View Full Version : Trouble in Cormyr [3.5 Campaign Log]

2012-07-15, 09:02 PM
This campaign just began tonight, and the character creation/first session just ended a few minutes ago. So I wanted to start a campaign log here for those playgrounders like me that love to devour these things, steal ideas, etc.

The Party (starting at level 3):
Whispergnome Rogue 3
This devilish bastard is using a pair of kukris, a hat of disguise, and a conman shtick to wreak havoc so far (and I like it!) Using a combination of weapon bond, two weapon fighting, and tumbling/stealthy hijinks he is putting out the most damage so far. Fluffwise he is part-svirfneblin (deep gnome) and like the Air Genasi Bard he claims he is Chaotic Neutral, though time will tell if that's more like Neutral Evil. This is the first time I've played a group with a member of his race (and I see how powerful it is for an LA +0 race).

Air Genasi Bard 2
Playing an LA +1 descendant of the djinni of Calimshan. The player wants to play him off as a sower of chaos regardless of the good and evil axis (Chaotic Neutral), and an artist that is misunderstood or ahead of his time or otherwise "not mainstream." So far he has been a buffer primarily, and a source of comic relief secondarily. He plans to be the ranged power of the party.

Dwarf Ranger 2/Barbarian 1
Using the dwarven urgrosh, this unusual dwarven warrior is of a family that doesn't subscribe to the usual dwarven methods of war. He suffers from a low AC ("I don't use shields, I smash them") , but intends to use Combat Expertise to make up for that. He also has Power Attack for added versatility as well as Cleave, and he favors enemies of the goblinoid nature.

Half-Elf Paladin of Lathander 3
Although the Bard and Rogue don't detect as evil, I can't imagine it will take many sessions until the Paladin has to do something to keep them in check. He's a full-plate wearing, longsword wielding, slow-moving, stealth-not-having machine so far. He is also likely to be the parties #1 source of non-potion cures.

A Brief Note on the Setting:
The campaign opens in 1372 DR in the city of Arabel (located in northern Cormyr). King Azoun IV was slain in battle by the Devil Dragon during the Goblin War, leaving an infant to inherit the throne and a regent in the Steel Princess Alusair Obarskyr. The campaign opens about 6 months after the end of the Goblin War, and the Forest Kingdom is plagued by the orcs and goblins displaced from Arabel and from the Stonelands to the north. It seems that a young Sembian noble has taken up the Kingdom on its long-standing offer to grant a title of nobility to the one who could tame the Stonelands (read: slaughter the tusked ones and erect a keep). The biggest news in the realm is that this man, Morn Forar, is currently on the ride to the capital city in the southern part of the country to claim his right.

I'm a Forgotten Realms geek and frequently peppered the first session with the "correct" names of various coins, a few mentions of setting-specific flora and fauna, and other in-universe references that pretty much only I could appreciate... I'll probably leave those out for the sake of time.

2012-07-15, 09:03 PM
Session One:

The party's formation was basically handwaved, as the Goblin War undoubtedly drew a large number of adventurers to the Forest Kingdom- Dwarf just wants to kill orcs and goblinoids, Paladin just wants to do the good work of Lathander, and the Bard and Rogue just want to do whatever they feel like doing at that moment. They certainly acted like a cohesive unit tactics and loot division wise, so it worked out well.

A few gather information rolls are made and several things were determined: 1) the Lady Lord of Arabel has fallen into the disfavor of the rest of Cormyr for driving the orcs and goblins from her city into the surrounding farmlands and forests. 2) The Lady Lord is upset about the double standard, as Morn Forar drove the beasts from the Stonelands into the surrounding area and is celebrated for it. 3) She is now offering incentives to any and all who would slay tuskers regardless of their origin. and 4) Morn Forar is set to pass through the city this very evening.

