pay for this, at least enough money for her to have a little fun.

2012-07-09, 10:43 PM
Sorry Chivlary, lol. I'm personally not a fan of her at all, but the 0 to 20 thing fit well, so figured I would go with it. :smallbiggrin:

"Eugine Booth, if you would please join me here in the gazebo," the priest calls out, and slowly everyone makes their way to their seats and posts. All of the workers, aside from the guards, are allowed to take seats, and slowly the crowd quiets. The music begins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kDWaVZqO9o) and all turn to see a woman in white, at the end of the aisle. He father holds her hand, teary eyed.

Down on the other end of the isle, the black suited husband smiles, but his eyes betray his impatience and worry, as they dart around at all of the guests. He fixes his tie and smiles at his (assumidly) blushing bride, as she walks down the aisle, veil obscuring her face. She reaches her soon to be husband, and he gently lifts her veil...

Vixsor Spot Check: [roll0]
Linguz Spot Check: [roll1]

Neither of you notice anything out of the ordinary.

She smiles at the man she loves, a brown strand of hair falls delicately on her face, and she smiles.

The ceremony goes well, and the priest nears the end of the ceremony. "If there is anyone who believes that these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever..."

At this point, a dozen women stand up, and walk into the aisle.

The maid of honor also steps forward, and rips off her veil to reveal an elven woman with long, black hair. Glinting in the sun, a dagger is now at the bride's throat.

"You were MINE! And then you try to marry this... this hussy?!? Nobody move, or vous amore Anne Louise Cadenza won't be red from blushing anymore!" The elven woman smiles sadistically.
"You'll follow me and your new woman here into the gardens, and we'll talk this over like civilized folk, now won't we?" She turns to the crowd. The women from the crowd fill the aisle, daggers out, pointed at the crowd.


She begins to back away toward the gardens, the guards frozen in place, not sure what to do.

"Wha... why aren't you going after her?!?" Eugene cries out, pointing at the elven woman. None of the guards react right away, and a look of confusion, horror, and anger washes over Anne Louise's face.

Without any immediate intervention, she will back toward the nearby hedge garner, will hedges 10 feet high as walls, and the dozen women from the crowd will slowly follow, with two staying back by the entrance, waiting for Eugene.

Also, pardon my French, I don't know any of it. It was close to what I want from Google Translate.

2012-07-10, 08:43 AM
Maithil looks around, looking for places to glide to, and proceeds to do just that, going around in a wide circle so that she would get behind them. From her position, she jumped to another and then glided. When she got to the new position, she climbed up and repeated.

2012-07-10, 01:19 PM
The first person to move is a man, many recognize him as one of the singers from earlier.

"Ummm, my lady? I can completely understand you wanting to have a private conversation with this cad... but perhaps I might be of some service? We men can be dense at times, and I might be able to help you make sure he understands what a grave mistake he has made."

Looking around at the startled guests, the knife, he smiles kindly saying, "Besides, it's not like I'll make things more tense, right?"

"Fine. You'll come with us on my terms though," says the woman as Gamble stands up and offers to help with the "negotiations" between the elven woman, and Eugene.

The man finds a knife to his throat, and he is brought away with the bride.

Maithil, on the other hand, quietly makes her way around the garden, and eventually finds herself on the other side of the hedges, and looks down the path of what is more akin to a maze than a garden. She doesn't see anyone from the outside.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-10, 01:50 PM
Lydrim is paralized with indescision. He decides that he will wait until they enter the maze, then he will follow them.

2012-07-10, 02:11 PM
"Lydrim!" Eugene yells, after the singer and bride disappear in the maze. "You're going to go in and get them, now! If you need help, fine, but get my bride back. And try not to kill her!"

"Lllllllllyyydrimmm," comes the slurred works of a drunk Laurent (Eugene's brother). "Why didn't you seeeee herrrr thar? She was *hic* right in fronna you! Ya coulda gotter!"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-10, 02:17 PM
"Yes sir." He said ignoring Laurent. Without wasting anymore time, he jogs into the maze.

2012-07-10, 07:55 PM
Maithil heads into the maze and when she reaches the wall, checks to see if she could climb it or not.

2012-07-10, 08:55 PM
Climbing the hedges would not be too hard for Maithil, but staying up there and getting footing for a length of time would not be easy.

As Lydrim walks toward the garden, two of the Wedding Crashers draw their daggers. "You're supposed to be going in with Duke Dumper over there. You're not going in without him."

Eugene calls out, "I am not going in there with you crazy, dagger wielding people!"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-11, 01:13 AM
Lydrim draws his apple blade and says, "I don't want to hurt you..." in the middle of his sentance he lashes forward with his blade. "But your not giving me any other options."

attack [roll0]
I'm hoping I get a surprise round, but if not
Initiative [roll2]

2012-07-11, 09:26 AM
The two guards laugh at the sight of the apple sword, it being the least intimidating weapon they had ever seen. Both stopped as soon as one was impaled by the sword, and the other saw this happen. The not dead wedding crasher tries to run into the maze.

Initiative: [roll0]

She runs off ahead of you, turning corners whenever she can.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-11, 09:39 PM
what would i roll to follow her?

2012-07-12, 07:40 AM
You don't have to roll, you just have to follow. You have the same speed, so it's not a big deal, and she would probably get tired before you would.

2012-07-16, 06:22 PM
Maithil makes her way through the maze, every now and then climbing up and either passing over the hedges to the other side or doing it to see the area. She never rushes into the next area and always has Shock look into an area first before looking herself. When he checked the last area, he shook his head and quietly climbed back up her back. She went to the edge and looked beyond it, carefully and going out just enough to see what it was Shock saw.

I used random rolls to determine Maithil's path, by the way, within reason. So if the path was heading backwards, she didn't consider it. If it left the maze, she didn't consider it. And all the rolls were even, 50% chance one way and 50% the other.

2012-07-17, 11:13 PM
In the clearing, you see two women you recognize as wedding crashers holding knives, and waiting idly in the clearing, while someone lies in the middle of the area, dress obscuring their entire body.

2012-07-18, 12:28 AM
(How far away are the wedding crashers from the woman in the dress? And does Maithil recognize the dress as belonging to one of the people at the marriage?)

Maithil attempts to get a sharper look at the girls and catch anything that may be being said nearby.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2012-07-19, 09:47 PM
(How far away are the wedding crashers from the woman in the dress? And does Maithil recognize the dress as belonging to one of the people at the marriage?)

