View Full Version : Help with a favored soul weapon.

Accordion Twome
2012-07-09, 11:05 AM
I'm just starting a new campaign with three players (all of them are a little new to the game) and one of my players is going be the healer, but he is unfamiliar and uncomfortable with cleric's prepared casting, because he played a bard in his first campaign and then a sorcerer in the second (this is now his third).
So because he would like to have spontaneous spell casting, I introduced him to the Favored Soul.
Now here is the question he decided to be a Favored Soul of healing and protection and Favored Souls get several feats for the weapon of there god but I don't know what that weapon would be seeing that he worships a cause not a god.
So I have come to the playground to ask what his Favored weapon should be.

Thank you for your time. :smallsmile:

2012-07-09, 11:20 AM
As a being who upholds justice, a desire to heal the pain of others, and protect the weak, the Great Dragon God BAHAMUT has blessed this favored soul with the powers of ancient draconic heritage!

Give him the Favored of Bahamut ACF. It is as follows:

Although humanoid worshipers of draconic gods are unusual,
their numbers are growing. No one knows whether these
deities have taken an active hand in gifting lesser creatures
with divine blessings, or whether the ranks of the faithful
swell only by chance. Either way, those who serve Bahamut
or Tiamat as divine emissaries can manifest draconic
abilities and sorcerous powers, much to the surprise of their
Class: Favored soul (see Complete Divine).
Level: 3rd.
Special Requirement: You must be devoted to either
Bahamut or Tiamat to select this class feature.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain
the Weapon Focus feat with your deity’s favored weapon at
3rd level, and you do not gain the Weapon Specialization feat
with your deity’s favored weapon at 12th level. Furthermore,
other class features gained at later levels change, as described
Benefi t: You grow claws that deal damage (1d6 points
if you are Medium, 1d4 if you are Small, and 1d8 if you are
Large). As a full attack, you can make one primary natural
attack with each of your two extremities, or you can make
one secondary natural attack with one claw when attacking
with a melee weapon. The claws are treated as magic weapons
for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
In addition, you can choose a sorcerer spell (rather than a
cleric spell) as your newly learned 1st-level spell. As long as
the spell remains on your list of spells known, you can treat
it as being on your class spell list for all purposes.
You also gain the Dragontouched feat (page 18) as a bonus
At 12th level, you can learn one additional sorcerer spell
as if it were a cleric spell. This spell can be one of your newly
learned 5th- or 6th-level spells, or you can use your ability to
replace an existing known spell with a new sorcerer spell.
At 17th level, instead of growing batlike or feathered wings,
you grow draconic wings that resemble those of your deity.
At 20th level, instead of gaining damage reduction 10/silver
or 10/cold iron, you gain damage reduction 10/epic.

He may not support a deity, but he has been favored by bahamut who decides to enhance his abilities and draw out the character's ancient heritage of dragonkind.

This ACF drops the Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization feats (which are lousy anyway) and gives the character magical claws, a free sorcerer spell throw into his spell list on occasion, the Dragontouched feat (which is very nice), draconic wings instead of feathery ones, and 10/epic instead of cold iron or silver (epic is far superior).

2012-07-09, 11:22 AM
Couple of choices:

* Pick a deity known as a god(dess) of healing, and look at their favoured weapon.
* Favoured weapon is a scalpel, and it uses dagger stats.
* Let him pick a one-handed bludgeoning weapon, since that "does not draw blood" (the original 1e justification).

Except for the spiritual hammer spell, does the favoured soul have much to do with favoured weapons anyway?

2012-07-09, 12:06 PM
As the OP said FSs get bonus feats (Weapon Focus, Spec) on deity's favourite weapon.

It's worth looking through the Greyhawk or Forgotten realms deities for one similar, e.g I think St Cuthbert (who is definitely protection) gets Healing too and his would be mace or morning star.
If you use Heroforge then unhide the deity stats sheet and look though their domains column to find suitable deities.
If not then http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=lg/welcome still has a link to the Living Geyhawk deities list which is greatly expanded over the base list.

2012-07-09, 12:16 PM
I usually let favored souls pick whatever weapon they want, martial, exotic or otherwise. Granted, it's a slight power boost to an already powerful class, but it's a slight power boost that makes the class slightly less overwhelmingly boring.

But if you're looking for a conservative and absolute answer, Spiritual Weapon associates certain weapons with unaffiliated Clerics' alignments. The options are more in line with the benefits that FSs of most deities can scrounge.

Accordion Twome
2012-07-09, 03:39 PM
Wow thanks guys for posting, there are some good ideas here so I'll show them to him and see what he wants.

Thanks again