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2012-07-24, 02:00 AM
Tessen is still a bit embarrassed by that whole exchange, so she tries to change the subject. "So, uh. Where did you learn magic? And to which watchtower did you awaken?"

2012-07-24, 02:04 AM
"Watchtower? I suppose there was..." he looked calmly thoughtful. "It's a rather bloody story, and not suitable for my first meeting with a charming lady. Let's just say it comes naturally."

2012-07-24, 02:11 AM
"Charming? Oh, I'm not..." *blushes furiously then clears throat* "That's really not the point. I wanted to know why you were here, and now I found out. Unless you need anything, you can be on your way now, and I'll be heading back inside."

2012-07-24, 02:15 AM
"Yeah, I should go find Prichard. Chances are he'll be prophesying doom on street corners again, and that's a bad look for him. Here's my card, see you around."

Victor handed Tessen an elegant white business card, and started to walk down the street.

The card read, in fine cursive:

Victor Jessen

2012-07-24, 02:20 AM
"You might want to catch a cab. I walked with him an hour and a half that way" *points* "and I just got back, and like I said he was walking the other way still. So he's got a 3 hour lead on you."

Tessen takes a good look at the card, then slips it into her pocket. I wonder if he'll try and use it to scry on me? she thinks to herself.

She goes back in and starts looking for Turing. He's not in his office, but there's no note or info either, so she heads up to the top to check the hallow.

2012-07-24, 02:51 AM
News Headlines:

[These are the big topics that are going around in the news media right now]

Warf Tower Butcher Still At Large

"The brutal murder of Detroit crime kingpin "Mardie Black" and six others on the top floor of the Warf Tower is subject to ongoing investigation by the FBI. Normally, law enforcement would dismiss bloodshed like this as gang violence, but the brutal nature of the stabbings and the ritual scalping of the dead has given the FBI reason to believe that they may be dealing with a serial killer."

Iran Sends Warships To Close the Persian Gulf

"Four Iran warships have blockaded the Persian Gulf, following escalation with Saudi Arabia over the civil war in Syria. The UN has condemned the move as a breach of international law, and the United States has ordered Iran to remove the warships or they will consider it an act of war. The White House has issued a statement saying that 'All options are currently on the table'."

Hero Cop Ends Hostage Standoff

"Special Officer Longarm, a local SWAT sniper, ended a four hour hostage standoff last night when he killed both criminals with a single bullet after negotiations had broken down. Authorities say that Officer Longarm was not given a direct order to take the shot, but his quick thinking and initiative undoubtedly saved the lives of four children and two women. Special Officer Longarm is to be presented with a medal for his bravery."

UN Casualties in Greece

"Anarchy continues to rule in Greece after the catastrophic exit from the Euro, driving the death toll still higher. Four UN Peacekeepers were killed by an explosion in Athens last night following heavy austerity protests. Some experts have declared Greece to be a "Failed state" and recommended an expansion of the UN program."

Congress Holds AI Hearings

"Following the recent public demonstration of the Artificial Intelligence, Deep Black, which Intel states is "capable of fully replicating the functions of a human brain", the United States Congress has ordered a special committee to evaluate the AI's intelligence and independent decision making to answer the question of if they should grant the entity's request for US citizenship. Anti-AI protesters rallied outside Capitol Hill, perhaps concerned that this is the first sign of the robot apocalypse."

2012-07-24, 04:54 AM
Pulling up in a suitably auspicious seeming parking spot, Jack leant out the window of his Pontiac Firebird and grinned at Amun.

"Morning stranger. Hey, you look like you've had quite the rough night."
He climbed out, his tie loose and his chin prickling with a nights worth of stubble.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say there's a story here. What say you let me trade you breakfast for it?" He paused, casting a glance back the way Amun was looking.
"Friend of yours?"

Amun grinned at Jack. "Thank you very kindly for the offer, good sir." He looked back at Victor. "Ah, I think he's waiting for someone else."

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-24, 04:45 PM
"Snappy looking fellow. Anyway, there's a place I know just a couple of minutes away." He opened up the door to his car and climbed back in.

"Hop in, you can bring me up to speed on the way."
Waiting for Amun to join him, he flipped the radio on. It was a practiced, automatic action. There apparently wasn't much on, however. Jack Rooted around in a bag full of old, second hand looking cassettes at random, before slipping a battered looking old tape into the cassette player. The box read Best of the Blues.

2012-07-24, 06:25 PM
Amun moved in on the passenger seat and leaned back. "Well, I don't suppose you were in the city yesterday? There was a pretty significant power surge for a moment, like a city sized defibrillator and a wave of mana. I thought the whole city was going to wake up and come alive for a moment. Shortly after we get a visit from Errant, of all people. Wanted us to secure whatever just happened before the Seers got to it. Handed us a folder on someone name Cyprus, lots of warnings, a real nasty piece of work," Amun began recounting in detail, taking his time and allowing Jack to jump in should he want to.

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-24, 07:03 PM
Jack pulled into the Parking lot opposite Farmers Resteraunt, the Blues cutting off as he took the keys out of the ignition.

"Errant called by in person? Huh, shame I missed that. Must be something really big going on, not only for her to turn up on her own, but for her to give this to us rather than just... handle it herself." He straightened his tie a little as they walked across the street.

"Oh, I was in the city. I'm not sure I noticed anything so momentus, but then I did have my mind on other things yesterday and by the sounds of it I'm not sure I would notice that kind of thing. Not meaningfully, anyway." Whatever it was that had rocked the city hadn't caught his attention, perhaps because of his lack of skill with the Prime Arcana. Then again, he does have the look of someone who didn't sleep in their own bed last night, so perhaps he really was simply distracted.

Farmers Resteraunt was busy and there were very few waitresses on duty, but somehow they were seated at a table before they really knew what was happening. Jack ordered an unhealthy sounding mass of fried stuff, all egg and sausage and onions. "I was going to be good and just have soup of the day or something, but, well. Go on."

"Magical Frescoes? I'm going to have to give that a look at some point, if it's still there. You didn't manage to get the painter out before the Seers turned up then?"

2012-07-24, 07:31 PM
Amun was happy to accept the same as Jack was having. Grease was good. Any homeless worth his salt wouldn't pass up on free food when offered, although Amun wondered if having these friends wouldn't soon start to wear on his style. You wouldn't be much of a homeless either if you lived in a fancy skyscraper and ate at restaurants all the time. He made a note to not let it happen too often.

"Oh, it was still there when we left. The painter seemed to think the Seers would get all serious about it and hunt us down if we ran, while staying might give us an opportunity to talk. Perhaps we should have simply grabbed him and run like hell, but for my part I had a feeling staying was more likely to work to our benefit, although it was a tough choice," he said and recounted the encounter with the two Seers while they ate. "We lost the painter, which is a damn shame and may come back to bite us big time. I'm not sure if Errant will like it much, I know I don't like it. What we seem to have got in return is a possible pair of Seers who would like to get out. A valuable thing, if they can be trusted."

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-24, 07:44 PM
The food was hot, tasty and prompt. It was also probably a little over-generous. Jack ate casually, clearly not expecting to actually manage to clear the plate.
"Well, that's an unexpected turn of events. What did you guys do with the samples they left? The blood and the note?"

2012-07-24, 10:35 PM
Turing quirked an eyebrow “The Queen? Now that sounds like something interesting... please, enlighten me.”

2012-07-24, 11:07 PM
Turing quirked an eyebrow “The Queen? Now that sounds like something interesting... please, enlighten me.”

"Yes, Detroit had a Queen. Well, Queens, technically. Nobody really cared about the younger one. She was tall, dark skinned, hair like a fire in a jewellery store. Entire city rotated around her. She could make or break theatres, restaurants, governments with a word and a smile. Surya, that was her name." Muriel emptied his pipe and put it away. His voice held quiet respect. "Ever since she disappeared, this city has been rotting in a way it never did before. Whenever the city got bad like this it'd burn itself down and start again. This time it just kept getting worse."

Neither Turing, nor any document or source anyone in this cabal had ever seen, had heard mention of this woman.

2012-07-24, 11:11 PM
"Yes, Detroit had a Queen. Well, Queens, technically. Nobody really cared about the younger one. She was tall, dark skinned, hair like a fire in a jewellery store. Entire city rotated around her. She could make or break theatres, restaurants, governments with a word and a smile. Surya, that was her name." Muriel emptied his pipe and put it away. His voice held quiet respect. "Ever since she disappeared, this city has been rotting in a way it never did before. Whenever the city got bad like this it'd burn itself down and start again. This time it just kept getting worse."

Neither Turing, nor any document or source anyone in this cabal had ever seen, had heard mention of this woman.

Tessen comes into the room, quietly, at this point in the conversation, but does not interrupt.

2012-07-25, 04:43 AM
The food was hot, tasty and prompt. It was also probably a little over-generous. Jack ate casually, clearly not expecting to actually manage to clear the plate.
"Well, that's an unexpected turn of events. What did you guys do with the samples they left? The blood and the note?"

"Turing and Tessen got those. I was a little distracted at the time. The question on my mind is what we should do with it," he said as he leaned back.

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-25, 07:59 AM
"I mean, where did you stash them?" He put his sausage back on the plate for a moment.
"You did stash them somewhere, right?" His face went a little pale. "They brought them back to the sanctuary, didn't they."

2012-07-25, 08:46 AM
"I ... assume they did. What they did beyond that, I can not say," Amun said, putting his fork down as this unnerving feeling settled over the table.

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-25, 09:29 AM
"I'm sure it's fine, after all, the building was still standing this morning." He took another bite of omlette. "Still...best be getting back, eh?" Jack pushed his plate away, casually, and went to settle the bill. He flirted briefly with the waitress at the counter, and very deliberately and calmly walked out across the street to the Car.

Once inside, he activates his Mage Sight and Omnivision rotes. As the car starts, the blues kick back in where they left off. Soon as Amun joined him in the Pontiac, he set off, driving as normally as he could.

"I've no idea what's going on Amun, think we'd best not jump to too many conclusions. Going to play this one by ear, you know? Damn, did not think I'd be spending my day worrying about throne stuff."

2012-07-25, 09:44 AM
"I didn't think so either," Amun said as he got in the car. "But no way out of it now. It's going to be a long road, I wager."

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-25, 10:19 AM
"Yeah, a long road. Still, it's a short trip back the Sanctum at least!" He grinned at Amun, seeming more comfortable now they were in motion. The drive was short, and before long the car was pulling in to a safe parking space near the building and the Blues cut out once more.

"Well, it's still where we left it. That's a start. Easy on the way in, just in case."

He got out, locking up as Amun joined him on the sidewalk. Wordlessly, he made for the entrance to the building, keeping an eye on anyone nearby.

[wits + composure to notice things usually, isn't it? Well, worth testing the roller either way).

2012-07-25, 06:47 PM
“So this Surya vanished... but what about her sister?” Turing half-mused, half-asked, before noticing Tessen’s arrival.

“Oh, hello Tessen! I’ve just been talking with Muriel here...” the Moros waved a hand at the room, realizing as he did so that to someone without death sight it would appear to be empty, “...about the events of the last few days and the city’s history. Apparently Detroit used to have a queen?”

2012-07-25, 06:58 PM
"Oh, that's very interesting. I didn't mean to interrupt, that was very rude of me. Muriel, please continue. I can wait."

2012-07-25, 07:50 PM
"Yeah, a long road. Still, it's a short trip back the Sanctum at least!" He grinned at Amun, seeming more comfortable now they were in motion. The drive was short, and before long the car was pulling in to a safe parking space near the building and the Blues cut out once more.

"Well, it's still where we left it. That's a start. Easy on the way in, just in case."

He got out, locking up as Amun joined him on the sidewalk. Wordlessly, he made for the entrance to the building, keeping an eye on anyone nearby.

[wits + composure to notice things usually, isn't it? Well, worth testing the roller either way).

[The forum roller is of dubious use with this system r.e. 10 agains. I explicitly trust you all to be honest with your rolls so use any random number generator that is convenient]

By this point, the people watching the front of the sanctum were well and truly gone, and the street deserted save for the odd panhandler or junkie.

“So this Surya vanished... but what about her sister?” Turing half-mused, half-asked, before noticing Tessen’s arrival.

"I do not know. Maybe she died too?" Muriel shrugged. "It is like asking where the mayor's brother is. He is not important so no one knows."

2012-07-25, 08:21 PM
“Don’t worry Tessen, I only have a few more questions left for Muriel.” Turning back to the ghost, he continued, “Ok, so we don’t know about the sister, but do you have any idea where I could learn anything else about this queen? I’ve honestly never heard about her at all before.”

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-25, 08:24 PM
Heading inside, Jack worked his way up the building, looking for the rest of his Cabal. Eventually, following the sound of their voices, he tracked down Tessen and Turing on the top floor in an otherwise empty room.

"Morning folks, understand you guys had a bit of a day of it yesterday? Quick word, if I'm not intruding?"

2012-07-25, 08:32 PM
“Don’t worry Tessen, I only have a few more questions left for Muriel.” Turning back to the ghost, he continued, “Ok, so we don’t know about the sister, but do you have any idea where I could learn anything else about this queen? I’ve honestly never heard about her at all before.”

"Hmmm... I don't know. People around during that time, maybe?" Muriel considered. "She used to paint fire-birds on buildings that had her blessing, perhaps that helps?"

2012-07-25, 08:53 PM
“Fire-birds... yeah, that does help, actually. And now I’m afraid that I’m out of time myself. A pleasure talking with you, as always.” With that, Turing turned his attention to Tessen and the newly-arrived Jack.

