View Full Version : Value Of True Magic Immunity

Mithril Leaf
2012-07-06, 10:15 PM
No, I'm not talking about SR: Infinity.

What would the GP value of true immunity to all targeted spells be? Assuming you can toggle it on and off, such a thing is certainly very useful. As a psion, you could use the magic item guide to create a continuous item of Dweomer Of Transference (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/spells/dweomerOfTransference.htm) to give you immunity to all spells that target you and boost your power point reserve by a corresponding amount. Such an item would cost 224000 GP or 448000 GP slotless. Would it be worth it to by such an item? If so (I'd probably say yes) what would be the ideal time? What kind of things would take priority? Is this item a steal or a cheat?

2012-07-06, 10:21 PM
I don't think any rational DM is likely to let you take that.

Also, couldn't the object itself be targeted?

Mithril Leaf
2012-07-06, 10:39 PM
I don't think any rational DM is likely to let you take that.

Also, couldn't the object itself be targeted?

Well, it would take about half of your level 20 WBL to buy a slotless one. So maybe not as irrational as you think, especially in a high psionics campaign. Theoretically yes, but that would require either extensive metagaming or lots of in game knowledge, provided you keep it appropriately hidden, AKA: Not floating around your head. Slotless doesn't stipulate that.

2012-07-06, 10:44 PM
Considering that the text of Dweomer of Transference later refers to the target specifically gaining power points from spells 'you cast', I think its likely that the universality of the absorption is an error, so this item (and similarly the corresponding use of the spell) shouldn't really work. RAW perhaps, but its the same class of RAW as the weapon in Sandstorm that does 1d33 damage instead of 1d3.

2012-07-06, 10:53 PM
Well, it would take about half of your level 20 WBL to buy a slotless one. So maybe not as irrational as you think, especially in a high psionics campaign. Theoretically yes, but that would require either extensive metagaming or lots of in game knowledge, provided you keep it appropriately hidden, AKA: Not floating around your head. Slotless doesn't stipulate that.

Being slotless doesn't mean you can bury it in the ground and it still works. You still have to have it with you.

Mithril Leaf
2012-07-06, 10:55 PM
Being slotless doesn't mean you can bury it in the ground and it still works. You still have to have it with you.

I was thinking embedding it in your belly button and wearing armor over it.

2012-07-06, 10:59 PM
I was thinking embedding it in your belly button and wearing armor over it.

That won't protect it from dispell or an antimagic field.

Mithril Leaf
2012-07-06, 11:05 PM
That won't protect it from dispell or an antimagic field.

Look, that's not the point here. What I'm looking for is whether such an item is worth purchasing. It does indeed have several weaknesses. Are they such that it's not worth buying if available. If you have nothing to say on that matter, instead deciding to contest the item itself, please remove yourself from this thread. That's not the point.

2012-07-06, 11:08 PM
Look, that's not the point here. What I'm looking for is whether such an item is worth purchasing. It does indeed have several weaknesses. Are they such that it's not worth buying if available. If you have nothing to say on that matter, instead deciding to contest the item itself, please remove yourself from this thread. That's not the point.

That IS the point. If it isn't true magic immunity that should change the perceived value of the item. You asked what it was worth. If you mean what the calculated cost should be... that's a whole other story.

Also, the item itself doesn't even function.

2012-07-06, 11:14 PM
Look, that's not the point here. What I'm looking for is whether such an item is worth purchasing. It does indeed have several weaknesses. Are they such that it's not worth buying if available. If you have nothing to say on that matter, instead deciding to contest the item itself, please remove yourself from this thread. That's not the point.

Not worth it. A lot of the most devastating spells aren't targeted. Persisted and heavily metamagicked dragon breath (Spell Comp.), flaying tendrils (Complete Mage), death by burial (time stop and undermaster's souped up move earth) and plenty of other things get right around it. They very people you're trying to thwart, spellcasters, generally wouldn't need to go to much more trouble to kill you.

Mithril Leaf
2012-07-06, 11:51 PM
Not worth it. A lot of the most devastating spells aren't targeted. Persisted and heavily metamagicked dragon breath (Spell Comp.), flaying tendrils (Complete Mage), death by burial (time stop and undermaster's souped up move earth) and plenty of other things get right around it. They very people you're trying to thwart, spellcasters, generally wouldn't need to go to much more trouble to kill you.

Many thanks for actually answering the question. You're a good man Hirax.

2012-07-07, 07:56 AM
I was going to come in and point out that true magic immunity has all sorts of stupid consequences...but this is immunity to targeted spells, which is actually a coherent concept. Note that there is a lot of discussion about what constitutes a targeted spell, though (does it need a Target: line? There are some indications that area spells "target all creatures in the area").

2012-07-07, 11:37 AM
I actually implemented an item like that in my campaign recently, although I didn't assign a price value to it. It was an amulet that was a prize in a capital city's (non-lethal) tournament. The paladin in my party won it. The way I'm using it is that it works like a golem's magic immunity. If it has SR: Yes, the wearer is immune...until you take off the amulet, then everything kinda hits you at once. My party really should've paid more attention to the thing's backstory instead of brushing it off.

2012-07-07, 11:46 AM
I've thought of this in the past and considered true magic immunity to be a Curse. Such a character would have great advantages. For example, he could walk through a Wall of Force or even a Prismatic Wall without ill effect. He can win a staring contest against a medusa and poke a beholder in the eye.

However, no potions of healing do anything for him. He does not benefit from a cleric's Bless or Bull Strength. Magic armors and weapons only have their basic mundane functions while he uses them. He cannot be resurrected. Cure spells don't work on him. He will not be Hasted. He cannot cast spells or benefit from any spell. He gets no nourishment from Heroes' Feast, Create Food & Water, or Goodberry. Any disease he gets cannot be Removed nor poison Neutralized.

Only deities and artifacts can bypass his condition.