Maithil attempts to get a sharper look at the girls and catch anything that may be being said nearby.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Maithil notices that the woman on the ground wears a bridesmaid's dress, and as she begins to get up, you notice black hair.

The other two are silent, but kneel down next to the woman who has begun to get up, whispering something you can't hear.

On his way into the maze, Lydrim meets the wedding singer and nun, and they explain what has happened. You can choose to follow them to the maze's exit, but no matter what, hear Eugene's words.

"What happened in there? Where is... that elven lady?!? Oh, and my bride!"

2012-07-20, 10:21 PM
As Maithil observes the three women in the clearing ahead, she hears footsteps from behind her, which give way to a thud, and then a curse word. You see no one in the corridor behind you, and you guess that the voice came from around the corner. None of the women you have been creeping spying on seem to have heard the new voice.

2012-07-21, 11:25 AM
Maithil draws her scythe and moves along the wall. When she gets to the edge, she jumps out, sideways, and holds the scythe in front of her, staring down at whoever was coming her way. She tries to recognize him or her.

2012-07-21, 12:44 PM
After ensuring that she turned in her apron and tray of food, Aileen grabs a nearby pole and rushes after the assailants.

2012-07-21, 02:21 PM
OOC: Chivalry, I'm putting Aileen with the large group of people, including the Duke, et cetera.

The Duke gets more and more frustrated, as more and more people start yelling. "FINE! Singer boy! Nun! You come with me, if... what's her name wants to see me so badly! But you better be ready to protect me!

Lydrim! You take this new lady... Did you cook for us? Ooh, you didn't happen to make the mini weenies, did you? The ones on the toothpicks, rolledi n dough? Those were..." He catches himself. "alright. If you want to help, go take care of the women with knifes, there's nothing worse than having to deal with angry women."


You jump around the corner, and see one of the wedding crashers, kneeling on the ground, and looking for something. She doesn't notice you at first, preoccupied with looking for whatever she thinks is on the ground.

You notice a glint of steel under one of the hedges, and realize it is the woman's knife.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-21, 05:25 PM
Lydrim realized he had lapsed into silence and spoke up. "Yes sir." he turned to look at the new girl and adds. "What is your name?"

2012-07-21, 05:29 PM
Hey guys, it looks like I'm part of your group for time being :smallsmile:

Hearing the voice, Camilla and Aujir run to BV45, hoping to stay hidden. They look toward the direction the voice came from and watch for anyone entering the maze.

If the group does come in, Aujir will wait until they have gone a little ways in, then follow them. Sighing and rolling her eyes, Camilla will follow him, trying not to be seen or heard.

Camilla's rolls:
First hide: [roll0]
Move silently: [roll1]
Hide while following: [roll2]

First hide: [roll3]
Move silently: [roll4]
Hide while following: [roll5]

Also, if anyone is curious, Aujir's line of thinking is if you're not going to go back to your parents like you should, you should at least help out here.

2012-07-21, 09:35 PM
As Lydrim begins to speak to the Duke, everyone suddenly hears branches breaking and everyone looks around the corner to see Camilla, trying to hide in the bushes, and failing miserably, but her lizard, on the other hand, is completely out of sight.


Despite the Duke's words, Camilla doesn't seem to be a threat at first glance.

OOC: Chinatsu will recognize Camilla from earlier.

2012-07-21, 10:22 PM
Maithil takes a few steps forward, spinning the scythe around in her arms. Her wings are fully outstretched at this point, at 45 degrees from her sides. Before Maithil began to swing her scythe, Shock released a bolt of electricity. If that didn't knock the woman unconscious, Maithil swung her scythe down on her, aiming at her neck.

Damage: [roll0] (DC12 Fort halves.)
Aujir should sense this.

Attack: [roll1] (24 is a crit)
Check: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4] (x4 damage is scary)

2012-07-22, 10:42 PM
Before she knows what hits her, the woman falls unconscious from the shock.

Aujir senses the electrical shock from Shock.

2012-07-22, 11:39 PM
Maithil checks to make sure that the other two aren't coming, even putting Shock down at the turn (past it, they can't see him before turning) and tells him quietly, "If anyone comes by, shock."

She goes back to the girl, taking the dagger from the floor and the sheath from the girl's unconscious body. She picks her up and sets her against the natural-ish wall. If nobody is still coming, she pats down the pockets of the woman, searching for anything else. Coins she doesn't take, though. Anything else she might.

If nobody is still coming after that, she goes back to where she was earlier and looks into the larger area again.

2012-07-23, 07:38 AM
Standing like a deer in headlights for a moment when she is seen, Camilla quickly tries to explain herself. "I just came in after my lizard!" she says, leaning down to pick up Aujir.

Aujir has gone completely tense and alert, facing northwest. He lets out a small electrical shock, noticeable, but not big enough to hit someone

2012-07-23, 07:07 PM
OOC: Since we're all together, I'll try to recap what happens in both threads, but if you have the time, looking at the other thread would be a good idea.

Turning to the newcomers (at least newcomers to Gamble), he asks, "What information can you add to this situation, so that the DUKE can come up with a plan of action, with a little help from his HIGHLY PAID advisor of course."

The duke glares at Gamble, publicly saying that he was the Duke's highly paid adviser, but says nothing to him.

Standing like a deer in headlights for a moment when she is seen, Camilla quickly tries to explain herself. "I just came in after my lizard!" she says, leaning down to pick up Aujir.

As Camilla is spotted, she tries to get in front of as many of the soldiers as she can, sticking out her hands in halt. "W-wait, wait! Sh-she's not with them, I don't think..."

The Duke also tells the guards to relax, when Chinatsu speaks on Camilla's behalf, even if she does not sound very confident.

Shock should sense Aujir now. When Maithil goes back to the clearing, she sees that one of the Wedding Crashers begins walking toward her, while the other Crasher leads the mystery person out of the clearing in the other direction.

2012-07-23, 07:12 PM
Sensing electricity in the vicinity, Shock scurries out into the main area and releases a shock of electricity on the one walking towards them. His facing stays relatively towards where he sensed the electricity.

Damage: [roll0] Nonlethal. DC12 Fort halves.

Maithil goes after the other lady (in the case of the first one having fallen). If she reaches her, she attacks.

