View Full Version : Murder Betwixt the Towers [Eberron 3.5 Noir] IC

2012-07-11, 07:49 AM
Outside Kolare's Apothecary--Cassan Bridge, Middle Menthis Plateau


A crowd was nothing new in Sharn. At its core, the city was simply a crowd all pressed together and stacked on top of itself like a deck of cards. A crowd outside of a shop usually meant it was simply one of a thousand sales designed to get bodies in the door, but a crowd outside of a shop with members of the Sharn Watch blocking the doors meant only one thing--a crime had taken place.

"Nothin' to see here, folks," the burly half-orc watchman said. He held up his hand, palm outstretched as if that one simple gesture could keep at bay the crowd of pedestrians hungry for entertainment. Some in the crowd craned their necks in an attempt to see in the windows, while others in the crowd chattered and tittered amongst themselves. "Could it be another?" one asked. "It was The Strangler!" another voice called out. "Hey now, keep it down!" the watchman bellowed over the crescendo of rumors in the crowd. "Go about your business and keep quiet about it before I start issuin' citations! Now, unless anyone was an eyewitness who'd like to give their account of events to an officer, you'd better scram."

2012-07-11, 09:01 AM
Rayne walks up to the scene of the crime, and tries to see as best he can what went down last night. "I'll probably need to get closer" he thinks to himself. He walks up to the slowest looking member of the watch, and introduces himself. "Rayne Jones, Inquisitive. I'm here to analyze the scene of the crime."

2012-07-11, 11:20 AM
A man with handsome features, piercing blue eyes, and a mop of brown hair pushes through the crowd with a purpose. Marching right up to the Half-Orc watchman who was so cavalierly threatening citations, the young man asserted, "Khlorsec Berthalt. I've been sent in as a consultant. It is vital that I see the scene while it is as fresh as possible. Who is currently the watchman in charge?"

I presume you'll want a Bluff check. Does the roller work in this thread?

2012-07-11, 09:06 PM
"Excuse me, sir." The speaker is a lanky human male in the uniform of an Orien courier. Over his shoulder is slung a leather bag. "But I believe I may have seen something. You wouldn't happen to be looking for someone small wearing a black cloak, would you?" Felix Hennessy explains that he was inside a local apothecary when an old man mentioned calling the watch and reached for some potions. "A few moments later, the cloaked person left. In a hurry, I might add."

2012-07-12, 06:30 AM
"Rayne Jones, Inquisitive. I'm here to analyze the scene of the crime."

Rayne approaches the half-orc Watchman, as the others all seem both high-ranking and highly uninterested. They are gathered around the other door to the apothecary in a semi-circle, laughing about something that happened the previous night when they were off-duty.

The half-orc sighs and rolls his eyes as Rayne introduces himself. "Jark Straighttooth," he responds, "Annoyed. I'm here to stop any random yahoo from entering the premise. This includes you, citizen."

"Khlorsec Berthalt. I've been sent in as a consultant. It is vital that I see the scene while it is as fresh as possible. Who is currently the watchman in charge?"

Jark begins to respond with the same snark he has given others when you mention your name, but stops when you mention being sent as a consultant. He gives a small sigh, as if this was a common annoyance in his life. "Course the suits don't trust us to do our own jobs and pay you guys double the coin for half the work. Show Sergeant Tenpenny over there your consultancy agreement and he'll give you the rundown," the half-orc says with a nod toward the man in the middle of the semi-circle of high-ranked officers. The man in question is slightly older than his compatriots, as evidenced by his salt-and-pepper hair. He laughs at something one of his officers has just said, causing the cigar clenched between his teeth to bounce merrily.

"Excuse me, sir." The speaker is a lanky human male in the uniform of an Orien courier. Over his shoulder is slung a leather bag. "But I believe I may have seen something. You wouldn't happen to be looking for someone small wearing a black cloak, would you?" Felix Hennessy explains that he was inside a local apothecary when an old man mentioned calling the watch and reached for some potions. "A few moments later, the cloaked person left. In a hurry, I might add."

For the first time all day, a smile creeps across the half-orc's face. "Finally, someone who may have actually seen something. Did you get a good look at this person? We've got a gaggle of midgets in this city: gnomes, dwarves, halflings...any idea what you saw?" The Watchman flips open his notepad and begins to scrawl a few notes.

2012-07-12, 10:34 AM
"I've been hired by the watch as a private consultant. I though I was expected. Feel free to check with your supervisor if you don't believe me."

I'll take 10 on the Diplomacy check. [20]

2012-07-12, 12:24 PM
A thin man with tan features and shockingly white hair for his young face wearily approaches the scene. Politely pushing his way through the crowd, he goes up to the captain handing him his consultancy paper work and says in a bored sounding voice, "Here to do a magical sweep sir. The name's Talon, not sure if you've seen me at other crime scenes, but hopefully this is just another random killing."

Looking around at the crowd, Talon lets his eyes drift towards the magical spectrum. While he is always on the lookout for invisible assassins or thieves, or extraplanar wanderers, detecting magical auras for him was different.

After getting approval from the captain, Talon painstakingly combs over the scene in an ever widening search pattern (taking 20).

2012-07-12, 03:50 PM
For the first time all day, a smile creeps across the half-orc's face. "Finally, someone who may have actually seen something. Did you get a good look at this person? We've got a gaggle of midgets in this city: gnomes, dwarves, halflings...any idea what you saw?" The Watchman flips open his notepad and begins to scrawl a few notes.

In contrast, the courier frowns. Felix was relatively sure the officer did not often have good moods and was a little hesitant to spoil this one. "Not seen something, exactly. It was a deliberate attempt to avoid you, however." Here, his voice dropped almost to a whisper. Felix's job required quite a bit of discretion, and he had long since learned the value of keeping things quiet. "The cloaked person left because the old man had discovered a body and was about to call the Watch. Whoever they were, they outright said as much."

2012-07-13, 12:58 AM
The watchman doesn't see Aliastra approach. One moment he is taking a statement from a witness, and the next, a dark-haired woman is standing right beside him, wrapped in a cloak of green and gold, holding in an outstretched hand a letter authorizing her participation in the investigation. She does not say a single word to the half-orc, nor does she acknowledge his presence with a nod or gesture of greeting. Instead, her cold green eyes meet his for only the briefest of moments before focusing on the closed doors behind him.

2012-07-13, 06:25 AM
"I've been hired by the watch as a private consultant. I though I was expected. Feel free to check with your supervisor if you don't believe me."

A bit of concern creeps over Jark's face. "Hey, listen, no need to involve the Sergeant," he proffers. "I didn't know you were on the books--thought you were just a hobbyist with a magnifying glass. We've got to make sure the riffraff doesn't contaminate the scene, you know?" He chortles softly. "Look, just show me your papers and then head on in. Supposed to run through Sarge, but he's busy with another consultant. I'll never understand why Rose double-books so many of you guys..." He nods slightly and steps aside, just enough to let you pass before he steps back in front of the door to block out any others.

A thin man with tan features and shockingly white hair for his young face wearily approaches the scene. Politely pushing his way through the crowd, he goes up to the captain handing him his consultancy paper work and says in a bored sounding voice, "Here to do a magical sweep sir. The name's Talon, not sure if you've seen me at other crime scenes, but hopefully this is just another random killing."

Looking around at the crowd, Talon lets his eyes drift towards the magical spectrum. While he is always on the lookout for invisible assassins or thieves, or extraplanar wanderers, detecting magical auras for him was different.

"Mm-hmm, straight through, tech," the sergeant mumbles from behind his cigar. You vaguely recall the sergeant from a previous scene, but he doesn't seem to have the same recollection of you. However, judging by the fact that he's only speaking to his own men, he seems not to care too much about the other people the Watch might send as a one-off.

Scanning the crowd, you sense only the normal cacophony of low-powered auras that litter the streets in Sharn: a few illusion auras from the storefront displays, abjurations designed to keep out thieves over almost every door, and the low buzz of personal wards and items on the crowd that slowly inches by, squeezed shoulder-to-shoulder. The colors of each aura pulse and fade; detecting magic in the streets of Sharn was always a noisy affair, but there was no noise outside the norm today.

In contrast, the courier frowns. Felix was relatively sure the officer did not often have good moods and was a little hesitant to spoil this one. "Not seen something, exactly. It was a deliberate attempt to avoid you, however." Here, his voice dropped almost to a whisper. Felix's job required quite a bit of discretion, and he had long since learned the value of keeping things quiet. "The cloaked person left because the old man had discovered a body and was about to call the Watch. Whoever they were, they outright said as much."

Jark looks intensely interested as he scribbles feverishly on his pad. "He said?...Holy--" He slams shut his notepad and runs over to where the Sergeant is standing. From where you stand, you can hear him beaming: "Hot lead, Sarge!" However, he is cut off as the sergeant begins to berate him for leaving his post. Still, you are alone in front of the unguarded door, and a second peek could afford you a better look at the scene. Neither the sergeant nor Jark are looking back in your direction.

The watchman doesn't see Aliastra approach. One moment he is taking a statement from a witness, and the next, a dark-haired woman is standing right beside him, wrapped in a cloak of green and gold, holding in an outstretched hand a letter authorizing her participation in the investigation. She does not say a single word to the half-orc, nor does she acknowledge his presence with a nod or gesture of greeting. Instead, her cold green eyes meet his for only the briefest of moments before focusing on the closed doors behind him.

Jark responds in similar silence, though it's unclear whether it's a measure of professional courtesy or silent aggression. He simply waves you over to the Sergeant, who sees the letter is signed by Captain Nightbreeze himself and also waves you in the door without a word.

2012-07-13, 08:36 AM
"Sergeant Tenpenny." It wasn't a question. Berthalt lost none of his confidence as he addressed the senior watchman. "Khlorsec Berthalt, consulting detective. I was hired recently, but the message I received this morning said that someone--I believe her name was Rose--was sending my papers directly here. I'm sure the Captain will appreciate it if I can see the scene before it is disturbed. Hopefully it isn't too late." The impatience in Khlorsec's voice implied there would be consequences if it was too late.

2012-07-13, 09:47 AM
"Sergeant Tenpenny." It wasn't a question. Berthalt lost none of his confidence as he addressed the senior watchman. "Khlorsec Berthalt, consulting detective. I was hired recently, but the message I received this morning said that someone--I believe her name was Rose--was sending my papers directly here. I'm sure the Captain will appreciate it if I can see the scene before it is disturbed. Hopefully it isn't too late." The impatience in Khlorsec's voice implied there would be consequences if it was too late.

Rolled Bluff for you (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13548239&postcount=4925)

The sergeant shoots you daggers with his eyes as you bark his name, and all laughing and merriment in his semi-circle stops immediately. "Scuse me, citizen?" he asks with a look of derision on his face. "If I believed every yahoo that called himself a detective, we'd have more gumshoes in that scene than halflings in a tavern. Nothing for you to see here."

One of his senior officers scratches the back of his head and chimes in: "Gee Al, his story kinda checks out...not just any two-bit would know who Rose is, or that she's been forgetting stuff on account of her family stuff." The captain doesn't break his eye contact with you for a fierce second, but then nods gruffly. He goes back to chatting with the other officers, but the one who spoke up in your defense opens the door for you and follows behind you. As soon as the door closes, his sheepish coutenance drops and he rasps, "I don't give two sprigs of dreamlily who you are, but I know you're no consult. If you want to see that scene, it'll cost. Fifty gold, citizen."

2012-07-13, 10:00 AM
A bit of concern creeps over Jark's face.
"Mm-hmm, straight through, tech," the sergeant mumbles from behind his cigar. You vaguely recall the sergeant from a previous scene, but he doesn't seem to have the same recollection of you. However, judging by the fact that he's only speaking to his own men, he seems not to care too much about the other people the Watch might send as a one-off.

Scanning the crowd, you sense only the normal cacophony of low-powered auras that litter the streets in Sharn: a few illusion auras from the storefront displays, abjurations designed to keep out thieves over almost every door, and the low buzz of personal wards and items on the crowd that slowly inches by, squeezed shoulder-to-shoulder. The colors of each aura pulse and fade; detecting magic in the streets of Sharn was always a noisy affair, but there was no noise outside the norm today.

Satisfied with the crowd, Talon enters the crime scene (taking 20
0) as he examines the body and the surrounding area. Seeing the other consultants and detectives entering the scene, Talon also takes the time to introduce himself and offer his expertise should they come across anything that doesn't make sense.

He says to each in turn, before going back to his task, "The name's Talon, general planar and arcane expert, good at doing sweeps from magic. If you need anything just let me know."

