View Full Version : Corollax (MM2) as an animal companion?

Kol Korran
2012-07-10, 05:50 AM
one of my players might be playing a sort of a ranger/ pirate. i'm away from my books but i remember that the corollax from MM2 might be a familiar (i think) can it be an animal companion? (yes, i know it's a magical beast, let's wave that for the sake of rule of cool) has anyone tried it? does it need any changes.

if i'm going to suggest it to him, i'd like to have some sort of an idea.

or perhaps a youngling chick Pheora? (MM3 i think. if not then 2). did anyone tried that?

(searchword: piratewitch)

2012-07-10, 10:19 AM
Corrolax cannot be made a familiar. It can be trained via Handle Animal though.

Corollax has Supernatural Color Spray at will. Combined with flight, that makes it an extremely powerful combat companion from level 1 (since the Corrollax can blast enemies to unconsciousness, to be Coup De Grace'd by the PCs).

Pheora is MM3.

If I might make a Piratey suggestion, take the Urban Companion ACF (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) to swap a Companion for a Familiar-like creature. Then take Parrot familiar option from Stormwrack (basically uses Raven stat, it is intelligent and can talk).

At later levels, let your player apply Improved Familiar or Planar Familiar to the Urban Companion to get something combat worthy (maybe a Mephit). Rangers benefit more from Urban Companions, since it gets their good BAB, 3/4 their HP, and all their skills, rather than being stuck with something 1/2 as good as a Druid.