If the electricity did not knock her unconscious, then she instead attacks her.

Attack: [roll1]
Check: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]

2012-07-23, 09:05 PM
Lydrim realized he had lapsed into silence and spoke up. "Yes sir." he turned to look at the new girl and adds. "What is your name?"

"Aileen Hickey sir, your's?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-23, 10:51 PM
"Lydrim." the warforged said with a reassuring smile.

2012-07-24, 03:40 PM
As Lydrim and Aileen get acquainted, Gamble turns to the newcomer, Camilla.

Then, in an imperious tone that seemed very effected, Gamble motions to the girl in the bushes saying, "Come, tell us what has happened. Did you see his bride?"

As he catches the winged girl's eye, he gives an almost imperceptible wink, all the while holding her gaze.

Chinatsu stays near Gamble, and the Duke (after glaring at Gamble), turns to hear what Camilla has to say.

The first woman falls from the electrical shock of Shock, and Maithil charges toward the other Wedding Crasher. Unfortunately, the attack goes...horribly, at best, knocking over both women. Maithil falls onto the woman who seems to be captive.

The Wedding Crasher, seeing the new threat, lunges at Maithil with her knife. As the Wedding Crasher attacks, the other woman grabs for the knife, trying to grab it from the Wedding Crasher's hands.

Woman attack to disarm: [roll0]
Wedding Crasher counter roll [roll1]

Wedding Crasher attack: [roll2]
Wedding Crasher damage: [roll3]

2012-07-24, 03:44 PM
OOC: Wouldn't have double posted, but realized I had more rolling to do.

The Wedding Crasher's knife barely grazes Maithil's armor, and the other woman attempts to grab the knife again.

Wedding Crasher AoO: [roll0]
Wedding Crasher Damage: [roll1]

Woman disarm check: [roll2] (should have been -4)
Wedding Crasher counter: [roll3]

OOC: By virtue of the nat 1 for the wedding crasher, the disarm check succeeds (mostly).

The Woman knocks the knife away, barely, and breathes heavily, as she takes a moment to focus.

OOC: Shock's turn, then Maithil, then Wedding Crasher, then Woman.

2012-07-24, 03:47 PM
Maithil's armor gets in the way of the dagger, the boiled leather protecting her back. Shock scampers over and unleashes, yet another, bolt of electricity. If a lizard could look disappointed, he did, at Maithil. Damage: [roll0] nonlethal, Fort DC12 halves.

Maithil beats her wings once, pushing herself up and off the captive, and attacks the wedding crasher, unless she already fell. Attack: [roll1]
Check: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]

In the case that the woman already fell unconscious through Shock's bolt, Maithil still beats her wings to get off the captive but then offers her hand to help her stand up again.

2012-07-24, 07:21 PM
OOC: The captive already moved off of you, so no need to beat the wings if you don't want. And yes, lizards are able to look disappointed. :smalltongue:

Maithil turns to the captive and sees... what looks like the elven woman, who interrupted the ceremony... but upon closer look, you see that the black hair is just a wig, and make-up has changed the woman's appearance.

"Hello, and thank you for saving me. My name is Anne Louise Cadenza, since you probably don't recognize me."

2012-07-24, 07:33 PM
Maithil still beat her wings to get up herself.

When she realized who she was talking to in reality, she whistled for Shock to return to her and brought her scythe closer to the girl's throat, close enough for her to feel the sharp cold steel. "Lying to a crow, not advisable. You've got one chance, when others are with me, to tell me the truth about where she is. If any of them, or I, believe you're telling a lie, much like you are right now, then your head will be next to your feet." Shock climbed up onto Maithil's shoulder and began to stare at the pretty elf. She reached forward and pulled the wig off her hair, showing her exactly what she meant.

Maithil's scythe is behind her neck, if you're unsure. Also, intimidate check: [roll0]
If this can be done with anything other than Charisma given the situation, then it's not at a -1. If the ability mod is charisma, take away 1 from the roll.

2012-07-24, 09:45 PM
The woman cries out as you pull the wig. It's tightly held to her scalp, but you see some brown hair emerging from it. The black hair does not come off, and while she looks vaguely like the bride, you never got a very good look at the bride.

"Hey! Why don't you believe me?!? That... horrible witch put this stuff on me, to look like her. Do you have any water to wash this off, the crap on my face? Or some kind of anti-magic spell, she might have used magic to make it look this good." She glares at you after you pull on the wig, but anger turns to sorrow, and pleading.

2012-07-24, 09:54 PM
Aileen notices the commotion and hurries over, bringing her staff to bear.

2012-07-25, 12:49 AM
Scared, Camilla explains herself, "I ran in here after Aujir. He thinks he's a paladin or something. I didn't see anything except for those two, indicating the bard and the nun, talking to a couple of elven women. I really don't want to be part of this whole mess, can I please just take my lizard and go?"

Aujir is still staring northwest.

Anyone who knows Dragonic would recognize the word Aujir as the Dragonic word for bronze. Everyone would probably notice how the word sounded rather reptilian.

2012-07-25, 03:31 AM
Oh, great. I derped up hard. I thought you had meant it in the opposite way. The elven woman looking like the bride.

Maithil stopped pulling and brought the scythe away. "It might be a good idea to explain why you look like an enemy when you get rescued first next time." She takes a step away and bows down. "My apologies, madam." She turned to the unconscious bodies, knowing there was one out of sight. "What shall you do with them?"

Every now and then, Shock is seen glancing back southeast and, even less often, releasing a small spark of electricity.

2012-07-25, 07:49 AM
OOC: Chivalry, what commotion is this exactly? You don't see what's going on with Maithil.

OOC: Meh, I figured you just made the mistake, but doesn't matter really, it's understandable.

"These people really don't seem to care about really hurting me... from what I've overheard, they seem to be just doing it for that main lady, their friend. Still doesn't really explain why anyone would go this far, but the main one, who dressed me up like this... she said something about "getting back at the Duke". We should find him, he could be in trouble."

2012-07-25, 07:55 AM
Maithil nods and is about to set out to the west when Shock grabs onto her with his front claws and pulls. She turns to look at the little creature just as he points to the southeast. "I'm going to have to get you something so you can speak." She turns to Anne and simply shrugs. "We're going that way. Not sure why, but I've got no reason not to." Just as she finished, she began to follow the lizard's directions.

