View Full Version : Dreams. Share them here.

2012-07-07, 09:49 AM
We all get dreams we want to tell another. Then, no one knows what you're saying. "You lost me at 'I had a dream.'" Dispense those dreams at NiceHub. Which is, uh, this whole forum. Crazy dreams happened before. Endless dreams happened before. Share your unconscious thoughts.

8 hours ago, I've been in a dream that combines casts of Rosario + Vampire and High School DXD, in both character and in plot. I've sort of replaced both Issei and Tsukune. :confused: Still, they treated me as they were. Got devilish missions, and fought monsters.

2012-07-07, 11:35 PM
Not exactly a dream, but the other day I was at a house I'd never been to before and I got a powerful feeling of deja vu. Then for the first time ever I managed to pin down exactly where the feeling was coming from. I had had a dream that took place at that exact house, and I could remember the dream.

This is the second time I've encountered a place that I previously dreamed about.

The first was a dream I had when I was very young about a grove of princess pine where all my family and extended family was sitting in a circle making wreaths. That spot is in the woods right behind where I now live.

2012-07-08, 08:47 PM
This one happened a while ago, but it is the most memorable dream I've had all year so I'll share it anyways.

Reality: It was a slow night at my work, so I'm sitting at the desk slumped over on the counter. Anyways, I must have drifted off at some point because:

The dream: Suddenly in walks this massive bear. Like... dire bear size, but grizzly bear proportions and coloration. He walks right up to me and says "Come dream with me".

Back to reality: I woke up in a puddle of my own drool, and I don't remember most of the rest of the dream, but I do recall at one point climbing a rusted pile of garbage which included a twisted bicycle.

2012-07-08, 09:11 PM
I slept for something like twelve hours last night, and I had this really long dream. I just wish I could remember the details. I do know I was becoming some guy's companion for... something. I think we were going to travel through time. And we were trying to sneak away so no one would figure anything out, and we were waiting in this really fancy train station or something, but we kept running into people I knew and we had to keep them from getting suspicious. If the dream had gone for just a little longer we would have gone on our adventure.

At several points, I thought, "This is a dream, right? It's a dream? Huh, sure feels real for a dream. Hey, -guy I'm with-, am I dreaming? *pinch* I guess... I'm not dreaming. THIS IS SO AWESOME!!"

Morph Bark
2012-07-09, 02:41 PM
Last night I dreamt that my room no longer had paint or anything else on its walls and they had been stripped bare, my couch and laptop being gone, as well as the pillar that holds up the roof. Then one of my housemates comes in to take a letter made out of breakfast cake out of a big box of those letters spelling out the word AMNESIA and taking it to his room because apparently he is playing a game with another one of my housemates.

It was assuredly strange and worrysome.

Mauve Shirt
2012-07-09, 08:22 PM
I haven't updated in a million years, sadly, but here's (http://dreamlogincolor.blogspot.com) my old dream log.
The most recent dream I remember, I was running through a twisty building with my coworkers saving teeny tiny pterodactyls from a fire. We got cornered by rising flames. Coworkers disappeared one by one. I briefly wondered whether I'd remembered to buy any wine for my friends' birthday and then I woke up. I'm pretty sure there was more to it than that.

2012-07-09, 09:14 PM
Some of my more notable dreams? Let's see..the one where I was trapped in a mall full of zombies, the one where I was Robin and Batman was based in where I live instead of Gotham and we fought Mr. Freeze and Bane, there's one where it turned out Tarquin was a vampire and the linear guild showed up and fought the Order (this dream actually occured last year, long before the guild actually showed up again).
The dream I had last night, most likely caused by me watching a marathon of The Walking Dead involved my mother and father, my 9 year old cousin, and I in this small town where we ran into another group of survivors (a zombie apocolypse had occured), my mother began teaching the children of the group. My cousin and I explored the area around the base, killed some zombies, I grabbed a lot of books from a book store, then we returned and helped upgrade the base's defenses.
I also have prophetic dreams every now and again. Once, I dreamt the entire last level of a game two days before I bought it. Then there was the time I dreamed that I was writing a post on these forums about two weeks before I actually wrote that post.

2012-07-10, 11:34 AM
I wish I had cool dreams like that. My dreams are always depressing :smallfrown:

2012-07-10, 12:52 PM
I am big anime fan and once, after seeing Bleach movie I had a...strange dream.

It was morning and I opened eyes. I was a peasant in my little village. I was doing all the day my usual work, and then, at night, the bandits attacked our village. I was going to the gold mine - full of bandits. I slipped past them and find it - the legendary zanpakuto Tensa Zangetsu (thatīs the weirdest part :smallbiggrin: ). I defeated all the bandits and thatīs the end of the story :smallbiggrin: .

2012-07-10, 01:27 PM
A couple of weeks ago, I watched several episodes of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles back-to-back and wound up dreaming that I was John Connor. Then I made out with Summer Glau.

So, yeah, in case anyone's looking for Summer Glau dreams, there's your ticket. :smallbiggrin:

Lost Demiurge
2012-07-12, 02:23 PM
I dreamed of a spirit dog, that had wandered into my dreamspace. I had to leave my body to try and show him the way out, but he wouldn't go.

He had a collar on his neck with hundreds of nametags on it, some of which were people I knew.

Then he started growing and changing, and he asked me "You haven't figured it out yet?" That's the point that I knew the dog-shape was camoflage to get past my wards.

He turned into an old man, with hard eyes. Offered to buy my soul. Said he was a middleman, a broker. Not hell, but would sell to them occasionally. They weren't actually much in the soul-soliciting business as you'd think, so he would go to them with his wares and let them peruse.

I wasn't gonna go for it. About the point where I decided to ask "So what happens if I say no?", I woke up.

2012-07-12, 04:11 PM
I dreamed of a spirit dog, that had wandered into my dreamspace. I had to leave my body to try and show him the way out, but he wouldn't go.

He had a collar on his neck with hundreds of nametags on it, some of which were people I knew.

Then he started growing and changing, and he asked me "You haven't figured it out yet?" That's the point that I knew the dog-shape was camoflage to get past my wards.

He turned into an old man, with hard eyes. Offered to buy my soul. Said he was a middleman, a broker. Not hell, but would sell to them occasionally. They weren't actually much in the soul-soliciting business as you'd think, so he would go to them with his wares and let them peruse.

I wasn't gonna go for it. About the point where I decided to ask "So what happens if I say no?", I woke up.

That's pretty awesome. Sounds like it should be a story. I would read it.

Jan Mattys
2012-07-13, 06:21 AM
Not exactly a dream, but the other day I was at a house I'd never been to before and I got a powerful feeling of deja vu. Then for the first time ever I managed to pin down exactly where the feeling was coming from. I had had a dream that took place at that exact house, and I could remember the dream.

This is the second time I've encountered a place that I previously dreamed about.

The first was a dream I had when I was very young about a grove of princess pine where all my family and extended family was sitting in a circle making wreaths. That spot is in the woods right behind where I now live.

That happened to me some years ago and I still remember the powerful feeling of experiencing the most weird and "supernatural" experience in my whole life.

I went to a friend's house (never been there before, not even close, it was in a little town far from where I live - never seen a pic of the place either) and I was helping preparing the outside table for a night party.
Suddenly, while crossing the door from the kitchen to the outside courtyard, carrying glasses and plates, I got struck by this powerful (no, seriously, probably "powerful" doesn't even come close to describing it) feeling of deja vu, and I just stood there for at least half a minute, completely frozen in place and sweating cold.

I had dreamed of that same place, same colours, same angle of vision (me looking at the courtyard through the door) the night before.

To this day, even if I try t rationalize the whole thing as some kind of brain self-illusion and ret-con, it shakes me a bit thinking about it.

2012-07-14, 10:37 AM
The night before last, I dreamed up a complete zombie apocalypse story. It had the most coherent plot of any dream I've ever had before. Basically a highly contagious virus was spreading quickly southward and I was being chased from one major city to another. Scary as hell but great scenery.

