View Full Version : Pokemon: Successors of the Forgotten, part 3, Things just got serious (IC)

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2012-07-08, 06:25 PM
The last page of the old thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243753&page=50)

As we last left our heroes, things were pretty grim. After finding out it was a Mew egg they were transporting, the group split up in a forest to help a little girl find her twin. Liam, Autumn and Emma went off, and Emma was knocked unconscious by a bishonen cyborg ninja. Meanwhile, Damien was trapped in a strange body, and Russ and Sylvia were knocked out by the twins and their babysitter, all of whom work for Team Gallus.

Damien manages to get to his friends by hijacking the ghost possessing him, and finds Russ and Sylvia out cold. Autumn and Liam are frantically trying to find the group, weighed down by an unconscious Emma.

2012-07-08, 08:05 PM

You notice two small black dog-mon are out. One by Jillian (red hed near your body) and the other by the man. They both sniff the air and look at you as you become visible (but somewhat transparent). The man stares at you oddly for a second, then jerks his head towards the twins and barks NOW!

The trio spring into action. You see Sylvia's pokegear lift from her hand and her scimitar from its sheath which start floating towards your body and Jillian. Jillian snatches the scimitar from the air and brings it to your body's neck. But the true spectacle was the man. He convulses and out of his chest comes a deep hue'd purple pokemon, with a stocky body and short limbs, which then flies over to your body and grins at it evilly.

Liam and Autumn

Shrike pops from the leaves above and lands on Liam's shoulder looking confused. Monarch and Sting stare at your a for a moment before buzzing and clicking. It isn't really clear what they are trying to say, but they aren't attacking you, so thats a plus.

From Emma's phone, Autumn hears: NOW!, then some ruffling sound. Then silence.

2012-07-08, 08:29 PM
Ha! Good going, girls. They'll go so far...

2012-07-08, 09:31 PM
Damien sighed in frustration as he watched the spectacle unfold in front of him; folding his arms and rolling his one eye, nuance of seeing his form move separately to him lost already under mounting frustration of having to deal with these people. Once everyone seemed to have settled down he attempted to communicate with the trio. "Arceus on high..." he began, not even attempting to hide his exasperation by this point. "Do you people even understand the meaning of diplomacy? I'm here to talk, not fight if that's at all possible with you crazy people," he explained before pausing a moment to compose himself once more.

"So, can we all just settle down for two judged minutes, and talk, rather than back-stab or try to kill each other; or are we seriously going to have to go through this song and dance number again?" he inquired with a raised brow, before turning to the twins for a brief moment. "Oh, your father sends his regards, and compliments your quick thinking," he added as an aside.

2012-07-08, 11:30 PM
Autumn sighs, "Let's start looking, I'll get Emma," Autumn says, actually lifting her up on her own, giving a wink to Liam, "guess my strength comes in handy sometimes," she then gets serious, "Marcus, stay close," she says, "Sting, please go up with him just in case he's attacked, Monarch, stay with us, we may need you if we're attacked," with that, she looks towards Liam, "let's retrace our steps, after that we can follow the other trail and try and find the others."

2012-07-09, 12:45 AM

The girls smile widley, while the pokemon turns to you. It puts its hands behind its back like a proper gentlmen and grins evily at you (not your body this time). Oh I am calm sir. I'll only dance if you'll lead. I am more than glad to talk to you. Just.... he makes a gesture as if he can't find the word more on my terms. he finishes with an eviler grin than before.

Motioning to the girls and your body This is simply insurance. Now Sylvia's phone, which had been floating near Jillian, floats towards Lillian Your friends have something we want. A particular book. Hand it over, and no more blood will be shed. Lillian, will you please? Lillian grabs the phone. Hello? Anyone there?

Autumn and Liam

You hear Lillian on the phone.

2012-07-09, 12:49 AM
Autumn stops when a voice comes over the phone, "Liam, can you get that, my hands are kinda full at the moment."

2012-07-09, 02:54 AM
"Yea, sure."

Liam picks up Emmas phone "Hello isn't this supposed to be Slyvias phone number?"

Balls misread what has going on over the phone cant get rid of the roll so eh


2012-07-09, 05:49 PM
Damien stayed perfectly silent and still for a few moments as he rested his back against a tree, though it may have seemed longer given the preternatural stillness that seemed to emanate from him; merely staring at the trio with his unblinking gaze, his aura seemingly perfectly still as if frozen in that single frame. After what may have seemed an uncomfortably long moment of silence, Damien broke the small veil of silence that had formed around him.

"The book," he repeated dumbly as he blinked thrice with his one eye. "A-are...are you talking about the one about the Five Fairies?" he slowly began as if undoing whatever seal he had previously placed over his ability to speak, staring at the trio as if in disbelief. "You mean the one we, literally, found in a ditch abandoned for Dialga only knows how long; just the other day? As in the one that's just between laying around in our backpacks all this time? Do you mean That book?" he inquired with a strange intensity in how he phrased his last question, as he fixated his one eye on the Ghost in front of him.

2012-07-09, 06:10 PM
The 'mon chuckles and shakes his head a little. Possibly, yes. You'd understand my hesitation in confirming the book your talking about is indeed the one I have requested. I don't know when you obtained the book we seek, nor the condition of which you've been keeping it. For your sake, I hope in good condition. I can promise to not harm you, but I do not speak for my superiors. All I want you to do is to convince your friends to hand it over without a fuss. Ok?

The 'mon nods to Lillian who speaks into the phone. Liam hears Lillian's voice but it has changed quick dramatically. The cute 8 year old voice of innocence is gone, replaced by a wild cackle. Listen you dumb muk, we have your friends. If you want them still breathing, get your asses back to the clearing. No pokemon, no weapons. And don't try any funny stuff. We will muk you up and then muk the void out of your corpses if you try. Bring the book.

2012-07-09, 06:28 PM
Between you and me, it's because after 20 years of making sure the Muscle had someone smarter than him around for every mission to keep him from making another catastrophic failure, Ennis and I made the mistake of assuming he may be able to handle one simple task on his own again-namely, move a rather unassuming book from point A to point B-without royally muking up. So now we always make sure he has a couple people smarter than him in charge of the operation.
He then hears Lillian talk, and mentally sighs.
Speaking of muk ups, can you let him know that Ennis and I will be having choice words with him later on appropriate words to teach our daughters, again?

2012-07-09, 06:32 PM
"Friends? O yea right, i'll bring the book to the clearing in a few minutes"

Liam hangs up the phone shakes his head and talks to Autumn

"Looks like the others have gotten themselves in trouble, this time the "Bad guys" want the book rather than the eggmay as well just give it to them.

They said meet back in the clearing. So i'll go in and you stick to the side out of sight with emma and if anything goes wrong you can back me up. But don't do anything unless you really need to otherwise the others could end up pretty screwed. So no pokemon"

Liam also returns Shrike and Cerburus

2012-07-09, 06:39 PM
Autumn takes a breath, "they probably know I'm with you, so me staying out of sight would be suspicious, and they may have psychics or aura users," she shakes her head, "they'd see right through it, even without a psychic or aura user. Marcus, Sting, down here," she calls, and returns the two once they arrive, along with Monarch, Lillian, and Barb, "let's head back."

2012-07-09, 06:44 PM
"Yea they know i'm with you however they don't know Emma is KOed. The book thing could be a ruse to get the egg so we carnt bring her with us in this state and we carnt leave her alone with the thing around so we just have to keep her out of sight. So if they sense you i'll just say your waiting to see what happens far away from interfearing and they carnt read my mind for any information that could be useful to them so thats another reason to keep you far away we dont want them knowing how much we know about the book."

2012-07-09, 06:50 PM
Autumn nods, "got it, we'll go with that, just tell me when to split off. I won't go too far though, I may need your help if that thing comes back."

2012-07-09, 06:53 PM
"Lets go then"

I guess Liam goes back to the clearing while Autumn stays a little way back

2012-07-09, 06:55 PM
Lillian hangs up the phone with a smirk. They are on their way. The 'mon nods and turns to you, slowly floating back to the burly body he had previously left. Your friends are going to meet us at the clearing for the exchange. Would you be so kind and make yourself useful? In that body, your strong enough to lift the lug over there. The girls will tend to your body and I'll have the little red head. Again, don't try anything. I doubt you will. I'm more concerned about your friends acting rashly.

He enters the body he was in previously, which convulses and animates. He grabs Sylvia and tosses her over his shoulder along with Shupply and HAWK. The girls hoist your body up, apperently telekinetically as they seem to be putting little effort into it. Jillian continues to hold's the flaming scimitar to your body's neck.

2012-07-10, 11:18 AM
Upon hearing the response, Damien stared at the ghost before him for a moment; before suddenly breaking into a boisterous nearly manic fit of laughter as he realized the shear absurdity of what had just happened to him. Laughing for a good thirty seconds before nodding, "Yeah, sure no problem," he said with a chuckle, hardly containing himself as he floated over to Russ' body. "This shouldn't go too badly," he commented in an oddly cheery tone of voice as he followed the trio.

Mr, hehe, just to make sure that I understood this properly; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, he began pausing due to another internal giggle. Rather than sending you alongside this guy, in all your shear over powered glory, to just take the book in the middle of the night or something; or maybe just ask us to give you the book back first, seeing as there's no way we'd be able to beat you two in a straight up fight. He decided to stage a poorly thought-out ambush, risking your daughters and our lives along with the book and the Egg; as well as potentially setting us back a whole day in our time sensitive delivery of global importance, risking permanent damage to our ability to do said job, and given Rocket additional time to stage their next attempt against us and potentially risk weakening our already meager ability to defend ourselves against them, correct?, he asked The Runner curiously, smiling internally as he spoke between merry chuckles.

