View Full Version : Magic Items: Need Suggestions...

2012-07-08, 11:30 PM
I'm stating out a character and have an item for every slot except Head, Face, and Shoulder slots. I need suggestions. Just in case it is somehow relevant, my character can be described as an Invocatrix.

Thanks in advance.

2012-07-08, 11:34 PM
what level? Budget for the items? Do you have flight? True seeing? Need any Stat boosts?

2012-07-08, 11:43 PM
what level? Budget for the items? Do you have flight? True seeing? Need any Stat boosts?

In order: Don't Know; Don't Know; Yes; Maybe; Don't Know. I've been told that if I can't afford it right away, I'm guaranteed to be able to get it later. That's about all I know.

2012-07-08, 11:53 PM
maybe Third eye conceal for face, Shadowy diadem for the head, and Cloak of Resistance for shoulders? Without knowing more about the build and what it can do the best thing I could offer would be this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851) link for magic items

2012-07-09, 12:31 AM
maybe Third eye conceal for face, Shadowy diadem for the head, and Cloak of Resistance for shoulders? Without knowing more about the build and what it can do the best thing I could offer would be this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851) link for magic items

Now have an item for all but shoulders (great source by the way!). As you have requested to know more about the build, I can tell you it involves Hellfire Warlock, a major bloodline (haven't decided yet), and Legacy Champion. What else would you like to know?

EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention. Changeling Rogue 1 is also included. :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-09, 01:27 AM
If you're going to build a hellfire warlock then shoulders should be either a Cloak of Charisma or probably a cloak of minor displacement

2012-07-09, 08:03 AM
I'm stating out a character and have an item for every slot except Head, Face, and Shoulder slots.

Head: Circlet of Rapid Casting (15000 GP, MIC) is usually the gold standard, but it's a bit pricy for lower levels. If you're looking for something cheaper, Headband of Conscious Effort (2000 GP, MIC) can be a life-saver for a low-level spellchucker. I'm also quite fond of the Scout's Headband (3300 GP, MIC), which is one of the cheaper ways to get true seeing.

Face: If you can consistently hit a UMD check DC 20 to "emulate a class feature", Artificer's Monocle (1500, MIC) is fantastic: free at-will identify. I'm also quite fond of Spellsight Spectacles (2500 GP, MIC), but only if you're working with scrolls. Otherwise, hard to beat Third Eye Clarity (3000 GP, MIC) for "get out of daze/stun free card" 1/day or Third Eye Freedom (2600 GP, MIC) for "get out of tentacles free card" 1/day. If you're doing anything Charisma-related, then save up for a Veil of Allure (14000 GP, MIC). Raptor's Mask (3500 GP, MIC) is also quite nifty: immunity to blindness/dazzling, and a +5 untyped bonus on Spot checks. If you don't have flying yet, then a Winged Mask (13000 GP, Magic of Faerun) is one of the cheapest all-day flight items.

Shoulders: Travel Cloak (1200 GP, Magic of Faerun). Never leave home without it. I'd also slap some Resistance +X and Deflection +X bonuses on there, as funds became available, using the "Adding Common Item Effects to Existing Items" rules from the MIC. If your DM doesn't allow Forgotten Realms sources, then a Cloak of Elemental Protection (1000 GP, MIC) is a good starter-cloak. Vanisher Cloak (2500 GP, MIC) is good for getting out of tight spots via invisibility. Cloak of Stone (8000 GP, MIC) is a good upgrade for that ratty-old Elven Cloak.

2012-07-09, 09:15 AM
If you're planning on using Eldritch Blast at all, your shoulders should probably be a Chausible of Fell Power.

2012-07-09, 11:55 AM
For face, Spectacles/Goggles of "go-through-the-spells-and-find-a-visual-spell-effect-you-like".

If you have a large budget and a willing DM, you can get get specs with multiple lens options (like flip-down shades, or the ocular device from "National Treasure" and multiple spells.

2012-07-09, 12:32 PM
Head: Circlet of Rapid Casting (15000 GP, MIC) is usually the gold standard, but it's a bit pricy or lower levels. If you're looking for something cheaper, Headband of Conscious Effort (2000 GP, MIC) can be a life-saver for a low-level spellchucker. I'm also quite fond of the Scout's Headband (3300 GP, MIC), which is one of the cheaper ways to get true seeing.

Face: If you can consistently hit a UMD check DC 20 to "emulate a class feature", Artificer's Monocle (1500, MIC) is fantastic: free at-will identify. I'm also quite fond of Spellsight Spectacles (2500 GP, MIC), but only if you're working with scrolls. Otherwise, hard to beat Third Eye Clarity (3000 GP, MIC) for "get out of daze/stun free card" 1/day or Third Eye Freedom (2600 GP, MIC) for "get out of tentacles free card" 1/day. If you're doing anything Charisma-related, then save up for a Veil of Allure (14000 GP, MIC). Raptor's Mask (3500 GP, MIC) is also quite nifty: immunity to blindness/dazzling, and a +5 untyped bonus on Spot checks. If you don't have flying yet, then a Winged Mask (13000 GP, Magic of Faerun) is one of the cheapest all-day flight items.

Shoulders: Travel Cloak (1200 GP, Magic of Faerun). Never leave home without it. I'd also slap some Resistance +X and Deflection +X bonuses on there, as funds became available, using the "Adding Common Item Effects to
Existing Items" rules from the MIC. If your DM doesn't allow Forgotten Realms sources, then a Cloak of Elemental Protection (1000 GP, MIC) is a good starter-cloak. Vanisher Cloak (2500 GP, MIC) is good for getting out of tight spots via invisibility. Cloak of Stone (8000 GP, MIC) is a good upgrade for that ratty-old Elven Cloak.

All sounds useful. Thanks!:smallsmile:

If you're planning on using Eldritch Blast at all, your shoulders should probably be a Chausible of Fell Power.

Never heard of it. What book's it in?:smallconfused:

Also, on an unrelated note, cool avatar!:smallamused: