View Full Version : Buff n' Fluff

2012-07-06, 12:25 PM
So some of my friends and I are starting a new side game. for the first time in ages i want to be a buffer with some fun things.

so i've decided on this: it's insane. i just want to put this out there, i dont need optimization help as this game shouldn't require much and i dont want to kill our new DM with dropping 90 damage at level 5.

by the way we are starting at level 5.

Hellbred (Spirit route) Fighter 1/Marshal 1/Bard 3

con:12 (-2 from Spirit, 14 original)
Cha: 17+1 level adjust+ 2 Spirit (20 total)

Fighter for the feat, marshal for CHA aura

Feats as such

Brand of Nine Hells
Mark of Nessus (AHAHA!)
Devil's Tongue

max out Perform and Intimidate

pretty much i cant ever be touched in combat and can move about, buff and play my lute to my hearts content :)


2012-07-06, 01:25 PM
I don't think Hellbred are devils.

2012-07-06, 02:05 PM
Wait...under special Rules for Brand of the Nine Hells i can take it if i perform a ritual as a non-Devil


2012-07-06, 02:59 PM
Wait...under special Rules for Brand of the Nine Hells i can take it if i perform a ritual as a non-Devil

You have DM approval for that, I assume.
"This option is unavailable to player characters (unless a DM rules otherwise)."

Also, you need Devil's Favor to get Devil's Tongue. Which is good, because that's another use/day of your daze ability, two total. And finally, which feat can be taken as a fighter feat? I don't think any of these counts. I hope flaws are allowed.

pretty much i cant ever be touched in combat
This is a pet peeve of mine. "Opponent must roll a will save" doesn't equal "I"m untouchable". There are area effects, there are spells that can hurt you personally without targeting you, and there are foes who pass their will saves. Your Cha is very respectable, but not insane.

I have nothing against your build, I'm just saying. :smallwink:

I think the Fighter level has no reason to be there. It can't get you a non-fighter feat, you don't care about BAB and the like, and it does nothing for flavor. Why not progress Bard instead, and get 2nd-level spells? Not because it's optimized, but because it's cool!

2012-07-06, 03:18 PM
hmmmm good point.

i sent the ideas over to the DM to review.

i think devils tongue i will remove for Extra music feat

and yes i might have to remove the fighter level and wait on the extra music feat until level 6

im hoping not to get into too much trouble (ie Nessus); also because ill be not in direct combat i hope.

good points! :)