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2012-07-13, 03:34 PM
Long ago, in a time forgotten to all but the most learned of scholars, Wizard fought Wizard.

It was a period of darkness for all the people of the world. Thousands died each day, thousands more gave their lives to save what few they could.

In the end, the wizards fought to a standstill, their magics, now more terrible and sinister than the worst nightmares of the most hellish creatures that ever walked the land. The magics loosed were so horrible, that they wrent the very reality of the earth itself, twisting it into hostile life.

Realizing their mistakes at last, many of the wizards imbued what land they could with the power to be saved from this madness, giving thier very lives into the magics. These paltry lands becme the only refuge for many, as they hurtled upward into the sky.

The people watched with horror as the world blow descended into chaos and death. Fire walks unchecked, storms rage across the old world destroying anything caught in their path. Magic now vies with magic for dominance in the old world.

Soon the lands were raised high enough they could not see the madness that lay beneath the clouds, and were quickly forgotten as new problems arose. Food, shelter, and keeping everyone from falling off the edge of the world were priorities for many. Vast amounts of farmland were there, just out of reach. Just beyond the extent of what could be attained.

It took years, the years turned to decades, and the decades became centuries. But finally, one young wizard learned the answer: Aetherlite. With it, he could build ships to take men back and forth, to grow and harvest crops, to begain industries again, and to find other groups of survivors.

Centuries more have passed, and the various city-islands and kingdoms have grown. A few wars have broken out and piracy between islands is common. One ship, Lady's Gambit has been patrolling for pirates for some time now. But after a month of sailing amidst the lush islands of Serazi, her Captain put in to Port Drethi for supplies and new crew.

2012-07-13, 04:49 PM
"Captain, while we are in port, is everyone's weapons in decent repair? As a weaponsmith, I can't do much for the crews weaponry without the proper materials."

The dragonborn talking to the captain is about six feet tall. He has flickering golden eyes, yellow scaled skin, and a very regal gait. He seems quite at peace with himself. The hand and a half sword at his belt looks quite well crafted, and more importantly, quite functional. His clothing is loose, but functional.

sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=422485) not quite finished yet though.

2012-07-13, 05:59 PM
This man, on the other hand, is restless, cambering about the deck. Clean-shaven, black hair tied back, he is thin and gaunt. Two cutlasses are sheathed at his hips, and ropes are coiled round his body. Strapped to his back is a vicious looking harpoon. The man's tall frame is hunched as he leans against the railings and pulls a toothpick from his mouth.

'Aye, Captain. Permission to take a day's shore leave while we're in port?' he growls. Then he almost pleads 'Or at least an hour, Sir, anything'

Looking across at the Dragonborn What, Erin, ye never said ye were a weaponsmith before now. Then again, I suppose I've known ye for, what, a week now? If ye can do owt about my cutlass I'd be grateful. Ain't got owt to pay ye with though, but ye could take it out of me share.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-13, 06:04 PM
Arryl approaches the captain and waits until the dragonborn had finished speaking. While he waited, he shuffled his wings anxiouslly. After the scaled man had finished, the raptoran coughed and said, "I found an error with our wind charts, and if I don't correct it we could potentially wind up miles adrift or lost in a duldrum. I'm going to need at least an hour to rechart our path."

2012-07-13, 06:30 PM
See Captain, listen to the navigator! We've got an hour at least! the sailor pleaded.

2012-07-13, 09:03 PM
Looking across at the Dragonborn What, Erin, ye never said ye were a weaponsmith before now. Then again, I suppose I've known ye for, what, a week now? If ye can do owt about my cutlass I'd be grateful. Ain't got owt to pay ye with though, but ye could take it out of me share.

"I apologize, I assumed when I was the last one to be hired for this journey and the only person you were looking for was a weaponsmith that the connection was obvious. Sure I'll take a look at your cutlass, what do you need done with it?"

Erin turns to the Captain.
"It appears I do know to stop and get some more supplies, it seams that several of us have reasons to do so. Who do you want to stay behind and guard the ship? I would personally prefer to select the materials myself, as I am probably the only one who knows enough about them."

2012-07-14, 01:45 AM
Captain Reya doesn't look up from the reports held between her hands. "Yes, yes. Go. Drink, you have the night. Just be back by morn, we sail at first Tine."

Going back to her reports Reya began walking away, but turned back. "Erin, make sure the ships guns are in good order before going ashore."

The captain then proceeded back towards her cabin.

2012-07-14, 02:13 AM
Erin had moved with the others to get off the ship, but then stopped when the captain gave him the command.

Yes of course.

Erin goes over the guns meticulously, noting any that aren't in top-notch shape and making a list of all the parts he needs to fix them.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-14, 02:57 AM
Arryl has a sudden feeling of unease, and mutters a quick prayer to the protector, asking her t watch over them. He walks over to Erin and asks, "Is there anything I can do? I like to keep a few mending spells ready in case sudden patch jobs are needed."

2012-07-14, 03:43 AM
As Erin inspects the guns, he notes that almost all are in good working order. One or two needed the touch holes properly cleaned, but there is a large buildup of powder residue inside number three gun, portside.

2012-07-14, 03:52 AM
Lynn the Crow suddenly close the book that he was reading.
"Do you need some help with your charts, navigator?" asks, following Eric and Arryl to the ship's guns. i travelled for this lands for a bit and i knew a little of geography, maybe i can help.
Only a free night isn't enough to research wizard or knowledges in the city library, he prefers to be useful on board.
While he's telling this, he tries to remember anything that he had read about Port Dreth during his apprendistate: while the flying ship is relatively safe, he cannot tell the same about all the cities he has visited.

I need to know only generic knowledges about port dreth: the type of government, who is the ruler, if the city is famous for a particoular event or a particoular guild...
Knowledges local!

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 07:23 AM
Belowdecks, Maia sat sharpening her rapier, checking her bowstring, and preparing her spells. Attention to detaal was what had allowed her to survive this long; missing something now could be fatal. One never knows when some revenge-obsessed fool will show up.. Finished with her checks, she puts her gear on and walks topside.

The sun is bright and hot.This is the kind of place I belong. Gurlat was terrible. Cold and icy all the time.

So, what sort of things are we to find in this port?

I am under the impression this is a sandbox, so thus the introduction of new elements.

2012-07-14, 09:55 AM

*As the crew makes their way about the ship, preparing for their repreive, the massive grate leading ot the cargo hold opens, two immense hands grasping the lip of the deck to haul Rok out from the hold.*

*To say the creature is immense is an understatement. His hands alone are large enough to wrap around most full grown men, and whoever, or whatever led to it's creation had built the thing like a massive, ancient tree, solid and incerdibly powerful. Now if they'd only bothered to give the creation more sense than a stone, he'd be truly frightening.*

*The creature stretches out for a moment, shaking his muzzle with a snort at the fresh air as it stirred his mangy, patched grey and brown fur. Stepping forward a bit, he lowers his head and averts his eyes from the captain, showing throat to her.*
"Cap'n. Rok come out? Sory hert 'Mitty. Jus play'n. Rok like Citee. Pleese? Be guud. Swear."

*Raising a hand, he makes an 'x' across his chest, but keeps his eyes averted, shifting slightly from one foot to the other as he waits.*


I'm going to try to balance the way he speaks - I know it's hard to read misspelled words, but I'll try and keep it manageable. If it is a problem for anyone, just say, and I'll do something different.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 10:02 AM
Aww, poor Rok. Come on, Captain. He says he's sorry. Let him come out and play.

2012-07-14, 10:33 AM
Port Drethi is just barely a blip on the map, if you stand atop the mainmast, you can see the entire town, and more than a few miles of country besides.

For those that look hard enough, there are two taverns in town. The first is the Weary Traveler, the second is the Cannonshot.

2012-07-14, 10:34 AM
'Well, I daresay that was the case Erin, but whatever ye may think, the Captain doesnae seek my council on hirin'. Here's me weapon. Anything ye could do with it would be much appreciated'.

Kieran hands over one of his cutlasses. As Captain Reya gives permission, Kieran fairly starts away.

'Sorry, Erin, it'll have to wait for later. Just do what ye can'.

Leaving one cutlass with the scaly weaponsmith, Kieran jumps onto the quayside and heads into the port, looking for a tavern, or a good place to trade rumours.

Local Knowledge Check on the city [roll0]
Sport Check [roll1]

2012-07-14, 11:44 AM
Captain Reya considers the request for moment. brushing a lock of hair from her face, Reya looks up at her large crewmember and sighs.

"You said that last time, Rok. Mittens is still afraid to come abovedecks for anything."

Shuffling her papers into an orderly stack in her hands, she sighs again.

"You have until nightfall, Rok. But," she raises a finger at you. "But, if I hear anything about a mysterious death, anything, anyone, you will be in that hold so long, you will wish we had never hauled you out that Rift-accursed cave we found you in. Understand?"

2012-07-14, 11:51 AM
Aimari is doing what the rest of the crew knows is normal for her. That is, she's semi-aimlessly roaming around the ship, hidden beneath her cloak. The cloak is a brilliant red with golden highlights - the designs on it are all flames or flame-esque symbols. At the captain's response to Kieran's questions about shore leave, she shifts for a few moments before following her fellow crewman towards the city. This is what she normally does - Aimari almost never actually says something or goes off to do something by herself.

There's a good chance she took the captain's wording to mean that her allowance was actually an order. As she walks across the deck, her bright red hair becomes partially visible as a bit of it comes out from under her hood. Occasionally, Aimari can be seen without it up, which reveals her hair to be a brilliant red. The front of her hair is parted by crimson headpieces, separated into 5 triangular 'shafts'. The back is styled into a braid, which is at least long enough that the end is hidden under her cloak.

2012-07-14, 12:21 PM
Kieran stumbles about the town for a quarter bell, but eventually spots an Inn, squeezed between two larger buildings, a little way from the drop-off. A steady traffic of people going in and out.

Kieran heads inside, and orders a beer. As the barman's pouring the pint he blusters,

'Have one yeself, Lady Bless ye. Just got in on the 'Lady's Gambit'. That's a well omened name if ever I heard one. Only be signed up a fortnight, though. Still, we're shipping off soon. Don't suppose you've heard any rumours abroad? I'm not bothered about the wind and the currents, been a sailor boy and man. It's the rapscallions that look like honest coves as bother me'.

Kieran drinks for a while, then leans over the bar.

'You wouldn't know if they happen to be any folks in this town, that maybe, don't get paid for their labour, ye ken? I might be...in the market for hands'.

Diplomacy Check (Improve Barman's disposition) [roll0]
Gather Information Check (Pirates & Slaves) [roll1]

2012-07-14, 12:38 PM

*The smile that spreads across his face is best described as glee, and he nods emphatically.*
"Aye, cap'n. Aye. No smashn. Jus drink."

*Giving the captain a deep bow, he takes a couple steps back before turning and heading for port. He pays no heed to the looks he garners from the folk - he's used to those. Rumors would spread, for sure. Those who knew of him would likely take note, but were unlikely to follow. One specimin was of little note.*

*Heading to a tavern, Rok takes in the smells and sounds, picking a couple of choice flowers as he goes, pressing them securely in a small book he hides in a pouch.*

*As he ducks and turns to slip in, he looks over to the keep and raises a large hand.*
"Drink. Big Drink."

2012-07-14, 01:12 PM
Rok manages to find his way into the Weary Traveler just as "Kieran finishes his first. As Rok asks for a drink the barman wonders if he shouldnt just roll a barrel in for him.