“So, that’s one mystery on our hands, gang. What else was on your minds?”

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-25, 08:58 PM
"I understand that you two brought back some souvenirs from our new aquaintances? I'm a little worried about storage. Anything we can do with them, pretty much, can be done from either end after all."

He smiled, seriously. "Though I guess the fact I've had chance to raise the issue does at least suggest that we might not need to worry, you'll have to forgive me if I worry a little bit anyway."

2012-07-25, 09:06 PM
With everyone jumping into the room, Tessen starts talking quickly, just sort of pouring out what she has.

"Um. I guess, I wanted to tell you that I explore the island and even though I didn't figure out what happened, I figured out that something was planned for Belle Isle but was never fully realized, and it seemed to be a source of strength for the city, so we might want to look into it.

I also figured out with time magic that whatever happened to mess up this city, it happened in the 1950s, probably the early 50s at that. I don't know if that matches up with this "queen" you were just talking about, but that's the time when something went really wrong.

I met two people in front of the building today. First there was this old priest watching the building and he seemed to know that there was magic here, but he didn't like it. His name was Father Prichard and I think I kind of talked him out of coming back here. Then there was a younger man, and he knew how to cast magic, but he wasn't very good at it and didn't seem to really understand his awakening. I have his card here *fishes it out* and it says his name is Victor. It says 'Escort' on the card, but he claimed he was an exorcist, but I told him not to banish our ghost because Muriel is nice. He left to go find Father Prichard because they work together or something, and they should be pretty far from here now.

Oh, and Jack you're back. We'll need to catch you up with yesterday if you haven't already. But I was wondering, I had to use magic just to take a photo yesterday, and then we all got beat up. And I thought maybe, if you could afford it, um, maybe you could get us all smart phones and buy me a pistol. I uh, I know how to fire a gun because they taught me when I was a teacher."

2012-07-25, 09:43 PM
For a moment, Turing looked nonplussed as he tried to process everything the other mages had just said. He did his best to collect himself, then took a long drag from his cigarette before speaking.

“I’m afraid you make a good point about security, Jack. Unfortunately, our options were a bit limited at the time, and so I’ve been keeping Slade’s message with me.” Here Turing produced the slip of paper from a pocket. “Since I’m still in one piece, I think the initial danger is over, but I do intend to contact them as soon as is reasonably possible. First however, everyone needs to be aware of the potential risks involved with contact, and of course, we’d require your expertise in long-range communication.”

Directing his attention to Tessen, the silver-haired mage considered for another moment before speaking. “Alright, we’ll see what we can dig up about Belle Isle and the 1950s. Let’s add to that a search for Phoenix or fire-bird symbols on buildings. Apparently our mystery queen was fond of them. As for our guests - for the moment I’m content with hoping they don’t show up again; we’ve got enough troubles as it is.”

2012-07-25, 09:53 PM
Tessen says to Jack "Oh, I have a piece of paper with spit from Cyprus on it as well. And I wrote down her true name after the painter said it. Let me go get the paper."

*Runs downstairs, grabs spit paper from other clothes, hands to Jack.*

2012-07-26, 04:49 AM
Amun followed Jack inside and up to meet the others. "I filled Jack in on the events of yesterday, at least I think we got most of it covered," he said in response to Tessen.

2012-07-26, 10:07 AM
"Um, okay. So, we have all the bodily fluids they gave us *slight shudder* and Jack rightly points out that we're lucky to be alive...although I really think Cyprus wouldn't do that, so what should we do now? Do you think we should just scry and hope to catch them discussing their plans over lunch? Could they be scrying us right now and give us a sign maybe?"

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-26, 12:19 PM
"Perhaps we should just get this out of the way, take our chances here and now? Probably safest if we do this from the Hallow, incase we need the juice."
He shifted uncomfortably. "I can open up a scrying window, even make it so that they can talk to us through it, if that's what we're going for?"

Jack paused a moment before continuing. "It's probably worth us agreeing on what we hope to get out of this before we start, so we're all on the same page. I'll talk to you about the rest of that stuff afterwards, if that's okay Tessen?"

2012-07-26, 11:35 PM
“Alright, as long as everyone is ok with it, I agree that we should try and get in touch with the Seers. The Hallow seems as good a place as any.” Turing glanced over the others’ faces, trying to read their attitudes. He was slightly nervous himself, as he would have preferred more time to confer with the Guardians on the matter. However, he realized the time pressure they were all working under was a factor, and in the balance, it wasn’t as if he could give away any really juicy secretes at this juncture - he simply didn’t know that many.

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-27, 04:14 AM
Jack took that as agreement and headed for the Hallow itself. He patted at the suit pocket containing his smartphone absently, preparing himself for the casting.

He waited for the rest of them to join him, before slowly beginning to gather the energies for the spell.

"What with knowing her real name, Cyprus is going to be easier to reach, so I'm going to start with her. Who knows, maybe they'll both be present anyway?"

[8 - 3 - 3 - 9 - 2 - 9 - 6, 3 successes I think.]
At first keeping the window invisible on Cyprus's end, if it's clear there are no sleepers present Jack will open up the scrying window to allow for two way communication between the Cabal and Cyprus.

2012-07-27, 05:59 AM
The window opened to a lavish apartment, a beautiful construction of hard wood tables and bookcases. A fireplace burned in one corner, and the opposite wall opened up into a sweeping 75th floor marble balcony. Several bottles of half finished expensive wine were scattered around, gently put down and evidently forgotten about. The place gave the impression of deep learning, old learning, and a deep familiarity with luxury and class. Only the glowing computer screen in the corner indicated that she was in the 21st century.

Cyprus was sitting casually on a couch, holding a glass of red with one hand and an ancient scroll with the other. She was dressed down, casually, with her hair loose and no sword or armour. She looked far less severe, far more approachable than she had before.

When the window opened, she looked up briefly, raised a finger as if for quiet, and put the scroll down. She then reached to her side and picked up an iPad. She stood up and started to walk, angling the tablet to make sure the scrying window got the address and time of the restaurant she was booking. She paused after this, thought, and then said aloud, "Send the girl."

Then she turned and sat back down on the chair, going back to her reading, and making it clear that the exchange was over.

2012-07-27, 07:21 AM
Amun stood in the background, watching the scrying passively. "Hrm, that was pleasant enough," he mumbled mostly to himself.

2012-07-27, 07:23 AM
Tessen looks around at everyone gathered with a frightened she means me?! expression in her eyes.

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-27, 05:07 PM
Dismissing all the spells he currently had active, jack shuddered all over and started walking for the room's exit.

"I'm going to take a shower, have a shave and get into a change of clothes, then we're going to see about getting you a smartphone in time for you to make that rendevous, Tessen. I was going to ask for a favour in exchange, but I think I'll let you off this time after all." He grinned.

Mussing his hair up as if shaking crystalised stress out of it, Jack left the room.

2012-07-28, 07:11 PM
“I think you made an impression, Tessen.” Turing looked thoughtful, and smoked intently as he gazed into the distance. When his staring contest with the far wall concluded, he nodded to himself and addressed Tessen again.

“I think it might be good for us to have a talk with Errant before you meet anyone. This is getting serious and we could use some advice.”

2012-07-28, 08:38 PM
Tessen looks at the group, "Thank you Jack, that would be helpful. And Turing, I agree completely. I really trust Errant's advice, I'm certain she'll know what to do."

2012-07-29, 04:32 AM
Amun could only nod at the suggestions, having nothing major to add of his own.

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-29, 09:30 PM
It wasn't long at all before Jack returned, clean shaven and sharp suited, his hair still wet and a towel around his neck to keep his suit dry.
"Well, that's much better. Feel almost human again, now. If nothing else, it gave me time to think things through. Cyprus was waiting for the scrying window and there was no sign of Slade at all. We should probably do the same for him, rather than just assume they're working that closely together. He's going to be trickier to reach though, I'm afraid."

He rolled his shoulders, slightly theatrically.
"Ready if and when you guys are." Jack waited for the all clear, popping a Lifesaver mint in his mouth while he waited, before iniating the second scrying window. They tasted much the same as the Polo Mints he used to get back in the home country and so always made him a little nostalgic.

[Extended is the only way this is likely to work with a -6 penalty, so as a sacrement for the Space Arcanum a mint with a hole seems appropriate as any.
2 - 4 - 5, 2 - 7 - 4
So, that's a success on the second round. That'll do nicely.]

2012-07-29, 10:47 PM
It wasn't long at all before Jack returned, clean shaven and sharp suited, his hair still wet and a towel around his neck to keep his suit dry.
"Well, that's much better. Feel almost human again, now. If nothing else, it gave me time to think things through. Cyprus was waiting for the scrying window and there was no sign of Slade at all. We should probably do the same for him, rather than just assume they're working that closely together. He's going to be trickier to reach though, I'm afraid."

He rolled his shoulders, slightly theatrically.
"Ready if and when you guys are." Jack waited for the all clear, popping a Lifesaver mint in his mouth while he waited, before iniating the second scrying window. They tasted much the same as the Polo Mints he used to get back in the home country and so always made him a little nostalgic.

[Extended is the only way this is likely to work with a -6 penalty, so as a sacrement for the Space Arcanum a mint with a hole seems appropriate as any.
2 - 4 - 5, 2 - 7 - 4
So, that's a success on the second round. That'll do nicely.]

[A few things:
- Ritual casting is only necessary when the penalties are larger than your dice pool and you are reduced to a chance dice. Scrying like this is almost always a ritual because it's rare for people to not have wards up and you have possession of an Intimate connection.
- If you have a positive dice pool after penalties and the spell is covert and there are no consequences for failure there is no need to make it a ritual casting. It'll take between 6-45 seconds to make it happen.
- A ritual casting at Gnosis 1-2 takes three hours per roll. Any penalties are converted into target number of successes; a -6 penalty means you need to stack up 7 successes minimum. A beginner mage with just a photograph to work off could take as long as 18 hours for a scry like this, if it was possible at all, especially if they didn't have a rote.
- Successes in the WoD are 8, 9 and 10. Seven is not a success.]

The connection wanted to happen; blood called to blood. It took a little while, but thankfully Slade didn't have any wards up and this wasn't going to take all day and night.

He was sitting alone in a standard police car, parked outside a Krispy Kreme in almost an embarrassing realisation of stereotypes. When he saw the window open he jumped in his chair and almost spilled his coffee. "Talk fast, he'll be back soon," he hissed.

2012-07-30, 12:08 AM
Turing had stubbed out his cigarette by the time Jack returned, although he still smelled faintly of old smoke. He handed over the slip of paper from Slade and stood back as he watched the other mage work.

When the window opened and Slade appeared, he stepped forward to address the man. “I think we have some things to discuss, but now obviously isn’t the best time. When and where can I meet you to hash all this out?”

2012-07-30, 12:12 AM
"Uh, I'm on the beat tomorrow afternoon down Midtown. Be around the old Unitarian Church (http://www.detroitblog.org/?p=427) on Woodward," Slade said, looking nervously over at the doughnut store. It was strange to see such a big man so twitchy.

2012-07-30, 12:16 AM
“I’ll be there. Until then.” Turing made a gesture of farewell with his cane, and then signaled to Jack to drop the scrying window before the Seer’s partner returned.

2012-07-31, 09:04 AM
"So, what now?" Amun asked when the scrying window closed. Seemed like everyone had something specific to do except him, and maybe Jack.

2012-07-31, 09:25 AM
"Do we really need to go alone?" "I mean, maybe you could come with one of us, or at least be nearby, in case we need help?"

2012-07-31, 09:38 AM
"Cyprus certainly gave the impression that she wanted to see you alone, or maybe that was just me. I say we at least stay nearby in any case, but is there anything else?"

2012-07-31, 10:18 AM
"Um, well, we should all go see Errant right now. And Jack said he was going to take us shopping too..."

Tiki Snakes
2012-07-31, 11:52 AM
"Huh. I suppose I kind of did. Well, what I was thinking was that if you had a phone, you could call for help if something happened with Cyprus... Though I've got to work the specifics out on that idea yet."

Something about how eagerly Tessen used the word shopping was making Jack a little nervous.

2012-07-31, 07:01 PM
*Charming puppy dog eyes*

2012-07-31, 11:11 PM
“I agree with Tessen, we could all use a talk with Errant right now.” Turing leaned on his cane and scowled at their future prospects, currently embodied by the far wall. “And I don’t intend to leave you alone when you go to see Cyprus, either. Whoever is free should travel along with you and stay somewhere nearby - not following, exactly, but there for backup.”

2012-08-01, 08:31 PM
The Quiet did not advertise its' location to the local Consilium, but Turing knew a long-abandoned skate park nearby where you could wait if you wanted to meet them.

As an aside, the Consilium proper meets once a month on the 15th; thirteen days from now.

2012-08-01, 10:34 PM
“Before we do anything else though, I’m going to go have a drink. You’re all more than welcome to join me, of course, and once everything’s settled, I can take us somewhere to meet with the Quiet.” Turing began to head off toward his floor and his liquor cabinet, trying to put off thinking about the upcoming meetings for just a little while.

2012-08-02, 02:25 AM
While Turing is getting a drink, Tessen goes and freshens up a bit, then fishes out a book from her room to read while they wait. At present, she's about halfway through "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck, an older, somewhat idealistic story about a farmer in China.

