View Full Version : Switching Roles - Tabrett Bethell

2012-07-06, 02:18 AM
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This will be the thread for your game. Please keep OOC discussion for that topic, or put things like mechanical explanations of what you do in Spoilers.

This story started by a stormy night, as Miss Tabrett Bethell was coming back to the Last Whispers in Hammersburg, the Tavern owned by Haggard Sinclair, after a rough evening of work.

Master Invictus
2012-07-06, 07:51 AM
The Black Widow enters Last Whispers with a satisfied smile on her face. And why not? Her plan had worked to perfection. She seduced a young nobleman and gone back to his estate. Once inside she asked if she could, "freshen up". She made her way up stairs to the the room of the young nobles wife and found exactly what she was looking for: a form fitting black silk dress, silver necklace, earrings, and signet ring, all inlaid with beautiful sapphires. Once those items were in her possession she heard footsteps and had to depart out of the window sooner than expected. Slightly disappointing, for surely she could have gotten more out of the heist, but she got what she was wanted and that was enough. After all, there are plenty of other nobles to fleece.

As she approaches the bar she walks up to Haggard and gives him a long hug, as she does she whispers into his ear what she learned about the young noble. She gives his name, address, entrance locations, number of guards, their movement patterns and places of interest. When she breaks the "hug" she orders a glass of wine and plate of dinner.

When Hope brings it out she smiles and asks her about her day, but keeps it short knowing she has work to do in the tavern. When she and Haggard are alone again, she gets right to the point. "Haggard, you gotten any marks for me? Either something that pays well, or a mark that is loaded? My funds are running dry."

2012-07-06, 01:12 PM
Haggard gives Hope the sign to take care of business for a bit, and sits down next to the Black Widow, speaking in hush tones:

"Funny you should say that, I learned something interesting today. Apparently there's this fellow who came in town today, Cloudcloak's the name of the fella, and he's claiming to be a merchant, right, but he comes in without cargo of any sort, he just has this cart containing a small chest, couldn't even fit a dog in the thing. Apparently he got a room at the Dragon's Horn, and paid his room upfront for months, and not in coin, OH NO! He gave that Minotaur at the tavern a single diamond. No info on him though, who he is, what he does, but that guy looks LOADED, and here to stay. He definitely has something to hide!

There's also the dwarven lady, you know, the one whose husband you caught with a whore last week? What was her name? Mountainfist? Mountainskin? Mountainbrew? Anyway, Mountain-something, she wants her bastard of a husband to pay and, well, it's outside of what you usually do, but she's offering a hefty, hefty sum for anyone who could make sure she... is allowed to remarry, let's say."

Master Invictus
2012-07-06, 03:47 PM
"Cloudcloak eh? I'll certainly have to look into that. It will require a little more thought and planning. I'll get started on that in a few days. As for Mountainfist... that one should be fairly easy. In fact, if he is down at that tavren he is always at... oh what is it... The Salty Wench or something like that, I could probably... take care of him... tonight."

After getting her information from Haggard, goes up to her room calling out to several people as she goes. She won't be coming back down this way and needs a good alibi. Once upstairs she locks her room door and bathes, getting ready for a night of work. She brushes out her long black hair, slides into her newly acquired black dress, and puts on the sapphire jewelry. She stuffs a dagger in each of her nearly knee high black leather boots before throwing her heavy black hooded cloak over her and then climbs out of her window. She sneaks into the shadows and puts some distance between herself and Last Whispers before folding her cloak up and putting it in her small purse.

She then struts into the bar where she expects the ugly old dwarf to be. She will take a seat at the bar where he can see her and then act as if she doesn't notice him.

Slight of Hand: [roll0] (to hide Daggers in boots.)
Hide: [roll1] (Sneak out of window unnoticed)
Move Silently: [roll2] (Sneak out of window unnoticed)

2012-07-06, 04:26 PM
This evening, the Boar's Tongue Tavern, also known as the Salty Wench (although whether that is supposed to describe the owner's wife or the clientele is still hotly debated) is rather empty. Only a dozen customers or so are present in the Inn.

At the counter are a female gnome and a male human, both middle-aged and dressed in rags. Despite their similarities, they keep a healthy amount of space between them, and look right in front of them.

At a table in the corner are 3 Half-Elven men who you know at first sight are people you don't mess with. Not that you come in this tavern to mess with anyone.

Ebkus Mountainfist is no subtle man, and as such is fairly easy to find. That night, he is playing dice at a table against three opponents, two broad-shouldered humans and a half-orc. For every bet he loses, Mountainfist finishes his tankard of ale and orders a new one. It would appear that luck is not on his side too much today, as he is half-asleep from all the ale he has taken in that night. Around the table, and mainly around the game's current winner, a tall, bronze-skinned human, are 4 or 5 women who you recognize from your time in the city as low-class prostitutes.

At some point during the game, the other human spots you at the counter, elbows the half-orc so he'll watch him, and gets close to her, leaning his back on the bar. His shirt follows the latest Itajamas fashion, and is open in the front, revealing a firm and defined musculature, although the perfect sculpture is ruined by scars in many places. He wears a yellow silk bandana to cover his bald scalp. While looking around the room, he addresses you:

"It's nice to see a real woman in here, not a cheap wench like what we're used to."

He then stares right at you, a look on his face that has been practiced to seduce slow-witted women:

"The name's Archis, Archis Springnest."

Master Invictus
2012-07-06, 04:55 PM
Tabrett sees the man walking towards her and puts on a big smile. She looks Archis up and down and forces her eyes to go wide, as if impressed. "Archis Springnest" she thinks to herself, trying to place him.

Biding her time she toys with him. "It's nice to see a real man in here, not a poor beggar like what usually tries to pick me up."

She chooses to wait and see what she knows or can find out about this Archis before deciding whether to brush him off, and continue with Mountainfist, or whether to put Mountainfist off and try and fleece this Archis. Afterall, it's not like anyone else would be in a hurry to knock off that drunk dwarf.

Knowledge Local: [roll0] (To recall who Archis Springnest) NATURAL 20!!!
Bluff: [roll1] (To seem genuinely interested and exceptionally seductive.)

2012-07-06, 05:37 PM
Archis Springnest is a thug, never up to any good. He's sometimes hired by those who believe they have been wronged to give them a good beating, or as enforcer on Thieves' Guild missions. He is also quite popular with the ladies, as he is seen with a different one almost every day. One thing that few noticed is that when he gets a new lady by his side, the old one is usually seen with a black eye, or a bruised neck, or scars on her arms.

Archis makes that smug face of those who were complimented and act as if it was commonplace for them: "Yeah, won't find anything more masculine than me in here. *wink* So, what brings a pretty girl like you to this side of town? Ain't you scared someone'll try to steal those pretty shiny jewels of yours? *pause* Of course, I ain't talking 'bout the necklace. *wink*"

Master Invictus
2012-07-06, 06:55 PM
"Oh Archis, I know what jewels you mean. Why my dear that is exactly why I am here. See I ha e heard of your exploits, both at work and play. I need someone who can handle what I throw At them and in turn I'll handle what he throws at me.". She leans in close to his ear and as seductively as possible says, "I want to tie you up and do my worst to you... When I am do e if you think you have what it takes, do the same to me. If you are as good as you say, I'll be back. What do you say? You have somewhere we can go? Somewhere where no one can hear me scream?"


2012-07-07, 12:12 AM
Archis laughs at this proposal. He stands back up and goes around her, looking at her from every angle, evaluating her.

"That all sounds very lovely. I've never tried elven girls: they look like they'll break on the first hit. Too frail, too used to those elvish toothpicks they call men. However you look... up to the challenge, let's say. You know, not totally, I'll probably hurt you, break you, but that's what the temples are here for! Just gimmie a second, I'll take my money and cloak and I'll bring you to this... place. And no one... will hear you scream girl. No one."

As he goes back to his table, walking with the attitude of the conqueror, telling the half-orc to take good notes, the barman comes to Tabrett and mouths to her: "Don't go with him. He's the devil."

Right after this, Archis comes back, his heavy fur coat on his shoulders, a large coin purse on his hip. He throws a couple of coins to the barman, and offers Tabrett his arm.

"Haven't changed your mind?", he asks, the terrifying grin still on his face.

Master Invictus
2012-07-07, 01:35 AM
"Then I guess tonight I'll be the devil's mistress." Turning to Archis she smiles. "Let's go."

2012-07-07, 02:16 AM
As Archis leads Tabrett out the door, the barman rolls his eyes.