"As fer yer question, ser, not much is goin on round here. Folks is getting ready for the harvest, and soon we'll be up to our ears in corn and wheat."

"There really isn't enough work to go 'round. Specialy not to sailors, as only gonna be here a day. Now, I think I am gonna go get your mate here a barrel."

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 01:30 PM
Maia follows the others into the Weary Travel, and takes a seat in the corner.

2012-07-14, 01:48 PM
Thank ye barkeep.

Kieran has the wind knocked out of his sails. He looks over at Rok

Well make sure it's just the one for him, if you're serving it by the barrel? Ye don't want to get the fella drunk.

Dolefully he stares into his drink.

Hey, Rok, you got money enough to pay for that? Speaking of which, he turns to the barman How much is a pint and how much a barrel?

2012-07-14, 01:59 PM

*Tilting his head slightly, the beast furrows his brow a moment in thought, his jaw visibly clenching as he does. After a moment he nods.*
"Pay. Aye. Have pay."

*reaching into a small pouch around his neck, he pulls a coin out - it's tarnished silver, and looks miniscule in his fingers, but he sets it gingerly on a table before sitting cross-legged on the floor.*
"Der. Pay big drink. yes?"

*Looking expectantly at the barkeep, he folds his massive arms across his chest. No might be an answer, but how good of one...*

2012-07-14, 02:02 PM
A note on currency.
The types of money used are the same through all the lands, just with different names. They are interchangable with the type of metal.

Copper: Penny, piece, pence
Silver: Stave, bit, labor
Gold: Crown, royal
Platinum: Sovereign

A serving maid approaches Maia, and asks if she would like anything.

At the bar, the barman looks Rok up and down, then glances back to Kieran. "I think you may have it wrong, ser. I have a few sized barrels. Im bringing him one of the smaller ones. Still a bit heavy for me to lift myself though." Still eyeing Rok, "I think a crown would probably do it for him. And fer yer mug, a labor aught do."

Back aboard the Gambit, Captain Reya finishes her paperwork, steps out onto the deck, and spies Gerard milling about.

"Gerard, you're with me. Go below decks gather a party and arm yourselves with muskets. You have five minutes."

2012-07-14, 02:12 PM
Arryl has a sudden feeling of unease, and mutters a quick prayer to the protector, asking her t watch over them. He walks over to Erin and asks, "Is there anything I can do? I like to keep a few mending spells ready in case sudden patch jobs are needed."

Thanks, but it looks like the only thing that needs doing is some cleaning on this one. Shouldn't take too much work to fix.
Erin points at portside gun 3.

"Gerard, you're with me. Go below decks gather a party and arm yourselves with muskets. You have five minutes."

"What's going on captain?"

2012-07-14, 02:19 PM
"It maybe nothing, Erin. But still, I don't like leaving things to chance. Go Get yourself a musket, and be back here with the others."

2012-07-14, 02:26 PM
Aye Sir
Erin goes and gets a musket, then leaves Kieran's cutlass in Erin's quarters and comes back above deck.

2012-07-14, 02:28 PM
Aimari follows her crewmates, seating herself in a corner of the tavern.

2012-07-14, 02:29 PM

*With a quizzical look at Kieran, Rok points to the coin*
"No drink? Small big drink? Small big drink? mmmm.."

*The man looks frustrated and shakes his massive head as he growls low in his throat. When he speaks, his voice is just short of booming, rumbling deep in his chest.*
"No drink! Food. no small small drink. Food. Tasty. That pay."

*settling down, he mutters to himself and scratches absently at one of his horns.*
"just want drink. laugh. maybe smash... wait. no smash. no, no, no. capn say no smash... awwww.... no smash."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-14, 02:34 PM
Lynn the Crow suddenly close the book that he was reading.
"Do you need some help with your charts, navigator?" asks, following Eric and Arryl to the ship's guns. i travelled for this lands for a bit and i knew a little of geography, maybe i can help.
Only a free night isn't enough to research wizard or knowledges in the city library, he prefers to be useful on board.
While he's telling this, he tries to remember anything that he had read about Port Dreth during his apprendistate: while the flying ship is relatively safe, he cannot tell the same about all the cities he has visited.

I need to know only generic knowledges about port dreth: the type of government, who is the ruler, if the city is famous for a particoular event or a particoular guild...
Knowledges local!

Arryl turns to Lyn and says, "Its not so much an issue with the geography, its with how the wind blows across it. Still, I would appreciate the company and an extra mind and set of eyes couldn't hurt." He smiles at Lyn.

2012-07-14, 02:37 PM

"Well, i've no interest in taverns and drinking, let's see what we can do for these winds!"
Lynn says to the navigator, before he sees Gerard, armed, running on the deck after a chat with the captain.
"What's going on, fellows? Some troubles?"
He doesn't like troubles. It seems that this city is not as peaceful as he knew, after all.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 02:39 PM
Seating herself by Aimari, Maia asks So, do you see any folks worth taking on for crew? I'm not sure why the captain decided to set down here. Too poor to have jobs and too small to have sufficient skilled crew.

2012-07-14, 02:48 PM
Aimari looks at Maia slowly, then quickly looks in the other direction. After a moment she turns slightly back towards her and whispers "I-I-I don't think I've seen anyone who would be s-suitable,"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-14, 03:03 PM
A note on currency.
The types of money used are the same through all the lands, just with different names. They are interchangable with the type of metal.

Copper: Penny, piece, pence
Silver: Stave, bit, labor
Gold: Crown, royal
Platinum: Sovereign

A serving maid approaches Maia, and asks if she would like anything.

At the bar, the barman looks Rok up and down, then glances back to Kieran. "I think you may have it wrong, ser. I have a few sized barrels. Im bringing him one of the smaller ones. Still a bit heavy for me to lift myself though." Still eyeing Rok, "I think a crown would probably do it for him. And fer yer mug, a labor aught do."

Back aboard the Gambit, Captain Reya finishes her paperwork, steps out onto the deck, and spies Gerard milling about.

"Gerard, you're with me. Go below decks gather a party and arm yourselves with muskets. You have five minutes."

Arryl draws his bow and says, "Captain? Is there trouble, or are we going to cause some?"

2012-07-14, 03:17 PM
"I don't know yet. But I want to be prepared, in case the worst happens."

Reya checks her sword, seeing it is clear in its scabbard.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 03:25 PM
We may as well explore the rest of this town. Nothing interesting here. Maia leaves out the front door, and searches for what would amount to a town square or market.

2012-07-14, 03:29 PM

Bad He thinks Very,very bad.
What's going on, captain?
Ask Lynn, watching the sky that surrounds the ship.
Do you know about any dangers in the zone? Some rival ship?The big of our crew is already gone." he says, showing the lights of the city.
"If we are in danger, shall i send a message to them? The more we are, the most we are safe, aren't we?"

2012-07-14, 03:48 PM
"No. No message. No signal. This is a ... delicate issue. Just follow me, and do as I say."

The captain leads you all off ship and down street after street.

In fact you pass both taverns along the way. Anyone inside can make spot checks to see if you see the armed party move past the tavern.

Anyone in the armed party can roll intelligence to see if you can figure out where you are headed.

2012-07-14, 03:51 PM

Alright, Spot check - what was the Dc?

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 03:53 PM
Taking 10 on my spot to get a 20, so I'm assuming I see it.
Intelligence check: [roll0]

Never mind, Aimari. This looks much more entertaining. Maia draws her bow, and keeps an arrow loosley twirling in her fingers. She sets off with the rest of the group.

Could I get a description of the rooftops, and the DC for running along them/jumping from roof to roof?

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-14, 03:56 PM
int check [roll0]

2012-07-14, 04:00 PM
I throw up Aura of Senses (+1 listen, spot, and initiative.) It affects everyone within 30 feet of me that is part of the crw.

2012-07-14, 04:00 PM
Yeah. You all totally got it. As you run out of the tavern you see that the rooftops are close together and can be leaped from with ease.

2012-07-14, 04:01 PM

What the...i hate being unprepared!
Yes, my captain. Lynn can only say, taking his longbow and following him for the street of the city.
Also, he orders to Tangerine, his magpie familiar, to stay inside his pocket.

Intelligence check, hoping to not be the dumbest living wizard.

2012-07-14, 04:04 PM
Arryl manages to deduce you are headin toward the Mayor's house.

2012-07-14, 04:40 PM
Aimari, a bit confused, looks outside to see what drew Maia's attention and follows the girl outside. Unable to jump between the roofs as she does, she just walks to the back of the group and silently joins them.

2012-07-14, 05:15 PM

Kieran sinks into a doleful fugue.

Barkeep, another one, make it a whiskey please.

He takes out a gold coin

This cover it?

Then Kieran notices others depart, and a clatter past the window. Trouble Without waiting, Kieran shoots the whiskey, and leaves the bar, throwing down a second gold piece.

Hey, Rok, come, Cap'n needs us.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 05:30 PM
Maia scrambles onto the rooftops, and jumps along. She keeps about 10' ahead, scouting.

Taking 10 on the spot check again, to notice anything unusual ahead of the group.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-14, 05:56 PM
Arryl remembers this path from his charts and realizes they are heading to the mayor. He wracks his brain to find any strategic or tactical information. Or at least anything that could prove useful.

cloistered cleric lore check


2012-07-14, 07:51 PM

"Wha? Capn? Arrr!"
*Rising with a swiftness that doesn't seem possible for his size, he's out the door in a flash, falling in step with the rest of the crew easily.*
"'ere, Capn. Need Rok?"

*His demeanor has changed visibly - gone is the happy simpleton, his face a cold, expressionless mask, his eyes scanning the surrounding area for gaurds as he pulls a long javeline from the quiver on his shoulder, fitting it to the 'chuck with ease.*
"Hurt it guud, Capn. Jus say."

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 09:18 PM
The little gnome woman realizes that the group is likely heading into a violent situation, and attempts to make herself hidden from both those on the ground and the rooftops.

Hide in Plain Sight
Hide Check: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Space Lawyer
2012-07-14, 09:32 PM
Sorry for the double post. Those rolls were wrong. I just put the racial modifiers. Hurr.
Hide in Plain Sight
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2012-07-14, 11:31 PM
"Every just fall in. I probably won't need you, but every body may be useful."

After a few minutes of marching, the mayor's house comes into sight. Halting you all outside the entry, the captain proceeds inside alone.

Minutes pass and the other crew gets nervous. One of them, Thrane, speaks up. "What do you suppose is happening inside?"

2012-07-15, 12:29 AM

*Raising his head up, he gives the air a long, heavy sniff before snorting, spraying mucus in a thick cloud as he does, heedless of who may be around him, or in the path of the spray.*
"Capn talky. long talky."

*Stetching his arms up, he yawns loudly, shifting from foot to foot.*
"bored. want drink. big drink."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-15, 01:32 AM
Arryl remembers this path from his charts and realizes they are heading to the mayor. He wracks his brain to find any strategic or tactical information. Or at least anything that could prove useful.

cloistered cleric lore check


idk if you saw this or not.
"I'm not sure.... Maia! Think you could pop in for a peek?" Arryl calls up to the gnome.

2012-07-15, 02:13 AM
You don't recall anything that could be tactfully useful. The house doesn't even have a bolt-hole for emergency egress.

OOC thread is up.

2012-07-15, 04:12 AM

"Careful, my friends. The major is also the city-guard bannermen, i doubt his house will be unprotected. The captain was imprudent, entering all alone. If someone is planning to sneak in, i can make him invisibile, if he needs it"
Lynn is nervous,costantly watching the house's door and windows.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-15, 06:55 AM
I'll head on in and take a look. Being unseen would be preferred. Go ahead and use your spell on me.