2012-07-10, 12:12 PM
This? This was play time, kid. Really, we didn't expect you to be competent enough to think of using my body, so this would be a cakewalk for the girls. Your group tends to do poorly enough that we don't really care what happens to you except for that egg, that girl, and you. Void, the only reason the girls're here is so Musclebrain doesn't torch your unconscious bodies like the first time we didn't give him a leash. Besides, if you haven't realized this yet, your friend Gerald and that breeder guy are running interference on Rocket for you, which was admittedly an unexpected boon for us. Void, the rest of Gallus has been tasked with keeping your asses out of the really dangerous **** and you still drop like flies when the weak stuff slips through.

2012-07-10, 01:39 PM
Damien sighed, his merry cheer passing just as quickly as it arrived. Yeah, I know. Just realizing how screwed up my group and I are. Even with the kiddy gloves on, we still screwed up pretty badly; we're just lucky no one died today, he admitted not hiding his disapointment in himself and the others.

That said, we weren't the only ones who made stupid mistakes today. You may want to talk to Lillian after this, he said in a more somber tone. That girl irrevocably contradicted the foundation of her cover story three times in a row, and then literally poked holes through what was left of her cover several times; all within the span of little over a minute or so while she was still surrounded by the group and some distance away from where the ambush seems to have been setup. My group obviously missed the signs, and you tried to possess me before I got the chance to blow the whistle on her; but well, we're just a bunch of dumb kids, and like you said this was just playtime for you guys, but if she makes that kind of mistake again... Well, she might not be as lucky the next time. he explained showing genuine concern for the girl.

I, I just thought I should let you know. I just don't want her to have to pay the price of that kind of screw up if it can be avoided, he added feeling a tad bit more awkward as time passed.

2012-07-10, 06:36 PM
Thank you for the information. Although in one case...well, the ambush site was supposed to be the clearing, honestly. When you guys decided to split up, well...it really did throw us.

2012-07-10, 06:49 PM
After a few minutes of back tracking, Liam and Autumn find their way back to the clearing. Autumn hides as planned and Liam enters the clearing to a strange sight.

Lillian and another girl who you assume is her sister because she looks identical except for her short red hair, have Damien's unconcsious body in their grip, Sylvia's flaming blade to his neck. A burly man you haven't seen before has an unconcsious Sylvia and HAWK over his shoulders and a large black pokemon with what looks like a face on its stomach, without legs, holding an unconscious Russ.

Dex check from Autumn to see how well she hides. Can start talking but until Autum's stealth is rolled, they won't respond.

2012-07-10, 07:09 PM
Come out you tree hugger! We said no funny business! I don't know where you are but I know your here. Come out or your little friend gets it. She brings the blade a little closer, singing the peach fuzz on Damien's supple young neck.

2012-07-10, 07:10 PM
Damien mentally sweatdropped as the true nature of the trap was revealed to him, Nice to know we were screwed either way then, he admitted with a half-hearted chuckle.

Upon spotting Liam enter the clearing he attempted to establish telepathic comunication with Liam, "Hi Liam it's Damien, I'm possessing the big grey floaty mon at the moment. Long story. As proof of identity; my girlfriend's little sister shot you in the back with a shotgun, Shrike's your starter, mine is Aden, you're evee's full name is Cerberus and we rescued Gib from his abusive trainer after the guy tried to assault Autumn, though Emma tried to chew us out for it latter until we talked her down, and you recently aquiered a Chimchar.

In any case, these guys, especially this guy, are very powerful and working for Ennis. Lillian and her sister are rather skilled psychics; so they're likely trying to read you mind right now. Ennis is in the area and she's easily more powerful than both of the girls together. Big lugs and aura user and a powerful ghost like this one, long story, soooooo yeah. If you guys try anything, things are going to get real messy real fast. Just thought I'd gve you the heads up. he swiftly explained, already wondering where Emma and Autumn had gone.

2012-07-10, 07:13 PM
"Don't worry about her our group took some injuries so she's tending to Emma. They will stay over there as long as we are doing the trade. So you are here for this book then?"

Liam slowly brings out the book from his bag trying to look unthreatening

2012-07-10, 07:23 PM
The book is snatched out of your hand and floats in front of the burly man, the pages slowly flipping through. The man studies each page carefully before nodding and grabbing it. Everything seems to be in order. Damien, you'll complete the exchange. He hoists HAWK and Sylvia into Damien-Ghost's arms and motions to deposit them by Liam. Once your done, you can return to your body and we will be on our way. I do apologize for the inconvience. We only intended to rough you up a bit.

2012-07-10, 07:25 PM
"So where you two actually orphans or was that just a set up as well?"

2012-07-10, 07:31 PM
hehehehehehehehe Lillian simply laughs and shoots a rather crude gesture with her 3rd finger at you. ITS NOT A DUPLICATE!

2012-07-10, 07:57 PM
"So anyway, you attacked the group to get back a book i found pretty much literally in a ditch. Why didn't you ask us for it or try and trade for it?"

Wonder how Damien found out Patty shot me, eh guess Rovi told him

2012-07-10, 08:14 PM
Enni was interested. After her little booby trap went off, she wanted to see more of you in action. Not sure what she'll make of your performance.

2012-07-10, 08:17 PM
"Ah the grave thought i should of taken a closer look at that, when you see Martillo tell her good luck, after all she was kind enough to do the same last time i saw her."

2012-07-10, 08:18 PM
Can you get out so I can smack him already, please?

2012-07-10, 08:39 PM
Damien shook his head as he watched the exchange between Lillian and Liam unfold, feeling strangely disappointed, I'm going , I'm going, he replied to his host before floating over to Liam's side; placing each one of the bodies gently on the floor, before floating back within perfect striking distance of the large man. Well, I guess this is good bye Mr...erm, I never did get your name did I, he commented, the realization seeming so odd given their situation for the past several minutes. Well, yeah take care, I guess he ended somewhat awkwardly, pausing for a moment to see if there'd be a reply before returning to his body.

The whole experience was quite disconcerting for Damien as he felt himself awaken within his body once more; some what disoriented by the sudden shift in perspective and the strange stiffness and general feeling of heaviness his body had, made no better by the alien coldness which seemed to pervade his limbs. Damien shivered for a moment as he attempted to will himself to raise, but found the act to strenuous for the moment; his sudden pounding headache no doubt contributing to the fact, but he did manage to tuck his hands into his pockets for warmth.

The young trainer turned his head around to view the group, impressed by the Dusknoir's stature. He had to admit, seeing the imposing ghost and riding within it were certainly not the same experience.

2012-07-10, 08:44 PM
Closest thing I ever had to a name is the Runner. We'll be keeping an eye on you all, so try to take care of yourselves.
You enter your body, and the Runner's staring down at you. Then his eye shifts to the Muscle, who's face takes an "oh crap" appearance just before he gets an electric backhand, causing him to slam to the ground. Everyone hears this.
I thought I told you no teaching the girls cursing, Muscle. Ennis is NOT going to be happy with you.
Lillian and Jillian giggle as they hurry over, climbing on his back as he grabs the man and dashes off through the woods, and so is the book.

2012-07-10, 08:51 PM
Huh wierd

"Nice to have you back among the living Damien, now if you don't mind i'm going to get Emma healed up so she can get pink to heal the rest."

Liam rifles though Russ' pockets until he finds a soda pop and takes it over to Emma to heal her up. Chatting with Autumn as he does so

"Well that went about as well as could be expected, somehow Damien ended up in a ghost, but im sure he'll fill us in later"

2012-07-10, 09:27 PM
Autumn breathes a sigh of relief, "thank Arceus that went well, if it didn't we would have been screwed."

2012-07-10, 10:41 PM
Damien locked eyes with Runner for a moment, grinning as he saw the dusknoir strike his Muscle. Damien righted his head and looked up at the sky through the forest canopy. "It's good to be back," he replied dreamily, before another shiver ran through his body. Yeah best deal with that first," he told himself as he forced his hand over to Aden's ball to bring him out.

2012-07-10, 10:50 PM
As Damien reaches for Aden's ball, all he feels is his belt.

Emma slowly rouses and stares at Liam. Ugh, what the void happened? OW! MUK! Why does my head hurt!?

2012-07-11, 06:03 AM
"Erm, wierd Ninja thing smashed you over the head the others are in the clearing and need pink to give them some healing as well."

2012-07-11, 09:04 AM
Damien froze for a moment as he touched the empty space on his belt, "No..." he muttered wide eyed as his heart sunk into his stomach; before he began frantically tapping his belt to see if he still had the rest of his pokeballs, making sure to check for his dex and pokegear immediately after. This, this can't be happening; not now!

2012-07-11, 09:19 AM
Besides Aden's ball, nothing else is out of place. Though there are some ice crystals on your other balls. Might want to warm those up a bit.

2012-07-11, 09:32 AM
With the knowledge that the rest of his gear and mon were safe, Damien did his best to stay calm; taking deep steady breaths as he tried to other his thoughts. He first got a hold of his flute, signaling Yanko to return to him alongside Arhi, as he scanned his immediate area for the ball; doing his very best to keep his thoughts from running wild and thinking the worst.

2012-07-11, 10:11 AM
"May want to rest as well," Autumn says, helping Emma over to the others, "but I think you'll want to help Sylvia and the others first."

2012-07-11, 01:09 PM
Emma reaches for Pink's ball. 'Wait. I'm missing someone. Oh my Arceus, they took Silver.' Emma started to panic and hyperventilate. 'Oh no, oh on, oh no.'

2012-07-11, 01:22 PM
"Right Emma we'll find Silver when we can but right now we really need you to focus on getting Slyvia and Russ back on their feet. Then we can deal with that later"

2012-07-11, 01:44 PM
Emma looks worried but bites her lip and sends out White and Pink.