As they walk through the rain in the dark alleys of Hammersburg, the man doesn't speak a single word, and Tabrett notices that he is carrying a battle axe on his hip, a small, thin gold chain around his neck and a large silver ring on his right middle finger, and a single brass bracer on his left arm that is covered in engravings. Within a few minutes, he stops in front of a rather large stone building, the door of which he unlocks and pushes: the inside of the building, lit by numerous torches, is also stone walled, and this room only contains a dinner table and two chairs.

"Ladies first," he says as he welcomes her by extending his arm towards the inside of the building.

Master Invictus
2012-07-07, 02:40 AM
Tabrett enters the door showing no fear at all.

2012-07-07, 03:16 AM
Right as the lady has entered the room, he closes the door and throws her against the table. While she recovers from that, Archis proceeds to bar the door to avoid any kind of disturbance.

"One thing you should learn, young lady, is that women only get on their knees and beg for forgiveness in front of Archis Springnest, never the opposite," he says while unclasping his cloak, letting it fall to the ground. "And you, tonight, you're going to get a full treat. And you'll love it," he says, grinning as he gets closer to her.

Master Invictus
2012-07-07, 04:44 AM
Tabrett realizes she is in a precarious situation but shows no fear. She drops to her knees for two reasons. One to incite a primal urge in him and to make him focus on her mouth and not her hands. The second is so she can remove one of the daggers from her boot undetected and shove it in a very tender spot once he is in range.

Sleight of Hand: [roll0]
Bluff:[roll1] To hide the coming attack.
Damage:[roll3] Sneak:[roll4]

Hopefully, his vunerable position will give a bonus or two. If the attack hits maybe a round of him being staggered?

2012-07-07, 09:32 AM
A round of being staggered? I'm sure you'll prefer what I've got coming for you.

When he sees Tabrett get on her knees, he smiles and laughs a little. While he talks, he looks into the drawers of a small dresser: "So, you understand now, at least that's good. However, now's the time for your punishment young lady. You've made this mistake and we want to make sure you don't do it again." As he says so, he takes out two sets of manacles, and with a sign of the head, shows you two small iron rings in the far wall, about six and a half feet from the floor. As he keeps on talking, he starts slowly walking towards you. "As I said, I don't usually bring elven girls here, so you might be a bit short, and it wouldn't be comfortable, but -"

And he receives a dagger in the crotch. His eyes show real pain, and he falls back to the floor, his face still shocked, a hand on his crotch, hoping he can spontaneously become a cleric and cast healing magic. At this point, still crawling, he takes out his battle axe with his right hand, letting out curse words and saying things about you that aren't so nice.

Roll initiative?
Tabrett [roll0]
Archis [roll1]

Lucky you.

Master Invictus
2012-07-07, 03:05 PM
Even though she had hoped she would have caused more damage she is thankful he hasn't recovered enough to attack... yet.

She steps to his side hoping to step out of his field of vision as stealthily as possible and then attempts to stab the dagger into his back hoping to sever his spine.

5' Step to his side and attempt to Stealth: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Sneak: [roll]1d6[roll] (If Allowed)

Master Invictus
2012-07-07, 03:06 PM
Rerolling Sneak Damage even though it may not apply. [roll0]

2012-07-07, 04:11 PM
No to the Sneak Attack, even though it would have made very little difference.

As Tabrett's dagger slices its way in his back, Archis Springnesthas time to say "You treacherous snake, honorless elf!" before falling unconscious.

Master Invictus
2012-07-07, 04:23 PM
The Black Widow smiles a wicked little smile. "Guilty as charged." she says to the unconscious Archis. She removes his clothes and armor, leaving him completely nude. She then recovers the manacles and places them on the unconscious man, one pair on his arms, the other on his feet. She then uses all of her strength and leverage to hang him by his arms to the clips on the far wall. She then

She then double checks the door is barred and once done, takes her time in searching the entire building for anything of value. She will specifically looks to see if their is a deed to the place or any other documents of interest.

Take 20 (as long as it takes) to search the entire room little stone building for valuables with a +8 Modifier.