Maia examines the the house, looking for points of easy ingress and egress that are not visible from ground-level.

Spot check: [roll0]
Search (for traps): [roll1]

2012-07-15, 07:16 AM

"You'll have only 3 minutes of invisibility. After those, you are on you own."
He takes a scroll from my backpack, reading the arcane words written on it. Suddenly, Maia disappears from sight.

2012-07-15, 08:51 AM

*As Lynn starts casting the spell, Rok growls low in his throat, taking a couple of cautious steps away from her, he makes a sign to ward off evil before pacing back and forth, obviously irritated, shaking his head while he talks to himself.*
"Not like. Not like. Capn has ten, or Rok smash. One..... two...."

*Pausing, he lifts his hand, using his fingers to help with the counting.*
"One... two.... two..... Rrrrrrrr.... three..."

*The pattern repeats itself quite a few times as he paces - it would be humorous if the beast wasn't getting so very animated, his nostrils flaring with each heavy breath, his fists clenching and relaxing rhythmically.*

2012-07-15, 12:48 PM
Maia, if there's any trouble, come an' get us. Don't try to be a hero.

Kieran turns to Rok, then gently rests a hand on him.

Rest up, lad, I'll take care of the countin, I'll let ye know when we get to ten.

Kieran moves close to Arryl and whispers.

Hey navigator, who's left with the ship?

Whilst he does this, Kieran looks about, looking to see if they've drawn a crowd, looking for threats, and also trying to see if he can see Erin.

Spot Check [roll0]

2012-07-15, 01:57 PM
Erin is here, slightly off to the side of the rest of the group. He draws his sword, places the musket in a sheath across his back, and readies his shield.

I'm going to keep up Aura of Senses for now. (+1 listen spot and initiative.) If anything sounds amiss in the mayor's house, Erin is going to go through the door going total defense as his first action, stopping in the doorway and looking around.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-15, 02:16 PM
Ok, careful now. Just need to listen and get out. No need to steal anything or kill someone. And really, "Don't be heroic". Was anyone expecting me to be? Maia makes her way through the house, taking note of any valuables along the way.

spot: [roll0]
Move Silently:[roll2]
Hide (if someone hears me): [roll3]

2012-07-15, 03:49 PM
Everyone make listen checks.

2012-07-15, 03:52 PM
Erin's listen:
Make sure y'all add +1 for my aura. :smallsmile:

Edit: oh dear... nat 1, hopefully someone else hears something...

2012-07-15, 03:55 PM
Erin is fairly sure of hearing a hawk... Somewhere.

It may have been a dog.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-15, 04:13 PM
Listen [roll0]

2012-07-15, 04:21 PM


Also, Lynn withdraws from the house, leaving the gigantic Rok between him and the main door.

2012-07-15, 08:01 PM

*When Kieran touches Rok, he pulls away instinctively, like an animal shying away from an sudden danger, and for a moment, his eyes flash wild and violent before he calms and exhales sharply.*
"Yes. Kier count. Kier know."

*Still pacing, he raises his head, sniffing the air periodically, still very much on edge.*


Listen check -

2012-07-15, 09:59 PM
Everyone hears a shot from the second floor of the house.

Erin is still looking for that hawk-dog.

2012-07-15, 10:01 PM
Am I included in that? I rolled a 2.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-15, 10:25 PM
Maia casts message, with the Captain as the recipient. Captain; Maia. The crew is prepared. I'm upstairs. If you require assistance, give us a signal. Otherwise, we will act as though all is normal.

2012-07-15, 11:15 PM
You aren't the only ones to hear the shot. Within seconds, the guard are charging through the halls, shouting for the Mayor.

Outside, you can hear the shouts, but cannot see what is going on.

2012-07-15, 11:22 PM
Ok, Erin moves into the house.

If we're breaking into rounds and such:
Standard action: Total Defense
Move Action: 30 feet towards, and into, the house
Initiative: [roll0]

2012-07-15, 11:56 PM
There is another shot, and powder smoke starts drifting through the partly open door.

"Maia, get in here." the captain sounds strained.

2012-07-15, 11:58 PM
As Erin bursts through the door, no fewer than ten muskets are leveled at him.

One of the guards barks at him. "who are you, and what do you want?"

2012-07-16, 12:08 AM
Swift action: Switch Aura to Aura of Toughness (DR 1/magic) :smalleek:

"I'm Erin Lantin, I'm part of the Captains crew, I heard the gunshot and came in to try and help the captain."

He really hopes that no one shoots him.

2012-07-16, 01:23 AM
Your response clearly catches the guard by surprise as he replies.

"Aint no Captain here. Just the mayor and his family. And at least two someone's that isn't s'possed to be here. Who is this captain of yours?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-16, 02:33 AM
"Well then you obviouslly weren't doing your job now were you? Now come with us so we can deal with your mess." Arryl says like a father scolding a child. He focuses for a second to gather his thoughts and releases a spell. Divine light covers his body and then it coaleces into his arms

diplomacy [roll0]
Standard: cast an empowered nimbus of light
Move: move the light to arms so its ready to be fired

2012-07-16, 02:38 AM
The guard thinks for a moment, then remembers he and his friends have the guns.

"I don't think so. Leave, now, and let us do our job."

2012-07-16, 04:34 AM

"My good gentlemen!" Lynn says to the guards, with a shining smile. "There's no need for violence! We are about the same number, so any combat will end in a bath of blood. Also, you may have the guns, but we have the big guy".
Lynn extracts a wand from is backpack, and holds it against Erin's back.
"The big GuyS, sorry" he says, while the weaponsmith suddenly increase in his size, becoming as huge as Rok.
"So, we can make a deal, and no one will end this lovely chat in pain. You let us pass. We go to take back our captain,we don't do any harm to the inhabitant of this gracious mansion, and while we come back, we will let you a generous offer of... how about 100 crowns each? Is something like... more than two years of salary for you guys, isn'it?"

Enlarge person on erin, if he wants.


2012-07-16, 05:03 AM
She'd better be spending her own money thinks Kieran.

Maia and the Captain inside. A shot fired. Ten guards on the door. Let's see if if Lynn can persuade the others in.

Briefly he considers releasing Rok.

No, too risky. Still a chance this may be resolved peacefully

Kieran moves into the shadows flanking the door, aiming to get a good cut in at the Captain, should things go sour.

Hide Check [roll0]

2012-07-16, 05:06 AM
The guards all thought about that. 10 crowns each. A years worth of work.

The guns lowered.

"go on."

Space Lawyer
2012-07-16, 05:34 AM
Maia enters the room where the shot came from. Hello, Captain. What needs doing?

2012-07-16, 05:42 AM
"It's always a pleasure dealing with such gentlemen. See you later, then."
Lynn starts running in the direction of the shot, glad they didn't have to use violence to overcome those guards. The captain need them, they can't waste time on swords and blood.
"We need another way to exit from this building, after we find the captain" he whispers to Kieran, when they are enough far from the guards. "I fear i promised much more than we can afford."

2012-07-16, 07:23 AM
The captain is holding her chest. Blood gushes from between her fingers.

Her other hand is holding a sealed letter. You note that the seal bears the mark of the royal family of Serazi.

The captain gasps as pain wracks her body. "The king. Must. Live." she manages between gasps. "Give this."

Another breath, shallow is gasped in. "Hurry."

2012-07-16, 07:32 AM


Gah! What a time to go to bed early!

*As the shot rings out, Rok surges forward and nearly has to throw himself to the side as the rest of the crew is there in front of him. For a moment, it seems like he might topple over on top of them, but he reaches out and grasps a nearby tree with enough force to stop his fall and to cause the wood to groan and crack under the pressure.*

*Regaining his feet, he looks into the doorway at the tiny men with their muskets and bellows - even he is intelligent enough not to rush a braced knot of gunmen. His voice is pained, questioning as he calls out."

*As the guns lower, Rok wastes no time in squeezing inside, following the captains scent, along with the heavy, acrid stench of spent powder. He no doubt reaches her right along with the rest of the crew and drops to a knee.*
"capn? Capn okay? Kier - capn strong. help capn."

Space Lawyer
2012-07-16, 08:09 AM
Maia takes the letter. It vanishes as soon as the captain releases her grasp on it. Who exactly am I supposed to be giving this to? Also, why do I care if this king lives or dies?

2012-07-16, 09:14 AM
"Dawnbr..." Captain Reya sighs her last breath onto Maia's hand.

Her limp body falls to the floor.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-16, 09:23 AM
Maia searches the body and the room. Couldn't have bothered to give a bit more information, huh?


2012-07-16, 09:41 AM
Your search yields another sealed envelope, this one is heavy and bears the captains seal. It is not addressed to anyone. You also find a pouch containing 5 gp, 8sp and 1cp.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-16, 09:59 AM
Maia flees from the second floor, grabbing anything small and highly valuable along the way. She uses her prepared casting of message, with Lynn as the recipient. Lynn, the Captain is dead. Get everyone back to the ship as soon as possible. Try not to draw any more attention. Silence any witnesses.

2012-07-16, 10:38 AM

"...what?" says Lynn, stopping the run.
This is is bad. he thinks, watching the walls in search for some windows. We are in the major house with a dead man, and there are guards near the main door.We are in danger.

"Maia has found the captain" he tells to the other crewmates. "He is...something bad happened to him. We are in a difficult position: we need to get back to the ship, now!"
Without any further explanations, he start to search for a window, maybe in the opposite direction to the main door.

Poor, old captain. He should have died in his airship, like a true pirate. In wich madness was he involved, to not let us come with him in this damned mansion?

So. At wich floor are we? first? If we are too distant to the ground, i use my featherfall wand on everyone (except the navigator, who can glide. How many other crewmates are with us?)
If Rok is too big for the window, first i let my magpie fly out of the building, then i use my bening transposition wand on them to switch their positions.

2012-07-16, 10:53 AM
'Find another door...what man? I knew you'd promised too much!' Kieran whispers, then purses his lips thoughtfully.

'Well, I can't say I'm complaining, ye did get us through without bloodshed. Don't worry too much about finding a door. When we're with Rok we don't need doors'.

Kieran arrives with the rest of the crew in the room. He sees Rok kneeling over something.

'What are ye' doin' lad...oh, Rok! Kieran catches sight of the dead Captain. 'I'm so sorry lad'.

Kieran whispers to Lynn 'We'd better get back to the ship, fast. I don't know who got the Cap'n but I suspec' they'll soon be gunning for us. And what's worse, I been countin' the crew, and I don't see any missin. Anything could be happenin' to the ship!'

Kieran approaches Rok,

Rok, lad, I ken how ye feel. I ken well how much it hurts. But ye've got to be strong fer Capt'n. Ye don't want to leave her like this. Help me get her back to the ship. We'll see if Arryl can make her better. If not at least we can do right by her memory, stead of leaving her amidst strangers'.

2012-07-16, 11:11 AM
You are on the first floor, one of the rooms nearby has a series of large windows able to allow even one as large as Rok to pass through with ease.

2012-07-16, 12:03 PM
Erin did accept the enlarge person.
"Let's get the heck out of here!
Erin goes through the window at a run, taking the captains body with him.