2012-08-02, 05:05 AM
"If you go shopping at some point, could you drop me off somewhere on the way? I got a bit of business to pay back Turing," Amun said to Jack. His earlier plan this morning had sort of been interrupted.

"A drink sounds good," he added at Turing's offer and, once done arranging with Jack, went to follow

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-02, 08:11 AM
*Charming puppy dog eyes*

"How can I say no, to that?" He grinned. "Alright, we'll go shopping. At the very least for a phone. Anything else we'll have to talk about. I'll pass on the drink for now, If you don't mind Turing. Ask again later though, I think I'll probably need a drink before the night is out."

Jack strolled away, to wait quietly in the lobby. Not being entirely sure what the hold up was, he ended up resorting to checking the a the Detroit news online breifly, before flitting to the music related portions of the website.

"Come on, Tessen. Thought you wanted to go shopping!" He called up the stairwell, not entirely expecting to be heard.

2012-08-02, 08:27 AM
The elevator opens to reveal Tessen coming out, flipping through the pages of her book with a bit of smile. When she sees Jack waiting she says "Oh, I guess the building comm wasn't working again?"

She moves over to the skyscraper's front desk and applies a little bit of controlled electricity, taking her time, then says out loud "Turing, Amun, we're waiting to leave, are you coming?" Then to Jack "There, just press this button here and push the floor you want and it will open a line up there. It will probably work when I'm not here, maybe. Don't press it too hard though."

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-02, 08:39 AM
"I still can't get used to all this High-Rise living." He smiled, opening the door for Tessen before following onto the street.

"So, what's on the itinery for our little excursion then? Are the others joining us?"

2012-08-02, 10:51 PM
“Don’t worry, Jack. Whiskey keeps.” Turing smiled slightly, amused as he tried to imagine how the others would behave good and drunk. He was going to have to try and bring that about sometime.

Making sure Amun was in tow, the mage headed down toward his own quarters and an old, but clearly well-loved liquor cabinet. The silver railing around the top kept a few bottles close to hand, and taking one of them, Turing poured out a modest amount into two nearby glasses.

“I hope scotch is alright. It’s straight too, since I don’t have anything to make ice, but it’s good.” He handed one of the tumblers to Amun and took a seat in his chair, turning it to face the room instead of the view while sipping at his drink.


He had almost finished the scotch when Tessen rung them on the skyscraper’s comm system. The damn thing never seemed to work for him, but then again, he wasn’t an Obrimos.

“Right, we’ll be down in two shakes.”

Tossing back the last of the alcohol, Turing collected his cane and headed out the door toward the elevators, inviting Amun along.

2012-08-03, 04:48 AM
"If I can drink some of the stuff they brew around the city without going blind, I think I can handle scotch," Amun said. It wasn't exactly often he had something as fancy as scotch. He took the glass and sat down to savor the refined liquor.

When Tessen called he knocked back the rest of the drink, took a deep breath and rose to follow Turing.

2012-08-03, 11:22 PM
When the elevator arrived at the ground floor of their sanctum, Turing straightened his tie and stepped out before giving a little flourish with the end of his cane.

“Well, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be!”

2012-08-03, 11:36 PM
"Okay, well, Jack you like to drive, right? We should probably go straight to meet Errant right after we're done shopping. I think phones are most important, but I would also like a gun I can fit in my purse, and actually maybe a nicer purse and a new sweater, if we can stop at a department store too. Well, we'll see what we have time for I guess. Shall we get going?" *smiles and heads out to Jack's car.

2012-08-04, 01:07 AM
The shopping trip was uneventful; the wheels of Sleeper commerce turned predictably, even in a place like this. Nothing would impede the Mages' efforts to equip and arm themselves.

[Give me the short list of important things you get, particularly the ones you intend to carry on your person]

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-04, 01:21 AM
(Phones for everyone who wants one, clothes for Tessen. Bit's and Bobs as Necessary)
"Are you really sure you want a gun, Tessen? They only really have one use, you know. Also, I may be misremembering, but even if you are sure, think there's a three day waiting period, plus if you want to carry concealed you need a licence."

Despite having one squirreled away on his person, Jack seemed a little squeemish about the gun thing.

"It could be worth considering just stocking up on pepper spray instead?"
More quietly, he added "If it must be a gun, and you need it sooner than that, we might have to look in less savory channels than the Rennaissance Center."

(Add a gun for Tessen if he isn't able to convince her otherwise).

2012-08-04, 01:27 AM
"Well, I guess a gun could wait. Pepper spray would be good to have anyway. But, I think maybe I should sign up for one and get the license. I just, well, after yesterday, I don't really feel safe." *Tessen sort of hugs herself a bit.*

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-04, 01:44 AM
"A gun can be a deterrant. It'll make a street gang give you some leeway, or stop a group of salvagers becoming muggers perhaps. Problem is, once it comes to using it, the only way it'll keep you safe is by putting enough holes in the other guy first." He talked seriously and quietly.

"One of the main problems with a gun is they tend to escalate a situation. Yesterday might have turned out a lot different if you'd been carrying. I won't say you shouldn't. But you should be sure you know what you're getting into before you fill in that background check."

2012-08-04, 02:23 AM
"I'll...be careful" she says, filling in the background check form.

2012-08-04, 05:45 AM
Amun followed along. He didn't feel he had anything he really needed and it looked to him like Tessen was already buying for the four of them combined. Eventually he could possibly be convinced to accept a phone, one of the cheap models that still offered way more functions than he felt he needed, but he wouldn't ask for one.

After shopping he had Jack stop by at the broker briefly, to pay back Turing before he ended up forgetting about it.

[I assume that goes without any major events too]

2012-08-05, 07:26 AM
[I am going to assume that Turing gets a phone and doesn't start a major international incident on his way to the next scene]

The Quiet meeting place was an abandoned skate park. Once a symbol of civic reconstruction and legitimisation of the past-times of the black youth of Detroit, now a faded, overgrown and decaying concrete wasteland. Splashes of colour from faded murals were visible under overgrown leaves and weeds. Broken glass bottles, empty syringes and shell casings covered the ground like sand. There was a chill here that was a little more than natural; like an icy hand reaching across the veil, gripping your shoulder and whispering, 'There is nothing for you here'.

As far as the Mages were aware, nothing magical happened upon their arrival; no triggers or tripwards went off, no traps sprung or messages sent out. But within half an hour of their arrival, the Quiet arrived.

Errant, dressed in black and silver, pretty as a doll, walked from an alley towards them. Her left arm was in a graceful black sling and cast, and her delicate footsteps brought to mind a princess in high heels - even as her boots crunched broken glass underneath them. If her injuries troubled her, today she gave no sign of it, walking as evenly as gracefully as a lady at her débutante.

Edelachtbare, the unpronounceable madman, followed close behind her. Seven feet tall and bearded like a painting of some pagan deity, his eyes flashed with thunder and fury and condemnation. His patchy leather coat concealed a bulletproof vest, only visible through the layers of furs if you knew what you were looking for. One ham-sized hand gripped an AK-47 that had the coldly professional aura of a weapon that had seen many, many wars.

"Good afternoon," said Errant, curtsying politely. Edelachtbare said nothing and loomed over the group. "Thank you, firstly, for not all dying pointlessly."

2012-08-05, 09:06 AM
When they first arrive at the skate park, Tessen uses her time magic to look back on the place a few moments after it opened. She wanted to see what it had been like back when it was vibrant, what the hopes were for this place before they were lost.

When Errant arrives and speaks her piece, Tessen bursts out "Oh Errant. I'm so sorry! Did you know what was there? The prophet, his painting was so beautiful, so transcendent. And we just let them take him. I thought...for a moment...that maybe Cyprus understood...but now...I, I don't know, I'm supposed to meet her and I don't, I don't know what's going to happen."

2012-08-05, 09:11 AM
This park had never thrived. It was a heavy-handed, top-down, over-budgeted attempt by the government to try and address a problem that did not need addressing. Even when the neighbourhood had been better it had mostly been the hangout of dealers and gangers, with only a few brave or stupid kids using it for it's intended purpose.

If there was any light in the history of this park, it was the construction, and the optimism that had gone into the construction.

Errant held up her good hand delicately. "Please, calm down. Start from the beginning."

2012-08-05, 01:10 PM
At the store, Turing acquired an older-model smartphone for himself, trying not to cost Jack too much money, since there was a fair probability of him violating the warranty in the future.

At the park, Turing waited quietly, leaning on his cane and wondering idly if the chill to the place was indeed the work of the Guardians. When Errant arrived, he visibly straightened, and smiled a bit when she congratulated them on not dying. That had been one of his goals in the encounter, surprisingly enough.

He let Tessen speak first, fairly sure that she needed the advice more than he did right now.

2012-08-05, 11:52 PM
"Um, the beginning. Right. Well, you came by and gave Turing an assignment, and it had a dossier about Cyprus in it. Oh, but you already know that, I don't need to tell you that part." *Blushes furiously*
"Um, well then Jack was out, so Amun, Turing, and I all caught a cab. I used supernal vision to steer us straight to the church because the picture was so strong it made threads of magic thick enough I could practically reach out and pick them up.

Then, we got there and there was an artist. I...oh, I've already forgotten his name, but I'm sure that Turing or Amun will remember it. He had painted a picture, the sword of Damocles hanging over Detroit, but it wasn't finished. We saw a fate spell guiding someone to the church and realized that the iron pyramid was coming. The artist seemed to have some prophecy to his words as well, so instead of running, we stayed and talked to the seers. We had the artist hide too.

They were, amazingly civil actually. Oh, they, right I'm forgetting a part, I'm sorry. *coughs and clears throat.* There was Cyprus, but also another seer named Slade. He knew mind magic and I think he works for the police. But he seemed to listen to Cyprus and we told them that we didn't want to fight. So, at first we didn't. We just talked. I think, actually that Cyprus isn't really a bad person. But, she said she saw an exarch, in person, and maybe that's why she's too afraid to leave the seers. Then we said something that offended her, I can't remember who, it was probably me. And she was going to use Celestial fire, but then the artist came out instead. The seers took him, and we didn't think we could fight him, so we were going to just let them leave. But then they started beating us up for some reason, and Cyprus hurt Amun really badly then she elbowed me in the throat. I panicked and tried vulgar forces magic. I'm sorry, I'm lucky I didn't cause a paradox.

Um, after that they left us, though Cyprus spit on the ground next to me and apparently Slade left a bit of his blood with a note that said they wanted out. And we used that to scry on both of them, and I guess Cyprus said she wants to meet with me alone tomorrow, while Slade is going to meet with Turing. And I don't know what we should do."


2012-08-06, 12:06 AM
Errant took all this calmly, raising a hand to her face in quiet contemplation. She didn't say anything as she quietly sifted through all the information she'd been given, picking out important details and discarding unnecessary facts.

"A few thoughts... if Cyprus wanted you dead, you would be, so a trap is unlikely. This leaves two threats; that they are spies, or that they get caught. In case they are spies, do not tell them anything about the Pentacle that you can help. Do not discuss other cabals, their capabilities, or their areas of influence. A far more pressing danger is that they get caught while attempting to cross the tracks. The Seer in charge of this town is named Overlord. We don't know anything about him, and that should be a hint about how good he is. He runs a very, very tight ship."

2012-08-06, 05:07 AM
Amun couldn't help but smile at Tessen's rambling recount. Maybe there was something about the way she rambled innocently that made other people relax, or give up. He was just glad that Errant didn't seem to take the loss at the church too badly.

Overlord. He considered the "name" and shook his head quietly. So bland and unoriginal, unremarkable in every way, it was no doubt completely intentional.

2012-08-06, 05:33 AM
"A few thoughts... if Cyprus wanted you dead, you would be, so a trap is unlikely. This leaves two threats; that they are spies, or that they get caught. In case they are spies, do not tell them anything about the Pentacle that you can help. Do not discuss other cabals, their capabilities, or their areas of influence. A far more pressing danger is that they get caught while attempting to cross the tracks. The Seer in charge of this town is named Overlord. We don't know anything about him, and that should be a hint about how good he is. He runs a very, very tight ship."

Tessen looks at Errant with an innocent, expectant expression, implying that this can't possibly be all the advice that Errant is giving.

2012-08-06, 06:03 AM
Tessen looks at Errant with an innocent, expectant expression, implying that this can't possibly be all the advice that Errant is giving.

Errant had paused for questions, but as none were forthcoming she continued. "The sword above the city we're aware of, but it's well outside the scope of our mission to deal with. The one who knows the most about it is, far and away, the Jerusalem Man. You'll need to speak to him if you want to find out more."

"As far as handling a defection goes, good luck, essentially. Since we know so little about the Seers each of those two is a treasure trove of information, with Mage attached. Keep in mind that defectors often expect a better life, complete safety or even a retirement as payment for their conversion and are very unlikely to do risky things. You'll need the Consilium for backup if the Seers decide to press the point. We'll have your back but there's not much direct support we can give"

"Oh, and something else... the Speakeasy Society say they've tracked down a Manifestation and they're asking around for help in destroying it. We can't help them, but I said I'd pass their request on."

2012-08-06, 09:04 AM
"The Jerusalem man!?" Tessen practically shouts. "That can't be right. That thug is one dead bystander short of needing to be arrested himself. How can he be the one that knows about the sword of Damocles?!" *Tessen visibly shudders at the thought of having to deal with him.*

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-06, 01:26 PM
"I don't know, Tessen. Perhaps more than anyone else I've met, Jerusalem Man is part of Detroit. If Errant says he's an expert on the city's Sword of Damocles, then I can believe it." Jack interjected quietly.