If not possible the Search: [roll0]

2012-07-07, 04:28 PM
On the man, Tabrett can take:

Brass bracer
Battle axe
Large silver ring
fur cloak
thin silver chain

After a bit over an hour of searching the house, Tabrett finds:

Many sets of men clothes
3 bottles of high-end liqueur
Medium sized chainmail armor
2 Daggers
Battle axe
Short bow
Quiver and 24 arrow
a locked chest

Master Invictus
2012-07-07, 05:03 PM
Tabrett quickly attempts to unlock the chest, using a pin from her hair and a dagger. Not ideal, but given a few attempts she should be able to accomplish the task.

Open Lock: [roll0] (-2 Penalty for lack of proper tools already taken into account).

She will keep trying until it opens.

Once open she will undress, put on the chainmail armor, the bracers, and the cloak. She will hide two daggers in each boot. (her two plus the two new ones.) She will put the two battle axes across her back and crossed. She will also attach the quiver to her back. She will put the silver ringer and the necklace in her purse along with her dress and jewelry. She will then take a pillowcase or like object to put the liquor and the most expensive of the mens clothes inn. Finally she will put the contents of the chest in her purse or the makeshift bag. She will then walk over to Archis and trie to slap him awake. Whether it works or not she will use his battle axe to remove his manhood and place it in his mouth.

She will then pick up the shortbow, remove the bar from the door and leave going as stealthily as possible back to the Last Whisper. She will sneak back in through the window trying not be seen and keeping her alibi.

Stealth: [roll1]

She will lock all of his belongings in her chest at the foot of her bed, change back into her "normal" clothes, and go to sleep for a few hours.

2012-07-07, 11:37 PM
Chests' content:

- [roll0] gp
- [roll1] sp
- a small vial filled with a smokey liquid

2012-07-07, 11:38 PM
And he does not wake up. Therefore, the next morning...

Master Invictus
2012-07-08, 02:52 AM
Tabrett pockets the money and makes her way down stairs early in the morning. She walks to Haggard and for show says, "What a wonderful nights sleep. I don't think I moved for about 10 hours straight.". She winks knowingly to the large tavern keep.

"By the way, I have several items I found a few days ago Haggard, care to by them, or know someone who would?"

2012-07-08, 09:25 AM
"Hope, would you bring this lady here her morning oatmeal?"

Then, to Tabrett, whispering: "That depends dear, one how recognizable they are, you know I'd buy anything that can't be directly linked back to its former owner."

2012-07-08, 11:00 AM
Check out what I just posted in the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13518496#post13518496), it applies particularly to you!

Master Invictus
2012-07-08, 03:45 PM
"Well, I have some items that won't be identifiable, but there are a few weapons that certainly would. How do you feel about high end clothing? Could you move those? Mostly silk and such." Then sizing Haggard up and down she smiles. "Actually, they would fit you quite well. Not really your style, but hey... I think they would make you look quite... dashing."

She takes a piece of paper and quickly scribbles down the list she will sell to him.

-brass bracers
-fur cloak
-large silver ring
-thin silver necklace
-3 bottles of high end liquer
-1 battleaxe (the one not carried by Archis)

-mens clothing (if he will take them)
-1 battle axe (if he will take the one that was on Archis)

"One of the weapons I have I left off that list. The person I "bought" it from said he got it from a guy that carried it frequently and wasn't afraid to use it. He's not concern now, but wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea. That is unless you think you can move it."

Between the combat and the items taken, how much XP did I earn?

2012-07-09, 01:36 AM
"I can move all of that except for the weapon, but I'd need to see the pieces of jewelry beforehand to know what they're worth."

For XP, 550. And by the way, it was not brass bracers, but brass bracer, singular.

Master Invictus
2012-07-09, 01:53 AM
Tabrett lugs all of the aforementioned gear down to Haggard in the chest from her room and lugs it back up. She locks the weapon up in the chest again.

Coming back down she asks Haggard, "You wouldn't happen to have some wigs would you?"

2012-07-09, 02:03 AM
"Some wigs? Need a new identity already? Sure I probably do. Color, length, style?"

As he sees the items, Haggard calls Hope to take over and tells Tabrett to come to his desk, in a separate room.

Master Invictus
2012-07-09, 02:27 AM
She follows Haggard to his office. "Red hair in a short bob, blonde that's long. I plan on trying Mountainfist again."

2012-07-09, 02:35 AM
"What did you do to Springnest? Don't lie to me young woman, this bracer is his, never seen anything else like it."

