View Full Version : Theme Park Dungeon!

2012-07-15, 05:55 PM
So, I'm working on a campaign right now that takes place in a large gnome city, and wanted to make a dungeon out of an abandoned underground theme park called Gno-Man's-Land. (It's a pun! Get it!?!?)

The problem is, I'm having difficulty coming up with encounters for it. I was wondering if the Playground would be able to offer some suggestions. I would appreciate all help, as I have little experience designing dungeons and campaigns on my own, and I'm planning on running at least the beginning of it tomorrow night.

Basic information:
-I'm running Pathfinder
-The party is five members, all level 3. Only one is actually a gnome, though.
-The main enemies in the dungeon will be Gremlins (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/gremlins) (though I have a rat swarm at the entrance), which means I have plenty of fun SLAs to throw at the party (including unlimited prestidigitation)

2012-07-15, 06:14 PM
I picture the party entering a room to find a gremlin sitting atop a dilapidated gnomish merry-go-round horse. He appears to be chewing on some manner of stick and is unaware of the party. Cackling can be heard from the recesses of this dark place. The gremlin spots the party and looks alarmed. He instinctively bites down on his chew toy only to have it burst into sparks of light and smoke all around. With that the, gremlin looks startled and has a comically blackened face and looks as if he intends either fight or flee.

Suddenly the party spots movement from various places in the room as a 20 foot long string of skeeball tickets begins to move toward the party in a snake like manner... The party begins to hear a distinctive *tap *tap *tap as several colorful balls seem to hop out of a small pit and begin menacingly bouncing toward the party. *tap *tap *tap

2012-07-15, 06:29 PM
Like kharmakazy alluded to, you can also make good use of Animated Objects (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/animated-object). Anywhere from tiny to medium might be worthwhile. Though I suppose you could also use one of the bigger ones if you want to spook the party.

2012-07-15, 07:31 PM
Like kharmakazy alluded to, you can also make good use of Animated Objects (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/animated-object). Anywhere from tiny to medium might be worthwhile. Though I suppose you could also use one of the bigger ones if you want to spook the party.

Oh yeah. I meant to put that in. Got distracted. Ooh look a squirrel!

2012-07-15, 08:01 PM
This encounter needs more evil clowns. Can you put some of the gremlins in clown-suits?

Also, it should totally have a rollercoaster! Minecart madness never gets old.

2012-07-15, 08:06 PM
You obviously need funhouse mirrors. Or the gnomish equivalent... which is a hall of illusions.

Party enters and sees dozens of images of themselves. Some fat, some old, some gender switched.. It's a great place for a fight. How many goblins were there again? It's really hard to tell!

2012-07-15, 08:34 PM
In addition to the distorting mirrors, there would be a mirror maze, which actually had mirrors and glass panels. I've been in one, and it's actually more disorienting than you'd think.

Funhouses also featured:

1 - A horizontal, cylindrical, rotating hallway -- difficult to walk through without falling. Imagine having to fire a missile weapon or disarm a trap in one.
2 - Tilted rooms that played with balance and perception. Great place for a combat, with constant balance checks.
3 - Compressed air jets in the floor. Pity that they fire steam or acid...
4 - Floor tricks, like moving sections of floor, tilting steps, and panels that would drop a couple of inches (no actual trap doors). Amplify those a bit and you've got some nasty traps.
5 - Ball pits. Apparently, older than we think. Something might lurk under the balls, the balls might be fragile binding spheres with imprisoned imps, or some of the balls might be carnivorous themselves.


Also, a Tunnel of Love (or Tunnel of Horrors, depending on where you grew up) where the scary things that jump out at you actually attack. Boats built for two could force the party to split up as they go through. The monsters can be real, illusions, or constructs, but they don't have to follow a theme -- pick your favorites, or randomize.

2012-07-15, 08:36 PM
Also, possessed bumper cars.

I just like the imagery of a lone gremlin riding around, alone in a single bumper car. When the party enters the area, the rest of the bumper cars burst into life and start ramming into the party's ankles.

2012-07-15, 08:38 PM
Reanimated park mascots! Do it! Do it a lot!

