View Full Version : Deathknell Chronicles- Erica's Prelude

2012-07-12, 04:30 AM
Erica was standing in front of the Weinman and Kirsch Enterprises building. The company had suffered a scandal a few years ago and they had closed down most of their branches, holding onto their main building. Even then the bottom half of the building were being rented out to other groups. It looked old on the outside, older than it was. It even had a tacky pair of gargoyles about half way up.

The man she was to meet was Josef Kirsch, the man who put the “Kirsch” in the organization. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, to rebuild the organization. The man she had talked to, an individual named Byron Daniels seemed to know a lot about her career thus far when he had spoken to her by phone. The pay would be 250,000 base pay, in addition to bonuses depending on her success. She had calculated that with a little luck, and her own talents, she could get just over a million in one year.

She had forgotten to bring her umbrella, but the rain hadn’t come yet like the news report said it would. She had stopped in front of the building to look at it for a good half a minute, trying to dissect it. It was the base material with which she’d build her sword, and she knew exactly at who she wished to swing that blade at. Her hand clutched the stress ball tightly before tucking it away in her pocket. She needed to be on her A game.

The only thing she knew about Josef Kirsch was Byron describing him as a true visionary. She would have to see if it was true or not.

2012-07-12, 06:28 AM
The young woman pulled a small compact from her handbag and checked her makeup. Enough to bring out her features but not enough to be obvious. She snapped the compact closed and tucked it back to its designated spot, between the planner and the wallet. A quick glance at her watch confirmed she was on-time, exactly two minutes early. Her stride adjusted automatically as she caught sight of her own reflection approaching the glass doors. She gave herself a quick once over, brushed a piece of lint off the front of her suit jacket, and then Erica Lee boldly stepped through the doors.

2012-07-12, 06:35 AM
The lobby had a very industrial look to it, with painting grey walls rising high. The main counter was steel. There were few people on the main floor. A pair of women were chatting amiably about a mutual friend.

There was a young man, probably mid-twenties, speaking with the aging security guard. She thought the voice belonged to Byron's leaving no doubt, when the guard pointed her out, and Byron looked up and smiled. He moved confidently like a true professional. Broad shoulders, wavy hair, dark but thin eyebrows. In normal clothes he wouldn't look anything special, but in a crisp suit, and with time in the gym, he'd meet most women's standards. For Erica though, he still had a long ways to prove he'd be worth her.

He crossed his left arm over his waste and gave a bow for a greeting before her offered her a firm handshake. "I'm so glad you were able to make it. A minute early I see." Apparently his watch was a minute faster. "Mr. Kirsch is attending an unexpected matter. It won't take more than five or ten minutes. He asked me to see if you'd rather wait in lobby, or you'd prefer to come up to his study and wait for him there?"

The man was pleasant, but all business.

2012-07-12, 07:26 AM
"Study?" Erica almost asked, before catching herself.

"Nice to meet you in person, Mr. Daniels," she replied, returning the handshake as best she could, ""I'll wait in the study, if that's alright."

If Byron escorts Erica up to the study, she will attempt to make small talk on the way by asking how long he's been working for Mr. Kirsch, what his exact role is, etc.

2012-07-12, 08:07 PM
He seems pleased that you're taking an interest in his work. You can tell by the way he's answering your questions, he's taken on the roll of someone beneath her on the ladder.

He's been working for the company for ten year, quickly following up that he even worked as a mail boy while he was still in school. His role is Josef Kirsch's personal aide. It involved anything from mediation, to finding lost files, to human resources. Basically, it's his job to be Josef Kirsch when he's not available. He admits readily that the scandal that's broke their company down was the death of Weinmann. She notices that he doens't call her by her first name, nor will he if asked. It's Ms. Lee.

