View Full Version : UMD Rogues

2012-07-05, 11:32 PM
I've loved the idea behind this ever since I first heard of the concept. Sadly I've yet to have the opportunity to try it out myself. Someday though.

In anticipation of that though, are there any tips and tricks on playing one?
Such as maybe ways to maintain that he is actually a 'wizard'. I imagine high bluff would be a start, but I was wondering what would be a cheap source of magical effects (ether legitimately magical or fake) that would help keep up the illusion.

2012-07-05, 11:38 PM
As much as I hate saying take Skill Focus (at all). Take Skill Focus (UMD) at first level.

2012-07-06, 12:13 AM
I'm sure there's a guide for this, but I feel like reminiscing over past research, so i'll write down some of what i remember about UMD boosters.


Well, the best feat to grab is a generally obscure feat called Shape Soulmeld (Mage's Spectacles). It's from Magic of Incarnum and allows you to shape a single soulmeld (magical pseudo-items that give you abilities and bonuses to stuff). The Mage's Spectacles appear on your face all the time and look like glowing blue glasses. They don't take up an item slot and then give you a +4 insight bonus to +4 Decipher Script, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks. If you have essentia (soulmagical magic pool stuff) from your race like an Azurin (Human with 1 essentia, but no extra skill points) then you can invest it into the soulmeld and increase the bonus to all of those abilities by +2.

If you have the Dragonblood subtype then you can take Shape Soulmeld (Elder Spirit) instead to gain +4 to Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and Use Magic Device checks. It also has the potential to gain +2 to all if you invest essentia into it.

These two give the possibility of a quick +4 to UMD, along with some bonuses to other skills. They're both obviously better choices than Skill Focus (UMD) which only gives a +3 and doesn't boost other skills.

You can't use both soulmelds at once since they give insight bonuses and that sort of thing for soulmelds is banned. You can choose one or the other though. If you pick an incarnum or normal race, I would go with the Spectacles. If you happen to be a dragonblooded race, then grab the very nice Elder Spirit.

Azurin (or Duskling) Rogue 1 with Shape Soulmeld (Mage's Spectacles) and 4 skill ranks in UMD would have a total of 10 skill points in UMD and 12 skill points for any item that he's used already. That's a +6 insight bonus from the spectacles (4 +2 from essentia) and 4 from the ranks. You would also still have your 1st level feat available.


One good thing to ask your DM for when UMD is involved is the option for retraining at higher levels. Your UMD checks only go so high, and you can get your skill points high enough later on to the point that your original feat choices are a detriment rather than a boon. At that point, it would be good to have the opportunity to switch the feats out for others like Imp. Initiative.


Some more UMD advice: Remeber that once you've successfully used a magical device a single time you get a, "special +2 bonus on your Use Magic Device check if you’ve activated the item in question at least once before."


People do try to invent non-magical skill bonus items according to the PHB rules for doing so. However, I frown upon that sort of thing because I feel that the rules were obviously meant for Circumstance bonuses like having a better type of rope for climbing, better tools for picking locks, or silk padded shoes that dampen the sound of your footsteps. I've yet to hear a great reason why someone should circumstantially and non-magically have a better chance of activating magical items properly.


If your DM will allow it (most seem to), then you should grab up the Magic-Blooded template from dragon magazine. I'll list it here:

(a humanoid or monstrous humanoid race that has been infused with arcane energy)

Charisma +2
Wisdom –2
Any special vision from the Ancestor Race is replaced with
Low-Light Vision.
+2 Racial bonus on Spellcraft checks & the skill can be used
+2 Racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks & the skill can be
used untrained.
Gain the following spell-like abilities at Character level.
- Detect Magic, 1/day.
- Nystul’s Magic Aura, 1/day.
- Nystul’s Undetectable Aura, 1/day.
- Read Magic, 1/day.
Favored class becomes ‘Sorcerer’.

The spell-like abilities are very fun to have on hand and the +2 to charisma for a -2 to wisdom is what the template is usually targeted for. It also has +0 LA and is a great pick for anyone interested in having a boost to their charisma, or a leg up on some magic capabilities. I enjoy how it works well for arcane individuals and terrible for divine ones.


If you're going to play a GOOD character, then you should strongly consider taking the Nymph's Kiss feat from BoED. It gives you +2 circumstance bonus to all, "charisma-related checks" (!!!) which includes UMD. It also gives you +1 bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities AND an extra skill point per level as if you were a human. That's an extra 4 if you take it at first level (unless your DM rules otherwise).