First White uses Heal Pulse on everyone

regain 50% max hp

then Pink feeds Sylvia an egg to get her back up.

Sylvia regain 50% max hp

2012-07-11, 01:48 PM
Russ groans as he stands up again and chugs down a Lemonade to help his healing. "...yeah. That should be good." He stands up and looks around. "...huh. Did you guys beat back the others?" Noticing the still knocked out HAWK, he recalls the mon, before turning to Sylvia. "You alright there?"

2012-07-11, 01:51 PM
"Nah we had to trade the book for you guys then the others left. Although you might want to make sure your team are all here"

Liam finally gets round to checking his pokeballs to make sure the sneaky ninja hadn't managed to get any of his

2012-07-11, 01:56 PM
"Right." Russ checks his pockets to make sure all of his Pokeballs were there.

2012-07-11, 01:58 PM
Far to caught up with his own panicked thoughts, doing his best to call Yanko back; it's not until the wave of rejuvenating energy envelops him and washes away most of his physical fatigue, that he realizes that the others had returned. Damien lowers his flute, turning towards the others "Yanko and Arhi should be on their way here now, but...," he paused swallowing deeply, worry clear on his face. "Aden's missing," he choked out, returning to playing his flute to help Yanko and Arhi get back; all too eager to start combing every inch of the forest once they had returned.

Damien: 64/92 hp

2012-07-11, 02:03 PM
"Thank you, White and Pink." Sylvia groaned as she sat up. She then downed one of her enriched waters to help her healing along. She ignored Russ' question as she looked around for Arhi and Shupply. "Is everyone okay then?"

2012-07-11, 02:29 PM
"Silver and Aden... two shiny pokemon, Sylvia, do you still have your drillbur?" Autumn asks as she checks her own pokeballs. She was almost certain she'd be alright, no one had gotten close enough except Emma, and, if her hunch was right, the fact she didn't have a shiny would mean she's safe.

2012-07-11, 02:36 PM
"Gurren?" Sylvia checked her belt for her Drilbur's ball.

2012-07-11, 02:40 PM
Strangely, Gurren WAS still there. And there didn't appear to be any other pokemon missing from anyone else, just Aden and Silver.

2012-07-11, 02:49 PM
This turn of events was strange enough as it was, but why would both Aden AND Silver be missing. It made no sense to him the more his mind kept studying it. After all, they had been no where near the trap when it had been sprung after all. Damien paused his playing for a moment as he turned to the group "Wait, you guys said that Emma was attacked right? Did you see who did it, and how did you manage to fight them off?" he inquired before he returned to playing his flute, his impatience growing with each passing minute. Come one Yanko, this isn't the time for sightseeing,

2012-07-11, 02:51 PM
Russ looks in his pockets, to see all of his Pokeballs still inside. "Yeah, I have all of my Pokemon. Hm, that's a bit strange." Russ took out MAN who climbed on. "Right, then. Where are we going, again? To find the lost Pokemon and then Vermillion, right?"

2012-07-11, 02:54 PM
"We just got jumped by a ninja in a battle suit who knocked out emma then pissed off before we could do anything. We where going into the digletts cave but i think your right Russ about Vermillion Ger lives there and its obvious we need some help."

2012-07-11, 02:58 PM
"Wait, what? You mean he didn't try to attack you two, steal the egg OR force you to give him the book?" he questioned Liam in shear disbelief at how out of place the act seemed in light of recent events, before returning to his flute playing.

2012-07-11, 03:01 PM
"Nope he didn't say a thing"

2012-07-11, 03:02 PM
"Yea, it was really odd, it sorta, evaporated after knocking her out. It was right when Sylvia called us," Autumn says.

2012-07-11, 04:54 PM
"No idea what the deal with the ninja was to be honest, doesn't seem to quite fit with Gallus' plans to my knowledge; so it may have been something separate, but no idea what it could be. Though seeing as it just vanished, maybe he was a psychic too." Damien commented before sighing and returning to the matter at hand.

"Both Aden and Silver were with us when we left the house, and I only returned Aden once we were about to leave. No one bumped into us before we ran into Lillian. She never touched me to my knowledge or, Emma while I was with you guys. So, unless she did something while I was out; the only time I could've lost Aden would've been between the northern road and the scuffle; and to my knowledge, the only time Emma was approached was during the ninja incident." explained Damien doing his best to organize his thoughts.

"We should probably start searching in these two places once Yanko and Arhi arrive; if we pull together all of our mon's we should be able to track the balls down by scent if nothing else," he suggested before returning to his flute; hoping that the Eevee's of the others would arrive soon. He couldn't help but wonder what could be taking them so long, he had told them to stay nearby after all; though he hoped with all his might that the little guy hadn't run into any trouble.

2012-07-11, 05:44 PM
"And then what would you like us to do, the people who probably stole them already beat us all once what are they going to do if we fight them again with nothing to trade to them"

2012-07-11, 05:51 PM
Sylvia was relieved to for still having her pokemon with her, with the exception of Arhi who she was glad that she manage to bolt off to safety. "I'm sorry Shupply." She said before she recalled the ghost into her ball and frowned. 'Not exactly a good day for you...'

"This Ninja?" Sylvia began to ask as she stood up and approached Emma. "Did ether of you manage to get a good look at his armor or clothing? Or maybe the weapon he used?" She directed the question at Autumn and Liam as she reached out to inspect Emma's head for any serious wounds. "How are you holding up?" As she spoke she kept her face neutral, but Emma would be able to sense her anger, fear, and self doubt.

2012-07-11, 06:00 PM
"A good look at it, I could probably sketch it if i had a pen and some paper, I'm a fair sketch artist," Autumn comments, "I'd be hard pressed to actually describe it, it looked almost like a robot, only thing that threw that off was the hair."

2012-07-11, 06:07 PM
"Looked like a cyborg, head covered mostly by a visor and the rest of its body was encased in what looked to be a one piece exoskeleton."

2012-07-11, 06:07 PM
"I don't think Gallus took them. They have no reason to; if they just wanted leverage on me and Emma for some reason they've got more than enough brute force to leave us with little other choice but to do what they want. Arceus' knows they already proved that. Moreover, if they just wanted to sell them for profit they would've just taken all of our pokemon. For Arceus' sake Emma has a Chancy and a Gaurdevoir, you have a type shifted mawhile and zorua, Sylvia has a riolu and a Seviper Egg, Autumn has a ferroseed, Leafeon,a Mienfoo AND a Lapras Egg, and Russ has a scraggy, Ralts, AND a golett. Combined those are a hell of a lot more valuable, and far harder to track down than a shiny Litwick and Eevee; especially when they had us all at their mercy.

In addition, it's in their best interest for us to succeed in our mission; what with the fate of all of Kanto resting on our shoulders. They already think we're weak and need to get stronger to do our job; so why the bleeding VOID would they shoot us in the foot by stealing Aden and Silver?! Ennis may be a conniving, manipulative, untrustworthy seviper of a women; but I give her enough credit not to be that mukking retarded," he argued before locking his eyes with Liam.

"I don't know where my best friend is. He may have fallen off my body, or have been taken. He might be in the belly of a wild, stuck on the a rock or in a patch of grass right now. I. Don't. Know. But I'll by tossed to the Void and ripped to shreds before I just give up on him without so much as trying to find him!" he said with a steely glare, and an intensity quite unexpected from the normally soft spoken and courtious boy.

2012-07-11, 06:12 PM
Russ stared at Damien, who almost rattled that speech out of nowhere. And then only thing that he got from it was "Uh... I don't have a Mienfoo. At least, I don't think I do." He checked around him, just in case it was hiding behind him or something and he never realized it, before turning back to Damien. "We were going to look for him anyways, Damien. You don't need to get angry at us."

2012-07-11, 06:20 PM
"Brute force isn't the best way to get what you want, if they did take Aden and silver then they proably want leaverage over the two Fairys something thats proably better without trying to physically force you to help them.

And we are going to look for them but you should realise that if it turns out they where taken by Gallus then we don't have much of a chance fighting them since we carnt get the drop on them and most of us are already injured. So what are you going to do if thats the case rush in and possibly lose more of our pokemon?

So then i guess we're looking the same way as we looked for Red with Tracking pokemon then? Since i don't think Cerbs going to be able to pick up a scent that quickly again."

2012-07-11, 06:25 PM
"...you relaly don't know how to make people feel better, do you." Russ stares at Liam before shaking his head. "Anyways, he must have fallen off or something while you and Emma were unconscious. I probably dropped him on the way or something. Let's look at that route! But we need to all go together this time. No more splitting up on the routes any more, you got it!?"

2012-07-11, 06:38 PM
Damien put hand over his face and sighed; relaxing his posture before looking back at his companions. "I'm sorry for going of like that; but like I said, I don't think Team Gallus took them, at least not for personal gain. They had us at their mercy just a few minutes ago. If they wanted to have leverage over us for the fairies they would've made a show of it then and there to get the message across clearly while our defeat was still fresh in our minds.

Force is not an option, because they would just trounce us again; and after this whole fiasco I doubt that's what they want. In any case, there's no point saying if's or buts about this, because we don't know anything for sure yet." he explained before removing his bandana, suddenly feeling much too hot wear the old thing. "But yeah, Aden and Silver's balls should have our scent; so we should be able to find them like this if I'm right," he agreed as he passed his hand through his sweaty hair, before readying his flute once more.

He turned to Russ, and nodded, " Yeah, we don't want a repeat, but first we need to wait for Arhi and Yanko," he said before he began playing his flute once more, though now he was truly getting worried; Yanko really shouldn't be taking this much time to get to them.

2012-07-11, 06:49 PM
"So then who do we have who can track for us that arnt tired from all the tracking we've been doing? I've got Ghost and i think Slyvias Vulpix should be able to do it but Alana said they needed to rest for a day so not sure if they would be OK to use."