2012-07-16, 12:32 PM
Aimari has been, as usual, silent throughout the entire ordeal. As Lynn got the crew access into the house, she followed, staying near the back of the group. The gunshots caused her to jump, but apart from that none of the events provoked any large response. When the crew made their way into the room where the captain's body lay, she didn't say anything, either. If anyone happens to be looking at her when she first notices that their captain is dead, all that seems to change is that her lips thin slightly.

As the others begin to discuss what to do, small tendrils of flame gather around Aimari's hands, fading instantly like candles blown out as the the greatly enlarged Erin shares his plan with the group. Wordlessly, Aimari follows him, her eyes going once over the more prominent wooden furniture of the room before she pushes herself through the window, careful to avoid any shards on the frame.

2012-07-16, 12:47 PM

The word is shouted out, and behind you twenty or so muskets fire a feeble volley, but none of the balls hit anyone.

Three sailors are on deck as you near the Gambit. Alarm bells are ringing and the city guard is out in force.

2012-07-16, 12:58 PM
As soon as everyone is on the ship.
"Take us out of here. We have to leave, now.
Erin looks down at the captain's body, then up with a fierce gleen in his eyes.
"Did anyone find out anything about what happened?"

Space Lawyer
2012-07-16, 01:02 PM
Maia leaps onto the ship. We'll deal that later! We're in for a fight! Cast off and prepare to repel boarders!

2012-07-16, 01:16 PM
As the crew is fire upon from behind, Aimari doesn't even turn around, she simply keeps following the others. Without a word she sets off to comply with the shouted command, her fingers constantly twitching whenever they are idle. Her fingers clench and unclench seemingly uncontrollably as she works.

2012-07-16, 01:17 PM
The Lady's Gambit begins to fly out as another volley rakes the deck.

One of the balls takes a crewman in the head, three more spin another crewman to the deck, and two bounce off of Rok.

Five guards leap on the deck, bayonets flashing in the evening light.

Roll initiative.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-16, 01:34 PM
Arryl turns to face the boarders and sighs emphaticlly. "You five should have just stayed on land."


Space Lawyer
2012-07-16, 01:38 PM
A gleam comes into Maia's eyes, and a gleeful smile spread across her face. Captain said I wasn't to go killing anybody while we were docked unless she specifically told me to. I think this time is an exception.

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-07-16, 01:47 PM
Aimari turns slowly, one hand still half-holding a rope. Her face is, as usual, expressionless, but her hands still twitch.


2012-07-16, 02:12 PM
Erin sets the captain down and looks at the boarders with a grin.
[roll0] initiative

Hp, as I've forgotten to do that.

Edit: Whoa, 4th level with 50 hp, nice.

2012-07-16, 02:23 PM
Initiative Order(will be edited as soon as more people post):

2012-07-16, 02:47 PM
'Ah, blast' Kieran swears as the others rush the window.

Kieran vaults across the rooftops after the others. As he grunts and wheezes over the rooftops, muskets crack and musket balls whistle around him. Then, whether it's the effect of the alcohol, or the heat of the battle, he trips. When he gets to his feet he sees the Lady's Gambit's beginning to cast free of its moorings.

'Ah, wait for me ye scurvy dogs!'

Kieran rappels down the building with his grapple, then sprints to the ship, just as it rises upwards. Only about twenty feet. Looking up at the departing airship Kieran has a sudden sense of deja vu.

'Ah, blast yer eyes'. Fortunately most of the guards are looking upwards, aiming their muskets.

Kieran unlimbers his grapnel and starts to whirl it, then throws it after the departed airship.

Use rope [roll0]

2012-07-16, 03:20 PM

Troubles, always troubles...
On the deck, Lynn works with the other crewmate to sail away, untill the enemy soldiers arrive.


I'm afraid i will not post in the next 24 hours. When my turn arrives,i stay back and use sleep on some of the guards, dc 15

2012-07-16, 03:28 PM
Kieran, roll 1d20 to see if your grapple found somewhere pleasant to grab hold of.

2012-07-16, 03:35 PM
Wouldn't it be faster, in situations like this, for you to roll if the player isn't online? Now it might not matter much, but in the future small delays like this are the kinds of moments where games can suddenly flop over and die due to the sudden loss of momentum.

2012-07-16, 03:35 PM

sorry about that - just got done with work. 6 hours sooner than I expected to, even.

Initiative - [roll0]

*As the group makes their escape from the Mayors residence, Rok makes nary a sound - what could possibly be going through his head is anyones guess, but as the ship sets sail and the boarders make their wild attempt, he spins on them, muder in his eyes.*

2012-07-16, 03:36 PM
OOC: I don't know if you saw my use rope roll. I tend to put my rolls in Spoiler (Hope that OK)


2012-07-16, 03:45 PM
Ooc: Oh yeah the use rope is fine. But every once in a while I ask for a d20 luck roll to see if the check, which still succeeds is good or bad. Especially when you're hurling it after a moving ship.

Ic: The grapple flies upward, tangling itself in some rigging.

PersonMan: ordinarily yes I would agree, but kieran isn't actively engaged in the combat, so for now it's fine for me to wait on that.

2012-07-16, 04:40 PM
Kieran's about to haul the grapple free to try and snap a less fragile part of the ship, when a sudden gust lifts the ship, and Kieran is left dangling over the abyss.

'By the Lady!' Kieran wails.

Then he starts trying to haul his way up the rope.

Climb check: [roll0]

2012-07-16, 11:56 PM
Arryl, the initiative is yours. There are two guards each about ten feet in front of you. Two more are fifteen feet away, and the last guard is 30 feet away.

Before you can do anything, a grapple tangles itself in the Rigging along the port side of the ship.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-17, 12:28 AM
Arryl sighs and raises his glowing hands, but instead of divine light shooting from them, fire jumped from his fingertips. He tries to catch the closest two in the blast.

burning hands [roll0]

2012-07-17, 02:19 AM
The two soldiers cry out as their coats burst into flames. They frantically rip thier coats off, and beat at the other flames on thier trousers.

Maia, you're up. You have one guard five feet away on either side of you, a third one is next to the soldier on your right. The last group of two is 20 feet away.

Everyone hears a cry from somewhere beneath the ship, but you can't quite make it out.

How long is kierans rope?

2012-07-17, 08:42 AM
Spurred by fear, or excitement, Kieran's powering up the rope. He starts to hum a sky-shanty under his breath.

'...over sea, and over water/ gone to fetch the tailor's daughter/...where have all the honest men gone?/ sold in the markets for a song'.

Initiative roll (though I suspect that he'll miss the first round at least)

Space Lawyer
2012-07-17, 11:45 AM
For the sake of expediency, I'll go ahead and post. I believe the guards are out of AoO range. If this is incorrect, I'll edit my post.

Maia retreats at full speed towards an open area of the deck, staying well away from the boarders. When she has reached a safe distance (30' away from any guards), Maia summons a a sphere of invisible force to portect her. Then, calling upon her innate powers of stealth, she almost seems to fade away.

Move action to get out from the middle of the guards (40' move speed)
Cast shield.
Hide in Plain Sight (free action as part of movement)
Hide Check: [roll0]

2012-07-17, 11:53 AM
Backing away, Maia ducks behind one of the water barrels on the deck, and then everyone seems to forget about her as they focus on those still trying to tear each other to pieces.

Aimari, it is your initiative.

2012-07-17, 09:48 PM

*The ship rocks at it's sudden departure, the winds that are magically subdued by the floating islands picking up to lash at the heavy sails and rigging, a biting cold to them that is hard to get used to. None of this mattered to Rok, of course, his simple mind bent on one thing - death.*

*He would smash the little men. Grinding and twisting, pounding until there was nothing left of them but muck best shovelled off the side of the ship. He would.... a jaunty toon caught his ear, and without a second thought, his body rocketed towards the port side of the ship, and the rope swaying precariously over the side.*
"Kier! Rok pull - hang on!"

*Giving his ship-mate a moment to get a solid grip on the rope, Rok leans over to grasp as low as he can, hauling up and over his head with one mighty heave, pulling back towards the center mast.*
"Kier no fall! Fall hurt!"

2012-07-18, 05:43 AM
Kieran, with both hands wrapped, and the rope wound around his middle, flies upward at an alarming speed. Missing the side of the boat, the rigging, and the mast, you are sure you are going to fly over the other side.

Instead though, you hit the rigging on the starboard side of the boat, and fall to the deck.

2012-07-18, 06:25 AM
'Wait, Rok lad, caref - Rok, NOooo!

Kieran soars up through the air then thuds down on the deck.

Ooof...Thank'ye lad...

Reflex save [roll0]
OOC: I rolled initiative earlier for when I got to the deck. If you like I can roll again. Let me know when I have a combat round.

2012-07-18, 08:00 AM

While Rok and Kieran are busy, Lynn knows he needs to give his opponents an hard time, untill the others strike them down.
"I promised you gold" he says, raising his hands. "And gold you shall have. Dead men's gold."
A shiny dust from nowhere envelops the guards who were near Maia, obscuring their sights.

Glitterdust, dc 16. I'm sure it can hit at least two of the guards (radius of 10 ft), not so sure about the third.

2012-07-18, 08:12 AM
Aimari lowers her hood, exhaling once, slowly, before stretching her hands. Without warning, flames appear around them and she chuckles. Her voice is different than the one you've heard her speak in - rather than being soft and insecure, it's full of a dark confidence.

A smile spreads on her face and Aimari throws the flames in her hand towards the guards' formation, exploding into a great blast of fire. "The fires of my hate are stronger than you," she says, grinning now. The blood-red marks on her face twist into fearsome shapes and her armor gleams in the light of the explosion. "don't play at being Sons of Plunder unless you can take my spite,"

Using a Fiery Burst, hitting the largest group of guards I can get in a 5' radius square.

[roll0] with a DC 16 Reflex save for half.

2012-07-18, 09:28 AM
The blast catches the two soldiers who have already been treated to fire. But at the lat instant a gust of wind knocks your hand just enough to prevent them from feeling your full fury. They cry out, and their hands start shaking with the pain of the burns, but they are still standing.

Kieran, I believe it is your initiative.

2012-07-18, 12:04 PM
Kieran rolls as he hits the deck, absorbing the impact, and springing straight up, cutlass drawn.

Kieran's lip curls slightly at the sorry sight of the burned men, and the sweet scent of the burning flesh.

'Give up ye fools while you still can! There's not enough of ye to take the ship!'

Diplomacy [roll0] Edit: never mind the check, it would take full round, and be at -5, not +5.

If there's no response, Kieran draws his dagger and attacks the nearest guard.

Attack roll (cutlass): [roll1]
Attack roll (dagger): [roll2]

(Breakdown: base attack 3, Dex mod 3 (Weapon Finesse), light weapons, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Cutlass).

Damage if Hit: cutlass [roll3] (Edit +1 for Strength)
Dagger [roll4]

2012-07-18, 12:11 PM
You have 13 Strength. You should have +1 to both damage rolls, unless you have a flaw or something that lowers it.

2012-07-18, 02:55 PM
Blades flashing, Kieran dashes up to the soldier who was on his own. With a slash and a thrust, the man staggers back, blood flowing from the wounds in his chest.

2012-07-19, 04:05 AM
The soldiers shoulder thier muskets and fire at Kieran, Aimari, and Arryl.

Two shots at Kieran: [roll0] [roll1]
Two shots at Aimari: [roll2] [roll3]
One shot for Arryl: [roll4]

2012-07-19, 04:17 AM
The muskets belch smoke and flame, and as they do Kieran and Arryl feel the balls tear into them.

Kieran: [roll0]
Arryl: [roll1]
Also, Kieran you may make an AoO.