The party is very interested in meeting this Morn Forar fellow, the Paladin in particular is under the impression that an undertaking such as clearing the Stonelands could employ the party for some time. There's some debate, but ultimately its settled that acting locally and now is the best course- and that if they can they certainly would try and meet with this noble-to-be. They appear at the local, rebuilt temple of Tymora and meet with High Priestess Weninda Merrymar. She offers the bounty of 200 gold pieces to each adventurer if they can go forth to the northeastern edge of the King's Forest and bring back proof of the destruction of a band that she has received some intel on. In addition to the payment, she loans the group some horses and offers to sell them some lesser goblinoid bane ammunition for their bows and potions of cure light wounds (needed, due to lack of reliable heals).

The party sets out and comes to edge of the forest, dismounts, and proceeds on foot. As they approach the edge of the wood, the Dwarf is fired upon by a heavy x-bow wielding sniper- and a pair of worg riding goblins is also spotted making ready at the forest's edge. The riders' tactic of ride-by attacking is quickly disrupted by lucky attacks of opportunity and good swarming tactics by the party. It becomes apparent that Rogue's damage dealing potential is great, and just as the riders are put down and the worgs are fleeing- paladin closes on the sniper. The sniper is facing a paladin with an unloaded heavy xbow- he drops it and runs, but the resulting AoO is rolled a 1. There is no effort made to run the fleeing combatants down, due to the alluring call of loot. But after that was concluded (and I discovered Rogue player's "loot even the mundane junk and load the saddlebags" stratagem), the party decided to tear into the woods moving at normal speed while the Dwarf tracks his favored enemies back to their encampment.

At the camp, the party sets upon several weak goblin warriors joined with a worg- all the while hearing chanting and calls to Magubliyet from within the large tent at the center of the camp. No spellcraft. No clue. After several rounds of relatively easy combat going their way, the chief of this particular band emerges from the tent fully buffed and ready to... disappoint me as his creator. He was followed by the cleric that gave him these buffs, and between the two of them they likely provided the most threat of any of the combatants- but no one dipped to single digits. I had fun describing how a blow that struck the chief seemed to pain the cleric as well (Shield Other yay!), but otherwise they were snuffed out- the cleric mostly due to his sympathetic damage with the chief (Shield Other boo!).

Amidst all the other loot, there were marching orders discovered in the chief's tent that described a meeting with a "dark pointy-ear" just the night before. And when the chief's masterwork leathers were stripped of him, a freshly branded Z on his chest lead the party to believe that the Zhentarim were involved. Hoofing it back to town and putting off the trip to the market to "make the real money" according to Rogue's player, the party received their monetary reward from an acolyte of Tymora with an additional boon. "A bronze coin engraved with the image of a foaming beer mug" that served to secure for its bearers a free meal and night of drinks at the Bent Bow tavern.

Then an OOC debate occurred about the importance of meeting Morn Forar, a gather info check revealed that he had arrived in town- but was presently (probably) in an audience or state dinner with the Lady Lord. Bard and Rogue player convinced, then unconvinced, then convinced the Paladin again that somehow crashing that state dinner was the best course of action- as the Zhentarim's involvement certainly implied a danger to the realm, but alas I ruled "I already started reading the flavor text for the tavern!" It was agreed that a Paladin of Lathander probably wouldn't engage in that kind of behavior.

After eating, drinking, and involving the Bard in a competition with the local yarting player (which Bard barely lost and then began shouting and throwing prize monies at the other patrons- perfectly IC for him) I got an approximation of everyone's position in the tavern, and announced that Rogue's player noticed a hooded figure enter the bard and quickly make for the man sitting at the end of the bar. "You can't be certain, but you are fairly certain he has a dark complexion and pointed ears. Make a Listen check." *Dice Roll* "He mutters something to the man that sounds like "Morn Forar?" and when the man raises his head- he quickdraws a rapier!

We ended it there due to time, and to give me proper time to prepare the next session's fight.

Let me know what you think of length, I tried to make it detailed enough to fill in one player that missed and refresh the others of the details they might have missed or forgotten by now. Also, if any of the players are now reading this: Hello!

2012-07-15, 10:20 PM
I added my bits in reply: From the X rouge now Monk
This campaign just began tonight, and the character creation/first session just ended a few minutes ago. So I wanted to start a campaign log here for those playgrounders like me that love to devour these things, steal ideas, etc.