2012-07-25, 09:06 PM
"I don't think I ever caught your name." The bride says as you two are walking. "How did you come to find me? Or rather, why are you here?"

2012-07-25, 09:54 PM
Maithil takes a moment to answer the first question, "Maithil, a raptoran but I'm sure you already noticed. I was assigned to be a guard during the wedding, in case anything happened. Then something happened. When they took you away into this maze, I followed after you. It is my duty to bring you back as safe as possible, so that is what I'll be doing. But where did the elf head off to?"

2012-07-26, 09:27 PM
"She was headed back toward one of the others, and a couple captives..." As she says this, you enter the area where the elven woman once held Gamble and Chinatsu, and see it empty. "Aside from that, I don't know. Our best bet will probably be to go back to the wedding area, she might have made her way back there."

2012-07-26, 10:16 PM
Aileen attempts to look around for anyone who is hurt or distressed and tries to comfort them

2012-07-26, 10:32 PM
"Is that so? Well, I can't see her receiving a warm reception, but my duty is to take you there anyway." Shock pointed at the southeastern exit, and they followed his directions.

2012-07-27, 06:56 AM
Ooc: what Camilla said was only kinda half true, so I'll make a bluff roll:

Relieved that she doesn't have decide between going back and running away for now, Camilla quickly accepts the "offer" to join the group. "Fine, if I must, I'll go with you. Something has gotten Aujir's attention, maybe we could see what it is?"

She sets the lizard on the ground, saying "where to, little one?" in Dragonic. He lets out a small burst of electricity and scampers off to the northeast, looking for Shock.

2012-07-27, 10:29 PM
The Duke nods, as he listens to what Camilla says.

"You all go follow the magical paladin lizard thing, hopefully you can take care of those wedding crashers, and find my wife."

He glances from Camilla explaining herself, to Aileen who has gone off to help out some of the guests, to Lydrim, his bodyguard.

"Singer, nun. You two have already talked to the crazy lady, so you're going to help me." He starts to walk north through the maze, but after a few steps, waits for you two to walk ahead of him.

2012-07-30, 12:36 AM
Camilla, unsure of what exactly he's supposed to do, sets out after her lizard.

2012-08-04, 09:44 PM
As you travel, following your lizards, you don't notice anyone else in the maze, which makes you a bit confused, given the large number of women who crashed the wedding.

Your groups meet, and smiles sweep across all of you, seeing the bride safe with Maithil, who you recognize as one of the guards.

However, the reunion/meeting is cut short, when four wedding crashers arrive, daggers out. Two block each of the entrances to the clearing you are now in. They say nothing, but don't look like they will be willing to talk much.

OOC: You have a little bit of time to talk before this starts, when you post next, you can do whatever you'd like, and then roll initiative. Once everyone does, we'll figure out turn order, whether or not this turns into combat.

And a new tab in the google doc (wedding crasher map), more accurately showing your area.

2012-08-04, 11:40 PM
Maithil saw Shock approach the other lizard and release a jolt of electricity at it, followed by more, as if talking to it.

"So, that's what you were after? Another lizard?" She looks up, at the other person, but said nothing.


Maithil swiftly draws her scythe and looks between the two groups. "Well, this is just great. Hope you guys can fight."

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-08-05, 01:10 AM
"Another lizard? That's what's you've been looking for?" Camilla says to Aujir, rolling her eyes. Aujir continues to release small shocks, responding to the other lizard. Camilla gives a small shoulder shrug to Maithil.

Upon seeing the women close off the exits, Camilla sets a stone in her sling, ready to shoot. "I hope so, too."

Camilla: [roll0]
Aujir: [roll1]

2012-08-05, 08:56 PM
OOC: waiting a little bit longer on the other two, then we can get combat started.

Wedding Crasher #5 : [roll0]
Wedding Crasher #6 : [roll1]
Wedding Crasher #7 : [roll2]
Wedding Crasher #8 : [roll3]

2012-08-07, 09:20 PM
OOC: And we'll start combat anyway, they can jump in when they get back I guess.

Initiative for Anne Louise [roll0]

Maithil's turn first

2012-08-07, 09:27 PM
Maithil feels Shock grab onto her leg and begin climbing, just as she began to dash away, towards #7 and #8. She stopped in between the two of them, at C3, where she and Shock attacked different targets.

Maithil VS #7
Attack: [roll1]
Check: [roll0]
Damage: [roll2] x4 if it crits

Shock VS #8
Nonlethal: [roll3]

2012-08-08, 08:45 PM
Both wedding crashers drop when Shock and Maithil attack them. One falls to the ground, unconscious from the electricity, while the other... may not be getting up again.

Wedding Crashers 5 and 6 both run at the group, and Anne Louise, despite wearing her gown, goes to attack the two of them.

She jumps at Wedding Crasher 5, fist clenched... and drops her. A look of surprise washes over Anne Louise's face, but she soon focuses back on the fight.

Aujir and Camilla's turn.

OOC: Only Wedding Crasher #6 is left now. I rolled on another site for Anne Louise, since I don't think i could do it in an edit. She rolled 11 for hitting, and 3 for damage.

2012-08-09, 09:58 PM
Sorry for the delay, my schedule has been really crazy lately.

Aujir runs up to Crasher #6 and shocks her. (he's now at BM 31)

Reflex save (DC 12) to half the damage, which is:


Camilla, amazed at her lizard's eagerness to fight, lets a sling bullet fly toward Crasher #7.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2012-08-10, 10:17 PM
Aujir drops the Wedding Crasher with his attack, and Camilla follows, ready and able to hit the woman, but doesn't.

As the dust settles from this quick fight, everyone turns to see... two more of the wedding crashers enter the area, from the south. And one has a knife to the throat of... what looks like a bound and gagged Anne Louise.

"Drop your weapons... or the bride dies."

You entire group is confused... you look from the woman held hostage, who looks like the bride, back to the woman who has been traveling with you... disguised to look like the main woman who interrupted the wedding, but with hints of it actually being the bride.

OOC: I'm keeping the turn order for when/if this turns into combat again, but for now, you can talk whenever. Once somebody initiates combat, it is like that person only gets a surprise round, then starts from the top.

2012-08-26, 11:12 PM
Maithil looks between the disguised bride and the bride. She calls out, "The hell's going on here? Two of them?" She slowly moves, going southeast bound (if the top is north), but she doesn't drop her weapon. If they tell her to halt, she does so. "Cam, any thoughts on this?" She also looks at the two women, trying to see if she can determine if either is wearing a disguise.

Spot on Hostage: [roll0]
Spot on Other: [roll1]

Also, I edited the map a bit so that it's easier to tell (in my opinion) space between two locations. If you don't like it like that, I can change it back if you're not sure how.

2012-08-27, 08:56 AM
Camille and Aujir look from one girl to the other. Aujir growls and Camilla sighs. "Why are you asking me? I have no idea which bride is the real one. I don't even want to be here!

2012-08-27, 09:10 AM
"Because you are here and have a voice. But if you want me to handle it myself, I can probably do that as well." She began to spin the scythe in one hand, still walking towards the ground in the center.

2012-08-28, 07:21 AM
Camilla, not really knowing what to do, stays silent. Aujir follows Maithil.

2012-08-28, 09:16 AM
If they didn't stop Maithil, then she stops when she reaches the middle of the area, with the rest of the group.

She crouches above one of the unconscious women. "You know, threatening me indirectly like that... not a very smart idea. It wasn't for those I met before, not for you now." She places the scythe over the throat of who she's over and spreads her black wings wide. Baelzair climbs up onto the center of her back, placing his foreclaws on her feathered crown. She looks at the two enemies, thinking of how she must look right now. "Let your hostage go or the sky will be painted red." She was ready to do it too, to cut right through this woman's neck.

2012-08-31, 10:13 PM
Maithil looks between the two, and can see that the hostage looks exactly like the bride you saw back before things went bad, but the one with you looks like she's disguised to not look like the bride.

"We don't want any more bloodshed," says one calmly. But I suggest that you inquire the woman you're trying to protect before worrying about us. Once we get the signal from our boss, we'll let your real bride here go, unharmed. But not if you harm one of ours."

The standoff continues, the women seem ready to kill the woman they're holding if you kill theirs.

2012-08-31, 10:51 PM
"You say that yet you're perfectly willing to kill her? And tell me, where is your proof that your hostage is the real bride? If I was in your situation, I would keep the bride from the entire field of battle, the maze. Meaning no, I don't believe either here is real. And if you don't let her go... Let me promise you: You will all die, by my scythe."

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2012-09-01, 10:02 PM
"If you don't believe either is real... kill yours now, and we'll kill ours. Simple as that. How much do you trust yourself? Or are you worried that just maybe you're wrong?"

You sense that the Wedding Crasher knows which (if either) is the real bride, and wants to goad you into killing at least one of them.

2012-09-01, 10:47 PM
"I won't risk the chance that one of them is real. I'm a bodyguard, so that's my job." Maithil slowly gets up, the scythe still at the girl's throat. She looks at the girl's arm, trying to see if she's prepared to kill the girl if they try anything (if she has a readied action, basically). "Hey, Bride. What do you think I should do?" She's asking the one on their side.

2012-09-02, 10:10 PM
OOC: just to clarify, who are you threatening right now? Your maybe bride, or one of the wedding crashers? doesn't change anything in my posts, but just checking.

The Wedding Crasher who has been talking holds her knife firmly, but does not seem to be worried about her captive. She seems to be in complete control, ready to move if anything happens.

The newly introduced Bride goes wide eyed, and stutters, "I... I... don't let me die..." before being slapped across the face by the Wedding Crasher who was not holding her. "Shut up."

2012-09-02, 10:13 PM
One of the wedding crashers.

Maithil tries to see if they won't actually kill her, by trying to see if the fear in the girl's voice was fake. Sense Motive: [roll0]

If she didn't figure out anything there, she asked the bride that wasn't a hostage, "How about you?"

Sense Motive: [roll1] (For the not-hostage bride)

2012-09-03, 10:38 PM
The captive "bride" is actually scared that she may die.

Your "bride" thinks for a minute. "They wanted you to see me, and have me not look like me. So they disguised me as someone else. And now they're trying to get you to kill me by making you think that's me." You believe this bride is trying to work out the situation, and make sure she stays alive. She doesn't intend to hurt you, but seems worried, and doesn't want you to be near her.

2012-09-03, 11:08 PM
"Yes. But the problem arises when-" She cut her sentence short and quickly dashed forward, going to where the wedding crashers were (perhaps by jumping + gliding to reach them, if need be), and letting Baelzair zap the one holding the bride. If she fell after the zap, Maithil attacked the other. If not, she attacked the same one as Baelzair.

Baelzair's Shock: [roll0] nonlethal
Maithil's Attack: [roll1]
Maithil's Check: [roll2]
Maithil's Damage: [roll3] x4 for critical
Also, if Maithil can't possibly reach them, Baelzair charged on the ground as well, going 40 feet (which should reach them).

2012-09-04, 10:53 PM
Your charge successfully knocks out one of the Wedding Crashers, and kills the other.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" The bride says, after looking at the dead wedding crasher, shocked for a moment.

2012-09-04, 11:22 PM
Maithil decides to check the area by air and tells the bride, "Give me a boost."

If she does it, Maithil goes 20 feet back and runs towards her, jumping up near the end and, hopefully, being propelled upwards.

If she doesn't, Maithil simply runs forward 20 feet and jumps up.

She tries it 3 times, each time trying to look above the hedges for...
a) the closest way out.
b) more wedding crashers.
c) more brides.
d) anything else.

Jump: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
4.5 feet, 4.25 feet, 6.5 feet.

She tries again and again, until she can see past the hedges (take 20, possibly).

Taking 20 would give her a total of 36 and a height of 9 feet.

2012-09-05, 10:41 PM
OOC: Sorry, but in my second post, I said the hedges were 10 feet high, so you won't be able to see over them.

2012-09-05, 10:53 PM
(She gets no boost from getting help? :smallbiggrin: Either way, it's fine.)

Maithil lands back on the ground after several jumps. "Well, that didn't work. Guess we might as well be off, then." She looked to everyone there for their confirmation before continuing on their direction, making sure that both 'brides' were following.

2012-09-09, 09:38 PM
Both of the brides glare at each other.

"You're actually bringing her with us?!?" asks your bride.

"Yeah, what gives, I thought you just saved me, why are we keeping her?" the other asks.

OOC: Also, what direction are you headed in? Out of the maze? Looking for the other group?

