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2012-10-13, 05:52 AM
Wait, what, you can set that before starting the game?!
:smallconfused: I... Coulda sworn there was an options menu on the new game menu, but I just checked on B2 and B.O., but it's not listed there. Mind must be playing tricks on me.

Also, I like how everyone's picking Black this time around. I was picking Black before it was cool.

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-13, 06:09 AM
:smallconfused: I... Coulda sworn there was an options menu on the new game menu, but I just checked on B2 and B.O., but it's not listed there. Mind must be playing tricks on me.

Oh, good, I hate to think I'd been that stupid a dozen games in a row...!

Also, I like how everyone's picking Black this time around. I was picking Black before it was cool.

I suspect everyone's picking Black 2 because Black 2 unlocks the hard mode (so we can play White 2 on hard); I don't think any of us want to make the game easier (not even non-Nuzloke me!) I mean, heck, my seven-year old niece doesn't really need any help, and aside from where to go next, and making combat easier won't help with that anyway...

Also, I picked Black before White the first time around, too. (Actually, I had been intending to go for White first this time around, bu then I heard about the difficulty unlocks.)

Mando Knight
2012-10-13, 10:33 AM
Thing is, since it's Magnemite pre-Steel, the pokemon you'd compare it to would be Pikachu. Which, yeah, still isn't a thing like the movesets we have now, but it really says something when Pikachu starts off with Thundershock and it's Magnemite's strongest level-up Electric attack that it learns at level 25.

Magnemite in this gen has to compare itself to Mareep... which, thanks to its Steel typing, it does so favorably despite having a fairly significant drop in HP because it becomes invincible to almost everything it'll face.

2012-10-13, 10:58 AM
Hmm... Nah, not gonna use Magnemite. Using Magnemite will just depress me by reminding me about using it back in Gen 1. No, go ahead, look at its moveset (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Magnemite_(Pok%C3%A9mon)/Generation_I_learnset#By_leveling_up) from back then.

I have a Magnezone and it's one of my best Electric types I have between Pearl and Soul Silver.

2012-10-13, 11:20 AM
On the topic of magnemite, didn't it used to have Levitate as an ability? I was really irritated to find out it didn't have that, and instead you have to pick up a late game ability and waste a turn to get it. If magnemite isn't levitating how do they expect it to be moving? :smallconfused:

Mando Knight
2012-10-13, 11:34 AM
On the topic of magnemite, didn't it used to have Levitate as an ability? I was really irritated to find out it didn't have that, and instead you have to pick up a late game ability and waste a turn to get it. If magnemite isn't levitating how do they expect it to be moving? :smallconfused:

It never did. It gets Magnet Rise, but that's it.

Also, they changed Magnemite's Pokédex entry. Rather than using electromagnetics to float... it produces antigravity.

2012-10-13, 12:38 PM
Guess I just misremembered then.

Anyway, does anyone know if it's possible to expand your join avenue to open more shops? I figured 8 was the cap, but there's medals that say things like "Open 50 shops in join avenue", and I doubt they want you to close up and replace your shops that often... or do they?

2012-10-13, 02:23 PM
Beat the first gym last night... felt very lackluster. Normal types, really? And crappy ones as that.

Also... Spoilers... for that gym:
Really? Reducing Cheren, the rival from BW1 to being the first Gym Leader? Hell, he had powerful enough pokemon to be a champion, or a member of the elite four...

That was a bit of a disappointment for me... but we'll see how things move along.


Spoilers for Pre-First-Gym Hugh (BW2 Rival):
Wow, looks like they took the rival from Gold/Silver, and simply made him the opposite. He cares about Pokemon TOO MUCH. Freaks out at tiny little things.


But on the plus side, I do like the change of pace, I haven't seen a rival that has that kind of personality yet.

Mando Knight
2012-10-13, 02:33 PM
Beat the first gym last night... felt very lackluster. Normal types, really? And crappy ones as that.

Also... Spoilers... for that gym:
Really? Reducing Cheren, the rival from BW1 to being the first Gym Leader? Hell, he had powerful enough pokemon to be a champion, or a member of the elite four...

That was a bit of a disappointment for me... but we'll see how things move along.
He comments on that, too. Juniper tells him to deal with it. If you Unova Link with a completed Black/White, he will get that team for rematches later.

...Also, Hugh's eyes do not fit his personality. At all.

2012-10-13, 02:42 PM
Beat the first gym last night... felt very lackluster. Normal types, really? And crappy ones as that.

Also... Spoilers... for that gym:
Really? Reducing Cheren, the rival from BW1 to being the first Gym Leader? Hell, he had powerful enough pokemon to be a champion, or a member of the elite four...

That was a bit of a disappointment for me... but we'll see how things move along.

And then he complains that he wishes he could use his real team in battle.

I guess this lends credence to the theory that Gym leaders have multiple teams and pull them out based on the strength of the challenger.

2012-10-13, 02:47 PM
He comments on that, too. Juniper tells him to deal with it. If you Unova Link with a completed Black/White, he will get that team for rematches later.

...Also, Hugh's eyes do not fit his personality. At all.

Unova Link? I don't need a 3DS for that, right? I know you need a 3DS for some feature, I can't remember which... but I have a DS Phat... so... yeah.

Mando Knight
2012-10-13, 02:57 PM
Unova Link? I don't need a 3DS for that, right? I know you need a 3DS for some feature, I can't remember which... but I have a DS Phat... so... yeah.

Not that one. All you need is two DSes. The 3DS doesn't have two DS card slots anyway.

2012-10-13, 03:20 PM
Question, about Hidden grottos. Do you think it's more fair that I can only catch one Hidden grotto pokemon but it doesn't count as a route, or I can pick between a hidden grotto pokemon and a normal route pokemon if the area has a hidden grotto I can reach?

2012-10-13, 03:50 PM
It depends. Do you play that each room in a cave is its own area for the purposes of catching pokemon? Because in that case, I'd say hidden grottos are basically the same situation.

2012-10-13, 04:16 PM
It depends. Do you play that each room in a cave is its own area for the purposes of catching pokemon? Because in that case, I'd say hidden grottos are basically the same situation.

Well no I just catch one pokemon per cave.

2012-10-13, 04:19 PM

Started my Nuzlocke.

On Route 19, I caught a Purrloin. Named it "Kitty!". On route 20, it died to the very first trainer's Patrat's crit, in one hit from full. This run is not looking good.

Worse, I've already gotten the Mystery Gift Genesect and sent over the Tornadus from the dream, so if it stays like this, I've just lost both of those. And I also lose the best ID number I've ever had. Look:
http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/3781/p1040006v.th.jpg (http://img716.imageshack.us/i/p1040006v.jpg/)
EDIT: Wow that's a massive pic. Changing the link to a thumbnail, but the number is 09999

EDIT AGAIN: Route 20's poke is a Sewaddle named ComfyCoat.

EDIT THE THIRD: DOUBLEPOST AVOIDANCE: Patrat at Floccesy Ranch, named Looker. Because frankly, he does it better than that idiot from Platinum ever did.

YET ANOTHER EDIT WHERE DOES IT END!!: Okay, why does a ranch have a janitor who wants to spar... Aaand his Lillipup killed my Patrat. Stupid underestimating-effects-of-Leer. I've got 5 pokes (limiting amount I use Dream Radar ones), and two are down. This is going really badly.

2012-10-13, 04:49 PM
That's a nice ID number.

Too bad about the casualties, though. I hope you manage to find a magnemite, or a shuckle on the dream radar. He's a really good tank for nuzlockes.

2012-10-13, 04:51 PM
That's a nice ID number.

Too bad about the casualties, though. I hope you manage to find a magnemite, or a shuckle on the dream radar. He's a really good tank for nuzlockes.

I found a Shuckle, but he came after I found Tornadus. By the rules I figured out, that means I can't use him til the third gym (pre-Tornadus is at first gym, Tornadus is at second, post-Tornadus-pre-next-guy is at third, etcetera).

EDIT: Wow that was close. ComfyCoat taken to 1 by a crit Scratch from a wild Psyduck. The way this is going, I'm considering allowing Revives as long as they're used in-battle (quick enough care and they're not dead yet). I still lose those first two, but I've got a few from Dream Radar.

EDIT: First Gym: Complete! First pokemon from Dream Tier One: Recievable! So do I get Munna (first, third, and fourth from that tier) or Sigilyph (second)?

Current Party:
ComfyCoat, level 12 Naive Sewaddle.
Upnose, level 11 Sassy Snivy
Genesect, level 15 Gentle Genesect

2012-10-13, 07:02 PM
Question, about Hidden grottos. Do you think it's more fair that I can only catch one Hidden grotto pokemon but it doesn't count as a route, or I can pick between a hidden grotto pokemon and a normal route pokemon if the area has a hidden grotto I can reach?

I determine it based on the area listed on the Pokemon's stat screen, so one hidden grotto pokemon.

Anyway, I'm slugging my way through Relic Passage right now. I absolutely shouldn't be, because nuzlocke, but my urge to explore and see everything wins out. As underlevelled as I am (26-28), the place is brutal. I lost Akem Manah (my Yamask) to a Boldore Rock Slide critical, and am probably going to lose two or three more before I make to the other side.

Mando Knight
2012-10-13, 09:20 PM
Stupid cheating game... Clay's already got one of the most hax Pokémon of the generation, why give him the unfair RNG advantage, too?

Also, the guy who gives you Snarl is actually a Zoroark. Did not see that coming...

2012-10-14, 12:58 AM
Wait, what? Huh? Um, so is Unova Link something that I should be doing right now, or is that just for postgame stuff?

2012-10-14, 01:03 AM
Unova link is definitely something you should be doing now. The Memory Link unlocks special pokemon owned by N, and also lets you see flashbacks as you go along the main story. It's all very neat.

2012-10-14, 02:00 AM
*looks up Unova Link*


*Rushes to grab brother's DS and copy of Black*

Welp, gotta catch all N's pokemon, because man that's awesome.

2012-10-14, 02:06 AM
I love the irony that all of N's pokemon have hidden power fighting.

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-14, 07:55 AM
The more I read about Challenge mode, the more I desparately want it to have been a starting option. Or at least the keys be tradable via wifi. Dammit, Nintendo.

Well, maybe I can hold out hope for it being so in the next generation.

Ho hum, at least my pass through W2 is going to be amazing.

(Though I think I may well scrap my half-completed nominal team - Pidove/Golet (for Fly), DW Corphish (if I ever manage to catch one!!!), Magnamite, Sewaddle, Axew and ? (probably a starter from one generation or another)) for something bred and prepared with a bit more punch. I'm okay with running through a fairly mediocre team (my Emerald run was Seviper/Whishcash/Sceptile/Sableye/Typhosion/Swellow; I needed to do some serious level-grind to beat the E4), trying that on hard mode... my not be wise! Hopefully, though, by that point, I'll have access to most Pokemon from all generations.)

2012-10-14, 08:11 AM
I am annoyed. I want to get a Memory Link between my Black and my Black 2. However, I am currently at university, so the "borrow my brother's DS for a while" plan is out, and none of the WiFi hotspots appear to be compatible. There may be hotspots in town, but I have no idea if those are compatible, and it's a bit of a walk there only to be disappointed. And I have no idea how I would go about making one for myself. Any help?

2012-10-14, 10:09 AM
I am annoyed. I want to get a Memory Link between my Black and my Black 2. However, I am currently at university, so the "borrow my brother's DS for a while" plan is out, and none of the WiFi hotspots appear to be compatible. There may be hotspots in town, but I have no idea if those are compatible, and it's a bit of a walk there only to be disappointed. And I have no idea how I would go about making one for myself. Any help?

I was having trouble finding compatible wifi as well. I did manage to find a solution, though. Do you know anyone with a smartphone capable of making a wireless hotspot? I know a classmate of mine couldn't figure it out with his iPhone, but on my Android phone I'm able to set the hotspot so it's an open network.

2012-10-14, 11:31 AM
Welp, gotta catch all N's pokemon, because man that's awesome.

When I first encountered that I was debating whether to swap my Houndoom for the pokemon I got from it. At least for now I decided to stick with Houndoom since from what I can tell their stats are fairly similar and Houndoom has the bonus of fire STAB.

2012-10-14, 11:51 AM
Well, lost the first Munna in the factory place in the second gym town. Got a magnemite (named Ama because i slipped and hit enter midway through typing Amalgam), though, and will soon replace the Munna with a Sigilyph.

2012-10-14, 01:19 PM
I just got to the seventh gym, and I've decided that I don't like Opelucid City's music in Black and Black 2 :smallfrown:

The White music is so much more awesome.

2012-10-14, 01:52 PM
Just finished filling out my Unova Region pokedex.

Now starting on catching all of them (currently about 2/3 of the way there. 180 out of 298). I'm worried about running out of box space. Why are there only 8 boxes in this game? I thought 16-20 was the standard.

2012-10-14, 01:55 PM
Just finished filling out my Unova Region pokedex.

Now starting on catching all of them (currently about 2/3 of the way there. 180 out of 298). I'm worried about running out of box space. Why are there only 8 boxes in this game? I thought 16-20 was the standard.

You have to put a pokemon in each box to get more.

2012-10-14, 01:59 PM
You have to put a pokemon in each box to get more.

That explains it. Google tells me cap is 24, so that's good. Thanks!

2012-10-14, 04:23 PM
Also, I like how everyone's picking Black this time around. I was picking Black before it was cool.

I picked White 2 because I want Latias. :smallcool:

I suspect everyone's picking Black 2 because Black 2 unlocks the hard mode (so we can play White 2 on hard); I don't think any of us want to make the game easier (not even non-Nuzloke me!) I mean, heck, my seven-year old niece doesn't really need any help, and aside from where to go next, and making combat easier won't help with that anyway...

Also, I picked Black before White the first time around, too. (Actually, I had been intending to go for White first this time around, bu then I heard about the difficulty unlocks.)

I'm actually staying away from both modes. Once I'm done with the story, I'm transferring all my important pokemon from Black and kicking all NPCs in the crotch with a lv 100 Garchomp.


The story is really not as gripping as Black/White Original, and so far hasn't made me want to replay it at all. I don't even know if New Team Plasma has done anything besides halfheartedly threaten to TAEK OVER THA WURLD with the power of TEH DARGONS (I'm at Opelucid City atm, and it feels like a badge grind like from gens 1-4), but no - the big thing the game keeps screaming in my face is OH HELLS NO THEY STOLE A PURLOIN. I think maybe advertising the whole "Whoa! Unova is half-frozen over!!" thing Nintendo did was a bad way to go about the story to B/W2, considering it -still hasn't happened- at Opelucid gym. Oh yeah, and if Purloin wasn't the most ridiculously useless piece of crap ever.

This isn't including the horrible inclusion of triple battles as random trainers. So, what, I get to scramble to rearrange my team because I wasn't given any indication of a triple battle, while they get a free turn to set up/KO some ****? Every triple battle I've encountered has made me rage in this exact same way, especially since my team is pretty much terrible at triple battles (Earthquake? Surf? Abndfuiodfcdc). All of it adds up to a rather aggravating experience. For those playing Blind Nuzlocke, I feel very sorry for you. You will lose many pokemon on the way to Opelucid and the Elite 4 after that.

Oh, and Hugh is the most annoying rival. EVER. He's all like "Rawr! I'm out for revenge!" and...that's as deep as he gets! Every time I meet him he's like "Where did Team Plasma go, Gwen??" The whole reason he started was to find Team Plasma and get his sister's cat back and prove himself to be a man.

2012-10-14, 04:33 PM

The story is really not as gripping as Black/White Original, and so far hasn't made me want to replay it at all. I don't even know if New Team Plasma has done anything besides halfheartedly threaten to TAEK OVER THA WURLD with the power of TEH DARGONS

I'm only at Mistralton (terrible weekend work-wise) but yeah, I agree with the return to cartoonish villainy. Cartoonish in the take-over-the-world sense. And I noticed a lot more people talking about the bonds between people and pokemon, or trainers always talking about how much fun your pokemon and their pokemon had battling. It seemed as if Game Freak was trying to tell the kids who played the last game that they shouldn't feel bad about making their pokemon fight because they like it. Then I realized something:

I had been talking to a friend about how Team Plasma's antics probably set back any legitimate pokemon welfare groups in the universe by years; if there was an actual pokemon welfare movement then Team Plasma would have completely delegitimized it. So while some of the people you talk to and trainers you fight have been genuinely thoughtful the past couple of years about how to better pokemons' lives, many of them are probably just trying to justify their actions even more, because Team Plasma's extremism and Ghetsis' Complete Monstery turned them off from then entire movement.

