View Full Version : disease infested, help needed

2012-07-07, 05:50 PM
i have a couple questions involving diseases in 3.x so that i can create an interesting character.

1. is using diseases as a form of attack considered evil as poison seems to be?

2. are there any diseases that are strictly better then others?

3. i plan on playing a cleric of pestilance/disease, but is there anything beyond this that would add to the effectiveness of the build? the cyst spell chain and cancer mage come to mind.

and as always remember that papa nurgle loves you *tongueincheek*

Jack Zander
2012-07-07, 06:44 PM
Diseases used by PCs are generally pretty terrible since they take such a long time to take effect. Using them doesn't seem to be evil in any way though.

I would simply take your preexisting spells and reflavor them as instant diseases. Inflict spells could cause the target to break out in painful hives and blisters for example.

2012-07-07, 07:16 PM
the reflavouring is a good idea, i planned on doing this with debuffs but both would add versitility.

wasnt there a spell that changed the incubation period of a specific inflicted disease to 1 round? i really feel it was in BoVD but i may be off.

the main thing i hope to do is have several diseases that i spam onto someone by touch/blood/breath. mostly out of combat stuff, but very amusing nonetheless