View Full Version : Help Me Pick Some Games!

2012-07-07, 10:13 AM
So, I'm Getting an Xbox 360 soon, and I'd like some help picking out games for it. This will be the first non-Nintendo console I have owned, but not the first I have played. I have a gang of RL friends with X360s, and we play a lot of spliscreen (something I am fond of that is unfortunately fading). I am not however, adverse to playing online, so I'll be doing that as well. I like shooters and stategies (turn-based more than real-time, I get to think that way), with a smattering of RPG, puzzle, and aerial combat. I am a sci-fi addict, a trekkie, and a Star Wars expert. However, I am not big on gore. I'm fine with what you see in Call of Duty or Battlefield, but the big spillers (mostly zombie games, which also fail to impress me for other reasons) I can live without. I currently have two lists, my "get ASAP" list and my "get if/when the opportunity arises" list. To save cash, I will try to get as many used games as I can. So, any suggestions?


Modern Warfare 2 (My personal favorite of the trilogy)
Call of Duty: MW3 (Where all the guys hang out)
Mass Effect (Yay, space opera!)
Portal 2 (Just to see what happens to my head when I try a puzzle game of such repute)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Thanks to Iskandar's LP, I now seriously want this game.)

Get when I can:

Battlefield 3 (Playstation Magazine came to the conclusion that BF3 has better online multiplayer, but MW3 is a better package as a whole)
Halo 2 (Essentially our gang's Goldeneye, we played it for five years, only stopping when MW2 came out)
Mass Effect 2/3 (If I really want to finish the story, the combat strikes me as much more generic in the sequels)
Halo: Reach (The other game the guys play, this one being more common when we get a lot of people together, 16-player system link!)
Skyrim (See what all the hype is about)
Perfect Dark (Loved the original)

2012-07-09, 12:23 AM
Well, you asked me for good Xbox games. Here we go.

Assassin's Creed II
Red Faction: Guerilla
Halo 3, ODST, and Reach
Batman: Arkham Asylum (and Arkham City)
Shadow Complex
Max Payne 3
Just Cause 2
Grand Theft Auto IV (and the expansion packs, by extension)
Mirror's Edge
Zeno Clash
Splinter Cell: Double Agent (possibly Conviction, but the radical gameplay change might turn you off)

This is basically all of the good titles I enjoyed while I had my Xbox (left it for the glorious PC master race) that lacked most forms of gore.

I guess I'll put up the games that are insanely fun, but still have some popped heads and such. These ones I'll give a score of 1 through 3, with 1 = Exploding heads, blood, and the like, 2 = Dismemberment, crushed limbs, etc., and 3 = Extreme violence, detailed crushed body parts, limbs falling off for little reason, corpses are constant, may be shocking.

Bulletstorm (this one is a gem, please don't ignore it, despite the gore) 2/3
Borderlands (very popular role-playing FPS with lots of loot, carnage, and a cool comic-book look that makes gore less disturbing and more comical) 2/3
Fallout 3 and New Vegas (headshots cause skull chunks to fly, eyeballs to pop out, and with a perk, possible total disintegration. New Vegas is funny, 3 is very serious) 3/3
Gears of War (the whole trilogy is fantastic, but the third is the most played, and has 4-player co-op. Plus, your assault rifle has a chainsaw on it) 3/3
[PROTOTYPE] (absolute carnage, where you are easily the most powerful thing in the world. You can run at speeds topping 100MPH, destroy cars just by walking into them, soar across rooftops, run on walls, disguise as enemies, etc. Dismemberment, enemies falling apart, etc., is very common) 3/3 (best action/adventure game ever :smalltongue:)

2012-07-09, 12:46 AM
Almost all-- no scratch that, actually all of the games I've really cared about on my 360 have been XBLA games. Here's my list:

Castle Crashers
Castlevania: SOTN

Wow, that's... not a long list. Though I have been getting games more on PC I suppose. Anyway, all the above are good games on XBLA.

2012-07-09, 01:19 AM
I like shooters and stategies (turn-based more than real-time, I get to think that way), with a smattering of RPG, puzzle, and aerial combat.
Hm, anything else? I can help with RPGs (assuming you don't solely mean western RPGs, in which case my advice could be summed up as "get Bioware games"), but the others, not so much. If you were interested in, say, action/adventure or fighting games, on the other hand, I could add quite a few more.

Since I see Portal 2 on your list though, I'd suggest grabbing the original Portal first, since it's cheaper and likely it will help to have played it if/when you pick up 2. It's available for download via X-Box Live for 1200 MSP ($15).

Anyway though, the RPGs:
- Anything by Bioware (ME 1-3, Dragon Age 1 and 2). Always good stuff from them.
- Tales of Vesperia. An action JRPG, my personal favorite game on the console, and of this generation so far.
- Lost Odyssey. A JRPG done by the original creator of Final Fantasy, which is very obvious from a lot of aspects of it, and better than any actual Final Fantasy game I've played.
- Blue Dragon. A JRPG also by the original creator of Final Fantasy, though more in the style of Dragon Quest than FF. Story isn't anything to write home about, but the combat is fun, and the class system is as well (although it gets very abuseable towards the late-game period).
- Dragon's Dogma. A recently released action-RPG, with awful storytelling but great combat, including some of the best big monster fights you could ask for. Especially the Dragon, lesser Dragons, and Hydra.

Oh, and since you mentioned puzzle games: Catherine. The story is good, if not what you'll expect in the end, and the puzzle gameplay is simple to learn yet surprisingly deep. Just expect it to be hard - it is an Atlus game, after all.

[PROTOTYPE] [...] (best action/adventure game ever :smalltongue:)
Thanks for that, I needed a laugh. :smallbiggrin:


2012-07-09, 01:24 AM
Red Dead Redemption. Open-world western game that is great at everything. If there was only one game I could ever play on a console, it would be this. The gameplay is amazing, the storyline is amazing, the voice acting is amazing...10/10

2012-07-09, 02:02 AM
Thanks for that, I needed a laugh. :smallbiggrin:


The original ranking was 11/3. Prototype is the only game I've ever played that lets you sprout tendrils that absorb everyone in a 360 degree sphere around you.

2012-07-09, 06:03 AM
About Mass Effect 2 and 3: Yes, the combat is more generic. It is also a helluva lot better. Plus all the crazy tech and biotic powers mean that it can be very different gameplay from your generic TPS.

2012-07-09, 08:59 AM
Most of the games I'd recommend have been addressed already, but I think you may want to consider Vanquish as a superb action/shooter/arcade-y game. It's kind of hard to describe, so I'll just list my favorite parts.

1. There's what is essentially a rocket strapped to your back which lets you zoom around.

2. Physics doesn't seem to apply to robotic exoskeletons.

3. Plays a bit like a bullet-hell game as a third-person shooter.

4. HILARIOUSLY cliched plot (I'm still convinced it's clever satire of Western shooters).

5. Developed by Platinum, whom you should give money to.

I'm really not doing the game justice here. There's a demo downloadable off of Xbox Live, and I'd highly recommend you give it a shot.

2012-07-09, 09:06 AM
The original ranking was 11/3. Prototype is the only game I've ever played that lets you sprout tendrils that absorb everyone in a 360 degree sphere around you.
Prototype holds the unique honor of being the only game I've ever rented, beaten, then returned several days before the rental period expired. I've returned games early before due to not liking them, but I never beat those. I've beaten games and returned them the day they due back lots of times. But Prototype is the only game where I played through it once in just a couple of days, generally enjoying it during that timeframe, then it immediately became so boring that I didn't care enough to keep it through the remaining days of the rental. And that's not because the lack of story was the problem - the story wasn't ever good anyway. I'm honestly not sure why that happened. Lack of focus without the story at least giving me basic objectives to fulfill to have some illusion of progress, perhaps, but that's just a guess.

About Mass Effect 2 and 3: Yes, the combat is more generic. It is also a helluva lot better. Plus all the crazy tech and biotic powers mean that it can be very different gameplay from your generic TPS.
I don't know about whether it's "generic" or not since I don't play shooters, but yes, the combat is improved a great deal in ME2 and 3 compared to the original. Honestly, if the series weren't so story-driven I wouldn't even be recommending the original anymore, since the sequels improved on the gameplay part so dramatically. (Also, the sequels don't have the Mako, which counts for a lot.)


2012-07-09, 09:21 AM
Well, you asked me for good Xbox games. Here we go.

Assassin's Creed II
Red Faction: Guerilla
Halo 3, ODST, and Reach
Batman: Arkham Asylum (and Arkham City)
Shadow Complex
Max Payne 3
Just Cause 2
Grand Theft Auto IV (and the expansion packs, by extension)
Mirror's Edge
Zeno Clash
Splinter Cell: Double Agent (possibly Conviction, but the radical gameplay change might turn you off)

This is basically all of the good titles I enjoyed while I had my Xbox (left it for the glorious PC master race) that lacked most forms of gore.

I guess I'll put up the games that are insanely fun, but still have some popped heads and such. These ones I'll give a score of 1 through 3, with 1 = Exploding heads, blood, and the like, 2 = Dismemberment, crushed limbs, etc., and 3 = Extreme violence, detailed crushed body parts, limbs falling off for little reason, corpses are constant, may be shocking.

Bulletstorm (this one is a gem, please don't ignore it, despite the gore) 2/3
Borderlands (very popular role-playing FPS with lots of loot, carnage, and a cool comic-book look that makes gore less disturbing and more comical) 2/3
Fallout 3 and New Vegas (headshots cause skull chunks to fly, eyeballs to pop out, and with a perk, possible total disintegration. New Vegas is funny, 3 is very serious) 3/3
Gears of War (the whole trilogy is fantastic, but the third is the most played, and has 4-player co-op. Plus, your assault rifle has a chainsaw on it) 3/3
[PROTOTYPE] (absolute carnage, where you are easily the most powerful thing in the world. You can run at speeds topping 100MPH, destroy cars just by walking into them, soar across rooftops, run on walls, disguise as enemies, etc. Dismemberment, enemies falling apart, etc., is very common) 3/3 (best action/adventure game ever :smalltongue:)

Huh, I've never heard of a lot of those. I'll probably pick up most of the Halo series at some point, and I might try Assasin's Creed. I was never a big Batman fan, but apparently those games impressed a lot of not Batmaners (or whatever). Splinter Cell had something to do with Tom Clancy, right? I might try that, being a big Clancy fan. *glances at bookshelf with almost every Clancy book on it* The whole concept of Bulletstorm really failed to impress me, or rather, shooters with scoring systems in the campaign generally turn me off. I hear a lot of good things about the Fallout series, so I might try those.

Almost all-- no scratch that, actually all of the games I've really cared about on my 360 have been XBLA games. Here's my list:

Castle Crashers
Castlevania: SOTN

Wow, that's... not a long list. Though I have been getting games more on PC I suppose. Anyway, all the above are good games on XBLA.

Well, I'll take a look, and that reminds me, I need to get Perfect Dark.

Hm, anything else? I can help with RPGs (assuming you don't solely mean western RPGs, in which case my advice could be summed up as "get Bioware games"), but the others, not so much. If you were interested in, say, action/adventure or fighting games, on the other hand, I could add quite a few more.

Since I see Portal 2 on your list though, I'd suggest grabbing the original Portal first, since it's cheaper and likely it will help to have played it if/when you pick up 2. It's available for download via X-Box Live for 1200 MSP ($15).

Anyway though, the RPGs:
- Anything by Bioware (ME 1-3, Dragon Age 1 and 2). Always good stuff from them.
- Tales of Vesperia. An action JRPG, my personal favorite game on the console, and of this generation so far.
- Lost Odyssey. A JRPG done by the original creator of Final Fantasy, which is very obvious from a lot of aspects of it, and better than any actual Final Fantasy game I've played.
- Blue Dragon. A JRPG also by the original creator of Final Fantasy, though more in the style of Dragon Quest than FF. Story isn't anything to write home about, but the combat is fun, and the class system is as well (although it gets very abuseable towards the late-game period).
- Dragon's Dogma. A recently released action-RPG, with awful storytelling but great combat, including some of the best big monster fights you could ask for. Especially the Dragon, lesser Dragons, and Hydra.

Oh, and since you mentioned puzzle games: Catherine. The story is good, if not what you'll expect in the end, and the puzzle gameplay is simple to learn yet surprisingly deep. Just expect it to be hard - it is an Atlus game, after all.


Okay, I wasn't aware that Portal was available outside of the orange box. I'll take a look at Lost Oddysey and Blue Dragon. Oh, that reminds me, Skyrim!

Red Dead Redemption. Open-world western game that is great at everything. If there was only one game I could ever play on a console, it would be this. The gameplay is amazing, the storyline is amazing, the voice acting is amazing...10/10

Alright, I'll take a look.

About Mass Effect 2 and 3: Yes, the combat is more generic. It is also a helluva lot better. Plus all the crazy tech and biotic powers mean that it can be very different gameplay from your generic TPS.

Cautionary distrust: okay.

Most of the games I'd recommend have been addressed already, but I think you may want to consider Vanquish as a superb action/shooter/arcade-y game. It's kind of hard to describe, so I'll just list my favorite parts.

1. There's what is essentially a rocket strapped to your back which lets you zoom around.

2. Physics doesn't seem to apply to robotic exoskeletons.

3. Plays a bit like a bullet-hell game as a third-person shooter.

4. HILARIOUSLY cliched plot (I'm still convinced it's clever satire of Western shooters).

5. Developed by Platinum, whom you should give money to.

I'm really not doing the game justice here. There's a demo downloadable off of Xbox Live, and I'd highly recommend you give it a shot.

Demo, okay, I can check that out.

2012-07-09, 11:57 AM
I have really enjoyed the Borderlands game myself if want some split screen action. I was just wanting to emphasis that one. It is great to play with friends online and gun shop.

But every game I would suggest has already been mentioned.

2012-07-09, 12:13 PM
I don't know about whether it's "generic" or not since I don't play shooters, but yes, the combat is improved a great deal in ME2 and 3 compared to the original. Honestly, if the series weren't so story-driven I wouldn't even be recommending the original anymore, since the sequels improved on the gameplay part so dramatically. (Also, the sequels don't have the Mako, which counts for a lot.)


Am I the only person who liked the Mako?

2012-07-09, 12:54 PM
Am I the only person who liked the Mako?

If it helps, I miss the Mako, and Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw said he missed it during ME3 review.

I would suggest not getting Halo ODST. It was exceedingly poor. A crappy add-on that got a full release poor.

2012-07-09, 03:37 PM
If it helps, I miss the Mako, and Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw said he missed it during ME3 review.

I would suggest not getting Halo ODST. It was exceedingly poor. A crappy add-on that got a full release poor.

Am I the only person who liked the Mako?

I saw a little PC Mass Effect on youtube, but a commentator said the Mako wasn't as fun on 360. And yeah, I heard the best part of ODST was firefight.

2012-07-09, 03:42 PM

Most of the games I'd recommend have been addressed already, but I think you may want to consider Vanquish as a superb action/shooter/arcade-y game. It's kind of hard to describe, so I'll just list my favorite parts.

1. There's what is essentially a rocket strapped to your back which lets you zoom around.

2. Physics doesn't seem to apply to robotic exoskeletons.

3. Plays a bit like a bullet-hell game as a third-person shooter.

4. HILARIOUSLY cliched plot (I'm still convinced it's clever satire of Western shooters).

5. Developed by Platinum, whom you should give money to.

I'm really not doing the game justice here. There's a demo downloadable off of Xbox Live, and I'd highly recommend you give it a shot.

Let's just ignore this post and say BUY ANY AND EVERY GAME PLATINUM MAKES.

2012-07-09, 03:46 PM
Okay, I might give it a whirl, but I'm in a household with a 12 and a 15 year old, and I'm not sure it would be a good thing if they walked in on me playing that (the word knock means nothing to them).

2012-07-09, 03:57 PM
Am I the only person who liked the Mako?

Nope! I found the Mako a genuinely entertaining aspect of ME1 and I was sorry to see it go.

2012-07-09, 04:19 PM
So, the Xbox has been ordered, and will be at my place within 2 weeks. Yes, that's the slowest shipping ever, but at least not one cent was paid for it (Yay for American Express rewards points!)

2012-07-09, 04:52 PM
Okay, I might give it a whirl, but I'm in a household with a 12 and a 15 year old, and I'm not sure it would be a good thing if they walked in on me playing that (the word knock means nothing to them).

Bulletstorm is amazing. It's violent, crude, and hilarious. You can kick people so hard, time slows down for them. You can leash people, and pull them towards you. Time slows down for them.

2012-07-09, 05:31 PM
Am I the only person who liked the Mako?

No, you're not. The Mako is like the best part of ME1. Granted it could have had less "coloured rocks for you to explore" but seriously, driving up a cliff before flipping over never fails to amuse.

2012-07-09, 07:16 PM
Since Halo 4 is coming out in November, you can hold off on getting Halo Reach. Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is just as fun and much more co-op based, being a 'horde mode' game play. (4 players vs waves of increasingly hard npc enemies)

Any LEGO parody game is great. I believe my girlfriend has collected all of them except the Star Wars ones (but one is the combined 6 movies, anyways, so that's 2 for one, which we have; and the other is just more over hype of the things they did with Revenge of the Sith, so nothing to miss there)

Remember that the 360 is backwards compatible, so if you can find it Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 are amazing (except for the first 14 hour's you're stuck on the first planet, which happens in both games... after that, the remaining 60 hours are pure awesome)
On that note, Fable 1 is also great... don't bother with 2 or 3.

Boarderlands: First Person Shooter, loot is all guns, with randomly generated stats. Game of the Year edition is worth its money. They did DLC right, each one was a full series of quests and worth double their price, GotY gives you all the DLC for the price of the normal game itself. BUT, Boarderlands 2 is coming out soon, it'll have new characters, so you won't have to worry about any carry over story.

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is coming out soon, the multiplayer for War For Cybertron was great, with the ability to transform in battle for quick movement and minor game changing dynamic, it's surprising though how quickly its multiplayer died off, but it is still going solid. The soon to be released version will let you play as GRIMLOCK the dinobot.

As said above, Batman: Arkham City is great. Amazing combat, perfect stealth system, free roam of the city with lots of mini-quests and Riddler Puzzles, it will keep you very busy and very immersed. (I'm hoping the rumors of a Ninja Turtles game, made by the same company that are planning a similar style of game are true)

Avoid getting a Kinect unless you're a white boy that likes to dance poorly, or are surrounded by overly posh girls who freqeuntly wear sweat pants and thought DDR was a god send.

2012-07-09, 07:25 PM
Remember that the 360 is backwards compatible, so if you can find it Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 are amazing (except for the first 14 hour's you're stuck on the first planet, which happens in both games... after that, the remaining 60 hours are pure awesome)

Avoid getting a Kinect unless you're a white boy that likes to dance poorly, or are surrounded by overly posh girls who freqeuntly wear sweat pants and thought DDR was a god send.

Okay, I'll keep my eyes open.

The package I ordered came with a Kinect, fut I have no intent of using it. Oh well, It was free.

2012-07-09, 07:30 PM
I would suggest not getting Halo ODST. It was exceedingly poor. A crappy add-on that got a full release poor.

I actually enjoyed ODST quite a lot. It was a departure from the traditional Halo formula, but I thought it was rather refreshing, myself. Great atmosphere, better-than-average storytelling (better than your average Halo game, anyway), and a genuinely interesting look into a different portion of the Halo world make it memorable. And it certainly doesn't hurt that it includes Halo 3 Multiplayer with all DLC (The DLC is worth the 20$ the game retails at alone).

Also if you're a fan of Firefly/Serenity, ODST is worth picking up for the voice talent alone.

EDIT- Regarding the Mako:
:smallfrown: I miss you, Mako...

2012-07-09, 07:50 PM
Since Halo 4 is coming out in November, you can hold off on getting Halo Reach. Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is just as fun and much more co-op based, being a 'horde mode' game play. (4 players vs waves of increasingly hard npc enemies)

Well, Halo 4's actually being handled by a new developer. We have no clue whether or not the new game is going to be any good, and we know Reach is an amazing game. Considering how much we know has been axed from 4 (less customization for armor, some armor abilities are gone, back to a less team-focused campaign), it'd still be a good idea to check out Reach.

It was Bungie's last Halo game, and it's easily the best in the series. The soundtrack is amazing, the campaign is even better, and the levels are the most incredible the series has ever done.

2012-07-09, 07:58 PM
Even better than Anniversary?

2012-07-09, 08:10 PM
I don't know about whether it's "generic" or not since I don't play shooters, but yes, the combat is improved a great deal in ME2 and 3 compared to the original. Honestly, if the series weren't so story-driven I wouldn't even be recommending the original anymore, since the sequels improved on the gameplay part so dramatically. (Also, the sequels don't have the Mako, which counts for a lot.)


I feel all the 3 Mass Effects really have horrible, horrible gameplay issues to the point where they almost make the game itself not worth playing, but the dialogue, the paths, and the story are massively more than worth going through that torture for; oddly enough the series reminds me a lot of Planescape: Torment in that regard really.

2012-07-09, 08:12 PM
Well, we'll see.

2012-07-09, 09:55 PM
Even better than Anniversary?

Anniversary is literally the first game with a fancy graphics filter slapped on top. I'm serious. They've got the game's code running alongside a new graphical process that adds new models, textures, and ambient occlusion. The multiplayer it comes with is just a few old maps remade for Reach. The multiplayer is the Reach multiplayer, but you're restricted to those maps. It comes with the map pack for Reach, to boot.

If you can get it at a discount, Anniversary is a great way to revisit Halo 1, but it's the same game. They've made no improvements to the gameplay; just the graphics.

Basically, Reach is way better than Anniversary (as is Halo 2, and 3, and if you're a Halo canon nerd, ODST). I'd say ODST is the biggest departure from the franchise. You're not a Spartan, you're an ODST, and as a result, you're a lot more fragile. You're still tough, but you can't jump ten feet into the air, your shields don't regenerate (because you don't have them), and you have to manage your health. Before Reach, ODST was the closest to the first Halo that you could get.

2012-07-09, 11:27 PM
I feel all the 3 Mass Effects really have horrible, horrible gameplay issues to the point where they almost make the game itself not worth playing, but the dialogue, the paths, and the story are massively more than worth going through that torture for; oddly enough the series reminds me a lot of Planescape: Torment in that regard really.

They have a breeze through version for players that feel that way. So problem averted?

2012-07-09, 11:43 PM
I'd say ODST is the biggest departure from the franchise. You're not a Spartan, you're an ODST, and as a result, you're a lot more fragile. You're still tough, but you can't jump ten feet into the air, your shields don't regenerate (because you don't have them), and you have to manage your health.

So it's the X-Com of Halo?

2012-07-10, 12:16 AM
So it's the X-Com of Halo?

No, it's actually quite good. It's got a focus on 4-player co-op, too. When you get 4 friends together, the game really shines.

2012-07-10, 03:46 AM
The package I ordered came with a Kinect, fut I have no intent of using it. Oh well, It was free.

Free is free. I got one with Mass Effect 3 because it was $40 off (even though advertisements said $50), it had voice recognization for that game. Helped a little yelling at squad mates to use powers. But talking to myself, and then having Liara randomly use warp was a little unnerving.
The exercise and dance games do at least make good party games or games for when friends are over.

So it's the X-Com of Halo?
Halo ODST is basically a stealth version of Halo... for the open world-ish section. You're not a spartan, you're an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper. Basically, elite marines. I do remember one level where I got lucky while playing as Nathan Fillion and punched a Hunter in the back and it died. (I then promptly ran away from it's very angry friend, completing the level without killing it, as the game would imply you should do).

Edit: Oh. Ya. You get to play as Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin and Alan Tudyk.
However it should be pointed out, the main campaign can be beaten in 4 hours, and the online Firefight mode (4 friends vs waves of enemies) does NOT have online matchmaking, you NEED friends in a party to invite them to play with you. ODST does come with Halo 3 multiplayer and map packs though.

2012-07-11, 09:07 AM
Just an update, guys. The Xbox shipped on Monday out of Colorado, and should be at my house on Friday. Curiously enough, that is also when my free 2-day shipping on Amazon should get my second controller, MW2-3 and Mass Effect to me. Portal 2 is shipping from another seller, and will be here in 3-5 buisness days, and XCOM is set to arrive about Oct. 12. All told, I have spent about $350 to get a 23" LCD, a 4GB Xbox with Kinect, 5 games and a controller. (I got ME for 17 bucks!)

2012-07-11, 12:52 PM
They have a breeze through version for players that feel that way. So problem averted?

To a degree; I still prefer my games having enjoyable and challenging gameplay though. I certainly don't mind reading books or visual novels but when I want to do that, I generally pick the appropriate title.

2012-07-11, 02:29 PM
To a degree; I still prefer my games having enjoyable and challenging gameplay though. I certainly don't mind reading books or visual novels but when I want to do that, I generally pick the appropriate title.

I understand where you're coming from, yet really enjoy ME combat so therefore can't relate. I played on insanity through 2 and 3, and had a blast doing so.

2012-07-11, 11:08 PM
Update again: Dropped forty bucks on Halo Reach this morning.