2012-07-13, 01:36 PM
Rolled Bluff for you (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13548239&postcount=4925)

The sergeant shoots you daggers with his eyes as you bark his name, and all laughing and merriment in his semi-circle stops immediately. "Scuse me, citizen?" he asks with a look of derision on his face. "If I believed every yahoo that called himself a detective, we'd have more gumshoes in that scene than halflings in a tavern. Nothing for you to see here."

One of his senior officers scratches the back of his head and chimes in: "Gee Al, his story kinda checks out...not just any two-bit would know who Rose is, or that she's been forgetting stuff on account of her family stuff." The captain doesn't break his eye contact with you for a fierce second, but then nods gruffly. He goes back to chatting with the other officers, but the one who spoke up in your defense opens the door for you and follows behind you. As soon as the door closes, his sheepish coutenance drops and he rasps, "I don't give two sprigs of dreamlily who you are, but I know you're no consult. If you want to see that scene, it'll cost. Fifty gold, citizen."

Khlorsec smiles, revealing his teeth, "I believe twenty is standard. But, you stuck your neck out back there, so I'll go twenty-five. In addition, it would be nice to know the right person to go through, in case I ever have difficulty with my paperwork again." The detective hoped the prospect of future payments would temper the watchman's greed.

OOC:Hopefully there is a circumstance modifier in here somewhere:


2012-07-13, 02:50 PM
"Let's get down to business", Rayne mutters to himself as he enters the crime scene. He gives it a quick once over, then he gets to work.

I'm going to make an Investigate check. I could take 10, but I think I'm due for a good roll.

2012-07-13, 02:51 PM
Investigate: [roll0]

2012-07-14, 06:11 PM
Felix knew an opportunity when he saw one. The Watch may have been on the case, but the courier was not about to sit idle while a murderer was on the loose. Who knew, perhaps he might be able to offer some insights on the investigation (by anonymous tip, of course). Besides, if he got caught, he had saved up enough gold for whatever exorbitant fee they charged to have a look at the scene.

Not that he planned on paying. Felix padded softly inside.

Move silently: [roll0]

2012-07-14, 07:38 PM
Felix knew an opportunity when he saw one. The Watch may have been on the case, but the courier was not about to sit idle while a murderer was on the loose. Who knew, perhaps he might be able to offer some insights on the investigation (by anonymous tip, of course). Besides, if he got caught, he had saved up enough gold for whatever exorbitant fee they charged to have a look at the scene.

Not that he planned on paying. Felix padded softly inside.

Your footsteps fade into the din of the city the second you move; both Jark and the Sergeant are too busy to notice you stepping through the open door to the apothecary. Inside, the shop floor is eerily silent, but you can hear sounds coming from the back stockroom--most likely the scene of the crime, and clearly where the consultants you saw earlier were gathered.

Khlorsec smiles, revealing his teeth, "I believe twenty is standard. But, you stuck your neck out back there, so I'll go twenty-five. In addition, it would be nice to know the right person to go through, in case I ever have difficulty with my paperwork again." The detective hoped the prospect of future payments would temper the watchman's greed.

The crooked guard sucks in air through his teeth. "Tsk, no time to drive a bargain, citizen. Still, I like your style. Consider it a first-time buyer discount. And remember, if you ever require further assistance, Officer Sherman is your friendly neighborhood watchman." He salutes, and lets his hand linger in the air just long enough for you to fill with gold. He pockets the coins, turns on his heel, and steps back out to rejoin his comrades.

OOC: This brings the whole group together at the scene of the crime. Expect a post on Monday morning describing it.

2012-07-16, 06:32 AM

As you enter the rear stockroom, your sense of smell is assaulted by various perfumes, potables, and other mixtures. There is one unmistakable aroma, however, that fights for your attention like the perfume of a working girl in Firelight. The singular stench of death lingers in the air, reminding you all why you have come. The room is in disarray as there has been a struggle, but no amount of clutter can confuse the fact that there is a dead body in the middle of the room. An elven girl--her light skin and dark, soft features must have made her resemble a ghost even while living. The bruise across the width of her neck clears up any misconceptions; this girl was clearly strangled to death. On the side of her neck, all of you notice something unmistakable: the victim bore a dragonmark.

Knowledge (Arcana) DC 15 to open:More specifically, the victim bore the Mark of Shadow, a sign of one of the two elven houses: Phiarlan or Thuranni.
Knowledge (Nobility) DC 10 to open:More specifically, the victim bore the Mark of Shadow, a sign of one of the two elven houses: Phiarlan or Thuranni.
Spellcraft DC 20 to open:To be exact, this is the Lesser Mark of Shadow, and this particular mark bestowed the power of Scrying once per day. This mark is currently warm to the touch, meaning that its powers have been used up for the day.

On the floor beneath the body, tendrils of chalk swing out in all directions. Some of you catch vague glimpses of familiar dragonmarks within the odd chalk pattern, but it looks more like a child's amalgamation of all the dragonmarks scrawled together on a sidewalk than anything coherent.

Draconic speakers only:
Since you speak Draconic, you recognize the pattern as being very similar to an archaic and beautiful form of Draconic calligraphy. This art form was very precise, and relied on exact figures--one wrong loop could change the entire meaning of a word. Most of the shape does not seem to form any coherent words from what you can see; the visible shapes are very close to the old Draconic spellings of many different words. Part of the diagram, however, extends beneath the corpse.

OOC: Think of the it much like arabic calligraphy--traditionally a circle, but there can be very ornate pictures and patterns composed entirely of calligraphied writings.

The scene is hush with the macabre silence of the corpse--immune still from the hustle and bustle of nosy journalists, the members of the watch, and even old Kolare himself. The next few minutes may be the only ones you have with the undisturbed crime scene. Use them wisely.

2012-07-16, 08:57 AM
"Talon, could you come here for a moment? I could use your expertise. I've uncovered a few things of note, but my knowledge of the art is lacking. Please find me when you have the chance. I'll be speaking to the eyewitnesses if you need me."

Rayne calls over a member of the watch who appears to have a bit of muscle and asks him to try and unclench the victim's hand.

I'm going to call upon Talon to help me identify the more arcane aspects of the crime scene. I'm going to do a few things here, but nothing should take too long. I don't know how long IC we're going to have, but I'm going to give myself about 2 hours IC to complete my investigation. First, I'm going to make a Knowledge (Local) check to determine who the victim was. I'm also going to make a Search check to do so. Then I'm going to make another Search check to see anything which would connect the victim to the scene of the crime, along with a Knowledge (Local) check to find something relevant about the scene of the crime in relation to the victim.

Knowledge (Local) check for the victim [roll0]
Search check to find something to identify victim [roll1]
Knowledge (Local) check for scene of the crime [roll2]
Search check to find something to relate victim to the scene of the crime [roll3]

Based on what my checks yield, I'll give my Gather Information checks more focus. For now I'll just make one check to ask what they've seen. Note that it only takes me 1d4*10 minutes to make a Gather Information check.

Gather Information [roll4]

2012-07-16, 10:39 AM

Talon walks over amiably saying, "Sure, what can I help you with?" He'll explain what he can already tell about the markings based off his knowledge of nobility and his fluency in draconic finishing with, "Whatever this killer did, either no magic was involved or the magic has since dissipated...other than the marks you see here. We do need to move the corpse in order to the rest of these marking however."

Questions for DM
Upon seeing the rest of the markings, do they have any ritualistic purpose? Is the LACK of magic from the victim's dragon mark unusual?

2012-07-16, 01:03 PM
Berthalt examines the corpse, murmuring to himself, "Half-elf just like Nailo. And dragonmarked to boot. Phiarlan or Thuranni." He estimates her height and weight, and sizes up her injuries. The detective touches her mark. "Hmm. Warm. She was scrying recently. Spying?" After he finishes with the body, he turns his attention to the marks on the floor, and then the surrounding mess. Overhearing the others, he remarks, "Yes, it would be wonderful if you gents could move the body."

Rolls and Questions for the DM:
Taking 10 on the three checks to open the spoilers.
KArcana 19, KNobility 15 to find out about the dragonmark., and Spellcraft 22 to ID the mark.

KLocal [roll0] to ID the body. Also, was Nailo Dragonmarked, or from one of the houses, even if unmarked? Were there any draconic markings found near her body? Were all of the other victims, elf or half-elf, or just these two?

Healing check [roll1] to evaluate the cause of death, etc. If he overheard that bit earlier about a short fellow, Khlorsec will look to see if she was strangled from below or above. Does it look like she was strangled here. If elsewhere, was the body dropped, or arranged?

KArcana: [roll2] to investigate the calligraphy -- waiting until they move the body if that seems eminent.
Spellcraft: [roll3] In case it is at all magical.

Search: [roll4] Looking for other clues near the body. Does it appear that she is missing anything? Like, would she need the mirror for her scrying, or something?

If any of the questions I've asked require skill rolls I didn't make, let me know, or feel free to make them for me.

2012-07-16, 04:54 PM
A nearby watchman comes into the room at Rayne's beckoning and opens the corpses hand. As he exerts force on it, you hear the sicking popping sound of the deadlocked bones breaking. "Wasn't me," the guard grunts with a nonchalant shrug. As the victim's hand uncurls, a small vial of sky-blue liquid rolls out and onto the floor: clearly a potion of some stripe.

Spellcraft DC 25 to open:
The sky-blue color comes from the Cerulean Root, or "Cloudless Sky" as it's known on the street. It is an extract used in the preparation of Modify Memory, though this seems to be a weaker version that allows it to be delivered in a potable form.
As Rayne ventures out into the street, you hear the din of the crowd crash in like a wave on Cliffside. The journalists have come, greedy savages. Some members of the Watch are attempting to rope off the storefront to keep the crowd out, but the inquisitive ventures bravely into the fray.

2012-07-16, 05:50 PM
After 20 minutes Rayne walks back in. "That was a waste of time...have they moved the body yet?" Rayne scans the room looking for an answer before letting out a huge yawn. He then proceeds to circle the room, occasionally stopping to speak to some of the other people investigating the scene of the crime.

Do we know if there has been a string of murders? If so, have I been given any information regarding any previous murders? Also, what does my contract with the watch entail? Am I expected to report my findings? Will I be doing follow-ups?

Rayne approaches Talon. "By any chance could you identify this substance? It was found clenched in the victim's hand".

Eventually, Rayne walks up to Berthalt. "And who are you exactly?"

2012-07-16, 06:07 PM
Taking a while to look at the substance, and making reference to some of the items in the shop, Took 20, giving me a 28 Talon replies to Rayne, "It looks like Cerulean root, a component in a modify memory potion, or at least, the extract of the root is. That's where it gets it's color, and it's street name, Cloudless Sky."

More questions:
Can I figure out what she was working on? Does she have a registry of items she sold, a list of clients? Was there money taken? Was there an inventory list available?

2012-07-16, 07:02 PM
Walking over to Koralen, Talon asks, "Do we know who the owner of the shop is? Also, as evidence is being collected, I'd like to keep an eye out for an inventory list, as well as a possible customer list or ledger."

After talking with Koralen a bit more, Talon takes out some parchment and ink, and begins to precisely copy the marking on the floor very precisely.

2012-07-16, 08:32 PM
Eventually, Rayne walks up to Berthalt. "And who are you exactly?"

"Khlorsec Berthalt." he says absently while studying the scene. He continues to think aloud as he reexamines the diagram, "The Chosen...The Cyre...The Catastrophy...The What, dammit?"

Disgusted, he pulls a book from his satchel and opens it to a blank page. Berthalt casts a quick spell over the mark. The calligraphic writings on the floor begin to appear on the open page. Clearly this is going to require further study.

Belatedly, he realizes that the official consultant from outside had been speaking to him. Ren, Rail, what was his name?When the spell has concluded, he turns and says to everyone, "I am the fellow that is going to buy you gents drinks when we are all done here. I expect you will want to compare notes. Khlorsec seems awkward as he makes his invitation, as though he is unused to extending such an offer, to anyone. He adds, "Especially considering who that is," indicating the corpse.

DMI assume Amanuensis is kosher. We have established that it is non magical writing.

2012-07-16, 09:24 PM
"I am Allanon, scholar from the land of Aerenal. I was here when the body was first discovered. There was no magic then, but I judge that the body had been dead for about three hours already. Most magic would not linger that long. There were no secret doors build into the room. It is usual for the Mark of Shadow to manifest in a half elf. They normally bear the Mark of Storm. Do we know anything about the other killings committed in a similar fashion by the so called "Strangler". That could help us establish a pattern.

