View Full Version : Quick undead question

2012-07-09, 07:34 PM
So if i control a bunch of smart undead, then i am killed, what happens to my undead? if i get rez'd what happens? can i give them commands so , if i die they do something for me?

pretty sure this is a question i could look up, but i was passing the forums anyway

2012-07-09, 07:47 PM
Hmm that's a good question and to be honest I don't the RAW answer but in my opinion a few things could happen if you die.

1. The become mindless and don't follow anyone's orders.
2. The become just plain old dead things again and cease to be undead.
3. With no one to give them orders they continue to follow the last order you gave them until they're destroyed. (This is the most likely and what I think might be the actual RAW).

2012-07-09, 08:03 PM
Probably depends on how you're controlling them.

The undead created by Animate Dead "follow your spoken commands" and "remain under your control indefinitely", which seems to indicate that if you died and were raised it would have the same effect as just going to sleep for a while: they would follow their last instruction, using whatever discretion you can expect them to (Awakened undead, for example, presumably making a few decisions of their own) and then responding to your spoken commands again when you come back.

Rebuking doesn't have as clear language, but would probably work similarly.

2012-07-10, 03:10 PM
I used a spell to give them intelligence permanently, so then even if i'm dead they should follow whatever instructions i gave them, seeing as how most of them have an intelligence around 10, they are smart enough to remember, hey if the master falls down or dies we do this .

2012-07-10, 03:18 PM
If you're controlling them via a spell and they've been given a command, they would likely continue to follow those commands until destroyed or someone else takes control of them.

I see it kind of like how I see magic. Spells have a duration. Unless otherwise stated, that duration will run its course even if the caster is killed.

If you're controlling them via a class ability that doesnt really have a set duration, I could see an argument that they become "free-willied" undead.

2012-07-10, 04:18 PM
There is no assumption of control with undead created by spells above animate dead. Indeed they try to kill ya unless you exert control, either via rebuking or magic. Traditionall such creatures resent being controlled. Once these cretures are out of your control via your death, I would argue they gain free will and you have to gain control again.

2012-07-10, 05:03 PM
There is no assumption of control with undead created by spells above animate dead. Indeed they try to kill ya unless you exert control, either via rebuking or magic. Traditionall such creatures resent being controlled. Once these cretures are out of your control via your death, I would argue they gain free will and you have to gain control again.

Ok, but why should rebuking end with death? I can't really see any logic one way or the other.

The Random NPC
2012-07-10, 05:17 PM
I'd say they become free willed undead, within the confines of any enduring orders they have received. So, for example, if you had ordered them to do the polka every Tuesday, they would continue to do so, but would be free to do whatever they want on every other day of the week.