Master Invictus
2012-07-09, 02:39 AM
"Planned on robbing him, he forced my hand. I made him pay.". She answers cooly and matter of factly.

2012-07-09, 02:55 AM
"Wow... I'm just... Wow! You dealt with Springnest and came out on top? I guess I've been underestimating you young girl!"

He applauds her.

"Now for these items, if I'm caught with anything that can be traced back to him, he worked for the Thieves' Guild, and you know what that means. Now, the thing is, what's not traceable, no one would come to me for. No way I'm ever selling anyone a suit of chainmail, you know, people go to a smith for that. All this to say, I can give you 20gp for the 3 bottles, but that's all I can take from this batch. You can go and sell the axe he didn't go around town with everyday, that and the chainmail, but the rest, not in this city.

And by the way, do you know what this bracer does?"

Master Invictus
2012-07-09, 03:31 AM
"No, I don't, and thank you. I'll move what items I can, but I think the money from mountainfist will set me up nicely. So what does this bracer do?"

2012-07-09, 08:52 AM
The innkeeper puts the bracer on his left arm: "I think it was KUSSOL! or SUKKOL! or LUKKOS!"

At this last word, the bracer makes a very faint buzz sound, and then a large circle of yellow light forms up around it.

"This way, you always have a shield on you, ready for combat, but it's not in the way. Not the most powerful item, but still, a pretty useful thing, isn't it? However, don't show it up anywhere in this city, do you hear me?"

In game terms, the bracer can, as a free action, become a heavy shield made of force, which has no Max Dex, no check penalty and no arcane spell failure. However, rogues are still not proficient in it until they take a level of duskblade! ;) Also a free action to undo it. You can call it a "Bracer - Force Shield"

Master Invictus
2012-07-09, 12:55 PM
"Haggard, I'm hurt. You don't think I am that stupid do you? You know I pride myself on subtley. Do yo have at least one wig? If so I need to do some recon. Please send a message to Mrs. Mountainfist letting her ready to have payment sent to you. You don't mind being my handler do you?"

2012-07-09, 03:20 PM
"I'm sorry darling, I'm just scared something would happen to my best informant. Here's a set of wig: one black, one red, one blonde. You can cut them and brush them anyway you like. 30 gold for these. And I'll contact Mrs. Mountainfist, get her payment. I don't mind being your handler if you don't mind being generous." *winks*

Master Invictus
2012-07-09, 09:50 PM
This is going to be a very elaborate scheme, but if you will please bear with me. If something won't work, please stop me and let me know, otherwise, to try and keep things moving I will try and do it all in one fell swoop.

Tabrett smiles and winks back at Haggard. "I know you just worry about me Haggard, you and Hope are the only two that do... and for that I am eternally grateful. And of course I'll be generous Haggy. If Haggy ain't happy ain't nobody happy." The dark haired elf drops 10 gold coins into Haggards palm. "That plus the liquer should cover the wigs. Do you mind letting me use a few pieces of parchments, some ink, and some wax?" Assuming he answers in the affirmative, Tabrett will take all of the items up to her quarters.

She will then write out a note that appears to be written by Archis and seal it with wax using his silver ring as a stamp. She will write out another note in a very non-descript hand writing and give it to Haggard, asking him to use someone and have them deliver it to the specified address at precisely 11:54pm.

She takes the time to make the blond hair wig have beautiful wavy hair about that flows to about the mid portion of the back. She tapes her ears down so that they are hidden and puts on way too much make-up. All of this is to give her appearance of a middle age blonde human female.

She changes into her dark colored adventuring gear careful to have one dagger in each boot and one dagger under the brass bracer of Archis'. She makes sure that bracer is hidden under her leather shirt. She has her rapier on her left hip and her quiver on her right shoulder. Her shortbow is strapped to her back.

The forth dagger, the one she killed Archis with... the one that is still bloody, she wraps up in one of the dead mans shirts. She also places his ring and necklace in there. She then places it in a box and uses string to tie it shut.

Once so prepared, she sets out, walking right out of the front door of the the Last Whisper. She makes her way towards Archis' place blending into crowds and alleys as she goes. She scopes out the place making sure no authorities or other unsavory types are sniffing around. She will NOT approach the building.

After a hour or so she will make her way to the Salty Wench and walk in as if she owns the place. She will stride right up to the bartender and say, "Archis said for you to give this to Mountainfist when he arrives tonight." She will hand the bartender the sealed letter and turn around and walk out before any questions can be asked.

She will then wait until it is thoroughly dark, probably around 10pm and walk sneak to Greyce Alley. She will go to the spot where there are several loose bricks in one of the buildings and pull them out as she has done many times before. She will hide the box in there and replace the bricks making the wall seem whole again.

She will then sneak back to Archis' place and try to slip in undetected. She will hide his body in a closet or under the bed but not clean anything else up.

She then sneaks out, shutting the door behind her but not locking it. She then finds a perch up on a roof top where she won't be seen and waits.

The first letter reads:

I got 200 gold pieces if you do this for me. Heck, I'll even throw in that elven B@#$% I had my way with last night. 11:50pm I need you to be at Greyce Alley and go to the hiding spot and pull a box out of the false wall there. Take it to my house. You must be at my house right before midnight. Do not be late or the courier who will take the box from you will already be gone. Do not be earlier or you might draw suspicion. Burn this letter after memorizing the contents.

Do this for the Guild.

The second letter reads:
To whom it may concern,

Mountainfist found out Springnest has been stealing from him. Said he was going to end him tonight.

I saw Mountainfist walking towards Archis place about 10 minutes ago. Hurry.

A concerned citizen

Disguise: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]
Move Silently: [roll3]
Forgery: [roll4]
Bluff: [roll5]

2012-07-10, 12:22 AM
Wow, you're just... awesome! However, simply to make sure: the second letter was to be brought to a specific address, but you never mentionned who. I assumed it was the authorities, was I right?

A bit before midnight, as expected, the dwarf gets to Springnest's house, a box under his arm, and knocks twice. He waits for almost a minute, then knocks again: "Hey, open up! It's me!"

After another minute or two, he puts his hand on the handle of his axe, and enters slowly. Within minutes, he comes right out and leaves, his cloak's hood right up, and without the box.

So, what do you do? I want to make sure I don't take a possibility away from you, so a "I wait" is totally acceptable.

Master Invictus
2012-07-10, 07:58 AM
Tabrett double checks to make sure there are no authorities or others on the street. If not she will trail the dwarf for to make sure he gets away from the house. Not far, maybe 100 feet or so, just so he can't duck back in. She will then move to within 30 feet of him and let loose an arrow from her sniping perch on the roof.

Perception: 1d20+8[roll]
Attack: [roll0] vs. flatfooted
Damage [roll]1d6+1d6
Hide: [roll1] (to hide after firing at -10)

Master Invictus
2012-07-10, 08:00 AM
Damage: [roll0] + [roll1]

2012-07-10, 08:57 AM
As an arrow whistles past his ear, Mountainfist stops and turns around, trying to see who fired at him in such a way.

Spot: [roll0]

2012-07-10, 09:02 AM

As he sees no one, he keep on running, hugging the side of various buildings, yelling "THERE'S AN ASSASSIN ON THE ROOFS! ASSASSIN ON THE ROOFS! ALSO I CAN'T SEE MY OWN NOSE!"

Maybe not that last part.

Your keen elven senses also notice 12 militiamen getting to the scene, although a bit late. Upon hearing the old dwarf's alter, they split up: 5 of them take position to watch over the roofs, 5 of them start climbing various roofs (although you do not see which ones, as you are on the other side, trying to hide, and they're at the base of the buildings) and 2 run after Mountainfist, also hugging the side of buildings.

Master Invictus
2012-07-10, 11:48 AM
Tabrett mutters under her breath then takes a very big risk.

"I am Laura Johnson, Justicar of Hammersburg, Mountainfist just killed a man in cold blood! Take him into custody and check on Archis! He may still be alive!"

She then quickly runs across the rooftops away from the milita and once out of range she will drop to the street level and sneak to an alley where she can drop her disguise and make her way back to the Last Whisper and sneak in through the window.

Bluff: [roll0]
Acrobatics: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]
Move Silently [roll3]

2012-07-10, 11:11 PM
And she does make it there safely. During her way back, she did notice quite a lot of activity on the streets, and even on rooftops.

Master Invictus
2012-07-11, 11:48 AM
Once back Tabrett takes the time to write one more letter. This one in very feminent and ornate writing.

Mountainfist killed Springnest. The Watch has him. I want him to pay for his crimes but my oath prevents me from touching him while in the custody of the law. I'll leave him for you to deal with.

- Laura Johnson, Justicar of Hammersburg

She takes it to Haggard and says, "Use many couriers at least four to get this in the hands of the Thieves Guild. It must not be traced back to either of us."

Forgery: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

2012-07-11, 12:15 PM
Haggard: "The Thieves' Guild? I thought you always worked alone and undetected. Did you get spotted? Did they force you to become a member?"

Master Invictus
2012-07-11, 12:38 PM
"No, nothing like that. I pinned Archis murder on Mountainfist and got him arrested. Sending a note to get the guild to off Mountainfist. Read the letter if you like"

2012-07-11, 03:42 PM
Haggard gives the letter a quick read: "You know best my dear. The Guild will get that tomorrow night, is that acceptable to you?"

Master Invictus
2012-07-11, 04:48 PM
"That will do just fine. Now, what other information do you have about this fellow with the diamonds?"

2012-07-11, 05:01 PM
"The fellow's named Fignel Cloudcloak. Honestly, that's pretty much all the info I have, I was hoping you could maybe learn some more about the man. Try to keep this one alive though, he could be important, you never know. He sure seems like he has more contact than Archis Springnest. Only thing I know is he stays in the inn all day, either in his quarters or in the common room to eat and drink, and then sometimes he leaves after dark to go Olidammara knows where. That's all I know."

Master Invictus
2012-07-11, 07:30 PM
"This Inn? What room number?"

2012-07-11, 09:43 PM
No, not this inn. It's at the Dragon's Horn. The guy's loaded after all! *winks* And that means there's that Minotaur at the door, and guards hired to stay in there.

Master Invictus
2012-07-11, 10:00 PM
"Very well... it seems I have some plans then." Tabrett winks to Haggard and makes her way upstairs. She grabs the red wig and trims it down to a short, alluring bob. She tapes her ears down so that she appears human. She puts on her seductive dress and her sapphire jewels. She takes only one dagger, hiding it in her high boots. She wears a black cloak to conceal her alluring nature from the common rabble on the streets. She walks right to the Dragon's Horn and removes her cloak, placing it in her purse.

Looking to the minotaur she speaks to him and she attempts to keep walking past. "My employer has sent me keep Mr. Cloakcloak company, please direct me to his chambers."

(Assuming it is an hour or two past midnight since the whole Mountainfist fiasco went down at midnight.)

Master Invictus
2012-07-11, 10:02 PM

Disguise: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

Ah, come on!!!

2012-07-12, 12:04 AM
The Minotaur owner is a she by the way ;)

A hairy arm grabs you by the shoulder. "Yes, and I'm the High Priest of Hextor. C'mon pointy ears-oh yeah, we see that- beat it before I forget that human society frowns upon violence. And leave your ugly wigs at home, tramp. Come back here when you marry in a noble society or something."

Master Invictus
2012-07-12, 01:45 AM
Berating herself for rushing and messing things up she turns away and heads back to Haggards. She sleeps until nearly noon then gets dressed in her infiltration gear (rapier, bow, 3 daggers, bracers, adventuring gear) and hits the streets, listening for any word on Archis, the Thieves Guild, Mountainfist, Laura Johnson, The Black Widow, or Cloudcloak.

Knowledge Local: [roll0]

2012-07-12, 02:06 AM
Shouldn't that be Gather Info?

Master Invictus
2012-07-12, 02:36 AM
Yes, so that changes it to:
Gather Information: 17

I just realized I have not applied my synergy bonuses to my CS... will do that when I can access my sheet. +2 to... quite a lot actually.

2012-07-12, 09:33 AM
Do you want just the information you get, or do you want to interact with those who say it?

Master Invictus
2012-07-12, 06:18 PM
I mostly just want to listen.

2012-07-12, 11:52 PM
The info you hear, Oblivion-rumor style.

- He was murdered gruesomely in his home.
- Apparently he was killed by a former partner.

the Thieves Guild:
- They lost one of their enforcers in a bizarre event.
- They don't like seeming weak: expect them to make an important move to show their power.

- He was caught with a whore not so long ago: his wife has not accepted him in the house since.
- Since then he lives at the Boar's Tongue and spends most of his time drinking.

Laura Johnson:
- Someone was standing on the floors, right there, and shooting arrows at people on the street. I hope the militiamen catch her!

The Black Widow:


Master Invictus
2012-07-13, 01:09 AM
Tabrett holes up for the night hoping she doesn't get hit by the Thieves Guild. She hates not knowing things.

She wil spend the time until the following morning perfecting her wigs (taking 20) to prepare her disguises in advance.

The following morning she will see what Haggard has heard about Mountainfist and the Guild.

2012-07-13, 02:01 AM
Haggard: From what I've heard, Mountainfist has left the city. You know, the guy had ties to the Guild, but did not work for them or anything. They'll get him soon enough, with that huge network they have. They'll get him back in the city where they can execute him for everyone else to see. Apparently there's a vigilante running after him too. You heard of that?

Master Invictus
2012-07-13, 11:49 AM
Seeing nonreason in lyin to Haggard, Tabrett opens up to him about... Everything. She then goes upstairs and spends hours perfecting her disquises not wanting to be caught again. She then waits to see what will happen in reagards to the Guild.

2012-07-13, 12:19 PM
And how exactly do you plan to be informed about anything happening with the Guild while staying in your room?

Master Invictus
2012-07-15, 12:07 PM
OOC: Sorry for not posting in a a day or so... was moving into my new house. I should be back to normal posting now. My apologies for no heads up.

Tabrett catches up on some sleep and the following morning dons her Laura Johnson disguise complete with battle gear. She heads to Haggard, "Greetings Mr. Sinclair, I am Laura Johnson, Justicar of Hammersburg. I must ask what you know of Mountainfist and Springnest."

She winks to let him know it is her... after all she did inform him of she was actually Johnson.

2012-07-15, 02:08 PM
That's alright, don't sweat it! It's vacation/moving season, so I expect people to disappear every now and then.

"I'm sorry Miss Johnson, but aside from what everyone knows, I don't have much information! I'm not sure you'd learn anything from me!" :smallwink:

Master Invictus
2012-07-15, 02:35 PM
In the guise of Laura Johnson, Tabrett sets out back towards the Dragon's Horn. She will enter, buy cheap glass of wine and wait until she sees Cloudcloak enter or prepare to exit.

Disguise: [roll]1dd20+7[roll] (I tried to take 20 in the room to prepare the disguise so I don't know if that worked or not.)

Master Invictus
2012-07-15, 02:39 PM
Disguise again: [roll0]

2012-07-15, 08:33 PM
After about an hour and a half, still no sign of him. The Minotaur bartender gets near you: "I'm sorry milady, you seem to be waiting for someone. Could I help you, or am I simply mistaken in your reasons for staying here?

Master Invictus
2012-07-15, 10:05 PM
"I am waiting for a Fignel Cloudcloak. I don't know him myself, but the description I was given should make him easy to spot. I have a message to deliver to him. I hope I am not to late as I fear his life may be in danger. I was told he frequents this bar?" She says the last part as a question instead of a statement.

Bluff: [roll0]

2012-07-15, 10:51 PM
"His life in danger? This is the kind of declaration we take very seriously at the Dragon's Horn. Do you truly believe that? What pushes you to believe such things?"

Master Invictus
2012-07-17, 02:55 PM
"That is what my sources indicate. I would like to warn him, pass what information I have on to him, and let him decide whether he believes it credible."

Sorry, I thought I posted from my phone but apparently it never went through.

2012-07-18, 12:09 AM
That's alright, happens to me all the time too. I was about to get worried! ;)

"It would be my pleasure to pass this information to him Mrs...?"

Master Invictus
2012-07-19, 03:28 PM
My computer crashed. I have a new one on order. Sorry.

Once I get it back up and running I'll be back to posting consistently.

"Johnson, Laura Johnson. And thank you for doing so. I would however like to speak with him and see if he has any information that might help my investigation."

2012-07-20, 01:47 AM
"Well he asked not to be disturbed before he comes out for his evening meal, but I'm sure this kind of news will have him come out of his quarters. What kind of danger are we talking about here? What sorts of measures should be put up to protect him against these?"

As she talks to you, she makes a sign towards a guard. She whispers something to his ear, after which the guard goes upstairs.

Don't sweat it. My posting speed will also go down in the next three weeks as I have a summer class to follow, probably down to a post per day.

2012-07-31, 09:11 AM
When you get your computer back up, just PM me so I come back to look at this thread.