2012-07-15, 08:41 PM
Log flume
wild animal enclosure (ominously empty)
Crossbow gallery (with malfunctioning gnomish steam-power x-bows)
Sinister giant teddy bear prizes
Use a Raggamoffyn (Monster Manual II, p174) only make it candy floss rather than rags.

2012-07-16, 01:34 PM
I'll definitely be including a carousel, a hall of mirrors, and a rotating hallway (probably super sped up, but only once the PCs step on it).

Another thing I could use some help with, though, is how to make the gremlins more effective in combat. Only one variety is small (the rest are tiny), and actually does more than one nonlethal damage per turn. I'd like to throw more than just these "brutes" at the party for combat (especially considering their 1/hour shocking grasp), so I'm trying to figure out ways to get some Jinkins (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/gremlins/gremlin-jinkin) their sneak attacks with the help of the terrain.

2012-07-16, 01:47 PM
That ability that makes the party roll twice and take the lowest is going to suck.

I would rely on superior numbers, home field advantage, and environment to adjust the difficulty.

The gremlins know the place, they live there. They know all the nooks and crannies.

The players have no idea how many there actually are. There could be 4 or 4000.

The gremlins have good darkvision. I would have most of the place be pitch black with few exceptions.

Some of them have really decent UMD rolls so don't be afraid to throw in some minor trinkets and single use items to give them some bite.

Congeal Water (Su) has a low save dc, but using it at all has intimidation factor.

Rusting grasp is a nightmare at low levels.

Heat metal is no fun either.

lord pringle
2012-07-16, 01:59 PM
Zombie clowns.

2012-07-16, 02:01 PM
What you need here is a Roller Coaster Dragon

2012-07-16, 05:20 PM
What you need here is a Roller Coaster Dragon

Built for combat and sorcery?

2012-07-16, 07:05 PM
a roller coaster encounter could be like the coaster has several carts that are all big enough for 2 people(10 ft) and to climb from cart to cart you have to make a balance check or something and have them fight gremlins that are in the carts as well

2012-07-16, 09:48 PM
So I'm trying to figure out ways to get some Jinkins (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/gremlins/gremlin-jinkin) their sneak attacks with the help of the terrain.That's easy.

Those floors that tilt, or drop about an inch or two suddenly? Make a balance/acrobatics check. Failure = Flatfooted. I mean, who takes Balance or Acrobatics these days?
Add in a single baddie with a Wand of Grease for extra laughs. Read Grease really really well.
Jinkins in secret doors (which are freaking everywhere, especially the low ceiling) pop out and Sneak Attack as much as they want to all the flat footed peoples. Next action, they dive back into secret doors that only they can fit in, while another pops out. And then next action, they pop back out and sneak attack again while the other one jumps back into a door. This way, if you have a caster who does something silly like cast Burning Hands or Color Spray, at the very worst they'll only hit half of them, and light the Grease on fire.

To be an extra big meanie, tell them that the amusement park is haunted. In fact, set it up like a bad episode of Scooby Doo. They'll probably kit themselves out to fight ghosts... and then none show up. Or, maybe throw in just a few, for laughs.

Load up your iPod with some bad carnival music (if it's played by an accordian, perfect!) and when the party groans, remind them all that this is the music of high gnome culture.

What you need here is a Roller Coaster DragonHis breath weapon can be an Cone Attack Fear spell. If hit, you sit down in the seat and scream at the top of your lungs for 1D3 rounds.

2012-07-16, 10:17 PM
So, I'm working on a campaign right now that takes place in a large gnome city, and wanted to make a dungeon out of an abandoned underground theme park called Gno-Man's-Land. (It's a pun! Get it!?!?)

The problem is, I'm having difficulty coming up with encounters for it. *stuff*

I'd quote the rest, but my attention span couldn't get me past this comment.

Really. Having trouble coming up with encounters for an amusement park.

Really. Watch this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT9OdJ5snoQ), this and its additional parts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdWbSWqz2jk), and ESPECIALLY this and its follow ups (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqJ9IhwvnQY&feature=related), and some ideas should come to mind (brief warning, the first is Mortal-Kombat Vulgar, and the other two are a bit scary/violent). Pick your favorites, and coming up with the stat blocks and dcs should be a synch, at least for the board.

Also, read this, and follow your favorite links. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AmusementParkOfDoom)

2012-07-16, 10:24 PM
Gauntlet Dark Legacy has a theme park level. Very amusing.
Imps firing flaming arrows, crawling hands, shadow golems (it's in the land controlled by the wraith), has lots of theme park sounds, makes it quite funny. "Roll up roll up roll up, test your strength"

It has a roller coaster part where the coaster is constantly running, and you've got to maneuver your way across the tracks, fighting the imps before the coaster hits you for copious damage.

anyway, what everyone else has said is cool, i just wanted to add this little bit.


2012-07-16, 10:31 PM
It has a roller coaster part where the coaster is constantly running, and you've got to maneuver your way across the tracks, fighting the imps before the coaster hits you for copious damage.

Grail, you just gave another submission to the "best ideas ever" group. +1 Internet for you.

2012-07-16, 10:38 PM
Grail, you just gave another submission to the "best ideas ever" group. +1 Internet for you.

Well, it wasn't my idea..... but I'll still take that internet! :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-16, 11:01 PM
Can you perhaps have a Zebra wearing an rainbow afro wig? Just so your party can stab it. Like, a lot. God I want to kill that stupid Zebra from Madagascar 3. I got roped into seeing it. Yeah, I'm bitter.
Zebra. Rainbow Afro wig. Stab it a lot. Please.

2012-07-16, 11:06 PM
Can you perhaps have a Zebra wearing an rainbow afro wig? Just so your party can stab it. Like, a lot. God I want to kill that stupid Zebra from Madagascar 3. I got roped into seeing it. Yeah, I'm bitter.
Zebra. Rainbow Afro wig. Stab it a lot. Please.


2012-07-16, 11:17 PM





2012-07-16, 11:22 PM
Oh what about a haunted train/house with undead skeletons and zombies.?
Poisonous hotdog stands.
Magic mouths that call out to anyone nearby "come on buddy, test your skill and win a prize" making it hard to stealth.
Coin operated fortune teller/love tester machine g that actually works? Maybe gives an augury...... Occasionally.
Tunnel of love with a haunt?

2012-07-17, 09:04 AM
Nobody has suggested it. I'll be that guy.
The pc's wind their way toward a bizarre clockwork castle surrounded by topiary animals and a moat. As they approach the moat, a small boat, big enough for the PC's and any allies/animal companions they may have. The boat appears to be magically propelled, and if they climb inside does NOT cross the moat for them. Instead, it follows the moat around to the side of the castle and flows into the castle's flooded, darkened interior. Then THAT SONG begins to play as the Gremlins use international scenery and animated singing, dancing puppets to assault the players who, of course, cannot leave the boat. The moat is acid. Or child urine. The end of the encounter is the final Gremlin lord who has animated the giant golden sun as a sort of beholder-ish construct. It floats, it has teeth, and each of its golden sun rays is a gnarly spell. And naturally, the song plays throughout. Once they leave the castle, it's a DC 25 Wll Save to forget the song. Otherwise it comes up again and again and again at inopportune moments.

Unusual Muse
2012-07-17, 12:30 PM
Nobody has suggested it. I'll be that guy...

I thought you were going to suggest that the rollercoaster takes the party through a strange portal to another plane where they are trapped and must find a way to get home, with only the aid of a funny little gnomish guy who speaks cryptically and disappears all the time, and they are harassed by an evil wizard with one horn! :smallsmile:

2012-07-17, 06:46 PM
Nobody has suggested it. I'll be that guy.
The pc's wind their way toward a bizarre clockwork castle surrounded by topiary animals and a moat. As they approach the moat, a small boat, big enough for the PC's and any allies/animal companions they may have. The boat appears to be magically propelled, and if they climb inside does NOT cross the moat for them. Instead, it follows the moat around to the side of the castle and flows into the castle's flooded, darkened interior. Then THAT SONG begins to play as the Gremlins use international scenery and animated singing, dancing puppets to assault the players who, of course, cannot leave the boat. The moat is acid. Or child urine. The end of the encounter is the final Gremlin lord who has animated the giant golden sun as a sort of beholder-ish construct. It floats, it has teeth, and each of its golden sun rays is a gnarly spell. And naturally, the song plays throughout. Once they leave the castle, it's a DC 25 Wll Save to forget the song. Otherwise it comes up again and again and again at inopportune moments.

This. Is pure evil.
I wholeheartedly approve.

... and the boat moves at 10ft per round. Muahahahahaha!

2012-07-18, 12:27 PM
I thought you were going to suggest that the rollercoaster takes the party through a strange portal to another plane where they are trapped and must find a way to get home, with only the aid of a funny little gnomish guy who speaks cryptically and disappears all the time, and they are harassed by an evil wizard with one horn! :smallsmile:

If the heroes in the animated series weren't so freaking broken, I would have. Besides, they fight a lot of bullywugs, and last I checked I had bought most of the bullywug miniatures from multiple D&D mini websites, which may make fleshing out those encounters difficult.

As it is, I stand by my suggestion, which has been praised as pure evil. Thank you, thank you very much.

2012-07-18, 05:17 PM
If the heroes in the animated series weren't so freaking broken, I would have. Besides, they fight a lot of bullywugs, and last I checked I had bought most of the bullywug miniatures from multiple D&D mini websites, which may make fleshing out those encounters difficult.I think I'm misreading you. Having lots of relevant models makes fleshing out an encounter difficult?

As it is, I stand by my suggestion, which has been praised as pure evil. Thank you, thank you very much.Any time.

2012-07-18, 05:53 PM
This thread is so awesome.
All I can come up with is a swinging chair ride. You need a DC 25 spot check to realize it's actually a magically enthralled tentacle monster that's sleeping and doesn't quite seem too enthralled anymore, the magic that bound it long since dissipated. Grapple checks? Grapple checks. The PCs only need to pass within about 40 feet...

2012-07-18, 05:57 PM
I saw the clowns should be automations. Come on, it is a Gnome theme park!

Also, friend twinkies. Just place them there in a stand for fun. Why are they still fresh and delicious? Who knows, but they are damn good!

2012-07-18, 08:33 PM
I think I'm misreading you. Having lots of relevant models makes fleshing out an encounter difficult?

you did misread. I was implying that since I bought all the bullywugs, it would be difficult for HIM to have fully fleshed-out encounters. It'll be the Azurites with booster packs all over again.

2012-07-18, 09:12 PM
you did misread. I was implying that since I bought all the bullywugs, it would be difficult for HIM to have fully fleshed-out encounters. It'll be the Azurites with booster packs all over again.You can't just loan them to him? Meh.

Turnstiles could turn into a watered down Blade Barrier, bludgeoning damage, MUCH lower saves and damage.

Some fun-houses have a tube that is big enough for people to walk through, but it spins ever so slowly. It's stationary until players walk into it. Boom, it starts spinning like crazy. Acrobatics/Balance checks (per 5 feet) to pass through the tube, fail and your basically a small child in a dryer. Make it about 10-15ft long.

A slide could come to life with a Swallow Whole attack. No damage for being in it, but you have to break out of it just like being inside the belly of something with Swallow Whole.

Create Pit. Abuse the heck out it.

Fog machines everywhere!

Just some odd ideas.

2012-07-23, 07:34 PM
Welcome to Gno-Man's-Land (Now inhabited by Gremlins wishing your death)

Here we have several "fun" attractions, where by "fun" we mean "fun for us"

Attractions include:
-Uhtred's purely evil attraction (other than that in the source, Gremlins are good...)

-Spinning teacups. What amusement park DOESN'T have them?

-Finally the Fun House... Oh the fun house... When you enter, you are greeted with a peaceful hallway... with a Slashing Cage Trap. Next you enter the Main Hall. See that pillar in the center? The Gremlins made it a Pillar of 1000 arrows. Also, the floor tiles move randomly up and down. Treat it like difficult terrain, possibly even Balance. From there you enter the Maze of Mirrors (now inhabited by Gremlins)
Finally, if you've survived this all so far, you leave through a Hall of Illusions. The gnomes lined it with enchanted mirrors showing everything from old-you to young-you and fat-you to skinny-you. Don't forget some fun ones like gender-bent-you. Of course the Gremlins laced them with Disguise Other and Vocal Alteration. Read "+20 to fooling others"

Note: All spells and traps mentioned can be found at The PF SRD (http://www.d20pfsrd.com)