"I can't speak for the rest of the gang, but if the Speakeasy need a hand I'd be more than willing to pitch in however I can. Did they pass on any information on what they found?" Jack looked thoughtful for a moment, weighing up whether to ask a further question, before he tentatively continued.

"If you don't mind me asking, Errant, I was wondering about something. The thing with the church. You got to us fast enough that it was like you saw it coming. Chances are, there are other people you could have asked and I'm sure you'd have been able to handle the situation yourselves if it came to it." Jack paused, looking over Edelachtbare as if measuring his reach, before returning his questioning gaze to Errant.

"So I have to ask; Would you like to go out for a meal sometime?"

2012-08-06, 06:13 PM
When Jack mentions the manifestation and the Speakeasy Society, Tessen begins to say "Oh of course." However, she is interrupted by her mouth hanging open at Jack's final question.

2012-08-06, 08:07 PM
Turing smiled as Errant laid out their possible courses of action; his own thoughts had been along the same lines and for the moment he felt like he might actually be learning something about being a Guardian.

His good mood lasted right up until the Jerusalem Man’s name was mentioned. At the news that a street thug knew more about their prophet’s vision than his own contacts, Turing’s knuckles whitened around the handle of his cane. He wanted to join Tessen in outrage, but he managed to reign in the impulse by remembering he was still in the presence of his superior. Edelachtbare and his assault rifle didn’t hurt either.

Instead, Turing decided to focus on the parts of the conversation that didn’t gall him. “I think that our best course of action with regard to the Seers might be to offer them what sanctuary we can. As you said, they’re valuable resources, and to be honest, our cabal is in a much better position to keep from divulging important information, since we quite honestly don’t have as much of it as some of the other mages in the city. In fact, if the Seers are sincere, we stand to learn a great deal from them.”

He had been going to continue to assure Errant that he was always available to fight against the Abyss, but by that time his brain had processed Jack’s request and he temporarily lost the power of speech.

2012-08-06, 08:29 PM
"The Jerusalem man!?" Tessen practically shouts. "That can't be right. That thug is one dead bystander short of needing to be arrested himself. How can he be the one that knows about the sword of Damocles?!" *Tessen visibly shudders at the thought of having to deal with him.*

"So who would be the 'right person' to know about the divine sword of judgement hanging over Detroit's head?" Errant said, clearly amused. "The Mirror Man?"

"I don't know, Tessen. Perhaps more than anyone else I've met, Jerusalem Man is part of Detroit. If Errant says he's an expert on the city's Sword of Damocles, then I can believe it." Jack interjected quietly.

"I can't speak for the rest of the gang, but if the Speakeasy need a hand I'd be more than willing to pitch in however I can. Did they pass on any information on what they found?" Jack looked thoughtful for a moment, weighing up whether to ask a further question, before he tentatively continued.

"Something about a possessed museum. They're planning a move in around five days time."

"If you don't mind me asking, Errant, I was wondering about something. The thing with the church. You got to us fast enough that it was like you saw it coming. Chances are, there are other people you could have asked and I'm sure you'd have been able to handle the situation yourselves if it came to it." Jack paused, looking over Edelachtbare as if measuring his reach, before returning his questioning gaze to Errant.

"So I have to ask; Would you like to go out for a meal sometime?"

Errant blinked, having started to formulate the answer to a very different question.

There was the unmistakable sense of pressure as Edelachtbare glared at Jack with multiple different vision spells up. The impression was very much like he'd asked a girl out in front of her dad.

"Yes," said Errant. "Where and when?"

Instead, Turing decided to focus on the parts of the conversation that didn’t gall him. “I think that our best course of action with regard to the Seers might be to offer them what sanctuary we can. As you said, they’re valuable resources, and to be honest, our cabal is in a much better position to keep from divulging important information, since we quite honestly don’t have as much of it as some of the other mages in the city. In fact, if the Seers are sincere, we stand to learn a great deal from them.”

He had been going to continue to assure Errant that he was always available to fight against the Abyss, but by that time his brain had processed Jack’s request and he temporarily lost the power of speech.

Errant nodded. "Just be prepared if the Seers attempt to close the breach. I have no doubt they will."

2012-08-07, 06:16 AM
Amun listened. Amun liked to listen.

He shared his friends' discomfort at the thought of dealing with the Jerusalem Man, but if that was what had to be done, then ... was it really any worse than what they were already getting themselves into with the Seers?

Helping the Speakeasy sounded nicer, almost like a picnic compared to the rest, but he wasn't sure what it had to do with them. Of course if they had time, he wouldn't object at all. Helping others was a fine thing to do.

And then Jack put forward his little surprise question, and Amun blinked. Now that was something worth listening to, he thought. Amun liked that.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-07, 12:04 PM
Errant blinked, having started to formulate the answer to a very different question.

There was the unmistakable sense of pressure as Edelachtbare glared at Jack with multiple different vision spells up. The impression was very much like he'd asked a girl out in front of her dad.

"Yes," said Errant. "Where and when?"

"In theory, whenever and wherever you like. I was thinking tomorrow afternoon or the day after we could try Wah Hoo on Shelby Street or Ronin over in Royal Oak if you don't mind travelling a bit further afield." Jack stayed relaxed, open and tried not to look directly at Edelachtbare.

2012-08-07, 08:38 PM
"In theory, whenever and wherever you like. I was thinking tomorrow afternoon or the day after we could try Wah Hoo on Shelby Street or Ronin over in Royal Oak if you don't mind travelling a bit further afield." Jack stayed relaxed, open and tried not to look directly at Edelachtbare.

Edelachtbare was not-very-casually going through a check of his AK-47.

"Ronin sounds fine. It seems appropriate to leave it off a week because you are facing a rather packed few days," Errant said.

2012-08-07, 11:40 PM
Great. We’re going to survive the Seers to get killed by the Guardians.

The thought brought a wry smile to Turing’s lips, and some of the tension of the past day seemed to lift. The older man shrugged in an exaggerated motion; stretching out his shoulders and realizing how many knots were there.

“We’ll try our best to get ready for all comers. It’s going to be a long week.”

2012-08-07, 11:44 PM
"Quite. Was there anything else you needed to ask or tell us?" Errant asked.

2012-08-07, 11:49 PM
“Actually, I was curious. I read the dossier on Cyprus, and so did the others, so we have some idea of what Tessen is going into, but I don’t really know that much about Slade. Does anyone know anything that might help me when we meet?”

2012-08-07, 11:56 PM
“Actually, I was curious. I read the dossier on Cyprus, and so did the others, so we have some idea of what Tessen is going into, but I don’t really know that much about Slade. Does anyone know anything that might help me when we meet?”

"Slade? Not familiar with that one. There are a few possibilities, but I don't want to say anything when I am not sure," said Errant.

2012-08-07, 11:59 PM
"So, I have to meet Cyprus alone, we need to go stop a manifestation, and then we need to go talk to the Jersualem Man, even though if the universe was fair you would be the one that knew what was going on instead of him.

I have a question. Do you have a good technique for dealing with stress?"

2012-08-08, 12:04 AM
"So, I have to meet Cyprus alone, we need to go stop a manifestation, and then we need to go talk to the Jersualem Man, even though if the universe was fair you would be the one that knew what was going on instead of him.

"We don't care what's going on," Errant corrected. "People in this city constantly forget that. Your problems may mean a lot to you, but the Quiet's job is not to fix those problems. Our job is to make sure you're still alive to have them."

I have a question. Do you have a good technique for dealing with stress?"

"Yes," said Errant. "Get a hobby which does not relate to magic or the supernatural in any way whatsoever."

2012-08-08, 05:49 AM
Amun was still quietly amused by Jack's little arrangement, and Edelachtbare's reaction. Amun hadn't been too worried, given Errant's own reaction to the request. It was almost a little sweet the way Edelachtbare protected her ... or maybe the blood loss earlier had left Amun a little light headed, possibly.

"Any advice on the Jerusalem Man?" Amun said, speaking for the first time.

2012-08-08, 05:56 AM
Amun was still quietly amused by Jack's little arrangement, and Edelachtbare's reaction. Amun hadn't been too worried, given Errant's own reaction to the request. It was almost a little sweet the way Edelachtbare protected her ... or maybe the blood loss earlier had left Amun a little light headed, possibly.

"Any advice on the Jerusalem Man?" Amun said, speaking for the first time.

"He is a man with vision," Errant said thoughtfully. "A rare quality, even amongst Mages. He's not the most powerful person in the city but by far the most likely one to meaningfully change it."

2012-08-08, 06:20 AM
Amun considered that. Perhaps the rest of the gang colored his view of the Jerusalem Man, he had never had any real contact with the man, but you did hear things ... now he was getting curious, a possibly dangerous thing. Did this man really hold this kind of knowledge? "I see. Anything we should or shouldn't do or say if we meet him? I would hate to give a bad impression."

2012-08-08, 06:34 AM
"He is a difficult man to offend. He is ruled by neither malice, anger nor greed - or at least that is my impression of him. He's actually quite agreeable, which in itself is ominous because it makes it difficult to form a clear picture of what he wants."

2012-08-08, 06:40 AM
"In a way, that is genuinely a bit comforting. Thank you," Amun said, feeling satisfied on this topic.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-08, 07:22 AM
Edelachtbare was not-very-casually going through a check of his AK-47.

"Ronin sounds fine. It seems appropriate to leave it off a week because you are facing a rather packed few days," Errant said.

"You're right, of course. A week this afternoon it is, then." Jack nodded in agreement, smiling slightly.

2012-08-08, 07:25 AM
"Very well. Is there anything else, or shall we leave you to it?" Errant said.

2012-08-09, 09:03 PM
"Um, not really. Thank you Errant, I know you must be very busy *glances at Edelachtbare and then immediately averts her eyes* and I appreciate you taking the time to come talk to us."

2012-08-09, 09:17 PM
"Very well. Edelachtbare, please give Mr. Turing his lesson for the day."

The giant stepped forwards, reached out, and touched Turing's forehead with two fingers.

There was a flash inside Turing's mind. Words like fire wrote themselves on the insides of his eyelids. The after-image burned into his mind every time he blinked or closed his eyes. It was painful, but not unbearable.


The words would fade after a few hours, but some echo of their presence would always be there.

And with that, the Quiet walked away.

2012-08-09, 10:36 PM
Turing could understand the reluctance to speak in ignorance, especially where the Order was concerned. Still, that meant that he would have to play things by ear when the time came to talk with Slade. On the other hand, it also meant that he would be in a unique position to learn something about the Seer and his reasons for defecting... One was hardly a Guardian without a few secrets to one's name, after all.


The parting instruction from Edelachtbare was unpleasant, but left him curious, wondering if the subject would come up in their meetings with the defectors.

2012-08-09, 11:14 PM
After the guardians walk away, Tessen sighs a bit, but then smiles when she gets to take out her new iPhone to make her first phone call. "Oh, these are so much fun. Now I just need to call..." *her smile fades and she sighs again* "Mirror Man and get some info about this abyss problem."

She finishes putting in the number and waits while the phone starts ringing.

2012-08-09, 11:16 PM
After the guardians walk away, Tessen sighs a bit, but then smiles when she gets to take out her new iPhone to make her first phone call. "Oh, these are so much fun. Now I just need to call..." *her smile fades and she sighs again* "Mirror Man and get some info about this abyss problem."

She finishes putting in the number and waits while the phone starts ringing.

The phone was picked up. There was a significant pause.

"... who is this?"

The Mirror Man's introduction was like an accusation.

2012-08-09, 11:23 PM
The phone was picked up. There was a significant pause.

"... who is this?"

The Mirror Man's introduction was like an accusation.

Tessen sighs again, not much caring if the phone is picking it up or not. "It's Tessen. I'm calling about the problem you all needed help with."

2012-08-10, 12:19 AM
Tessen sighs again, not much caring if the phone is picking it up or not. "It's Tessen. I'm calling about the problem you all needed help with."

"Tessen? Which problem? Because if it's the breakfast cereal related problem, oh-ho-ho," Mirror Man's chortle was unduly smug, "I took care of that!"

2012-08-10, 12:21 AM
"The Abyss problem!" Tessen manages to bite off the words "you idiot" and not say them out loud.

2012-08-10, 12:25 AM
"The Abyss!?" there was what sounded awkwardly like the phone being dropped on the ground. There was some distant shouting before it was picked up. Mirror Man's voice was the distinctive calm of being glared at by Tyler.

"Yes. That problem. Yeah, meet us at the Red Saloon on Sunday (four days)."

2012-08-10, 12:28 AM
"O-okay. Um, was there anything we should know before we get there?"

2012-08-10, 12:32 AM
"Uh. It eats stray cats. Also hobos. It might be a dinosaur. Bring guns," Mirror Man said.

2012-08-10, 12:37 AM
"That...was surprisingly helpful. Thank you Mirror Man. I...er...huh, well I don't know how to find my own phone number on this thing, but save it from your caller ID and give me a call if anything else comes up."


2012-08-10, 12:38 AM
"I take it he was as lucid as ever?" A grin found its way to Turing's face, despite the burning behind his eyes.

2012-08-10, 12:42 AM
"He solved the breakfast cereal problem." Tessen says, completely flat, and then shakes her head. "He said to meet at the Red Saloon on Sunday. I, uh, don't think we should believe the part where he said it was a dinosaur, but he made it sound like this was an overt manifestation, something b-big, and he suggested we bring guns."

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-10, 05:03 AM
"Well, that's a relief to hear. Less so about the Dinosaur." He shuffled uncomfortably.
"Any problem that needs guns to solve is always going to be unpleasant."

2012-08-10, 09:25 PM
At the mention of Abyssal dinosaurs, Turing merely shrugged. In Detroit these days, who knew?

"Well, if we need guns, I should try to get in touch with Firebee. I might be able to get some extra money, or convince someone to loan us out something from the arsenal. But I wouldn't get my hopes up."

2012-08-11, 04:54 AM
Unlike the Quiet, the Arsenal of Democracy all use phones and were fairly free with their personal numbers. The reasoning on that seems to be that no sane faction would want to pick a fight with the arms dealers.

2012-08-11, 04:54 PM
Amun patted his suitcase in which his shotgun was tugged safely, as always. "Well, I'm covered," he said. "Looks like we have a busy week in front of us."

2012-08-11, 05:00 PM
Turing fished out his new phone from a vest pocket and thumbed Firebee's number on the on-screen keypad. He briefly marveled at the convenience of the new phone and wondered why he'd ever gotten rid of his last one; somehow it had seemed to make sense at the time.

2012-08-11, 06:21 PM
Turing fished out his new phone from a vest pocket and thumbed Firebee's number on the on-screen keypad. He briefly marveled at the convenience of the new phone and wondered why he'd ever gotten rid of his last one; somehow it had seemed to make sense at the time.

The reply was almost instantaneous. "This is Old Dead Guys Division, where the laws of physics do what we say. Who am I talking to here?"

2012-08-11, 07:53 PM
"This is Turing. I've got something of a request, if you don't mind. I need a gun, at least temporarily, and I was hoping you'd either have a job lurking around that would pay enough to acquire one, or that I could borrow something for a day or two from the arsenal."

2012-08-12, 06:36 AM
"Ooh, is that Firebee? Say hi for me, Turing."

2012-08-12, 06:59 AM
"This is Turing. I've got something of a request, if you don't mind. I need a gun, at least temporarily, and I was hoping you'd either have a job lurking around that would pay enough to acquire one, or that I could borrow something for a day or two from the arsenal."

"Oh, sure... actually, that's some pretty perfect timing. We've got this new assault rifle in, got it in a fire sale after one of our competitors went under. XM-44, Advanced Force Recon, semi-automatic, underslung grenade launcher, cool stuff. It's pretty advanced but the targeting computer is hella wiggy and we'd appreciate a field test. Use it to shoot stuff, take notes, don't leave it at any crime scenes - sound fair?"

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-12, 11:46 AM
"...did I just hear the words grenade launcher coming out of your phone, Turing?" Jack flinched, nervously. "You know what? Don't answer that. If you need me, I'll be in my happy place."

He retreived his Bamboo ocarina and started making soothing, quiet noises to himself.

2012-08-12, 11:17 PM
Turing just grinned at the description, and his smile only grew wider when he saw the look on Jack's face.

"Sure, I can handle that. If you're lucky, I might be able to bring you an authentic dinosaur-skin rug as part of the super bonus round. I'll swing by to pick it up in the next day or two, assuming we all live that long."

2012-08-12, 11:27 PM
"Tight. I'll have it ready for you," said Firebee, hanging up.

2012-08-12, 11:40 PM
"Alright, I think that puts us at 75% or so armed. Now I guess we all just hope that the Abyss is allergic to bullets." The next few days sounded insane, between meeting with the bad guys and facing monsters from outside reality alongside mages of questionable stability, but Turing's spirits were high in spite of it, bouyed by the meeting with Errant and the chance to shake up the Seers in Detroit.

"So now what's the plan?"

2012-08-13, 04:49 AM
Amun decided not to comment on the grenade launcher.

"Is our schedule crammed full by now, or can we see about fitting in a visit with the Jerusalem Man? I must admit, I find myself curious now about what he knows," and what he's like and what he's up to, Amun added mentally.

2012-08-13, 04:54 AM
Amun decided not to comment on the grenade launcher.

"Is our schedule crammed full by now, or can we see about fitting in a visit with the Jerusalem Man? I must admit, I find myself curious now about what he knows," and what he's like and what he's up to, Amun added mentally.

A quick recap of the Cabal's commitments and schedule:

Today, Wednesday: 2/9/15 Nothing
Thursday: 3/9/15: Noon, meeting with Slade. Evening, meeting with Cyprus. Sometime: Pick up gun from Firebee.
Friday: 4/9/15 Nothing
Saturday: 5/9/15 Nothing
Sunday: 6/9/15 Help the Speakeasy Society
Wednesday 10/9/15 Date with Errant
Monday 15/9/15: Consilium Meeting

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-13, 09:53 PM
"I suppose we might have time, if you fancy striking whilst the iron is hot and all that." Jack answered Amun, pausing in his playing for a moment and probably glad he raised a subject that didn't directly feature military grade explosives.

"Failing that if we get through tomorrow in one piece we'd have plenty of time before we our appointment with the Speakeasy and their own little problem."

2012-08-13, 10:59 PM
"I think I'll sit out the visit to the Jerusalem Man. That should up your odds of getting through it without a magical duel." Turing grimaced, and played with his lighter, flicking open the lid and snapping it shut again.

"I'll find something else to do. Talk to ghosts. Make myself useful."

2012-08-14, 07:08 AM
Amun considered. "I think it would be a good idea to see what the Jerusalem Man knows, to learn more about the situation, before we go meet the seers. The more we know, the better, no?"

2012-08-14, 08:02 AM
"I think I'll sit out the visit to the Jerusalem Man. That should up your odds of getting through it without a magical duel." Turing grimaced, and played with his lighter, flicking open the lid and snapping it shut again.

"I'll find something else to do. Talk to ghosts. Make myself useful."

Tessen grabs hold of Turing's arm and leans her head against his shoulder.

"Good idea. I'll go with Turing, I'm sure we can find something useful to do while you two meet the Jerusalem Man."

She turns her head up and smiles imploringly at Turing.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-14, 09:09 AM
"You should come with us Tessen." Jack said, simply.
"I think you owe it to yourself to follow your question through, if nothing else. You did want to find out about the Sword of Damocles, after all, enough to ask the Quiet."

He blew a few notes on the Ocarina before continuing.
"It's your choice of course."

2012-08-14, 06:06 PM
Tessen sighs and lets go of Turing. "Well Jack, you and Amun are both Acanthus mages, so it's easier for you to cast a time spell than me. Why don't you just ask whether it would be better for one or both of Turing and me to see the Jerusalem Man or not?"

2012-08-14, 10:36 PM
Turing was about to say he was fine with Tessen tagging along, but actually the use of time or fate magic didn't strike him as a bad idea. "Yeah, I'll just be poking around odd corners. Considering where you're going, it might not be bad to have someone around who knows Forces. But that's what the fates can decide for us, right?"

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-15, 09:38 AM
"I'm going to be honest with you both here for a moment." Jack put the Ocarina away.

"If that's what it takes, I'll cast the spell and it'll tell us what it tells us, and if we word the question right it may even give us a useful answer. But I don't want to. I don't think we need to. If I'm perfectly honest here, I think you should both come along whatever the spell would say, I think you owe it to yourselves. You've both got these pre-concieved notions of what the Jerusalem Man is, or was, or might be. Maybe they're right, maybe he's a thug, maybe he'll be rude and maybe he'll even get in a fight with Turing if he comes along."

Jack paused, collecting his thoughts.

"But I'll tell you what he definately is. He's the one man in all of Detroit most capable of and most likely to make a meaningful change. I think that we should all meet with him and hear what he has to say about the Fate of Detroit and it's Sword of Damocles in person. I think it might just be Important."

2012-08-15, 03:07 PM
Amun made a little approving grumble in the deep shade of his mane of hair. He wasn't fond of the Crew as a whole, and some of its members really rubbed him the wrong way, but he would be the first to admit that you shouldn't judge the Jerusalem Man without even knowing the guy. He could be a good and decent fellow who honestly tried his best with the kind of people he had to work with, probably a hell of a job. It would be nice if that was the truth.

2012-08-15, 09:56 PM
"I feel like I should point out that the atomic bomb also had a meaningful impact..." Turing took out another cigarette and twirled it around for a moment in his hands before he paused, frowning, and shoved it back into the package.

"On the other hand, I can't resist an I-told-you-so, and if he's really the only one who knows anything about this sword, I guess I would like to know what I got into a fist fight with a cop over. Just make sure someone else does the talking. I don't trust myself around him."

2012-08-15, 10:10 PM
Tessen's head droops when Turing answers, "...fine, I guess I'll go too. But if we end up scrambling out of the building while the roof collapses, you can't hold me responsible."

2012-08-16, 05:56 AM
"Now that that's settled, how do we get an audience, exactly?" Amun asked. They could just look around until they found a member who would let them see the big guy, but there were no doubt better ways.

[A Streetwise roll perhaps, to know where to go and who to talk to?]

2012-08-16, 07:33 AM
While T-Street was usually pretty nasty, the cabal had Chanic's phone number and he'd be able to tell the goons to let them through without much trouble.

T-Street, formerly Tungesteria Avenue, was one of the most beat up parts of the city. Every dealer was packing heat openly, and all the shops were closed and busted into with the exception of a few strip joints. Fading posters and billboards were plastered with graffiti. Oddly, a church was open, untroubled by the brutal lawlessness outside.

The J-Man was said to hang out at an old fashioned pub right on the end of T-Street, a squat one-storey diner with tacky green-and-red stained glass windows. A pair of bouncers with sub machine guns blocked the entrance.

2012-08-16, 09:54 PM
As they headed down the ravaged street, Turing tried to make up his mind whether the state of the place were the cause or the effect connected to the Jerusalem Man's presence there. He was leaning toward the latter, but tried to keep his opinions to himself for the moment.

Spotting the submachine guns, he turned to Amun and Jack and said in a low voice, "Does one of you want to try to talk to Chanic for us? I don't feel up to charming my way past the goon squad."

2012-08-16, 10:36 PM
Tessen tries not to look at anyone, and holds on to Turing's arm while standing beside and very slightly behind him when she sees the submachine guns.

2012-08-17, 12:09 AM
Turing half-turned and gave Tessen a smile. Most of the time, the younger Mage reminded him of a few of his favorite students back at the university, but occasionally she would make him think of Emily - and those moments were always bittersweet.

2012-08-17, 06:54 AM
Amun took in the street, and in particular noticed the church. It stood out. He wondered whether to take it as a good sign, that perhaps someone was trying and apparently succeeding in some small way, or to dismiss it as a stupid waste of time by people who would rather kneel to a master in the sky than rise up and take a seat by his side ... or more likely, in Amun's experience, throw the selfish bastard off the damn thing. Amun wasn't a very reverent man.

When they neared the end of the street he looked towards Jack expectantly. Jack was just the man to do the talking, in Amun's humble opinion.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-17, 07:46 PM
The building infront of them almost reminded him of home for a moment. Jack returned Amun's expectant look evenly, before sighing resignedly and taking the lead.

"Afternoon, guys." He greeted the heavily armed men by the door casually, hands relaxed and in view. "We're here to talk with the Jerusalem Man. Chanic said something about letting you guys know we were coming?"

Jack didn't make any move to further approach the door, waiting instead for prompting from the bouncers.

2012-08-17, 07:56 PM
"Didn't hear nothin' about nothin'," said the goon on the right, who for the sake of convenience shall henceforth be referred to as Rastapopolis.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-17, 08:06 PM
"Right, no problem. I'll give him a bell, see if we're early or something." Jack retreived his phone from his pocked, bringing up the contacts list and choosing the text message option next to Chanic's entry.

Hey. We're just outside the pub now. You going to say hi, show us in? Still owe you a drink or two, if nothing else.

He slipped the phone back in his pocket with his off-hand and looked out along the street as he waited.

2012-08-17, 08:10 PM
The text came back:

The J-Man likes to test visitors, see what they do when blocked. It's an Arrow thing.

2012-08-17, 08:36 PM
Tessen looks over the building and the guards with forces sight active, looking to see if they have any electronic equipment, where people might be in the building, how its wired and so forth.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-17, 08:39 PM
Jack thought for a moment, weighing up the situation.
"Let's start over. Hi, I'm Jack, pleasure to meet the both of you." He paused long enough for them to offer their names in return, should they feel like sharing.

"Can we go in?" If in doubt, ask politely.

2012-08-17, 08:40 PM
Tessen looks over the building and the guards with forces sight active, looking to see if they have any electronic equipment, where people might be in the building, how its wired and so forth.

Rastapololis has a cell phone, the building has shoddy wiring hooked up to a diesel generator out the back. No big power drains, but the electricity regulator would not approve of this place. There aren't any cell phones on the inside, though there is a TV which is getting illegal cable.

Jack thought for a moment, weighing up the situation.
"Let's start over. Hi, I'm Jack, pleasure to meet the both of you." He paused long enough for them to offer their names in return, should they feel like sharing.

"Can we go in?" If in doubt, ask politely.

"Didn't hear nothin' about letting nobody in," repeated Rastopolis uncreatively.

[There's be a roll involved to get this guy to do anything]

2012-08-17, 08:49 PM
Rastapololis has a cell phone, the building has shoddy wiring hooked up to a diesel generator out the back. No big power drains, but the electricity regulator would not approve of this place. There aren't any cell phones on the inside, though there is a TV which is getting illegal cable.

Are there any lights turned on inside, or signs of heat, or something that would indicate that there are actually people in this building?