2012-09-09, 10:28 PM
"Because I say so. If any of you have a problem, you can take it up with my scythe." Maithil goes around and does as she promised, killing every single one of them in this area quickly with her scythe. Then she headed out for reals, aiming to leaving this cursed maze. And she's heading in the direction she didn't come in.

2012-09-09, 10:29 PM
Camilla and Aujir follow the group. I'll run as soon as I can.

2012-09-10, 10:49 PM
After walking for some time, your group exits the maze. Everyone rushes to see the group exiting the maze, and look confused when they see two brides.

Laurent, the brother of the groom, walks forward. "What is this? Why are there two of them?" Looking around, you don't see the groom, or the other two that he walked off with.

2012-09-10, 10:56 PM
"One or both are fake. I suggest you try magic and things that only the real one would know to find out which is the real one. Or a careful eye. But that last one can be easily beat by magic." Maithil sheathed her scythe and continued to speak, "But there's always the possibility of neither of them being the real one. Where's the groom?"

2012-09-11, 10:55 PM
"He's still in the hedges, with the other two, we haven't heard from him in a while."

Everyone in the crowd looks between the brides, and of your group, Lydrim and Aileen walk away from the center of attention, back into the crowd.

2012-09-12, 06:35 AM
"Great, I'll be right back." Before Maithil left, she looked around, looking for a tall building or tree near the maze that she could climb.

2012-09-12, 10:25 PM
Looking around, you decide that a tall tree, around twenty feet or so away from the maze's edge, is your best vantage point. You should be able to climb it. Alternately, there is a taller building farther away, which would give you a similar view, and a flat surface, rather than just branches.

2012-09-12, 10:29 PM
Maithil decides to climb the tree, as her plan involves flying into the maze. From atop it, she looks down into the maze and tries to spot more wedding crashers and the groom.

How high is the tree?
Do I need to make climb checks? -> If so, I take 10. Get 15. If that don't work, tell me.

2012-09-14, 10:39 PM
After looking for some time, you see the Duke, walking out of the maze, with yet another "bride" in his arms. The bard and nun follow behind. Farther back, you see a figure sneaking behind them, none of the group seems to have noticed.

2012-09-20, 10:04 PM
Maithil spoke to Baelzair, "Hold on tight." When she felt the little lizard's claws dig into her clothing, she pulled out her wings, spread her wings, and jumped. Her descent would be gradual, covering four times the distance she fell. She was aiming at the target behind the group, or close to it.

Jump: [roll0]

With her leap, she traveled 8 feet forward before reaching the top of her jump and allowing her wings to slow her descent. At that point, she was 4 feet higher than she was previously.

2012-09-21, 10:23 PM
OOC: Alright, you can make it to wherever you want. Where/how exactly do you want to land? And what would you like to do when you get there?

2012-09-21, 10:33 PM
Maithil lands behind the figure sneaking up behind them and moves the scythe to be in their way.

If it looks like one of the crashers:
> Maithil attacks them!
>> Init: [roll0]
>> Attack: [roll1]
>> Damage: [roll2]
>> If that didn't make them unconscious, Baelzair attacks for [roll3] nonlethal and then Maithil decapitates the girl.

If it's not a wedding crasher, Maithil asks, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

2012-09-22, 10:05 PM
You land in front of... the main wedding crasher, who originally took the bride hostage. Without a moment's hesitation, you slash her throat, and there is a look of surprise on her face as she falls down, dead.

But as you look at her, you notice the body slowly change... it seems to go a bit grey. Her body changes shape, and lying dead before you is what looks like one of the other wedding crashers (not the main one). However, she isn't exactly the same... her hair has changed color, to white, and as previously mentioned, her skin seems paler than the average elf.

2012-09-23, 12:01 AM
Maithil's face took a look of horror as the body changed, thinking that she might just have killed the bride herself. When the body began to change into the pale elf, she let out a sigh of relief and muttered, "Great, now they're doing magic too." She looted the body quickly, stripping it of weapons and armor. Then she grabbed the body and began to haul her towards the group. When they were thirty or so feet away, probably more, she threw the body on the ground in front of her and called out, "The bride's a fake! The real one has already been led out by me. And you were being followed by this hag."

2012-09-23, 10:08 PM
Eugene (the duke) stares from you, to him, while the others are quiet.

"The... and... you're saying... multiple... change... lings..." He looks to the bride, still shocked. He turns to his bride, confused.

"You're so cute when you're confused. I'm sorry I have to do this honey, I'll explain on the honeymoon." The bride transforms into the main wedding crasher, Iaia. She holds a dagger to the Duke's throat. "Well, now, let's not have anyone else die. You've just killed my childhood friend. I don't appreciate that. Just let me leave with the man I love and who loves me, and there will be no more trouble." The Duke is shocked, and recognizes the woman holding a dagger to his throat, but suffice to say, isn't all that into her.

2012-09-23, 10:35 PM
She would be considered grappling and lose her Dex bonus to AC like that, I believe. Your call though.

Maithil first tried to remember anything about changelings. [roll0] (Untrained knowledge. Max of 10)

Then she chanted forward, using her wings to propel her quickly. She dropped her scythe on the way and tried to grab onto the changeling's arm, to keep her from cutting the groom's throat. "I made a deal with one of your friends. They broke it. The result? You are all dying." If she succeeded or failed, Baelzair proceeded to shock the girl.

Attack: [roll1] Touch
Grapple: [roll2]
Nonlethal shock: [roll3]

2012-09-27, 10:33 PM
OOC: knowledge about changelings: As a race, they aren't prominent, many choose to take on appearances of other medium sized races, and live in peace. They can disguise themselves as medium sized creatures, which can be discerned, but usually only if one knows to look for it. Many will alter their appearance just enough to pass as a human, or elf. They are fair skinned, some have grey tinted skin. Their hair is often white, grey, or silver. From what you've seen, on death, they can no longer hold their disguise.

You rush forward and grab her arm, and before she can slit the duke's throat, you grab hold of her arm. Meanwhile, Baelzair charges himself, and lets out an electrical shock...

which knocks her out. She falls to the ground, dropping the knife. The Duke looks at you, shocked.


2012-09-27, 10:38 PM
"Yea, but it did and if I didn't try something, she would've taken you away. Are you telling me you'd have rather lived with her the rest of your life than die? And anyway, now we have a hostage and you to see which one's your real wife. I won't kill her, not until you give me your command that is." Maithil raised the lady up and placed her on her should, after taking the dagger and sheath and placing it at her own waist. "Let's get out of here, shall we?" Then, if the Duke agreed, she pathed through and out of the maze again.

