View Full Version : New posts/last post/new replies/thread age totally borked for me

2012-07-09, 06:09 PM
So, if I post in a thread, weird stuff happens.

Sometimes, the post does not appear. But then it will occasionally appear after I post to the thread again.

Sometimes, the thread will show the last poster as being the last one to post before I posted.

Sometimes, the thread will not show that I posted (check mark), even though the post is visible.

Sometimes, the thread's position in the forum will not refresh, regardless of whether or not anybody posts to it. Meaning, the 'top' post will stay first even if others are posting to other threads, and nobody is posting to the 'top' thread.

Basically, this behavior is totally unpredictable and inconsistent, even within the same thread.

Later on, I"ll see what happens if I'm not logged in. I haven't tried that yet.

Threads that this occurs on:


2012-07-09, 06:14 PM
Update: Even this thread was inconsistently visible on this page when refreshing.

As in, sometimes the thread would show, I'd hit refresh, and there would be no trace of it. Hitting refresh again would have a random chance of the thread being there, or not.

Edit: And within this thread, this post seems to randomly either show up, or not.

2012-07-10, 12:13 AM
This is a well-known issue.

2012-07-10, 02:15 AM
This is a well-known issue.

Though to the best of my knowledge, while each of the OP's symptoms are part of the temporary database glitch that appears to happen with the 50x errors, the inconsistency of what he's seeing with each of them isn't. Usually, we *all* see the same error with a thread, and that error continues for everybody until a new post is made to clear it.

So for kyoryu, have you tried clearing your cache when this happens? If that doesn't clear it up, post more information like which OS you're using, which browser, and which version of that browser, and if you're using add-ons with it or not.

2012-07-11, 02:50 PM
It seems to have resolved itself, at least for now - it may have been an issue with a proxy at work, not sure.

Or not. Still seeing weirdness, but I'm starting to suspect it's a corp proxy, given that my login status doesn't seem to stick either.