2012-07-11, 07:02 PM
Suddenly, the 2 missing Eevee's come running out the forest. They run behind their owners and start to cower. You can hear something knock down trees, coming towards you.

2012-07-11, 07:03 PM
Liam lets Cerburus back out of his ball
"Erm Cerb can you get a read off whatevers coming towards us?"

2012-07-11, 07:07 PM
"Arhi?" Sylvia knelled down to pick up the frightened fox, before look off towards the direction where the sounds came from.

2012-07-11, 07:16 PM
"Yanko!!!" exclaimed Damien as he knelt down to welcome the lost eevee. "I got worried when you didn't..." he trailed off as the little eevee ran around him and hid behind the young trainer much to his surprise.

Damien looked at the eevee in surprise before he heard the distinct sounds of tree's toppling one after another. He quickly pulled out Edna's ball, bringing the little magby out as he turned his attention to Yanko; reaching out to the eevee's spirit to channel him. "Yanko. WHat did you two do, and what's coming this way?" he inquired as began to back away from where Yanko and Arhi had just run in from and moved slightly to the side; along with his pokemon, much to Edna's one confusion.

Damien: 54/92 hp

2012-07-11, 07:17 PM
"We may want to run," Autumn says, edging back from the direction the crashing is coming from.

2012-07-11, 07:23 PM
"Yeah... come on, MAN, let's pin 'em down so we can get away!" MAN nodded and got ready to slam onto the attackers.

2012-07-11, 07:39 PM
A large boulder sails millimetres by Russ's face, crashing behind him and taking out another tree. When you all look in the forest, you don't think you can see anything.


Did that tree just move?.........

2012-07-11, 07:45 PM
"The hell? Cerburus use sand attack on that thing"

Liam scans the tree and throws a quick curve ball at it for good measure

Target takes 5 dmg from curve ball

Cerbs stats Eevee,Cerberus, 10 (HP 32/32, attack 10, defense 8, Spc atk 5, Spc defense 9, speed 5).

Sand Attack AC2 targets need to roll +1 on accuracy

Capture roll

AC for Cerbs attack

2012-07-11, 07:51 PM
"..." Russ quickly scans the tree while MAN runs up to the tree, bashing it!

MAN interrupted the start of the encounter with Fake Out!

Fake Out:
[roll0] AC2 (Flinch if hit)
[roll1] Normal Damage

2012-07-11, 08:12 PM
Sylvia scans the mon and returns Arhi into her ball, allow it to rest, before sending out Kaybu. "Use Absorb!" The Kabuto rushed up to the tree thing and began siphoning energy from it.

Sylvia's HP 70/91

Kaybu: Level 10 34/34 9 attack, 15 def, 4satk, 5sdef, 6sped

Ac for absorb [roll0] vs 2

damage [roll1]

2012-07-11, 08:15 PM
"Lillian, use Sleep Powder," Autumn says, they weren't in good enough condition to fight, knocking it out was their best bet.

AC: [roll0]

2012-07-11, 08:41 PM
"Darn it Yanko; pay more attention next time," Damien exclaimed as he pulled out his dex to scan the Tree-like pokemon. "Now then let's see if we can clean up after you Yanko," he said as he began focusing on the tree like pokemon. "Edna use Ember on it!" he exclaimed Damien eliciting a storm of tiny fireballs to be launched from the little Magby to the tree-like pokemon.

"Sorry about this!" he yelled at the tree like pokemon before narrowing his eyes at it and focusing. Within moments his eyes appeared to flare with some sort of strange violet energy, causing a similar aura of tenebreous energy to erupt around the strange pokemon.

Hex- Special-Ghost
AC 2:[roll0]

*Spd, Def, S. Def:

Ember - Fire
Damage: [roll3]
*Ember Burns the target on 18-20 during Accuracy Check.

2012-07-12, 09:52 AM
The tree stays standing.

Trainer turns and mon with speed 5 or above

2012-07-12, 10:30 AM
"Cerb your going to need to lower the defenses"

Cerb uses tail whip, while Liam takes a shot at it

Trainer attack ranged, AC6, Ice typed

1 Tail Whip
AC 2
Ranged (4), 1 Target
The target’s Defense is lowered 1 Combat Stage.

2012-07-12, 10:32 AM
"Cerb your going to need to lower the defenses"

Cerb uses tail whip, while Liam takes a shot at it

Trainer attack ranged, AC6, Ice typed

1 Tail Whip
AC 2
Ranged (4), 1 Target
The target’s Defense is lowered 1 Combat Stage.

2012-07-12, 11:07 AM
Autumn pulls out a pokeball and throws it, this would end the fight if it caught, if not, well... "if this doesn't work mega drain it."

Capture Roll: [roll0]

AC: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Stats: {table=head]Stat|Base|Added|Total
Max Health: 38 Current HP: 38
Current Status Effects: None

Physical Evasion: 1 (1/5)
Special Evasion: 1 (1/5)
Speed Evasion: 0 (X/10)

Ability: {table=head]Ability|Frequency|Effect
Chlorophyll|Trigger - Hourly|Double Speed When Sunny[/table]

Sprouter|Grow Plants Nearby[/table]

Natural Moves:
{table=head]Move|Type|Frequency|Stat|Damage|Accuracy|Effect|Ex tra
Absorb|Grass|At-Will|Sp.Atk|1d6+3|2|Melee, 1 Target|After the target takes damage, the user gains HP equal to half of the damage they dealt to the target
Growth|Normal|At-Will|--|--|--|Personal|Raise the user’s Attack 1 Combat Stage and raise the user’s Special Attack 1 Combat Stage. If it is Sunny, double the amount of Combat Stages gained.
Leech Seed|Grass|Center|--|--|4|Ranged (6), 1 Target|At the beginning of each of the target’s turns, Leech Seed’s target loses 1/8th of their full HP. Do not apply weakness or resistance to the HP lost. Do not apply stats to the HP lost. Leech Seed’s user then gains HP equal to the amount the target lost. Leech Seed lasts until the target faints or is returned to a Poke Ball. Leech Seed cannot hit a Grass type Pokemon.
Sleep Powder|Grass|Center|--|--|6|Ranged (6), 1 Target, Blast|Sleep Powder creates a 1-meter Blast. All Legal Targets fall Asleep
Mega Drain|Grass|EOT|Sp.Atk|1d12+6|2|Melee, 1 Target|After the target takes damage, the user gains HP equal to half of the damage they dealt to the target.[/table]

2012-07-12, 12:23 PM
There was no Mega Drain, for the Sudowoodo was caught.

2012-07-12, 12:44 PM
Damien exhales in relief at the sight of the suedowoodo being caught, "Great job Autumn," exclaimed merrily before thanking Edna for the hand and returning her. He then turned to Yanko. Next time, for the love of Arceus; please check if what you want to relieve yourself on dooesn't have an aura, alright? he said as he rubbed the eevee a bit harshly so as to scold it.

2012-07-12, 01:42 PM
"So now thats over shall we try and find silver and aden then?"

2012-07-12, 01:45 PM
"Yea, preferably before we get another giant stone tree chasing after us," Autumn says, looking at the new information, "did you know it was a rock type, not a grass type? It pretends to be a grass type so people don't use water moves against it, apparently."

2012-07-12, 01:49 PM
"Huh, ya don't say. Well, there's certainly all kinds of pokemon in the world," he said as he started to rub Yanko properly now. "So, who are we looking for first, Aden's ball or Silver's?" he asked, unsure that he should really vote given that his answer would be quite obvious.

2012-07-12, 01:53 PM
"Cunning." Sylvia nodded as she returned Kaybu. "Silver's." She answered Damien with a neutral tone. "Think Amelia would be up for some tracking so long as she doesn't battle?"

2012-07-12, 02:10 PM
"Uhm yeah, just so long as she doesn't try to use her new move she should be fine," he replied a bit taken back by Sylvia's tone; then again, Silver was her girlfriend's starter.

2012-07-12, 02:20 PM
"Just give Amelia both your scents and see what she can find if she carnt find anything then ghost will give it a shot as well."

2012-07-12, 02:46 PM
"Very well." Sylvia sent out Amelia. "Amelia, some of our friends pokemon have turned up missing. See if you can find them. Try starting with Emma's Eevee." She knelled down to the fox.

Amelia then sniffed any scent Emma had to offer then tried to track down her missing pokemon.

[roll0] Amelia's tracking

2012-07-12, 02:50 PM
Seeing Amelia not being able to pick up anything
"Right then Ghost try and track Emma or Damiens scents to their pokeballs if you sense any hostile auras be careful right"

One for damien or emma? or just the both as one

2012-07-12, 03:03 PM
Emma and Damien's scent goes in different directions. Ghost tracks Damien's scent through the forest. You track it back to the sight of the fight, then a bit further in another direction. Eventually the scent stops at a sight where all the grass in crushed and the smell of fuel. The scent goes up into the sky, and is untrackable from here.

2012-07-12, 03:07 PM
"Does Emmas scent end here as well ghost?"

2012-07-12, 03:34 PM
"Ugh. This gas is giving me a headache. I don't think anyone can track pass this. Looks like this is the end of the line." Russ cups his hand in front of his nose and mouth to try to block the smell of gas. "Also..." Russ scans the Vulpix. "You better recall that, before this place explodes or something."

2012-07-12, 03:52 PM
Ghost shrugs. He didn't follow Emma's scent, someone else would need to go back and follow that.

2012-07-12, 03:58 PM
"Emma? You think that Houndour you caught last night could help find Silver?" Sylvia suddenly remembered last's night 'training'.