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-17, 08:54 PM
"That's okay, he is expecting us. You can always escort us in, if you want to play it safe."

[Manipulation plus Persuation I take it?
Without bonuses/Penalties, that'd be a dice pool of 5.

Dice say; 10 - 5 - 5 - 9 - 7 (Avg: 7.2)
10's get re-rolled, don't they? Or is that only with specialities?
If re-roll is appropriate, die says; 9 (Avg: 9.0)
Which would be two successes, three if the ten is re-rolled, and all null if there were penalties I needed to take into account. ]

2012-08-17, 09:08 PM
Turing didn't particularly care if they met with the Jerusalem Man, but he wanted a clear answer on whether they should stay or go. He really wan't in the mood for dealing with the gang's runaround treatment.

2012-08-18, 04:20 AM
Are there any lights turned on inside, or signs of heat, or something that would indicate that there are actually people in this building?

Yes and yes.

"That's okay, he is expecting us. You can always escort us in, if you want to play it safe."

[Manipulation plus Persuation I take it?
Without bonuses/Penalties, that'd be a dice pool of 5.

Dice say; 10 - 5 - 5 - 9 - 7 (Avg: 7.2)
10's get re-rolled, don't they? Or is that only with specialities?
If re-roll is appropriate, die says; 9 (Avg: 9.0)
Which would be two successes, three if the ten is re-rolled, and all null if there were penalties I needed to take into account. ]

[10's always get rerolled]

Gears churned in Rastapopolis' mind. He came to the conclusion that if the J-Man was expecting these guys and he turned them away he'd get beaten down. If the J-Man wasn't expecting these guys he'd get to beat them down. And the J-Man saw a lot of weirdoes.

"All right. Nothing funny. And guns stay at the door. We're gonna pat you down to be sure," he said.

2012-08-18, 04:40 AM
Amun shrugged under his heavy clothes, and simply parked his suitcase - with the shotgun - next to the wall. He hadn't expected to have any need for it anyway. Using a gun here was probably a mistake you didn't make twice. Besides, they were just here to talk. "All good," he said as he stepped back.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-18, 06:38 AM
Jack coughed up the pistol he had tucked inside his suit cheerfully, even fishing out the clip of ammunition to go with it from an inside pocket on the other side.

He felt lighter without them. He awaited the pat-down, cheerfully.

2012-08-18, 10:54 AM
Tessen doesn't yet have her pistol, but takes the taser out of her purse in case they think that would be an issue. No sense in picking a fight, after all.

2012-08-18, 11:30 AM
Once the weapons were set aside, Rastapopolis decided that it was safe to let them in through the door.

The bar's original name was long lost to history, and the only words written on its exterior were "The Audacity Of Hope" which came from a faded 2008 Obama campaign bumper sticker someone had stuck on the door. The durability of that sticker was a minor miracle in itself. As bar names went, there were worse.

The interior was faded and smoky, small puddles of reddish light pooling around darkened booths. There weren't any drinks behind the bar, instead the shelves had been knocked down and replaced with a large solid black crucifix. All across the tables there were books - bibles, self-help books, Arabic to English dictionaries, memoirs from famous orators, travel guides. Here and there on the walls were elaborately detailed pencil sketches, depicting saints and monsters and constellations. The roof was torn open, revealing a network of pipes and cables dangling from above. The television was showing footage of Iranian warships moving into the Persian gulf, playing tinny propaganda music while bearded clerics ranted.

The Jerusalem Man was standing facing directly towards the large crucifix, head bowed in prayer or meditation. Vicious hands, calloused by repeated blows and scarred by tattoo ink, hung gently open. The black leather jacket gave way to the sinuous chords of his neck. The bloody red crucifix tattooed into the back of his head seemed to glow in the dim, ruddy light.

He said no words and did not turn, but it was clear that he was listening.

2012-08-18, 11:37 AM
There's something about this scene, the room thrumming with religious symbols, the man standing there, the signs of war on the television. Something that makes Tessen think about the painting of the artist in the church, like an echo of the supernal trying to be expressed here.

She's not sure why she steps forward, but she does

"I've seen the sword of Damocles hanging over this city, we've all seen it, but it was incomplete, the prophecy for it wasn't finished. You know about it, and we need your help. We...we can still save this place!"

She stops, shy after her sudden outburst.

2012-08-18, 11:39 AM
There's something about this scene, the room thrumming with religious symbols, the man standing there, the signs of war on the television. Something that makes Tessen think about the painting of the artist in the church, like an echo of the supernal trying to be expressed here.

She's not sure why she steps forward, but she does

"I've seen the sword of Damocles hanging over this city, we've all seen it, but it was incomplete, the prophecy for it wasn't finished. You know about it, and we need your help. We...we can still save this place!"

She stops, shy after her sudden outburst.

There was a brief, distant chuckle.

The Jerusalem Man shrugged his shoulders back and let his jacket fall to the floor.


"I know," he said.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-18, 07:41 PM
The impact of the moment hit like a fist to the solar-plexis. The Jerusalem Man certainly knew about presentation, that's for sure.
"Well, now isn't that something?" He breathed. The Tattoo was spectacular. The potential implications many and dizzying.

"That Sword, surrounded by a pillar of fire and hanging above Detroit like the Sword of of Damocles. My friends here saw it yesterday in a little church, painted twenty, thirty foot high in vivid colour and surrounded by floating crosses. We'd be very grateful if you'd be willing to talk to us about it. Word is, you know more about it than anyone else in Detroit." Jack admired the Jerusalem Man's back and it's elaborate ink-work for a moment.

"And I can believe that, right now."

2012-08-18, 09:35 PM
"The Sword of God," the Jerusalem man spoke slowly so he would make no mistakes with the foreign language, "is the destiny of this city. Its mark echoes everywhere. Sometimes it manifests as the Phoenix, descending from the sky to bring redemption. Sometimes it manifests as the Sword, bringing judgement. Either way, it brings what the city needs."

The Jerusalem man reached out to lay his hand on the cross. "I believe that the problem is not that it might fall. I believe that the problem was that it was prevented from falling. Without a clean break from its past, the city rots."

He turned. "More than that I cannot tell you freely, for it is knowledge hard won, and your intentions for the Sword may be different than mine."

2012-08-18, 10:24 PM
The Jerusalem Man's bar was not what Turing had been expecting. Of course, he knew there were dealers and gangbangers that wore silver crosses even while they mowed down their opposition along with innocent bystanders, but something here felt... sincere. He wasn't exactly ready to start chatting with the man, but he suddenly found it much easier to keep his peace in this place.

At his suggestion that the city might be rotting, bound to its own past, a single word - Revenant - flashed through Turing's mind. The thought made him shudder, deep and involuntary. A Moros knew there were indeed fates worse than Death.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-18, 11:07 PM
"I think we agree on one thing, at least. The city needs change." Jack mused, feeling out the ideas.

"And that whatever it is that happened, it's something in the city's past, I suppose. That's two things, then. I have a question actually, now that I think about it. Have you ever heard of there being a Queen or possibly Queens of Detroit?"

Jack thought for a moment, before continuing.
"I think I'd like to know what your intentions are, for the city and the sword. I get the feeling I might not get that just by asking nicely though. If and when we manage to earn the answers to that, I have a request actually. If our goals coincide, then allow us to help you. If our idea of what needs to be done is different from yours, will you agree to give us a chance to talk you round to our point of view?"

2012-08-18, 11:50 PM
"I think we agree on one thing, at least. The city needs change." Jack mused, feeling out the ideas.

"And that whatever it is that happened, it's something in the city's past, I suppose. That's two things, then. I have a question actually, now that I think about it. Have you ever heard of there being a Queen or possibly Queens of Detroit?"

"I have not. I might have touched on aspects of their existence but I have not heard those titles."

Jack thought for a moment, before continuing.
"I think I'd like to know what your intentions are, for the city and the sword. I get the feeling I might not get that just by asking nicely though. If and when we manage to earn the answers to that, I have a request actually. If our goals coincide, then allow us to help you. If our idea of what needs to be done is different from yours, will you agree to give us a chance to talk you round to our point of view?"

"I was going to offer you much the same thing," said the Jerusalem Man.

2012-08-19, 12:09 AM
"There's no need for a standoff, I'll tell you what I want, though I can't speak for all my friends. I want to save this city. If the choice is between the sword destroying it and the Phoenix renewing it, I choose the Phoenix. I want to find out what happened, what went wrong. And I want to fix it. I don't know what the sword would do, or whether you're right that the city rots because its destruction was prevented. But I don't care, I'm going to do whatever it takes to save the people here and help them wake up."

2012-08-19, 12:18 AM
"There's no need for a standoff, I'll tell you what I want, though I can't speak for all my friends. I want to save this city. If the choice is between the sword destroying it and the Phoenix renewing it, I choose the Phoenix. I want to find out what happened, what went wrong. And I want to fix it. I don't know what the sword would do, or whether you're right that the city rots because its destruction was prevented. But I don't care, I'm going to do whatever it takes to save the people here and help them wake up."

"Tell me, Tessen, was it? What is missing from the vision of the Sword of God? What is not present in that painting?"

2012-08-19, 06:01 AM
Amun looked around and rather disliked what he saw, but he wisely kept his mouth shut about it. He was also trying to tell himself that there were many philosophies and views on matters, and it was possible that this man had some sensible ideas even if they were wrapped up in bad symbolism and history. You could reinvent and reinterpret things, as it were. People did it all the time.

At the last question, Amun tried to recall the image in the church and what he remembered about the myth and stories. Maybe there was something, a stray fact or memory of use.

[Eidetic Memory to recall the painting and what he knows of the myth of the Sword, looking for something maybe missing in the picture. I believe this doesn't require a roll, since there's no stress, but let me know if it does

Intelligence+Wits for Encyclopedic Knowledge dice pool 5: 4, 2, 2, 10, 9, ten again 2, two successes]

2012-08-19, 06:37 AM
Amun looked around and rather disliked what he saw, but he wisely kept his mouth shut about it. He was also trying to tell himself that there were many philosophies and views on matters, and it was possible that this man had some sensible ideas even if they were wrapped up in bad symbolism and history. You could reinvent and reinterpret things, as it were. People did it all the time.

At the last question, Amun tried to recall the image in the church and what he remembered about the myth and stories. Maybe there was something, a stray fact or memory of use.

[Eidetic Memory to recall the painting and what he knows of the myth of the Sword, looking for something maybe missing in the picture. I believe this doesn't require a roll, since there's no stress, but let me know if it does

Intelligence+Wits for Encyclopedic Knowledge dice pool 5: 4, 2, 2, 10, 9, ten again 2, two successes]

[While Eidetic Memory is applicable for remembering exact details of the description, the Jerusalem Man is being metaphorical rather than specific here. I suppose that Encyclopedic Knowledge would apply, though:

To whit, he is referring to the fact that nobody is holding the sword. Normally an Angel or such is sent to bear such a powerful holy weapon but in the image in the church the Sword stood on it's own.

From there the implications would seem to be "Do you really think you're good enough to hold the Sword of God in your hands?" and "Do you really expect me to believe that and trust you with that kind of power?"]

2012-08-19, 07:24 AM
"No one's holding it," Amun muttered thoughtfully, not so much directed at the J-Man as to his own little world in general. "It's waiting," he continued thoughtfully, "but who's to say for who, what or when? Perhaps it is a warning. Seems like a warning to me."

2012-08-19, 07:26 AM
"No one's holding it," Amun muttered thoughtfully, not so much directed at the J-Man as to his own little world in general. "It's waiting," he continued thoughtfully, "but who's to say for who, what or when? Perhaps it is a warning. Seems like a warning to me."

"If it was a warning," said the Jerusalem Man, "we would have been warned."

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-19, 08:25 AM
"I was going to offer you much the same thing," said the Jerusalem Man.

"Sounds like we have a deal, then." Jack grinned, warmly. "I can't help but get the feeling that these Queens are tied up in whatever went wrong."

"From what I've seen and heard about the painting, it doesn't feel like it was a warning. It was too magnificent, more like a... promise? You know, it might be a good idea to get a second look if it's still there and intact. All of us, perhaps?" A road-trip with the Jerusalem Man? Now that would be an unusual way to end an unusual day, he thought.

2012-08-19, 08:34 AM
"Sounds like we have a deal, then." Jack grinned, warmly. "I can't help but get the feeling that these Queens are tied up in whatever went wrong."

"From what I've seen and heard about the painting, it doesn't feel like it was a warning. It was too magnificent, more like a... promise? You know, it might be a good idea to get a second look if it's still there and intact. All of us, perhaps?" A road-trip with the Jerusalem Man? Now that would be an unusual way to end an unusual day, he thought.

"If you have laid claim to a site of prophecy and will share it with me, the least I can do is share what I find when investigating. However, I don't think that a visit during broad daylight and on invitation alone is wise," said the Jerusalem Man. "If you give me the location I shall take my own precautions when visiting."

2012-08-19, 08:40 AM
"I don't know," Amun shrugged, "it could be a well-meant warning, a prod to tell us there's still time. A little incentive to get our act together, you know? Why else send just the sword without a vengeful angel, if not to tell us there's still time before the angel gets here?"

"Nevertheless, a second visit couldn't hurt."

2012-08-19, 08:57 AM
"I don't know," Amun shrugged, "it could be a well-meant warning, a prod to tell us there's still time. A little incentive to get our act together, you know? Why else send just the sword without a vengeful angel, if not to tell us there's still time before the angel gets here?"

"Nevertheless, a second visit couldn't hurt."