2012-07-19, 06:43 AM
As the men level their muskets Kieran dodges out of the line of fire of one, straight into the line of fire of the second.

'AH' he winces as the ball bites into his shoulder.

Then he gets a quick thrust in with his cutlass.

Attack of Opportunity
Attack: [roll0]
Damange: [roll1]

2012-07-19, 06:50 AM
I think that's a threat (18 on the attack roll with the cutlass).
Attack roll for Critical
Damage if Critical [roll]1d6

2012-07-19, 06:52 AM
Sorry for the triple post, made a mistake writing in the damage roll.
What's the AC on the guards?

2012-07-19, 08:16 AM
The gun bangs in Kieran's ear, and almost on instinct his blade pushes forward, driving into the soldier. With a sigh, he falls to the deck, his musket clattering in the deck beside him.

2012-07-19, 12:48 PM
Erin edges towards the guards in front of him turns to the rest of the guards, and spews raging fire from his maw.

Move action to get next to the the left-most guard
Standard action use Breath Weapon
15 ft cone (which gets at least two of them, maybe all of them?)
[roll0] fire damage, Reflex DC 16 for half.
[roll1] number of rounds to recharge.

2012-07-20, 12:10 AM
The fire plays over the two guards, making them scream as they fall to the deck. Unfortunately, all the fire that you and the others have thrown at these two guards has another side effect. The ships rigging has caught fire!

Arryl the initiative is yours.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-21, 04:29 AM
Arryl sees the fire and swears loudly. "Some one take care of that before we lose the balloon!" he shouts. Then almost as an after thought he points a glowing finger at the man who shot him and says, "You made a mistake trying to fight us aboard our own ship." then the light leaves his hand and flies towards the man.

attack roll [roll0]

Damage [roll1] x1.5+4

Woot 16 damage!

2012-07-21, 05:20 AM
Kieran dimly registers the flames, but is too caught up in the heat of battle to notice.

Kieran bellows at the guards.

'Surrender or die'

Intimidate Check: [roll0]

If there's no response, Kieran moves to the nearest guard and attacks.

Attack roll
Cutlass [roll1]
Dagger [roll2]

Damage if hit
Cutlass [roll3]
Dagger [roll4]

Space Lawyer
2012-07-21, 05:48 AM
It will be easier to deal with the fire once these mongrels are dead. It was our own crew that set fire to the ship though, do I need to consider them to be enemies? The captain said I couldn't kill the rest of the crew unless they were traitorous. Does setting fire to the rigging count? No, no, they just made a mistake. Did they? What if one of them is trying to bring us all down? Then they would be killing themselves. Two of them have wings though, and they were throwing around great jets of fire. Those guards have muskets, and a re clearly trying to kill us right now. Ok, first, kill the guards, then figure out if the others are traitors or fools.
Maia levels her shortbow at any of the guards left alive, and lets her arrow fly.

Damage: [ROLL]1d4+
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll1]

2012-07-21, 05:52 AM

"If we kill them all, we will have no answers!"
Shouts Lynn, disturbed by the flames. A wizard of the sky shouldn't let his spells destroying his ship. Magic is dangerous, only the fools forget it.

Lynn points one of the guards with a finger, and then start to humming a melody very similiar to a lullaby.
Sleep, dc 15, against one of the guardl

2012-07-21, 12:05 PM
Aimari grits her teeth as her crewmates throw flames in large cones. It was infuriating, just watching them spit fire everywhere. Honestly, if they were any less accurate with it they would-

oh, great, they had ended up setting the ship on fire. Wonderful. Maybe at some time she could show them how to use their hatred properly. For now she would have to lead by example.

Once again fires covered Aimari's hands and she chants a few strange-sounding syllables that seem to be filled with absolute rage. She makes a wide gesture before bringing her hands together with a clap that is followed by a thunderous boom as a white-hot surge of fire erupts from her cupped hands.

EDIT: How do he guards respond to the surrender offer?

Did all the cone-users end up hitting the rigging? I always assumed that the heat from magical fire disperses instantly once the spell is finished.

(By the way, the IC anger in this post has nothing to do with my IRL feelings, don't worry.)

2012-07-22, 06:20 AM
Arryl's light blast pierces into one of the two remaining guards. He only grunts, as he continues loading his musket. Kieran shouts out his ultimatum, the two soldiers look to see Rok preparing to do who knows what, and jump ship.

The fire is easily put out, and several of the regular crew do so, as all of you recover from combat.

You each gain 188 XP.

2012-07-22, 08:00 AM
Once the guards are dealt with and the fire is out, Kieran relaxes and the mist of battle lifts from his body.

Arggh Kieran growls, as the pain of the musket ball hits him.

Navigator! When ye've a moment, could ye tend to me wounds? I need someone to get the ball out, and any cloth, to prevent infection'.

2012-07-22, 03:44 PM
As the fire is tended to, and new ropes are spliced into the rigging, the crew gathers around the captain. Someone laid her out on the deck, placing her cutlass in her hands. Removing thier hats, they began paying thier respects.

The gunner's mate walks over. "By the Lady, what happen'd? I thought sure ye'd be back inna one piece. The captain always came back."

A look of pure sorrow crossed his features as he sank onto a barrel and began to weep.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-22, 05:15 PM
Arryl walked over to Kieran and layed a hand over his wound. "You'll be fine, I've seen you shrug off much worse than this." he says after examining the hole. A soft glow soaks into the wound and heals Kieran's arm. The bullet clatters to the deck as the new skin knits together.

Then he wlaks over to the captain's body. He bends down and closes the womans eyes. "The captain was not a religious woman, but she was a good person. I know that the Protector has taken her and that the captain will watch over us as we go to fulfill her final wishes."

2012-07-22, 06:14 PM
'Kieran grimaces slightly as the wound heals, then seems stunned.

'By t'Lady, Oh, uh, saving ye presence Navigator, the Protector'.

Kieran's clearly a little uncomfortable around religion, generally content with the sailor's superstition of the Lady.

'Master Navigator, I heard tell that there were those favoured by the Gods as could return the dead from us. Is that just idle fancy and loose talk, or is there something behind it? An' if there is, what would we need to do t'bring the Capt'n back?'

2012-07-22, 06:24 PM
As the last of the boarders falls, Aimari lets her arms drop, the flames in her hands brushing up her arms before fading away. Her transformation seems to have been reversed - now her normal persona has returned and she doesn't say a word during the repairs or when the crew gathers around their fallen captain.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-22, 06:49 PM
Maia comes back into view. So, who can tell me about the royal family of Serazi? The captain's last words regarded them. She warily eyes the members of the crew who were throwing around fire.

2012-07-22, 10:15 PM
Erin remains silent, listening to the others. He seems displaced, like a fish out of water.

2012-07-22, 11:50 PM
Everyone can make a knowledge (royalty, folklore, or religion) check.

2012-07-22, 11:59 PM
Not I, I don't have any of those skills trained, and you can't make them untrained.

2012-07-23, 02:48 AM

Near the body of the captain with the rest of the crew, without a word, Lynn try to remember anything she ever read about the royal family, hoping to know something that can leads him and his companion to their revenge.

No ranks in royalty and low ranks in religion, i'll go with local.


edit: it seems that the book about the royal family was VERY boring...

2012-07-23, 03:52 AM
Probably won't do any good, but
Knowledge (Local) [roll0]

2012-07-23, 05:07 AM
Lynn seems to recall that Drethi is in Serazi, and with that piece of information, Kieran happens to recall something about the family of Serazi being descended from the children of the sun.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-23, 06:04 AM
Knowledge (History): [roll0]

2012-07-23, 06:26 AM
Serazi was once one the largest kingdoms of the surface world, but the Raising left it as one of the smallest. The royal family of Serazi often refer to themselves as the Silver Sons, so named for the now destroyed Silver Fields.

2012-07-23, 07:20 AM
Aimari behaves exactly like she usually does when someone scrutinizes her - that is, she buries herself in her cloak and pulls her hood down until her face is hidden in shadow.

2012-07-23, 09:54 AM
Kieran thinks for a moment.

'All I can remember is something about the family of Serazi being descended from the children of the sun. Why lass?'

2012-07-23, 11:51 PM

*Wiping a bit of soot out from under his eye with an even filthier finger, Rok stands quietly for a while, listening to the others speak about silly nonsense like Gods and children of the Sun. When he finally does speak up, his head is down, his eyes half-lidded and his voice soft.*
"Rok.... Rok sad Capn. Dunno 'bout no Sun Chil'n. Dunno 'bout no Serase. Serace. Serzi."
*With a growl, he shakes his head, and exhales slowly, working past the moment of frustration.*
"Know Capn. Capn good. Save Rok from down there."

*He nods slowly thinking.*
"Yep. Capn Good. Thanks Capn. Rok like being alive. Gonna live harder for Capn."

*Having said his peace, he stands quietly for another moment before looking around to the other crewmen.*
"Well? Rok no brainsey... brainer. Smarter. That thing. Who Rok smash for Capn?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-24, 04:44 AM
Answering Kieran, Arryl says "Anything is possible, but its far beyond anything I can do.....I'm sorry if my faith makes you uncomfortable." the last part is added after remembers his faith isn't shared by most of the crew.

"Well said Rok. As for the Serazi, I'm not sure. I vageuly remember the name from a book I read once but id have to think a bit to remember....."

lore check on the Serazi family [roll0] come on roller! Vixsor needs a new pair o' shoes!

2012-07-24, 05:20 AM
Arryl ponders for a bit then dimly recalls a book of ancient prophecy that mentioned the 'heirs of light' and a reference to something else called 'the struggle of Ęther.'

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-24, 05:59 AM
A look of realization washes over Arryl and he looks at the others. "I seem to remember some kind of prophesy about the 'heirs of light' and some struggle for the Ęther...." he shuffles his wings nervouslly "I'm not sure what the captain was involved in, but we may be in for a bit more than we first expected."

2012-07-24, 07:04 AM
Kieran pats Rok.

'That's very smart of ye, lad. Living harder for Cap'n. I think tha's what the Cap'n would want. As for who t'smash we don't know any bett'r than ye yet, but we'll figure it out'.

Then Kieran turns, slightly surprised to Arryl.

'Navigator, I've no doubt of the Protector's divinity. What you did just now to my shoulder would be proof enough. It's just I've never been as devout as maybe I should have. I always thought if I trusted in the Lady, everything would turn out alright'.

Kieran looks rueful.

'Though it hasn't served me well so far. I know some clerics say the Lady's nowt but superstition, but as a sailor, I feel she's the god for me, Lady take me'.

Kieran leans in to whisper to Arryl:

'If there's any hope that the Captain could be brought back, I was going to suggest that we open up a cask of rum and preserve the body. If not, I think we should dispose of her body, respec'ful like'.

2012-07-24, 07:30 AM
The gunners mate, listening to all this, speaks up. "Do ya think maybe we aught check the cap'ns cabin? She might o' left us instructions, like."

2012-07-24, 07:38 AM
'No-one go t'the cabin without Master Navigator at least. We need t'check fer the logbooks, an' the charts as well. We could just about get by without the logbooks, but without the charts, we're dead men. If there's any clue as to what's going on, it'll be in the logbooks'.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-24, 09:01 AM
Maia heads to the captain's cabin. Huh, never expected that gunners mate to have a thought beyond how to shoot something. I'll keep a watch on the others; see if they try to hide something or mislead someone else.

