View Full Version : Question about Master Thrower and AoO

2012-07-07, 09:16 PM
I'm making a Master Thrower and I was wondering if there is a way to remain armed after throwing a weapon (to get AoO) and at the same time have a particular enchantment in your weapons. Also, I was sure there was a penalty for being unarmed in combat (beyond the lose AoO), but I couldn't find any mention of it.
The first thing that comes to mind is using Quick Draw to get armed at the end of your turn. However, this means you need to have multiple enchanted weapons, if you like a certain weapon enchantment.
You can have a returning weapon, thus keeping the enchantment to just one weapon, but returning weapons don't come back until your next turn, so you would loose AoO (and suffer any other penalty from being unarmed, if there is any).
You can have returning weapons, and many copies of non-enchanted weapons. At the end of your turn you Quick Draw the mundane weapons, and at the begining of your next turn you drop them, getting the returning weapons back. Still, this will probably look silly in combat and you still need many unenchanted weapons to last you the entire combat and you don't benefit from the enchantments of your main weapons when making an AoO.

2012-07-07, 09:22 PM
Bloodstorm Blade 4 gets the ability to make thrown weapons return instantly.

2012-07-07, 09:31 PM
I should have clarified. I was looking for ways without class levels. This is a level 7 PC I'm making for my players to fight and was just wondering if there is a Feat or Item.

2012-07-07, 09:42 PM
Bloodstorm Blader on a Warshaper using that item from Savage Species that applies magical properties to all of your natural attacks? Then simply throw most but not all of your natural weapons at someone and smack them on their turn?