The Party (starting at level 3):
Whispergnome Rogue 3
This devilish bastard is using a pair of kukris, a hat of disguise, and a conman shtick to wreak havoc so far (and I like it!) Using a combination of weapon bond, two weapon fighting, and tumbling/stealthy hijinks he is putting out the most damage so far. Fluffwise he is part-svirfneblin (deep gnome) and like the Air Genasi Bard he claims he is Chaotic Neutral, though time will tell if that's more like Neutral Evil. This is the first time I've played a group with a member of his race (and I see how powerful it is for an LA +0 race).

Still Say I am a X rouge who saw the error of my ways and I am a monk now. Hence the Monk weapons, and the Flurry of blows, along with the boost in speed, and lack of armor. Though my old skills from my days as a rouge do much to help my good companions.

Dwarf Ranger 2/Barbarian 1
Using the dwarven urgrosh, this unusual dwarven warrior is of a family that doesn't subscribe to the usual dwarven methods of war. He suffers from a low AC ("I don't use shields, I smash them") , but intends to use Combat Expertise to make up for that. He also has Power Attack for added versatility as well as Cleave, and he favors enemies of the goblinoid nature.

Great Job Definitely a team player keep up the doubles no one Survives against us.

Half-Elf Paladin of Lathander 3
Although the Bard and Rogue don't detect as evil, I can't imagine it will take many sessions until the Paladin has to do something to keep them in check. He's a full-plate wearing, longsword wielding, slow-moving, stealth-not-having machine so far. He is also likely to be the parties #1 source of non-potion cures.

Only source so far of cures besides the rouge/monk

I'm a Forgotten Realms geek and frequently peppered the first session with the "correct" names of various coins, a few mentions of setting-specific flora and fauna, and other in-universe references that pretty much only I could appreciate... I'll probably leave those out for the sake of time.

2012-07-19, 09:44 PM
Bits and peices. :)

Ok 1st is the rules on banking if you do not agree then just let me know and we will not do it. 1 person does not agree and we just wont do it.

1. Every time the party gets gold each member will contribute 10% of their gold to the fund.
2. In the event of someone new joining they will need to contribute the same amount as everyone else in the group before being able to split evenly among the treasure or borrow from the party gold.
3. Party gold will be spent on food and rooms for the groups along with basic supplies so that we as a whole do not have to worry about rations and such. Eventually I hope that we can decide to spend the money on helpful items, such as, healing potions, a bag of holding or a folding boat. Things that will benefit the group. Someone can also buy the item for the group and donate it. That will then cover their payments of 10% till their portion is paid back.
4. Borrowing money: Simply Say you wanted a belt of healing (901 GP) but you only had 600 GP. You can borrow the money from the party treasure and then on the next pay day you will owe the normal 10% and the 301 GP. This gives everyone extra money as needed for items, and makes sure you never are completely broke.
5. A person who leaves the group through their free will can have back a portion of their donated money minus a small percent and minus any money they may owe.
6. A person who dies and has a will can have their amount of money given to the person of their choosing. Minus any money they may owe and a small percent.
7. If their is a magic item that you are keeping for your self from looting or such not that you buy I would say no fee. However if you at some point sell the item 1st check with the group someone else may need/want it, 2nd the money from the item will be subject to the normal fee of 10%.

If you think of anything else or have any questions please let me know. If you don't like part of it and want to change it please let me know so we can make it work for the group. If you do not like this idea feel free to let me know and I'll simply stop and we will just buy our own stuff, and no party money. As I said it's group all or nothing.

Here is donations so far
1. Bard: 105gp 1 sp
2. Dwarf 75 gp 1 sp
3. Rouge 79 gp 1 sp
4. Pladin 75 gp 1 sp

2012-07-19, 09:52 PM
This weeks Adventure

We saw a few stumbling blocks with the assassin but confused him quite a bit before he escaped.

The Bard and Rouge had some problems communicating about the simian, however after almost cause a riot in town square with the assistance of the paladin they were not only able to settle their differences and worked together as a cohesive unit they got the bard a grand new instrument. This will hopefully be the starting of good team work in the group, maybe even building some trust as the bard knows more about the toug

The paladin got a bit drunk and hopefully with the monks changing of faces wont remember what happened to well.