Mando Knight
2012-10-14, 04:52 PM
Oh, and Hugh is the most annoying rival. EVER. He's all like "Rawr! I'm out for revenge!" and...that's as deep as he gets! Every time I meet him he's like "Where did Team Plasma go, Gwen??" The whole reason he started was to find Team Plasma and get his sister's cat back and prove himself to be a man.

If it helps, picture him being voiced by Christian Bale as Batman when demanding Purrloin's return. "WHERE'S PURRLOIN!? WHERE IS SHE!?!"

2012-10-14, 10:16 PM
When I first encountered that I was debating whether to swap my Houndoom for the pokemon I got from it. At least for now I decided to stick with Houndoom since from what I can tell their stats are fairly similar and Houndoom has the bonus of fire STAB.

Apparently all of N's pokemon have 30 IVs across the board, so that's pretty sweet. Gonna have to put those to good use. *nodnod*

2012-10-14, 11:26 PM
This time...


Yeah, that's right. I read about you having your hax Hydreigon again.

And I prepared for it.

Conkeldurr says SUP

2012-10-15, 12:13 AM
If it helps, picture him being voiced by Christian Bale as Batman when demanding Purrloin's return. "WHERE'S PURRLOIN!? WHERE IS SHE!?!"

This made my day. :smallbiggrin:

Also, what level do you guys think my team should be before I fight Drayden? Without spoiling what he has, please, since I'm playing semi-blind.

2012-10-15, 12:28 AM
I'm actually staying away from both modes. Once I'm done with the story, I'm transferring all my important pokemon from Black and kicking all NPCs in the crotch with a lv 100 Garchomp.

I'm also doing this, having just moved a couple of my SoulSilver pokemon up to my black 2. I must say it was highly amusing watching my Shaymin sweep all of Colress' post-game team. I'm also currently brainstorming on what to put together for my Battle Subway team. How does Terrakion/Metagross/Dragonite sound?

2012-10-15, 12:31 AM
This made my day. :smallbiggrin:

Also, what level do you guys think my team should be before I fight Drayden? Without spoiling what he has, please, since I'm playing semi-blind.

Don't rely on setting up, unless it's to boost evasion.

2012-10-15, 12:39 AM
I just realized that I have no pokemon with any ice moves. :smalleek:

And also, in fact, no pokemon that can learn surf, either. Whoops. :smalltongue:

(Not that that matters for Drayden)

2012-10-15, 12:51 AM
My bit of advice. Save up 70,000, then go grab the Blizzard TM from Lacunacosa town. You'll thank me. :smalltongue:

2012-10-15, 12:54 AM
Looks like I'm going full-on neutral damage for this gym. None of my pokemon can learn any ice moves at all :smalltongue:

Current team:
Natrix, level 48 Serperior
Lee, level 47 Riolu (need to evolve him...)
Neji, level 49 Lucario
Siligyph, level 47
Marcus, level 45 Cinccino

2012-10-15, 09:20 AM
Looks like I'm going full-on neutral damage for this gym. None of my pokemon can learn any ice moves at all :smalltongue:

Current team:
Natrix, level 48 Serperior
Lee, level 47 Riolu (need to evolve him...)
Neji, level 49 Lucario
Siligyph, level 47
Marcus, level 45 Cinccino

Sigilyph can learn Icy Wind from one of the move tutors, it's what I tried using. (As it turned out using neutral damage probably would have been more effective, but thought I'd point it out anyway)

But your levels are probably fine for the gym. You're more or less matching Dray's levels.

2012-10-15, 09:54 AM
Looks like I'm going full-on neutral damage for this gym. None of my pokemon can learn any ice moves at all :smalltongue:

Current team:
Natrix, level 48 Serperior
Lee, level 47 Riolu (need to evolve him...)
Neji, level 49 Lucario
Siligyph, level 47
Marcus, level 45 Cinccino

In addition to what Seerow said, you should be able to teach Ice Punch to Lucario.

Mando Knight
2012-10-15, 10:15 AM
For ten Red Shards at the Driftveil Move Tutor, by the way.

2012-10-15, 10:30 AM
Wow, using Magnemite against Roxie felt... wrong. It was far too easy, especially since I was about 4 levels lower than everything she had. I haven't roflstomped a gym with a fresh Pokemon since Surge with a Diglett.

In other news, laptop cord has a short so thankfully I got a new video up before my computer ran out of juice and died.

2012-10-15, 10:32 AM
breeding in this game seems different. If I am constantly switching out who I breed, I hatch an egg before a new egg comes available. But if I stick with the same two parents, I get a new egg like every 500 steps or so, to the point that I can't pick up anymore.

Has it always been like this, or is it a new thing?

2012-10-15, 10:43 AM
breeding in this game seems different. If I am constantly switching out who I breed, I hatch an egg before a new egg comes available. But if I stick with the same two parents, I get a new egg like every 500 steps or so, to the point that I can't pick up anymore.

Has it always been like this, or is it a new thing?

It's kind of luck based, and also based on the pairs' OT/species. If the OT is the same and the species is different, the pair has a small chance of producing an egg (let's call it "1"). If they have different OTs, it's "2", and if they have different OTs and the same species, it's "3" (assuming they can breed with the same species - if any of these factors makes them unable to breed then it's always "0"). At 1, you have a ~25% chance to generate an egg every 255 steps; at 2, it's closer to 50%, and 3 is about 70%. I wish I could remember the exact numbers, but they're somewhere around there...

I'm fairly certain it's been like this since Gen2. Unless B2/W2 changed it, but I haven't actually noticed a difference yet...

Oh yeah! ~~beat the elite 4~~

Jellicent was a BEAST against the Champion. Will-o-wisp neutered half their team and let Jelly tank almost the entirety.

2012-10-15, 10:57 AM
So here's some cool news for everyone:

This year for Pokemon League, players will get the chance to get all eight badges from Black and White 2...as physical items.

You order a free badge case through your Play! Pokemon account and have it shipped where you go for Pokemon League. Throughout the seasons you'll be eligible to get these badges.

...I'm certainly glad I play the TCG now! ^^

Here's a link:

2012-10-15, 11:55 AM
It's kind of luck based, and also based on the pairs' OT/species. If the OT is the same and the species is different, the pair has a small chance of producing an egg (let's call it "1"). If they have different OTs, it's "2", and if they have different OTs and the same species, it's "3" (assuming they can breed with the same species - if any of these factors makes them unable to breed then it's always "0"). At 1, you have a ~25% chance to generate an egg every 255 steps; at 2, it's closer to 50%, and 3 is about 70%. I wish I could remember the exact numbers, but they're somewhere around there...

I guess luck has just been really weird. Like I said, I've been consistently getting 3000+ steps to get the first egg, then 250-500 steps per egg after that. If I switch pokemon in the daycare, it starts over. (I've been spending the last day or two breeding out all the pre-evolutions I don't have for Unova Dex. 224/298 pokemon obtained as of now)

Speaking of, any idea how I could get my hands on a magmarizer? Serebii says it's available in Black City, but A) I can't go there, and B) On the black city page it doesn't list it as for sale. I guess I could grab one on Heart Gold and trade it over on a dummy pokemon, but that seems like a lot of effort for something so simple. Why would they make the Magmarizer/Electerizer so impossible to find? Rare like the stones would be fine, but this is literally "You get one item per 2 games" what the hell. (It doesn't help my Brother, who got black, somehow missed the Magmarizer on his playthrough, so I can't even use his for pokedex completion)

Oh yeah! ~~beat the elite 4~~

Jellicent was a BEAST against the Champion. Will-o-wisp neutered half their team and let Jelly tank almost the entirety.


And really, I'm, surprised Jellicent held up so well. I have a Jellicent, and I really don't see what the fuss is all about. It honestly feels like one of my squishier pokemon, despite its supposed tanking abilities. I know mine has a bad nature for tanking, but even that shouldn't make THAT huge of a difference to the point of instead of being my most durable pokemon it's getting curbstomped.

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-15, 12:11 PM
I guess I could grab one on Heart Gold and trade it over on a dummy pokemon, but that seems like a lot of effort for something so simple.

Actually, you can't trade between Gen IV (HG) and V; best you can do it get to the Poketransfer, and use it to bring in the requisite Pokemon from a prior generation (as you can't send items.)

What's available in Black City is highly dependant on how much you play with someone else on White, whether you're lucky enough to get that one trader who you can buy it from (and if you're lucky enough to get anyone at all; as Nintendo did the remarkable stupid thing of penalising you if don't complete the game quickly (in terms of real time, not game hours played) and play constantly; when I got to Black City it was completely empty.

If you can't locate how to get one from Bulbapedia aside from Black City, best bet is see if anyone here had got a spare one to trade.

The short answer is Gamefreaks seem to take a perverse pleasure in being fracktards sometimes (e.g. not giving you the difficulty settings at the start of the game, and putting hard and easy mode in different games and then saying can only even unlock them via DS to DS link...)

2012-10-15, 12:25 PM
Speaking of, any idea how I could get my hands on a magmarizer? Serebii says it's available in Black City, but A) I can't go there, and B) On the black city page it doesn't list it as for sale. I guess I could grab one on Heart Gold and trade it over on a dummy pokemon, but that seems like a lot of effort for something so simple. Why would they make the Magmarizer/Electerizer so impossible to find? Rare like the stones would be fine, but this is literally "You get one item per 2 games" what the hell. (It doesn't help my Brother, who got black, somehow missed the Magmarizer on his playthrough, so I can't even use his for pokedex completion)

Well, if you have Black or White, you can just soft-reset the treasure hunter until you get one. He gives out one item per day, and he's got pretty much all of the evolution items, as well as flutes and heart scales.

2012-10-15, 12:28 PM
Well, if you have Black or White, you can just soft-reset the treasure hunter until you get one. He gives out one item per day, and he's got pretty much all of the evolution items, as well as flutes and heart scales.

I don't have either, but my brothers do. I'll see if I can con one of them into getting it for me. Or letting me use their game long enough to grab it. Thanks for the tip.

2012-10-15, 12:33 PM
Speaking of, any idea how I could get my hands on a magmarizer? Serebii says it's available in Black City, but A) I can't go there, and B) On the black city page it doesn't list it as for sale. I guess I could grab one on Heart Gold and trade it over on a dummy pokemon, but that seems like a lot of effort for something so simple. Why would they make the Magmarizer/Electerizer so impossible to find? Rare like the stones would be fine, but this is literally "You get one item per 2 games" what the hell. (It doesn't help my Brother, who got black, somehow missed the Magmarizer on his playthrough, so I can't even use his for pokedex completion)

Do you have black/white 2? At least in Black 2, there should be one on the plasma frigate.

2012-10-15, 12:35 PM
Do you have black/white 2? At least in Black 2, there should be one on the plasma frigate.

I have White 2, there's an Electerizer there instead of the Magmarizer. My brother that has Black 2 missed the Magmarizer while he was there

2012-10-15, 12:44 PM
In addition to what Seerow said, you should be able to teach Ice Punch to Lucario.

For ten Red Shards at the Driftveil Move Tutor, by the way.

Well worth it, in my opinion. And since Lucario's part steel-type, he'll be resistant to dragon-type moves (disclaimer: I'm only halfway through Reversal Mountain; I don't know Drayden's full moveset). If Lucario's got Swords Dance, then he should be able to survive a one-turn setup and sweep his entire team. And if not, it's still Lucario with Ice Punch. If you're still in trouble, does your Serperior still have Leech Seed? You could put a layer of that down; he's fast and bulky enough to survive a Dragon Claw.

2012-10-15, 12:50 PM
Well worth it, in my opinion. And since Lucario's part steel-type, he'll be resistant to dragon-type moves (disclaimer: I'm only halfway through Reversal Mountain; I don't know Drayden's full moveset). If Lucario's got Swords Dance, then he should be able to survive a one-turn setup and sweep his entire team. And if not, it's still Lucario with Ice Punch. If you're still in trouble, does your Serperior still have Leech Seed? You could put a layer of that down; he's fast and bulky enough to survive a Dragon Claw.

The only worry is that he'll phaze you. His signature move hasn't changed from the original.

2012-10-15, 01:08 PM
The only worry is that he'll phaze you. His signature move hasn't changed from the original.

...Oh. Lovely. Welp, let's just hope I can Ice Beam my way through it then. At least my Growlithe has Intimidate.

2012-10-15, 01:09 PM
...Oh. Lovely. Welp, let's just hope I can Ice Beam my way through it then. At least my Growlithe has Intimidate.

Ice beam should help. For my team, Drayden was by far the hardest pre E4 fight. Of course, I had no ice type attacks to speak of, so that was probably a factor.

2012-10-15, 01:10 PM
Aside from the usual differences in pokemon, are the b/W2 games different at all?

2012-10-15, 01:11 PM
...Oh. Lovely. Welp, let's just hope I can Ice Beam my way through it then. At least my Growlithe has Intimidate.

By the time you get to the gym, your Growlithe should have Outrage (learns at 43 I believe), which makes the whole gym a joke.

2012-10-15, 01:31 PM
Aside from the usual differences in pokemon, are the b/W2 games different at all?

They're a hell of a lot more different than any other 3rd game (emerald, platinum, etcetera) was from the original.

2012-10-15, 01:45 PM
... Yeah.

They're the Gold/Silver to B/W's Red/Blue.


2012-10-15, 01:47 PM
By the time you get to the gym, your Growlithe should have Outrage (learns at 43 I believe), which makes the whole gym a joke.

...Oh yeeaaaahhh...:smallamused:

Mando Knight
2012-10-15, 01:52 PM
Aside from the usual differences in pokemon, are the b/W2 games different at all?

... Yeah.

They're the Gold/Silver to B/W's Red/Blue.


Route 4 is either filled with new apartment/office buildings or excavated ruins, there's a cave section that either has an aquatic or magma decor, N is referred to having befriended either Zekrom or Reshiram, Black City/White Forest and Opelucid have the same differences as before, your path through Victory Road differs...

2012-10-15, 01:53 PM
There's a few more towns, the pokemon world tournament seems like a lot of fun and a billion times better than the battle subway, the breeding mechanics seem more competitive-battling friendly, and move tutors have returned.

Mando Knight
2012-10-15, 02:14 PM
There's a few more towns, the pokemon world tournament seems like a lot of fun and a billion times better than the battle subway, the breeding mechanics seem more competitive-battling friendly, and move tutors have returned.

...Nine meant between Black 2 and White 2.

2012-10-15, 04:13 PM
Just started the Drayden fight.

So, I generally use the same names for my player characters.

I was greatly amused when he talked about being impressed "by Forrest and Iris," to another Forrest. :smalltongue:

Mando Knight
2012-10-15, 05:07 PM
Just started the Drayden fight.

So, I generally use the same names for my player characters.

I was greatly amused when he talked about being impressed "by Forrest and Iris," to another Forrest. :smalltongue:

I do this, too. Makes the flashbacks a little more mindscrew-y.

That, and switching versions means that your previous character is retconned into capturing the Legendary Dragon that you didn't capture. (Also retconned into not-catching Kyurem and the Swords of Justice and depending on your interpretation possibly also Zoroark, much like with Red in GSC/HGSS... not-catching as opposed to releasing unless N is just that special.)

2012-10-15, 10:41 PM
You know, B2/W2 is the first time since... Crystal, I believe? that I haven't bought at least one of the two on release. All you lucky, money-having people... *shakes fist*

2012-10-15, 10:49 PM
For me, money's not the problem, midterms are.

I'm itchin' for my pokemon fix, but I know I'll lose so much poductivity when do get a game.

2012-10-15, 10:52 PM
Getting ever closer to my pokedex completion. My to-do list:

Yamask-Level 19| needs 34
Deerling-Level 23 | needs 34
Ducklette-Level 23 | needs 35
Baltoy-Level 27 | needs 36
Joltik-Level 25 | needs 36
Archen-Level 26 | needs 37
Tirtouga-level 1| needs 37
Skorupi-level 31 | needs 40
Ferroseed-Level 27 | needs 40
Beheeyem-Level 30 | needs 42
Litwick-Level 31 | needs 41/Dusk Stone
Trapinch-Level 21 | needs 35/45
Axew-Level 30 | needs 38/48
Klink-Level 26 | needs 38/49
Bisharp-Level 40 | needs 52
Zweilous-Level 51 | needs 64


Magmar-needs Magmarizer

Gothita-Trade and level

Cryogonal-Capture or Trade

I should probably have checked what the reward was for completion before going through all this trouble, but I'm so close now, gotta keep grinding. All I can say is thank god for all of the daily level 60-75 trainers out there. (I got 15 pokemon evolved from levels today, but they were all the easy ones who just needed 1-2 levels. The remaining ones I figure I'll probably only be able to get 3-4 a day unless I go grinding audinos or start grinding the elite 4)

2012-10-15, 10:55 PM
I've always viewed pokedex completion as more of a bragging rights reward. I personally feel extremely proud of my living pokedex. :smallcool:

I'm gonna have to get all the medals, though, now that I realize that they exist.

2012-10-16, 04:25 PM
I have a challenge for you guys that have B/W 2. :smallamused: Earn the "One and Only" medal, by stomping the entire Elite 4 (including champ) with only one Pokemon. Bonus points if you turn on challenge mode. (if you have black 2, gives all of their pokemon a 5 level bump) I'll post a pic of my entry once I get hold of a camera that's not attached to the back of my 3DS. :smalltongue:

2012-10-16, 04:32 PM
I have a challenge for you guys that have B/W 2. :smallamused: Earn the "One and Only" medal, by stomping the entire Elite 4 (including champ) with only one Pokemon. Bonus points if you turn on challenge mode. (if you have black 2) I'll post a pic of my entry once I get hold of a camera that's not attached to the back of my 3DS. :smalltongue:

I was thinking about turning on easy mode and trying this with my Krookodile (it has the best type coverage to sweep them all, I think). I don't think a hard mode run would be possible without an optimized level 100 and a lot of items.

2012-10-16, 04:36 PM
I was thinking about turning on easy mode and trying this with my Krookodile (it has the best type coverage to sweep them all, I think). I don't think a hard mode run would be possible without an optimized level 100 and a lot of items.

I personally did it with my Level 100 Shaymin that I ported from my SS game. It knows Seed Flare, Air Slash, Earth Power, and Hidden Power (Fire, lucky me), so coverage generally wasn't an issue. Still took me 3 tries though, due to Shauntal's Drifblim and it's STAB'd, Flying Gem'd Acrobatics. :smallfrown:

2012-10-16, 04:55 PM
Obligatory Update: Gym 1 Defeated!
Team Lineup:
Oshawatt - Level 11
Genesect - Level 15
Purrloin - Level 11
Riolu - Level 9 (Yeah, I know everyone is doing it, but I've never raised a Riolu/Lucario)
Mareep - Level 8

Also did the memory link thing, and saw N releasing his Pokemon. Even mentioned the Pkmn White 1 hero by name! They need to do that kind of link with all future Pokemon games. Continuity is rather awesome.]

Heading off to Gym 2 next time I get to play. Only 2 hours in so far.

Mando Knight
2012-10-16, 05:27 PM
I was thinking about turning on easy mode and trying this with my Krookodile (it has the best type coverage to sweep them all, I think). I don't think a hard mode run would be possible without an optimized level 100 and a lot of items.

I was sweeping the E4 with just one Pokémon before Challenge Mode was ever released, and the 'mon wasn't anywhere near level 100.

What I think a real challenge would be is fighting the Champion Tournament with only one Pokémon, whose Base Stat Total must be less than 570. (Which neatly eliminates all Legendaries and Pseudo-Legendaries) Exceptions can be made for Regigigas and Slaking, due to their horrifyingly terrible abilities.

2012-10-16, 05:33 PM
I was sweeping the E4 with just one Pokémon before Challenge Mode was ever released, and the 'mon wasn't anywhere near level 100.

What I think a real challenge would be is fighting the Champion Tournament with only one Pokémon, whose Base Stat Total must be less than 570. (Which neatly eliminates all Legendaries and Pseudo-Legendaries) Exceptions can be made for Regigigas and Slaking, due to their horrifyingly terrible abilities.

Back in BW1, I swept the E4 with a dragon dancing gyarados. I did have to use a few elixers and potions, but no revives and no other pokemon. Of course, he was still about level 70, IIRC, so it'd probably be much easier if he were lvl. 100.

If I were to do it in BW2, I'd go for my Starmie. It's got BoltBeam coverage, and access to both minimize and recover.

2012-10-16, 07:25 PM
So, I've been clearing out the White Tree Hollow tonight, using the trainers there to help evolve my ever shrinking list of pokemon I still need. Just got the exp millionaire medal. I expected that to be much more difficult.

2012-10-16, 07:32 PM
I swept the White elite four multiple times with my level 80 (at the start) Volcarona back when I was completing the pokedex. It's really not that hard.

Mando Knight
2012-10-16, 08:36 PM
I swept the White elite four multiple times with my level 80 (at the start) Volcarona back when I was completing the pokedex. It's really not that hard.

Really, the only difference is that the new Champion has a fairly good type focus and in Challenge Mode all the Pokémon are six levels higher than the rematch teams from the original.

2012-10-16, 10:18 PM
I just realized that Marlon is white. Those tan lines! :smalltongue:
Also, HOLY CRAP! Ghestis has a flying pirate ship with a Wave Motion Gun! THAT SHOOTS ICE! XD

EDIT: And then I realized why (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_Shore_(TV_series)).

2012-10-16, 10:42 PM
I have a challenge for you guys that have B/W 2. :smallamused: Earn the "One and Only" medal, by stomping the entire Elite 4 (including champ) with only one Pokemon. Bonus points if you turn on challenge mode. (if you have black 2, gives all of their pokemon a 5 level bump) I'll post a pic of my entry once I get hold of a camera that's not attached to the back of my 3DS. :smalltongue:


Will post results soon. Garchomp grows hungry for pokeflesh...:smallamused:

Edit: Phone's being a piece of trash, so a photo won't be possible just yet. However, I won with Garchomp (big surprise, heh). Items used: Max potion, Max Ether, Rock Gem. Shell Bell was used for the Elite 4, had to use an Ether since 16 Earthquake PP wasn't enough. Forgot Iris's Haxorus has a Focus Sash, and almost lost to Outrage :smallamused:. Now would be a great time to relearn Dual Chop on Garchomp, since it and Dragon Claw end up having the same power anyway, and Dual Chop breaks subs and sashes. The reduced accuracy is slightly a bummer, though...

Mando Knight
2012-10-16, 11:44 PM
Fact: the fastest way to accumulate Shards after clearing out your daily sources, other than running around in caves with five dozen Max Repels, is to lose at PWT. That's right, you can have your little sibling/cousin/niece/nephew farm Shards for you while they learn to play in the big leagues. That, or you can do something that the computer can cheat easier at, like Mix Rotation or Rentals or something.

2012-10-17, 12:24 AM
Fact: the fastest way to accumulate Shards after clearing out your daily sources, other than running around in caves with five dozen Max Repels, is to lose at PWT. That's right, you can have your little sibling/cousin/niece/nephew farm Shards for you while they learn to play in the big leagues. That, or you can do something that the computer can cheat easier at, like Mix Rotation or Rentals or something.

Nice. By the way, does anyone know how to expand the PWT? Right now I've got Burgh and Roxie occasionally chipping in at the Driftveil tourney, but my options are still limited to Mix/Rentals/Download, after beating Mix/Rentals/Driftveil a few times. Is there some other requirement to unlocking like, Gym Leaders/Champions?

Also my Black version is now ~30 level 1 munnas richer. Synchronize breeding without Dittos provided a lot of trade fodder :smallamused:.

2012-10-17, 12:48 AM
Nice. By the way, does anyone know how to expand the PWT? Right now I've got Burgh and Roxie occasionally chipping in at the Driftveil tourney, but my options are still limited to Mix/Rentals/Download, after beating Mix/Rentals/Driftveil a few times. Is there some other requirement to unlocking like, Gym Leaders/Champions?

Also my Black version is now ~30 level 1 munnas richer. Synchronize breeding without Dittos provided a lot of trade fodder :smallamused:.

I believe that the more difficult championships are not unlocked until the E4 is beaten.

2012-10-17, 01:07 AM
I believe that the more difficult championships are not unlocked until the E4 is beaten.

Oooh, I see. Also, I was speaking to the green-hatted lady, when the red-hatted one was the one for other tournament options! :smalltongue:

2012-10-17, 05:38 AM
Well, checking in on finally getting around to playing B2.


Game was going fine until he showed up. :smallyuk: I mean, I knew it was inevitable that I'd be forced to admire his implied awesomeness given how much I had to do it last time around, but sheesh, will someone please kick him straight in the nads!?

My battle against Cheren was basically the opposite of the normal gym in BC. Instead of my fighting pokemon getting knocked out and Snivy picking up the slack, I switched Smugfro in expecting to finish things up only to get a critical one-hit KO. Humorously enough, Lucarifro the Riolu walked away with exactly 1 HP left. The finishing move? Counter.

2012-10-17, 01:21 PM
R.I.P ComfyCoat the Level 14 Sewaddle, to a Zubat's Wing Attack in the sewers in the first time you go in (with your rival/ally). I'm not counting this first entrance for the "catch first poke you see" because having an ally stops you from catching.

EDIT: And one step after the guy left, I got in a battle. Hello, Tiny the Rattata.

2012-10-17, 01:38 PM
Fact: the fastest way to accumulate Shards after clearing out your daily sources, other than running around in caves with five dozen Max Repels, is to lose at PWT. That's right, you can have your little sibling/cousin/niece/nephew farm Shards for you while they learn to play in the big leagues. That, or you can do something that the computer can cheat easier at, like Mix Rotation or Rentals or something.

How does this work?

My method of farming will involve Dream Radar. That game is surprisingly fun.

2012-10-17, 01:49 PM
How does this work?

My method of farming will involve Dream Radar. That game is surprisingly fun.

If you lose, you'll be given a consolation prize of one shard.

I kinda want to enter a team of low attack pokemon that all know selfdestruct. Pineco, Voltorb and Geodude would do nicely, I imagine.

2012-10-17, 02:34 PM
So my match against Burgh was hilariously quick; flame charge Swadloon, rollout against Dwebble, with hit number 5 crushing his Leavanny. Why didn't I use Tepig in black 1?

Mando Knight
2012-10-17, 02:48 PM
I've been finding Emboar's Flame Charge is hilariously effective. If you have a Tepig, when all else fails, Flame Charge.

2012-10-17, 03:08 PM
So my match against Burgh was hilariously quick; flame charge Swadloon, rollout against Dwebble, with hit number 5 crushing his Leavanny. Why didn't I use Tepig in black 1?

My Burgh match:
Growlithe uses Flame Whee,l it pwns Swadloon!
Dewott uses Razor Shell, it pwns Dwebble!
Growlithe uses Flame Wheel, it pwns Leavanny!

The Dewott might've been my Leavanny using Razor Leaf, maybe. I doubt it, given it was the bug gym and... well...

Similarly hilarious was my crushing the electric gym with an underleveled Trapinch. What's that? Emolga's immune to Ground Attacks? Rock Tomb!

I love my Trapinch... Can't wait for it to evolve up to Flygon...

Mando Knight
2012-10-17, 03:33 PM
Also, I cannot catch a decent Cobalion. I've gotten two Modest ones, and the ones with decent-ish natures have terrible IV spreads. Finally settled on a Mischievous Brave one with modest Attack, HP, and SpDef IVs and low Def and Speed ones.

2012-10-17, 03:36 PM
Also, I cannot catch a decent Cobalion. I've gotten two Modest ones, and the ones with decent-ish natures have terrible IV spreads. Finally settled on a Mischievous Brave one with modest Attack, HP, and SpDef IVs and low Def and Speed ones.

Ugg. I've never bothered trying to soft reset for an ideal legendary. Must be a pain.

Breeding is obnoxious enough.

2012-10-17, 03:40 PM
Did a quick search through my other DS games and discovered while I was breeding Timburr in B1 I boxed an Adamant Sheer Force one. While in 1 that was decent at best, in 2 that's incredible as all I have to do is tutor thunder/ice punch and have an utter powerhouse at my disposal.

2012-10-17, 03:45 PM
Great. New pokemon for Relic Passage or whatever it's called: Timburr. And then I promptly lost my wierd-psychic-bird-Unown-thing-I-never-remember-the-name-of to a Roggenrolla.

Mando Knight
2012-10-17, 04:02 PM
Ugg. I've never bothered trying to soft reset for an ideal legendary. Must be a pain.

Breeding is obnoxious enough.

I don't go for ideal legendaries, I go for acceptable legendaries. A Modest Cobalion is almost useless, all things considered.

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-17, 04:44 PM
I don't go for ideal legendaries, I go for acceptable legendaries. A Modest Cobalion is almost useless, all things considered.

And even acceptable is damn hard to get somedays.

I count myself fortunate - for once - that my Dialga in diamond had not only a +SA nature, but max SA IVs. (Timerender made my primary team, not something I normally do for legendaries! Okay, yeah, I did use Victini for the first up-to-E4 hald of B1, but then again, by the end, poor Glorious was starting to be outclassed by the rest of the team, and when Wytchfyre, my Modest, max SA Chandelure took over...!)

That, incidently, was one of the other precious few times I lucked out, as that was the first one I caught (And I spent ages catching more of 'em, because I didn't know better, before I finally twigged I literally couldn't get a better one!) On the other hand, I have been trying to get a decent Frillish for YONKS, but I cannot get one with a decent +SA and above average IVs; it's either good IVs or a good nature, and never the twain shall meet...!)

2012-10-17, 08:35 PM
Just finished White Tree Hollow...

Shiny Dratini Get!

Now, if I use the Unova Key thing to get Black Tower, do I get the Shiny Gible as well, or is it only for the first one you beat?

That aside, I'm 8 away from completing my Unovadex. Mostly just happiness Evos, but still short the 3 items from before.

That's not counting Zekrom and the three genie looking things which aren't obtainable. Are you required to trade those in for completion credit, or are legendaries excluded?

2012-10-17, 08:41 PM
That moment when Colress almost volt-turns me to death. :smalleek:

I had accidentally let one of my Lucarios faint before fighting this battle, and the other one had only about 12 hp. (I don't use healing items out of battle except for the elite 4).

I'm glad I'm not Nuzlocking. :smalleek:

Beat him with the second Lucario at 3 hp, though.

Just finished White Tree Hollow...

Shiny Dratini Get!

Now, if I use the Unova Key thing to get Black Tower, do I get the Shiny Gible as well, or is it only for the first one you beat?

That aside, I'm 8 away from completing my Unovadex. Mostly just happiness Evos, but still short the 3 items from before.

That's not counting Zekrom and the three genie looking things which aren't obtainable. Are you required to trade those in for completion credit, or are legendaries excluded?

Only event legendaries get a pass. All the other ones have to be gotten.

2012-10-17, 08:56 PM
That moment when [spoiler] me to death. :smalleek:

I had accidentally let one of my Lucarios faint before fighting this battle, and the other one had only about 12 hp. (I don't use healing items out of battle except for the elite 4).

I'm glad I'm not Nuzlocking. :smalleek:

Beat him with the second Lucario at 3 hp, though.

Only event legendaries get a pass. All the other ones have to be gotten.

I once tried to nuzlocke Black with the additional stipulation that no healing items- classified as any item stored in the 'medicine' or 'berry' pocket- could be used at any time, in or out of battle. The game is still saved right before the E4, but damn was it tough to get that far.

2012-10-17, 09:18 PM
That little area at the top of the stairs from the sewers? With the tree and the grass?

Good news and bad news:

Good news: I didn't lose a poke within minutes of getting the new one from the new area.

Bad news: The new poke is Ears the Audino. I mean, seriously.

2012-10-17, 09:41 PM
That little area at the top of the stairs from the sewers? With the tree and the grass?

Good news and bad news:

Good news: I didn't lose a poke within minutes of getting the new one from the new area.

Bad news: The new poke is Ears the Audino. I mean, seriously.

Dude, Audinos are awesome :smalltongue:

They're fairly tanky (for playing through the game) and learn all the coverage moves you could want. Give it an expert belt and Surf/Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam and go to town :smallamused:

2012-10-17, 09:48 PM
Dude, Audinos are awesome :smalltongue:

They're fairly tanky (for playing through the game) and learn all the coverage moves you could want. Give it an expert belt and Surf/Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam and go to town :smallamused:

I've always thought that it'd be awesome to catch an Audino on Route 1. They're so much better than everything else you can catch there, and especially in the early game they'd be fantastic tanks. Personally, I play with the rule that Audino cannot be caught. My reasoning is that the pokemon god clearly made them with the intention of them getting pwned by every trainer that comes along, and thus catching them upsets the natural balance of things.

2012-10-17, 10:40 PM
I've always thought that it'd be awesome to catch an Audino on Route 1. They're so much better than everything else you can catch there, and especially in the early game they'd be fantastic tanks. Personally, I play with the rule that Audino cannot be caught. My reasoning is that the pokemon god clearly made them with the intention of them getting pwned by every trainer that comes along, and thus catching them upsets the natural balance of things.

Rare candy, unofficial name "I can't believe it's not Audino"

2012-10-18, 12:08 AM
More B2 Playthrough Notes.

Well, I don't like Roxie's taste in pokemon, but her gym music was quite enjoyable. True to what I said earlier in the thread, I opted not to get a Magnemite. I was looking for a nice, interesting new pokemon to add to my team beforehand, but the Dream Radar gave me Munna and Swablu... Both of which I've kinda had my fill. I wasn't feeling it for Growlithe, and Magby's yet another annoying evolution, so the only new guy to the team is Koffing. Yes, I've never really used Koffing. Sadly, outside of Smugfro evolving, the whole gym was soloed by Riolu, so it wasn't really necessary.

Really missing my bicycle.

2012-10-18, 08:29 AM
Oh yeah! Our may be inefficient, but I just pulled off an awesome combo on Burgh's Swadloon.

Step one: Magnemite paralyzes it, waits for it to use strong shot.
Step two: Get it to low health so he heals out instead of attacking.
Step three: send in Contrary Shuckle with Encore.

Edit: And Burgh is down! Current team:
Shuckle, level 18 Dream Shuckle.
Upnose, level 17 Servine.
Ears, level 17 Audino
Amalgam, level 18 Magnemite.
Tornadus, level 17 Therian Tornadus
Genesect, level 17 Genesect.
Standbys are:
Tiny, the level 14 Rattata
Lumbar, the level 15 Timburr
Two level 5 Munnas from the DR.

2012-10-18, 09:49 AM
So can someone give me a brief explanation for how the Dream World thing works? I signed up on the web site, but when I try to connect from the game, it says something about how a pokemon needs to be dreaming first. I have no idea where to go to make it work.

Mando Knight
2012-10-18, 10:07 AM
So can someone give me a brief explanation for how the Dream World thing works? I signed up on the web site, but when I try to connect from the game, it says something about how a pokemon needs to be dreaming first. I have no idea where to go to make it work.

Use the Game Sync option from your C-Gear to make a Pokémon in a box dream. When you're done with Dream World, use the same option to wake it back up.

2012-10-18, 10:10 AM
Use the Game Sync option from your C-Gear to make a Pokémon in a box dream. When you're done with Dream World, use the same option to wake it back up.

Does it matter which pokemon you use or is it all the same?

Mando Knight
2012-10-18, 10:43 AM
Doesn't matter.

2012-10-18, 10:56 AM
Thanks for the help, I got it to work. Though I was only able to bring one pokemon back from the Dream World (wishing at the tree lets you pick one, and then after that you can't go back to the island until you've sent that pokemon on it seems). It seems like you should be able to get more since there's slots for 10 pokemon when it says what it's sending back, am I doing something wrong?

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-18, 11:49 AM
Does it matter which pokemon you use or is it all the same?

Well, later on, the type of Pokemon may modify the chances of what area of the Dream World you get. (E.g., my black game has enough dream points to have unlocked the Sparkling Sea, so I generally use a Blastoise (brought through from gen III...!) to sleep, as that gives me more chance of accessing that location and hopefully eventually of finding a female DW corphish... (Female because the males can't pass down the hidden ability.)

And for ages before that, I was using a Purrloin I'd been DWing since the start, and was getting more and more frustrated that I seemed to never get anything but the Spooky Mansion, until pokethread informed me that they'd implemented relating type to the location chances...!

2012-10-18, 12:01 PM
Well, later on, the type of Pokemon may modify the chances of what area of the Dream World you get. (E.g., my black game has enough dream points to have unlocked the Sparkling Sea, so I generally use a Blastoise (brought through from gen III...!) to sleep, as that gives me more chance of accessing that location and hopefully eventually of finding a female DW corphish... (Female because the males can't pass down the hidden ability.)

And for ages before that, I was using a Purrloin I'd been DWing since the start, and was getting more and more frustrated that I seemed to never get anything but the Spooky Mansion, until pokethread informed me that they'd implemented relating type to the location chances...!

Huh, that's weird. I used Magmar and got an Ice Cave as my location. Hardly seems related. Is there a site listing what areas there are and what pokemon correspond with which locations?

Mando Knight
2012-10-18, 12:31 PM
It's probability-based, not a direct 1-1 correlation.

Also, Drayden. Besides the EPIC BEARD, has things which have been passed down in his family for GENERATIONS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc6Pg12Nc-M). Why they didn't make him the new Champion I don't know...

2012-10-18, 01:26 PM
Well, later on, the type of Pokemon may modify the chances of what area of the Dream World you get.

...Well that explains a lot! I used Keldeo last night and got nothing but Sparkling Sea and Icy Cave. I'll try putting a rock or ground type to sleep tonight, to see if I get the Mountain (really want Truant Durant, since I am still missing some competitive items like Choice Band and Air Balloon).

2012-10-18, 01:29 PM
So, after beating the 2nd gym, I've been toying around with the movies thing... it's... kind of interesting I suppose?

I mean, I do like the idea of "complete this objective in a battle, in this many rounds." Always wanted something like that, and I guess if it has to be in movies, that's cool too.

But so far, I'm not seeing much actual 'reward' from doing it. I see the movies make "Billions of Pokedollars," but I'm not seeing a penny of it. I'm the actor, right? Shouldn't I be getting paid?

The extent of what I'm getting is the 6 lemonades I get from the fanboy outside the theater.

2012-10-18, 01:31 PM
I forget, we aren't allowed to talk about emulation in here, are we? Even if you've legally followed internet dirrections to get your disc and game stuff into your computer?

Ryuho Tsugu
2012-10-18, 02:09 PM
Thanks for the help, I got it to work. Though I was only able to bring one pokemon back from the Dream World (wishing at the tree lets you pick one, and then after that you can't go back to the island until you've sent that pokemon on it seems). It seems like you should be able to get more since there's slots for 10 pokemon when it says what it's sending back, am I doing something wrong?

The extra slots on the Friend Board are for promotional Pokemon.

...Well that explains a lot! I used Keldeo last night and got nothing but Sparkling Sea and Icy Cave. I'll try putting a rock or ground type to sleep tonight, to see if I get the Mountain (really want Truant Durant, since I am still missing some competitive items like Choice Band and Air Balloon).

This may just be me, but it seems like the area unlock requirements changed from B/W; for the first three days after I linked my B2 to my PGL account, I got mostly the Sea and the Cave, with an occasional Sky or Mansion, with an Audino tucked in. I even spent five minutes doing nothing but entering and exiting the Island of Dreams and didn't see the Forest once.

2012-10-18, 02:48 PM
This may just be me, but it seems like the area unlock requirements changed from B/W; for the first three days after I linked my B2 to my PGL account, I got mostly the Sea and the Cave, with an occasional Sky or Mansion, with an Audino tucked in. I even spent five minutes doing nothing but entering and exiting the Island of Dreams and didn't see the Forest once.

...Huh. That's a possibility.

I need to find a good partner for Heatran for the PWT. I'm running one now with an Air Balloon and Will-o-Wisp/Fire Blast/Substitute/Earth Power, and while Suicune and Dragonite do fine, I sometimes have trouble with bulky water types that know ice moves and strong Fighting types. I'm thinking of replacing Suicune with a Water Absorb Jellicent, since it can learn about the same kinds of moves and boasts an immunity to Fighting too, but it's weak to Dark-type moves, which a lot of Fighting types usually run for Boltbeam-esque coverage...

2012-10-18, 03:05 PM
So, after beating the 2nd gym, I've been toying around with the movies thing... it's... kind of interesting I suppose?

I mean, I do like the idea of "complete this objective in a battle, in this many rounds." Always wanted something like that, and I guess if it has to be in movies, that's cool too.

But so far, I'm not seeing much actual 'reward' from doing it. I see the movies make "Billions of Pokedollars," but I'm not seeing a penny of it. I'm the actor, right? Shouldn't I be getting paid?

The extent of what I'm getting is the 6 lemonades I get from the fanboy outside the theater.

I haven't played with it much, but you get "fans" who come visit in Join Avenue (a feature you run into a little later). I think the number of fans that visit may be tied to how popular your movies are? I'm not sure.

2012-10-18, 03:18 PM
I haven't played with it much, but you get "fans" who come visit in Join Avenue (a feature you run into a little later). I think the number of fans that visit may be tied to how popular your movies are? I'm not sure.

Thanks, I was starting to wonder the use. That helps.

On a side note, unrelated, caught a Magnemite in the factory... I notice that he's very popular among the community for at least early game. I caught a Mareep earlier in-game, and I'm wondering which I should use as my electric type.

While it's apparently commonplace to use Magnemite, and I've never actually used one in a playthrough, I have used a Mareep in several previous games.

Ho hum...

2012-10-18, 03:44 PM
It seems like you should be able to get more since there's slots for 10 pokemon when it says what it's sending back, am I doing something wrong?
What Ryuho Tsugu said- you're only allowed to send back 1 pokemon a day under normal circumstances. When they're running a promotion, though, you can bring those in addition to the 1 pokemon a day. They... Haven't really gotten serious about the Dream World, honestly. I mean, look at that 0 to 9 tween in Sky Race, or how the Treasure Chest minigame's instructions still refer to Victini (you originally used Victini in that game and it was a promotion only thing).

Huh, that's weird. I used Magmar and got an Ice Cave as my location. Hardly seems related. Is there a site listing what areas there are and what pokemon correspond with which locations?
If the mechanics haven't changed since Black First and White Firster, then the areas available at the start are Spooky Manor (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Spooky_Manor_(Dream_World_area)), Rugged Mountain (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rugged_Mountain_(Dream_World_area)), Icy Cave (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Icy_Cave_(Dream_World_area)), and Pleasant Forest (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pleasant_Forest_(Dream_World_area)), with Windswept Sky (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Windswept_Sky_(Dream_World_area)) and Sparkling Sea (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sparkling_Sea_(Dream_World_area)) unlocking later. However, I'm pretty certain Ryuho Tsugu's right and the unlocks have been changed, as I've already been to the Sparkling Sea and my Black 2 game has 3 badges and 300 Dream Points.

Oh, and before you ask, Dream Points are almost-invisible currency you build up by playing Pokemon Dream World. Basically, anything you do- minigames, watering plants, tranding items by swap shelves, and sending a pokemon to Entralink- builds up a small amount of Dream Points, and the more Dream Points you have, the more stuff is unlocked in Dream World. To check your Dream Point balance, log in to Pokemon-GL, click the "My Page" button, then go to the "Pokemon Dream World" tab. Your points will be below the picture of your island. If you earn 500 or more points in a single dream, the pokemon that's sleeping will gain a level when you next Game Sync.

I haven't played with it much, but you get "fans" who come visit in Join Avenue (a feature you run into a little later). I think the number of fans that visit may be tied to how popular your movies are? I'm not sure.
Fans come from everywhere. Aotrs Commander just opened up a Deli in my Join Avenue, and he's only a friend on my other game card's Dream Pal list, if I recall correctly.

Aaaand to catch up on my latest B2 Playthrough...

This was the episode of disappointment! :smalltongue:

So, all Team Plasma members look like that, now? They had the best outfits ever earlier on, why'd they have to change it? Those outfits and the shield emblem were basically the only thing that made sense for their team.

Well, the game team was reading my mind and I got my bicycle shortly after the last update. Why are most of the game designers for the games I'm playing all giant trolls? :smalltongue: When Iris said she knew where Team Plasma might be, I was really hoping it'd be the same building in Annoying City as it was last time. Oh, speaking of Annoying City,


Burgh's gym was pretty, and slightly less gross than it was last time around. He's still got the creepiest face ever, but that doesn't matter because SWEPT BY KOFFING. Oh, and Riolu evolved.

The newcomer to my game, hailing from Dream World, is Omastar. He's a blast from the past in more ways than one, because I picked Helix fossil on Blue and I don't think he really got a chance because I abused MissingNo. there. Well, that, and getting him at the eighth gym.

Um... Didn't the game just tell me that pokemon couldn't move those boulders? And, uh... Didn't pokemon just move those boulders? :smalltongue:

2012-10-18, 04:06 PM
Thanks for the explanations on dream world. I get it now. Just gotta keep on waiting then I guess.

Fans come from everywhere. Aotrs Commander just opened up a Deli in my Join Avenue, and he's only a friend on my other game card's Dream Pal list, if I recall correctly.

They come from two sources. First are actual people, such as the example you provided. These also come from trading over GTS, or simply passing someone else playing the game. These aren't fans, just people you've interracted with who come by.

The second is NPC Fans, who come even if you turn wireless off and have nobody within 100 miles of you know what pokemon is. These fans only give 75% as much popularity boost to your shops vs real people, but it's still convenient for them to show up.

I'm merely speculating that the NPC fans showing up is linked to other in game things, like the Movies. (If there is any link, I would also expect a popularity boost to come from beating the E4 the first time, and from competing in the PWT)

Mando Knight
2012-10-18, 05:41 PM
I forget, we aren't allowed to talk about emulation in here, are we? Even if you've legally followed internet dirrections to get your disc and game stuff into your computer?
"Legally followed" and "Internet directions" are phrases that can only be dubiously connected, at best, and discussing the legitimacy of the former phrase as applied to any particular case is out of bounds for this forum. In other words, tread lightly, or not at all.

On a side note, unrelated, caught a Magnemite in the factory... I notice that he's very popular among the community for at least early game. I caught a Mareep earlier in-game, and I'm wondering which I should use as my electric type.

While it's apparently commonplace to use Magnemite, and I've never actually used one in a playthrough, I have used a Mareep in several previous games.
Magnezone is preferable to Ampharos in almost every way except for some movepool envy. Ampharos has higher HP and Attack, but ties Special Defense and has lower everything else and fewer resistances, meaning that the utility of the higher HP is mostly lost, and the higher Attack is pointless given that both are primarily focused on Special Attack. Ampharos is actually slower than Magnezone and is the third-slowest fully-evolved Electric type (the slowest in Gen IV, since the two slower ones are the Gen V Pokémon Eelektross and Stunfisk).

In addition, Magnemite has type advantage over all but one of the gyms in either offense or defense, as opposed to Ampharos having such advantage against only two. In particular, Magnemite/zone fully walls the Virbank and Mistralton City Gyms, and its defensive capability is useful against the Castelia, Nimbasa, and Opelucid City Gyms, while Ampharos doesn't stand out against any of those except the Mistralton City Gym. Both are offensive powerhouses against Humilau, though as usual Magnezone handles off-type attacks better.

Offensively, Ampharos learns Power Gem and Signal Beam by level up (whereas Magnezone only learns the latter, and only by tutor at that) and Discharge eleven levels earlier than Magnezone, but lacks the capability to take advantage of its decent Physical movepool, and its only Fighting move is the inaccurate Focus Blast. Defensively, Magnezone is only vulnerable to two gyms' STAB, one of which is neutral and the other is a 4x weakness, while resisting almost every other attack thrown at it. Seriously, if you're not coming at it with a fixed-damage move, or Fire, Fighting, Water, or Ground attacks, you might as well just go home... it'll take what you've got and then electrocute you.

2012-10-18, 07:37 PM
Whelp, I've decided to alter my team a bit. It occurred to me that my team was basically hard countered by... any fire/fighting type in the game. Darmanitan in particular could maul just about everything I had. I also realized that, now that I have Terrakion filling the role of 'Physical Beast,' Cinccino was a bit superfluous, and was only contributing to my weakness to fighting types. So, I was mulling over what to do, and as I was glancing through my PC, I realized something- I had caught a Frillish in Humilau City.

My newest addition to the team is Isarm the Jellicant. May his mustache be long lived.

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-18, 08:42 PM
Fans come from everywhere. Aotrs Commander just opened up a Deli in my Join Avenue, and he's only a friend on my other game card's Dream Pal list, if I recall correctly.

I did what now...?!


And yet it still bugs me that you still don't appear to be able to cross worlds, in the dream world, 'cos I can see Forrestfire in my game buddies or whatever list, but it's greyed out...

2012-10-18, 09:23 PM
So today's updates:

-I got a Whismur from dream world. At least I got one thing that wasn't native to BW2

-I broke the 100 medal mark.

-Got my first ever legit level 100. Before now if I had something that high it was due to gameshark or missingno supplying me lots of rare candies. Interestingly enough given current conversation, it was a Magnezone.

-Decided I wanted a PVP quality Kingler. It's probably too slow and weak in SpDef to really be viable in a competitive setting, but a water type with 130 base attack is hard to pass up. I managed to get one that was Adamant, with Shell Armor, and a maxed Attack IV, with only an hour or so invested in breeding (I had a breeding setup for Shell Armor and Adamant, was only holding out for any attack IV that was decent. I just suddenly jumped from horrid to maxed). I'm pretty happy with that.

-Brother finished floor 5 of Black Tower, meaning I now have access to Black Tower myself. Currently only 3 floors deep into it, but in a day or two I'll have a second stream of evolution items, particularly the ones I'm desperate for (ie Electric/Fire Stones).

-Today's swarm was Cacturne, and I got a Bibarel from a hidden grotto. Yay for new pokemon added.

Mando Knight
2012-10-18, 11:13 PM
Also, there is a girl in Humilau wearing the Shorts of dresses.

2012-10-18, 11:57 PM
I did what now...?!
Well, apparently you've always dreamt of serving food to trainers and pokemon to make them happy, and I only had a lottery shop, so, yeah, I'm not gonna complain if you're gonna give me some more happiness boosts per day.

I, uh, hope Join Avenue isn't one of those things you have to do daily or else you'll lose it. I'm bad at that stuff.

My B2 Adventure update:
Well, I flipped the script on Elesa. On the last game, she had me down to a Tranquil that won out of Quick Attack's priority. While she did prevent Lucario from sweeping in front of all the people (wait, when did I start playing Dragon Warrior 4 again?), Servine was glad enough to step it up.

I kinda take all the talk about how the Relic Ruins are being destroyed too personally. Y'see, there's a building that I went to for elementary school, and a new school was built so they moved all the teachers there and now the building has no function. They did an inspection, and it turns out there's some major health hazards in that building, so they can't turn it into a museum like they thought they would, and said health hazards are preventing it from being torn down safely. I... I want to see it go away for good. :smalltongue: Come on, Urban Renewal!

Caught my first N's Pokemon, Klink. Hope you like living in a box, Klink!

From here on out, I am imagining that Clay has the same voice as Doug Dimmadome. He's blinged himself out. I liked his older gym better, but the music's all nice. Wow, they've pretty much nailed the music for the gyms this subgeneration... I hope the legendary pokemon music isn't a wreck like it was last time. As you can probably guess, Clay's gym was an Omanyte and Servine sweep.

I got all up and nervous about the Pokemon World Tour, 'cause I thought that was supposed to be something annoying like the Subway, but then I saw that my pokemon were ten levels higher than the challengers. Wait, my rival beat Clay with those kinds of levels? Oh, and the crowd in PWT reminded me of Dragon Warrior 4 again. Don't know how to feel about that.:smalltongue:

"Oh crud. I'm on a boat with like twelve enemy trainers. They're not even going to let me fight my way out of this, are they? ... Wait. What? Okay, yes, that's awesome. Feels like Skies of Arcadia in here." Theeen they had to go wreck it again by giving the Shadow Triad superpowers. *Eyeroll*

And before I forget:

Dream Radar gave me Munna again. :smallfrown: Waiting for Game Sync to recharge for Dream World. I kinda need a pokemon for fly, I was thinking Sigilyph but one hasn't appeared in the desert for me. Golurk's also a possibility. I, uh, also need an HM slave or two.

Hey, um, I think this is my first game with widespread moves on pokemon tutors. Which pokemon tutors are one-time-only and which ones are effectively pay-for-TMs?

2012-10-19, 12:48 AM
I'm at the pokemon league. I'm just a few presses of the A button away from the Elite Four.

This is going to be obnoxiously hard without Bulbapedia. Does anyone have suggestions as to what level I should grind to? I'm currently working on getting everyone up to lvl. 60, but I'm not sure if that's enough.

2012-10-19, 01:18 AM
If you play smart, you should be fine at 55.

2012-10-19, 01:37 AM
If you play smart, you should be fine at 55.

Keeping in mind that I have no idea what pokemon they're using, and I'm nuzlocking, I'm going to try for a bit higher than that.

2012-10-19, 01:41 AM
Keeping in mind that I have no idea what pokemon they're using, and I'm nuzlocking, I'm going to try for a bit higher than that.

60 is about the level of the Champion's pokemon, so you should be fine, or you could grind a bit higher to be safe.

2012-10-19, 02:27 AM
Sweet. One of, and therefore all of, my party got Pokerus. With this in mind, I have decided to retire Rex, my loyal Herdier, to the Boxes. Interestingly enough, I found this out when I received the "Pokerus Discoverer" Medal, rather than the dialogue with the Nurse.

Interestingly, I retired my loyal dog to the Boxes in Black 1 too, though for a different reason.

2012-10-19, 03:20 AM
Interestingly, I retired my loyal dog to the Boxes in Black 1 too, though for a different reason.
Hm... If it was anything like my loyal dog, it was because he evolved and lost pickup. :smallwink:

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-19, 04:18 AM
Well, apparently you've always dreamt of serving food to trainers and pokemon to make them happy, and I only had a lottery shop, so, yeah, I'm not gonna complain if you're gonna give me some more happiness boosts per day.

The particular irony here is that my idea of "cooking" involves none of this "fresh" crap - if it ain't been dead for six weeks it ain't proper food - and baked beans and cans of meat (it's especially funny if we take the context of the anime where half the time all Pokemon eat fruit...!), instant mash powder and cheese (with additional tomato sauce for good measure) all bunged in the microwave at once, with an ended result that already looks like it's been half-digested... And it is awesome!

I...err... probably wouldn't actually eat anything you buy there...

I'm now just imagining it going something like this: "Okay, guys, either you like me more or I'll make you eat Bleakbane's "meals" again!"

2012-10-19, 05:00 AM
The particular irony here is that my idea of "cooking" involves none of this "fresh" crap - if it ain't been dead for six weeks it ain't proper food - and baked beans and cans of meat (it's especially funny if we take the context of the anime where half the time all Pokemon eat fruit...!), instant mash powder and cheese (with additional tomato sauce for good measure) all bunged in the microwave at once, with an ended result that already looks like it's been half-digested... And it is awesome!

My pokemon are going to be eating healthier than me. :smallfrown: ...I'm... Gonna go raid the area under the couch. For snacks.

Looks like I'll be sending Druddigon to my B2 game tonight. I got, like, six of them to show up, but he's not going to be a party member because I prefer Sheer Force over Mold Breaker. :smallfrown: It's worse that none of the good decent simple minigames never show up for me. Stupid grindy Dream World. It was either that, Sandshrew, Onix, or Snover.

Also in Slowpoke news I just today found out that Golurk and Vanilluxe were designed by the same person.:smallconfused:

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-19, 05:52 AM
Also in Slowpoke news I just today found out that Golurk and Vanilluxe were designed by the same person.:smallconfused:

Well, Vanilluxe is one of the more stupid-looking Pokemon; then again, we had some of those from the very first generation anyway... And I'd still take ice-cream-cone-for-a-body over Mr Mime or Lickytung or, even in Gen V, Bert and Ernie...

I guess not everything can be a winner.

(Though I'm one of those horrible, horrible people who isn't super-impressed by Golurk in the first place; I'm just not that big a fan of the whole flying robot-punchy-thing anime is so fond of; for which you can solidly blame Star Fleet, Transformers and BattleTech...)

2012-10-19, 01:02 PM
Route 4 poke: Leaky the Trubbish!
Also, I went to the name rater and got the DR pokes nicknamed. Shuckle is now Overflow, and Tornadus is now Magi.

2012-10-19, 07:25 PM
Nuzlocke update- I'm about to take on the E4. My team is (and will hopefully remain) as follows-

Hipp the Roselia- lvl. 60
Nofscap the Umbreon- lvl. 60
Isarm the Jellicant- lvl. 60
Bribe the Starmie- lvl. 60
Royalist the Terrakion- lvl. 60
Demo the Magnezone- lvl. 60

Marshal's got me nervous. I'm hoping that Isarm will be sufficient for getting through him.

EDIT: Well. It could have gone worse, I suppose.

Rest in Peace, Royalist. Killed by Haxorus' earthquake.

Mando Knight
2012-10-19, 09:56 PM
...After Humilau City...
Zinzolin pulls a "for me, it was Tuesday (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ButForMeItWasTuesday)" on Hugh. Ouch.

2012-10-19, 10:07 PM
Congrats on completion Othesmo. At least you only had one death.

I didn't play nearly as much today. Only thing I really got accomplished was starting to breed a bunch of Shellder on a whim.

I just killed an audino and fed what rare candies I had on hand to test IVs on the two best ones I got, this is the spread I have to choose from:

Format is HP/Att/Def/SpAtt/SpDef/Spd


Basically first Shellder is stronger and marginally faster, second one has a nice chunk more hp and a little more defense. Also a lot more special attack, but I don't expect to be using that.

Seems like high attack shellder is the obvious choice, but not sure. Anyone else have an opinion?

Other than that, today I got done with Floor 5 on Black Tower, thus unlocking my fire stone. So all my stone evolutions are done now.

Mando Knight
2012-10-20, 01:17 AM
Fact: if Fused Kyurem starts battle using its signature move against a similar-level Lucario with a decent Fighting or Steel move, something's about to go down like it was just a two-bit punk.

2012-10-20, 05:29 AM
HI everyone, i'd like a bit of help from the Playground, because i'm torn on a few decisions.

I'm playing White 2, and my team is currently (i'm at the third gym, and my pokemon are all level <20)


So i'd like suggestions:
What to fill in the last slot?
Should i get a Starmie and replace the starter?
Should i get Chandelure or Darumaka instead of Growlithe?
Is elekid ok as electric? or should i take Jolteon, or anything else?

I'm not EV training anything and i didn't really care for IVs (I usually just catch 2-3 of the pokemon i want, compare the stats and pick the better one)

2012-10-20, 06:48 AM
Is there any critical reason to finish Black 1 and Memory Link it before going past a certain part of 2? Or can that be done after beating 2 without missing anything?

2012-10-20, 06:55 AM
Alright, I have, in my life as a gamer, seen some strange stuff. I have seen some forced stuff.

I have never, however, seen a Plot Gate so bizarre and forced as the Line of Dancing Men preventing me from entering Black City, however.

The guy cleaning the Aquatic Tunnel is odd too. But not as much as the Line of Dancing Men.

2012-10-20, 10:05 AM
:smallconfused: Okay, am I missing something on this Dream Radar doodad? 'Cause all I'm catching is Munna.

2012-10-20, 11:49 AM
:smallconfused: Okay, am I missing something on this Dream Radar doodad? 'Cause all I'm catching is Munna.

Right. Annoying thing they don't tell you. You see the little circle next to the number of Deam Orbs? The color changes based on how many of each color you got on the previous run. What color it is affects what shows up, as does the amount you've got (including ones you've spent). Also, Munna is really common for Pink.

2012-10-20, 12:25 PM
...There's different colors of dream orbs?

E: B2 Playthrough update
As nonsensical as it is, I kinda like Chargestone Cave. In fact, I think my disappointment in Black's Victory Road was probably caused because I found Chargestone Cave so, um… Something. It's large enough and twisty enough that you can get off course for a long time, but you don't really get lost in it. Also, caught N's ferroseed. Hope you like living in a box, Ferroseed!

I didn't particularly enjoy Skyla's gym in Black the First, but I'd rather have her old gym instead of the one she has now. I mean, yeah, both of them would cause an OHSA Inspector to crap his pants, but the whole run along so you can wait at the next area just doesn't jive with me in just about every game. Omastar did his job in sweeping everything, including having his Quick Claw activate before Skyla could use Acrobatics. Poetic justice is the best kind of justice. I still don't prefer Weak Armor, but it's having some benefits here and there.

Dream World pokemon is Wooper, so that Quagsire can be an HM slave. Sadly, this still leaves me without a slave for cut or fly. Munna's doing her darndest to upstage Zubat as an annoying pokemon. Everyone on my team is fully-evolved now, too, so I really need some slot fillers.:smalltongue:

2012-10-20, 01:11 PM
Is there any critical reason to finish Black 1 and Memory Link it before going past a certain part of 2? Or can that be done after beating 2 without missing anything?

I feel that having the memory link greatly enhances your playing experience. It makes the world have more life to it.

2012-10-20, 01:14 PM
I just found out that Gardevoir is NU tier...

Is there really any way to make her more acceptable for at least a slightly higher tier?
I was thinking maybe max her speed and Sp Att EVs...
Any of you guys have an idea?

2012-10-20, 01:28 PM
Well, there's an old post on the Smogon forums about an OU analysis of Gardevoir:

Not sure how much it applies because it's from DPP, but I think that the best niche for Gardevoir in overused is as a Dual Screens user.

2012-10-20, 01:31 PM
She's more of a support than a sweeper in my opinion.

I'm no that into competitive stuff that much, but her move pool is pretty solid, though there's probably someone who does it better.

Just looking, she'd fit in quite nicely on a Trick Room team, or possibly running a Calm Mind/Stored Power/PsyShock/Will-O-Wisp set, as a late match sweeper.

2012-10-20, 01:40 PM
Just got to Iris. I really like the Champion battle music :smallbiggrin:


Whoa, postgame cutscenes. Cool.

And Hugh's sister got her cat back. Aww... :smallbiggrin:

Now I need to go catch 649 pokemon to trade to my White version in order to get my pokedex completed on this one XD

2012-10-20, 03:22 PM
...There's different colors of dream orbs?

E: B2 Playthrough update
As nonsensical as it is, I kinda like Chargestone Cave. In fact, I think my disappointment in Black's Victory Road was probably caused because I found Chargestone Cave so, um… Something. It's large enough and twisty enough that you can get off course for a long time, but you don't really get lost in it. Also, caught N's ferroseed. Hope you like living in a box, Ferroseed!

I didn't particularly enjoy Skyla's gym in Black the First, but I'd rather have her old gym instead of the one she has now. I mean, yeah, both of them would cause an OHSA Inspector to crap his pants, but the whole run along so you can wait at the next area just doesn't jive with me in just about every game. Omastar did his job in sweeping everything, including having his Quick Claw activate before Skyla could use Acrobatics. Poetic justice is the best kind of justice. I still don't prefer Weak Armor, but it's having some benefits here and there.

Dream World pokemon is Wooper, so that Quagsire can be an HM slave. Sadly, this still leaves me without a slave for cut or fly. Munna's doing her darndest to upstage Zubat as an annoying pokemon. Everyone on my team is fully-evolved now, too, so I really need some slot fillers.:smalltongue:

Yeah, they fade-switch between green and pink.

Ryuho Tsugu
2012-10-20, 04:23 PM
Yeah, they fade-switch between green and pink.

At first, all the orbs will be pink, but after clearing the Eureka Extensions, more colors get added; green after the first, peach after the second, and blue after the third.

I only got two Munna, but I'm swimming in Bronzors...

2012-10-20, 06:50 PM
Caught myself an Axew and now I'm off to take on Skyla.

2012-10-20, 06:57 PM
Picked up B2. Now I'm in Castelia, after beating Burgh.

Magnemite is fantastic. I also got a Koffing, for the first time in ever, and he's actually performing pretty well. When I get more Chesto Berries, i might go for a Rest/Toxic sort of deal.
Now I'm trying to find an Eevee in the park, or figure out where the gift one is.

2012-10-20, 06:59 PM
Picked up B2. Now I'm in Castelia, after beating Burgh.

Magnemite is fantastic. I also got a Koffing, for the first time in ever, and he's actually performing pretty well. When I get more Chesto Berries, i might go for a Rest/Toxic sort of deal.
Now I'm trying to find an Eevee in the park, or figure out where the gift one is.

The gift eevee is post E4. Regular eevee have a 5% chance of showing in the regular grass, so it might take a while.

2012-10-20, 07:04 PM
I was worried about that for the gift. And the 5% chance doesn't worry me. I got a Riolu from those same odds.

Though I may drop him in favour of Heracross, when find one. I do likes me some Heracross.

2012-10-20, 07:49 PM
So I had my first battle with the pokemon simulator of smogon on the UU tier, lost 4 to 6.

I like it alot though.

Woot! My first victory!

Team Milotic, Nidoking, Azelf, Darmanitan, Togekiss, Raikou!

2012-10-21, 02:26 AM

Female dream world Gligar!

Now I just need to buy a Toxic Orb >.>

I'm thinking of putting together a Sandstorm Stall team, and I was wondering if anyone would lend their experience/inexperience/whatever to help point out flaws in it. The pokemon I'm probably looking at are:

Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Adamant Nature 152 HP/252 Attack/100 Speed
Stone Edge
Aqua Tail

Sets up Sandstorm, acts as a tank-killer/trapper with Pursuit. Has Aqua Tail for Landorus, Gliscor, etc.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
Impish 252 HP/184 Def/72 Speed

Stalls enemies and kills them with Toxic or Earthquake; my only problem is that it's useless against Skarmory or Levitating steels or Magic Guard pokemon. Kinda for hitting Rotom-W too, since I've had some trouble with it before.

Latias @ Leftovers
Timid 252 HP/6 SpAttack/248 Speed
Calm Mind
Dragon Pulse

Wish passer/Phazer/Setup killer.

Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet
Iron Barbs
Relaxed 252 HP/252 Defense/6 Attack
Leech Seed
Stealth Rock
Thunder Wave

For when Toxic won't work, also more residual damage.

Reuniclus @ Life Orb
Magic Guard
Quiet 192 HP/64 Defense/252 SpAttack
Trick Room
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

Conkeldurr counter; I hate that thing so much, I am willing to dedicate a spot to fighting it. even though i use one on my hyper offensive team

Last slot tossup:

Tentacruel @ Black Sludge
Rain Dish/Liquid Ooze
Bold 252 HP/236 Defense/20 Speed
Toxic Spikes
Rapid Spin
Rain Dance/Protect

Tossup between Rain Dish + Rain Dance, and Liquid Ooze + Protect. Or maybe Rain Dish + Protect. I dunno. I haven't seen anyone run a Virizion or other Giga Drain based sweeper recently, or even leech seed, but then I mostly fight against super offensive teams.

aaaand Tentacruel's challenger:

Jellicent @ Choice Specs
Water Absorb
Modest 172 HP/252 SpAttack/84 Speed
Water Spout
Hydro Pump
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam

Spinblocker, but lacking in Leftovers since Latias is eating them all, so I opted for a Choice Specs build to hopefully throw people off.

Thanks :smallsmile:

2012-10-21, 07:44 AM
I have discovered the ultimate pokemon troll.

Cinccino@King's Rock
Skill Link
Tail Slap
Rock Blast
Bullet Seed

The thing just tears through anything that doesn't resist it, and even then it can get flinch locked.

2012-10-21, 09:56 AM
Discovery: Black Kyurem is no match for a Flare Blitzing Darmanitan if it takes the time to charge up its Freeze Shock.

Hydreigon is no match for a Lucario that can Aura Sphere/Ice Punch it into next week. (note, this requires its first Dragon Rush to miss).

The above, and other discoveries (e.g. Excadrill can easily sweep Colress solo), mean that the endgame was mildly disappointing. Quite fun, though.

Victory Road next. TO GLORY!

Mando Knight
2012-10-21, 10:13 AM
The thing just tears through anything that doesn't resist it, and even then it can get flinch locked.

Priority, faster opponents, and Rocky Helmet. The hat makes Skill Link all the more dangerous for Cinccino, almost any revenge killer is set to beat 115 base speed and Fighting is ridiculously common, and Mach Punch or Extremespeed simply go before Cinccino's entire move set.

2012-10-21, 10:59 AM
Priority, faster opponents, and Rocky Helmet. The hat makes Skill Link all the more dangerous for Cinccino, almost any revenge killer is set to beat 115 base speed and Fighting is ridiculously common, and Mach Punch or Extremespeed simply go before Cinccino's entire move set.

Perhaps. Fortunately, the number of opponents in the game who meet any of those criteria are few and far between.

Probably should have specified that I meant the game itself, not competitive battling.

2012-10-21, 11:19 AM
Nuzlocke update. The last time I posted, I had ventured about halfway through Relic Passage and realized how screwed I was. It took me a week to muster up the willpower to make it the rest of the way. I didn't have as many casualties as I thought I'd have (only 3), but I did run out of healing items. First thing I do after making it out, buy 99 super potions. I'm exploring Chargestone Cave now. Thoughts:

Christ, my rival's team is not that good. And I thought I was underlevelled.
Oh, look, the Shadow Triad is back. Complete with their mystical ninja powers. I sure missed this bunch. :smallsigh:
Why does Deerling/Sawsbuck get Serene Grace? I guess his Rock Smash will always drop Defense. *twirls finger*
Chargestone Cave is seriously my favorite location in any Pokemon game, ever.
SURPRISE! TRIPLE BATTLE! If I didn't luck out and have my party in the configuration it was (Krokorok/Crobat/Dewott), I would've wiped.
SURPRISE! DOUBLE BAT- Oh, wait, no. They give you nuggets. Yay!

Aids the Solosis, L21-28, Route 16
Diabeetus the Herdier, L4-28, Floccesy Ranch
Cavosec the Dewott, L5-28, Aspertia City
Nolan the Crobat, L16-28, Castellia Sewers
Kaminette the Krokorok, L15-31, Route 4

Shagster the Minccino, L22, Hidden Grotto
Joy the Audino, L23, Route 5
Imaduck the Ducklett, L23, Driftveil Drawbridge
Zorua the Zorua, L25, Driftveil City
Schumacher the Woobat, L27, Relic Passage
Jigawatts the Joltik, L27, Chargestone Cave

Unnamed Sunkern, L2, Route 20

Not actually caught, KOed out of spite.
Hathaway the Purrloin, L2-10, Route 19

Died to a Pursuing Dunsparce (of all things) on Route 20.
Hsowa the Skitty, L16, Castellia City

Heavily wounded on its first battle in the Sewers, died to a Pursuing Rattata during its second.
Rosepierre the Roserade, L23-25, Lostlorn Forest

Died after a missed Grasswhistle to Clay's Krokorok's Crunch.
Akem Manah the Yamask, L19-26, Relic Castle

Failed to escape from a Boldore which, of course, then criticalled with a Rock Slide. First Relic Passage casualty.
Roxcallion the Dwebble, L19-26, Desert Resort

Died to Swoobat Air Slash critical flinchax. Second Relic Passage casualty.
Faraday the Magnemite, L11-27, Virbank Complex

Also died to Swoobat Air Slash critical flinchax. Third Relic Passage casualty.
Bambino the Deerling, L25-26, Route 6

Failed to escape from a wild Joltik twice, Bug Bitten twice.

2012-10-21, 12:11 PM
The other day, I finally go Pearl version. Yeah, I'm a bit behind. Right now though I've just beaten Gardenia and I'm looking for either a dark type or a fire type to round out my team (or a houndour, or a fire type that learns bite, etc). Is there anything like that available relatively early?

2012-10-21, 12:16 PM
First thing I do after making it out, buy 99 super potions.
Noooooooooooooooooooo! Lemonades are half the price and heal more! And Moomoo Milk is still cheaper and heals more! :smalltongue:

2012-10-21, 12:18 PM
The other day, I finally go Pearl version. Yeah, I'm a bit behind. Right now though I've just beaten Gardenia and I'm looking for either a dark type or a fire type to round out my team (or a houndour, or a fire type that learns bite, etc). Is there anything like that available relatively early?

Sorry, Houndour's only in Platinum. Diamond and Pearl only have the Chimchar and Ponyta lines for fire types. I know, it sucks.

Anyway, about to go through Victory Road in White 2

Was anyone else really underwhelmed by Ghetsis? I mean, the White Battle nearly resulted in a party wipe for me and I used all my max revives, but here my only KO was Arcanine, because I didn't know Hydreigon had Life Orb and Outrage didn't take off as much health as I would have liked. But it still knocked off over half and Lucario was able to Aura Sphere KO it next turn. I just...I kinda wish Ghetsis had higher-leveled pokemon this time around, while last time I was like, "Oh god oh god oh god." Though I liked the battle theme; it really showed how Ghetsis hasn't exactly been on friendly terms with sanity but now he's gone completely over the edge.

I liked Colress' battle theme though; I found it intense but also kinda sad at the same time, as though he doesn't want to fight you so much as he has to. I like to think that Colress wasn't willingly working with Team Plasma, but was forced into helping capture and use Kyurem by Ghetsis. Or maybe he joined earlier, not knowing what Plasma was really up to, but when he tried to quit Ghetsis wouldn't let him under threat of becoming Hydreigon chow. So now he's been trying to drop hints to your character throughout the journey, and he has to tell you he's been working with Plasma at the end because Ghetsis is watching him through the monitor. But when nobody's following you, and he hands you the machine to let you get into the Frigate, when you're about to leave Colress grabs you by the shoulder and just looks at you for a moment before running off.

And then you turn over the machine he gave you and on the back is scrawled, "Help me."

2012-10-21, 12:18 PM
The other day, I finally go Pearl version. Yeah, I'm a bit behind. Right now though I've just beaten Gardenia and I'm looking for either a dark type or a fire type to round out my team (or a houndour, or a fire type that learns bite, etc). Is there anything like that available relatively early?

You want a fire type?





The only fire types native to Sinnoh in Pearl were Infernape and Rapidash trees.

You can't grab Rapidash until just after Solaceon.

Mercenary Pen
2012-10-21, 12:27 PM
Sorry, Houndour's only in Platinum. Diamond and Pearl only have the Chimchar and Ponyta lines for fire types. I know, it sucks.

Anyway, about to go through Victory Road in White 2

Was anyone else really underwhelmed by Ghetsis? I mean, the White Battle nearly resulted in a party wipe for me and I used all my max revives, but here my only KO was Arcanine, because I didn't know Hydreigon had Life Orb and Outrage didn't take off as much health as I would have liked. But it still knocked off over half and Lucario was able to Aura Sphere KO it next turn. I just...I kinda wish Ghetsis had higher-leveled pokemon this time around, while last time I was like, "Oh god oh god oh god." Though I liked the battle theme; it really showed how Ghetsis hasn't exactly been on friendly terms with sanity but now he's gone completely over the edge.

I liked Colress' battle theme though; I found it intense but also kinda sad at the same time, as though he doesn't want to fight you so much as he has to. I like to think that Colress wasn't willingly working with Team Plasma, but was forced into helping capture and use Kyurem by Ghetsis. Or maybe he joined earlier, not knowing what Plasma was really up to, but when he tried to quit Ghetsis wouldn't let him under threat of becoming Hydreigon chow. So now he's been trying to drop hints to your character throughout the journey, and he has to tell you he's been working with Plasma at the end because Ghetsis is watching him through the monitor. But when nobody's following you, and he hands you the machine to let you get into the Frigate, when you're about to leave Colress grabs you by the shoulder and just looks at you for a moment before running off.

And then you turn over the machine he gave you and on the back is scrawled, "Help me."

Just defeated Ghetsis myself, and I managed it without any casualties- but then again I did have Terrakion as part of my team... and none of the rest of my team are slouches either...

Pre victory road team is as follows:

Lv56 Terrakion
Lv56 Arcanine (Flash Fire)
Lv56 Magneton (Sturdy) @ Eviolite
Lv56 Heracross (Guts) @ Toxic Orb
Lv56 Flygon @ Wide Lens
Lv57 Starmie (Illuminate)

I know the team has some room for improvement, but at this stage I'd rather wait until post elite four rather than lose momentum whilst rebuilding my team.

2012-10-21, 12:51 PM
Wait, seriously? Not even Flareon? Darn. How about dark types though, any of those within reach?

Mando Knight
2012-10-21, 12:57 PM
Was anyone else really underwhelmed by Ghetsis? I mean, the White Battle nearly resulted in a party wipe for me and I used all my max revives, but here my only KO was Arcanine, because I didn't know Hydreigon had Life Orb and Outrage didn't take off as much health as I would have liked. But it still knocked off over half and Lucario was able to Aura Sphere KO it next turn. I just...I kinda wish Ghetsis had higher-leveled pokemon this time around, while last time I was like, "Oh god oh god oh god." Though I liked the battle theme; it really showed how Ghetsis hasn't exactly been on friendly terms with sanity but now he's gone completely over the edge.
He managed to knock me down to just my Magnezone... though in review, I did have the tools to reduce his team's effectiveness a little more, and I would have come out with a couple more alive if it wasn't for his team's crazy luck and a few bad gambles on my part

I liked Colress' battle theme though; I found it intense but also kinda sad at the same time, as though he doesn't want to fight you so much as he has to. I like to think that Colress wasn't willingly working with Team Plasma, but was forced into helping capture and use Kyurem by Ghetsis. Or maybe he joined earlier, not knowing what Plasma was really up to, but when he tried to quit Ghetsis wouldn't let him under threat of becoming Hydreigon chow. So now he's been trying to drop hints to your character throughout the journey, and he has to tell you he's been working with Plasma at the end because Ghetsis is watching him through the monitor. But when nobody's following you, and he hands you the machine to let you get into the Frigate, when you're about to leave Colress grabs you by the shoulder and just looks at you for a moment before running off.

And then you turn over the machine he gave you and on the back is scrawled, "Help me."
When you get to the Frigate and see him there, however, the only way I could interpret it is that SCIENCE! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForScience) is his only morality.

2012-10-21, 01:01 PM
You can catch Ponyta on Route 206 (http://serebii.net/pokearth/sinnoh/route206.shtml) in Diamond and Pearl versions.

2012-10-21, 01:06 PM
When you get to the Frigate and see him there, however, the only way I could interpret it is that SCIENCE! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForScience) is his only morality.

I guess I'll find out for myself when I get there, but right now I really can't help but shake the sense that Ghetsis was holding something over Colress' head.

2012-10-21, 01:10 PM
Noooooooooooooooooooo! Lemonades are half the price and heal more! And Moomoo Milk is still cheaper and heals more! :smalltongue:
I know, but laziness. Money is seriously not an issue - I haven't sold a single item, and am sitting at 150k.

2012-10-21, 01:49 PM
Caught a Zebstrika right before facing Skyla's gym, soloed the entire thing, it's now my highest level Pokemon. I don't mind this.

2012-10-21, 02:12 PM
You can catch Ponyta on Route 206 (http://serebii.net/pokearth/sinnoh/route206.shtml) in Diamond and Pearl versions.

Thanks loads, that's really useful!

I did a stupid though. Went to route 206, snagged a ponyta, then dropped my ds and froze the game. Guess I should have saved sometime after I stormed the Team Galactic building...

2012-10-21, 02:24 PM
*glares at Omanyte* So I grabbed an Omanyte from Dream World in Black 2. Perfect, I thought. I needed a surfer and I like my pokemon somewhat bulky. It was only later that I discovered that Weak Armour is an absolutely terrible ability, at least on him.

I think I might just transfer him to Black, breed a new one, grind him up to the right level there, and transfer him back, just to save myself a lot of trouble now.

EDIT: ^ Ouch, this is why I save often. Like, way too much. It was soon after the fifth gym that I received the medal for saving the game 100 times. <.<

2012-10-21, 03:09 PM
Ok, I once more have my lovely level 14 female ponyta, just like I got first time around. And now I've saved. Thanks for all the help, folks!

Mando Knight
2012-10-21, 03:45 PM
Worst thing a Throh can use while you're trying to catch it: Circle Throw.

2012-10-21, 04:03 PM
Worst thing a Throh can use while you're trying to catch it: Circle Throw.

What's that one do again?

2012-10-21, 04:28 PM
What's that one do again?

Switches out the active 'mon. Or, in the wild, ends the battle. Yeah, that'd suck.

2012-10-21, 04:29 PM
Google tells me Circle Throw is basically whirlwind/roar.

Anyway, re: the Cincinno thing earlier, yeah it's pretty awesome. That same trick is why I went with Cloyster. Shell Smash + Skill Link + Icicle Spear = ridiculous killing machine. It's probably going to be what I use to sweep the E4 for my solo medal.

Mando Knight
2012-10-21, 04:58 PM
Switches out the active 'mon. Or, in the wild, ends the battle. Yeah, that'd suck.

Also, if you try to catch Throh in Route 23, they all have it because they don't get to level 53 there.

On the other hand, Victory Road has underleveled Zweilous, much more useful than trying to catch and train a decent Deino.

Also, Golurk in Victory Road will almost invariably use Curse after being reduced to 50% HP, just out of spite.

Furthermore, Doctor Logan's Clefable is a jerk when your frontline Pokémon doesn't have the moves to handle it and relies on residual damage, but fortunately it used Metronome to Selfdestruct from behind +6 Evasion.

2012-10-21, 06:57 PM
Furthermore, Doctor Logan's Clefable is a jerk when your frontline Pokémon doesn't have the moves to handle it and relies on residual damage, but fortunately it used Metronome to Selfdestruct from behind +6 Evasion.

That was probably the most annoying fight of the game (except for a Whimsicott in the PWT who spammed minimize). It would have gone a lot faster if I had remembered that Sacred Sword bypasses stat changes...

2012-10-21, 07:02 PM
That was probably the most annoying fight of the game (except for a Whimsicott in the PWT who spammed minimize). It would have gone a lot faster if I had remembered that Sacred Sword bypasses stat changes...

Really? I wouldn't have guessed the one Clefable was that annoying. I mean, I had to google it just to know who Doctor Logan was. I guess that's the advantage of running the game with Emboar though (Hammer Arm means I laugh at all Clefables, Blissies, and other tanky normal types)

2012-10-21, 07:26 PM
Really? I wouldn't have guessed the one Clefable was that annoying. I mean, I had to google it just to know who Doctor Logan was. I guess that's the advantage of running the game with Emboar though (Hammer Arm means I laugh at all Clefables, Blissies, and other tanky normal types)

At the time, I was trying to level up my Starmie, so I refused to switch out to my Terrakion which was already higher level than anything else. Consequently, by the time I got him down to low health, he had +4 evasion and he used a full restore.

2012-10-21, 07:48 PM
I just realized something.

Join Avenue can both reset and increase EVs by stat. And also grant levels.

2012-10-21, 07:55 PM
I just realized something.

Join Avenue can both reset and increase EVs by stat. And also grant levels.

Yes, yes it can. It is amazing. Right now I can get 8 instant levels daily, and can buy 32/64 evs in a couple of stats. (Also worth noting, unlike with the vitamins, EVs from Gyms can go above 100. Cuts down on training time drastically)

Another cool thing: I'm not sure if this was true of BW1 or not, but in BW2, if you find a Breeder in the daily trainers at the stadium, they will give you a rare candy when you beat them. Additionally, they will rebattle you every time you exit/enter the stadium. Basically an extremely fast and easy way to store up rare candies (which do have their uses even with the Join Avenue stuff, because when you level up via a Gym, pokemon don't seem to learn new moves or try to evolve. Rare candies do. So you level up to a level shy of what you want, then blow a rare candy).

By the way, between those two things, and hitting areas 9/10 of Black Tower, my Cloyster (which I just bred two days ago), just hit level 100. Currently taking on the Elite 4 + Champion on hard mode, with it solo 3/5 atm. Should be done shortly. (Tried it earlier at level 75. Was not happening at all. He was simply too squishy. Probably would have worked better if I had access to a focus sash)

2012-10-21, 08:00 PM
I wonder how the prices compare? That's for the various drinks you can get in large packs in Join Avenue, and also for Vitamins and Wings as opposed to Gym Training. I'd check, but I only just got to Join Avenue, so I can't find vitamin prices. Also, my DS is charging.

2012-10-21, 08:03 PM
I wonder how the prices compare? That's for the various drinks you can get in large packs in Join Avenue, and also for Vitamins and Wings as opposed to Gym Training. I'd check, but I only just got to Join Avenue, so I can't find vitamin prices. Also, my DS is charging.

Vitamins are about 9800 for 1. But if you have a high enough level shop, you can get 12 for 90,000 once a day (that's with whatever my current discount level is, so may be more or less).

The EV training from Gyms seems to cost ~5000 per 4 EVs (again with my current discount level so may be more or less). So it does cost more per EV, even compared to normal price vitamins, but is a nice speed boost for EV training after using the Vitamins. Like I cut about 10 fights off my training time for Cloyster/Kingler.

2012-10-21, 08:14 PM
And victory is mine. Challenge Mode E4+Champion sweeped by a lone Cloyster.

The hardest thing was the Champion's Laprass. Ice Lance couldn't kill it with a 4x resist, and Rock Blast has a 10% miss chance, while if it misses Lapras can follow up with a Thunder for a one shot kill. Managed to nail it on the second time.

2012-10-21, 08:48 PM
Pokemon Online is even more fun than I expected. Thus far, 2 losses and 3 wins on the RU team I threw together.

Out of curiosity (mostly directed at boj0), how does one convert replay files to video format?

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-21, 09:19 PM
So, from the sounds of it, this Join Avenue doohickey looks like it might actually be a really good thing, as it seems it doesn't say anything about it losing ratings over time or some such, unlike Black City/White Forest. And being able to cut the corners with the EV berries would save a lot of hassle.

What wasn't clear from Serebii was how often you could direct people to places to up the ratings and whatnot.

2012-10-21, 09:24 PM
What wasn't clear from Serebii was how often you could direct people to places to up the ratings and whatnot.

When a person shows up, you either direct them to a place or tell them to set up their own place. I just tell them to set up their own place unless someone else has already set up that kind of place, since there's only room for eight and there's eight kinds of store.

If you were asking whether they come back again if you recommend a store and then you can re-recommend? I don't know.

2012-10-21, 09:34 PM
When a person shows up, you either direct them to a place or tell them to set up their own place. I just tell them to set up their own place unless someone else has already set up that kind of place, since there's only room for eight and there's eight kinds of store.

If you were asking whether they come back again if you recommend a store and then you can re-recommend? I don't know.

Street Passes seem to be limited to twice per person. I say this based on having seen both my brothers and a couple of other friends turn up twice, but no more than that. But every time I trade with someone, or pass them, or whatever else, they show up.

Also, I'm beginning to doubt that the NPC "fans" are linked to movies. Someone who's done more of the movie stuff would have to confirm, but I've noticed a trend of what seems like 1 person per day per join avenue level.

2012-10-21, 10:11 PM
Pokemon Online is even more fun than I expected. Thus far, 2 losses and 3 wins on the RU team I threw together.

Out of curiosity (mostly directed at boj0), how does one convert replay files to video format?

aesoft.org however I'm not sure if the site is still down

2012-10-21, 10:18 PM
aesoft.org however I'm not sure if the site is still down

Huh. Looks like it is. Pity.

Also, I have to thank you for doing that 'first seven pokemon' thing. Crustle and Stunfisk are both doing incredibly well, and I probably would have passed them by if left to myself.

Mando Knight
2012-10-21, 11:07 PM
Also, I'm beginning to doubt that the NPC "fans" are linked to movies. Someone who's done more of the movie stuff would have to confirm, but I've noticed a trend of what seems like 1 person per day per join avenue level.

I dunno... I had 3 show up when I had a level 2 avenue, and then 3 continued to show up when I had a level 3 avenue.

2012-10-21, 11:39 PM
Okay, I have decided I'm going to do a crazy new plan that will probably backfire horribly. That being, to have an all steel team. (For just the main game playthrough. Not touching competitive type stuff until I finally get that done.)

So the team as soon as I finish a couple small things is:

Power Whip / Metal Claw / Leech Seed / Toxic

Charge Beam / Electro Ball / Mirror Shot / Thunder Wave

Surf / Flash Cannon / Scald / Brine

Bulldoze / X-Scissor / Rock Slide / Slash

Force Palm / Payback / Quick Attack / Bulldoze

Aerial Ace / Steel Wing / <something> / Fly

Obviously some moves will be quickly replaced as I get more options. At the moment that team is approaching level 40. I have the strangest feeling that I'm going to run into something that has fire moves, but can still deal with Empoleon, and I'll be in serious trouble. <.<

2012-10-22, 12:00 AM
When a person shows up, you either direct them to a place or tell them to set up their own place. I just tell them to set up their own place unless someone else has already set up that kind of place, since there's only room for eight and there's eight kinds of store.

I'm hoping there's a way to replace or remove a shop later...I have two antiques shops D:

2012-10-22, 12:23 AM
I'm hoping there's a way to replace or remove a shop later...I have two antiques shops D:

If you hit the cap of 8, you can replace a shop with another by inviting someone new. I think one of your assistants can also change what shop is what.

Though honestly? I wouldn't bother with getting one of every shop. The Raffle for example seems like a waste of space. Sure you -can- win a master ball, but a chance at a master ball vs guaranteed free levels, or easy happiness boosting? Not even a competition. Antique Shop seemed to be in the same boat. The main ones that seem really worthwhile are the Gym and Salon, but I also like the Shop, and I'm curious as to what a high level restraunt has to differentiate it from a salon.

Also, some of the shops don't show up til later. Like the Nursery doesn't show up until your Join Avenue is level 15 (according to Serebii, mine isn't that high yet). And even once it unlocks, I'm not sure I'd spend the slot on it. Once per day increased egg hatching speed just doesn't seem worth it given if I'm breeding I'm hatching eggs by the dozens. The Flame Body hatch speed increase is far more useful and doesn't take up a slot from my avenue.

2012-10-22, 12:43 AM
*glares at Omanyte* So I grabbed an Omanyte from Dream World in Black 2. Perfect, I thought. I needed a surfer and I like my pokemon somewhat bulky. It was only later that I discovered that Weak Armour is an absolutely terrible ability, at least on him.
If you'll check my spoilers throughout the thread, you'll see that I'm using Omanyte from the same bag, too. And, well, yeah, I'm still kinda torn on its abilities. In my opinion, Weak Armor can be used more than Shell Armor in game, and Swift Swim's not too useful to me because I'm not running Rain Dance. It's actually worked out a bit, because I had situations where I'd start a rollout, get hit, and then hit with the moderately useful rollout damage before I got hit again, then I'd keep the rollout going for the rest of the battle because in-game pokemon aren't too fast. Though, now I have Ancientpower, so Rollout's long gone. Currently his moveset is Surf/Ancientpower/Mud Shot/Bite.

Google tells me Circle Throw is basically whirlwind/roar.
It deals damage, though, so it's basically Dragon Tail.:smallwink:

What wasn't clear from Serebii was how often you could direct people to places to up the ratings and whatnot.
Oh, also, your deli's the most popular shop in my avenue now.

2012-10-22, 12:55 AM
If you'll check my spoilers throughout the thread, you'll see that I'm using Omanyte from the same bag, too. And, well, yeah, I'm still kinda torn on its abilities. In my opinion, Weak Armor can be used more than Shell Armor in game, and Swift Swim's not too useful to me because I'm not running Rain Dance. It's actually worked out a bit, because I had situations where I'd start a rollout, get hit, and then hit with the moderately useful rollout damage before I got hit again, then I'd keep the rollout going for the rest of the battle because in-game pokemon aren't too fast. Though, now I have Ancientpower, so Rollout's long gone. Currently his moveset is Surf/Ancientpower/Mud Shot/Bite.

Yeah, Weak Armour can be used more, but I've found that's a bad thing. Omanyte and Omastar both have very low speed, and taking hits which weakens your defense in order to make the speed even compare to plenty of other pokemon seems just bad all around. At least if you're not using EVs and Natures to try and take advantage of it somehow, and I'm sure there are better ways to use Omastar if you wanted to do that.

I think Kabutops benefits from the Weak Armour ability more. He has high defense as well, and will start out speeding people with a speed boost since he has not terrible speed to begin with.

Ryuho Tsugu
2012-10-22, 01:08 AM
I dunno... I had 3 show up when I had a level 2 avenue, and then 3 continued to show up when I had a level 3 avenue.

If I had to guess, I think it might be one fan per two Join Avenue ranks; mine is at 16 (17, now—one of today's fans was Clay) and I got 8 fans.

The main ones that seem really worthwhile are the Gym and Salon, but I also like the Shop, and I'm curious as to what a high level restraunt has to differentiate it from a salon.

Restaurants/Cafés also have level-boosting meals; between my rank 8 café and rank 8 gym, I can buy 11 levels per day, 5 from the café and 6 from the gym.

2012-10-22, 01:16 AM
Yeah, Weak Armour can be used more, but I've found that's a bad thing. Omanyte and Omastar both have very low speed, and taking hits which weakens your defense in order to make the speed even compare to plenty of other pokemon seems just bad all around. At least if you're not using EVs and Natures to try and take advantage of it somehow, and I'm sure there are better ways to use Omastar if you wanted to do that.
Oh, undoubtedly. Given the circumstances, though, I'm just trying to get at the white lining here. :smallwink:

2012-10-22, 05:28 AM
Also, some of the shops don't show up til later. Like the Nursery doesn't show up until your Join Avenue is level 15 (according to Serebii, mine isn't that high yet). And even once it unlocks, I'm not sure I'd spend the slot on it. Once per day increased egg hatching speed just doesn't seem worth it given if I'm breeding I'm hatching eggs by the dozens. The Flame Body hatch speed increase is far more useful and doesn't take up a slot from my avenue.

Speaking of breeding...I know I saw that you can't get to the original town from B/W until after the Elite Four...where's the breeding at then in this game, because the original one is within that area I can't reach til endgame now D:

2012-10-22, 05:48 AM
For the record, Feraligatr is pure evil. I'm still working on getting a team good enough that he doesn't absolutely pwn everything after a single boost. If anybody would be willing to help me, I'd be much obliged.

The Team

Impish 224 HP, 252 Def, 32 Sp. Def
Steal Rock
Stone Edge
The Crustle we all know and love. Sturdy guarantees at least SR, and I can generally get down a few layers of spikes, too. If he survives, he's useful as a sponge in the late game when I really can't afford to switch into an attack.

As an added plus, Stone Edge 2HKOs Aerodactyl leads (or 1HKOs if I get a crit), which has come in handy several times. Also, I think people forget that Dark is weak to Bug. I've gotten a few surprise KOs on Absols who seem to think that Crustle is safe to set up on.

Bold 252 HP, 192 Def, 64 Sp. Def
Earth Power
Everyone underestimates this guy. He can sponge an Earth Power from Nidoqueen and hit right back with Scald or an Earth Power of his own. He's also found use in the ability to take a Facade or Bravebird from Guts Swellow and KO with Discharge, and generally wreaking status among the masses.

Natural Cure
Calm 252 HP, 4 Def, 284 Sp. Def
Toxic Spikes
Giga Drain
Sludge Bomb
Roselia is just awesome. Rest+Natural Cure means that she can stay in quite a while and sponge any sort of status. However, she has one particular niche that she fills- even after taking Stealth Rock, she can survive a +2 Modest Ice Beam from Omastar and KO with Giga Drain (restoring most of her life in the process). She's responsible for getting me through quite a few Shell Smash Omastars who would otherwise tear right through my team. Sludge Bomb ensures that she isn't walled by other grass types, and packs a punch against Rotom-Grass.

Possible Changes: Toxic Spikes really doesn't see that much use. I might consider replacing it with Aromatherapy to provide recovery to stuff like burned scyther or toxic'd quagsire that would otherwise be screwed.

Jolly 248 HP, 8 Attack, 252 Spd
Swords Dance
Aerial Ace
Brick Break
My one and only sweeper, and he excels at his job. Switch in on a grass type (Tangrowth is ideal, since it has absolutely nothing that can touch Scyther), grab a Swords Dance boost, and tear through the enemy's team. I'm very glad that I decided to go for Eviolite. I cannot count the number of times somebody's swung at me with a super effective move, gotten me down to 10%, and promptly been KOed. With the Eviolite, Scyther is as bulky as Roselia, and can hit many times harder.

The only thing Scyther can't do is take out Fire types. They're often either speedy enough to score a hit before I can attack, or bulky enough to retaliate. Stealth Rock support is an absolute must, and I prefer to have all fire types cleared before even letting Scyther out.

Relaxed 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp. Def
I used to have a Slowking here, but he really didn't add much to the team, apart from occasionally surprising ferroseeds with Fire Blast. Stunfisk was better at status, which made his only redeeming factor his type- he's was the only one on my team who resisted fire.

I mentioned that I was having problems with Feraligatr sweepers. Quagsire is the answer. Drop him in, watch the stat bonuses fall, and start tanking unboosted neutral hits. He's got a serious weakness for special grass attackers, but if the opponent switches to one he's already served his purpose. I haven't had an opportunity to test him out yet, but I'm hoping it'll alleviate the problem.

Possible Changes: Dropping Earthquake for Stockpile would make this thing an absolute behemoth defensively, but it does open itself up for anything with a water immunity, and I want this to be as close to an all-purpose check as possible.

