View Full Version : [DnD 3.5] Feat Suggestions for Mounted Charger

2012-07-07, 01:17 AM
I'm playing a Strongheart Halfling charger on a riding dog mount. I currently have two levels of the Horseman Fighter variant(so I have the Quick Turn feature), and I already have the feats: Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Power Attack, and Wild Cohort(to get the riding dog). I don't know what to take next for the halfling.

In addition to this, my riding dog gets +1HD, so I have a feat to pick for it as well.

Any suggestions on feats for each of them to take? Also, I don't know if there's anything more for me to get from Horseman Fighter, so any suggestions on potential multiclasses would help. I have checked the Mount Handbook already, but it didn't provide much in the way of feats/classes for the halfling himself.


2012-07-07, 02:36 AM
If you have a way to not care about AC, or if you don't go overboard with it, Shock Trooper is considered a very powerful feat (power attack penalty goes to AC instead of attack bonus), and completes the classic Charger combo. So if you want that, you'll want to take Improved Bull Rush now to qualify. Just don't go crazy with the damage; if you deal too much, the DM will have to put absurd hp on opponents so you don't auto-kill them.

You can begin the Mage-Slayer line of feats now. Mage Slayer -> Blind-Fight -> Pierce Magical Concealment. That last one defeats a number of classic defensive magics, including Invisibility, Mirror Image, Displacement, etc. Remember your two cross-class Spellcraft ranks.

Pouncebarian1 (Lion totem Barbarian? There are two, and you want the one which gives you Pounce), is great for chargers (and melee in general), since you get to Full Attack on the end of a charge. Not sure how much you'll want it right now, though, since you don't have iteratives yet.

Tome of Battle classes are always great dips, though you may want to hold out until later, depending on how high-level the game's going. I'm thinking Warblade, since your Swift action will usually be free for you. That one White Raven maneuver which lets you charge without the movement restrictions may be really nice, once you get it. Then there's Wall of Blades (IIRC), lets you use an attack roll in place of AC for one attack per round; very useful, though it'll be a hard time imagining this with a lance :smallbiggrin:.

Take a look at the Pounce or Free Movement (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103358) thread. It'll be of some use to a charger. Things like Travel Devotion, which let you set up charges without wasting precious Standard or Move actions.

If Skill Tricks (Complete Scoundrel) are in play, Twisted Charge can be a nice thing, if there's no direct line to charge.

Cero Oscura
2012-07-07, 07:05 PM
You could go into Cavalier, getting you features like x4 damage on a charge and being able to move 30 ft on your mount then full-attacking someone.
Cleave could let you attack two people in one charge if you kill the first one.

What book is the horseman fighter variant from?