2012-07-16, 09:49 PM
Rayne looks quizzically at Berthalt. "From what I've gathered, her name was Sheila Turnipseed. What's so important about her?"

2012-07-16, 10:34 PM
Khlorsec laughed. "You've been had my new friend. Praytell, which of the mighty dragonmarked houses is Turnipseed?" The detective gestured at the dead woman's face. He thought for a moment, and then blurted. "Although, maybe it wasn't you who was taken in. Who told you that?"

He snapped his book shut and stashed it in his satchel,"Tell me man, where are they now?".

2012-07-17, 06:17 AM
Rayne rolls his eyes and lets out a chuckle. "I'm well aware of her identity...I wanted to see if you knew as well. Since there's no point in hiding it, I found the girl's papers in the heel of her shoe. The victim was Esmerelda d'Thuranni...heir apparent to Elar d'Thuranni, current leader of the house. What do you make of the diagram? I know it's Draconic, but that's all I know."

2012-07-17, 08:29 AM
Do we know anything about the other killings committed in a similar fashion by the so called "Strangler". That could help us establish a pattern. [/COLOR]

Rayne rolls his eyes and lets out a chuckle. "I'm well aware of her identity...I wanted to see if you knew as well. Since there's no point in hiding it, I found the girl's papers in the heel of her shoe. The victim was Esmerelda d'Thuranni...heir apparent to Paolo d'Thuranni, current leader of the house. What do you make of the diagram? I know it's Draconic, but that's all I know."

"I expect that it is the reason she was here. I'm not certain whether she was writing it or reading it, but the killer hasn't left such marks before. Did any of you turn up the chalk that was used?" Berthalt looked around at the others.

"It is a form of calligraphic writing, where any variation in the glyphs can significantly change their meaning." Turning to the consultant, "It could be a recipe for turnip soup," he smiled wryly, "Although the words I can make out indicate that it was a message of some kind."

Khlorsec lowered his voice considerably, "Whether or not it is significant, the last victim was a half-elf girl. That, and the strangling is about the only similarity to this case."

2012-07-17, 12:39 PM
Rayne shrugs. "We have a dead Half-Elf and a dead Elf...it's probably just a coincidence. We'll discuss our findings later, I still have a few things that I'd like to look at."

Now that I have a bit more information, I believe I'm allowed to make another Investigate check.

Investigate Check: [roll0]

2012-07-17, 01:27 PM
Aliastra had been a solider. The war taught her how to die a long time ago. Death no longer scared her -- not her own death, at least, or that of her enemy. Losing a friend, however, was different. It had never been easy, but she had always thought that the Mourning -- death on an inconceivable scale -- had numbed her to such pains. Illana's death had taught her otherwise.

Stepping into the storeroom, she walks in a slow circle around the body. Is this how they found Illana? she wonders, swallowing the lump in her throat. I won't lose another. I can't-- Through sheer force of will, Aliastra forces such thoughts from her mind, replacing them with every detail she can manage of the sprawling chalk diagram etched across the floor.

Once she has committed the pattern to memory, Aliastra approaches one of the City Watch investigators. "Who found the body?" Her voice is as it always is -- cool and steady, like tempered steel, betraying none of the emotions with which she struggles internally.

Autohypnosis check to memorize the pattern: [roll0]
Gather Information check to speak with the witness(es): [roll1] boom!
Search check: [roll2]

What time of day is it? I'm assuming that the apothecary was open for business at the time of the murder? Is there broken glass on the floor?

Whoever it was that found the body, what brought them back to the stockroom? If it wasn't the sound of a struggle that brought them back, did anyone else hear anything?

2012-07-17, 01:37 PM
Rayne goes over to a member of the watch, and asks to see the witnesses. Once directed, he begins questioning them, hoping to fill in the blanks.

Gather Information: [roll0]

2012-07-17, 01:54 PM
Rayne rolls his eyes and lets out a chuckle. "I'm well aware of her identity...I wanted to see if you knew as well. Since there's no point in hiding it, I found the girl's papers in the heel of her shoe. The victim was Esmerelda d'Thuranni...heir apparent to Paolo d'Thuranni, current leader of the house. What do you make of the diagram? I know it's Draconic, but that's all I know."

"The leader of the house Thuranni is Elar d'Thuranni." Allanon says, clearly convinced that Rayne is clueless. "As for that pattern..." He then proceeds to cast a spell to copy it onto his own parchment is a small book he produces and then puts away. "... if my learned colleague has managed to guess the last name correctly, it does give an added significance to it. This part..." He gestures to a part of it. "represents the word the and resembles the House Thuranni mark as well as meaning the word "the". And this..." He gestures to another part of it. "Could mean either Cyre, catastrophe, chosen, or centuries. But it also resembles the Mark of Making. Since the House Cannith had its enclave in Cyre, it three out of the five points I can draw from this relate to Cyre and tie in with Cannith. If I am right, that means Cannith is also involved and therefore threatened. We should find out more. Let us move the body."

2012-07-17, 03:02 PM
"It wasn't a guess, I can back up my claims...If you need me I'll be with the witnesses."

2012-07-17, 04:55 PM
Rayne peers out the window and sees that the maddening crowd outside has done nothing but grow denser and more delusional since his last attempt. "On second thought, I could stand to do a bit more work in here."

2012-07-18, 05:01 AM
Felix clears his throat. He had been standing silently in the room for a few minutes, listening to their comments. But the courier was sure it was time for him to make himself heard before someone was startled and did something drastic. "If you're looking for a witness, a member of the Watch seemed to think I heard something significant." Felix repeats his account of the cloaked figure's escape. "He was almost certainly fleeing the authorities."

2012-07-18, 06:19 AM
"Who found the body?" Her voice is as it always is -- cool and steady, like tempered steel, betraying none of the emotions with which she struggles internally.

Walking over to Koralen, Talon asks, "Do we know who the owner of the shop is? Also, as evidence is being collected, I'd like to keep an eye out for an inventory list, as well as a possible customer list or ledger."

After talking with Koralen a bit more, Talon takes out some parchment and ink, and begins to precisely copy the marking on the floor very precisely.

Talon struggles to copy the pattern but finds the intricate penmanship too much to master. Aliastra examines the diagram and attempts to commit it to memory, but knows that her recollection of it will not be highly detailed. Instead, she focuses on the clearly-defined portion beneath where the body was found and memorizes it.

"...I found her," chokes out the voice of a silhouette in the doorway to the storefront. He steps forward into the room as slowly as if he is floating through a dream. A withered old man with a lazy eye, those of you who had previously been in the shop recognize him as the apothecary. "She was just laying there...for one blessed moment, it seemed she had just gotten into the sleeping potions." The old man shakes his head and blinks rapidly a few times, then speaks with much more sense about him. "My name is Kolare, and I am the owner of this shop. I have an inventory and ledger back in my office." He points aimlessly back over his shoulder and says, "I'll help in any way I can to find out who's responsible for this." As he speaks, his eyes don't leave the corpse for even a second.

Sense Motive DC 20 to open:
This man is not simply in shock. Instead, he seems to be truly mourning this girl's murder...Perhaps he knew the victim?

"If you're looking for a witness, a member of the Watch seemed to think I heard something significant." Felix repeats his account of the cloaked figure's escape. "He was almost certainly fleeing the authorities."

The apothecary's eyes bulge out of his skull, and he turns to grab Felix by the shoulders. "What did you see?" he bellows, his lazy eye drifting up to the ceiling while his good eye stares at the courier with intense focus. "It was one of Elar's lackies, wasn't it?! Tell me everything!" His feeble, old hands clutch the fabric of Felix's uniform so tightly that they begin to shake.

2012-07-18, 09:14 AM
Sense Motive [roll0]

Rayne walks over to the elderly man. "Why do you think it was the girl's family? Is there any reason you think they would want her dead?"

2012-07-18, 01:22 PM
Aliastra takes a deep, steadying breath as she observes the apothecary's reaction to Felix' tale.

When an opportunity presents itself, she approaches the elderly man. "Should she have been back here by herself?" She gestures toward whichever of Talon's hands holds the vial of blue liquid, motioning for him to present it to the shopkeeper. "And this...cerulean root, was it? Would she have found something like this among your stock?"

2012-07-18, 01:44 PM

Frustrated with his inability to copy the script and symbols, Talon leans heavily on his ability to read Draconic to translate what he is reading into notes in common.

Upon hearing the shopkeep questioning the witness about "Elar's lackies", he asks him, "Who is Elar, and what would he have to do with the events that transpired today? Perhaps he went after the girl when he meant to go after you?"

2012-07-18, 01:49 PM
What was she doing here anyway?

2012-07-18, 02:53 PM
Firmly, the courier grabs the old man's hands. "Calm down!" Felix meets his eyes. "You'll not help anyone by panicking." And at his age, the apothecary wouldn't be doing himself any favors by getting his blood pressure up. "Now, you will take a few deep breaths, then you will explain who the girl was and why you suspect someone had her killed." His eyes dart back to the entrance. Had the man's shouting attracted any attention?

2012-07-18, 03:12 PM
Seeing the crowd of onlookers, Talon suggest to the captain, "If you would, have a couple of guards get the name and address for every onlooker here. He can be noisy about, letting them know that everyone who is around here right now is a suspect... considering that they can't claim to have been anywhere else, they don't have a bullet proof alibi. Might serve to thin the herd... and you never know, right?"

Talon had a particular distaste for gawkers... they seemed to share a morbid fascination with death that was akin to that of murderers... but then again he was biased, all things considered.

2012-07-18, 05:03 PM
Sergeant Tenpenny has popped his head in to the investigation, and is a bit taken aback when Talon begins giving him orders. "Listen, tech," he chides, "this is my scene so I call the shots. You're paid to perform a function--and one that any of millions of others can perform. You'd do well to remember that." His anger fades slightly, as he raises a hand to his chin and carresses his stubble. "Even still, it ain't a bad idea. Jark! Eric!" he barks at two of the attending Watchmen, "grab the others and start asking for info from the crowd. That should scare them back to their holes." The members of the Watch and the Sergeant venture back out into the crowd together, and one pulls out a clipboard and quill pen from his satchel. Now the only people left in the shop are you, Kolare, and the late Esmerelda d'Thuranni.

The old man's screams have roused no more attention than the fact that there was a murder in his shop in broad daylight. He listens, wild-eyed, as all of you ask him questions. He takes Felix's advice, breathes deeply, and releases his clutch on the courier's uniform. "Her name is--was--Esmerelda, and she was the daughter of Elar d'Thuranni, leader of the New House of Shadow. Above anything, her father wanted control. Because she eluded his control, he wanted her removed from the equation. Sick bastard would rather slaughter his own kin than have the House run contrary to his wishes."

He laughs at Talon's suggestion that he might have been the true target. "I doubt that I'm even a decimal in the derivative of a corrolary of his equation," he chuckles. "His world is himself, his House, and everything else--he was definitely after her. She was a regular here, and I often allowed her unfettered access to the stockroom. She never took too much, and I wrote it off as a donation to House Thuranni...you never know when you might need a favor in this town. She was here so much that she was often mistaken for an employee," he recalled with a sparkle in his eye that quickly coalesced into a tear. "So her being alone in the stockroom is no surprise. As for the Cloudless..." his eyes dart from side to side, making sure the store is clear of Watchmen. "She'd find it here undoubtedly, but anyone looking at the inventory list and ledger wouldn't...not exactly legal within city limits. I hope that answers all your questions, but do you have any more?"

Sense Motive DC 15 to open:
He is not lying about any of the above, but is definitely withholding information, particularly about why she chose to frequent this apothecary in particular.

2012-07-18, 06:07 PM
I'll take 10 on the Sense Motive check.

Rayne looks the man straight in the eyes, slowly increasing his height and girth as he does so, giving off the impression he had been slouching up until now.

"There's something you're not telling us. Is there any reason why she would favor this particular apothecary over the hundreds of others in the city?"

"What are you hiding? If you don't want to cooperate, you're only going to make things worse for yourself...perhaps the watch would like to know why your apothecary carries Cloudless."

I'll make an Intimidate check, hopefully the threat and increasing my height will give me a circumstance bonus.

Intimidate [roll0]

2012-07-19, 01:56 AM
Khloresec watched the exchange with the Apothecary with interest. He knew better than to interrupt -- observing was his specialty.

2012-07-19, 04:18 PM
And to what use did she put the reagents from the stockroom?

2012-07-20, 09:24 PM
While he kept an ear on the others, Khlorsec went back to exploring the scene. He poured over as much as possible looking for clues.

Search in a clockwise spiral pattern beginning adjacent to the diagram furthest from the door. He'll search for two minutes, but any result of less than 20 he'll try again. We'll see how far he gets.

Add +4 to each of these:

So he checks the first 3 squares carefully with a result of 20, 24, and 23 respectively.

2012-07-23, 03:25 PM
The old shopkeep fumbles for an excuse, but the words escape him like ducks at the sound of a hunting dog--a few quick, sputtering moments of chaos are followed by silence. Khlorsec walks a slow circle around him, searching for (but unable to dig up) any new clues. The apothecary looks taken aback at Rayne's metamorphosis, but shows no fear until he mentions involving the Watch. "No need to let them know what's in that vial," he says. "I've seen a changeling's parlor tricks enough times in my days to not be spooked, but I want the boys in blue out of my hair sooner rather than later..." He sighs heavily before beginning his explanation:

"I suppose if I want to find the truth, I should start by sharing it, yes? Esme's preference for this shop went beyond our location or abudance of stock. There have been loose lips flapping in the Upper towers that she had started up an illicit affair with a human well beyond her station. These rumors are true--she was in love with one much too poor (and much too old) to be seen by her side in public."

He pauses to wipe a tear from his cheek and nods his head ever-so-slightly, acknowledging the unspoken question: he was Esmerelda's scanalous paramour. "She busted in the back door to the stockroom one day seeking cover after a job went South. I hid her for a few days, and we struck up a conversation. She was so unlike anyone else, so uncaring of the many expectations heaped upon her, that she brought youth back to my bones. Over the past few months, we had become fast friends, which eventually slipped into something more. It was as fascinating as it was dangerous.

Her family began making ultimatums, and when one of the Houses speaks you'd best listen unless you're prepared to suffer the consequences. Elar was set to put out a kill order on his own daughter unless she cut all ties with me and settled down with a proper Elven gentleman from one of the mansions in the clouds. We talked it out and tried to cover all the angles of our escape, but when most of the criminals who could help are in your father's pocket and the rest are drooling for a chance to knife anyone with your last name, it gets a little difficult. We had no other options, so we realized what had to be done. I tried to end things between us myself, but she refused to let me go...said she couldn't leave me if she couldn't forget me. Hell of a thing to hear.

I had dabbled in Cloudless, so I knew it was the only thing that would help us. I ordered a pinch from one of my suppliers, and put out word to Esme through a mutual acquaintance once the shipment was in. She was coming here to swig it, erase me from her head, and take off through the back. I even left the door unlocked and everything. She came in just after lunch, and we barely shared a word. I came back, gave her the vial, and told her that the back was opened for her but I'd be in the storefront if she needed anything. Those were my last words to her...you always hope that last words are going to be more meaningful, more poetic." The man attempts to laugh, but his half-hearted chuckle fades quickly into a soft sob. "I guess her pop had set an earlier deadline than we'd thought, though," he says and waves his arm at the crime scene. "Please," he begs, "you've got to nail the bastard."

Sense Motive DC 25 to open:
He's telling the truth--I just wanted to make you a bit more paranoid :smalltongue:. With that being said, I will sometimes let an NPC lie without a Sense Motive spoiler, so feel free to post whenever you want to make checks.

Search DC 20 to open (Dextercorvia can use one of the rolls from his previous post):
While the apothecary mentioned leaving the back door to the alley unlocked for Esmerelda's escape, that same door is now locked securely.

2012-07-23, 06:49 PM
Sense Motive [roll0]
Taking 10. Search [21]

Rayne mumbles to himself for a bit before asking the obvious questions. "Who else has a key to the shop? This door right here, it's locked."

2012-07-23, 10:16 PM
"Inspector, your eyes are better than mine." Berthalt addressed Rayne, as he unbolted the door, and pulled it open. "But, I bet Kolare does not often use his key in this door. Rather, I expect that he opens it from the inside. Perhaps you could use your keen senses to determine whether or not a key was recently used. Can you see any scratches in the patina?"

Khlorsec was reasonably certain that magic had been used to lock the door from the other side. This was too well executed for someone to have not covered that base.

He walked back over to the apothecary, and extended his hand. Suddenly he found the old man most intriguing. "Khlorsec Berthalt. Unlike these gentlemen, who are under the employ of the watch, if you take my meaning, I am in no position to judge your, er, activities. As a private consultant, I would be most interested in taking on your case."

2012-07-24, 07:06 PM
"So the rumors are true, then?" Aliastra asks, glancing to each of her fellow investigators. "The Thuranni trade in secrets and death? If that's the case, then their assassins are not half as talented as their dancers." She gestures to the body and surrounding clutter. "This is crude work for a professional -- sloppy, even. To strangle a woman to death -- and not just any woman, but the daughter of the patriarch of your house -- in an open business, mere feet from the one man who knows the truth of your intentions?" The apothecary's story was a sad one, but Aliastra's instincts told her something was off. If this was the result of a Thuranni family dispute, what of Illana's murder?

2012-07-24, 07:31 PM
"Well, it's certainly a nice cover. It's his word against there's, and they can just as easily claim that he's a creepy stalker who killed her when she wouldn't return his affections." Talon replied, still working on translating the diagram.

Turning to the mage who had copied the page earlier, he asked, "Do you think I could get a copy of that? I want to cross reference it with some research on rituals and the like."

[roll0] Sense Motive

2012-07-24, 07:43 PM
Rayne shakes his head musing over his findings. "Kolare, I have a few more questions for you. How exactly does Cloudless work? Is there any way to detect someone under the influence of it, and could someone's memories be restored? I'd also like to know how much Cloudless you had on hand. Do you perhaps keep an additional ledger that would document any such substances which you carry?"

2012-07-24, 09:10 PM
Turning to the mage who had copied the page earlier, he asked, "Do you think I could get a copy of that? I want to cross reference it with some research on rituals and the like."

"Talon is it?" He was fairly certain that is what he had heard the man say it earlier. Khlorsec was normally a whiz with names, but there was a lot going on this morning.

"I'd be happy to provide you with a copy, for the standard fee of course. I hope you don't mind waiting until tomorrow, seeing as how that was the only Amanuensis spell I prepared today. Unless..." Berthalt drew it out a bit longer than necessary. "Unless, you want to take me up on my offer. I would really appreciate the opportunity to compare notes with the rest of you after this. If you have some insight into this language, maybe we could work together to translate it. That Allanon gent seems to have about as good of grasp of it as I do. Maybe we can pull him in."

2012-07-25, 08:59 PM
The old man seemed sincere. And that was enough for Felix. He had an inkling of what it meant to be considered little more than an asset by one's family. But his mother would never do anything like this. It made him feel sick to think any parent could kill his own child for the sake of his reputation. The courier took a deep breath.

"I'll do everything in my power to find the murderer," he says, turning back to the old man. Fortunately, it seemed the others were of like mind. "Do you have any idea who the Thuurani's might have sent to do the killing? Anyone who looked out of place before Esmerelda was discovered?"

2012-07-26, 06:43 AM
The apothecary can't help but chuckle slightly at Felix's questions. "Son," he chides, everyone in an apothecary's shop looks out of place. None of them belong here, and they all stick around only long enough to get the remedy they seek. But I didn't see anyone more peculiar than the ordinary. As for who Elar sent, I couldn't tell you; he has hundreds in his employ, and could have called on any one of them. Perhaps you should try the House Enclave in Upper Menthis--it's the gray building behind the Opera House in the University District. They handle all of the Shadow Network's engagements in Sharn, both public and private. Nobody else was given a key to my shop, but I imagine they've got craftsmen in their pocket who could wrangle one up."

When Khlorsec says that he'll take the case, Kolare's eyes light up. "Oh, bless you child!" he beams. "I can't offer much in the way of payment, but I can offer you stock. Each of you can help yourself to one potion of your choice! Oh, thank you again!" As Rayne continues to ask questions, the old man tries to maintain his composure and affects a more serious countenance once more. "Yes, about the Cloudless. I have only one ledger, and you won't find it listed on there. Terribly potent stuff, so I try not to keep more on hand than is needed at any time--this is the only vial I have right now. I was thinking of ordering one for myself in a few weeks, should the pain of being forgotten grow too strong..." His voice trails off as he gazes lovingly at the corpse. "Are any of you familiar with the spell modify memory? Well, Cloudless works as a more focused permutation. While the spell can erase, enhance, create, or alter memories, this potion can only erase. It's been especially formulated to erase any memory of the last person the subject thinks about before imbibing. Once it takes effect, the subject's brain is permanently scarred--the only way to detect the use of this potion would be post-mortem surgery."

He crouches down besides the corpse and cradles her head in his hands. Weeping gently, the old man brushes Esmerelda's hair back behind her pointed ear and caresses her pale cheek with the back of his hand. He plucks the vial from her hand and gives her one last kiss on the cheek. Kolare rises with grim determination on his face and walks back toward the storefront. The shopkeep stops in the doorway for a moment, only long enough to unstop the vial and raise it to his lips. He pauses before upending the contents into his mouth, looks back to the group, and pleads, "Please, bring her murderer to justice. Any last questions about Esme...while I can still answer them?"

2012-07-26, 03:03 PM
Looking at the sad man, Talon says, "I know you want to forget all this... but you might wait. You have the rest of your life to forget her... but once she's gone, even the good memories will be gone forever. Plus, you never know what you might remember given the opportunity to let grief settle in, or what you might see thanks to a memory you too shared."

With a heavy sigh, Talon says almost to himself, "I know that losing someone hurts, but it's the memories that they gave you in life that keep them alive in your heart. You just... have to be strong for them, as strong as they were for the both of you while they were alive..."

2012-07-26, 09:48 PM
"Master Kolare, just one last thing." It was a long shot, but Khlorsec had to ask. He gestured at the draconic calligraphy that had been so meticulously drawn on the floor. "Do you know if the deceased made this diagram, or was it someone else? Do you have any idea what it means? The detective wasn't certain how long Dreamless took to have an effect, but this was his last chance to ask the proprietor about it.

2012-07-27, 05:39 AM
Felix could not prevent his hand from straying toward the vial of antitoxin in his belt. Kolare obviously believed just about anything would be preferable to feeling the pain of losing his love. The courier had to wonder how desperate the man was to escape his grief, and whether he had been truthful about what he had just swallowed. "No. I don't," he says, chestfallen. The man's comment about intending to drink the same potion in a few weeks anyway only made him feel worse. "But I hope the days to come prove what you just did was unnecessary. Good luck." He heads for the door. "I'll be outside if you need me."

2012-07-28, 04:12 PM
"Talon is it?" He was fairly certain that is what he had heard the man say it earlier. Khlorsec was normally a whiz with names, but there was a lot going on this morning.

"I'd be happy to provide you with a copy, for the standard fee of course. I hope you don't mind waiting until tomorrow, seeing as how that was the only Amanuensis spell I prepared today. Unless..." Berthalt drew it out a bit longer than necessary. "Unless, you want to take me up on my offer. I would really appreciate the opportunity to compare notes with the rest of you after this. If you have some insight into this language, maybe we could work together to translate it. That Allanon gent seems to have about as good of grasp of it as I do. Maybe we can pull him in."

Allanon nods. "I will join you."

2012-07-28, 09:36 PM
Things were happening quickly, and Khlorsec was certain that their welcome was about to be worn out. The dead girl...the pattern...Thuranni...affair.... What am I missing. Berthalt's mind was almost keeping up with his thoughts, which in turn were almost keeping up with the information. Something from earlier clicked. "I'm sorry to keep interrogating you, but who was the mutual acquaintance that you sent word through?" Khlorsec hoped the man didn't realize the full import of the question. The contact could have spoke out of turn, causing the situation, or more nefariously, could be the assailant.

2012-07-29, 09:19 AM
"I need you to tell me any connection, no matter how small, between you, her, or anyone either of you know, and anything to do with dragons. This could be important enough to determine if we catch the killer."

2012-07-29, 07:24 PM

I'm going to make a Sense Motive check concerning his statements about Cloudless. I don't think he's telling the truth.

Sense Motive [roll0]

"I think there's more to this case."

"I may not know much about Draconic calligraphy, but I do know crime scenes...and I think you've all missed an important detail. Has anyone realized that the diagram is in pristine condition? This was drawn in chalk, so if anything had been moved onto the diagram or moved around it, there would be smudge marks. I don't see any smudge marks...where are they? The victim must have been killed where she stood...in that very spot. More importantly, it means that the entire pattern was sketched on the floor before she was killed."

"I don't like this, it's too clean...too simple. See those ropes over there...the ones keeping the curtains pulled back? The width is consistent with the bruises on the victim's throat. Based on the proximity to the body, I think we have our murder weapon. If you ask me, the use of a weapon from the environment makes me think that either this wasn't premeditated...or if it was, the killer did not plan on choking the victim. It's obvious that the killer was meeting with the victim for another reason...and the decision to kill her was made at the last minute."

"Why don't you put down the vial Kolare? I don't think we're done here."

2012-07-29, 07:35 PM
"I can't speak with the dead, but if I could, I wonder what Esmerelda would have to say..."

"I've seen how you've all been approaching this diagram. The way you've all been pulling out words from the various shapes makes me wonder if the pattern could in some way be connected to the Draconic Prophecy? Given that the victim was a member of a marked house, and the fact that the victim's sporting a mark herself, I don't think I'm wrong in this. However, what I can't piece together is how this is relevant to the case...anybody have an idea?"

"One more thing...who drew this, and where did they find the time to draw this? If I'm correct, and I'm pretty sure I am, that the victim was killed after this diagram was made...I think you all see where I'm going with this..."

2012-07-29, 08:38 PM
"You are correct. I have seen a diagram similar to this, long ago. It was described as part of the origanal text of the Draconic Prophecy! So this was more than some simple romance killing."

"One more thing...who drew this, and where did they find the time to draw this? If I'm correct, and I'm pretty sure I am, that the victim was killed after this diagram was made...I think you all see where I'm going with this..."

"So the victim was present when it was drawn, or drew it herself. An to avoid smudges the victim would have had to have been lowered onto the drawing."

Allanon then checks to see if there is any chalk dust on the victims fingers.

2012-07-30, 07:47 AM
The old man chuckles at Talon's sentimentality. "Duly noted," he says with a wry smile before downing the contents of the vial. The effects don't set in immediately, and it affords the apothecary a few more lucid seconds to respond to your questions. "Dragons?" he asks Allanon, incredulous. "This is no whispered fairy tale of the Chamber, son--time to grow up...this is Sharn, and it's ugly." He shakes his head at Khlorsec's suggestion that the victim may have made the ornate symbol on the floor. "Sorry, Esme's Draconic is rustier than a Warforged on the bottom of The Hilt. No chance she made it. Looks like a bad attempt at that ancient Draconic writing you see in some of the temples to the Dragons Above & Below...religious hogwash, if you ask me."

As multiple people ask about the mutual acquaintance that sent communications between Kolare and the victim, he nods his head vigorously. "Yes, yes, it was Merrix. You should find him and be sure that Elar doesn't come after him, too. Perhaps he might know..." Suddenly, he realizes the implication of the question and his face is aghast. "You don't think that he could have?!--" Before the man can complete his thought, his face goes slack. He shudders, exhales a heavy sigh, and closes his eyes for a brief moment. When he opens them again, his expression bears only the worry of a concerned citizen and nothing more. "Poor lass," he says with a look down at the body. "Any leads on who she might have been?"

Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (nobility) DC 15 to open:
Merrix is an uncommon name, and may refer to the younger Merrix d'Cannith, current leader of House Cannith.

Knowledge (local) DC 20 to open:
"Merrix" refers to the younger Merrix d'Cannith, current ruler of House Cannith. Additionally, The Chamber is a supposed shadow organization of dragons who try to work through proxies to affect their will on Khorvaire. Long favored by storytellers and conspiracy theorists, many question its existence while others hold that is exactly what they'd want you to do.

Knowledge (nobility) DC 20 to open:
It's been rumored that the younger d'Cannith lacks the constitution of his grandfather, and as such has turned to other means to fuel his long hours in the shop. Many have whispered about a potential drug problem, and the d'Cannith family has gone to great lengths to keep any such rumors away from the press--speaking to their validity more than silencing them.

Knowledge (local) DC 25 to open:
It's been rumored that the younger d'Cannith lacks the constitution of his grandfather, and as such has turned to other means to fuel his long hours in the shop. Many have whispered about a potential drug problem, and the d'Cannith family has gone to great lengths to keep any such rumors away from the press--speaking to their validity more than silencing them.

Additionally, The Chamber is a supposed shadow organization of dragons who try to work through proxies to affect their will on Khorvaire. Long favored by storytellers and conspiracy theorists, many question its existence while others hold that is exactly what they'd want you to do. According to the tales, the Chamber split from the rest of their kind due to a differing interpretation of the Draconic Prophecy in which the non-draconic "Lower Races" have more of a crucial part to play in its fulfillment.

Knowledge (religion) DC 10 to open:
The Dragon Above (Siberys) and the Dragon Below (Khyber) are equally revered as deities throughout Eberron. While most believe that if dragons still exist, they keep to the distant island nation of Argonnessen, those who worship either the Dragon Above or Below firmly believe that their chosen lord will return to the other continents of Eberron to rule.

2012-07-30, 11:55 AM
Knowledge (Local) check [roll0]

2012-07-30, 03:46 PM
On his way out, the courier hears Kolare talking. He turns around as the old man appears to realize something. "The Baron of Cannith South? What does he have to do with this?" Felix scowls as the potion takes effect. "Damn." Poor, rash old fool. "No. But I intend to find out." At least they had another lead to pursue.

2012-07-30, 09:40 PM
Disgusted, Khlorsec hung his head, and massaged his temples with the thumb and middle finger of his left hand. How daft can love make a man anyway? Didn't he realize that he might have just erased vital clues with his pain. The detective straightened up and squared his shoulders. Glancing around at the shelves purposefully, he procured his promised potion. "I believe I am done here. There are a few leads to track down. I won't know anything for certain until then."

2012-07-31, 03:45 PM
The old man chuckles at Talon's sentimentality. "Duly noted," he says with a wry smile before downing the contents of the vial. The effects don't set in immediately, and it affords the apothecary a few more lucid seconds to respond to your questions. "Dragons?" he asks Allanon, incredulous. "This is no whispered fairy tale of the Chamber, son--time to grow up...this is Sharn, and it's ugly." He shakes his head at Khlorsec's suggestion that the victim may have made the ornate symbol on the floor. "Sorry, Esme's Draconic is rustier than a Warforged on the bottom of The Hilt. No chance she made it. Looks like a bad attempt at that ancient Draconic writing you see in some of the temples to the Dragons Above & Below...religious hogwash, if you ask me."

As multiple people ask about the mutual acquaintance that sent communications between Kolare and the victim, he nods his head vigorously. "Yes, yes, it was Merrix. You should find him and be sure that Elar doesn't come after him, too. Perhaps he might know..." Suddenly, he realizes the implication of the question and his face is aghast. "You don't think that he could have?!--" Before the man can complete his thought, his face goes slack. He shudders, exhales a heavy sigh, and closes his eyes for a brief moment. When he opens them again, his expression bears only the worry of a concerned citizen and nothing more. "Poor lass," he says with a look down at the body. "Any leads on who she might have been?"

Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (nobility) DC 15 to open:
Merrix is an uncommon name, and may refer to the younger Merrix d'Cannith, current leader of House Cannith.

Knowledge (local) DC 20 to open:
"Merrix" refers to the younger Merrix d'Cannith, current ruler of House Cannith. Additionally, The Chamber is a supposed shadow organization of dragons who try to work through proxies to affect their will on Khorvaire. Long favored by storytellers and conspiracy theorists, many question its existence while others hold that is exactly what they'd want you to do.

Knowledge (nobility) DC 20 to open:
It's been rumored that the younger d'Cannith lacks the constitution of his grandfather, and as such has turned to other means to fuel his long hours in the shop. Many have whispered about a potential drug problem, and the d'Cannith family has gone to great lengths to keep any such rumors away from the press--speaking to their validity more than silencing them.

Knowledge (local) DC 25 to open:
It's been rumored that the younger d'Cannith lacks the constitution of his grandfather, and as such has turned to other means to fuel his long hours in the shop. Many have whispered about a potential drug problem, and the d'Cannith family has gone to great lengths to keep any such rumors away from the press--speaking to their validity more than silencing them.

Additionally, The Chamber is a supposed shadow organization of dragons who try to work through proxies to affect their will on Khorvaire. Long favored by storytellers and conspiracy theorists, many question its existence while others hold that is exactly what they'd want you to do. According to the tales, the Chamber split from the rest of their kind due to a differing interpretation of the Draconic Prophecy in which the non-draconic "Lower Races" have more of a crucial part to play in its fulfillment.

Knowledge (religion) DC 10 to open:
The Dragon Above (Siberys) and the Dragon Below (Khyber) are equally revered as deities throughout Eberron. While most believe that if dragons still exist, they keep to the distant island nation of Argonnessen, those who worship either the Dragon Above or Below firmly believe that their chosen lord will return to the other continents of Eberron to rule.

[roll0] Knowledge Local

[roll1] Knowledge Religion

[roll2] Knowledge Nobility

Talon nodded silently as he processed this information before turning and saying to the detectives, "Of course I'll be happy to work with and share any information I uncover. I don't do this for the money, my reasons are more... personal." He says, a wounded look crossing his features before returning to the laconic, distracted expression he had worn since he first entered the crime scene.

2012-07-31, 06:27 PM
"That is our second clue pointing to Cannith. There is a connection."

2012-08-03, 04:39 PM
"Merrix is the only other link we know of that relates to the diagram, so I suggest we investigate him. First, I suggest we find someplace safe for discussion."

2012-08-03, 07:44 PM
As the group begins discussing things, Sergeant Tenpenny shoves his way past a half-dazed Kolare and pokes his head back in the room. "What's the matter with him?" the Sergeant grumbles from behind his cigar. He shrugs and continues, "anyway, the techs need to come bag and tag everything. Clear out; preliminary reports are due to Captain Nightbreeze's office in two days' time." He stands with his arms crossed in the doorway, doing less to usher you out than to make your path more difficult. As the lot of you edge past, he chuckles to himself, clearly pleased that he has exerted his authority.

Each character gains 150 XP, and be sure to select a potion if you haven't yet.

2012-08-03, 08:37 PM
After they make their way past Sergeant Tenpenny, Khlorsec reminds them of his earlier offer. "There is a place just around the corner, Aster-Roe's. They have a concoction that is perfect for mental alertness. I'd be happy to buy you all a round over lunch."

2012-08-04, 10:51 AM
After they make their way past Sergeant Tenpenny, Khlorsec reminds them of his earlier offer. "There is a place just around the corner, Aster-Roe's. They have a concoction that is perfect for mental alertness. I'd be happy to buy you all a round over lunch."

Allanon's voice drops to a barely audible whisper, and continues walking as if he wasn't speaking at all.
"Kind of you, but don't forget that the House Thuranni was implicated. We must go somewhere we can't be overheard. It may be that we are watched presently!"

2012-08-04, 08:53 PM
Pocketing a Cure Moderate Potion from the shelf, Talon walks out with the others. Falling into step with Allanon, he replies in a low voice, "We could go to my house. It isn't much, but it's private. Either that or if there's a public park around here... a bar is the perfect place TO be over heard, so I'd vote against that."

2012-08-06, 02:58 PM
Pocketing a Cure Moderate Potion from the shelf, Talon walks out with the others. Falling into step with Allanon, he replies in a low voice, "We could go to my house. It isn't much, but it's private. Either that or if there's a public park around here... a bar is the perfect place TO be over heard, so I'd vote against that."

"Good, lets pass the word inconspicuously."
Allanon then moves inconspicuously to speak with the others.

2012-08-07, 03:27 PM
Talon turns to Allanon and says wryly, "Inconspicuously. Pass it on."

2012-08-07, 06:35 PM
Rayne shrugs as he pockets a potion of Glibness. "It's almost nine in the morning, and I haven't had a drink yet...you said you're buying?

2012-08-09, 05:20 AM
"Nine?" Their investigation had taken a little longer than he thought. However, there should be just enough time for him to check back home for outgoing packages. "Sounds like a plan. I'll meet you there."

2012-08-21, 05:58 AM

The group makes their way down one of Sharn's many staircases, paying no mind to the junkies and beggars that congregate in their darker shadows. Once you all make it down a level to the Lower Menthis Plateau, you navigate the streets (which are slightly tighter here) with Talon in the lead until you come to Forgelight Towers, an average residential neighborhood on the lower level.

The rowhomes in front of you aren't the most palatial estates in all of the Unsleeping City, but nor are they the filthiest. Indeed, they're a far cry from the Cogs below the city or some of the refugee areas along Cliffside. As Talon enters one of the homes, a stout halfling woman smiles at the group. One of her eyes bulges from her face, while the other is milky-white. She stares in the general direction of the group and asks, "Talon, that you dearie?" On a perch behind her, a small pterodactyl flaps its wings and lets out a mighty screech. "Hush now Farnsworth," the little woman chides and swings feebly at the air near the beast with her cane. She sniffs the air deeply and says with a smile, "smells like Talon's brought guests. Can I put on some tea for you, dearies?"

2012-08-23, 03:07 PM
Allanon shakes his head no. He then raises a questioning eyebrow at Talon and motions with his head at the apparently blind halfling.

I think paranoia is justified in a case like this.

2012-08-23, 09:48 PM
Talon, you old dog, why didn't you tell us you were married? Sorry to bother you ma'am, but a cup of tea would be wonderful.

Khlorsec wasn't sure exactly what to say. He hadn't been expecting anyone since Talon made his invitation. Still a bit of tea sounded good after this morning. He needed something to keep the headache that was threatening at bay.

2012-08-24, 01:47 AM
Felix smirks at the remark. Remembering his manners, he accepts the offer politely. "Yes, thank you. My name is Felix, by the way. Pleased to meet you." As she seemed unable to see, the courier does not offer his hand. He remains standing by the door, as if this were a routine delivery.

2012-08-24, 06:32 AM
The halfling woman erupts in a titter of laughter at Khlorsec's comment. "Married?!" she scoffs, "Now that's a laugh! Poor boy couldn't handle me. I'm just the homeowner," though she adds with a wink, "not that he doesn't dream of having it another way. Hoohoo, now I'm the one having a laugh."

She turns and begins feeling about the counter for her saucers, cups, and tea supplies. After a few seconds of fumbling, she finds them and calls back over her shoulder, "Pleased to meet you as well, Felix. I'm Mrs. Tweddle. And who's the funny one?" She waits for Khlorsec to introduce himself as she prepares the tea, splashing copious amounts over the edge of each cup before finding the mark. She brings the drinks to the table, and Talon courteously begins to clean up the counter. "Cream and sugar are over on the counter if you'd like," she says. "I'll get out of your boys' hair now. Farnsworth!" She holds out her arm like a falconer, and the dinosaur alights on his new perch. The two of them make their way to the spiraling staircase that leads up and away into the tall, slim house, and the lot of you are left with some much needed privacy.

The discussion centers around the three distinct possibilities of further investigation. The d'Thuranni family may have some reasons for wanting Esmerelda dead, and they have a compound in the Theater district that might be worth a visit. Merrix d'Cannith is the head of House Cannith and a mutual friend of Kolare and Esmerelda, so he might have more information. Lastly, the odd pattern found at the scene of the crime is reminiscent of Draconic calligraphy, and perhaps even the Draconic Prophecy, so it might be worth a visit to Morgrave University's library or one of the many temples to either the Dragon Above or the Dragon Below to aid in your understanding of the pattern. The only question that remains before the group is which path to pursue first.

2012-08-24, 03:30 PM
"Talon, this Mrs. Tweddle, can we trust her?"

2012-08-24, 04:59 PM
"Allanon, you worry too much. You can't let a little thing like the possible ire of the heads of two of the houses get in the way of a good puzzle. The problem I see is that we have three perfectly solid leads, and not a damn one has a bit to do with any of the past strangler cases." Khlorsec intended to sip his tea, but it was already gone.

"Still, with nothing else to go on, which do you want to check out first? I'm a book man, myself."

2012-08-24, 05:40 PM
"Better safe than sorry." Rayne mentions as he enters the room. He looks at his companions and asks "So...are we going to compare notes, or are we just going to sit around waiting for tea?"

2012-08-27, 05:30 PM
"So far we have the connection to the two dragonmarked houses, the symbol, and the strangler. The symbol had a connection to the House Thuranni, and the part that connected to the House Cannith could mean Cyre, Chosen, Catasrophe, or Centuries. Two of those reference Cyre and thus link back to Cannith. Then there is this romance, which is apparently connected but was probably of lesser importance or a front.
Then there was this bit about the victim having been scying. . . I wonder. . ." Allanon pauses and appears to be considering a possibility.

2012-08-27, 07:53 PM
From one of the upper floors, you hear the sound of shattering glass and a squawking pterodactyl. After a few tonal sounds noticed by Halfling speakers as profanities, you hear Mrs. Tweddle call out "No worries, dearies, I'm quite alright! Damn it Farnsworth, quit flapping!" Any who are worried about the landlady's prying ears have their fears assuaged by the cacaphony; she is clearly too busy with her own matters to do any eavesdropping.

2012-08-28, 09:07 PM
"We have the entirety of what she wrote, right?" Felix asks. "I think our first priority should be getting a clear idea of what Esmerelda's message was. It's our best chance of learning the reason she was killed." The task would probably be less complicated than getting in touch with the local head of House Cannith. Not to mention the fact that the characters on a piece of paper would be more forthcoming with answers than a person.

2012-08-29, 12:56 PM
Yes. I have it right here. As much as I chided his caution earlier, Allanon has the right of it, so far as I can see. I also vote that we look into the script. Does anyone have a contact at Morgrave?

2012-08-29, 07:50 PM
The Design

As you all pore over the oddly beautiful Draconic calligraphy, most of the shapes are alien to your untrained eyes--even those of you who can read the language are more versed in its traditional modern script, and recognize the possibility of endless words in each. If Kolare is to be trusted, the victim lacked the command of Draconic required to create such an image. If the killer was trying to send a message, their intention was obscured like a whisper in a hurricane.

The only two words that seem clear are the shapes that resemble House Cannith's Mark of Making and House Thuranni's Mark of Shadow. The form of Thuranni's symbol is so elementary that it can't be anything but the article "the," whereas the Mark of Making leaves more room for interpretation. Some of its twists seem to fork in different directions, and the form was marred as if erased and re-written many times over. Because of this, it could read as Cyre, catastrophe, chosen, or centuries; it would require an expert opinion to tell anything more. The possibilities point to prophetic language..could this be the text of the mysterious Draconic Prophecy itself?

The text you've been able to decode so far:


2012-09-01, 01:35 PM
"First, let us assume that both houses have something to hide in this an they will not talk willingly. House Thurranni are experts at that sort of thing. I also do not thing the Esmerelda drew the symbol. Not because the apothecary said so, but I checked her fingertips and saw no signs of having drawn with chalk, no chalkdust. I think we need more information on the symbol and the Strangeler. Who among you have connections to the watch? I think that you should check up on the Strangeler while I and anyone else with scholarly backround discover more about this symbol."
Allanon waits to hear reaction to his plan.

2012-09-01, 10:35 PM
I agree that just barging into one of the Houses is unlikely to get us anywhere we want to go. That sounds like a reasonable alternative. As I said earlier, I would rather look into the diagram. My official connections aren't what they could be.

2012-09-04, 03:01 PM
Allanon nods and then looks to the rest of the group.

2012-09-05, 08:01 PM
"Agreed." A slight smile plays about the courier's face. "It's considerably more difficult for a diagram to lie to us. Now, I've heard you can use the library at Morgrave University for a certain fee. Suppose we start our investigation there."

2012-09-06, 09:33 AM
Rayne nods in agreement

2012-09-10, 07:31 PM

Your footsteps echo through the marble halls of Morgrave University as you move towards the library, bouncing off the columns on the walls until they seem like they're coming from every direction. The vaulted ceilings causes the sound to reverberate with every step until you set foot in the library. The architecture is the same, but you foot falls without a sound.

In fact, every sound is muted within the walls of the library. Shelves filled with books rise up multiple stories to the high ceilings, and there are creatures of all stripes perusing the stacks. At a large mahogany desk before you, a young gnomish woman sits arched over a scroll. She peers through tiny reading glasses at the text before her but raises her eyes to peer over her spectacles as you arrive. Her mouth doesn't move, but all of you hear a voice in your head:

Good afternoon, dears. Can I help you find something?

2012-09-20, 03:31 PM
"I must speak to Reglas Ignelia. This is very important."

2012-09-21, 06:30 AM
The librarian makes a face, as though she had just chewed on something very sour. This is a library, she scolds, Please keep your voices down if you lack the capacity for telepathic conversation. I'll page Dr. Ignelia. The woman presses a button hidden deep beneath the stacks of manuscripts on her desk, and in seconds an old elf stands before you. He raises an eyebrow, which asks the question without saying a word: why have you bothered me?

2012-09-21, 03:27 PM
Where I come from, Allanon thinks to himself, librarians are scholars instead of nuances. I wonder if all of them in this land are like this, he ponders, remembering the Loremasters of Aerenal.
Allanon had much experience dealing with reclusive scholars.
He pulls out the parchment onto which his spell had copied the pattern. He gives it to Reglas Ignelia wordlessly. He waits for him to look at it for a moment, then "Is there a place we can talk?"

2012-09-22, 09:32 PM
Khlorsec stood just behind Allanon, his jaw set to prevent the impatience he felt from spilling out and ruining their chances of securing this man's help. Still, the private investigator fumed at the derision in the librarian's message as well as the scholar's irritation at their presence. His frustration was as apparent in his glowering stare as it would have been had he unclenched his jaw. Had he been more self-aware, Berthalt would have realized that the very traits he deplored in others were the same ones that caused him so much trouble in his own interactions.

2012-09-24, 02:05 AM
Felix had the bad feeling he was about to be landed out of his depth. Despite what he knew, the courier had been unable to understand the message at all. And he couldn't see what a book on Aerenal had to do with it. He decides, however, any further questions can wait until they have some place to work in private.

2012-09-24, 10:19 AM
Where I come from, Allanon thinks to himself, librarians are scholars instead of nuances. I wonder if all of them in this land are like this, he ponders, remembering the Loremasters of Aerenal.
Allanon had much experience dealing with reclusive scholars.
He pulls out the parchment onto which his spell had copied the pattern. He gives it to Reglas Ignelia wordlessly. He waits for him to look at it for a moment, then "Is there a place we can talk?"

The librarian looks at Allanon with a wry smile. And where I come from, she scolds silently, Most folks know that telepathy works both ways. If you're interested, my scholarly writings on the Day of Mourning can be found in row 8973C. As Reglas appears, she returns to her reading.

When Allanon shows Reglas the pattern, the elf's eyes widen with interest. As the young wizard opens his mouth to ask if there's a place they can talk, he finds himself suddenly in Dr. Ignelia's office. The group looks around at the shelves overflowing with Draconic texts. His surroundings make it clear that he is the preeminent Draconic scholar on campus. The elf's eyes don't leave the parchment, and he asks, "Fascinating! Where did you find this?"

2012-09-24, 01:06 PM
It was scrawled in chalk on the floor shopkeeper's back room. We were hired to find out, among other things, who might have written it. Some thought it was a threat, but a couple of us figured out that the draconic calligraphy was similar to that contained in a certain prophecy. What can you tell us about it?

2012-10-01, 03:21 PM
Felix whispers to Allanon. "And what of the messenger who brought this to our attention?" He dared not say more. What they knew was dangerous. But it could be significant to learning the meaning behind the writing.

2012-10-06, 06:58 PM
The scholar looks at you with disbelief. "Scrawled in chalk?" he asks, then before anyone can form an answer follows up with "What can I tell you?" A palpable silence hangs in the air for a moment.

"What can't I tell you of the Draconic Prophecy? I've written volumes on scraps far less complete than this, and you found it dashed out like some arithmetic equation...in CHALK? Fascinating!" Reglas goes to his shelves and begins pulling down scroll after scroll. He hands them to you as he goes, and each reeks of centuries of storage in libraries and universities much like this one. Every ancient scroll contains a copy of various shreds of the image you found in Kolare's shop.

"These were the most complete illustrations of the Prophecy...before today," he says excitedly. Due to their incomplete nature, there has been debate about the source and meaning of this text that predates your eldest ancestors. But now--" he interrupts himself to jot down some notes, and the flurry of activity in the office is enough to make you dizzy. "Now we can translate it in mere moments. Let's see here..." the elf reaches for his spectacles and holds them up to the bridge of his nose in order to read the symbols around the design. "Truly fascinating..." the elf mumbles a few things to himself while scribing his translation, and concludes in the same flurry of activity in which he began. He clears his throat and reads aloud:

"God's chosen king shall join many veering paths to lead the deathless one. This is unbelievable. Granted, there's a whole field of study about to be born surrounding the interpretation of these words, but to be the man who uncovered the words themselves...There is much work to be done if we're to publish this finding quickly!" He runs back to his shelves, now blind to your presence in his euphoria.

The Design (Decoded)

2012-10-06, 10:40 PM
The message was simple, but cryptic, like most prophecy. That wasn't what caught Khlorsec's attention, however. It was this man' interest and fervor at reviewing the document. Khlorsec saw a way to more than cover the incidental expenses they had incurred so far, and he went for it. None of us are scholars in this area. A discovery of this sort will be much better received if it comes from a distinguished member of the field. Perhaps it would be best if you were to purchase the rights to a copy of this document and to all scholarly interests pertaining therein. It is worth more, and I haven't had a chance to discuss it with the others, but I think we would be willing to accept 500 golds and a list of the most likely people who could have drawn this. Berthalt was not the most able negotiator, but he knew when he had the advantage.

2012-10-07, 03:07 PM
"Can you offer any insight into what the phrase means?" Already Allanon was cogitating a myriad of possibilities, none of which he allowed to surface in his mind for fear of prying mind-readers. "Also, this seems to be from a monotheisic cult. Perhaps the Dragon Above or Below. Interesting."

2012-10-07, 10:12 PM
None of us are scholars in this area. A discovery of this sort will be much better received if it comes from a distinguished member of the field. Perhaps it would be best if you were to purchase the rights to a copy of this document and to all scholarly interests pertaining therein. It is worth more, and I haven't had a chance to discuss it with the others, but I think we would be willing to accept 500 golds and a list of the most likely people who could have drawn this.

The scholar pauses, confused by your suggestion. "Well, of course you'd get publishing credit alongside myself," he nods. "No need to discuss prices, as who could really put a price on bringing such knowledge to the world?" He rests his head on his hand as he mulls over the implications of your statement before adding, "Unless you're saying you'd withhold the information if I didn't pay. Surely you're not such ruffians? Regardless," he says as he hastily dashes out a check, "take this to Kundarak's bank three blocks South of here, and they'll be able to cash it for you. My signature's as good as coin in your hand."

"Can you offer any insight into what the phrase means?" Already Allanon was cogitating a myriad of possibilities, none of which he allowed to surface in his mind for fear of prying mind-readers. "Also, this seems to be from a monotheisic cult. Perhaps the Dragon Above or Below. Interesting."

"Mhm, yes, fascinating indeed," the scholar says with a small laugh. "However, I am but a translator...the meaning is sure to be debated for generations to come. It is interesting, though, that each character so closely resembles the Dragonmarked Houses. Do you think they may have some role in the fulfillment of the Prophecy?"

2012-10-07, 10:33 PM
"No, not ruffians my good sir. I recognize the value this will add to your field, and want nothing more than to see it go to good purpose. It's just that there is customarily a finder's fee for a discovery like this." Khlorsec soft peddled his pitch as the scholar dashed of the note of exchequer.

After carefully folding the note and stashing it in his jacket pockte, Berthalt rejoined the speculative discussion. "Many Veering Paths is about as apt a description as any of the houses taken as a whole."

2012-10-08, 06:56 AM
"Many Veering Paths is about as apt a description as any of the houses taken as a whole."

"Mmm, quite..." Reglas says with a small chuckle. "As for the author of this message, I haven't the foggiest who could have written it. The script is most definitely of Argonnessen, but I don't know of any scalyfolk wandering around the shops of Sharn. You found it at an apothecary's, did you? Pray tell, what were you all doing there? And why is one word--a simple article, of all things--written in bolder face than the rest?"

Sense Motive DC 15 to open:
He may know more about the possible author than he's letting on.

2012-10-08, 02:05 PM
"It is probably bolder because the woman we found murdered in the back of the apothecary was of the House Thuranni. It is doubtful, however, that she wrote it. We may wish to hold off publishing this until we are sure that such a thing will not get us killed. Which house does the word deathless resemble?"

2012-10-08, 10:16 PM
The script is most definitely of Argonnessen, but I don't know of any scalyfolk wandering around the shops of Sharn.

"Has anyone from Sharn attempted the trip to Argonnessen? Perhaps to learn about the..." Berthalt had just begun to interrupt when he heard the next part.

You found it at an apothecary's, did you?

Khlorsec looked down his nose, directly into eye of the scholarly elf. "You sir, were the first to mention anything about an apothecary. What do you know, and what are you withholding? As my colleague says, we are investigating a murder. Such secrecy could paint you in a most unfavorable light.

2012-10-09, 08:14 PM
Khlorsec looked down his nose, directly into eye of the scholarly elf. "You sir, were the first to mention anything about an apothecary. What do you know, and what are you withholding? As my colleague says, we are investigating a murder. Such secrecy could paint you in a most unfavorable light.

Reglas eyes Khlorsec with a stare that could curdle milk on the spot. "You'll mind both the tone and content of your comments, boy," the elf fumes, emphasizing the title for all the insult he can milk out of it. "What I know is that your compatriot" he says with a quick gesture toward Allanon, "just mentioned an apothecary. Mentioned a murder, too--a key fact on which you were tacit yourself. A less courteous man would chime in with something about pots and kettles at this point." He tightly winds the scroll he is holding, wringing it a bit to get rid of his frustration.

"I'll not be getting involved in any murders or conspiracies, much less one that involves the Houses. Once this mess has been cleaned up, feel free to return and we can talk about publication; you've my word that this information will stay in this room until such a time...though I'm loathe to sit on a discovery of this nature. Do try to resolve things quickly. Oh, and don't bother attempting to cash that cheque until we've come to an agreement vis a vis our findings. Now go! Every second you spend here is one not spent making history."

2012-10-09, 09:01 PM
Khlorsec laughed nervously at the man's tirade. "Did he? My mistake, I'm sure. You can understand this whole business has me jumping at shadows. If you will direct me to the way out, I won't waste any more of your time. This conversation has been most enlightening."

2012-10-10, 10:42 PM
"Could you annotate which of the words corresponds to which house on the diagram?" Allanon was fairly certain that he didn't say apothecary, but he wasn't quite ready to press the issue.

Predicting the next murder was a bit more pressing.

2012-10-11, 05:34 PM
House wasn't the right word, Felix realizes. Dragonmark would be far more appropriate. At least, if "deathless" meant what he thought it did. Old stories told of a lost dragonmark, whose bearers could control the undead and destroy life at will. There was only room for thirteen items. With the inclusion of both Phiarlan and Thuranni, all of the current houses were accounted for. But he was almost sure "deathless" didn't refer to a house. If the words referred to the dragonmarks, then all of them, including the Dragonmark of Death, would be a part of this message.

Another thing. The scholar knew more about the message to begin with than he was telling them. As they seemed to be on their way out, Felix decides to keep his thoughts between himself and his companions.

2012-10-15, 08:46 PM
Khlorsec laughed nervously at the man's tirade. "Did he? My mistake, I'm sure. You can understand this whole business has me jumping at shadows. If you will direct me to the way out, I won't waste any more of your time. This conversation has been most enlightening."

The scholarly elf sighs slightly, and his severe countenance lessens some. "Yes, yes, I suppose such things are enough to make anyone twitchy. Do feel free to fix yourself a cup of tea before you get back on the beat. The mahogany door behind you is the preferential form of egress...and return, once you're ready to publish this," he says.

"Could you annotate which of the words corresponds to which house on the diagram?" Allanon was fairly certain that he didn't say apothecary, but he wasn't quite ready to press the issue.

"Hmm?" he asks before answering himself. "Oh, yes, certainly." He dabs his quill back into the ink and jots a few quick notes. "Here you are," he says, "do try to be careful."

OOC: This information was posted previously in the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13535123&postcount=1). Just open the spoiler, then the sub-spoiler titled "The Houses."

Predicting the next murder was a bit more pressing.

Indeed it was. One thing was for certain; there was a killer on the loose within city limits. From the ritual nature of the crime scene, it looked like he had plans to kill again. If all of the investigators' research had told them anything, it was that this killer was either a religious zealot or scholar with information that some of the most powerful people in the world are chomping at the bit to obtain. Left unchecked, the Last War seemed like a minor skirmish in comparison to what could happen. The important question is where to go from here.

According to Kolare, investigating within House Thuranni could unveil more about the workings of the House and possible motive for killing Esmerelda. He had also mentioned a mutual connection within House Cannith that could prove fruitful as a foot in the door to another one of the houses. The brave at heart could also return to speak to the librarian; she may be marked of House Sivis, and even if she wasn't she held the keys to a wealth of knowledge within the University's library.

Even if our group of gumshoes decides not to pursue one of these leads, the Unsleeping City of Sharn is alive and at their fingertips. The metropolis is constantly abuzz with all types of business, and each of the Dragonmarked houses has at least one enclave in town. Fortune sometimes favors those who forge their own paths.

2012-10-16, 12:05 PM
Khlorsec politely declined the tea, and waited for the others near the door.

2012-10-17, 12:29 PM
Allanon thanks the scholar and leaves. Before exiting the library, he checks out some books on the Prophecy (theories about it, relation to dragonmarks, etc.), a book about the different forms of telepathy and their properties, and the works on the Day of Mourning in 8973C.

He also indicates they should return to Talon's or somewhere to conference.

2012-10-19, 02:48 AM
When they leave the university, Felix speaks to the others in a hushed tone. "Did you notice it too? The scholar was keeping something from us. About who wrote our message. I know we have our hands full, but Reglas might be worth looking into. At least, the company he keeps."

"Speaking of which, something has been bothering me about the, ah, translation. Thirteen spaces. Now, that's enough for each House, but also enough for each dragonmark. I'm not quite confident "Deathless" refers to Deneith when there is a more suitable candidate in an extinct line." He gives his companions a quick summary of the legend. "What do you think?"

2012-10-19, 01:28 PM
It wasn't a long trip to Khlorsec's flat -- a modest apartment in Ivy Towers. The investigator delayed answering until the trio arrived there. Once the door was closed, he blurted, "Dragon Below, did Allanon mention the apothecary first! Yes, I noticed he was keeping something back about the author. He avoided my question about traveling to Argonessan as well. Having calmed his rage somewhat, he continued, "I'm reasonably certain that Deneith is correct -- it looks like the Mark of Sentinel. However, I would bet platinum that the translation refers to what you speak of. I think that the words are just some sort of prophetic puns, where the content of the prophecy was carefully constructed using homeographs connecting the prophecy to the houses."

Homeographs is totally a made up word, but the prefix means similar, and of course graph means writing or word.

2012-10-19, 02:48 PM
It wasn't a long trip to Khlorsec's flat -- a modest apartment in Ivy Towers. The investigator delayed answering until the trio arrived there. Once the door was closed, he blurted, "Dragon Below, did Allanon mention the apothecary first! Yes, I noticed he was keeping something back about the author. He avoided my question about traveling to Argonessan as well. Having calmed his rage somewhat, he continued, "I'm reasonably certain that Deneith is correct -- it looks like the Mark of Sentinel. However, I would bet platinum that the translation refers to what you speak of. I think that the words are just some sort of prophetic puns, where the content of the prophecy was carefully constructed using homeographs connecting the prophecy to the houses."

"I did not mention it first, you were correct.

I can answer your question about traveling to Argonessan. No one from this continent has ever journeyed into Argonessan proper and returned. The elves under the Undying Court have fought multiple wars with the dragons in the past. They glimpsed the interior, no more. On the islands around Argonessan and the beaches are primitive tribes that worship the dragons. They don't let people get past them."

When they leave the university, Felix speaks to the others in a hushed tone. "Did you notice it too? The scholar was keeping something from us. About who wrote our message. I know we have our hands full, but Reglas might be worth looking into. At least, the company he keeps."

"Speaking of which, something has been bothering me about the, ah, translation. Thirteen spaces. Now, that's enough for each House, but also enough for each dragonmark. I'm not quite confident "Deathless" refers to Deneith when there is a more suitable candidate in an extinct line." He gives his companions a quick summary of the legend. "What do you think?"

"I too have been thinking about the Lost Mark. I would not expect him to catch it if it was there, but I don't think he missed Deneith. I do have ways to be certain whether or not the Lost Mark is present, but I would prefer to wait until we have exhausted some other possibilities.
As to your point about the Marks or the Houses, I think the fact that Shadow is in two places means that it is about the houses . . . THE SPLIT!" Allanon exclaims suddenely, "That is the key! The split of the House of Shadow into two houses occured relatively recently. But what we found dated back much earlier. Clearly, this wasn't its main purpose, but it predicited the spliting of the House into two. If it did that, it could also have predicted the destruction of the Lost Mark and . . . maybe it was even a factor in its destruction, since it was partially caused by dragons. If that is so, we are dealing with a pattern of killings that goes back over three thousand years!"

Pause. "I have a theory, to confirm it we need more information on the victims of the past killings. Do either of you have enough connections with the Watch to get us that information?
I think to proceed, we need more information about what this ... Design is causing on the smaller scale that brought it to our attention.

2012-10-21, 03:35 PM
I have no decent connection to the Guard, but I do have a contact there that occasionally passes me information. I do have some knowledge of one of the previous crimes. I was hired originally by Adalia Nailo's family. She is the one that was found in Morgrave Library. The cases are remarkably dissimilar, except for the gender of the victims, and the method in which they were killed. She had no obvious connection to the prophecy, and nothing like this was found near the body. My working assumption so far, is that the strangler is a contract killer, with a signature method.

2012-10-23, 06:26 PM
"You must..." Felix leaves the phrase unsaid. The man was obviously not joking. Speaking the truth, on the other hand, was a different matter entirely. Yet, there had been more than one murder. "That is...quite a claim." One that would take some effort on their part to prove, no doubt. And they would have to, if they wanted any chance at learning the reason behind these murders. "You might want to ask your contact about any similar murders, then." He narrows his eyes in thought. "I think I can make some inquiries at the Inquisitive. Perhaps get a look at their archives. If a rash of killings like this has happened in the past, the newspaper might have reported on them."

2012-10-23, 07:18 PM
As you discuss the case in the safety of Khlorsec's flat, night begins to fall on Sharn. Though his apartment falls outside the seedier parts of the city, Sharn at night is a horse of an entirely different color than it is by day. Even though darkness falls on the city, the magical street lamps keep the town lit so well that some don't even notice the change.

If any of you want to meet up with your contacts, it will most likely have to wait for tomorrow, as they are either starting to hit the town or retire for the night. However, there are also a few leads you could still investigate. There's always someone manning the front desk at House Thuranni's enclave in Upper Menthis. If you wanted to speak with the younger Merrix d'Cannith about his connection to Esmerelda, he shouldn't be too hard to track down; the young party boy plays as hard as he works, and is sure to make a scene wherever he goes.

2012-10-27, 12:37 PM
"But if a contract killer, why does he only kill women? This aspect would seem to denote a more ritualistic approach, which would fit with our Design. The Design was drawn in chalk, so if there was someone interested in keeping it from being discovered, they could easily have done do; but of course, we have no leads on such a person existing. What I really want to know is if the other victims had any connection to the Houses or Dragonmarks. Do either of you know how we could find that out?"

2012-10-27, 09:15 PM
If I had all the details worked out, I wouldn't be calling it a working theory. We can try catching my informant on his way to work tomorrow. Other than that, the houses themselves should know whether any of their members were involve. I would expect Thuranni to have the most accurate information, but they may be less than forthcoming. Perhaps we should track down Merrix instead.

2012-11-01, 08:06 PM
"Perhaps the pattern in the victims is intended to deceive anyone investigating these murders. As unlikely the odds of anyone figuring out the real reason behind these killings are, the culprits could be cautious. If they chose to murder only women, people might believe there was another sort of serial killer at work." Felix explains.

"I'm only speculating, of course. I think we should contact Merrix. House Cannith would have the resources we need to look into this further."

2012-11-04, 02:21 PM
"Hmm." A deep frown appears on the elf's face. "I am not sure about that. I think we can expect to find out little from Merrix that is accurate, but we would give away our presence investigating the murders, and that could very well cause us problems. However, I cannot suggest much of an alternative."

2012-11-05, 12:16 PM
As the party warily agrees on tracking down the young d'Cannith, Khlorsec sets to work keeping an ear to the ground for any news of his whereabouts. Luckily, Merrix the younger is enough of a celebrity (and makes a big enough splash) that one doesn't have to search very hard to see the ripples he leaves in his wake. After hopping up and down levels of the city from one pub to another, the group is finally able to track him down, though it's taken [roll0] hours and is now the dead of night. Luckily or unluckily as the case may be, that is the time when Merrix (and Sharn as a whole) is at his most lively.

The group finds him in The Gilded Lily, one of Silvergate's finest high-end bars. The whole shopping district of Upper Tavick's Landing drips opulence, but in a manner far too hip for the artsy University District or the other more staid and conservative districts of the upper levels. Tavick's is where the city's young movers and shakers do most of their moving and their most lascivious shaking. Merrix and his entourage are in the center of the bar, ordering high-shelf drinks one after the other. As the group tries to approach him, they are blocked by a gigantic metal arm coming down from each side. Given their size, they may as well have been tiny walls. Tracing the arms back to their sources, you find two hulking warforged flanking the area where Master d'Cannith is currently pouring alcohol straight from a bottle into the open mouth of a young kalashtar woman who is prone on the bar.

"Private party," they grumble in a synchronized monotone.

2012-11-05, 01:24 PM

"Yes, of course. Didn't see you there." Khlorsec motioned his companions to a small table which had just opened up. He stepped quickly to grab the place, hoping the others were behind him. Once seated, he cast a quick cantrip, pointing as unobtrusively as possible at his fellow detectives and Merrix.

Casting Message

As Berthalt whispered, he obscured the lower half of his face with the wine list. "She's pretty, but I suppose you are no stranger to pretty girls. A mutual acquaintance from Middle Menthis asked us find out who one of your pretty friends spent the night with last night. If you can't talk now, set the bottle down, and kiss the pretty girl on the hand. She won't mind."

2012-11-09, 01:47 PM
The younger d'Cannith smiles at the kalashtar woman, sets the bottle down next to her, and gestures for her to give him a moment. He saunters over toward the group, his twin warforged in tow. "I'll beg your pardon, strangers," he says with a coy smile, "but there's a large difference between a playboy and a pimp. If a woman doesn't spend the night with me, I don't know where she goes. Now, speaking of women spending the night with me..." he says with a lusty look towards the kalashtar, "...I'll have to beg your pardon unless this is a matter of life and death. I mean, have any of you ever been with a telepath? A woman who can actually read your mind? Bananas!" And with that, the young man turns to leave, directing his warforged to make an about face with two whirling motions of his index fingers.

2012-11-12, 01:34 PM
Khlorsec sighed. Getting information out of higher profile individuals was such a boor. Lying came naturally to everyone, but those in power had honed it to a science. "I wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this if it weren't life and death. Well, technically just death. As I'm sure you are aware, the friend I was talking about was found this morning. The apothecary had some interesting ideas about who might be responsible, and who might have tipped off the interested parties to her whereabouts. I'm sure you would much rather talk about this somewhere else.

If you'd rather stay and play with the girl with a banana, then I'm certain I can find someone else willing to talk with me."

2012-11-13, 12:45 PM
The d'Cannith baron's face is blank as Khlorsec begins to whisper, but at the mention of an apothecary a faint glimmer of recognition creeps over his face. "Kolare?" he asks aloud. As Khlorsec continues, Merrix pieces together what he's saying, and his look moves quickly from recognition to confusion and, finally, concern. Merrix flicks a finger, and one of his hulking mechanical bodyguards draws near. The young man presses a button on the warforged's breastplate, and the sounds of the club are quickly shut out with a soft hiss. The Gilded Lily still continues to hustle and bustle around the group, but it is silenced. "Don't worry," Merrix says to assuage your fears before you can express any, "sound is cancelled outside a 5-foot radius, and vision's obscured just enough to make reading our lips impossible. Now, if you're talking about apothecaries and pretty friends of mine--" at this his look of concern changes to one of fear and loss "tell me, has something happened to Esme?" He looks first to Khlorsec, but he scans the group. His eyes plead with each of you to tell him he's crazy, to give him good news that none of you have.

Sense Motive DC 25 to open:
He's not hiding anything--this dude seems genuinely concerned for his friend.

2012-11-14, 06:10 AM
Felix clearly didn't know what they would be getting into when he suggested a meeting with the Cannith leader. At least, he didn't foresee finding himself in the middle of a bacchanalia in progress, judging by Merrix's companions. Inwardly, Felix shrugged. He had been out of his depth since the apothecary.

Any feelings of awkwardness faded when the baron brought up Esmeralda. As a courier, he had been required to deliver bad news before. It was never easy. "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this. She was found murdered in Kolare's apothecary."

2012-11-14, 10:18 PM
Khlorsec was floored. It hadn't even occurred to him that Merrix might be in the dark. He had started to take the man's cavalier attitude as a sign of uncaring, but now we wasn't so sure. "You hadn't heard? But, I assumed it would have been all over the papers by now. I was sure that a man of your connections would have been apprised. I'm sorry to have been so indelicate."

2012-11-26, 07:47 AM
The young playboy's facade cracks, and he has to grab onto a nearby table to support himself as his knees start to buckle. You can hear faint sobbing sounds, but by the time he raises his head, Merrix has regained his composure. "Anything I can do to help," he says with a nod, "just nail the bastard that did this. How can I help?"

2012-12-01, 02:36 PM
"What was your relationship to the deceased?"

2012-12-03, 10:34 PM
"I am concerned that the way things were set up, it implicates two of the major houses. Can you think of anyone with the wherewithal to pull this off, who has something against both your house, and Thuranni?"

2012-12-04, 02:32 PM
Merrix chuckles slightly at Khlorsec's question, a sight made all the more awkward by the fact that he is still sobbing. "Are you serious? About half the other houses!" He raises a hand to his chin and thinks for a moment. "I suppose House Phiarlan is the first suspect whenever their rival Mark of Shadow is involved. Makes sense, too...they were both vying for us to sign a contract with each of them to build something or other last month. Probably would have helped if I paid attention in those board meetings.

As for your question," he says to Allanon, "Esme and I were kindred spirits--both limelight babies from infancy, but I suppose that's what happens when you're born into the Houses. I just can't believe all the attention on her would culminate in..." He stops speaking as a thought strikes him and looks around with eyes wider than a doe's. With a snap of his fingers, his twin warforged draw in closer and raise hands to their weapons. "You don't think the same madman is after me, do you?"

Sense Motive DC 20 to open:
Again, Merrix is not hiding anything. Instead, he is genuinely concerned that he is the next target.

2012-12-09, 04:12 PM
"I am not sure, but I doubt it based on my current theories. Korelar said that you acted as a go between for he and Esmeralda. Is that the case?

2012-12-10, 07:23 PM
Merrix nods and, suddenly, a thought overtakes him. "Yes, yes, I may actually have one of their little love notes, if you will. Join me back at my parent's chateau, will you?" With a snap of his fingers, Merrix's twin warforged lock in step behind him as he heads for the door. Outside, he hails a cab and the half-elf driver hovers next to the nearby walkway. The air elemental bound to the craft roars as a small vortex keeps the craft aloft.

Flanked by his bodyguards, Merrix climbs into the middle row of the craft and nods for the rest of you to join him in the back row. The cabbie doesn't even need to ask for an address; he pulls a lever and the vehicle begins a vertical ascent. "Any of you ever been to Skyway?" he asks you, his mood seemingly lightened.


As the carriage approaches The City Above the City, it is readily apparent that this private neighborhood is populated by only the wealthiest members of the upper class. Though it is the middle of the night through all of Breland, a warm and gentle light shines on Skyway. The cab comes to a soft landing on a perfectly paved street, and Merrix hands a stack of cash to the driver. In exchange, the driver smiles brightly and thanks the young man profusely. The carriage departs, descending over the horizon to dive back into the Unsleeping City, and Merrix leads you to his childhood home. Marble walls rise up for five stories, with beautiful stained glass windows depicting various scenes glorifying House Cannith. Behind the image of the first Forge that created the warforged, a bright light flickers as if burning in a fireplace.

As you approach the house, Merrix pauses for an uneasy moment. "The door..." he mutters. As you look, you see that the front door of the home is not only unlocked, but also slightly ajar. "Father always locks up," Merrix says.

Spot and Listen checks, please.

2012-12-14, 04:12 AM
Felix can't help but forget the task at hand for a moment. It was all simply amazing. The view, the district of Sharn he had only seen pictures of. He didn't know what to say. Except perhaps ask Merrix what it was like. Though, really, Felix had some faint idea of how the Dragonmarked elite lived, from back in his early childhood, before his family's effective exile. It had been long ago. Long enough for this sight to inspire the expected amazement, rather than nostalgia.

Then Felix spots the open door (in a mansion, no less) and the only thing he feels is suspicion. "Better let us go first." If someone hostile was inside, the heir was sure to be a target.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2012-12-15, 02:21 PM
"Right, but one of us better stay in the coach as well, it could be a diversion. We also should cover all entrances and exits if that is at all possible." He turns to Merrix "Can your guards see to that?" Then Allanon realizes something he missed. "We better get to your father as well, he is the next likely target."