2012-07-12, 04:04 PM
"Good work anyway you two i'll let you rest for now"
Liam returns ghost and Cerb to their pokeballs

2012-07-12, 04:05 PM
Damien's eyes widened as he realized what Ghost meant; staring up at the wide open sky he could feel his muscles tensing and his form going numb, as he fought the urge to break down right then and there. If he failed to keep it together he'd just turn into dead weight, and there still was a chance they might find silver. The young trainer quickly raised his hand over his face and turned away from the party, so as to rub his eyes. Repeating to himself again and again to stay calm; hardly acknowledging Yanko as he rubbed up against his leg, even as his efforts bore mixed success.

*Black's: Tracker check: [roll0]

2012-07-12, 04:20 PM
The houndour leads you a different way, back to the spot where Emma got knocked out. Then the trail vanashes. Nothing. It was like the smell had just dissapeared.

2012-07-12, 04:30 PM
"...uh... is this supposed to happen?" Russ looks around, not seeing an Eevee. "...when we get to Vermillion, we'll report them as missing, okay you two?"

2012-07-12, 05:00 PM
"Probably for the best," she sighs, "sorry guys, but we'll have to try a different method to find them."

2012-07-12, 05:53 PM
"I guess thats about our only option now. Maybe someone in the city has flight plans for the area or something."

Liam takes one last lookaround the area for any signs of what might of happened or even any nearby apricorns.

Perception roll

2012-07-12, 05:54 PM
"Right, we will find them." Sylvia added as she continued walking westward, towards vermilion. "Autumn when you get the chance, I would like that sketch of that ninja you saw." Amelia paused before following her trainer, perhaps sensing something wrong.

2012-07-12, 06:49 PM
Liam finds 2 white apricorns and a couple berries which he can't identify.

You all head east out of the forest (exceot Sylvia who was heading deeper into it. 'We need to go much further south before heading west, dear'), back to the sea path, and travel south. You spot a couple fisher men as you travel, but they seem to relaxed to battle. Just then, an old man runs up to the group.

'Hey, the SUPER ROD is really SUPER, wouldn't you agree?'



2012-07-12, 06:53 PM
"...is that dialog thing supposed to be floating above him? Or maybe it's just the chills..." Russ sneezed away from the group before rubbing his nose. "Dammit, SEISMIC TOSS, now is NOT the time to get sick!"

2012-07-12, 06:53 PM
Liam trys to make some pokeballs out of the three apricorns he had

White Apricorn rolls DC12

Green Apricorn roll

"Yes i guess a super rod sounds pretty super"

2012-07-12, 07:06 PM
The man hands Liam a twig with some string tied to it.

'I Like To Wear Shorts! They’re comfy and easy to wear!'

He runs off in the direction you came from. You see a young woman chasing after him. 'Come back Grandpa!'

'You're light years away from facing Brock. It’s like my Rattata is in the top percentage of rattatas. Smell ya later!'

He disappears into the distance.

2012-07-12, 07:06 PM
"Right...I knew that..." Sylvia sighed as she turned around and followed Emma.

2012-07-12, 07:09 PM
"Hey, uh, maybe we should catch some fish for dinner, you know? Nothing like a hot dinner." Russ stares out to the docks, watching the other fishermen fish.

2012-07-12, 07:13 PM
Looking around at the others in the group and not wanting the man to come back if he just tossed it
"I don't suppose any of you would like a stick would you?"

2012-07-12, 07:17 PM
Russ snatches the rod from Liam and finds a place in the docks to start fishing.

2012-07-12, 07:30 PM
A god damn ugly fish flops onto the dock near Russ. It shoots a ray which engulfs everyone.

Feebas uses Confuse Ray. Everyone is confused. All trainers and all pokemon out of their balls.

2012-07-12, 07:32 PM
"Russ, I think we should head to the Viridian center first, we can come back later," Autumn says, staring after the old man who obviously wasn't all their in the head, right before the fish flops onto the ground and confuses everyone.

2012-07-12, 07:32 PM
Liam tosses one of his new Fast balls at the Feebas

Not sure if i need a roll for confusion since its not a move or shift but here it is anyway
Also uses curve ball for 5 damage

2012-07-12, 07:35 PM
MAN quickly gets the drop on the fish, and grabs it, jumping and spinning backwards for a flying German suplex onto the dock!

[roll0] AC2 Flinch if hit
[roll1] Normal Damage

2012-07-12, 07:40 PM
Due to MAN flinching the fish, Liam manages to catch it.

2012-07-12, 07:43 PM
"Awesome job, MAN!" Russ and MAN fistbump each other, before MAN climbs back on his position on top of Russ's head. "Well, I don't think we can eat that now... wanna try again, you guys?"

2012-07-12, 07:43 PM
Liam picks up the ball before wondering what to do with the fish

"So who wants or needs a Feebas for their team then? I don't want anything for it now but if you ever get any of the Shinx line i would appriciate it if you would repay the trade."

2012-07-12, 07:51 PM
The ball floats out of Liam's hand and lands in Emma's. It's mine. Russ, we'll eat when we get to Vermillion. Lets go. NOW!

2012-07-12, 07:53 PM
"But isn't it going to take like a day or something? Ah, well, alright, then." Russ gets up from fishing and stores the rod in his bag. "Let's get going now."

2012-07-12, 07:56 PM
"Sounds good, Milotic is sorta a favorite of mine ever since my grandfather showed me a picture of the one he had when he was younger," Autumn says, rubbing the back of her head a little.

2012-07-12, 07:58 PM
"You know Emma you could have waited foreveryone to say their peace i mean its not like Autumn carried you though a forest and then kept an eye on you while you where unconsious today is it?"

2012-07-12, 08:03 PM
Amelia ducks behind Sylvia after hearing Emma shout. "It's okay Amelia." She permitted a smile to appear before taking Emma hand. "They have a point. They did help you back on your feet after all."

2012-07-12, 08:05 PM
Emma turns to Liam, fury burning in her eyes. Well thats all fine and mukking dandy! But if you haven't noticed, I just lost my best friend in the world with no idea where she is or how to find her. And I can't even go looking for her because I have a job to do. And so do you. I'm sorry our mission is getting in the way. I decided to stop the fight over it before it started. The sooner we get the egg to pewter, the sooner we can find her and Aden. So shut the muk up, its mine. Call it repayment for failing to protect me. Now Liam, do you have any other concerns, or can we get the muk moving!? She is quite literally shaking. She's even more pissed than when you were on your way to Saffron.

2012-07-12, 08:08 PM
"Right, we're going now! Right everyone! Let's get going!" Russ quickly grabbed Emma's hand, following the road to Vermillion before she decided to bark at everyone else.

2012-07-12, 08:11 PM
"Fine lets keep moving then"

2012-07-12, 08:20 PM
The smile fades as quickly as it appeared on Sylvia's face as Emma's and Koga's words echo in her head. "Lets just keep going." She returned Amelia before laying her hands on Emma's shoulders and giving her sympathetic look before her face became emotionless as she turned away continuing down the shore southward. "She's right...first we focus on getting the job done. Then we can get Silver and Aden back." Her voice was slightly colder.

2012-07-12, 08:54 PM
Autumn follows the group quietly, pulling out an MP3 player and setting it to max, her eyes shadowed, Emma would be able to feel the anger rolling off of her like an inferno and any pokemon out able to sense Aura would be more than a little uneasy around her at this point. She already gave off that 'vibe' that she didn't want to be talked to or talk to anyone. That plus the song on the thing could be heard rather clearly, Bodies by Drowning Pool.

2012-07-12, 09:29 PM
Damien was only casually aware of what had transpired since they ran into their dead end; the young trainer quietly following the group around as he spoke with Yanko through their link, his mind putting all the questioning to rest from shear fatigue. He spent most of the time speaking with Yanko, trying to learn more about the little eevee and its desires, along with its opinions about their journey thus far; having realized that this was perhaps the first time since they had begun their journey that the two would have seriously spoken to one another, and wanting to stall his crash along with the memories of the event for as long as he could. The little eevee even managing to avoid an honest chuckle or two from him through out their talk; alas their little bubble was popped by Emma's yell.

While he had not been paying much attention to what had been happening, but thankfully the ensuing argument managed to fill him in quite well on recent events. Damien slowly walked up to the young psychic, tentatively reaching out to place a hand by her shoulder as he looked up at her with his own dulled eyes in understanding, "I'm sorry," he said melancholicly after a brief moment had passed, before placing his hands back in to his pockets and quietly starting down the road alongside Yanko.

2012-07-13, 12:16 PM
Everyone continues on in awkward silence. After a while, less and less people are spotted. Eventually, you realise you are past the docks and are now in the wilds, enjoying a leisurely stroll along the beach. Well, except for the electric looks the two girls were throwing at each other.

Soon, it gets a bit dark. It was about 7 o'clock and you could hear stirring in the bushes. You could either continue on, or camp for the night.

2012-07-13, 12:19 PM
Russ sighs. "See, I told you it'd take a day. Well, at least we have these sandwiches that your family gave us, Damien." Russ takes out his pack and passes out the subs he got from Mr. Black. "Looks like we're going to have to camp out here for the night. Don't want to pass out in the middle of the road."

2012-07-13, 12:22 PM
"I say we continue on the longer we waste out here the harder it will be to pick up any sort of trail."

2012-07-13, 12:34 PM
"Maybe, but we need a flashlight or something. Don't want to risk walking in the dark. Any of you have one?"

2012-07-13, 12:36 PM
"I'm all for going through the night, not very tired right now," how she heard you over the music currently playing from her MP3 Player was beyond anyone there. She seems to have calmed down, and she has, but the music itself hasn't changed in tone, it's all rather dark and/or angry music, right now, it's on Thoughtless by Korn.

