View Full Version : Meeting with the Hallowed Emperor

2012-07-11, 10:23 PM
The Place: The eastern foothills of the Dragon Ridge mountains, the plains of Aenhsfel (about 270 miles from the northern edge of the Alli'ur map), the site of a recent "raid" from the draconic creatures building power in the Dragon Ridge.

You stand over the corpse of one of Tiamat's spawn, a red-scaled creature that wielded the power to summon forth flame and walls of pure magical force, as you gather fallen arrows from nearby. Not three miles south of here the village of Aensted lies a smoking ruin and it was the cause of these creatures. A beast like a rhinoceros save for its draconic hide and fangs, lies dead beside its master.

A man, clad in the red and silver of a messenger, comes running towards you, a sealed parchment in his hand. "Orders for you, Sir Nightblade," he says panting from his run.

The parchment is sealed with the signet of Commander Olric Drakeblood.

Olric Drakeblood: An officer among the local troops, he is a paladin of Ra, and sorcerer blessed by Isis. His father was a bronze dragon, and a soldier in one of the punitive armies of a human generation ago which fought back the ogres that were then one of the larger threats in the Dragon Ridge.

Opening the Parchment
Breaking the seal and opening the message you see that it is short and succinct, ordering you to return to the base camp ten miles to the east and report to the Transit Tent. You've been called to the capital on orders from above.

2012-07-11, 10:41 PM
Orders to withdraw? From above? Hm... Dorian would have to ponder what that meant on the way back.

Dorian nods in thanks to the messenger and tosses him a silver piece. He then gets everything he needs prepared to head back to the transit camp, and eventually the capital. Then gets started on that journey.

2012-07-11, 10:58 PM
Location: The transit tent; base camp.

The tent, once a bright sky blue but now dusty and dirt covered from a campaign lasting weeks, stands it flap-opening fluttering in the wind. Within is a circle of thirteen mages, they sit around an intricate circle of drawn seals and glyphs. One of the mages, a dark skinned human woman that you guess is somewhat young for a human mage in this role, greets you. "Welcome, I assume you're Nightblade. We were told to expect you. Go to the center of the circle and sit, we will transport you to the Resplendent Capital."

She gestures at the center of the circle.

The Circle:
You can identify the sigils as those of a teleportation spell, it's a circle that is part of a semi-permanent circuit with a series of other circles maintained by similar rings of mages.

If you listen:
As you sit in the circle the thirteen mages begin chanting a spell of some sort. A minute passes, then another, and another with nothing happening. After five minutes the glyphs begin to glow a silvery blue and it is another five minutes before the spell fully activates and you find yourself in a large room. Only one mage seems to be manning the circle, a coast elf of the southern shores and even the dark red-gold hair of his people has begun to grey with age. Another man, who despite his youth by what you know of human standards holds himself with an air of authority, smiles at you. "Dorian Nightblade, I expect," he says extending his hand, "I am Claudius Mangrel, please come with me."

Claudius Mangrel: A familiar name, the son of a major underking of the Hallowed Empire. His family was one of the first to join the Emperor and have held favor ever since. Within the capital and surrounding lands this family is easily the favorite to rule should anything befall the Hallowed Emporer. As for Claudius himself he has a mixed reputation. Some would claim that he is a feckless dandy. Others say that he is a surprisingly clever and insightful young man with a deep insight into humanoid natures.

2012-07-11, 11:20 PM
Dorian sits in the circle uneasily, and waits for the magic to transport him.

Wait! Maybe I should have asked about Whisper. Ah too late for that now... Anyway back to what's at hand. Ah right magic. It's really too bad that we have to live with that stuff, it just doesn't really sit well with me. Speaking of sitting.. or not. Please work magic, please work...

Oh, I'm in the castle now... Hopefully these guys didn't notice me mumbling to myself just now...

"Yes, I'm Nightblade, I must admit I'm surprised to be received by someone of your reputation and stature Mister Mangrel." Dorian says as he moves to follow him, casually glancing over the two of them for any concealed weaponry. The war did things to Dorian, things that shattered his trust in fellow humanoid-kind.

