View Full Version : Green Lantern: The Animated Series

2012-07-15, 02:57 PM

I just finished watching the last episode of season 1, and I'm pretty impressed. I was kind of skeptical at first, although I always liked the Green Lantern's concept, previous adaptations have always left much to be desired in my opinion. This... This was pretty darn awesome.

Anyone else here watch it?

2012-07-15, 06:13 PM
Well it has my all time favorite Geoff Johns creation Saint Walker. So it has that going for it.

All will be well. :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-15, 06:14 PM
I've seen bits. I'm not really a fan. There's nothing really wrong with it I can say...I just can't get past the art. To me, if you're going to go computer animation, do something with a lot more detail and texture. Though that's just me.

2012-07-15, 06:20 PM
I've seen bits. I'm not really a fan. There's nothing really wrong with it I can say...I just can't get past the art. To me, if you're going to go computer animation, do something with a lot more detail and texture. Though that's just me.

By computer animation, do you specifically mean 3D computer animation?

I had a similar issue to begin with. I don't mind cartoon-ish/simplistic 3D animation, but the more familiar organic designs (such as humans, rocks, Earth etc) didn't look very appealing. I kind of got over it once I realised that the majority of the show takes place on alien worlds and in spaceships.

2012-07-15, 06:35 PM
By computer animation, do you specifically mean 3D computer animation?

I had a similar issue to begin with. I don't mind cartoon-ish/simplistic 3D animation, but the more familiar organic designs (such as humans, rocks, Earth etc) didn't look very appealing. I kind of got over it once I realised that the majority of the show takes place on alien worlds and in spaceships.

Art style took getting used to for me. But it ended up growing on me.

2012-07-15, 08:08 PM
I as well. I actually enjoy the 3d-cartoony look. At times, it feels like lower-budget Pixar.

Anyway, with season two coming, check out who's coming to town...


2012-07-15, 11:13 PM
Art style took getting used to for me. But it ended up growing on me.
I'm in a similar boat there. I still wouldn't say that I'm a fan of the art style, but it doesn't detract from the show for me.

I saw most of the first story arc - missed one episode in the middle, which I have unfortunately been unable to locate online. (Cartoon Network's site won't let me watch it there as they only offer that to people with certain cable companies, and mine is not among them.) I've largely enjoyed it, particularly the interplay between Hal and Kilowog. A few criticisms:

- The Red Lanterns really seem more like the Sinestro Corps than the actual Red Lanterns here. Yes, I know they couldn't use the actual Red Lanterns because they can't have that kind of ultra-violence in a kids' show, but it's jarring to me as a fan of the comics. Especially since it extends to Atrocitus' character. And appearance. Really, I just wonder why they didn't use the Sinestro Corps instead.
- The Star Sapphire episode in general. That one just didn't make sense in a lot of ways, and was outright face-palm-inducing at times.
- The finale of the first story arc was very sudden. I don't understand why it came at only thirteen episodes into the series.
- Where did Saint Walker's blue ring come from? Him being able to help was an important part of the finale, but it's kind of undermined by the blue ring coming off as a deus-ex-machina since it just shows up to him out of the blue with no explanation for its origin. Yes, I'm guessing Ganthet probably made it just like in the comics, but I only know that because I read the comics.
- Speaking of, Ganthet's exile didn't get followed up on at all in that first story arc. I guess they'll probably touch on it in the second, but considering the whole blue ring thing, it seems like it should have been followed up on in the first.

Beyond that, I've been fairly satisfied. It's not great, but it's enjoyable enough.

Anyway, with season two coming, check out who's coming to town...

Yeeeesss! :smallbiggrin:


2012-07-16, 05:01 AM
I'm in a similar boat there. I still wouldn't say that I'm a fan of the art style, but it doesn't detract from the show for me.

I saw most of the first story arc - missed one episode in the middle, which I have unfortunately been unable to locate online. (Cartoon Network's site won't let me watch it there as they only offer that to people with certain cable companies, and mine is not among them.) I've largely enjoyed it, particularly the interplay between Hal and Kilowog. A few criticisms:

TV Links can help you there. I've watched them all online, as it doesn't air in the UK (you know, like EVERYTHING ELSE. :smallannoyed:)

- Where did Saint Walker's blue ring come from? Him being able to help was an important part of the finale, but it's kind of undermined by the blue ring coming off as a deus-ex-machina since it just shows up to him out of the blue with no explanation for its origin. Yes, I'm guessing Ganthet probably made it just like in the comics, but I only know that because I read the comics.

I kind of felt that at first as well. In fact, there was a lot of weird things about that episode. (seriously, the planet just got up and MOVED?? And how did Aya cry? Is that even possible? ;_;)
I'm pretty sure that they'll explain the whole "emotion spectrum" thing at some point. I guess they just couldn't really fit that in to the first season.

Also, season 2 spoilers (http://giancarlovolpe.tumblr.com/?channelId=d57bac34ce3a47b4a7bcdf176c80196b&channelListId&mediaId=216bd44668ec47b1b6d1d10ba2f81901).

2012-07-16, 05:14 AM
You may have missed an episode but Ganthet on the show actually spoke with the other guardians about building the Blue lantern and ring. It was part of the reason for the exile. And He sends the Lantern out with Sayd's help.

And Mogo's always been able to move.

2012-07-16, 02:45 PM
I as well. I actually enjoy the 3d-cartoony look. At times, it feels like lower-budget Pixar.

Anyway, with season two coming, check out who's coming to town...


And then the show's existence was justified.:smallbiggrin:

2012-07-16, 09:18 PM
I kind of felt that at first as well. In fact, there was a lot of weird things about that episode. (seriously, the planet just got up and MOVED?? And how did Aya cry? Is that even possible? ;_;)
As Devonix said, Mogo has always been able to move. I don't know if that's normal for him or if it's just because of his Green Lantern ring, but the latter alone would be enough to explain it even if the former isn't the case, since GL rings enabling their bearers to fly through space, even at FTL speeds, is one of their normal powers.

You may have missed an episode but Ganthet on the show actually spoke with the other guardians about building the Blue lantern and ring. It was part of the reason for the exile. And He sends the Lantern out with Sayd's help.
Must have been in the episode I missed, then. It was entitled "Fear Itself," I believe, if that helps.


2012-07-16, 09:32 PM
As Devonix said, Mogo has always been able to move. I don't know if that's normal for him or if it's just because of his Green Lantern ring, but the latter alone would be enough to explain it even if the former isn't the case, since GL rings enabling their bearers to fly through space, even at FTL speeds, is one of their normal powers.

Must have been in the episode I missed, then. It was entitled "Fear Itself," I believe, if that helps.


The episode was "Regime Change", which you might have saw if you saw Ganthet's exile...

Namely in the meeting with the guardians they spoke of Ganthet's experimenetion with "hope" and the blue energy and even mentioned he left a secret weapon on the interceptor. He activated it after sayd pulled him back from exile; hal's green lantern turned blue and gave off the blue energy that saved the crew from the reds... the blue lantern then left the ship and floated off into space

Next episode Hal mentions that his lantern is missing and the next time we see the blue lantern was when Saint walker became the blue lantern.

And speaking of saint walker, i am reminded me on one nit pick I had with Mogo... namely i think i would have very much prefered if Mogo never spoke and instead just used actions to "speak"; i just htink it would have given the living planet more weight and mystery

2012-07-16, 09:46 PM
Love this show. Razer and Aya probably rank higher on my list than some longtime comic characters(though they still barely make my top 10 non human lanterns, if at all).

The only thing I really don't like is how little showtime the other green lanterns have gotten. I mean Salaak got like ...ten seconds and nobody but Kilowog or Hal have gotten much time. I'd love to see Arisa or Tomar-Re sometime in the coming episodes.

2012-07-16, 10:13 PM
The episode was "Regime Change", which you might have saw if you saw Ganthet's exile...

Namely in the meeting with the guardians they spoke of Ganthet's experimenetion with "hope" and the blue energy and even mentioned he left a secret weapon on the interceptor. He activated it after sayd pulled him back from exile; hal's green lantern turned blue and gave off the blue energy that saved the crew from the reds... the blue lantern then left the ship and floated off into space

Next episode Hal mentions that his lantern is missing and the next time we see the blue lantern was when Saint walker became the blue lantern.

Huh. I remember the mention of Ganthet experimenting with "hope," but I don't remember anything more concrete than that. Oddly, I seem to have somehow missed the parts with the actual blue lantern. I wonder how that happened? :smallconfused:


2012-07-16, 11:58 PM
By computer animation, do you specifically mean 3D computer animation?

I had a similar issue to begin with. I don't mind cartoon-ish/simplistic 3D animation, but the more familiar organic designs (such as humans, rocks, Earth etc) didn't look very appealing. I kind of got over it once I realised that the majority of the show takes place on alien worlds and in spaceships.

I don't know. Maybe at some point I'll give it a try. I just hate how there are almost no traditional hand drawn films any more and now it seems 3D animation is invading TV shows as well. I wouldn't be so much against it if there was a little more detail and texture in the shows (thought making a show with this is probably very difficult and adding more detail would be hard). One of the reason I never gave that Clone Wars cartoon a shot.

2012-07-17, 12:32 AM
I don't know. Maybe at some point I'll give it a try. I just hate how there are almost no traditional hand drawn films any more and now it seems 3D animation is invading TV shows as well. I wouldn't be so much against it if there was a little more detail and texture in the shows (thought making a show with this is probably very difficult and adding more detail would be hard). One of the reason I never gave that Clone Wars cartoon a shot.

“You could make a cartoon in crayons about a red square that falls in unrequited love with a blue circle, and there wouldn’t be a dry eye in the house if you know how to tell a story.” -- Don Hertzfeldt

2012-07-17, 03:50 AM
You may have missed an episode but Ganthet on the show actually spoke with the other guardians about building the Blue lantern and ring. It was part of the reason for the exile. And He sends the Lantern out with Sayd's help.

And Mogo's always been able to move.

I've seen all the episodes... but I don't actually remember this. :smallconfused: Huh.

As Devonix said, Mogo has always been able to move. I don't know if that's normal for him or if it's just because of his Green Lantern ring, but the latter alone would be enough to explain it even if the former isn't the case, since GL rings enabling their bearers to fly through space, even at FTL speeds, is one of their normal powers.

I was actually thinking about the entire echo system on the planet being completely destroyed if it just got up and moved, but I'll allow super-hero physics to brush that off. :smalltongue:

I don't know. Maybe at some point I'll give it a try. I just hate how there are almost no traditional hand drawn films any more and now it seems 3D animation is invading TV shows as well. I wouldn't be so much against it if there was a little more detail and texture in the shows (thought making a show with this is probably very difficult and adding more detail would be hard). One of the reason I never gave that Clone Wars cartoon a shot.

Speaking as 2D animation student, I feel your pain. However, most CG 2D animation (which is pretty much everything now) isn't entirely different to the older traditional stuff. You're still drawing in the frames, only now you're doing it with a graphics tablet and computer screen instead of a pencil and lightbox. Unless you're doing something like symbol animation (which is a great technique if you use it well), the process is pretty much the same, only a little less time consuming as you don't have to keep a dope sheet or put all the cells through an animation camera after you've drawn them. As for 3D animation, I don't have an issue with it as such. It has pretty much taken over the animated film industry (even Disney have completely stopped making 2D animated films now), which is very sad to see, but there's still a lot of cartoons on TV floating about. In fact, they seem to be really coming back after that weird pseudo-sitcom era we had with Hannah Montana, Zack & Cody and all the likes.
My only issue with 3D is when they use it in a 2D film as a shortcut if something is too hard to animate in 2D. That's not to say I don't like a combination of 2D and 3D in something, as long as it's done for artistic reasons, rather then convenience. The Tron: Uprising TV series, for example, does it fantastically.

But, as I said, I do understand where you're coming from. I think I'm one of the only people that isn't completely in love with everything Pixar produce.

When it comes down to it though, it's about the story, not the technology.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-07-17, 04:16 AM
I've only seen part of the pilot episode sonI can't contribute much to the discussion; but I remember reading somewhete that they used the Red Lantern corps instead if the Sinestro corps due the movie or something like that.

Sp should I look for the series? Are they good enough to make the effort to google where to stream them?

2012-07-18, 12:58 AM
So, I just saw the footage from SDCC.

Guy Gardner is channeling Booster Gold pretty hard, and is AWESOME, Ch'p is amazing, and we get to see Tomar-Re do things and be cool.

I am satisfied.

2012-07-18, 02:16 AM
I was actually thinking about the entire echo system on the planet being completely destroyed if it just got up and moved, but I'll allow super-hero physics to brush that off. :smalltongue:
Mogo seems to have some practically magical control over his ecosystem even before you bring his abilities as a Lantern into it, so that may not be all that normal to begin with.


2012-07-18, 06:39 AM
I'm not going to lie I'm going to search for this series just to see the other corps animated "Darkest Night" was the only GL saga which caught my attention, I hope they can fit as many as possible in the series.

2012-07-21, 05:43 AM
I want them to manage to fit as much of the GL mythos as they can. I want this to be just like the previous DC animated series for Superman and Batman where it goes for a long time and has lots of good episodes. I am so hopeful for this series I might just become a Blue Lantern :smallwink:

But the number one thing I want is for them to find some way, in like big fight scenes or something, to characterize specific Lanterns. I mean, my favorites are the buzzfly that uses giant constructs, the sentient smallpox, the sentient math equation and the collective hive.
And speaking of saint walker, i am reminded me on one nit pick I had with Mogo... namely i think i would have very much prefered if Mogo never spoke and instead just used actions to "speak"; i just htink it would have given the living planet more weight and mystery

I am now imagining Mogo using "hand gestures" as he speaks. He is a very emotive person, like a stereotypical Italian-American Guido/Mobster.

Think about it as if Mogo is using actions but the ring is translating.

2012-07-24, 06:44 AM
I'll just leave this here.


Mogo seems to have some practically magical control over his ecosystem even before you bring his abilities as a Lantern into it, so that may not be all that normal to begin with.



2012-07-24, 03:06 PM
What's the context of that?

2012-07-24, 06:58 PM
I want them to manage to fit as much of the GL mythos as they can. I want this to be just like the previous DC animated series for Superman and Batman where it goes for a long time and has lots of good episodes. I am so hopeful for this series I might just become a Blue Lantern :smallwink:

But the number one thing I want is for them to find some way, in like big fight scenes or something, to characterize specific Lanterns. I mean, my favorites are the buzzfly that uses giant constructs, the sentient smallpox, the sentient math equation and the collective hive.

I am now imagining Mogo using "hand gestures" as he speaks. He is a very emotive person, like a stereotypical Italian-American Guido/Mobster.

Think about it as if Mogo is using actions but the ring is translating.

I MISS BZZT :smallfrown:

2012-07-24, 08:53 PM
“You could make a cartoon in crayons about a red square that falls in unrequited love with a blue circle, and there wouldn’t be a dry eye in the house if you know how to tell a story.” -- Don Hertzfeldt

I failed to find it in a youtube\google search, but I'd *swear* I've seen that cartoon...

2012-07-25, 05:27 AM
I failed to find it in a youtube\google search, but I'd *swear* I've seen that cartoon...
I know of a very similar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmSbdvzbOzY) cartoon.
A novella, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatland) which has been adapted in other media, also sounds quite close to what you had in mind.

2012-07-25, 05:40 AM
What's the context of that?

The scene where the Star Sapphires send him back to Aya using his love for her.
When she asks how he got back, he's just says "It does not matter".

2012-07-25, 06:20 AM
Watched the first part of the first episode.
CGI is pretty crude, but it mostly works.
The Red Lanterns well intentioned extremism feels a little confused. Sometimes, they prance around like card carrying villains, and other times, they feel like they actually have a point and they truly feel their cause is just.
I was willing to be a little teary eyed by the sacrifice made.
We did get to know him a little and that added to it significantly.

2012-07-25, 07:19 AM
I know of a very similar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmSbdvzbOzY) cartoon.
A novella, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatland) which has been adapted in other media, also sounds quite close to what you had in mind.

Thanks, I knew I'd seen something extremely similar.

2012-07-26, 06:39 PM
The Red Lanterns well intentioned extremism feels a little confused. Sometimes, they prance around like card carrying villains, and other times, they feel like they actually have a point and they truly feel their cause is just.
Likely because they're a weird adaptation. In the comics, the Red Lanterns are awful villains, with most of them being basically mindless killing machines, and only Atrocitus possessing his mental faculties (this has changed recently, but that was their concept when the cartoon was being developed). Atrocitus' backstory is genuinely tragic and his grievance with the Guardians just, but his actions nonetheless too extreme and violent. He's out for bloody revenge, and cares about nothing else. Hence why he was the one to harness the power of rage and create the Red Lanterns.

In the cartoon they've been made into a weird hybrid of the Red Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps, with all the Red Lanterns having their minds intact, most or all of them having a motivation similar to Atrocitus', and their ultra-violent ways being toned down considerably. That last is of course because it's a cartoon aimed at kids, but it's still a considerable change to the character concept. Combine increased emphasis on their legitimate grievance(s) with decreased atrocities, yet still a desire to keep them as villains who can be pretty merciless and violent to the degree that the show is allowed to have them, and you can see how it could get confused.


2012-07-26, 08:07 PM
It occurs to me that this wouldn't be a problem if they'd just used literally any other evil army in the GL story.

My real main problem with GL:TAS is that it doesn't really do ANYTHING Pre Geoff Johns aside from a small number of "main" lanterns. I mean, the Weaponers of Qward have been a consistent and threatening villain group since the early silver age and they get no mention, as well as the Star Sapphire origin and appearance getting completely redone to reflect the way John's changed it, as opposed to the way it was portrayed for about 30+ years before that.

It just doesn't feel like a Green Lantern series so much as "The Geoff Johns space opera, starring Johns's OC's and also Hal and Kilowog I guess kinda sorta". I mean this isn't new, considering how many characters he's made in the comics and how they've completely overshadowed basically everything that came before, but it leaves me kind of bitter that even considering that all the pre-2005 GL stuff has basically been gutted from the most prominent Green Lantern media that's really ever been made.

2012-07-27, 12:50 AM
Watching a bit further, Kilowog's objection to the AI as a Green Lantern seems a bit unusual as The Green Lantern Corps is probably the most diverse superhero team I know of, including such blatantly non-humanoid members as a living planet.

2012-07-27, 11:18 PM
And the atypically inorganic such as a friggin' math equation. I won't let anyone forget that, I could repeat a thousand times.

(plus they have had robotic Lantern members before)

2012-07-27, 11:44 PM
(plus they have had robotic Lantern members before)
Heck, in the comics one of them, Stel, even takes over Kilowag's job training new recruits of the Corps when Kilowag retires from that to return to regular active Lantern duty. At Kilowag's recommendation. So yeah, that was weird.


2012-07-28, 12:40 PM
That's actually what I love about the Green Lantern Corps.
The creators realized that since it was a comic, they could draw ANYTHING instead of simply sticking to human shaped heroes.

2012-07-28, 03:22 PM
I wonder why the folk who worked on Legion of SuperHeroes never seemed to realize that...

I mean, the concept for Nightcrawler was turned down because it was too "alien".

Soras Teva Gee
2012-07-28, 03:39 PM
Likely because they're a weird adaptation. In the comics, the Red Lanterns are awful villains, with most of them being basically mindless killing machines, and only Atrocitus possessing his mental faculties (this has changed recently, but that was their concept when the cartoon was being developed). Atrocitus' backstory is genuinely tragic and his grievance with the Guardians just, but his actions nonetheless too extreme and violent. He's out for bloody revenge, and cares about nothing else. Hence why he was the one to harness the power of rage and create the Red Lanterns.

In the cartoon they've been made into a weird hybrid of the Red Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps, with all the Red Lanterns having their minds intact, most or all of them having a motivation similar to Atrocitus', and their ultra-violent ways being toned down considerably. That last is of course because it's a cartoon aimed at kids, but it's still a considerable change to the character concept. Combine increased emphasis on their legitimate grievance(s) with decreased atrocities, yet still a desire to keep them as villains who can be pretty merciless and violent to the degree that the show is allowed to have them, and you can see how it could get confused.


I could argue that as an improvement in this case.

Only 40k can get away with an entire faction of RAGE FOR THE RAGE RAGE. If even 40k can.

I wonder why the folk who worked on Legion of SuperHeroes never seemed to realize that...

I mean, the concept for Nightcrawler was turned down because it was too "alien".

At this point because its tradition, like how the Lad and Lass stuff never dies in the long run.

Back in the Silver Age... no clue but I'd say its not like the GL Corps doesn't have a very high proportion of humanoids. I think Alan Moore never writing the Legion probably has something to do with it. Once you have the likes of Mogo and the F-Sharp's Bell Corps is there really anything holding you back?

2012-07-28, 09:37 PM
Oh goodness they should totally bring in the F-Sharp Bells!

Scowling Dragon
2012-07-28, 09:40 PM
I wonder why not JUST use sinestro corps if you want well intentioned extremists.

And the Lanterns are all about:

[Emotion] for the [Emotion] god!

2012-07-28, 09:57 PM
I wonder why not JUST use sinestro sore if you want well intentioned extremists.

My cynical side says rights negotiations because of the movie and any potential sequels/reboots

Scowling Dragon
2012-07-28, 10:17 PM
Or Manhunters. Oh right. Sequel.

2012-07-29, 12:00 AM
My cynical side says rights negotiations because of the movie and any potential sequels/reboots
That'd be my best guess. Sinestro and his Corps are just too much the obvious choice, so their absence must mean something's up, and I don't think it's because the writers genuinely thought the Red Lanterns would make better villains, given they changed them so much that they're almost like the Sinestro Corps now.


Scowling Dragon
2012-07-29, 09:47 AM
I like the red Lanterns. But well intentioned extremists they make not.

And the Green Lanterns....Aren't really made for adaptation. The most interesting stories they are in are in Large occurrences (Blackest night).

They make for great background characters in those stories, and the occasional leads. They are an interesting police force- But we mostly care about the rebel rookie, or the superhero that co-operates with them. They are like the side course. They can taste great, but they need a primary thing to make them feel complete. You cant have the primary course be made of more side course.

They can't have series like ordinary superhero shows can.

Thats why the Movie had such a bland taste to it. It was about the (Interesting but still) side characters.

2012-07-29, 11:32 AM
I like the red Lanterns. But well intentioned extremists they make not.

And the Green Lanterns....Aren't really made for adaptation. The most interesting stories they are in are in Large occurrences (Blackest night).

They make for great background characters in those stories, and the occasional leads. They are an interesting police force- But we mostly care about the rebel rookie, or the superhero that co-operates with them. They are like the side course. They can taste great, but they need a primary thing to make them feel complete. You cant have the primary course be made of more side course.

They can't have series like ordinary superhero shows can.

Thats why the Movie had such a bland taste to it. It was about the (Interesting but still) side characters.

I have to disagree. For me the best Green Lantern Stories are the ones that take the whole Space police force and go all out with it. I want lots and lots of characters, Episodes featuring a rotating cast. a couple of episodes about a single mission say 3 episode arcs where a group of them go to a planet to solve a crisis then go back and focus on a new misson later on. And some episodes with Killowog or Stel training some new recruits.

That's why Green Lantern Corps was my favorite book for so long.

2012-08-15, 09:14 AM
So... the new season doesn't come out until September, and I don't want this thread to die just yet.

So here's an Aya I drew just because.


*pointless but totally within-the-rules thread revival*

C'mon thread, don't die on me just yet... ;_;

2012-08-15, 03:37 PM
One thing that bothered me about the finale? How peripheral Aya and Razer were. While Hal got to face down Atrocitus by himself and Killowog got to battle the entire Red fleet with guest stars Mogo and Saint Walker, Aya got mostly left to the side once Oa was infiltrated and Razer got to rescue Aya. And after that, nothing. Neither got to really do anything in the big climatic events of the finale. Heck, Razer's freeing Aya wasn't even all that dramatic, aside from how he got there.

I was half expecting them to pop up and support Hal against Atrocitus. I really can't believe they had Hal best Atrocitus in a fist fight.

2012-08-16, 06:56 AM
I love this series, I wish that the film would have been as great as this show is.However, I also liked film.

2012-08-16, 05:21 PM
I love this series, I wish that the film would have been as great as this show is.However, I also liked film.

I actually avoided the film because everything about it sounded terrible. Perhaps I'll give it a watch...