2012-07-14, 10:47 AM
Last night I had a dream where I was chased by the grim reaper. But he was made out of claymation. I guess my mind could afford CGI.

2012-07-14, 11:24 AM
Last night I had a dream that a racoon attacked me.

And something about waking up in trees and running from people with guns.

I forget.

My subconscious is very.. creative. :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-14, 11:28 AM
Last night I had a dream that a racoon attacked me.

Was it radioactive?:smallwink:

2012-07-14, 12:05 PM
Copy-pasted from my Facebook status about it, cuz I'm lazy:

Is there actually a movie where Robert Downey Jr. plays a world-famous ******** actor (possibly actually himself) who has to be less of an ********, stop using prostitutes and stuff, and learns lessons and finds love along the way, or did my brain just come up with an entire movie plot in its sleep?
There was a nice but plain girl working as a secretary to a terrible doctor while she learns chiropractics (I'm *positive* this is from *somewhere*), something to do with the guy from 30 Rock having to kill a narwhal while lamenting "girls like turtles! Girls like turtles!", hijinks involving misunderstandings around prostitutes, and a scene where he comes across some of the cast of Lord of the Rings, makes a bad dwarf joke at the guy who plays Gimli and then they all start quoting bits of the movie culminating in a guy who had a bit part giving an amazing performance (the moral for RDJ being "even not-world-famous actors who don't get starring roles can be incredible actors").
So, a romantic comedy with Robert Downey Jr as an ******** who learns to be not quite as much of an ********. Like Iron Man but without Iron Man.

Also, a while ago I had a full-blown zombie apocalypse dream. Most of it's too boring and hard to explain to go into any detail here, but one of the best bits about it was its explanation for the zombie "disease": the zombies were the host of an alien parasite. They take over the body, use it to breed, and then bite on healthy people to infect them with baby parasites, starting the whole thing over again. It works!

2012-07-14, 01:14 PM
Was it radioactive?:smallwink:

Actually, my dream-self thought it was the neighbor's annoying dog. So I tried to shoo it away. It then proceed to run up and jump on me, scratching me while I ran around in blind panic trying to get it off.

2012-07-14, 02:24 PM
Actually, my dream-self thought it was the neighbor's annoying dog. So I tried to shoo it away. It then proceed to run up and jump on me, scratching me while I ran around in blind panic trying to get it off.

So you didn't get superpowers?:smallfrown:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-07-18, 04:24 PM
I just had a very creepy, detailed dream. The best kind, in my opinion, and this one was particularly interesting.

Basically, there was this strange underground labyrinth that I was exploring(I know there was a reason for me to do so, but I don't remember what). The maze itself was quite intimidating, made of twisted vines and stones, with occasionally an eyeball looking out from the walls. I also knew that there was a terrible danger lurking just out of view.

I then found myself at the end of the maze, and entered a round chamber in which there was a large stone mattress in the corner and a skylight, through which only darkness could be seen. Also, Rapunzel was there, although she looked more like Little Red Riding Hood. My mind instantly explained to me that she was being held prisoner by a horrible giant, who lived in the maze. No sooner did I realize this than the giant entered the chamber and attacked me.

It was perhaps seven feet tall, hugely muscular and deformed, with a lumpy face, jagged yellow teeth, and grey skin. It had no weapon, but attacked me with its hands, trying to grab and crush me. Apparently I was quite nimble, for I managed to avoid its attacks, dodging around for a while. I suddenly had a knife, with which I slashed at it, to little effect. I don't remember exactly what happened, but it ended up with me jumping on its back and stabbing it in the base of the skull. The giant went down.

As Rapunzel and I prepared to flee the maze, I noticed that there was a strange, triangular face watching us from the dark skylight above. This was another of the horrific creatures that lived in the maze, and would undoubtedly try to seek us out and exact revenge. Don't know how I knew this, but there you have it. I fled the maze with Rapunzel, and returned to the real world without event.

The dream then devolved into a series of images, each one of some fairy tale character horribly twisted in some way. A clawed, fanged group of seven dwarves, a monstrous Queen of Hearts, strange looking flamingos, and a very, very creepy Mickey Mouse with a slasher grin talking to an audience on stage. The sheer malevolence from this last one was somewhat disturbing. Then I woke up.

So yeah, weird dream. I'm really not sure what it means, but I thought it was pretty cool. Amazing what the subconscious can dream up, eh?

Blue Ghost
2012-07-19, 01:29 PM
Last night I dreamt that I was Winston from 1984, after the book ended. And I was in an assembly, and was called to give a speech about how the Ministry of Love turned me from an evil rebel to a good, law-abiding citizen. But I hadn't actually been brainwashed, and was planning to go up on the stage and denounce Big Brother.

The strange thing about my dreams is that if I die in them, they reset to an earlier point in the dream, like a save point in a video game. I died a few times while waiting to go up and give my speech. One time it was because someone overheard me making some disparaging remarks about someone else's speech, and shot me in the head (and somewhere saw my cause of death as "criticizing a performance."). Finally, I got up on stage and shouted, "Down with Big Brother!" And then I got shot. Then repeat.

Finally, one time around, when I got up on stage and shouted "Down with Big Brother", instead of getting shot, the whole crowd started chanting alongside me, and I found myself leading a revolution. I think we overthrew the government or something. I remember shoving O'Brien into Room 101 to get eaten by the rats. So it had a happy ending, kinda.

Funny thing is, I have not read or even thought about that book for years. :smallconfused:

2012-07-19, 03:25 PM
My biggest dream right now is to gfto of AR.

Oh, did you mean, like, nocturnal hallucinations when you said dreams? One I have fairly often (or at least I used to, don't recall when I had it last, but then I rarely remember my dreams) is me walking around outside on a really windy day. I spread my arms and lift off the ground, then spend some time just floating around. It usually ends when I look down, realize how far I am above the ground, get a little freaked out and want to come down, but can't.

2012-07-19, 03:56 PM
This happened about a year ago. I still remember it now, funnily enough.

My flatmate was over in America on holiday. During the week she was away I had a dream that she came home and that me and my other flatmates were sitting in the living room. When she arrived we were happy to see her, though something seemed a bit... Off. Regardless, we started asking her about how the holiday was and everything. Once the general pleasantries were over we began, as we are want to do, discussing Gary Oldman movies. Me and my two flatmates, excluding the holidaygoer, concluded that he's a damned fine actor, but he's been in some pretty terrible movies as well. At this point my flatmate (The one who had just returned from the States, in the dream) began screaming that 'I've never been in a bad movie in my life!'

For some, utterly inexplicable reason, I dreamed that Gary Oldman disguised himself as my flatmate.

The story is funnier when you realise that the flatmate in question is not even five feet tall, female and cannot grow the wonderful facial hair that Mr. Oldman seems to so easily acquire.

2012-07-19, 06:07 PM
Last night I had a dream. I don't remember much except that for some reason I had to register my dice with some authority.

Mando Knight
2012-07-19, 06:23 PM
Copy-pasted from my Facebook status about it, cuz I'm lazy:

Is there actually a movie where Robert Downey Jr. plays a world-famous ******** actor (possibly actually himself) who has to be less of an ********, stop using prostitutes and stuff, and learns lessons and finds love along the way, or did my brain just come up with an entire movie plot in its sleep?

More or less, it's called Robert Downey Jr.'s Life. :smalltongue:

2012-07-19, 11:21 PM
Was having a weird nightmare about claymation last night. I can't really remember the details but it was some creepy stuff. Think like... that old Einstein claymation video where they talk to Satan or whatever, except way worse.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-07-19, 11:48 PM
Ooh, the Mark Twain one? The Mysterious Stranger? I remember that. And you say your dream was even worse?:smalleek:

2012-07-20, 11:00 AM
Last night, I had the trippiest trip I've had for a while. Basically, I was in kindergarten again; but I was still the same mentally wise. Anyway, my best friend in kindergarten was getting beat up by another kid and had her head slammed into a metal pole; then I beat the crap out of the guy, and I got in trouble for doing it.

2012-07-20, 11:50 AM
Slenderman attack. :eek::eek::frown: