View Full Version : Help optimize my wizard!

2012-07-06, 05:09 AM
Hi. It's been a long, LONG while since my last post, and it's the start of a new campaign. Let's set the scene: It's the Spelljammer campaign setting, and we've already been through 2 parties. I've died both times, one time through questionable decision-making and the other time through sheer bad luck and roleplay. Long story short - I need to roll another new character.

Circumstances: The current party includes a monk and a dragon shaman, therefore I was asked to make an arcane character mostly focused on blasting stuff. I feel like I'm too dumb to properly use Battlefield control, which is superior, as far as I've heard. The DM said that he prefers us to powergame... to a certain point. Hence digging out moderate exploits should be good, severe ones will be overruled. The line is rather obscure, But I'd just refrain from cheese as much as possible. Also, while I read several guides, I feel as if I might have messed a lot up or done beginner mistakes. Let me know.

Restrictions: Character must be 10th level, use 3,5 rulebooks, no specific campaign setting books (other than Spelljammer). Hence no Eberron, no Forgotten Realms, no Kingdoms of Khalamar, but Yes to Cityscape, Frostburn, etc. Online materials and Houserules are also out the window. Don't use Celerity, mass gating (summoned creatures are not permited to call in more creatures), and while I would very much like to include spells from other books, these will be held to closer scrutiny. Also, since the campaign is likely to be lengthy, do keep in mind future progression. Alignment restrictions don't matter in the rules context but will affect roleplay.

What you have to work with: (my current progress)

STR 12 DEX 18 CON 18 INT 20 WIS 12 CHA 14
(Conditions were that I could roll the diceroller as many times as I wanted to as long as I provided the DM with a screenshot. the +2 to INT is from being 10th level. These stats have no items or tomes included in them.)
Race: Human
Gold total: 49000
Classes:Battle Domain Wizard 8/Fatespinner 2

HP 72
AC: 19 (22)
Touch 14 (17) Flatfooted 15 (18)

Skill ranks:

Concentration 13
Craft (alchemy) 1
Escape Artist 6
arcana 13
nature 11
religion 11
dungeoneering 1
Profession(gambler) 5
Sleight of hand 2
Spellcraft 13
Tumble 6

Eschew Materials
Energy substitution (sonic)
Point Blank Shot
Empower Spell
Arcane Thesis (Scorching Ray) (PHB2)

Battle domain from Domain Wizard (UA)
Domain granted Power (War) (Complete Champion)
Familiar - Hawk
Relentless trait
Skinny trait
Murkyeyed (flaw) (roll hitting for concealment twice)

Spellstrike Defending +1 Quarterstaff (only one half enchanted, will use Greater Magic Weapon on it to gain the GMW bonus to AC and Saves)
Twilight +1 Mithril Chain shirt
Void suit (2k), I feel too paranoid without this.
Belt of Healing
Vest of resistance +3
Brooch of Shielding
Third Eye of Freedom
Handy Haversack
Headband of Intellect +2


2x Endure elements potion
2x Cure moderate potion
Remove paralysis potion
Lesser Restoration potion
2x Invisibility potion

+600 gp worth of adventuring crap


While this is not a major problem, I would still love to hear outsider thoughts. I am always surprised how awesomely helpful this community is, and have come here dozens of times for inspiration. I have about 5 days, so I'd love to hear your thoughts once more. :)

2012-07-06, 05:49 AM
You can take -3 to all your physical stats for +2 to all your mental stats. I would drop either point blank shot or eschew materials (or pick up some flaws) and switch race to lesser tiefling or gray elf for the int bonus. The latter can be found on the SRD/monster manual 1 under elf. Actually I would go elf generalist (stacks with domain wizard, by RAW, can be found in races of the wild), as that gets you an extra spell known each level as well as a bonus spell slot of your highest level spell. Elf and old age will get you 4 more points of int, and with your headband, should get you up to 26.

Take 5 levels of wizard, then use complete champion alternate class feature for wizards to trade out the wizard bonus feat for the ability to spontaneously cast divination spells. This will let you prepare lots of blasty but still be useful in a pinch, if you want to be.

If you really want to break the game, pick up versatile spell caster from races of the dragon. Combined with domain wizard and elf generalist, you get your bonus spell slots (from race, int bonus, and domain) for all spell levels. You could be a level 1 wizard and be casting 9th level spells.