2012-09-30, 10:22 PM
OOC: I have a bunch of final projects to work on, so I won't be able to post every day. I'll try, but no guarantees for the next week and a half.

The Duke is quiet. "Of course I wouldn't have wanted to live with that crazy woman..."

You make your way out of the maze, and find that outside, there has only been argueing, and both "brides" are glaring at each other.

2012-09-30, 10:27 PM
((That's fine. This is my way of doing OOC, by the way.))

As Maithil was leaving, she remembered the girl, loaded her up onto her shoulder, and took her with.

Once outside, she threw the limp body onto the floor in front of the two brides and told them, "One or both of you is with this girl. As you can see, your leader was defeated. I might be more lenient with the impostor if you reveal yourself. If you don't, I'll go through every possible thing to find out which is the real one." If neither confesses, she calls for someone who can see if either is using any magic.

2012-10-19, 05:53 PM
One of the brides looks wide eyed at the knocked out leader, and stands up, beginning to back away. She begins to transform in front of you, while she's walking, and once she is back to her original form, she turns around and sprints.

The real bride (the one you originally saved) looks exhausted and confused, but thankful, now that she is the only bride left.

2012-10-19, 06:00 PM
Maithil spoke quickly as she dashed towards the doppelganger. "Get her, Shock!" After the lizard jumped off her and ran after his target, Maithil jumped up into the air and started to glide.

When Baelzair gets within range of his target, that is to say 5 feet, he zaps her for [roll0] nonlethal damage.

Jump: Taking 10, 26, giving her 6.5 feet of height. Which allows her to glide roughly 20 feet when she could normally get 15 feet. So she'll eventually catch up, although she's moving at a much slower pace than Baelzair.

Baelzair is running 40 feet every action, so in 1 round if she's turning (not taking the run action), he can cover 20 more feet than her. If they are running, he can cover 40 more feet.

If she's not unconscious yet, he zaps her again after he catches up again.

If she is slowed down (nonlethal damage = health), he follows her and Maithil would catch up (I believe). This will need a bit more roleplaying, as she's not intending on knocking her out if possible.

If she is unconscious, Maithil drags her body back to the others.

2012-10-19, 06:03 PM
The wedding crasher falls down to the ground, unconscious.

Everyone from the party looks at you, not sure what to say.

2012-10-19, 06:06 PM
Maithil drags her back to the group and stops her in front of the other bride. "You one of these too, or are you a real person? Can someone see if she's got any magic on her?"

2012-10-19, 06:10 PM
"I can tell she's my one and only," Eugene says, going up to her. She just glares at him though, and you're not quite convinced of the Duke judging anyone.

After some searching, you find a low level mage, who tells you that she is not using magic, and as far as he can tell, is not a changeling.

2012-10-19, 06:13 PM
"Good. Now... Anne... what do you want to do with her? She was impersonating you, so you should decide. Unless you want me to decide, in which case, I'll kill her." Maithil stands with the scythe ready next to her.

2012-10-19, 06:19 PM
Eugene is the first to speak. "No! Iaia may have been misguided, but... she only did what she did out of love, and I don't want to see my lover die." Anne Louise glares at him, and the Duke thinks about what he just said. "I mean... I don't want to see... my lover... Anne... umm..." He then realizes you're talking about the other wedding crasher.

Anne Louise does not look happy, but shakes her head. "I won't have you kill her. They belong in jail, and she'll be in it for a long time, for threatening nobility." She then turns to the Duke. "You and I have a lot to talk about."

Assuming you don't kill the woman yourself, the local authorities come, and take her and any living wedding crashers to jail.

2012-10-22, 03:01 PM
"Guessing that means the wedding is cancelled? Do I still get my pay?" Maithil sheaths her scythe and whistles, calling for her pet to climb up onto her shoulder.

2012-10-22, 03:16 PM
Anne Louise takes the money that Eugene has on him, and gives it to you.

"Thank you for what you've exposed today, and saving my life. I owe you more than this, but I hope it will do for now."

She hands you 600 gold.

"Oh, and I don't think I'll be needing this ring anymore." She goes to get the forgotten wedding ring, and gives it to you.

OOC: In addition, you get 1000 XP from your adventure, so you've gone up to first level, and now have 500 experience until you reach level 2.

2012-10-22, 03:33 PM
Maithili takes the bag, slightly concerned about how heavy it is. She takes the ring in her other hand and glances over it. What type of material is it made out of and does it have any gems?

"You're too kind, ma'am. But if you don't want it, I'll gladly take it off your hands."

Does Maithil know where a nearby city is? If not, she asks.

2012-10-24, 10:10 PM
The ring is silver, with a small topaz stone on it.

You know of a few towns to the south, more like villages. There is a decently sized town a bit north of there, where you could sell the ring, or find anything to buy. Also, it is on the way to the Magdalla forest, where the orange haired man suggested you look for a cure for your curious... moon condition.

That larger town is called Falsmith. Falberry (a town you stayed in on the way here), Pitton (the town closest to your home island) and Blandfield (somewhere you haven't been) are to the south.

2012-11-01, 04:13 PM
Maithil chuckles and asks, "Would you happen to have a plain backpack I could have or buy? I have nowhere to store these coins."

Assuming that she gets the backpack by pay or by free, she stores her coins in it and leaves, heading to Falsmith.

2012-11-08, 09:52 PM
OOC: Apologies for being off for so long, was slammed with projects. Also, have you leveled up? If so, can I see your character sheet again.

You can get a cheap backpack for free, or a sturdy one for 2 gp.

Either way, you begin your journey to Falsmith, and walk for the rest of the day. As night grows near, you don't see the city, but do notice a couple wagons nearby, still moving in generally the same direction as you.

2012-11-08, 10:01 PM
((Assumed as much. And my sheet is linked in my signature. Nonetheless, here she is. Maithil (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=415754)))

Maithil gets a sturdy backpack and begins her journey. Luckily, she's still about 2 pounds below her medium load.

As the sun sets, she speeds up, intending to reach the caravan.

((She walks at the same pace as a caravan, by the way. At 2 mph (20 speed). So she hustles (what she's doing right now), which means she's moving twice as fast as they are.))

