View Full Version : Mechanical effects of being an albino

2012-07-06, 02:11 PM
In the game last week that we just started, I was trying to come up with a decent way to roleplay a low charisma, and on a whim, decided to make my character an albino.

I've talked to the DM about it a bit, and we've discussed the idea of it having some mechanical effect on the character. The easiest would be to simply give it the light sensitivity trait that monsters like orcs and kobolds have.

If we're going to go that route though, I'd like some benefit out of it too, and can't really think of a good benefit to get out of it. Low-light vision kind of makes sense in game rule terms, but in terms of what albinism actually does it doesn't.

So what mechanical effects would you use to represent albinism in-game.

2012-07-06, 02:24 PM
I don't think actual albinism provides any actual benefits, other than the look if you like that.

Therefore, we have to think a bit outside the box.

How about having your character need special drugs like Elric and give him/her a +4 to craft (alchemy) and +2 to heal to offset the light sensitivity.

2012-07-06, 02:56 PM
+2 to intimidate to represent the fact that you unsettle others?

If you want to go for a supernatural bend, +2 to saves against glamour illusions. Albino's are not of the coloured words, and thus deceiving them with its traits is harder.

What is your class? Maybe there could be something thematic based on that.

2012-07-06, 03:08 PM
Abinism could bestow magical properties, as some peoples believed for a while. +1 to Illusion save DCs could be a way of representing this.

2012-07-06, 04:00 PM
+2 to intimidate to represent the fact that you unsettle others?

We're using a condensed skill system, so diplomacy and intimidate are rolled into one skill. The bonus to intimidate would likely be cancelled out by the penalty on diplomacy, so that probably won't work.

If you want to go for a supernatural bend, +2 to saves against glamour illusions. Albino's are not of the coloured words, and thus deceiving them with its traits is harder.

That could work.

What is your class? Maybe there could be something thematic based on that.

I'm playing an archivist.

Maybe I'll just let the DM give me a penalty and a free pair of sunglasses.

2012-07-06, 04:06 PM
We're using a condensed skill system, so diplomacy and intimidate are rolled into one skill. The bonus to intimidate would likely be cancelled out by the penalty on diplomacy, so that probably won't work.

You could always make the bonus to persuade via fear bigger than the penalty to persuade via diplomacy.

I'm playing an archivist.

Maybe your spells are leeched of colour? Any visual manifestations are always white? Might be more of a penalty than a benefit, but it would make you recognizable. Or maybe a bonus to the dread speech class feature, or a bonus to hide against creature using blindsight (since your presence on this world is pale), but that is very specific.

2012-07-06, 04:20 PM
You could constantly be getting sunburned and have really peely skin that gives you a bonus to escape grapples.

2012-07-06, 05:49 PM
You could constantly be getting sunburned and have really peely skin that gives you a bonus to escape grapples.

Probably not exactly what we're looking for, but the mental image did give me a laugh.

2012-07-06, 06:58 PM
Maybe your spells are leeched of colour? Any visual manifestations are always white? Might be more of a penalty than a benefit, but it would make you recognizable. Or maybe a bonus to the dread speech class feature, or a bonus to hide against creature using blindsight (since your presence on this world is pale), but that is very specific.

You could translate that into a penalty when opponents try to identify your spells. something like -1 per spell level or something. or a flat -4 or the like.

2012-07-06, 07:06 PM
I'm pretty sure I've seen something on Albino Drow somewhere. Might have been in Dragon Magazine.

2012-07-06, 07:11 PM
You could translate that into a penalty when opponents try to identify your spells. something like -1 per spell level or something. or a flat -4 or the like.

They see you casting it, they can identify it as normal (remember how many spells have no visual manifestation at all). Maybe a penalty could apply for spells in place. If you do apply one, use the penalty applied by Spell Thematics, since that seems to be the closest RAW requivalent.

2012-07-06, 07:15 PM
They see you casting it, they can identify it as normal (remember how many spells have no visual manifestation at all). Maybe a penalty could apply for spells in place. If you do apply one, use the penalty applied by Spell Thematics, since that seems to be the closest RAW requivalent.

That would make more sense. For some reason I forgot that not all spells actually make something visual happen.

Honest Tiefling
2012-07-06, 07:21 PM
Your character could have had an issue with sunlight (Light sensitivity, penalty to fort saves against heat based environmental hazards?). Either due to being unliked due to looking different, or because screw sunlight, your character spent a lot of time indoors. With all of the books. Hence being an archivist as well.

Could confer academic based bonuses, such as a bonus to brainy type skills like knowledge or linguistics. Maybe a few bonus languages? Perhaps even a spellcraft bonus or a bonus metamagic feat since you practiced so darn much.

2012-07-06, 07:35 PM
I'm pretty sure I've seen something on Albino Drow somewhere. Might have been in Dragon Magazine.

They aren't proper albino, they look like regular elves.