Does Dorian recognize the elf at all?

Spot check

2012-07-12, 07:14 AM
You don't recognize the elf which is unsurprising with the number of mages that must be in the Empire's employ.

Claudius does seem to carry a few concealed daggers on his person.

Claudius shrugs, "I must admit, I sometimes wonder what my 'reputation' really is." He turns and begins to lead the way out of the room and into the hall beyond.

2012-07-12, 09:42 AM
"Don't all of us Mister Mangrel?"
Dorian follows Claudius out of the room.

2012-07-12, 09:54 AM
The hallway is covered with murals. To your right are scenes depicting ancient battles, warriors clad in shining armor rallying around a great gold dragon to stand against an orcish horde; the occasional demon can also be seen amongst the orcish host. To your left is a more peaceful scene depicting some civic festival, the building of a large central building inter-mixed with a community dance.

The hallway itself is made of marble and quite long. You pass several other hallways, and are led through more than one hall full of people who diffidently part before the young noble.

Finally you reach a large chamber. Massive columns of adamantine reinforced iron support a roof several hundred feet above your head. A pool of copper bits lies in the far side of the room, and the walls are completely covered with tapestries. The room is almost empty, though. Two women seem busy cleaning, a grey bearded man helping sweep. A young seeming man stands with an aura of importance, pride, and power, a large sword strapped to his back and his armor dented with the outcome of battles. His helmet is tucked under his arm and he seems somewhat impatient.

In one corner of the room is a large cage, inside of which is a pair of tiny, pteradactyl-like creatures. One is a duller green and brown, while the other is brightly colored a mixture of green, pink, and a sky blue frill.

"And this is where I was told to bring you," Claudius says, boredom in his voice, "Now I might as well be off."

2012-07-12, 10:17 AM
Dorian looks around, quickly taking in the area.

Those are some lovely tapestries...

Dorian steps up to the armored man.

"Well met. I'm Dorian, Dorian Nightblade."

2012-07-12, 10:18 AM
Dorian looks around, quickly taking in the area.

Those are some lovely tapestries...

Dorian steps up to the armored man.

"Well met. I'm Dorian, Dorian Nightblade."

2012-07-12, 10:30 AM
The man nods, extending his hand, "The name is Hinrich Ironkeep."

2012-07-12, 10:35 AM
"So, why have you brought me here? I assume that was you?"

2012-07-12, 10:46 AM
He shakes his head, "Not I, I was asked to report on," he pauses as if searching for the right way to phrase it, some recent events rather far away from here."

2012-07-12, 10:53 AM
Dorian looks confused

"Well if you didn't recall me who did?"

2012-07-12, 10:55 AM
"I would assume it was the Emperor," the man says with a slight shrug, "Honestly I had hoped for a chance to rest after that ride, not to be called to the capital."

2012-07-12, 11:20 AM
"Hm... I wonder why we're both here then, seems a bit unlikely to be a coincidence."

Dorian quietly ponders to himself for a minute or two.

"I wonder when the Emperor will show up. I'm itching to get back into the thick of things."

2012-07-12, 11:22 AM
"I cannot say, I returned to my dukedom and there was a message that had been waiting for some time asking me to come and meet with the Emperor."

2012-07-12, 11:31 AM
"While we wait for the Emperor, would you mind telling me a bit of yourself sir? I must admit I know little of you and your exploits."

2012-07-12, 11:40 AM
"I am Sir Hinrich Ironkeep, duke of the realm wiht the same name. My recent exploits led me far afield, and I doubt you'd believe them if you heard them. Let us just say that there is more to Alli'ur than any many has ever before conjectured. I doubt that my recall has much to do with that, and more to do with my overlong absence. What of yourself, why would you have been called here?"

2012-07-12, 11:50 AM
"I am the last active member of the Order of the Golden Arrow. We are what you might call a left hand of the Emperor and my training and talents have served me well in doing the Emperor's work for many a year. I go where the Emperor tells me to, and remove, with a surgeon's precision, those undesirable people that the Emperor requires removal of. I specialize in hunting mages." Dorian says with a smirk.

