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View Full Version : So, I thought this was nice....

2012-07-11, 11:14 AM
In a Pathfinder PbP game that I'm running at the moment on RPOL where the characters are all undead spirits, one of the forumites here posted the following very brief, but nice little post in the midst of a hard fought battle against a superior foe.

Kaedric could not take his eyes off of Pain. He died once, so close to her, and it was about to happen again. Even as the scythe dug deep into his form, and the inky blackness tried to spread across his body, the poltergeist only gave a saddened smile to Lilliana.

"I....I really do suck at trying to protect you, don't I?" he said, half chuckling as tears welled up in his eyes. He reached to touch her, hold her, one last time before he was torn from existence.

Good job Valdren. :)