Nymph's Kiss gives you 1 less skill point into UMD than Skill Focus (UMD) does, but its side benefits far more than make up for that deficiency. The inherent cost is that you must play a very Good aligned character. However, you can spend each session bragging about how you made out with a Nymph that one time. :smallbiggrin:


There are many ways of getting a high UMD, but the previously mentioned way with Nymph's Kiss added in would be:

Magic-Blooded Azurin Rogue 1 (feats: Nymph's Kiss, Shape Soulmeld (Mage's Spectacles)

It would have +6 insight bonus to UMD, +2 circumstantial bonus to UMD, at least +1 higher charisma score (if we assume 10 charisma base), 4 ranks in UMD, and a +2 bonus for items previously activated. That's a total of 15 skill points in UMD at 1st level.

At level 2, if you have at least 5 ranks in Decipher Script and 5 ranks in Spellcraft, and put another rank in UMD, then you'll have a total of 16 skill points for normal UMD and 20 skill points for activating scrolls. You'll also have scores of at least 11 for Decipher Script and Spellcraft because of the +6 insight bonus to both from your spectacles too.

I'm sure there are better ways to get a high UMD score early on, but that's a nice one in a pinch.

Killer Angel
2012-07-06, 02:05 AM
People do try to invent non-magical skill bonus items according to the PHB rules for doing so. However, I frown upon that sort of thing because I feel that the rules were obviously meant for Circumstance bonuses like having a better type of rope for climbing, better tools for picking locks, or silk padded shoes that dampen the sound of your footsteps. I've yet to hear a great reason why someone should circumstantially and non-magically have a better chance of activating magical items properly.

A book of standard magical phrases, with a page (as in the dictionary) showing the right pronuntiation of the magical letters.
Or a masterwork-made grip, that helps in keeping your fingers in the right position to wave the wand.

I could concede those, but you pay it with a longer time to activate the magic tool.

2012-07-06, 02:08 AM
I recall a rogue prestige class (or just a skilled prestige class) that's entire gimmick was fooling people that you were a magic man. I think it might have been in cityscape, but can't be sure.

2012-07-06, 02:12 AM
Nevermind, found it. Its the Charlatan from Dragon Magazine. There's a handbook for it found here; http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=6543.0

2012-07-06, 09:10 AM
The best thing about a UMD Rogue is not telling your DM you bought a scroll of meteor swarm and using it to one hit the dragon he sent at you because you were getting to cocky.

2012-07-06, 10:20 AM
UMD rogues are fun.

1.) get a wand bracer from Dungeonscape. This allows, with a swift action, to draw one of the five wands you have stored in it.

2.) get a weapon and a buckler. Put a wand chamber in each (also from Dungeonscape) to "wield" three wands at once: one in each wand chamber, and one in the free hand the buckler provides.

The above two tricks allow access to any of your seven wands with a swift action, or no action at all.

3.) Consider a single level dip into either Cleric, Wizard, or Sorcerer. This will allow the use of any wands/scrolls from the respective spell lists regardless of how much you have invested into UMD. Cleric gives various armor proficiencies and weapon proficiencies, and casting of what few spells you do have wihtout Arcane Spell Failure. Wizard/Sorcerer, however, allows for a more versatile spell list, and a familiar. (I suggest the viper, seeing as that you get a +3 bluff.)

4.) Pathfinder has a feat called "False Casting". (not on the pfsrd yet, but from Inner Sea Magic). It makes all observers believe that you are actually casting spells when you using a spell trigger or spell completion item. People who have ranks in spellcraft are allowed to make a spellcraft check to see through the deceit, but their spellcraft roll is against your bluff roll.

5.) There is some back and forth as to whether the rogue ability, Skill Mastery, allows taking 10 on UMD. I believe, by RAW, it doesnt, but thats up to your DM.

Thats all I've got for now, though i feel I might have some more for you later.

2012-07-06, 11:23 AM
3.) Consider a single level dip into either ClericArchivist, Wizard, or Sorcerer. This will allow the use of any wands/scrolls from the respective spell lists regardless of how much you have invested into UMD. Cleric gives various armor proficiencies and weapon proficiencies, and casting of what few spells you do have wihtout Arcane Spell Failure. Wizard/Sorcerer, however, allows for a more versatile spell list, and a familiar. (I suggest the viper, seeing as that you get a +3 bluff.)

Fixed that for you. Archivist gets access to all cleric, druid, ranger AND paladin spells.

2012-07-06, 11:41 AM
Fixed that for you. Archivist gets access to all cleric, druid, ranger AND paladin spells.

cleric 1 gets the wizard list as well as miscellaneous other goodies. if just dipping, then you won't be getting BAB anyway so the only loss from taking cloistered cleric is an average of 1 hp and you can finagle a knowledge devotion out of it, too.