"My last target was quite a while ago and I have since been leading a small contingent of troops in the plains of Aenhsfel. I was teleported here today."

2012-07-12, 02:47 PM
"So mage hunting. It can be rather dangerous," he says with a wry grin.

2012-07-12, 03:03 PM
"Yes, it can be. Of course with the proper training, one can get to be quite efficient at it. I happen to have over a hundred mage assassinations to my name. Several of the less recent battles were only possible due to my timely... interventions."

2012-07-12, 03:08 PM
He nods, "I've been away from the front since a month or two after the death of Galathor, or whatever that purple dragon was called, I've been kept rather busy by other matters."

2012-07-12, 07:38 PM
"What kind of other matters? You've mentioned reports on this other business several times, but have yet to divulge anything. Do I seem untrustworthy or is it just that secret? When is the Emperor going to show up anyway."

2012-07-12, 07:49 PM
"I cannot answer the last. As for the other business, you wouldn't believe it if I told you. I assume the Emperor wishes to hear what business took me away for so long, but I cannot say I actually know," the man says.

The cleaning girls leave the room, leaving only the old man sweeping and the two pterodactyl-like creatures.

2012-07-12, 08:01 PM
"Excuse me sir, do you happen to know when the emperor will be arriving?" Dorian asks the sweeping guy.

2012-07-12, 08:10 PM
He shakes his head, "The Emperor is a busy man. Why don't you have them bring in a cushion and take a seat? Admire the pterites, I've always heard you elves preferred to take life slowly and smell the flowers so to speak."

2012-07-12, 08:25 PM
"Ah yes, I probably should calm down. Being on the front seems to have rendered me a little excitable. I have no need for a cushion though. I shall be fine right here."

Dorian steps over to the pterites and observes them.

2012-07-12, 08:32 PM
The two reptilian creatures seem perfectly accustomed to gawking onlookers. The brightly colored one gives a brief flight around the cage as suddenly you feel a powerful wind blowing through the room.

Looking up you can see a great draconic shape descending from an opened skylight. The dragon landing in the center of the room, his body is covered in golden scales, scintillating in the noon-day sun. He is well over a hundred feet from toe to tail-tip and his entire body seems to be made of iron-tough sinews. In a voice surprisingly quiet for a creature of such massive size he says, "Hinrich, you finally have returned. Where have you been?"

The armored man bows and says, "A long and perilous journey; I ventured across more worlds that were neither other images of our own, nor the outer planes. I saw the shape of our world, and saw the back of Masor."

The dragon does not seem to have noticed you yet.

2012-07-12, 08:43 PM
I don't say anything and wait to see what happens.

2012-07-12, 08:48 PM
"We will have to speak of that at some time at length," the Emperor says before turning his head towards you. "Dorian, I see you have arrived as well. I have a mission for you. A band of four, let us call them adventurers, is on their way to the Badlands, to the ancient structure of myth and legend called the Tomb of Pnakost."

Hinrich's head snaps up, "The Tomb of Pnakost?"

2012-07-12, 09:15 PM
"Ah, I see. I would be glad to take care of these four for you my lordship. They shall trouble you no longer. Only, where is this tomb? I'm afraid I don't know of it."

Dorian has no Knowledge skills so probably doesn't know anything about the Tombs of Pnakost.

2012-07-12, 09:18 PM
"I do not need them killed. They are pursued by the forces of Gilgast; as it is they will most likely end up dead, but it would be best if the red wyrm did not get his claws upon its treasures. So instead I want you to help them, if we can even things out perhaps we can strike a blow at the red."

2012-07-12, 09:38 PM
"Of course. Then I guess I need to know everything I can about what is going on at this Tomb, and what I can do to help these 'adventurers.' "

2012-07-12, 09:49 PM
The Pnakostic Empire once spread across the Three Worlds, and some say more. It was created by one man, the creator of Bale Magic, Pnakost. Twelve thousand years ago he evacuated his capital and removed it from this world. It has all but returned, now adventurers, treasure hunters, and 'heroes' will be flocking to it, to the legendary Tomb of Pnakost. I cannot tell you what lost secrets of an ancient age are within it; no being less than a god would know such. I can say that it has the potential to be a treasure trove of unimaginable potential."