"It wouldn't be a prophecy if it weren't possible to endlessly argue it's potential meanings," said the Jerusalem Man. "I have found an interpretation that feels correct, and I must have faith in that."

2012-08-19, 09:05 AM
Amun nodded. He could respect that, at least. "Fair point." And then he left the discussion of the church to Jack, who had brought it up.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-19, 09:12 AM
"I'm not sure I'd say we claimed it. I'm not sure we have the resources to do any such thing, not really, but we know where it is and you know what they say, Information wants to be free." He smiled. "As long as the others are okay with it, I'd be happy to share it's location in exchange for what you find out there."

He paused, weighing things up before speaking further.
"Precautions are probably wise. There has already been Throne interference. It may not even be there anymore. We'll just have to trust our luck on that one."

2012-08-19, 09:16 AM
"I'm not sure I'd say we claimed it. I'm not sure we have the resources to do any such thing, not really, but we know where it is and you know what they say, Information wants to be free." He smiled. "As long as the others are okay with it, I'd be happy to share it's location in exchange for what you find out there."

He paused, weighing things up before speaking further.
"Precautions are probably wise. There has already been Throne interference. It may not even be there anymore. We'll just have to trust our luck on that one."

"I understand. Is there anything else you wish of me? I have plenty of information, but it is for trade only," said the Jerusalem Man.

2012-08-19, 05:18 PM
So the Sword of God doesn't have a bearer... But what is the Sword, exactly, and who's going to try to wield it? Turing mused to himself.

The Jerusalem Man continued to surprise him with his civility, but at the moment, Turing didn't think any of his most pressing questions were likely to find an answer here, so he didn't volunteer any further information.

2012-08-19, 06:27 PM
"No one's holding it," Amun muttered thoughtfully, not so much directed at the J-Man as to his own little world in general. "It's waiting," he continued thoughtfully, "but who's to say for who, what or when? Perhaps it is a warning. Seems like a warning to me."

"I don't know who should hold it. If anyone. It c-could be me, b-but probably not." *Tessen pauses for a second to recompose herself* "I want to learn who should wield it."

"I understand. Is there anything else you wish of me? I have plenty of information, but it is for trade only," said the Jerusalem Man.

"Alright, I have a trade to offer. I can tell you within a few years exactly when the city went wrong, if you think that's something that would help you investigate the sword. I'd like to know why you robbed that bank and maintain a reputation for being a...well, a thug."

2012-08-19, 09:12 PM
"I don't know who should hold it. If anyone. It c-could be me, b-but probably not." *Tessen pauses for a second to recompose herself* "I want to learn who should wield it."

"There is no should. There is only can and only will."

"Alright, I have a trade to offer. I can tell you within a few years exactly when the city went wrong, if you think that's something that would help you investigate the sword. I'd like to know why you robbed that bank and maintain a reputation for being a...well, a thug."

"'Within a few years' is remarkably unhelpful as far as Time magic is concerned... but the information is interesting, so I shall give you an answer which is similarly vague.

"Look outside. Every man is armed. Every man is loyal. The worst of the city remembers their faith and knows where their loyalty is. You do not reach these people with radio broadcasts and bake sales. You reach them by forging them into something useful, giving them purpose, sharing your vision with them."

2012-08-19, 11:32 PM
"And how far will you go to reach them? To retain their loyalty?"

2012-08-19, 11:52 PM
"And how far will you go to reach them? To retain their loyalty?"

"I don't have to do anything. I don't have to change anything about myself. I don't have to sacrifice, or compromise, or alter my ethical code," said the Jerusalem Man.

"The Guardians will tell you you have to sacrifice your ethics on the altar of the greater good. The Ladder will tell you that seizing power is necessary whatever the cost. The Free Council will tell you that compromise must be reached.

"I reject those answers and the assumptions that come with them. I will be who I am, and I will share my vision with those who seek it. I shall be as myself, immovable, and those who respect my beliefs will come to me. I do not need them and I do not seek them. I would not falter even if I had to walk this path alone."

2012-08-20, 12:14 AM
"Good. I may have been too quick to judge you after all."

2012-08-20, 12:17 AM
"Good. I may have been too quick to judge you after all."

"Don't be so sure. I might be unwavering in being a bastard," said the Jerusalem Man with a faint smile.

2012-08-20, 12:18 AM
"Then at least I'll have some company."

2012-08-20, 12:21 AM
"Then at least I'll have some company."

"Heh. Contrary to popular belief I know exactly what I'm doing. If I ever seem insane, and I almost certainly will at some point, have faith there is a method behind it."

2012-08-20, 01:00 AM
Turing was smiling a little himself by this point. "I'll keep it in mind."

Provided it didn't lead to innocents getting harmed, he could handle a little insanity now an then. Added variety to life.

2012-08-20, 04:29 AM
Tessen smiles at him as well. "Not every ladder will say that you have to seize power whatever the cost. I think I misjudged you as well. I just hope that even if you're a bastard, you're one interested in helping innocents, not trampling them when they get in your way."

2012-08-20, 05:33 AM
Tessen smiles at him as well. "Not every ladder will say that you have to seize power whatever the cost. I think I misjudged you as well. I just hope that even if you're a bastard, you're one interested in helping innocents, not trampling them when they get in your way."

"Where I come from, there is a saying: If they are in your way, learn how to fly," said the Jerusalem Man.

2012-08-20, 05:51 AM
Amun listened thoughtfully, but refrained from commenting. It took a special kind of man to deal with the worst of the city, you had to be a little bit mad at least. So a mad man, or a wise man, a little bit of both in all likelihood. It was too early to tell if it was more of the former or the latter ... or what kind of madness, but so far it had been reassuring.

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-20, 08:22 PM
"I don't think I have any more questions, just yet. I'll have to save them up, for next time." He smiled, then seeing as how no-one seemed to be in a mood to object, passed on the general address of the Church they had been discussing.

"I'm sure we'll be talking again soon enough but if anything comes up, Chanic has my number."

2012-08-20, 08:50 PM
Turing had returned to silence, and was preparing to depart along with the others. He reminded himself that he still needed to grab the gun Firebee had promised, and figure out what to do when he finally met with Slade.

2012-08-20, 09:00 PM
Tessen was about ready to go as well. She was thinking of doing another radio broadcast, and now that Jack was back, maybe seeing if he could up the signal range a bit.

2012-08-20, 09:18 PM
"Very well. Solom to you," said the Jerusalem Man, nodding towards the door.

2012-08-21, 01:42 PM
"Very well. Solom to you," said the Jerusalem Man, nodding towards the door.

"Solom" Tessen says in reply. "the time was the early 1950s. Before that the city was strong and vibrant. After, it was weak and decaying. Thank you for your advice and explanation."

2012-08-21, 07:33 PM
"Solom" Turing turned and began to head for the door, his cane tapping quitely against the floor.

2012-08-22, 12:20 AM
When Tessen gets back, she asks Jack to upgrade her antenna and, as soon as it's ready, gets back on for another broadcast.

"Hey all you cats and kittens, this is DJ Skylark, broadcasting into the wild blue yonder today and hoping that someone out there is picking up. First, some personal news. I'm still looking around for a job, so if any of you folks out there know of a good chance for me to put my voice and my pen to use giving back to the city, hit me up at (313) SKYLARK, that's (313) 759-5275.

Now, let me tell you, I heard today that you can't win hearts and minds with radio broadcasts, and I trust you, my loyal listeners (all zero of you that there may be) to help prove that wrong. Putting the good word out onto the air spreads it who knows where, and it's from the good word that ideas spring forth into action.

So, today I'm sending you all out a classic good idea, put on with a bit of a modern twist. This baby is basically a love ballad to one of the best game series out there: The Legend of Zelda. Take a listen to Carbohydrom's "Unsealed" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoqURC61eHo)

*Music ends*

Now, here's the thing. The same fellow that said radio broadcasts don't work so well, he also said something pretty smart. He told me that the way you get to people is to share your vision with them. And he's right, even if he doesn't quite get all the methods out there. So, I want you all to see what I see: all the potential of everyone out there. All we need to do is wake up, just open our eyes and look around and really see the world and we can make our dreams into reality.

So, my thought for the day is to go find the nearest window, look out it, and find at least one thing that's beautiful and tell somebody else about that. Share just a little of the world's profound truth with someone else.

Peace Y'all"

2012-08-22, 12:43 AM
Tessen did get a phone call. A polite, elderly lady had rung up to say that she had a "very nice voice" and was wondering if she'd "be so kind as to give a bit of a talk at the local church on Sunday?"

2012-08-22, 01:26 AM
"Oh. I u-um, I was hoping to have a chance to do some writing. B-but I would be happy to speak at the church. Could you, um, tell me which church that would be, and what subject you'd like me to speak about?"

2012-08-22, 01:32 AM
"Oh. I u-um, I was hoping to have a chance to do some writing. B-but I would be happy to speak at the church. Could you, um, tell me which church that would be, and what subject you'd like me to speak about?"

She gave the address; it was a Protestant church in a relatively nice part of town. "Well, we have a lot of young people who don't really know what to do with themselves, so if you could be a role model and show them some alternatives that would be plain lovely," said the old lady.

2012-08-22, 02:06 AM
She gave the address; it was a Protestant church in a relatively nice part of town. "Well, we have a lot of young people who don't really know what to do with themselves, so if you could be a role model and show them some alternatives that would be plain lovely," said the old lady.

"Oh well, o-of course. Should I give the [insert preacher/minister/shephard depending on protestant denomination] a call as well, to make sure we don't overlap?"

2012-08-22, 02:34 AM
"Oh well, o-of course. Should I give the [insert preacher/minister/shephard depending on protestant denomination] a call as well, to make sure we don't overlap?"

"Don't worry about that. He's my husband and I think he'd appreciate a day off."

2012-08-22, 02:43 AM
"Oh...wow. I um, I'm not sure that I'm qualified to lead a congregation. Don't you, um, n-need to attend school for that? What If I make a mistake leading the sacrament, or don't do the opening prayers properly? It, w-would probably be better if I didn't, I wouldn't want to upset anyone."

2012-08-22, 04:32 AM
"Oh, honey, you'll be fine! We're not the type of church that stands on ceremony. Big hearts, big songs," said the old woman in a way that was so friendly it defied argument.

2012-08-22, 06:51 AM
Amun started by settling his little debt with Turing, getting that out of the way before something else once again distracted them both. With that off his conscience, Amun left the tower. He had spent too much time in the confines of the indoors with fine drinks, fine food and good company and actual beds, what he needed was to feel the pavement beneath his feet and the slow, labored beating of the city's heart, to breathe the smog and wander the shadows with his own mind as his only companion.

And then, in the middle of his quiet wandering and wonderings he decided to make a stop by the Speakeasy at some point along the way. No rush, but if they were going to help the Society with something he would prefer not to go in blind. Being told to bring guns didn't tell you much.

2012-08-22, 07:25 AM
Amun started by settling his little debt with Turing, getting that out of the way before something else once again distracted them both. With that off his conscience, Amun left the tower. He had spent too much time in the confines of the indoors with fine drinks, fine food and good company and actual beds, what he needed was to feel the pavement beneath his feet and the slow, labored beating of the city's heart, to breathe the smog and wander the shadows with his own mind as his only companion.

And then, in the middle of his quiet wandering and wonderings he decided to make a stop by the Speakeasy at some point along the way. No rush, but if they were going to help the Society with something he would prefer not to go in blind. Being told to bring guns didn't tell you much.

The Speakeasy weren't quick to find - they owned half a dozen bars and nightclubs and could be in any one of them. Eventually he found them in their "Winter Home" - a dark and depressing little hole in the wall, cramped and empty, with a stage that was barely a podium. The music (http://youtu.be/KSNttZECoiI)was depressing to match.

Johnny Saxaphone was slumped, passed out in the corner, clutching a jar of beer containing a microphone in one hand and his namesake instrument in the other. Dark glasses covered his eyes and a bowler hat covered his head.

Mirror Man was behind the counter, playing darts with kitchen utensils and failing rather badly at it. His forks and spoons were missing the dartboard by a large margin and hitting photographs stuck in the corkboard around it. He kept leaning forwards with his throw and slightly smacking his head from the bottles hanging from the ceiling but showed no sign of learning from his mistake.

There was no sign of Tyler other than the pipe-and-concrete warhammer that was her trademark, hung up behind the counter alongside the stuffed bass. If it was here she probably wasn't too far away.

"Oh hey!" said the Mirror Man, waving as Amun entered, accidentally hitting the bottles from the ceiling in the process. The bottles clinked against each other loudly, and Mirror Man shrieked and ducked. After looking up to check nothing was broken he stood up again, looking unduly proud at this lack of disaster. "What's up!?"

Tiki Snakes
2012-08-22, 08:45 AM
Jack had left the Audacity of Hope with merely a smile and a wave. He checked his gun carefully after recieving it back. It wouldn't do for someone to have loaded it while he wasn't paying attention.

Lost in thought, he settled in to listen to Tessen doing her radio broadcast for a while, throwing a quick casting of Platonic Mechanism onto the Transmitter while she did. It was no long term fix, but it was simple enough to do and might at least make the signal a little more clear for the duration of the live broadcast. It seemed fun, and it was nice watching Tessen being so...confident.

At least for how long the broadcast lasted.

2012-08-22, 06:36 PM
"Oh, honey, you'll be fine! We're not the type of church that stands on ceremony. Big hearts, big songs," said the old woman in a way that was so friendly it defied argument.