We had a lot of laughs and threw the dm off track a few times. somehow building a mob of 50 to 60 people which is about 5 percents of the towns population.

Here is to more hijinks and throwing the dm off track. I had a lot of fun and look forward to are next game asap.

2012-07-20, 08:46 PM
In case Ohil's description left you wanting...

Session Two
Rogue decided that the best course of action in the face of Morn's pending backstabbing was to stand up on his barstool, shift his appearance with the hat of disguise to that of the man at the end of the bar, and say "Nope, you've got the wrong guy."

The drow assassin angryfaced and promptly used his racial sla to plunge the majority of the barroom into the shadowy illumination of darkness. At the start of combat, Drow slung a powerful looking orb of lesser fire at the disguised Rogue and missed. The paladin charged in to grapple the Drow and took a mighty attack of opportunity that seemed more damaging than a rapier blow should have- ultimately rolling poorly to boot. Bard hung back (without music or buffs to give) and tried to pop shots despite the concealment and lack of precise shot. When Rogue finally closed in to deliver a kukri blow, I called out "You miss" during his die roll- which resulted in a Natural 20. Unfortunately, the Drow had teleported a short distance away.

Using this short range, immediate reaction teleport and the concealment granted by his darkness and (eventually) invisibility. The Drow did manage to confound and damage the party and Morn for several rounds. Whilst he skulked around invisibly, the group bunched up in front of the door- and although most were caught in the color spray's cone- most made their saves. The Drow decided that this simple stab and run job was too complicated for now, and abrupt jaunted out the side door and made a run for it. The Paladin gave chase, but could not catch up to the crafty assassin. Whilst he was outside Rogue debated between stealing from or killing the folk hero he hardly knew, but nothing came of the impulses as the Paladin, Purple Dragon Knights, and City Watch all arrived on the scene.

After a brief interrogation, the party was escorted back to the PDK's camp to meet the Commander (whom Morn thought would be appreciative of the saving of his life). It was revealed that the two knights escorting them were the fools that let Morn slip out of his tent and make his way into the city unprotected. The meeting with the Commander went well, though Bard loudly proclaimed at several points that he thought the Drow and the Sembian (not simian) Morn were in cahoots. Bard seems to think of himself as a proud Cormyrean patriot, and exacts a few bouts of verbal abuse on Morn- who takes it all in stride.

Morn basically makes it impossible for the Commander to deny the party from joining the parade to Suzail (Cormyr's capital city), saying that certainly the rescue of a soon-to-be noble and national hero is deserving of reward from the Princess Alusair. So after returning to the city to sell the looted junk from the previous venture (and some small amount of squabbling over the Rogue's accounting skills), the party rested and healed up at the Purple Dragon camp- riding for Immersea the next day.

Before arriving in Immersea, the PDK's made camp once more- and the party was told to make themselves scarce as Morn was to entertain the local lord that evening. The party stumbled across a group of Finder Wyvernspur's worshipping at a makeshift shrine just north of the ancestral home of their god. Bard's people were "shiftless hippies" according to most people, and as they carried on playing their music without any attempt at harmony Bard gathered that they weren't received well by the present head of the Wyvernspur family (Giogioni). He professed no ear for the music of his ancestor's followers, and they all took this as an affront- as did the Bard, who led them all into the sleepy fishing town playing as discordantly and loud as they could.

At this point, Rogue decided to use a combination of alcohol, his hat of disguise, and bluff checks to turn this merry band of dirty hippies into a riotous mob bent on killing Giogioni or burning down his manor or somesuch nonsense. Paladin went along with it, retconning that his character was drunk off the aforementioned ale- but it came to naught when the Wyvernspur worshippers caught wind of the dissent and turned out any ne'er do wells in their midst. Giogi was a bit standoffish at first seeing all this commotion coming his way, but nonetheless a "skill challenge" ensued in which he was won over. Presenting Bard with a wonderful looking yarting and promising to consider the building of a bardic college in his ancestor's name in exchange for some peace and quiet, or at least the promise that bards act as more than just mere musicians "but insure that the lifeblood of information flows through the kingdom's veins." His viewpoint was understood by Bard and his bard friends.

The party set off back towards the PDK camp rolling a cask of Five Fine Fish's famous ale back for their companion Morn (who requested they bring him that back).

Interesting night indeed... I wonder what the Commander will do when he hears of all these shenanigans...

2012-08-11, 04:35 PM
I'm gonna split this up into two parts.

Session Three (1):
The party was on there way out of Immersea, when they overheard a combination of a woman's scream and the baying of a wolf coming from the hill to the northwest. As they ran up the hill, they noticed a stream flowing down its southern slope issuing from the structure atop it- an open-air structure of white marble columns supporting a large dome. Inside, they saw a man-wolf hybrid creature menacing a young woman clad in white by the side of a natural looking fountain (and the source of said stream).

While gnome called out for a "10 gold bet that the woman is also some sort of lycanthrope" the werewolf turned and snarled. Although the group lacked any silver weapons, they were eventually able to fell the beast with very minimal loss (the monster using only its claws and not its bite). The monster reverted to a human form that looked like a very tribal human complete with tattoos and ritual scarring. For their heroism, the acolyte of Selune they defended produced a white ceramic jar she called "Moondraught" explaining that it was the equivalent of 4 CLW potions.

Gnome: "I cut off his head."
DM: "Okay, what are you planning to do with it? He reverted to human form on death- its not like you can have it stuffed and mounted and claim 'Werewolf head.'"
Bard: "That's actually a pretty funny idea."

The party returned to the Purple Dragon's camp and presented Morn with a cask of Five Fine Fish ale, then proceeded to ask him about his meeting with the local Lord. Morn explained that the current lord was the herald of the former lord (who was a real do-nothing, but nonetheless beloved by the people) and exemplified to Morn the type of leadership he hoped to show someday. Neat. The party retired.

The next morning, Gnome rode along with Morn and noted that he had grown more quiet and reserved than normal. Here and there the party noticed that commoners gathered by the side of the road to catch a glimpse of the new folk hero, and it seemed that their enthusiasm was touching Morn. Indeed his strange behavior culminated that night as he sat down at the party's fireside and went on about his backstory... (I know, I'm the DM in love with an NPC- but I promise this has a payoff).

Morn was apparently with the Sembian garrison in Scardale, but left just before the Shaking Plague struck in order to go home and tend to his ailing mother. The clearly drunken Morn spoke a lot of his mother, her love for this country, and his musings about his destiny- which struck the party as quite odd, but he quickly rose and stumbled off muttering that he hoped she was watching over him tomorrow.

Gnome: I follow him back to his tent.
DM: ... There are two knights posted at the front of his tent. So you're not gonna gank him.
Gnome: That's not what I was thinking!

The next morning, the party awoke to find that the Commander and Morn and several knights had ridden ahead into Suzail to make ready for the events of the evening. The party was escorted into the city by the Knights and told to take up rooms at the Leaning Post and await the arrival of a Court official to discuss compensation for their services to Morn. Being in a metropolis 1.5 times larger than the previous one they were in days ago, the party saw to some shopping (masterwork kukris for the Gnome). Then Bard cooked up a scheme:

Bard: Is there the D&D equivalent of Kinko's?
DM: Yeah... There's a spell called amaneusis (looks it up) why?

Turns out Bard composes a 25 word poem basically using facts about Morn's backstory to make fun of him in the form of a his momma joke and papers the city with them (employing street urchins to help nonetheless). Paladin is of course off doing Paladin things and not privy to this, as Gnome and Bard sow dissent. Bard signs this flyer "The Great Laughing Bard" and as he leaves a stack in a local tavern, this:

Barkeep: *looks at the flyer and smiles* You know that saying this tomorrow could well be punishable by death.
Bard: *smiling* That's why I am saying it today.

It was already established at this point that the party was not getting into the Royal Gardens or Palace to be with Morn as he has his audience with the rulers- but that every tavern, taproom, and inn was having a party that night to celebrate. As the party enjoyed the festivities in the common room of the Leaning Post, they heard a number of explosions in the sky outside :smalleek:

Once outside though, they were witnessing a pyrotechnics show the likes of which the PCs had never seen- but the players know what fireworks are :smallbiggrin:

Inquiring about the nature of these things, the party was told about a group of Gond worshipping gnomes from Lantan that have been living in Suzail for some time (the Wondersmiths). Interesting. Returning inside, the party continued celebrating until the wee hours of the morning, at which point they were shocked by the entrance of 8 Purple Dragon Knights and 2 War Wizards that seemed to be looking for/at them. The straggling patrons of the bar were told to get out, but the party was told to stay...

Session Three (2):
So now the party was probably a bit nervous, in particular the Bard thought this might have something to do with the flyers. After the authorities secured the area and surrounded the party, a very important looking person strolled in- the Paladin made a knowledge roll and got a note.

Paladin: *hushed to the party* "Guys, that Caladnei the Court Wizard."

Caladnei was fierce with the party, and the two war wizards with her were using a combination of Zone of Truth and Discern Lies to verify the party's answers to her interrogation. When she started asking if the party had ever met or interacted with the Baron of the Stonelands before, Gnome player wondered aloud why she was not calling him by his name (Morn)- and when she asked the party to give her the name of the man they have saved and had been travelling with they all said "Morn" excepting Gnome who said "What do you think his name is?"

Apparently the man they knew as Morn Forar was using a disguise self effect to conceal the fact that he looked like the late king Azoun IV, and he had stood up at the banquet in his honor and proclaimed that he was a Dragon's Bastard- an illegitimate son named Darvin Obarskyr. Gnome suggested that he was crazy given his behavior, and as I looked around the table I was hoping to see more shock and awe- but I dunno how everyone really took the news.

Gnome: Should you not welcome him as the new King?
Caladnei: As of now, there is only one ruler of the Forest Kingdom. The Lady Alusair, and I will unmake any who oppose her. This fool, whoever he is, will have his identity fully verified- and until then I will not have this kingdom divided and I will not let it suffer another summer of '52.

As an aside, in 1352 DR (about 20 years before this campaign began) a mercenary sought to make his own kingdom of Cormyr and captured many a small town and even seized Arabel... and held it for 8 days before surrendering it bloodlessly to the Purple Dragons.

The party was told they were of interest to the Crown and asked to remain in the city until a War Wizard informed them that they might leave. They were placed under guard and witnessed all of the windows and doors in the inn being enchanted by the War Wizards to prevent escape. Somehow they were able to sleep, and at breakfast the next morning they were met up by Morn/Darvin who apologized for the deception and clarified:

Darvin: I have no intention of becoming the King, I have done what I have done only to honor my mother's dying wish and the heritage of my blood father.
Gnome: Should you not honor him by becoming King and leading the people?
Darvin: I seek to be a hero, not a King.
Gnome: Those are the best rulers.
Darvin: ... You're not listening to me. I do not wish to rule. I do not want to divide this county once more. I have no interest in being another Gondregal or any other such false king.

The exchange was brief, and Darvin was asked to return to the Palace. He promised that the party was still due the reward they were promised. Shortly after he left a War Wizard came in and told the party they could request 3,000 gp worth of magical goods and services from the state.

We left it there. Everyone levelled to fourth and started pouring over the books looking for how to blow their first substantial payday since the start of the campaign.

2012-09-08, 02:51 PM
Fallen a bit behind, so I'll try and catch up:

Session Four:
The party was asked to surrender a bit of nail or lock of hair for the purposes of Scrying, but otherwise told they were free to move about the city and surrounding environs provided they did not stray too far. Weapons and armors were enchanted right away, and all other items were promised to be delivered in three days time.

Bard wanted to seek out the Halfling musician whose yarting he had come into possession of. After some gathering of information and strolling about town, the party walked into a shady tavern (the Winking Wench I think) and discovered that the Halfling they sought (Meriwise the Melodious) was laid up in the tavern's back room aka "the snoring room" suffering from some sort of delirium or catatonia. A shady looking gnome in the corner was caught eyeing the party, and when Rogue went to speak with him- he was lead to believe that this gnome worked for a local criminal who had interest in obtaining the halfling's yarting to pay a debt.