2012-07-24, 12:23 PM
"Profecies are often tricky things, i don't trust them. But if our captain last wish was to let we involved in this kind of things... well, i obey. And surely, in the captain room we may find something useful, we need to check. Maia, can you tell us something else about our captain's last words? We need to run from these Serazi, or find them? "
While i'm talking, i look at the crew, trying to figure how many of them don't lost the ship, how many didn't survived the combat and how many of them are still with us.
Also, i cut a lock of captain's hair and put in in my bag, just to be sure that we can bring back him even if something bad happens to the body.

2012-07-24, 02:37 PM
Captain Reya was a woman of few words and harsh discipline. She was as likely to condemn and berate a man. But for all her harshness, she did on occasion, lavish her crew with the rewards they justly earned.

Which made it even more of a shock to see her cabin decorated in soft colors. Deep blues and purples covered the floors and walls, and the bed was covered in lavender.

Reports and letters as well as a large seal adorn her desk, beneath which is a small lockbox. Against the opposite wall is a wardrob filled with gowns, dressed, and a whole lot more that you never expected the captain to wear.

2012-07-24, 03:09 PM
'Ah, it does'nae feel right, going through her things like this'.

Kieran frowns.

'Don't touch anything until we've checked for traps. Please ken ye give me a hand with this Maia? Ye've alweys been much better at this. Oh, and Arryl, please ken ye look to see if ye ken find the charts and the logbooks?'.

Kieran uses trapfinding to search for traps over by the desk.

Search [roll0]

If Kieran doesn't find anything, he turns through the letters looking for anything of interest.

2012-07-24, 03:13 PM
In a rather clumsy attempt at feeling for traps, Kieran pokes his finger with a rusty nail sticking out of the captains bed.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-24, 03:19 PM
Maia searches the room, checking for traps and for any hint of what the captain was talking about. So, the captain is dead, but we might be able to bring her back. She has no use for any of her possessions, but she might. I swore my obedience to her. She's dead, it doesn't matter. The captain was generous, and a better master than any I've had. Sympathy and sentiment make you weak, remember that. Loyalty doesn't, not in the right person.

Search: [roll0]

As they are searching, Maia says: I think the Captain intended for us to go towards the Serazi. She wants some king or another to live. She gave me a letter sealed in wax, with the Serazi crest upon it. Here, I'll read it aloud.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-24, 03:47 PM
"Of course. Although I think ill wait to look until you've finished finding all the traps first." Arryl says only partially joking. Once its safe, Arryl looks around for the log books and any charts he doesn't already have.

taking 20 on the search check to get a 21

2012-07-24, 03:54 PM
'Argh, me finger, blast, blast blast'.

Looking somewhat chagrined Kieran attempts to redeem himself by opening the safe.

Open Lock [roll0]

2012-07-24, 06:29 PM
Erin looks around the room while he listens to the contents of the letter.

Search: [roll0]

2012-07-24, 10:33 PM

*Watching the others walk into the captains quarters, he nearly follows, but really doesn't want to get in the way - they would surely be able to find anything worth finding. Besides. Fitting through the little doorway would prove difficult as well.*

*Walking to the port side of the ship, Rok starts gathering harpoons from the storage spots alongside the rail and checking the lead ropes attached to them. It was busywork, but it helped him to focus on something other than the swirl of thoughts and emotions going throug his skull. *

*After the fourth or fifth harpoon, he stopped and looked around, surprised by the sudden absence of crewmen before he realized he must be scowling - and they would likely assume he would lash out at anyone that bothered him.*

*Their hesitance was probably for the best. He really did want to hurt someone. It wouldn't make him feel better, but it would help to work out some of his energy. Slipping the last of the harpoons away, he moves over to the cargo bay instead, where the spare cannon was kept. With a mighty heave, he lifts the massive metal tube out of the hold and starts lifting it up over his head, and down again, using it as a freeweight. It wasn't as good as smashing the person who shot the captain, but as he immerses himself into his routine, his mind clears, and there is nothing but the comfort of the exertion.*

2012-07-25, 01:33 AM
Aimari was never one to follow a group of people without being asked if she doubted she could be of help. In this case, there was no sense in going into the late captain's quarters with the others. She couldn't bring herself to say much of anything with so many people around, so even if she did find something (unlikely, especially since her going made the place more crowded) it would be of little use.

So she doesn't move. For a few moments she simply stands there, considering the feel of the ever-present wind. Her thoughts wander to the men they killed earlier. Despite the circumstances, Aimari hadn't really had a quarrel with them - they were just people doing their job, after all. They probably could have solved the entire thing without violence, although it might have taken a while longer. Now, though, several men were dead and their families grieving.

With a shrug, Aimari dismissed the thought. She didn't care about them - there was little room in her heart for people. So much space was already taken up by her soul's hate and she had already given most of the affection she could muster to someone back home.

Deep in consideration, Aimari absentmindedly strolls down the deck. She starts to hum a tune, quietly, considering the different reasons for their captain's untimely demise. She had been an interesting woman, certainly. She wielded her authority and power adeptly. If only she had known how to harness her real power, she probably could have survived whatever conflict she got into in that manor...

Aimari wanders to the hatch leading belowdecks, considering it for a moment before going down. She always enjoyed the darkness down there.

I'll probably need someone to fill me in later, seeing as I won't be in the cabin with the others (and can actually use the information), but Aimari isn't the type to actually ask, so I could always just find out at some point far later in the game.

2012-07-25, 02:08 AM
Tearing the seal from the letter, Maia unfolds the bloodstained paper.

There are only three words on the paper.

"I found it."

Noone finds any traps in the room. The books are mostly ancient texts on wars, a few books of poetry, and one entitled, 'Til Journey's End.

Erin, none of the charts mentions the location of the island of Hawk-dogs.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-25, 02:59 AM
After trying and finding nothing, Arryl turns to the others and says, "Well that's certainly ominous. And what's more ominous, is thhat the captain doesn't appear to have a logbook of any kind. At least not one that I can find."

He reaches to his throat and grasps the silver symbol that was hanging there. "Unless you've found something or have anything to say, then I think we should discuss the matter of a new captain. I would favor a democratic descision making process, but even democracies have leaders. We need someone who can lead the crew and end a stalemate." then he relaizes he has broached a potentially awkward subject and adds, "Of course, if anyone thinks we should discuss this later, I can begin preperations for the captains funeral."

2012-07-25, 06:53 PM
Kieran fumbles for a few moments with the locks on the chest beneath the desk.

Then he hears a click. And not a good one.

Reflex save if you please, for Kieran, And Erin. (dc 15)

2012-07-25, 07:01 PM
So, ye don't think that there's any chance of her bein' raised? 'Cause I still think pickling the body in a barrel of rum's the way to go. Still, if tha's yer opinion, much better to give her a proper send off'.

Kieran thinks for a moment.

'Aye, we'll gather the whole crew and elect a new Capt'n. Review the ship's rules whiles we're at it. By the bye, does anyone ken what we're carrying at t'moment? I thought that we'd dropped all the cargo at the last port, but I'm sure there's still something left belowdecks-other than Rok'.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-25, 07:16 PM
I'd rather not spoil a barrel of rum with a body, but I can't think of anything better for preservation. Who knows? The captain might even be happy with us for getting her good and drunk the instant she comes back. I have no idea what's belowdeck. I'd say we find a cargo bound for Serazi, head there, and then sell the cargo and figure out why the captain wanted us to go there.

2012-07-25, 09:11 PM
Reflex save [roll0]

Assuming Erin doesn't explode or anything. Which he probably did...
"I agree that we need to select a new captain. However, I think it would be best if we all, here and now, came to some kind of agreement on who should be captain. If the crew feels like we are divided, it might cause undue strife. I personally would not be capable of captaining. Are any of you?"

2012-07-26, 01:40 AM
One incredibly unusual bout of voting later, Aimari and Rok are announced co-captains! Tada!

2012-07-26, 02:54 AM
OOC: Assuming PersonMan was just kidding...

'Hmm...' murmurs thoughtfully.

'Good idea Maia. We'll like not get rich, but this Serzai's a kingdom, and if we can do them some service, we might be able to get something more valuable than gold, namely Kieran takes a deep breath letters of marque'.

'As for the Cap'n's job I think that the whole crew needs to decide. As for decisions on matters o'policy, probably best made by vote, but as long as we can put together jobs for the rest of the crew, and pay on time, I doubt that they'll mind. Speakin' of which, how much money did the Cap'n leave us? Anyways, I can manage running the crew as sailors, and I have bin a Cap'n once before'.

Kieran voice trembles a bit and a shadow passes across his face.

'It was just a small family freighter'.

There's a slight pause.

'Well, if not me, I vote for Lynn, or Arryn'.

2012-07-26, 09:41 AM
I still need Kierans reflex save.

2012-07-26, 12:59 PM

"As long as the new captain respect the pact i made with the old one, i'm fine with everyone who wants to take the role."
Says Lynn, remaining near the door.
"And i think that is the crew who need to decide this matter. However, if no one wants to take this duty... i have a goal to fulfill, some far lands to visit, some treasures to discover and a certain experience in travels and deals with the highborns. But i don't think i could handle a ship, all i know about the sailor's life is what the captain teach to me in this few years.
But my vote goes to Kieran, he is the more experienced sailor, or to Arryn, who knows the secrets of winds and skies. "

Space Lawyer
2012-07-26, 02:14 PM
I'll just have to assume for now they didn't mean to set the ship ablaze. No! What if they did, and they get elected captain; we'll all die! The captain trusted them, I should to. The captain is dead, likely because she trusted someone. I'll just follow for now. I can always kill them later.

Maia leans in a corner. I'm the same as Lynn. I acted as an instrument of the Captain's will, to bring death to her enemies. Whoever can respect that, and will not question my methods, I will follow.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-26, 02:25 PM
Arryl looks surprised at all the votes he was getting. He had always assumed that his carelessness with words had made him seem insensetive to others. "I... well umm... huh..... If you want me to lead, then I will, but I know that I understand books and charts more than people. Since Kieran has also received many votes, what if we co-captain?"

2012-07-26, 02:45 PM
"I doubt that'd be a good idea. Divided captiancy would divide the loyalty of the crew. We need a leader, particularly in this situation. I cast my vote for Kieran."

2012-07-26, 04:14 PM
Reflex Save: [roll0]

2012-07-26, 05:43 PM
There is a ticking sound from the chest, and as both of you try to dive out of the way, a spray of darts fly out pelting at both of you.

Darts: [roll0]

2012-07-26, 05:47 PM
Damage roll didn't work in last post.
Damage: [roll0]

2012-07-26, 06:05 PM
Kieran cries out in surprise as a volley of darts springs out.

'Is everyone alright?'

2012-07-26, 07:40 PM
Well at least I still had Aura of Toughness up... (Do those darts pierce DR/magic, and if so, how many darts would we have been hit with?)

"Aargh, well, it seems like we've found the important stuff. What's in there?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-26, 08:20 PM
Arryl jumps and half opens his wings, almost taking off. "Goodness! That scared me quite a bit. Are you two alright?

2012-07-26, 09:22 PM
Erin chuckles lightly.
"I've had bigger scratches cleaning my weapons."

2012-07-27, 12:53 AM
The darts are nonmagical in nature, so DR will apply, 5 darts hit each of you, so apply DR to each. Smelling the tip of one of the darts, you conclude they are also not poisoned.

The lid to the chest, its locks disabled, lifts up slightly.

Rok and Aimari can make a Listen check if they so desire.

