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View Full Version : Looking for a Tiefling (drow?) Picture.

Otherworld Odd
2012-07-11, 04:31 PM
Hey guys, haven't been on here in a loooooong time.

But when I did come on here, I found a picture of an awesome tiefling in one of those "Assign a class/level/whatever to this picture" threads, which I can't find either. I had it saved to my computer but I've been through some roughrough times and I don't have it anymore. I can't find it anywhere either. -.-. Anyways, what it kinda looked like:

It was a youngish looking tiefling (I'm like 75% sure it was a tiefling but it MAY have been a drowesque person. I don't quite recall horns though they may have been there.) with ashy black skin, white hair. If it WAS a Tiefling, it was more of a 3.5 version with tiny horns. He's holding his hand over a bloody wound in his chest and there's a fairy, that could be healing him though that isn't clear either.

If you have this picture somewhere I would be super-grateful. :D

2012-07-12, 05:44 AM
After some fruiteless 10 minutes on google I went the smart route and simply looked for the thread.

This might be the picture you mean. It certainly fits most of your criteria.

Otherworld Odd
2012-07-14, 10:25 PM
Ha! Yes, that is indeed the picture I was looking for. I couldn't remember what the thread was called! Thank you for your hard work, it is veryveryveryvery appreciated! :D

2012-07-15, 02:28 AM
Brows the dungeons and dames threads. Many of the Drow picks (male and female) are pretty cool. I'm sure you can find something.