"Oh...okay...I'll see you on Sunday then. Have a good day."

Tessen hangs up the phone and stares blankly into space, wondering what in the world just happened.

2012-08-22, 06:58 PM
Amun took his time in finding the Speakeasies, enjoying the little "hunt" through the city's bars and nightclubs, streets and alleys. He took in the little joint as he walked in.

It had ... character, of a sort. This was where life had color, and bumps and scratches to spare, he mused. This was interesting.

He walked up to the bar and leaned on it slightly, watching the bottles and the dart board. "Going to have some interesting days ahead of us, I reckon," he said without getting into details. "But right now one can have a nice and quiet walk, at least." A bit of small talk, don't want to scare the poor man unnecessarily by rushing right at it.

2012-08-22, 07:51 PM
The dart board was a standard bull's-eye, but the photos were from famous cities all around the world; San-Francisco, New York, Cairo, others. Not landmarks, but city-scapes.

"Oh no," said the Mirror Man, face falling. "Nothing good ever happens when a Time mage says interesting."

2012-08-22, 10:38 PM
Turing accompanied the others back to the sanctum, then decided that he wanted to think on his feet. He lit a cigarette and began wandering through the nearly-abandoned streets with Grim Sight active, on the lookout for talkative dead while he tried to puzzle out what a Queen in Detroit might be like.

2012-08-22, 10:43 PM
Turing accompanied the others back to the sanctum, then decided that he wanted to think on his feet. He lit a cigarette and began wandering through the nearly-abandoned streets with Grim Sight active, on the lookout for talkative dead while he tried to puzzle out what a Queen in Detroit might be like.

Random wandering on the streets of Detroit normally only returned the ghosts of the homeless, the insane, or the very poorest. Ghosts tended to lurk where they had resonance; their graveyards, their homes, watching over their descendents. Finding one as sane as Muriel had been a rare stroke of fortune; most of these were wan, pale creatures with nothing interesting to say in life or death.

The chances of finding something useful when randomly wandering was a matter of luck, and Turing had no skill in Fate. He would have to chose his direction with a little more care and direction to get a useful result.

2012-08-22, 10:49 PM
So far on his walk, Turing's luck had been typical, but at least the smoke was good. Eventually, after several blocks of wandering, he recalled that Tessen had mentioned something about Belle Isle earlier and decided to swing by to see the place for himself.

2012-08-22, 10:56 PM
So far on his walk, Turing's luck had been typical, but at least the smoke was good. Eventually, after several blocks of wandering, he recalled that Tessen had mentioned something about Belle Isle earlier and decided to swing by to see the place for himself.

From a Moros' perspective, the island was just... empty. There was no death here. Nothing was built here. Nothing changed here. No interesting ghosts hung out here. It was like it was a place in the world which just didn't matter.

Part of this could be, though, that Turing had none of the Arcana that could interact with a place like this. Most of what he knew could be considered the 'Gross' Arcanum, that dealt with the laws and patterns of the physical world and were bad at providing information on abstract topics. Perhaps if he located and summoned some relevant ghosts there might be more useful data for him. But this place had no strong Underworld reflection because it had never truly lived.

2012-08-22, 11:01 PM
Turing prodded around the area for a while, until he was satisfied it was well and truly boring, then he shrugged and turned toward home. Even a null result was information, but he supposed that if he wanted to dig any deeper he'd have to pester Tessen or one of the others about it.

2012-08-23, 01:22 AM
Turing prodded around the area for a while, until he was satisfied it was well and truly boring, then he shrugged and turned toward home. Even a null result was information, but he supposed that if he wanted to dig any deeper he'd have to pester Tessen or one of the others about it.

On Turing's way home, his eye caught a kitschy little pink plastic plate, adorned with rose patterns, in a cheap and shabby gift shop's window. The text on the plate reads:

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures:
He leads me beside the still waters.
He fattens me well:
He leads me down the slaughter-path for His sustenance's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the stockyard through the abattoir gate,
I will fear no evil: For you are with me;
Your knife and your club, they dispatch me.
You prepare me with lard and the rarest of spices;
You stuff my entrails with fat; My veins spill over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me even after my death,
and I will grind between the Lord's teeth forever.

The price tag reads, "Made in [unintelligible], $2.60"

2012-08-23, 06:35 AM
The dart board was a standard bull's-eye, but the photos were from famous cities all around the world; San-Francisco, New York, Cairo, others. Not landmarks, but city-scapes.

"Oh no," said the Mirror Man, face falling. "Nothing good ever happens when a Time mage says interesting."

Amun opened his mouth to reply, then closed it again, looking a little odd. Now, he had been around the Society before so it was not a great surprise that they knew a little about him, as he knew a little about them, but for a second he felt a little unsure if he had actually said the word 'interesting'. Thought it, yes ... and then he remembered that he had in fact also said it. That was a relief.

But the thought continued, and Amun got a little bit nervous. Now, the Speakeasy seemed a nice bunch and he generally didn't worry about them violating his private thoughts, although having your thoughts probed by anyone without knowing was an unsettling thought, but had they not recently been speaking to a man who was perhaps a little less familiar, with a certain reputation, and thus a little less trustworthy? Had any of the others thought to keep an eye on things back there, or had they stood there like idiots completely unaware of anything possibly going on?

Damn it. Now he hoped the Jerusalem Man wasn't a mind mage of any kind.

He composed himself a little, this was a concern to discuss later with the others. He smiled, hoping to ease the frayed man behind the bar a little. "I didn't mean to upset you," he said, wondering if such a thing was even possible. Could you possibly say anything that would not possibly upset this man? "I simply meant to say my friends and I seem to have a lot on our plates." Although he was sure it had lots of potential for ... badness.

And just because the earlier thought wouldn't leave him, he decided to take a closer look around the bar. [Prime vision]

2012-08-23, 07:20 AM
One of the more annoying features of that warhammer was it glowed so brightly to Supernal vision that it completely blotted out the Resonance of everything around it. It spoke of revolution, violent revolution, and that Truth blotted out all the more subtle ones.

"Oh. Right. Heh," the Mirror Man laughed uneasily. "Anything we can help with? Or is it all wizard conspiracy stuff?"

2012-08-23, 08:21 AM
Well, that was certainly interesting.

Amun decided to move on. "Yes, I was curious about the job we are to help you with. I understand we should ... bring guns, but I wonder if you can tell me anything more about what's going on."

2012-08-23, 08:24 AM
Well, that was certainly interesting.

Amun decided to move on. "Yes, I was curious about the job we are to help you with. I understand we should ... bring guns, but I wonder if you can tell me anything more about what's going on."

"Well... it lives at the old abandoned Children's Dinosaur Museum. I'm almost certain it's evil. And it's probably not a mammoth. They didn't have any mammoths when they were building the Dinosaur Museum," said the Mirror Man.

2012-08-23, 08:43 AM
"So, a dinosaur in a museum? What has it been doing, do you know?"

2012-08-23, 08:44 AM
"So, a dinosaur in a museum? What has it been doing, do you know?"

"Eating cats. And hobos. But mostly cats. I'm pretty sure. I think I'd know if more hobos were missing," said the Mirror Man. "Though I do know a lot of cats."

2012-08-23, 08:49 AM
Amun frowned darkly. "Yes, me too," he said, and decided to go look for some cats later. Maybe some other hobos too. "Why was the museum abandoned in the first place?"

2012-08-23, 08:50 AM
Amun frowned darkly. "Yes, me too," he said, and decided to go look for some cats later. Maybe some other hobos too. "Why was the museum abandoned in the first place?"

"My guess is killer dinosaurs," said the Mirror Man, bobbing his head up and down. "Must have been closed thirty years."

2012-08-23, 08:52 AM
"The dinosaur has been there for thirty years? One would think something would have been done, or that it would have escaped long ago."

2012-08-23, 08:58 AM
"The dinosaur has been there for thirty years? One would think something would have been done, or that it would have escaped long ago."

"Oh... that's a really good point," said the Mirror Man, nodding with wide eyes. "Wow. You're smart."

2012-08-23, 09:00 AM
Amun smiled. "I try. So when did you become aware of it?"

2012-08-23, 09:06 AM
Amun smiled. "I try. So when did you become aware of it?"

"I dunno, man. There was this hobo, and I was all 'hey', and he was all 'what's up' and I was all like 'hey, got any spare change' and he was like 'what' and I was like 'yeah for the bus' and then he started coughing and spat on my shoes a bit but I was wearing sandals so it was sick nasty gross and then he was like 'hey man, maybe you should check out the dinosaur museum' and I was like 'maybe you should give me my goddam bus money' and he was like 'the dinosaur will eat you son' and I was like 'oh crap'. Hobos be crazy, man. Can't trust 'em. They'll say some sh*t don't you believe.

"Oh yeah, so I told Johnny about it and he checked it out and said that it was eating people. And Johnny said it ate Ronald Regan and Tyler was lying when she said he ran away. And Tyler wanted to smash it right away but I got one of them, whatit? Like feelings in your brain? One of those to ask for help because that place sounds dangerous."

2012-08-23, 06:58 PM
Turing only glanced at the plate as he walked by the storefront, but he stopped short a moment later when his brain caught up with what his eyes had seen. Frowning, he glanced around the potholed street, not entirely sure who or what he was searching for, before stepping back to the window to read the message more carefully and inspect the rest of the cheap merchandise on display.

2012-08-23, 09:32 PM
Turing only glanced at the plate as he walked by the storefront, but he stopped short a moment later when his brain caught up with what his eyes had seen. Frowning, he glanced around the potholed street, not entirely sure who or what he was searching for, before stepping back to the window to read the message more carefully and inspect the rest of the cheap merchandise on display.

The rest of the merchandise was just cheap, gaudy junk; tacky little souvenirs and baubles for low income families. Even the owner didn't seem particularly unusual. It was just that one plate.

2012-08-23, 09:44 PM
Satisfied that the plate was the only object of interest, Turing entered the little shop and collected it along with a few other items, then plopped them down on the counter to purchase. He wasn't sure what it meant, exactly, but he wasn't going to let the odd message get away.

2012-08-23, 09:48 PM
The owner happily rang up the items for Turing and he was now the proud owner of a little porcelain angel, some mugs with the statue of liberty on them, and a creepy little plate.

2012-08-23, 09:54 PM
With the kitsch safely stowed away in a bag, Turing headed back to the sanctum. He walked a little quicker than before, interested to see what the others might make of the message.

2012-08-23, 10:19 PM
When Turing finds Tessen, she's on the roof, idly staring off into the distance. She doesn't seem to notice his approach, or the fact that she's gripping the railing so hard that her knuckles are white.

2012-08-23, 11:00 PM
Turing had left the plate in his room while he made rounds, trying to see where everyone was. When he first saw Tessen on the roof, he considered leaving quietly, since she seemed to be thinking. As he got closer, he realized that something felt wrong, and he picked up his pace until he was standing by her side.

"Tessen? Is everything ok?"

2012-08-23, 11:30 PM
Tessen practically jumps out of her skin. "Huh, oh Turing. Fine, just fine. Everything is fine. I'm going to be speaking at a church this Sunday, in front of the whole congregation. Without any help. But I'm fine." *strained smile*

2012-08-24, 04:48 AM
"I dunno, man. There was this hobo, and I was all 'hey', and he was all 'what's up' and I was all like 'hey, got any spare change' and he was like 'what' and I was like 'yeah for the bus' and then he started coughing and spat on my shoes a bit but I was wearing sandals so it was sick nasty gross and then he was like 'hey man, maybe you should check out the dinosaur museum' and I was like 'maybe you should give me my goddam bus money' and he was like 'the dinosaur will eat you son' and I was like 'oh crap'. Hobos be crazy, man. Can't trust 'em. They'll say some sh*t don't you believe.

"Oh yeah, so I told Johnny about it and he checked it out and said that it was eating people. And Johnny said it ate Ronald Regan and Tyler was lying when she said he ran away. And Tyler wanted to smash it right away but I got one of them, whatit? Like feelings in your brain? One of those to ask for help because that place sounds dangerous."

"Right," Amun said, slowly parsing the long string of words. "Good call." Hobos be crazy, eh? Well, you have to be a little bit crazy to deal with this sort of thing. "So that's all, then?"

2012-08-24, 05:27 AM
"Right," Amun said, slowly parsing the long string of words. "Good call." Hobos be crazy, eh? Well, you have to be a little bit crazy to deal with this sort of thing. "So that's all, then?"

"That's all I know," Mirror Man said, "Johnny's a brain wizard, so who knows what he knows how to know, man?"

2012-08-24, 05:44 AM
Amun glanced at Johnny. "Ah," he said. It made a strange kind of sense. "Doesn't look like he's up for much talking, does it?"

2012-08-24, 05:46 AM
Amun glanced at Johnny. "Ah," he said. It made a strange kind of sense. "Doesn't look like he's up for much talking, does it?"

"I dunno, man. He's, like," Mirror Man's voice dropped into a conspiratorial whisper, "psychic. Maybe if you think at him really hard he'll hear you."

2012-08-24, 06:04 AM
"You ever tried it?" Amun said, still glancing at the jazz man. "Or shall I consider this an experiment?"

2012-08-24, 06:06 AM
"You ever tried it?" Amun said, still glancing at the jazz man. "Or shall I consider this an experiment?"

"Man, I don't need to try stuff, he just knows everything straight up," Mirror Man said.

2012-08-24, 06:14 AM
"Huh," Amun said, and concentrated. "Hey, Johnny? Can you hear me?"