She notices a stark change when they enter the 43rd floor of 47. It's security is a lot tighter. Byron enters by way of fingerprint scanner. She's given a visitor card. The walk is longer than she'd think, having to take several turns before they entered the study. It was a compact, but extensive library, mostly with books from the past 50 years. Almost all non-fiction, and those that are fall under the genre of the Jungle, that of fiction books with a clear political statement.

It is well lit place, and there's a fireplace in the corner. There was no doubt this room had been renovated recently by the fresh appearance it had. It was quite impressive, but was eccentric and lacked a certain professionalism she would have assumed from her soon to be boss.

2012-07-12, 09:24 PM
Erica was somewhat surprised at the personalized interior. She was accustomed to flourescent lit war rooms and armies of brokers manning batteries of phone banks. Kirsch's firm was completely different from JP in that respect. With Weinmann gone, though, it was Kirsch's company, and Erica supposed it was his perogative how he decorated the building. From what Byron was saying, the man's accomplishments alone were enough to quell any uncertainty stemming from oddities in decor.

Erica will continue to make small talk with Byron, perhaps probing a bit further on Weinmann's death and why it was such a scandal, as there was relatively little detailed information in the newspaper and magazine articles she was able to dig up. If he leaves her in the study, she will glance about the desk and books, looking for something she has in common with Kirsch to make small talk about.

Whether or not Byron stays, Erica will find it increasingly difficult to keep her anxiety in check. This is a huge interview, after all, and twenty-three years of discipline is nothing compared to eons of fight-or-flight response. Though she'll manage to appear composed on the outside, her breathing/heart rate and blood pressure will rise as time passes, despite her efforts.

2012-07-12, 10:27 PM
Byron would have stayed, but his pager went off. He gave a sigh. "I truly am sorry Miss Lee. There's one another gentlemen I need to escort. Oh don't worry, he's here for a much different reason." He leaned and put a friendly, reassuring hand on her shoulder. "The job's yours, trust me."

As he walked out, he purposefully readjusted a book that was laying on the table.

When Erica galnced to see what the book was, it was a history of Western Imperialism in Asia. However, it was... different. The front of the book had two... monsters fighting. The Asian's neck was long and twisting, while the European had shadows wrapped around him. Perhaps a metaphor.

2012-07-12, 10:48 PM
She wasn't sure if Byron had purposefully adjusted the book to pique her interest, but regardless of his intent, Erica's curiosity got the better of her. Though she remained standing, she began to examine the book, seeking a summary on an inside flap. Failing that, she would begin with a table of contents or a preface.

2012-07-12, 11:02 PM
The book was something she had never seen before. It was written like a historical documentary, but the pictures were of something else. Heads turned to glass, still able to speak. Names of families she had never heard before, Lasombra coming up more than once. Maps of Asia split politically in ways she had never seen before.

"I see you've taken a liking to the book I've been reading. Quite interesting is it not."

Erica looked up to see the man who no doubt was Josef Kirsch, standing only three steps away. How he entered the door without her hearing she did not know. No doubt she was too busy reading this book.

"It belonged to Erik Weinman before he departed. He had never let me read it, but I don't think he'd mind now that it's of no use to him. What do you think of it?"

He was younger than she would have thought, in his late thirties. He was handsome in a way that demanded respect. His was not the beauty of alluring eyes, but of unrivalled dignity. He stood just over six feet tall. He was not as built as Byron, but somehow Erica knew that Josef was a very, very strong man physically. His German accent was only faint, no doubt years in America had worn it away.

His suit was pure black, blacker than she knew suits could be.

2012-07-13, 12:30 AM
"Mr. Kirsch," Erica said, quickly placing the book back down on the table.

"I.. it is interesting, I've never seen anything like it," she said truthfully. While Erica felt it could only be a work of fiction, something gave her pause, perhaps the volumes of non-fictional works in the study, and she did not give voice to her feelings.

There was a moment of silence.

"Thank you for this opportunity," she said, her voice sounding slightly more strained than she had intended.

2012-07-13, 12:54 AM
He gave her a measured look. "I hope you can say those same words by night's end. Not all take to joining our ranks well. For every mentor and childe who learn respect for one another, ten fall into shambles as remorse and greed take the hearts of both. It is my sincere wish that we be partners Erica."

She looked at the book, running a finger along its cover. "Weinman, his arrogance and courage were without equal. I'm glad to say that part of his vengeance will be met with tonight." He looked at her again. "I'm terribly sorry, some of what I'm saying must not make much sense to you. Tell me, do you think the world is as it appears?"

2012-07-13, 06:39 AM
Erica pauses to let the question sink in before responding.
"I think many things happen behind the scenes that the general public is unaware of," she replied, purposefully looking Kirsch in the eye, "and I believe motivations are often unspoken; for example, if Benin were invaded by Nigeria, I don't think the US would launch Operation African Storm to liberate them the same way we're doing for Kuwait and their oil fields even though they're all UN members."

2012-07-13, 07:53 PM
Josef chuckles softly. "Oh yes, humanity has long forgotten the art of subtlety. They mistake the apathy of the masses with their own pitiable talent. However, that is no the question I am asking Erica Lee. I want to know if you think there are things that lurk within the shadows of the world, things that humanity would rather soon forget, and has. Take the cover of this book. Do you believe that a European man who could control the shadow around him sparred with a Chinese peasant whose limbs and neck could stretch out to astounding lengths? Do you believe that monsters such as these exist?"

His question was serious, but he gave away no sign as to his own thoughts. Reading him was like watching the face of a mountain, indiscernable.

2012-07-13, 09:55 PM
This was turning into the strangest job interview Erica had ever been involved with, or even heard of. Sure, she had expected a few curveball questions, like how many ping pong balls could fit into the overhead compartment of a 747, but this was a bit too specific... Had anyone else asked her this question, she might have dismissed them as a quack or schizophrenic. Looking at Kirsch, so much younger than she had expected, the feeling, before only a feathery touch at the back of her consciousness, that there was something more to this interview than rebuilding a wounded hedge fund, grew into curiosity.

"Literally, not as some kind of metaphor?" Erica said, slowly shaking her head, "I'm sure it's possible..."

"very remotely possible, like God and the Devil are playing chess with us or the world is sitting on the back of a giant invisible turtle possible," she thought to herself.

"But I haven't seen or heard of anything like that outside of novels or comic books," she said, pausing for a second before adding, "why do you ask?"

2012-07-14, 09:19 AM
Josef once again measure her response, and nodded. "Erica, let me show you something, you may find it disturbing, but let me assure you there is a point to be made.

He reached under the table and pulled out a remote control. He pressed power button, and a large TV tucked into the corner of the room turned out. It showed a scandalous woman straddling a man in an office. Both were fully clothed, though her shirt had a few buttons undone.

"This is happening as we speak. The young man in that chair is named Faruq al-Assad. He helps smuggle in drugs through cheap foreign merchandise. Normally he would be of no consequence. However, the head of his family is responsible for Weinman's death. Weinman was assassinated in a sense.

"Normally we would respond in kind and take the head of the jackal responsible, but he is not even in this country, and to kill him would take an enormous amount of resources we simply cannot afford to expend. So we turn to other methods. The woman sharing his chair is named Melanie Forrest, you will get to know her. She will turn him, and make him one of us, forcing Ahmad al-Assad to either abandon his nephew or to ally with us. I am under good faith that Ahmad will choose to be our partner."

Erica could see the woman throw a letter opener past Faruq's head with unnatural precision. She turned to look at the camera and gave a ravishing smile as she undid her hairpins.

"An extraordinary woman, truly, though one I would never trust to be near me."

He turned to Erica as the video still played live in the background. "Ms. Lee, what is happening to Faruq is an example of subtle power. Let me demonstrate to you a more direct power. For this exercise I ask you to look me straight in the eye. As we do this exercise I will give you a command. You will do anything within your power to not obey that command. Your task is to show free will. Do you understand?"

2012-07-14, 09:17 PM
Erica's thoughts whirled. This was much more than a simple investment firm. They were... involved with things which were certainly questionable, if not outright illegal, but for now, Kirsch had given her a direct request.

Erica steeled herself and looked directly at Josef.

"I understand," she said, half expecting either some type of hypnotism attempt or a shout meant to scare her.

No matter what he says, Erica thought to herself, I will go to that book and open it to page 77. Page 77, she repeated as she lifted her gaze to meet Josef Kirsch's.

2012-07-14, 09:59 PM
"Very good." Josef moved his stance until he was facing Erica and only Erica.

"Raise you left hand."

Erica's hand moved up.

"Hop on one foot. You may choose the foot."

Erica did just that. It was weird. She did not feel drowsy as was common with hypnotism.


She did.

"Now listen to me carefully Erica, because this is the most important question. Tell me what your deepest desire is. What do you want beyond anything else in the world?"

2012-07-14, 10:54 PM
"I want to...," Erica's mind swirled with all the things she wanted to accomplish, needed to accomplish, how everything she'd done so far had been broken down into manageable, bite sized pieces. A violinist's precision broken down, measure by measure. And if each measure were played better than any other's, she would win the recital.

Debate team in high school: an argument broken down into points and rebuttals, and if each better than her competition, the trophy was hers.

An ivy league education split into classes, each class sub divided into papers, each paper broken down into questions or paragraphs. If in each component she outperformed her peers, she would earn her 'A'.

At one of the most prestigious investment banks in the world, it was the same; improve return, decrease risk, prove correlation, win over her peers, both within the company and without.

It was all for a purpose, to strike down those who had injured her family, but such a monumental undertaking was not fathomable in the short term, and by necessity needed to be broken down into individual contests.

And now it was the same, the task laid before her. Her deepest desire had always been to win, to complete the task, to defeat her adversaries. She needed to get into this firm, and to do that, she needed to defeat the interviewer, Josef Kirsch, and to do that she needed to...

"I want to..." Erica spoke through gritted teeth, "defeat them..you, ... I must... win. I need to ...turn to page s-...seventy-seven!"
Erica dashed to the desk and slammed open the book, flipping the pages quickly to reach 77. Her hands shook, in fact, her whole body trembled, but she had won... or had she? She was not sure. At that moment, all she had wanted to do was defeat Josef Kirsch, and had all but told him as such. But to do so, she needed to exercise free will. In doing both, had she won the contest?

She wasn't sure; it was all very confusing. Her hands supported her weight on the desk, and her breath came ragged. Erica's mind hadn't even begun to process how Kirsch had been able to make her do these things simply by asking; it was taking all her mental fortitude merely to keep from blacking out.

2012-07-14, 11:29 PM
"The exercise is over." Jossef started pacing in a circle, circiling around her. "Erica, your answer confirms what I had been hoping. You are already one of us in spirit, if not in blood. You do not know me, yet you wihs to surpass me. You see me as a competitor not a superior. That is something to cherish.

"Yet..." His voice turned as hard as iron, she felt glued to the spot she stood in. It was different this time. This was personal magnetism. "... you are still weak. For the time being I am your greatest resource, the one who will give you the chance to defeat them, and even me in time, yet you would plot to bite my hand before you even know the knowledge I offer you with it. Pathetic."

He stopped, standing directly behind her. She could see his right hand move by her cheek, and within it a small ball of fire appeared. "This is no magic trick Erica, nor was me forcing you to raise your hand, to admit you wished to defeat me. I am what you call a vampire. I am leech upon our society, not only of blood, but money, power, and prestige as well. That historical book on the table is very, very real, and when I say Melanie Forrest will turn Faruq al-Assad to our side, I mean that she will drain his blood, give him some of her own. Ahmad's favored mortal descendant will now be a member of the Clan he has fought for generations.

"However, whereas as Faruq is being brought into the fold for vengeance, you will be embraced for you talents. Do you understand better now Erica? Do not try to rationalize this to mere hypnotism or drugs. Do not turn away from the truth. Your society lies to you about their foreign wars, is it so hard a truth to bare that they would lie about the existence of our kind as well?"

2012-07-15, 02:25 AM
Erica's breaths came heavy, and the words on page 77 swam before her vision, but she flinched away when the ball of fire appeared by her face.

"You asked me to," she whispered, feeling her way towards one of the chairs in the study, "you asked me to win the contest.. against you."

She had willingly done his every command, and though she had partially resisted the final question, she didn't think she could summon up the mental fortitude to do so again. He could ask her to do anything, anything at all, and she would do it. She was completely at this man's mercy, and her body felt twice its normal weight as she collapsed into one of the chairs.

"I uh.. I'm sorry," Erica said, finding her wits at last, and stalling for precious seconds to think clearly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, Mr. Kirsch," she said, "I was trying to resist, I don't want to... bite your hand."

The book was real, the video of the two others... the hypnotism and fire she had seen and experienced with her own mind and eyes. Vampires.

She paused for a moment. He had said he would help her earn the power and knowledge to achieve her goals. "Faustian deal," her subconscious told her, "he's German too, ironic".

"Certain members of my family and their allies must be punished," she said clearly, though her gaze remained firmly planted on Kirsch's chest.
"I want to learn from you Mr. Kirsch. I'll follow your example as best I can, your goals will become my goals as well... all I ask is that in the end, justice is served."

She swallowed.

"Thank you for this opportunity," she said, recalling the earlier conversation, though her voice was now considerably more shaky, "I'd still very much like to join your firm, if you'll have me."
Erica looked up to meet Josef Kirsch's gaze once more, terrified he might ask her to do something demeaning, but feeling it was necessary to build some measure of trust.

"Are you going to drink my blood? Does it hurt?" she whispered.

2012-07-15, 07:37 PM
Josef Kirsch smiled. “I have read up on your life Erica. I can see that the small details of family strains run deeper than the reports would suggest. Proof again that humanity’s vaunted communication technologies can only teach you so much.

“I will not deny you your mortal vengeance, but it will not be your priority, and you will only use your own personal resources to satisfy your debts. The company will have no part in it. You speak of justice Erica, and that is a subject the two of us will speak at length about in the coming weeks and months, but know for now that I disagree with your conclusion.”

Erica couldn’t help but notice that the lovers on the TV screen had taken a turn for the worse. One minute they were standing up, and were edging closer and closer to the broken window. The next she was attacking him, kicking him back. The man pulled out a lighter and started frantically waving it at her, only for her to pull out a pistol and fire one shot, and then another three.

Josef paused to watch with her. “I told her not to make a mess. Simply slit the fool’s throat and drink it up before it touched the carpet. She thought she’d make his embrace pleasant. I suppose she did what was right by her. It is troublesome when you embrace someone on poor terms. Giving immortality to one who hates you is not good for one’s health.” He put a reassuring hand on Erica’s shoulder, in a very paternal way. “However, that does not change the fact she was wrong, and has now made a mess out of her office.”

With a firm but gentle squeeze to Erica’s shoulder, he signaled her to stand up, this time without the use of supernatural powers. “The embrace is quite pleasant. One advantage we have is our bite gives ecstasy to our victims. It may be slightly disconcerting to feel your blood drained, but it will be quick. Expect to feel very hungry after it is done. I will need you to be as calm as possible, and to tell me what you crave. Our specific Clan is cursed with selective tastes, not every human will satisfy your hunger. Tell me exactly what kind of person you need, and we will fetch such an individual as soon as possible.”