The party came to find out that the afflicted halflings in the back room were all strung out on the halfling hallucinogenic Luiren Spring Cheese (I didn't make it up!) The shady gnome (Badger) represented the "cheese-pusher" whom all these shorter chaps owed debt to for his illicit goods. The Bard got into an exchange with said gnome when the yarting was asked for- and apparently the Bard's blood was wanted for an insult (or three) that the gnome suffered.

Rogue and Badger had had an exchange in gnome that I and Rogue's player worked out in passed notes (no one else spoke gnome). And it concluded with Badger's request to bring the instrument and the Bard to the old Cormaeril hunting lodge to the east of town. The party secured Meriwise, whom had taken to speaking in some bizarre prophecy between bouts of crying, giggling, and unconsciousness. They elected to leave him at their inn and strike out in the evening for the hunting lodge to confront Badger and his employer (another gnome named Lorrick).

When they arrived at the lodge, they found themselves facing a number of cheese-addled halflings wearing belts stocked with all matter of alchemical goods. When Dwarf's player tired of attempts at diplomacy, he attacked one of them and began a fun (if short lived) combat wherein Rogue squared off against Badger and the others contended with flying tanglefoot bags, acid flasks, and alch fires. The Bard was deafened by a thunderstone, and after some searching and interrogation of the survivors- the party discovered a secret trapdoor entrance into a dungeon below the lodge hidden beneath a moldy, moth-eaten bearskin rug.

When the party saw the halflings equipped with all manner of alchemical goods, they leapt to the conclusion that Lorrick the Cheese-pusher was one of the Wondersmiths (a trio of Lantanese gnomes staying in Suzail and known for their wondrous inventions). I resisted the urge to rewrite my plot entirely, because I never even thought of that.

I had plans for Lorrick and the Wondersmiths- and it seems to be tying in well with the strange prophecies that Meriwise was spewing...

2012-09-08, 03:07 PM
Session Five:
This was a short but sweet delve, where the party quickly learned that all was not as it seemed. The rough stone chambers beneath the lodge were covered in nicks and scratches and bloodstains, and a note pinned to a dead halfling in the very first room suggested that Lorrick had repurposed these chambers- which were constructed by cultists of Malar the Clawed God.

First, the party had to crawl through a short tunnel covered in thorny vines that did chip damage if they failed a decent reflex save. Emerging on the other side they were on the edge of a large bone-filled ceremonial pit (an ossuary) where they were surprised (in character probably not as players) by a large bear skeleton attack.

This fight was made interesting by the creatures decent to hit and damage (it's only CR 3!?), the party's lack of B type weapons, and the denial of Rogue's sneak attack dice. It probably could have killed at least one of the party members, but the party kept doing an assortment of things that split its attention (messing with a crude wooden altar in the room, smiting it with holy power, etc.) After that there were a series of traps that didn't actually harm anyone- statue holding blowgun dart trap, stuffed dire tiger head spewing fusillade of darts, standard pit trap...

Finally the party reached a magic mouth that announced their coming and a pair of locked double iron doors. After picking it, the party entered a large alchemists lab complete with workbenches, glassware, and all matter of crates, barrels, and miscellania. The party quickly saw through Lorrick's trickery (he had cast silent image, ventriloquism, and invisibility and was trying to pass off an illusionary version of himself as the real deal). And while he buffed and tried to inconvenience them with summon monster and grease they wrecked his lab and caught him in the area of a thunderstone. He made his save, but the potion in his hand was logicked to break and drop glass in the square that he was standing in- leaving him quickly surrounded. He relented at that, and when the party got a look at the real him- they realized that he was more dark looking than the Rogue (who is a whisper gnome fluffed as a part-svirfneblin), like he was actually made of living shadow or something.

The party paused here to consider what to do with a prisoner that hadn't technically broken any law or done them any real harm.