2012-07-13, 12:58 PM
"I rather not push our luck tonight with the day we had." Sylvia stopped to look for a suitable location to set up camp. Her tone of voice hadn't changed. "Don't want to be caught stumbling though the night in unfamiliar territory."

[roll0] perception for suitable camp site?

2012-07-13, 01:17 PM
Sylvia finds a clearing that should suffice.away from the road, but still within walking distance if you needed to get back fast.

2012-07-13, 01:21 PM
"I'll take the first watch then," Autumn says, "anyone else want to stay up for the first watch?"

Perception: [roll0]
Luck Roll: [roll1]

2012-07-13, 02:08 PM
"I'll take second watch, then. Me and MAN will." MAN nods on top of Russ.

2012-07-13, 02:32 PM
"I'll be joining Russ for second watch." Sylvia added as she rested against a tree.

2012-07-13, 02:40 PM
Emma collapses next to Sylvia. She rests on Sylvia's shoulder and ends up face planting in lesbian-ninja boob. Without moving, speaking directly to Sylvia's boob. This is not what I intended. But I'm not complaining.

2012-07-13, 02:54 PM
Sylvia jumps a little from the sudden pleasant surprised. "Nor am I." She whispered as she started to stroke Emma's hair and and close her eyes to relax.

2012-07-13, 03:05 PM
Damien smiled lightly before sighing, it was nice to know that at least one of them would have an easier time resting. The young trainer turned to Autumn as he took a bite from his sandwich, "I'll take first watch with you, Yanko can see aura and so can I so long as I'm connected to him; so it'd be best for me to put that to good use while we can," he offered, some of his previous funk seeming to have left him for the time being.

2012-07-13, 03:17 PM
Autumn and Damien have a quiet watch, being the early evening. Eventually, when it gets dark, they both spot a strange pokemon watching from up in the tree, but it didn't seem keen on attacking 2 awake humans.

2012-07-13, 03:27 PM
Autumn nods, letting Marcus out of his pokeball, "He'll be able to help as well, and he'll have a higher vantage point," she says as she removes the MP3 player, "Keep high, if something comes at us get down here ASAP," she tells Marcus, then she turns back to Damien, "I think now would be a good time to call Rovi," she says, hoping she'd be able to cheer him up, might help calm herself down too.

2012-07-13, 04:17 PM
Damien opens his mouth as if to argue, but swiftly closes his mouth and nods, "Maybe," he mutttered somewhat half-heartedly, in reply before trying to help setup camp; still not quite out of whatever fog head been in for the last few hours.

2012-07-13, 04:34 PM
"Damien, we'll get him back, but you'll need to be in the right mindset to do so, talk to her, let her know what's happening, and cheer up a little. You won't be at your best until you cheer up," Autumn says, giving him a gentle pat on the back, "I can handle my watch until you're set, so take your time, kay? See ya when you're done."

2012-07-13, 04:47 PM
Damien looked up at Autumn with a weak smile,"I, I shouldn't. She's all the way in Saffron; it wouldn't be right for me to just dump this on her all of the sudden," he argued weakly before returning to his work, "I shouldn't make her worry,"

2012-07-13, 05:07 PM
"She's your girlfriend isn't she? She deserves to know what's going on with ya, and if ya don't want to talk about it with her, just talk to her, might help cheer ya up still," Autumn says, "Sometimes, you need to get it off your chest or it just gets worse."

2012-07-13, 05:25 PM
Damien stares at Autumn for a few moments, opening his mouth as if to speak before closing it shut; simply staring at the ground for a few moments before meeting Yanko's stare, not needing his link to know that the young eevee agreed with Autumn on the matter, before finally relenting. The young trainer sighed as he met Autumn's gaze once more, "Alright. I'll give Rovi a call," he replied, still having mixed feeling about the idea, "Are you sure it's okay?" he asked, referring to her keeping watch while he made his call; sure the sun was still up and most of the others hadn't gone to sleep yet, but best be safe. Then again, he might've just been stalling.

2012-07-13, 05:35 PM
"I have Marcus to warn me if something is coming this way, and i have the strongest pokemon on the team right now, other than Emma's," Autumn reasons, "I'll be fine until you get back. Besides, the others will be awake for a while still."

2012-07-13, 05:39 PM
'Hey Damien' says Rovi as she answers. 'Boring day over here. Because of the curfew, not only couldn't I go to the gym, there were no customers all day. Artemis was over visiting, and said the curfew should be over by tomorrow morning. Haven't heard much from Gerald since he left, a bit worried about him but both Patty and Artemis say not to worry. Oh, and did you see the big announcement today on TV? The one with Caitlinn? I could honestly say I was not expecting that. Other than that I've just been hanging around with Patty and the 'mon. How is it where you are?' She just seemed to be rambling, glad she had someone to talk to.

2012-07-13, 06:01 PM
Damien smiled as he heard Rovi's voice, cheering up a bit the moment he heard her start to ramble; happier than he'd thought he'd be in fact, "Oh you mean the Elite four thing; yeah I've heard. Glad to hear things are starting settle down over there; I was worried that it would take another week or two for everything to be up and running again," he began, as he suddenly felt tense once more. He could either bite the bullet now, or try and change the topic. He pondered about the whole thing for all of a second before sighing, deciding to try trusting Auutmn's judgement for the time being.

"We're over at the seaside path, heading down to Vermillion before going over to Sienna. We should be getting there in a day or so if we make good time tomorrow," he explained as he felt a lump build in his throat, "...though, after what happened earlier. Well, moral's pretty low right now and tensions are high," he answered, unable to spit it out all at once.

2012-07-13, 06:37 PM
'Yeah, it was awesome. Two new members, so all 6 nations of the league are represented. Justy took on Bugsy in a display battle, to show he was good enough. He lost but still took out 4 of Bugsy's. Then, the next was even better. Since Sinnoh had 2 candidates, Mayleen and Candice had a battle. Wow, it was amazing. And even with a type disadvantage, Candice was awesome. And her Frosslass caused a lot of trouble for Mayleen, till her Lucario turned it around. I'll try and e-mail you a video later.'

'What happened over there that has everyone down? Did something happen to that egg you were supposed to be transporting? I hope no-one got hurt.' She sounded worried.

2012-07-13, 06:52 PM
"Thanks, not a lot to watch out here," he replied graciously before his mood shifted ever so slightly. He'd gotten this far, surely he could meet his goal.

"The egg's alright," he began as he gripped his shorts tightly with his free hand, trying to steel himself enough to finish. Noticing his trainer's struggle; Yanko hopped unto his lap and snuggled against his chest in encouragement. Damien rubbed the little eevee graciously, and after a moments silence continued. "We, we got mugged; got beat up pretty thoroughly too. No one's seriously injured though, and we didn't lose any mons," he explained trying to play down the events as much as he could, feeling a pang of pain and guilt as he said the last part. "That's, that's not quite true. None of them died, but two of them were taken," he said trying not to sound choked up as he rubbed a nascent tear out of his eye, doing everything he could to make it all the way through. "Aden was one of the two,"

2012-07-13, 07:22 PM
You hear a gasp. 'Did you call the police? Or the rangers? If they can't do anything, try Gerald. He lives in Vermillion. Once he's back in contact I'll tell him, he may be able to track down a few leads for you. And... how are you handeling it?'

2012-07-13, 08:16 PM
Damien felt strangely surprised by Rovi's response, yet pleased as well, "Uhm, no not yet. We were still trying to recover from the whole thing. We were planning on reporting them once we reached Vermillion, seeing as they'd probably want pictures of our mons and stuff," he explained before taking a deep breath and exhaling.

"Well, I'm..." he trailed off as he looked at Yanko and rubbed his little head with a small smile. "I'm a bit better now I guess. It's been a rough, no, a horrible day; but I think the shock's starting to wear off. I won't lie, I'm not doing great, but I...I think I'm going to be okay," he ended in a slightly more up-beat tone; eliciting another snuggle from Yanko..

2012-07-13, 08:46 PM
'I know it must be hard, losing your starter pokemon like that. Ummm...' Rovi sounds like she's considering something. 'How about I send you Arnie for while? Just till you get Aden back, I mean. Because of the Gym, I can't use him as much as I want. And I know Aden was your strongest pokemon, so Arnie can help that way. Besides, you controlled him no problem, so he likes you!'

2012-07-13, 09:03 PM
"Rovi... I-I couldn't," began Damien speechless for a moment from the offer. "Arnie's an amazing mon, certainly one of the strongest I've seen, but well; are you sure? I mean, you don't have to do this," he replied smiling from both amazement and disbelief.

2012-07-13, 09:13 PM
'Look, if it was anyone else, I wouldn't offer, but I know I can trust you with him. And when you find Aden, you can just give him back. Call me when you get to Vermillion PokeCenter, and I'll send him over to you.'

2012-07-13, 09:46 PM
"Alright, I'll call you once I'm in Vermillion. And Rovi, thank you ...for everything; it really means a lot to me. You really are a great person you know that?"

2012-07-14, 06:13 AM
'Well, you are a great person too, remember that. If it weren't for you, lots of people would have lots their pokemon that night, including me. Okay, you sound like you need a good rest. Speak to you tomorrow.'

2012-07-14, 08:46 AM
"Yeah, I really do. Take care, Talk to you tomorrow, bye." he said, waiting for a moment or two to see if Rovi would say anything else before hanging up with a smile on his face; feeling much better now than when he had first called. Aden and Silver were still missing, they still had no actual way to find them, they were still guarding a god from murderous psychopaths, and to top it all of his body still felt like processed crap; but he certainly felt better about the whole thing, even he had trouble trying to explain it to himself or Yanko as the pair made their way over to Autumn and Marcus.

"So, how's the perimeter? Anything interesting?" he inquired with a pleasant smile and without the dull, almost soulless, expression he must've had for the last few hours, as Yanko trotted cheerfully by his side; the young trainer visibly better than when Autumn had left him earlier.

2012-07-14, 12:08 PM
"Nothing of interest except the shadow over there," Autumn says as she points to the unidentified pokemon, "It's really just watching us so I wouldn't be too concerned about it just yet, Marcus hasn't reacted to it, so it's not hostile at least."

2012-07-14, 01:24 PM
Damien raised a brow at the shadow, resisting the urge to shine his flash Light on it; the young trainer settling for his pokedex in an attempt to scan the enigmatic pokemon, if only to have a better idea of what kinda of mons were in the area. As he waited for the dex to give him its reading, he turned to Autumn; and after a short silence spoke. "Uhm, Autumn?" he began some what awkwardly, "Thank you,"

2012-07-14, 01:38 PM
"It's what friends are for," she says with a grin, "don't worry about it," she turns back to the trees, "...I did have a bit of an ulterior motive to it though, I needed you to hear me out about something that's been troubling me lately. Recently, I've been able to sense grass-type pokemon, and not that long ago, I was able to turn Cayman into a grass-type temporarily. And this news about the five fairies, I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but, Celebi and Shaymin are both grass-types, and I only gained the abilities after i started this entire thing," she shakes her head, "what do you think of it?" she asks as Marcus flies down to join them.

2012-07-14, 04:02 PM
The pokemon (Karablast) wanders off in boredom. Watching targets were no fun.

The sun was down, and it was getting late. It was Sylvia and Russ's turn on watch.

(Autumn and Damien can continue this conversation in camp if you wish)

2012-07-14, 04:05 PM
Russ yawned. "Righto. So what are we looking for, Sylvia."

2012-07-14, 04:14 PM
Sylvia carefully slipped out from under Emma trying not to disturb her as she gently propped her against the tree. "Just try to keep an eye out for anything that approaches the camp site." She stretched as she approached the center of the camp site.

2012-07-14, 04:26 PM
"Right." Russ yawned and stretched out. "Hey, MAN, are you awake?" MAN yawned as well, before running in front of Russ. "You wanna do some training? Alright, then!" Russ and MAN trained while watching out, both of them taking turns to do swipes with their legs. "I read that this guy will turn into a powerful kicking Pokemon, so I thought I'd better give him some kicking training."

2012-07-14, 04:27 PM
Russ is distracted be a coin that he finds while training with MAN, while Sylvia hears splashing at the waters edge. Looking out at the river, she sees a small bird annoying an electric type near the seaside. The little thing was trying to hit the flying type with electricity, but couldn't get a bead on it.

2012-07-14, 04:41 PM
A little surprised that Russ reads, Sylvia commented as she pointed her pokedex towards the bird and the electric type. "Makes sense." She paused while waiting for the scan results. "Hey, how are you holding up since the ambush?" Her voice and expression seemed to have soften abit, maybe she needed some rest or maybe having her girlfriend plant her face in her breast had something to do with it. Who knows.

2012-07-14, 04:51 PM
Russ tensed up. "I'm going to get better." he said, in a serious tone. "I'm going to get stronger, so I won't go down on the next ambush." He did a sweeping kick onto MAN, who jumped up to dodge it. "You too, Sylvia, right?"

2012-07-14, 05:00 PM
The pokedex pinged, Plusle and Natu.

2012-07-14, 05:23 PM
"Right!" Sylvia nodded. "Hey what do you make of this?" She called Russ' attention to the two mons near the river.

2012-07-14, 05:31 PM
Damien looked as if he were in deep thought as the pair made their way back to camp; stopping only to greet Sylvia and Russ as the two pairs crossed. Damien couldn't help but recall his conversation with Erica, realizing the depth of what she had been meaning. Once the two had found a comfortable spot he began his response.

"Well, I know that people that possess an affinity towards a certain type of pokemon are capable of forming a special bond with the... Essence of that type. This attunement helps such people raise and command them better. People with very strong connections can sense that essence, summon pokemon who have it as a dominant type, infuse others with it and even protect themselves and their moms from it." he explained with a some what distant look in his eye before turning to Autumn.

" It's been documented enough times, though it's still pretty esoteric stuff. In fact, I'm pretty sure most if the leaders in the old league had that kind of bond too; and I have a feeling move and type shifters were made based on their abilities too. You're connection makes you even more special, not weird; remember that. So don't worry about it too much; it's not like you're going to sprout leaves and develop a taste for fertilizer," he joked with a smile, trying to return the favor by calming whatever worries she might've been developing concerning her powers.

"As for your question," he began in a more serious tone. "No, I don't think it's a coincidence. Not at all. A lot of setup went into picking us all, and there are a lot beings watching us too; both in this world and the next. That much I'm sure of," he ended as he looked up at the night sky for a moment; taking in the night air.

2012-07-14, 08:38 PM
Russ takes a quick glance at what Sylvia was pointing out after he dodged MAN's kick. "Hm. We should leave them alone." And then back to kicking practice he went.

2012-07-14, 09:44 PM
Sylvia shrugged and continued to watched the two pokemon for a while. "Guess you're right. They're not hurting anyone, except maybe each other." She then turned back to Russ to watch him spar with his pokemon for a while before she figured it was a good idea. "Mind if Join in," She sent out Roa, "Like you said we do need to get stronger."

2012-07-14, 09:58 PM
"Hm. Sure. We're doing kicking practice, right now, though. Don't want any of us to get too hurt, in case something big comes this way." Russ nodded to himself. MAN, however, took the break to stare at Roa before moving close to her. "Hey, look, the two are getting along, it seems."

2012-07-14, 10:01 PM
Autumn looks down, "it's not being a freak that worries me, it's being possibly connected to one of the fairies, esspecially the one Gallus is going after," she rubs her arm, looking rather vulnerable, "It, makes me nervous, and a little on edge."

2012-07-14, 10:23 PM
Roa looks over to Sylvia as MAN approaches her to see her trainer awkwardly smile and shrug. She then looks back at MAN and give a bit of a saucy smile. "I guess they are. Interesting." Sylvia commented.

2012-07-14, 10:27 PM
Russ looked at the time on his Pokegear. "Ah. Well, we can't let them do their thing now. We only have a few more hours. MAN, come back here." MAN looked at Russ with a 'don't stop me' look, before turning back to Roa and giving her a goodbye kiss, walking back to Russ. "Right. I guess we'll all train, huh? Whatdya wanna do, Sylvia?"

2012-07-14, 11:05 PM
Roa looked disappointed as MAN walked away while Sylvia started giggling with her hand over her mouth. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to let them spar together for while." She suggested. "Just no funny business." Roa shot her trainer a funny look, to which she was met with a smirk.

2012-07-14, 11:07 PM
"Alright." Russ patted MAN's back, and then they started sparing. Russ just stood there and watched them go at it for a bit, taking a look around every few minutes.

2012-07-14, 11:30 PM
"I won't lie. It is a possibility, at least with the luck we seem to have. After all, the chances of both Emma and I ending up as Touched was pretty ridiculous to begin with," Damien began as he reached out to Autumn. "However that has no certainty; you may just as easily become Touched as you could end this quest no worse for wear. In fact, maybe you'll be stronger for it. Once we deliver the egg, you guys might be able to continue the league challenge just fine. Then again, maybe you'll be Touched by Shaymin or Virizion; meaning that Gallus won't have any interest in you. Then again, maybe you'll become Celebi's first or last Touched.

As it stands there's no point in over thinking the future; if there's anything I learned from my time with Chi, it's that the future is a long, winding, branching and generally convoluted mess of Ifs, Buts and Maybes. The future isn't set in stone, even future sight only reveals likely possibilities; it's the reason why celebi exists in the first place, to ensure the best possible outcome for the world." he explained before pausing, his own eyes widening slightly in realization, before his face relaxed into a smile.

"Don't over think things Autumn; you won't accomplish anything except tearing yourself apart, or paralyzing yourself from worry and anxiety. Trust me Autumn, that is not a road you want to go down," he said with a smile and an odd gravity to his words.

"My advice is this; prepare for the worst, hope for the best, remember your roots, and live in the Present. I can't see the future, I can't change the past, and I can't stop you from doubting yourself, or worrying about the future; that's something only you can do. What I can do is help you to the best of my ability in the present, and support you regardless of what destiny throws our way. This I can promise you as your friend; and we Blacks are known for keeping our word," he ended in a Confident and reassuring tone.

2012-07-15, 12:16 AM
Sylvia watched the two mons spar with each other for a while before she suddenly spoke. "I'm going to check around the camp site. Keep an eye out, I'll be back shortly." She started to make her lap around the camp, checking on how everyone else was setting in for the night. She then stopped by where she had left Emma. Figuring that her watch was going to start soon anyway. "Hey Emma." She knelled down and kissed her on the cheek before caressing her gently to wake her.

2012-07-15, 12:21 AM
Emma rouses slowly. She stares at Sylvia almost absentmindeldly. C'mon back 'ere! I want more! She gropes the air in front of her, expectinginly, with a satisfied look on her face.

2012-07-15, 12:59 AM
"pleasant dreams I take it?" Sylvia leaned in to give Emma a quick peak on the lips. "As much as I would like to go more into this," She looked over towards Russ then back to Emma, "Tonight isn't really a good night. Technically i'm still on watch and I woke you to get ready for yours."

2012-07-15, 09:31 AM
She turns her head to Sylvia lazily, eyes fluttering slowly. With a big yawn she stands, Thank you. and gives Sylvia a biiiiiiiig hug.

2012-07-15, 09:36 AM
"Right. It's Emma and Liam for the last shift, right?" Russ crouches next to Liam, shaking his arm. "Hey, Liam, wake up. It's your turn."