"Let me go," Hinrich volunteers, "Me and my companions have experience with the magical-arts and tricks of Pnakost."

"I see the Raven Goddess's shadow down that path," the Emperor says, "Besides there are more important battles to be fought. I need my best warriors upon the forefront, and that means I need you. Ever since you slew Galbator the battles have been escalating, I do not know how much longer before full-scale war but I need a warrior who can act as a dragon slayer."

Galbator was the son of Gilgast and the first purple dragon to be slain. His death marked a major escalation in what had previously been a cold war.

2012-07-12, 10:15 PM
"I see. Do we have any knowledge on who these adventurers are, and what they are capable of? Hinrich seems to know of this Pnakost stuff. Does he have any more information? When should I leave?

2012-07-12, 10:20 PM
"Not much, I know there's a mage of some sort and a minotaur. You should leave shortly, transportation to the Masorian Badlands will be provided for you. As for information, I do not know what secrets he may have uncovered," the Emperor answers.

"About the Tomb? Nothing to my knowledge. It's the first I've heard about it. My recent journeys involved traveling through several of Pnakost's contraptions, though. Be wary, the mage was an odd one. He had the ability to bend space to create massive structures larger on the inside than the out, and at least once he built something so large it had clouds within it. Whatever is in his 'Tomb' I doubt it is anything less than a danger on par with an archomental or Lord of the Nine," Hinrich says, "I know he had the power to bind both."

2012-07-12, 10:30 PM
"Thank you for the information. This may be a little late, but uh, is there any way we could get my horse transported here with me?" Dorian smiles sheepishly. "She was sort of forgotten at the transit post, with forgotten here having the meaning of I didn't know they were teleporting me until it was too late to get her..."

Was the Emperor getting angry? He certainly was getting louder...

"Other than that I should be able to leave as soon as your mages are ready to transport me. If that has to wait perhaps I could look at some information on the surrounding area, and maybe get whatever other information I can from Hinrich about this Pnakost?"

2012-07-13, 08:27 AM
((apparently I accidentally used the size I've been using for a big angry telepathic tree in another PbP))

"A horse will be provided you," the Emperor says, The Tomb itself is in the deep Badlands, a region cut off from Alli'ur and Hondaro due to some ancient cataclysm which burnt away the Ethereal Plane in the area. The dark magic of the region has listed it twisted to this day. I have little direct experience with the deep Badlands, I have never been there on Masor and that of Alli'ur is said to be much safer."

I'm not sure how useful my information will be," Hinrich says, "I'm no mage, it was never my place or role to identify how his magic worked. I know he bound Bel or a portion of him there was some arcane babble about how that worked. He built a giant island in the middle of nothing, the size of a country built by just his dark magic, and that was without warping space. He rather liked to warp space, so expect things not to always match what they seem outside; lots of bound demons, constructs, and elementals. If you find any chessboards be careful because they tend to release monsters. What I've seen of his work was intentionally created as a test for those who would try and claim it, I can't say what his 'Tomb' will be like. If it's still a test, be careful about chessboards he likes using them to lock away dragons and necessary keys."

The Hallowed Empire is now given him a somewhat confused look.

2012-07-13, 09:48 AM
"I think that's everything then. I'm ready."

2012-07-13, 10:08 AM
The Hallowed Empire lets out a loud animalistic bellow that admittedly leaves you a little bit shaken. A few moments later a scribe comes in and the dragon emperor dictates a simple note ordering the provision of a horse and teleportation. He then signs it with a single claw-tip in a surprisingly elegant draconic.

"Go now, and may Ra smile on your endeavor," he says before turning to talk to Hinrich.

2012-07-13, 09:06 PM
"Wait, um, what ARE these adventurers doing there? I know they're being pursued by Gilgast's forces, but what are they doing?"

