View Full Version : Building a char w/ LA but no racial HD...I'm kinda clueless

King Atticus
2012-07-06, 01:17 PM
I'm trying to put together a theoretical character and I've come to realize I have no clue as how to use LA in creation.

Here's what I'm trying to include.

Race: Petal (LA+2)
Template: Radiant Creature (LA+3)
Chameleon (LA+1)
Classes:As Yet Undecided

So for a progression:
7-?:Class LVL's

So where do skills, feats, HD, etc. kick in? Does everything start at the 1st class level? Do you get skills or feats from the race?

I realize giving up this many class levels is never a good idea but again this is a completely theoretical exercise so I can try to wrap my head around this stuff.

Also if anyone has a link to 'LA buyoff for dummies' thread I would appreciate it.

Duke of URL
2012-07-06, 01:20 PM
Level adjustment gives you absolutely nothing except a higher ECL.

HD, BAB, skills, feats, ability increases, etc., are all based on character level, not ECL, so only you class level(s) would contribute. (Plus any benefits gained directly from your race/templates, of course.)

As for LA buyoff, using the rules in Unearthed Arcana you'd have to be well into epic ECL before you could even buy off +1 (first buyoff is at CL 18 [ECL 24]).

2012-07-06, 01:22 PM
Empty Levels! Yay!

2012-07-06, 04:06 PM
Read my Monster Handbook. It should clarify all you need to know on this subject. Also, you should read it regardless.