2012-07-15, 10:01 AM
Liam slowly stands up and tries to stretch out abit before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Right, anything happen during your watch?"

2012-07-15, 10:04 AM
"Just two Pokemon fighting. Me and MAN are gonna get some rest now, alright?" Russ then sat down, back leaning on a nearby tree. "Well..." a yawn escaped from his mouth, "good night."

2012-07-15, 10:32 AM
Sylvia returned the hug before resting against the tree again. "Anytime." She smiled as Roa approached her trainer and rested in her lap.

2012-07-15, 12:37 PM
Liam and Emma take their watch. After a short while of uncomfortable silence, Liam spots something bug like descending from the trees above Emma, threatening to land on her head if he stays silent.

2012-07-15, 12:40 PM
Liam scans the bug before Flashing it with his flashlight

2012-07-15, 12:44 PM
As you flash your flashlight at it, you startle Emma, who falls off her seat and onto her back.

'Argh, what the hell Liam!?!'

The thing then shoots web at you, and tries to yank your flashlight away from you.

(STR check)


2012-07-15, 12:53 PM
Liam clenches his fist to stop his gauntlet being pulled off before taking a swing at the bug with his other hand.

Trainer attack

Str check

2012-07-15, 01:00 PM
Liam tugged at the string, and the little spider flew towards him and landed on the gauntlet. Liam punched at it, but it simply fired a poison sting at his face. 17 damage.

2012-07-15, 01:04 PM
Shaking his arm to get it off he then trys hitting it with a friend ball


2012-07-15, 01:09 PM
The thing disappears inside a friend ball, while Emma pulls herself off the ground.

'Ahh!?! What the heck just happened?'

2012-07-15, 01:12 PM
"Bug was behind you, figured neither you or the others would appreciate me taking a shot at it so Flashed it with my light"

2012-07-15, 02:29 PM
Emma pulls herself up. 'Well, I suppose I should thank you then. That was rather well thought out of you. Umm, why don't you and that flashlight stick by me during our watch, just incase.' Emma spens the rest of the watch on edge.

After a long dark night, the sun rises. It must have been early morning. Russ and Autumn wake to find their pokemon had wandered off in the middle of the night.

2012-07-15, 03:03 PM
"Roa?" Sylvia yawned before noticing her lapped was missing her little fighter mon. "Roa?!" She stood up and started to look around.

2012-07-15, 03:25 PM
"No problem better go and get the others up and ready to go"

2012-07-15, 03:31 PM
Roa and MAN are soon found sleeping next to each other in the bushes. A small egg is next to them.

2012-07-15, 03:32 PM
Russ snapped awake and patted his head. "MAN? MAN!?" He looked around the campsite for MAN, noticing Sylvia didn't have her Pokemon. "You too, huh? They must have wandered off to do their thing or something."


"Oh, there they are." Russ nods, before looking picking up MAN, letting him sleep on his shoulder. "...oh, they made an egg. That was quick." He picked it up, looking at it closely to see if it was like the egg that MAN came out of or not.

2012-07-15, 04:01 PM
Liam goes to wake up the other two

"Come on suns up time to get going"

2012-07-15, 04:02 PM
"Roa...I said no funny business." Sylvia sighed as she picked up her mon, cradling it in her arms before looking over to Russ to inspect the egg.

2012-07-15, 04:06 PM
Neither Russ nor Sylvia are breeders, so they can't tell what egg it is.

2012-07-15, 04:09 PM
"..." Russ quickly walks up to Emma and holds out the new egg. "Hey, Emma, what kind of egg is this?"

2012-07-15, 04:23 PM
'Umm.... a blue egg?'

2012-07-15, 04:29 PM
MAN and Roa had it with them. Sylvia added.

2012-07-15, 06:20 PM
'Well then, it is likely theirs. But what do I know, I'm not a breeder.' Emma just shrugs.

2012-07-15, 08:58 PM
"Oh, okay." Russ keeps it in his arms, putting it on top of the sleeping MAN. "So, now we get going, yeah?"

2012-07-16, 10:37 AM
Sylvia hears a tiny hiss from her pack.

2012-07-16, 10:42 AM
"Oh?" Sylvia removed her pack to see what the hissing what exactly.

2012-07-16, 11:11 AM
A small baby snakevpops out of the backpack and bites Sylvia on the nose. Luckily, it had no teeth this early after birth.

2012-07-16, 11:14 AM
Russ looked up from his egg to see Sylvia's baby snake. "Aw. Congratulations on your baby snake."

2012-07-16, 11:25 AM
"Aww." Sylvia rubbed her nose. "Don't be afraid little one." She tried speaking in a mother like tone and tried to her the little snake. "I took care of you while you were in the egg. I guess that makes me your mother in a sense."

2012-07-16, 11:53 AM
The snake coils round Sylvia's neck. At this point it was about 3 foot long and was light enough to carry on her shoulders, much smaller than when fully grown. It kept making chewing motions with it's mouth, like it was hungry.

2012-07-16, 12:18 PM
Seeing that her newborn Seviper was hungry, Sylvia reached into her pack and pulled out the sandwich that Mr. Black had prepared. She then proceeded to take some of the meat from the sandwich and feed it to the baby. "I know it's not much, but I hope it could hold you over until we reach Vermilion."

2012-07-16, 01:25 PM
It eats the meat, then goes to sleep on mama.

'Aww, it is so cute.'

2012-07-16, 01:44 PM
"It's is isn't it?" Sylvia smiles and nibbles at what's left of her sandwich. "Well, we should get going now." She moved to go meet up with the others to get moving towards vermilion.

2012-07-16, 06:18 PM
Once everyone is together, Autumn gets walking towards Vermillion with everyone else. Keeping Marcus out to sense for any Auras that may approach.

2012-07-16, 06:29 PM
The group travels for about an hour before something strange starts to happen. And Eevee out starts looking at the ground, and you can fell the ground beneath you shaking. Something was coming up from underground, and it was coming fast.

2012-07-16, 06:39 PM
"Muks sake, Cerberus you can take this one."

Liam lets Cerberus out of its ball and gets ready for whatever was coming

2012-07-16, 06:49 PM
"Oh Muk!" Autumn shouts, diving to the side of the road ASAP while Marcus takes to the sky.

2012-07-16, 06:56 PM
"Again?!" Sylvia sighed as she woke Roa up and got ready for what was coming.

2012-07-16, 07:11 PM
Damien groaned in frustration as he dove for cover; bringing out Wade a safe distance from the area in order to deal with whatever was coming their way. In his humble opinion, it was much too early in the day for this kind of crap.

2012-07-17, 12:00 PM
Everyone dives for cover. Unfortunately, both Damien and Autumn are too slow, and large mandibles burst from the underground and bite them in the legs. Damien takes 33 damage, and Autumn takes 50 damage. (crit, if you were wondering why it was so high)

Trainers and 'mon with speeds above 13 may act.

2012-07-17, 12:10 PM
"What the hell was that?"
Liam scans the mon with his dex and loyalty scanner

2012-07-17, 12:46 PM
The, whatever they are, register as wild.

2012-07-17, 01:25 PM
Sylvia draws her sword and tired to swing the sword at the things.

Ac: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Sylvia 84/91 HP

Roa: HP: 23/23 ATK: 12 DEF: 5 SATK:4 SDEF:5 SPD:7

2012-07-17, 02:52 PM
Damien released a panic yell as the creature bit into his leg; kicking it with his order leg until it let go and then running for cover away from the beasts, and closer to his pokemon. Taking a moment to scan them as he tried to form a plan of attack; even as he reached for his bottle of Enriched Water.


2012-07-17, 03:01 PM
Autumn winces as the thing bites her ankle, causing a weak crack to be heard before she kicks it away and stumbles back, "Cayman," she says, sending out the totodile as Marcus glided to her side and reentered his pokeball.

2012-07-17, 03:21 PM
"Right! MAN! Do your thing!" MAN grabs onto one of the things and Russ scans it, before whacking it upside the (head?)

[roll0] Flinch if hit


2012-07-17, 03:26 PM
bippity boppity boo!

2012-07-17, 03:26 PM
Abra kadabra

2012-07-17, 03:41 PM
The things disappear down their burrows, out of sight. Cerb still seemed on guard, like they weren't gone yet.

2012-07-17, 04:24 PM
"Cayman, try flooding that tunnel," Autumn says, getting the totodile to rush over and poor water down the tunnel.

Using Fountain to try filling the tunnel.

2012-07-17, 04:36 PM
"Right the cerb next time they come to the surface you hit the undamaged one with a tail whip i'll get the other with a ball"

Tail whip AC2 lowers targets defenses one stage Ranged 4

Fast ball

-28 if and speed capability is above 7

Eevee,Cerberus, 11 (HP 33/33, attack 10, defense 8, Spc atk 5, Spc defense 10, speed 5).

2012-07-17, 06:00 PM
"Lend'em a hand Wade!" commanded Damien as the little surskit approached it's target before unleashing a torrent of glowing water into the holes to help flood them. Damien then reached out to the young eevee besides him with his spirit; with his connection formed he hoped to be able to spot their attackers in time to be off use to his friends.

Previous Round: Wade used Fountain to help flood the tunnels.

New Round: Used Channel on Yanko, and am now searching for our attackers with the power of Aura.

2012-07-18, 12:04 PM
"Right! Thanks, MAN." He recalls MAN, sending PLANT out. "Put some stun in the water!"

Stun Spore:

2012-07-18, 12:33 PM
"Roa, try helping find their auras and be ready to strike when they appear." Sylvia commanded as Roa began to try to get a fix on their location.

2012-07-18, 01:07 PM
Yanko, Damien and Roa see the aura's of the attacking pokemon start to head down and away. Seems that between being hit by a flaming sword and flooded out, they decided this lunch wasn't worth it.