View Full Version : LF dice roller

2012-07-13, 06:31 AM
I am playing in my first epic level campaign, and chose to play a roguish type character with sneak attack.. Only I didn't count on keeping track of all my different attack bonuses, and adding them on the fly boggs down the game too much, at least I feel it does.

So does anyone know of a good dice roller that lets you have presets?

2012-07-13, 08:45 AM
I am playing in my first epic level campaign, and chose to play a roguish type character with sneak attack.. Only I didn't count on keeping track of all my different attack bonuses, and adding them on the fly boggs down the game too much, at least I feel it does.

So does anyone know of a good dice roller that lets you have presets?

The dicenomicon for the iphone (possibly android I'm not sure) works well and lets you customize about any dice roll you can think of.

2012-07-13, 09:59 AM
Excel works wonders for things like this.
A few macros, lookup tables, lists and qualified data.
Sprinkle in some formulas that use the =RANDBETWEEN(1,20) function with some addition and et voila, you've got a customisable roller that you can on the fly for all your combat situations.

Of course, it might take a bit to setup..... maybe i just like excel too much. :smalleek:

2012-07-13, 10:33 AM
On a computer, just use excel/numbers/the open office spreadsheet program.

For android, I use dice bag. Customizable, free, easy to use, and stable. I'm sure there are better ones, but I'm satisfied.