2012-07-27, 02:12 AM
Kieran breaths a sigh of relief. Then he looks down at his chest and realisation dawns...as he sees of the darts lodged there and a crimson stain spreading down his shirt.

'I'm hurt...'

Kieran falls to 1hp

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-27, 05:32 AM
Arryl sees that Kieran is seriously injured, and rushes over to him. He focuses for a second and then a blinding flash of light covers Kieran. After the healing is over, he looks at Kieran laughs, saying "That's twice in one day, are you slipping?"

trading my bears endurance spell for a CSW. [roll0]

2012-07-27, 07:01 AM
Aimari continues to wander belowdecks, eventually coming to the storage section. She didn't go there often - she went down here primarily for the comforting darkness and on her sleepness nights would go onto the deck rather than look around in the belly of the ship. Now, though, there's something that draws her there - a quiet sound, one she doesn't recognize. Slipping into the cargo bay, she wordlessly looks about the room, wrapped in her elaborately decorated cloak as always, although the designs on the fabric were barely visible in the low light.

Listen check: [roll0]

Aimari's too good for paying attention.

2012-07-27, 09:09 AM
Rok, as you are working out, you start hearing the crew complaining about not doing anything. The captain is dead, the crew came under attack, and they have no idea what is going on. Some of them are talking about how there is enough of them to take the ship for themselves and start making names for themselves as pirates in thier own rights.

2012-07-27, 11:13 AM

*As he listens to the crew, Rok pauses in his workout, setting the cannon down silently before stepping over to a water barrel that is closer to the crew, using it as an excuse to get closer to the group before spinning on them, snatching two of the men around the necks tight enough to hold them, giving enough of a squeeze to stop them from fighting before leaning in enough for the crew to hear him without raising his voice. His eyes are fiery and focused, the dull sheen completely gone as he glares at each of the men.*
"You'd better listen close, because I will only say this once - think of mutiny and I'll start tearing you limb from limb before throwing you clear of the ship. It doesn't take more than a moment to fall the whole way - you'll die screaming and helpless, and the savage beasts that call that hellish place home will feast upon your bones, drawn by the smell of blood."

*Releasing the men with a hefty shove, he turns back to the cannon, hefting it with one hand up to his shoulder.*
"Rok thirsty. Who wants drink to Capn?"

*Giving a last look to the men, he grins ferociously before turning to head toward the captains quarters, calling out to the others.*
"Kier! Kier, where drink? We drink for Capn?"

2012-07-27, 12:02 PM
As Rok starts to put down the sailors he hefted up, he notices a small puddle forming under one of them, and smells the distinct odor of urine.

With shaking hands the two sailors grab hold of the rigging and try to stay upright.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-27, 12:17 PM
Maia walks from the captain's cabin down into the hold. I wonder what we're carrying down here?

2012-07-27, 12:43 PM
Aimari smiles a bit beneath her hood. Well, this was certainly an interesting turn of events. The dull-witted Rok was not quite as stupid as he let on...Or perhaps the captain had constructed some sort of magical system in him, to suppress his intellect unless specific trigger conditions were met.

Still silent, she continues padding across the room, aimlessly crossing the hold. She doesn't specifically try to get closer to Rok but neither does she keep away from him. Her walk had just gotten a lot more interesting...

2012-07-27, 01:40 PM
'Aye, sommit like that'.

Kieran looks somewhat abashed, as the dart is pulled out and the wound closes up. Some of the colour comes back to his face, but it's a little wan.

'Thank ye me friend, an' thanks to ye Lord the Protector too'.

'We'd better give this place a thorough goin' over t'make sure it be safe. Might need to leave it fer now. Call a conference wit t'crew instead. Before anyone starts t'fret'

It seems Kieran's accent gets a little stronger when he's shaken.

Listen [roll0]
Search [roll1]
(Kieran's still partly looking for traps with search, but only passively, not moving, or touching anything)

2012-07-27, 03:00 PM
The only thing Kieran can hear is everyone walking around and talking in the cabin.

2012-07-27, 07:08 PM
Kieran glances around, notices Maia's gone, and decides to go for it.

Assuming it's allowed, take 20 on trap-finding with the search check (21)

While he's searching, Kieran takes out his cutlass, and prods the ceiling with it, then he sheaths it again.


After he's taken all the reasonable precautions Kieran draws his dagger. Standing to one side, Kieran uses the dagger to carefully pry up the lid of the safe.

'Everyone stand back...again'.

2012-07-27, 07:28 PM
Erin steps out of the room, but stays in range with his aura.

2012-07-27, 09:30 PM
The lid slides lifts up on silent hinges. Inside you see a few books, some coins, and another smaller lockbox. You do not detect any traps on it, but no one found the last one either.

2012-07-28, 08:29 AM
Kieran notes down the exact number of coins, and the titles on the books. Kiern carefully removes the books and coins.

'Hey, Arryl, could one o' these be the logbook. Make sure ye don't touch owt-sorry anyt'ing in t'safe'.

Kieran then clears the room, retrieves a boat hook (12 feet) and then attempts to carefully lifts up the smaller locked box, from over by the door.

Roll DEX [roll0]

2012-07-28, 09:26 AM
There are 4 books in the box, two of which are detailed ships logs, one for the cargo, passengers, and crew. The second is only a series Of numbers.

There is 75 gp, 32 sp and 1 cp in the box.

The second smaller box, lifts easily from the other larger box. Nothing is triggered as the box lifts up and is lowered to the floor. It is, at first glance made of solid silver which has been carved and sculpted with scenes of stunning detail. The top of the box shows an image of the Father atop a throne with a golden sun rising behind him.

There is writing on the box, but it is in a language you do not understand.

2012-07-28, 10:22 AM
'Thank the Lady'. Kieran's relieved to find the log books.

'We'd have had a hard time chartin' a course without that, eh Arryl?' Kieran gives the logbooks to Arryl for safekeeping, and agrees a tally on the coins.

Once the second box is lifted out, everyone there can go back into the room.

'Hmm...this is beyond me. This looks like religious stuff. Any one recognise this language?'

2012-07-28, 01:04 PM
"If it is not a secret language or code, i think i can read it"
Says the wizard, looking at the box. If the words are in a language that he doesn't know, he close his eyes, whispering arcane words for a longer time than usual for a spell.
When he retry to looks at the box, his eyes glow in a soft, white light that conceal iris and pupils.

So, i use the alacritous cogitation feat to swap my empty second level slot with "comprehend languages", and then i try to read.

2012-07-28, 01:44 PM
The writing translates to roughly,"Father, forgive thy children for they know not thier wrongs. Guide their steps for they know not the Path. Guard their souls, for they know not the danger. Father bless us, thy children. O, Sun of the heavens, safeguard us in thy light."

Who is still in the captains cabin?

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-28, 04:45 PM
"Thank you, and indeed it would be. Hard to know where to go, if we don't know why were going there." Arryl says as he takes the books, and begins flipping through them. He first checks the manifesto, to see what they had at their disposal as trade goods and supplies. Then he looks through the book of numbers. He scans the pages, trying to determine if there is a pattern or if the numbers coorospond to anything on his maps. general wis check
Decipher script [roll1]
And a Lore check [roll2]

As the second box is lowered, he walks up to it and stares intently at the lid. Lore check [roll]1d20+4

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-28, 05:06 PM
I forgot rolls don't work when you edit them in....

2012-07-28, 05:09 PM
'Lynn, be there any spell ye can cast that would find out if there's any magic on or in the box?'

Whilst Kieran asks this, he searches the box with trapfinding again.

Take 20: 21

2012-07-28, 07:08 PM
"Be careful with that Kieran, let's not have a repeat of last time."

2012-07-28, 09:29 PM
There are no traps on the box.

Arryl cannot at this time decipher the second book.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-28, 09:41 PM
"This book full of numbers has some meanign to it, that im sure of. What that purpose could be? i am less sure of..."

2012-07-29, 04:09 AM
Lynn reads the writing on the box to the other crewmates, a bit disappointed. Religioious stuff is not exactly his primary interest.
The wizard listen to Kieran's word, thinking that what he says is a wise things and blaming himself because he didn't think of it before.
Raising is hands and moving his fingers, the elf try to detect any sparkle of magic in the capitain's cabin.

Detect magic!

2012-07-29, 04:51 AM
The box literally begins to glow in your sight. The magic is coming from within the box, and is very powerful. What it is you can only begin to guess. It is a type of magic you are not familiar with, but you are able to discern that it is not a trap or trick. If you were to guess, you would say it is an item of some kind. The box is not inherently magical, though.

The captain never took much from the plunder you hauled up from the surface, only enough coin to maintain the ship, and the random odd trinket or artifact, but you do not remember this box being one of them.

2012-07-29, 05:56 AM
'Alright, I can't see any traps. First time I wished I'd been a street rat pickpocket fer longer. Any magic Lynn?'

2012-07-29, 05:59 AM
"Carefull, Kieran. There's magic in there, something powerful. I don't think it's a trap, but i'm not an expert in this field. I didn't know the captain collected this kind of things...
Lynn seems a little angry. Why the captain didn't tell him about that box? He knew that the wizard was searching for every little bit of magic survived from the old world.
Is the thing in this box so dangerous or secret?

Spellcraft check to determine the school of magic used for the object in the box, if i can.

2012-07-29, 06:12 AM
Hearing this Kieran turns pale.

'Alright, well we've come this far. If ev'ryone could stan' back agein and I'll do me best. Erin, please keep in range wit' yer aura. Arryl, Lynn, if ye've got any magic ter cast that might help, now's yer chance'.

I'm not leaving unidentified magic on this ship.

Sweating, Kieran attempts to pick the lock.

Open lock [roll0]

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-29, 06:28 AM
Arryl shuffles his wings again, which is a tell tale sign of his unease. "I used the power from the only spell that could've helped anyone but myself to heal you. Still, it doesn't look like a trap so we should be fine right? Besides, I should stay close to heal anyone who gets injured." Then he smiles at everyone who had helped so far. "I have the utmost faith in all of your capabilities."

I don't trust that damn box though :smalltongue: readied action to cast entropic shield if the box tries to shoot anything at Arryl

2012-07-29, 09:16 AM
There is no lock to pick.

The top of the box lifts smoothly off of the bottom. The inside of the box is lined with smooth velvet. Nestled gently atop a pillow is a silver circlet. It is not a daimty thing for a delicate woman. It is a circlemade of jagged peaks and rugged valleys. There is one stone set atop the tallest peak, the color of the rising sun.

2012-07-30, 12:47 AM
Aimari starts wandering through the things in the cargo hold. Not much to see here, just crates of mundane goods, a few luxuries and the ships stores.

The cook comes in and starts opening a few boxes, taking out fruits and vegetables. He isn't surprised to see Aimari here, and strikes up a conversation.

"Evening mistress, anything you need? Anything special you want made for the Captain?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-30, 04:07 AM
Arryl is surprised by the lack of an assault on his person. "Huh.... well that wasn't what I was expecting." he gingerly picks up the circlet. "All of these sun references are making me really wish I could remember that prophesy. I should begin charting a course for Serzai. After that I'll go through the logbooks and see what we have that's worth selling at the next port. he sighs and his shoulders visibly slump. He puts the circlet back on the cushion before saying "And as the ship's priest I should prepare a funeral for the captain. I have much work to do, so I will leave you to decide what to do with the captains belongings."

With that he turns and heads to his cabin. On the way there, he looks through the book that was the ships manifest and does his best to turn a profit. After all, its what the captain would have wanted.