He waited for her to show a sign she understand, and then he lowered his head down, his fangs piercing into her flesh. It felt cool like a brisk wind in the morning. He shoulders tensed, and her worries dissipated. As he had claimed, a nagging unease called from her heart as her blood was drained, but it as muffled by the calming joy she felt with Josef.

She almost blacked out, but then felt something salty, and cold reach her lips. Then the hunger began to kick in.

“What do you want Erica? What do you wish to feed on?”

2012-07-16, 01:00 AM
Erica's body shuddered and convulsed as her cells died and were reanimated.

"Oh God I'm hungry," she said, her breaths coming forced and shallow. She collapsed into the chair once more, clutching her stomach and curling her legs up towards her chest.

"I want a competitor," she replied, "someone like me, the heart of a champion... someone with the will to win. A student maybe. Yes, definitely a student, or a graduate, someone who played sports or..."

She groaned as a fresh wave of hunger hit her.

"Help me," she whispered, pleading as much with her eyes as with her voice "help me."

2012-07-16, 01:14 AM
Josef walked away for mere moments to pick up the phone. He dialed a few quick numbers. "Byron, I want quart of blood from any man or woman who competed in sports in school. Yes, it is most fortunate. Be quick." He hung up the phone and moved to Amy. He put his arms around her, and held her like a father. He made pains to hug her from her back, so as not to give her a chance to bite him.

"It will take them five to ten minutes. Please try to endure, but if you do not, do not be ashamed." She did not. Erica lasted a full moment before her vision turned red, and she needed to feed. Josef smelled good, he smelled delicious andErica squirmed trying to feed off him. Her hands dug into his arms, but he healed the superficial wounds as quick as she cut. He did not let go, though at one point he had to maneuver awkwardly to get her back restrained.

It took seven minutes for Byron and another nameless suit to come with several packs of blood. The young aide of Josef took hold of Erica's chin, and began to feed her the first pack. After three packs, she was calmed, and could quickly feed from the rest at her leisure.

"What you just experienced is called frenzying, a most unpleasant feeling. It can occur when you are short on blood, when faced with fire or true faith, the latter being rarer than you'd think, or even from humiliation. It is the part of us that is a true monster, and something you'll learn to control. Come, we have the other newly embraced kindred to meet."

2012-07-16, 01:49 AM
Erica nodded and pulled out her compact to check her reflection. She wiped away a stray drop of blood and sucked it down, relishing the taste.

"More new Kindred?" she asked, the word unfamiliar on her lips, "how many did your.. our clan make tonight?"

Erica fell into step slightly behind her sire.

"Err.. how should I address you now, Mr. Kirsch?" she asked.

2012-07-16, 02:11 AM
"Just the two of you. It takes a lot to earn the right to embrace, and we used almost all of our clout and favors we had left to get permission from the Prince. I've been told that others have been embraced as well. Know that it's not a normal occurrence. Soem cities where war between us and our enemies may see an embrace every couple months to replenish losses, Havensworth is fairly peaceful. It's been three years since the last embrace, and seven the one before that.

"Mr. Kirsch or Josef will suffice, whichever you are more comfortable with. Understand something Erica, Faruq's embrace and yours is not the same. You will both need to prove yourselves, but whereas you only need to prove that you are not only useful, but exceptional as well, he will need to prove that he's worth keeping alive, and that he will not betray us. Come. This should be enlightening."

All right, after your next post, we'll move towards Faruq's prelude. I'll give you the link if you need it. I'll wait for Worlock to post once more, then I'll post Josef and Erica's entrance.

2012-07-16, 02:26 AM
Erica nodded.

"I will do my best to make you proud," she said.

As she walked down the corridors, her senses were assaulted by sights and sounds that she had not been aware of on her entrance. She had no idea what to expect, and resolved to simply watch and observe, unless addressed personally.

How many BP does Erica have?

2012-07-16, 02:36 AM
Full blood points. They drew blood from several employees.