2012-07-13, 09:08 PM
"Treasure hunting, I presume."

2012-07-13, 09:11 PM
"Is there something about them important? Why do we need to help some treasure hunters?"

2012-07-13, 09:15 PM
"Because it is better for the treasure hunters working with my agents to get the secrets, than other treasure hunters. If the Tomb has entered this world hundreds will be upon it. Also there may be something within that could prove useful against Gilgast."

2012-07-13, 10:00 PM
"Do you have any idea what that might be? Should I look for something specific?"

2012-07-13, 10:11 PM
"The Tomb has been sealed for 12000 years, even I am not that old. Legends of the treasures of Pnakost abound, anything from his regalia or personal paraphernalia could be invaluable. His crown, his scepter, his cloak, his ring, all are said to have been objects of great power. Somehow I expect with him those were not his most powerful tools. It is also said that somewhere he hid the power to become a god, if you find this," the Hallowed Emperor pauses, wavering in his decision.

"It was a dud," Hinrich says, "Unless he had more than one."

The Hallowed Emperor looks at Hinrich quizzically for a moment, then lets out a sigh, "If you find such a power, make sure it does not fall into the wrong hands whatever the cost. The gods won't allow it to be destroyed or forever kept from mortal hands, so do what is needed to keep it safe."

2012-07-13, 11:10 PM
"I will your majesty."

2012-07-13, 11:30 PM
He waves you off, as he turns towards Hinrich. "What do you mean a dud? How and why would you know?"

"Surely you heard about the breaching of Bale Lich tombs in the Badlands, and the murder of wizards which followed? Well it turns out that it was the ghost of a Bale Lich out to become a god," Hinrich begins to explain.

"Yes I heard about the bale ghost, and then you attacked on of Gilgast's research facilities and told me the moon is covered in water."

"Well Alli'ur's moon is," Hinrich says, "Hondaro's is a desert."

2012-07-13, 11:39 PM
Desert, water, moons... What?!

Dorian quietly observes... interested but confused.

2012-07-13, 11:48 PM
"Perhaps it would be best if you explained," the Hallowed Emperor says.

"Well it started when Zantar found an ioun stone, Hinrich begins before pausing and turning towards you, "Oh yeah, Pnakost likes ioun stones." He turns back towards the Hallowed Emperor before continuing, "Well apparently it had some information that the Bale Lich wanted, information one where the first of four keys were. So we took the moon gate that Pnakost had sealed away by warping the dimensions in the area leaving it in the keeping of the Druids of the Lunar Oak, to reach Masor's moon. After making a few deals with some giant bulettes we journeyed into Pnakost's fortress of Earth. Well getting back we had to hunt down the second of the five ioun stones, and it was held by one of Gilgast's artificers. The kobold had, apparently using information held within, built a massive moon gate to reach Alli'ur's moon. Once completed they could build a second gate on the moon and use it as a staging ground to attack the Hallowed Empire from. So we accidentally got dragged through the gate, and actually I was pretty sure I reported back on this one afterwards."

"Yes, apparently my request to meet with you and talk about it just reached you today."

((honestly he'll go on for a while; the world is from an old 2 year long campaign and this was the arc they were on when college happened and the campaign ended))

2012-07-14, 02:18 AM
((Hm, ok. So we're pretty much done here?))

Dorian nods. "I see, or at least, I hope I see. Pnakost has a thing for Ioun Stones, so those are probably where he's hiding away this secret god power, or at least, that's where he's hiding the key to his secret god power. You say you recovered two of them, might I be permitted to take them with me? They might be invaluable against the traps and monsters in the Tomb."

2012-07-14, 08:30 AM
"I don't have any of the five myself," Hinrich says, "Besides if they had information on the 'Tomb' you can bet I'd have been drug there already."

2012-07-14, 10:04 AM
"Alright then, I believe thats everything then. I'll go and get ready for the trip."

2012-07-14, 10:05 AM
((so is that it?))

2012-07-14, 10:08 AM
((I believe so.))