2012-07-30, 05:11 AM
Aimari shakes her head at the cook's questions, managing to not wiggle herself deeper into her cloak as he spoke to her. Although, the fact that he had mentioned the captain probably meant that he didn't know about her death. How much of the crew knew already? She hadn't bothered to count how many had actually seen the captain's body.

To be honest, Aimari was surprised that the news hadn't spread through the crew by now. Wasn't the death of their captain the kind of thing that would reach the ears of everyone within a few hours?

"The captain is dead," Aimari says quietly, deciding to inform the man. He would have to know sooner or later, anyways. She might as well be the one to tell him.

2012-07-30, 05:21 AM
Arryl: As you reach for the crown, a light glows from the cushion, stopping your hand about three inches from the circlet. This would appear to be the source of the magic that Lynn mentioned. It doesn't do anything, just prevents you from touching it.

Aimari: the cook gives you a blank stare. "The captain's dead?"

The cook sits down on a crate, the fruit falling from his hands. He starts to sob, but stops before he gets to far. "I'll prepare a feast to honor her, and to Shepard her soul to the Father's side." he picks the fruit up again, and heads off to the kitchen. You can hear sobbing the whole way.

2012-07-30, 05:44 AM
Kieran peers around the desk, which he had reflexively taken cover behind as soon as Arryl moved to touch the circlet. He lets out a deep breath.

'Ye were nearly the death of me there. Phew. Well, I can understand that you're busy to get to yer work, Arryl. If ye can prepare fer the funeral, we'll get the rest of the crew ready. As fer the Cap'n belongings, I think we should leave that up to a Council of the crew. We'll call a gen'ral meeting, best do it after the funeral I think'.

A thought occurs.

'Let us know if there's owt we can do ter help. As fer Serzai, chart the course, by all means, but it's possible the crew or the new Cap'n won't want ter be involved'.

Kieran frowns.

'I think it's trouble meself, but I can see the chance fer profit, too'.

Kieran walks out of the cabin and rings the ship's bell to call all the men to attention.

'Now listen. Some of ye may know this, and some not. The Capt'n's dead. She was killed durin' private negotiations on shore. None of us know why. They'll be time fer words later. First, we have to see to the Cap'n funeral. Master Navigator will be leadin' the prayers. Then we'll like as not call a gen'ral meeting to discuss what happened to the Cap'n, and t'elect the next Cap'n. Prepare to splice the mainbrace'.

Space Lawyer
2012-07-30, 08:51 AM
Having seen nothing of interest belowdecks, Maia comes back topside at the sound of the bell. She looks for signs of discontent among the crew, or for anyone who does not look shocked by the news, or at least unhappy about it.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2012-07-30, 12:03 PM
The crew gathers round the bell and listens to Kieran. It seems that the word has gotten around the ship. The crew has dressed in decent clothes, one or two have tears in thier eyes, and yet others bottles they had shared with the captain.

One of the crew looks up at Kieran. "How would the captain want to be buried?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-30, 03:03 PM
Arryl hears the question and stops. He turns and calls back to the men. "By commending her body to the Ęther. We will say our prayers and our goodbyes, then her death shroud will become her wings and we will give her to the gods."

I.e. we have the service, and then tie the shroud to her body so its like a parachute. After that we chuck the body over board and the parachute will carry the body away and off into the sunset. We've got the hair to rez her if we need to.

2012-07-30, 03:56 PM

*Rok bows his head, casting a wary glance toward the crewmen that were conversing about mutiny only a short time before, but keeps his silence. The men needed no reminder. They might attempt something while he slept, but it was not something for him to worry about at the moment.*

*With a shake of his massive head, he looks up to the others with a frown, but speaks softly - there's no need to raise his voice.*

"Rok not like. Shud bury Capn. Capn urned good rest, not drop to beasts. Not right, says Rok."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-07-30, 05:38 PM
"I would prefer a proper burial for the late captain as well, but I don't think we could manage it Rok. Land is a precious resource, and unless we give her body to farmers as crop fertalizer, I doubt anyone would be willing to let us bury her on their land. We could try to do it discreetly, but then she wouldn't get the service she deserves. Its a sad truth, but I simply don't see a feasible way to bury the captain."

2012-07-30, 06:07 PM
'It's alright lad'. Kieran moves close to Rok.

'A sky burial ain't like that. The Cap'n will just drift off, into the care o'the Lady'.

'I ain't never told anyone this Rok, but when me da died 'board ship, and we heard the news, me ma took me to the isle's edge. Then we stood there, an' she told me what happens to those that the Lady cares for'.

Kieran's tone is gentle and comforting.

'If you're truly one of the sky-folk, and gave the Lady due respec' she'll take the yer soul into her care. If that's true fer the Cap'n then she'll be free, truly free forever, part of the boundless Skysea'.

Kieran's eyes have misted slightly.

'The Cap'n 'll always be around us, her spirit part o' the very eddies, guiding us. An' when ye look into a cloud sometimes we'll see her face lookin' back at us. An' when the weather's bad, and the Lady's favour turns, we'll know the Cap'n here, lookin' out for us'.

'Now I don't know if she followed the Lady, but if not, the Lady'll take care of her soul until her God comes to claim it'.

Kieran smiles

'An' of the other Gods are owt like Arryl's God, I'll can't imagine she'll wait long'.

2012-07-30, 11:30 PM
The ballast is lashed onto the platform, the captain laid in repose upon it.

Somewhere in the gathered crew a song is begun.

"From the first, our light to thee.
Our voice, a hymn to misery.
We cast about in the dark,
Like fishers searching for the silver lark.

"Lady of the deep, lady of the night
Grant us passage though it be not right.
Without thy love to guide our feet,
We have no way home through rain and snow and sleet."

2012-07-31, 07:47 PM

*The man of a beast turns his attention to Kiernan as he speaks, his face blank as he listens, his eyes unblinking and still. Does the man really beleive this? The Lady will take you?*

*After Kier finishes speaking, Rok nods slowly, keeping his thoughts to himself - The Lady might take the Soul, but it was the body that Rok worried for. Looking among the crew, he takes inventory and realizes that only a few were with the Captain when they landed on Ground - when they'd found him. None of them had seen what happens down there. They didn't see the beasts that stalked the ravaged lands. They didn't see dead that stood up on their own.*

*It wasn't their fault - they just didn't know. Perhaps it was for the best. Let them hold their beleif in Ladies and Suns. Hope was a good thing.*

2012-08-01, 03:03 PM
The balloon is released, and it floats up and out away from the ship.

Tears in their eyes the crew mutters that choosing a new captain can wait till the morrow.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-08-01, 05:33 PM
Arryl looks over the railing of the ship, and says "I'm sorry I wasn't by your side captain. Like I promised I would be...." he turns back and begins walking to his cabin. On his way past the other senior members of the crew he says "We should have a day of respect for the late captain before we choose another. I'm going to use the captains books to find a way to turn a profit at the next port. If one of us had died, the captain would still have made sure that the ship was running." with that he dissapears below decks.

ok, I've posted 3 times about looking at the manifest but haven't gotten anything yet. I don't know if you took it as a fluff piece or what, but I'm actually trying to see if we have anything in our hold. I was gonna suggest we use the money to pay the crew, and upgrade our ship to avoid WBL abuse, but I really would like to make a sale based on the ships inventory.

2012-08-02, 09:39 AM
Just before the funeral, Kieran hurriedly disappears below decks to the crew quarters and opens his sky-chest. Then Kieran changes out of his bloody shirt, and quickly tries to clean himself up with some water from the butt kept in the crew quarters and a little mirror.

Then Kieran heads up above decks, and watches the funeral service sombrely. As the sheet lifts and the body carried into the aether, Kieran feels a sharp tug in his chest. He gazes, as the white chute gleams in the orange sunlight and disappears off into the clouds.

It's beautiful, and terrible. I've never thought about it before, but what they did to me - that day - was a mockery of a sky burial. Lady, this is hard to watch'.

The burial reminds him of a terrible promise he made years ago. Kieran's thoughts turn to his own mortality, and the saving of his own soul. At that moment, he's eager to speak with Arryl, and make the arrangement needed for his own rites, but then Arryl sweeps off, and the moment's gone.

Instead, Kieran joins with the rest of the crew in hauling up a barrel of rum from the hold, and drawing glasses of it, as the twilight sweeps over the ship.

'Men, to the Capt'n. Lady take her'.

'Lady take her' they echo, and the wake begins. Soon they're making merry, and Kieran knocks back glass after glass of the rotgut rum. The crew cavort drunkenly about, laughing and crying, and sharing stories of the Captain, and other shipmates, long gone. Stories of happy times, now tinged with nostalgia and sadness.

Kieran's griefs sweep over him. Every so often he howls and slumps against a bulkhead and whether he's laughing bitterly or crying desperately even he can't tell. Each time Kieran washes away the melancholy with another glass of the rum.

It does nothing. Kieran is gripped by a sudden fear that he won't be able to keep any of his promises. An image gradually builds in his head, of a woman and two children, until everything else disappears, and Kieran passes out to dream on the image.

In dreaming, he forgets his fears, and the past, and for a few sunlit hours he is together and happy with his family again.

2012-08-02, 01:22 PM
Aimari is at the funeral. Of course, many of the people there would easily overlook her if it were not for her fiery red cloak. Despite her appearance, Aimari easily bended into the background of events such as this. It helped, of course, that most of the attendees had eyes for nothing but the captain's balloon. Their grief made it easy to stay out of their sight and mind. This suited her pretty well - Aimari had never been the type to talk to people and she generally didn't enjoy being talked to. It was only worse at such large gatherings. As such, it was nice that nobody tried to engage her in conversation.

Of course, Aimari's own concentration was on her feelings. As a second-tier master of the Soul's Flame, she was adept at channeling her emotions. The death of the captain had incited feelings she had thrust into the churning vortex of her anger, fueling the flame until it was strong enough to burn the men attacking the ship. Until now she hadn't really stopped to think about what her feelings were. The captain had been a good person - she didn't bother Aimari much, but she wasn't a spineless fool either. Her death had come totally unexpectedly, too.

Aimari didn't generally feel sad. She was content with her life - at times, she had awoken to each new day with great excitement (although this was due primarily to one person), but the majority of her time was spent without negative emotions. Of course, her hate was always there, but on the ship it didn't flare up much so it was normally just there, under the surface, comforting Aimari with its presence. As such, she didn't really know how to deal with the unhappiness she felt due to the captain's death.

Once the drinking began, Aimari was glad that she tended to be overlooked. Alcohol was a strange stuff, but ultimately one to be avoided. The flames it brought were entirely unreal and transitory - anyone seeking power from them would find themselves without its aid after a short surge of strength. She didn't look down on the crew for drinking themselves into a stupor - perhaps it was their only way to deal with the sadness of losing their captain.

As the night grew longer, Aimari withdrew from the still-lively crew to her personal quarters, meditating on her anger for a short time before going to bed, a feeling of sadness still with her.

2012-08-02, 05:48 PM
Erin was at the funeral as well. Helping the rest of the crew deal with the loss of the captain. This was done to hide his own grief. He hadn't been part of the crew for long, but he had grown to like the captain.

Space Lawyer
2012-08-02, 09:24 PM
Maia stands in the shade, rigid as she watches the balloon float off. She seems to be whispering to herself, and hasn't blinked for quite a long time. Her hands seem to moving with a will of their own, sharpening her blades and going through motions that any student of the arcane would recognize as belonging to s few particularly nasty spells.