Emboar@Choice Scarf
Jolly 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
Flare Blitz
Wild Charge
I previously had a foresight+rapid spin Hitmonlee here. However, as I accumulated matches, I noticed that his primary function was as a revenge killer, and an occasional sweeper should the enemy's team have a weakness to fighting. I used rapid spin very rarely (scyther is the only team member who needs the support, and he's better off just switching into a grass type and roosting the damage off), and I used foresight never (the only ghost types I've encountered are Golurk and Rotom. The former can KO me before I get the chance to spin, and the latter can just be KOed with another pokemon anyways). That was all well and good, but I felt as if I were wasting two moveslots, and Slowking's removal left me with exactly 0 fire type coverage.

Behold, the solution. He outspeeds everything short of Accelgor, and hits hard. Ferroseed and Excavalier, two pokemon who would otherwise wall me, are promptly incinerated. He doesn't last long, but he doesn't have to. Once any steel types on the other side are down, he can pop back onto the bench, only to be called upon in emergencies.

So, any comments or suggestions? My original team won me the majority of the matches I played, which was a kind departure from what I was imagining (They say that n00bs are burned at the stake in RU land...). I'm hoping that this one will help get me past what's been giving me trouble (*cough* Feraligatr *cough*) without losing too much of my previous team's strength.

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-22, 06:43 AM
Oh, also, your deli's the most popular shop in my avenue now.

There's clearly no accounting for taste...!

Knowing me, I've probably spiked the food with some sort of highly-addictive ingredient...!

2012-10-22, 07:05 AM
Steel team stuff.

It's not that crazy; there's certainly worse types you could have picked. If you could fit one of the Steel-Psychics or Steel-Bugs, that'd help shore you up defensively as far as Fighting types go (not to mention a possible Ground immunity or neutrality); I'm only in Chargestone Cave, but the Fighting types in the region are really tough, and Fighting/Ground moves seem far more common than Fire moves (plus the former two have a Gym Leader/Elite Four member), which is good because without Heatran, you're not circumventing a Fire weakness.

2012-10-22, 08:02 AM
I was thinking about getting a Forretress in Black and trading it over. I could potentially track down a Scyther in SS and transfer it up and get myself a Scizor. Or maybe catch a Metang at the Giant Chasm if I can access that in not too too long.

Decisions decisions.

2012-10-22, 08:10 AM
Speaking of breeding...I know I saw that you can't get to the original town from B/W until after the Elite Four...where's the breeding at then in this game, because the original one is within that area I can't reach til endgame now D:

That's the only one. No breeding til post E-4. Same thing for Fishing (which was FAR more annoying to me)

Edit: Today I only had 6 fans in JA, despite having 8 yesterday. I'm starting to wonder if this is just completely random.

Edit2: Just looked up the Restraunt on serebii. Wow they have some great stuff after you level them up. The levels from meals are actually more cost efficient than levels from a gym (12,000 per level vs 15,000 per level), and the EVs cost the same per EV (1500 per EV in each case), though you can get more per day from the gym.

As an aside, Serebii only shows progression of shop Inventory to level 10, which is where you get Training lvl 4 (for 4 levels) in a Dojo. But supposedly there's a Training Level 20 where you gain 7 levels. Wonder how you're supposed to get that.

2012-10-22, 08:43 AM
That's the only one. No breeding til post E-4. Same thing for Fishing (which was FAR more annoying to me)

WAT??? But I need a better water type, Azumarill's attack is @#$%

2012-10-22, 08:58 AM
WAT??? But I need a better water type, Azumarill's attack is @#$%

That was me up until around the 6th gym. It really is extremely annoying. Even after getting Surf there was no water types I really liked until Undella Town (though I wound up settling on using Jellicent just out of convenience)

Mando Knight
2012-10-22, 10:25 AM
WAT??? But I need a better water type, Azumarill's attack is @#$%

Catch another Azumarill. Huge Power ones are the only ones worth keeping.

2012-10-22, 11:15 AM
*pokes at B2 water types* They aren't fantastic, are they. I noticed I had the same problem. Since I have access to a second DS and Black, I've accessed the daycare through that (but boy is it a pain).

Course, I took that to another level by starting a new game in Pearl to get Piplup, transferred it to Black, did my grinding there, then traded it to Black 2. I won't take over leveled people from other games to make the game easier, but I will take shortcuts when it saves me hours of grinding. :smalltongue:

2012-10-22, 11:29 AM
*pokes at B2 water types* They aren't fantastic, are they. I noticed I had the same problem. Since I have access to a second DS and Black, I've accessed the daycare through that (but boy is it a pain).

I do too, but at the request of my friend, I'm not breeding myself a Totodile, Oshawatt, Ser...whatever that grass starter is, Axew, or anything else. He's challenged me to play it as a new game, not as a "I can get myself my dream team right away". D:

Mando Knight
2012-10-22, 12:35 PM
*pokes at B2 water types* They aren't fantastic, are they. I noticed I had the same problem. Since I have access to a second DS and Black, I've accessed the daycare through that (but boy is it a pain).

Nope. Samurott, Jellicent, and Vaporeon are basically the best ones you can get before the E4, and only one of those is easy to catch.

2012-10-22, 12:43 PM
Nope. Samurott, Jellicent, and Vaporeon are basically the best ones you can get before the E4, and only one of those is easy to catch.

Eh if you're looking at immediately pre-E4 you have a few other options. You can pick up a Starmie, which while not in the OU tier, is definitely sufficient for wiping out NPC pokemon. (For that use, it's definitely better than Jellicent and Vaporeon, they're more useful competitively because of their durability, but if you just want to kill the E4, the best way usually is just find something blasty that can kill them quickly.)

2012-10-22, 01:09 PM
Eh if you're looking at immediately pre-E4 you have a few other options. You can pick up a Starmie, which while not in the OU tier, is definitely sufficient for wiping out NPC pokemon. (For that use, it's definitely better than Jellicent and Vaporeon, they're more useful competitively because of their durability, but if you just want to kill the E4, the best way usually is just find something blasty that can kill them quickly.)

Eh, Starmie isn't OU anymore? *news to me*

Moreover, Dream Radar has Staryu fairly early on, even if it comes with crappy Analytic.

2012-10-22, 01:25 PM
Eh, Starmie isn't OU anymore? *news to me*

Moreover, Dream Radar has Staryu fairly early on, even if it comes with crappy Analytic.

Maybe it is, but I was under the impression it was too squishy and not beefy enough to crack into the OU tier. There's simply better options out there for nearly anything Starmie can do. If someone who knows more about it says otherwise, I won't argue it.

Mando Knight
2012-10-22, 01:37 PM
...Oh, yeah. Starmie. Which if you aren't using Dream World, comes in a little too late to maximize its usefulness.

2012-10-22, 02:15 PM
Maybe it is, but I was under the impression it was too squishy and not beefy enough to crack into the OU tier. There's simply better options out there for nearly anything Starmie can do. If someone who knows more about it says otherwise, I won't argue it.

Smogon still has it as OU, and despite the shakeups that B2/W2 add in, I don't think they change things for Starmie too much. It's still a ridiculously fast Rapid Spinner with decent Sp.A and excellent coverage.


2012-10-22, 03:30 PM
Starmie is the fastest Water type barring Splash Plate Arceus. Also, of the 23 Pokemon that outspeed it, only 11 have a higher Special Attack; and of those 11, a whopping 7 of them are Ubers. Alakazam, Jolteon, and Tornadus-T are the only OU Pokemon that are faster and stronger. However, one could argue that Starmie has the best movepool to abuse.

Lol Sceptile is RU

EDIT: Oh yeah, Floatzel ties Starmie for fastest Water type

2012-10-22, 04:41 PM
If you'll check my spoilers throughout the thread, you'll see that I'm using Omanyte from the same bag, too. And, well, yeah, I'm still kinda torn on its abilities. In my opinion, Weak Armor can be used more than Shell Armor in game, and Swift Swim's not too useful to me because I'm not running Rain Dance. It's actually worked out a bit, because I had situations where I'd start a rollout, get hit, and then hit with the moderately useful rollout damage before I got hit again, then I'd keep the rollout going for the rest of the battle because in-game pokemon aren't too fast. Though, now I have Ancientpower, so Rollout's long gone. Currently his moveset is Surf/Ancientpower/Mud Shot/Bite.

A word to drop about Weak Armor Omastar:

It can make for a suprisingly potent sweeper combined with Shell Break/Smash and Focus Sash, since a +3 speed, +2 SpA Omastar is pretty deadly, though not as much as his Swift Version. Can be used as a fairly dependable offensive lead, though not if you face a Taunter

Mando Knight
2012-10-22, 04:43 PM
Lol Sceptile is RU

Sceptile has only a modest movepool and a type that is fairly poor both defensively and offensively. It's a fast SubSeed user, but Whimsicott can put those up with priority. It has a few tools that make it usable, but overall it fits best in RU.

2012-10-22, 06:25 PM
Alright, got the third badge, so some updates:

Team Update:
Dewott - Level 18
Lucario - Level 18
Genesect - Level 18
Magby - Level 22
Magnemite - Level 20
Sunkern - Level 18

Story/Game Update (3rd Badge):
Hmm, got taken into the sewers with the rival, to find Team Plasma... ran into creepy Scientist dude. If he's supposed to be the new Big Bad, color me unimpressed.

Variety of Pokemon in the sewer was lackluster, though I found some grass INSIDE THE CITY... and... A DAMN EEVEE. IN THE WILD! Aren't they supposed to be like... 1 per game? As in, you have to breed it to get more? What the hell!?

3rd Gym was a breeze with Magby. I didn't even have to leave once, he just swept through from level 16 to 22 by the end of it.

Looks like Mr. Scientist is on Route 4 (North), so I'll go check out a battle with him next time I play, and see where it goes from there.

2012-10-22, 06:57 PM
Sceptile has only a modest movepool and a type that is fairly poor both defensively and offensively. It's a fast SubSeed user, but Whimsicott can put those up with priority. It has a few tools that make it usable, but overall it fits best in RU.

Which is why I lol'd, Sceptile can effectively take out Starmie in one shot; but since it's in RU you'll almost never run into one.

I do agree though, SD Flying Gem Acrobatics Sceptile with Unburden destroys things in RU, Leaf Blade for STAB and Earthquake for coverage...tasty.

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-22, 07:18 PM
How far into BW2 do you have to be before you can share the data (for the flashbacks and whatnot) with BW, out of curiosity?

2012-10-22, 07:22 PM
How far into BW2 do you have to be before you can share the data (for the flashbacks and whatnot) with BW, out of curiosity?

Into BW2? As soon as you've saved once.

Into BW1? Best to finish it first so you don't have to keep updating.

2012-10-22, 10:56 PM
Eh if you're looking at immediately pre-E4 you have a few other options. You can pick up a Starmie, which while not in the OU tier, is definitely sufficient for wiping out NPC pokemon. (For that use, it's definitely better than Jellicent and Vaporeon, they're more useful competitively because of their durability, but if you just want to kill the E4, the best way usually is just find something blasty that can kill them quickly.)

I actually really like to use durable pokemon, so I could have considered the latter two. I just hadn't encountered Frillish yet and never bothered to get an Eevee. Oh well, I got my steel team now. *nodnod*

I do too, but at the request of my friend, I'm not breeding myself a Totodile, Oshawatt, Ser...whatever that grass starter is, Axew, or anything else. He's challenged me to play it as a new game, not as a "I can get myself my dream team right away". D:

D= I figured since I already did that in Black, I'd play with my pokemon options this time.

A word to drop about Weak Armor Omastar:

It can make for a suprisingly potent sweeper combined with Shell Break/Smash and Focus Sash, since a +3 speed, +2 SpA Omastar is pretty deadly, though not as much as his Swift Version. Can be used as a fairly dependable offensive lead, though not if you face a Taunter

That's fair. I did actually take a look at that, but at level 73 (if I recall) it's too late game seeing as I was mostly thinking in terms of the main campaign.

Mando Knight
2012-10-22, 11:18 PM
Which is why I lol'd, Sceptile can effectively take out Starmie in one shot; but since it's in RU you'll almost never run into one.

I do agree though, SD Flying Gem Acrobatics Sceptile with Unburden destroys things in RU, Leaf Blade for STAB and Earthquake for coverage...tasty.

The reason why Sceptile is in RU despite being able to likely OHKO Starmie is because there's only a handful of situations where it can do that. It has trouble setting up in OU due to its low defenses and the number of Pokémon that are simply better than it in some way. Most sweepers and revenge killers at that stage can either resist one hit from Sceptile or simply go first with Choice Scarf or a good priority move, and then they don't have to go far to smash through its modest defenses.

It does better than poor old Charizard, though.

2012-10-23, 12:41 AM
Starmie is the fastest Water type barring Splash Plate Arceus.
You forgot Kingdra.
Whaddaya mean he only has 85 base speed? Who the heck would use him outside of rain? :smalltongue:

2012-10-23, 12:45 AM
You forgot Kingdra.
Whaddaya mean he only has 85 base speed? Who the heck would use him outside of rain? :smalltongue:

OU players :smalltongue:

Aotrs Commander
2012-10-23, 03:25 AM
Into BW2? As soon as you've saved once.

Into BW1? Best to finish it first so you don't have to keep updating.

Finished the latter (in Black, anyway), so that's a not-issue. (Heck, Black is already sitting with half my B2 team waiting for trade...!)

And about five minutes, then. That's good... I was hoping to be able to crib my niece's DS for a short while (if, of course, I do get it tomorrow), and it's nice to know I can get that, at least, set up right away. (I'll probably only get as far as the first point you can start trading anyway, before I have to stop while I wait to snag said half team from Black, as I imagine getting to that point (and getting some chaff Pokemon) will probably take an hour or so. But at least I cann safely make a start!)) I presume the manual will tell you how to link 'em up?

2012-10-23, 02:48 PM
Finished the latter (in Black, anyway), so that's a not-issue. (Heck, Black is already sitting with half my B2 team waiting for trade...!)

And about five minutes, then. That's good... I was hoping to be able to crib my niece's DS for a short while (if, of course, I do get it tomorrow), and it's nice to know I can get that, at least, set up right away. (I'll probably only get as far as the first point you can start trading anyway, before I have to stop while I wait to snag said half team from Black, as I imagine getting to that point (and getting some chaff Pokemon) will probably take an hour or so. But at least I cann safely make a start!)) I presume the manual will tell you how to link 'em up?

Curious... you want to take your team from Black, and basically plow through Black 2 unopposed? Seems... very unfun to me. Not saying it can't be fun for other people... but I don't see the appeal.

2012-10-23, 03:06 PM
I presume the manual will tell you how to link 'em up?
There's a thing labeled Unova Link in the New Game/Continue/etc. menu. That's it.

Curious... you want to take your team from Black, and basically plow through Black 2 unopposed? Seems... very unfun to me. Not saying it can't be fun for other people... but I don't see the appeal.

I think he's saying he bred the pokes he wants to go through the game with, so he can start off with the team he wants just lowleveled.

2012-10-23, 06:02 PM
I think he's saying he bred the pokes he wants to go through the game with, so he can start off with the team he wants just lowleveled.

Totally doing this with a spanky new White 2 cart. I'd do it with my Black 2 cart, but... well... that stupid Genesect event is going to screw with me.

So yeah. Now the question is, with access to any pokemon in the Pokedex, what will my team consist of? I've done the Eeveelution Assassination Squad, so that's out... My Black 2 team is Lucario/Flygon/Leavanny/Arcanine/Samurott/?... hmmm...

Maybe a mono-type run?

2012-10-23, 06:16 PM
Half the fun of a mono type run for me is the "shove your starter in a box and only use pokemon of the type selected" so yeah.

I challenge you to do an Electric mono-type run!

2012-10-23, 06:24 PM
Do a Rotom Run! One of each form :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

2012-10-23, 09:29 PM
Has anyone tried to get past the elite 4 in Emerald without catching any pokemon?

Technically doable.

You might even be able to beat the battle frontier (meaning, all symbols), but I'm not sure.

2012-10-23, 09:52 PM
Has anyone tried to get past the elite 4 in Emerald without catching any pokemon?

Technically doable.

You might even be able to beat the battle frontier (meaning, all symbols), but I'm not sure.

You'd be able to get through the entire game as long as you didn't mind taking Mudkip and your starter and not using any non-HM moves ever.

I would love to try this, honestly :smalltongue: