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View Full Version : Deciding My Next Project

2012-07-09, 08:19 PM
Well, I think I'm just about done with my Chorister class, so I'm trying to get some idea of which of my next projects I'm gonna work on. This is where you come in Playgrounders as I'll ask you which class interests you the most. I'll do a simple count of hands and tally the votes, I'll end the voting this Friday the 13th (Bum bum bum!) at 9pm GMT. The following classes are all going to be in the T3-4 range. Each of them are intended to be standard 1-20 level base classes.

Behemoth- You are a descendent of a cruel experiment to blend fiendish blood with that of a mortal in order to create a race of soldiers. Core to your abilities is the power to transform into a titanic terror. As you level you may spend Perdition points to customize your character's transformation and other abilities such as a small number of spell-like abilities. You might think of the class as an amalgam of a Barbarian, Warlock and PFs Summoner class. Role: Front-line combatant.

Gambler- Sometimes it's just better to be lucky than good. You are a master of getting out of any hairy situation. The classes abilities focus around rerolling, mastering the use of improvised weapons as well as using a small number of spells based on drawing cards. You might think of this class as an amalgam of a Rogue, Drunken Master PrC and the Fatespinner PrC.

Shen- You are a master of one of the animal styles. In addition to being a talented martial artist, you've gained the power to transform into one of the animal representing your style. This class is a remake of the PrC introduced in Dragon Magazine and is sort of a Monk remake. You might think of this class as a Werewolf Jackie Chan.

If you have any questions about the classes, let me know.

2012-07-10, 07:39 AM
My vote is for the Gambler!

2012-07-10, 09:50 AM
I vote for behemoth.

2012-07-13, 08:39 PM
Not quite as much response as I would have liked, but I suppose I'll just have to make due. Since the votes were tied (1 to 1!) I was forced to rely on a coin toss to decide my next class. As a result of the toss, my next class is Behemoth! I should toss out a rough sketch of the class this weekend.

2012-07-13, 08:50 PM
Just noticed this and saw you chose Behemoth, this makes me happy, since I was about to vote for it.

2012-07-13, 09:02 PM
I was somewhat perturbed to see that so many people just looked at the thread but never actually posted. Hopefully the next time I do this I'll get more interest.

2012-07-13, 09:06 PM
Well, I literally did not see this thread until about... 60 seconds before I posted in it.

I've been poking around the Homebrew forums, but have yet to actually homebrew anything, since I am gunshy about putting effort into things and risking getting slammed for it. That and I'm not sure what exactly I'd create at this point.

2012-07-13, 09:12 PM
Oh, give it a try. It's not like if you post something people are going to lash out at you.
Did you have any ideas or concepts that you would like to try? I always enjoy helping people flesh out ideas.

2012-07-13, 09:18 PM
Well, the first thing I intended to do was make a vestige for the Binder, but It was intended for a campaign I will be co-running and we(me and the other DM) haven't done enough worldbuilding for me to make the legend to base things off of.

Aside from that, my usual gripes are things like, "I like the Warlock class, but the restricted invocations make it not favorable over a traditional caster in most cases" etc...

I had seen some attempts at making something that gets abilities monsters have, basically seeing something done and learning how it works, or changing themselves rather than learning new moves... but then I saw owrtho's Ozodrin and Draken's Evolutionist, so I can't really think of anything in particular I'd make... besides like the 300th attempt to 'fix' the lower tier classes... and I'm not even sure how I'd go about that.

Edit: Actually, I did just think of something... something along the lines of Highlander or a barghest's advancement mechanic.

Basically, killing something makes this race/class stronger in some way simply by killing things. Granted, if I don't cap it, it becomes overpowered, so it becomes a question of what sorts of bonuses to grant and when to cap them.

2012-07-13, 09:38 PM
Edit: Actually, I did just think of something... something along the lines of Highlander or a barghest's advancement mechanic.

Basically, killing something makes this race/class stronger in some way simply by killing things. Granted, if I don't cap it, it becomes overpowered, so it becomes a question of what sorts of bonuses to grant and when to cap them.

Well, that is something there. Were you aiming towards a class or a monster that would utilize this ability? And how would you like the user to become stronger? More HD, BAB, increased saves, etc?

2012-07-13, 09:45 PM
Well, that is something there. Were you aiming towards a class or a monster that would utilize this ability? And how would you like the user to become stronger? More HD, BAB, increased saves, etc?

Preferably something that a player could take, but that's partly because if/when I DM I only worry about the players being strong in relation to each other rather than against my setting (since anything I allow the players will exist as a potential adversary).

And by stronger, one thing I had considered was briefly touching the essence of the 'victim' which allows them to gain some spark of inspiration from the fallen foe, thereby acquiring some ability that the victim had.

For example: Killing a rogue might get this race/class(probably class if for players) evasion.

But HD/saves might be something else to aim for as well.

2012-07-14, 12:09 AM
Behemoth... nuff said