2012-11-25, 10:49 PM
You reach the caravan before nightfall, though they have seen you coming. You get many curious looks as you join with the caravans, and some suspicious glances. After a minute or so, a a woman with long, black hair greets you. Her hair brushes the ground, as does her her dress. She seems friendly, and smiles at you, shaking your hand.

"Welcome. Are you planning on traveling through the night, or would you be interested in staying with us for the night?"

(I didn't forget to color her speech, her color is black)

2012-11-25, 11:07 PM
Maithil looks the women up and down, considering how her hair must get in her way, and how much it must weigh. "I'll be spending the night, miss. I'd rather have someone watching over me while I sleep, so bandits can't get at it."

2012-12-02, 11:26 PM
"Of course. You'll be able to stay with me, I have spare sheets, and what should suffice as a bed. What is your name?"

The woman talks to you, but her eyes look to the others, all of whom have just been staring at you, and your wings. Slowly, as the woman speaks, they move off, going about their business, but still glancing at you once in a while.

2012-12-03, 07:03 AM
"Thank you. Mine's Maithil. How about yours?" Maithil moves the wings behind her to cover her body, giving her a feather cloak.

2012-12-19, 10:29 PM
"Astrea," the woman replies. She motions for you to follow her, and she leads you into the back of one of the wagons.

The area inside is adorned with cloth hanging from the top, with jewels dangling off of strands of the cloth. Upon closer inspection, you see they are not actual jewels, but imitation.

"Would you like some tea?" asks the woman, who holds a pot of water.

2012-12-19, 11:21 PM
Maithil looked at the jewels and, if Astrea doesn't say anything, takes a closer at them. She tries to see if they're made to look like the real thing, to see if they're made to fool people.

After that, when she's offered tea, she takes it with a smile. "Are you guys merchants?"

2012-12-23, 03:42 PM
The jewels are meant to look like real ones, you guess for aesthetics, though it is very possible someone could try to sell them and pass them off as real.

"Why yes, many of us are. We have the stray traveler or two, much like yourself, from time to time, but this life of traveling and trading is for most you will see here. May I ask your destination?"

2012-12-23, 05:03 PM
"I don't see any reason not to. I'm heading to Falsmith. I recently got paid for a job and one of the rewards was a ring I wish to sell, so I'm hoping I can sell it there. May I ask what you and your company sells?"

2012-12-23, 10:37 PM
"Basic weapons, and the like," Astrea replies. She does not do anything to heat the tea, other than hold the cups in her hand, and quickly you can see that the drinks have been warmed. She hands you your cup, and as she does, you notice that she is wearing netting gloves (I swear there's a word for them, but I think you know what I mean). Through the gloves, you notice a tattoo.

"Basic survival gear too. The caravan is full of he-men who all want to show how tough they are. You won't find much in terms of fashion here, though I don't believe you are the type for that."

2012-12-23, 11:04 PM
"Magic, huh? Would you happen to have any food that I could buy, and gems that I can switch my gold for?" Baelzair pops his head out from the backpack, which is where he's been sleeping, and climbing up Maithil's shoulder. "And this is Baelzair, a pet of mine." He lets a line of crackling electricity go up between his spike-like ears.

2012-12-26, 08:30 PM
"Well, isn't that an interesting name, Bae. Might I ask how he came to travel with you?"

You can get 3 days of rations for 1 gold, and up to 20 gold worth of "gems".

2012-12-26, 08:48 PM
Maithil buys the three trail rations, the gems, and responds, "A strange man gave me a choice to draw three cards. One of them brought this little man. Do you know anything of the Magdalla forest?"

(Are the gems real or do they look fake? And what's the weight of the gems?)

2013-01-06, 10:28 PM
The gems look real, enough to fool commoners without any ranks in Appraise. They are, in actuality, fake. The weight of the gems is negligible.

She turns back to look at you after you ask your question. "I know there is a druid who lives in those woods, a descendant of the original inhabitants. She supposedly has a cure for many ailments. I know the superstitious do not live there, and only the strong are brave or foolish enough to live among some of the creatures there, and many refuse to enter the forest altogether. Is there anything that ails you?"

2013-01-06, 10:39 PM
(Do you want me to keep track of coin weight (1/50 lbs per each coin) or is it also negligible? Also, dazed by moonlight means she can't do anything if she gets hit by the moon, correct? Also, just realized she has 3 spare skill points. Putting 2 into Appraise and 1 is gonna stay as a spare, since I have no need of it yet.)

"I get..." Maithil considered the possible repercussions of telling a stranger her condition. "... bothered by moonlight. One of the cards I drew was a curse, which ended up giving me that. Do you know of the location of that druid?"

2013-01-11, 11:39 PM
Keep track of the coins, but only in half pound increments. So 24gp is nothing, but 25 is a half pound. Not really exactly, but we should keep track of it.

Correct about the moon.

"I cannot say that the druid is easy to find... Though I would not be surprised if she frequents the sole village in the heart of the forest. Here, I'll show you." She gives you a map and marks the location with an X. (On the google doc, it is a C).

2013-01-12, 12:22 AM
Maithil looks at the map and asks her, "And where are we?"

2013-01-25, 10:01 PM
OOC: On the google doc, the location is outlined. Also, apologies, I've been busy.

She shows you where you are on the map. "We're a couple days away from the forest, and once there, you'll have to travel farther into it before you reach her. Our caravan is headed in that direction, you're welcome to travel with us for some time if you'd like."

2013-01-25, 11:23 PM
((No worries.))

Maithil bowed her head. "Thank you. I think I'll do just that. Do you have a spot not-under-the-stars that I can borrow for the night to sleep?"

2013-01-27, 11:00 PM
"Sure, you can stay in my wagon, if you'd like."

OOC: We'll time skip to the next day, if you have nothing else you'd like to do/anything else to say to her. Also, I mentioned this a while ago, but this is a good time to do any buying from these guys, if you'd like.

2013-01-28, 06:44 AM
Maithil bowed her head slightly and thanked her before heading into her wagon to sleep.

((It's night, so she'll be going to sleep. That moon can make one horrible thing happen to her, after all. They'll meet the rest of the merchants tomorrow. And since she can't carry anything past her light load, she doesn't really intend to buy anything. Maybe a masterwork scythe and masterwork armor if they have them, but nothing else, unless something strikes her fancy.))