View Full Version : Feat help

2012-07-11, 07:39 AM
I have finished a gestalt build that gains a feat every two levels and need help filling in the last few.


That is the build so everyone can see what it looks like. All suggestions will be taken for the simple fact I do not know what to pick. My best idea was getting more inspiration points but it seems a waste of a feat so i came to the playground for help.

2012-07-11, 08:08 AM
Font of inspiration is never a waste. More standard actions is always better than less standard actions..

2012-07-11, 08:14 AM
Metapower is a good one, I find. Since it lowers the pp cost of using a metapsionic feat for one power, it raises the amount that power can be augmented while still applying that metapsi to it.

Since you have several metapsi feats, either "Psionic Meditation" or "Psicrystal Containment" would be useful.

You've invested several feats in archery, but not enough to make it all that effective. If you really want to use archery, a few more relevant feats would be nice.

2012-07-11, 08:23 AM
I have the archery feats because they came free. No other reason then that really. And I was looking at meta power but was not sure. And psionic mediation is a good idea to make sure i take the most advantage of those free actions. So with three feats to chose metapower is defiantly a contender. Font of inspiration and psionic mediation are up in the air at the moment i want to see what else people have to say.

2012-07-11, 09:35 AM
You can take Font of Inspiration up to 5 times with your Int modifier as it is. This would give you 15 more Inspiration per combat. This gives you 5 extra standard actions per combat. Manifest two powers a turn for 5 turns... You also have quicken power so that's 3 powers a turn as long as you don't deplete your power points.

I currently play a Factotum and FoI is gold...


2012-07-11, 10:13 AM
saddly i only got three open feats. well two because of meta power. So font of inspiration for 1 to 2 points doesn't seem worth it to me. Thats like taking weapon focus

Keld Denar
2012-07-11, 11:49 AM
I agree with the guy who suggested Psionic Meditation. Quality feat. If you are gonna be using any of those Archer feats, I'd get Multishot. It is a standard action to use, which you can generate with Factotum. Just seems synergistic.

When in doubt, I'm a fan of Quick Recovery from Lords of Madness. Gets you out of lots of bad situations that keep you from acting and being awesome. I dunno what your DMs policy on Blasphemy is, but you are at the level where it is a real threat.

2012-07-11, 04:16 PM
well this is for a homebrew world im building where elfs rule at the moment and humans just came to the world. Elfs for the most part are good.