View Full Version : Fuse Arms Spell

2012-07-16, 12:28 AM
So the Fuse Arms Spell from SC allows you to merge your arms together, in return for which you gain an untyped strength bonus. It explicitly calls out tentacles as a viable form of arm, which made me think of Warshaper and its ability to grant you infinite tentacles.

But that would be silly, so instead I want to know what the Playground thinks of using Polymorph to turn into a Giant Squid, and then using Fuse Arms to grant yourself +40 strength (bringing it up to 66 strength). That really only leaves you with a bite, but if you use a contingency to add natural attacks it becomes ridiculous.

2012-07-16, 12:35 AM
or if you're a jerk like me and found some way to be a reaping mauler

I see the weakness of your concept: you can't cast spells after turning into the squid. :/ if your dm ruled Natural Spell could work for polymorph, i'd tell you to take up the PrC Master Transmogrifist (lets add on a Red Dragon's breath weapon shall we?)

EDIT: or a Hydra's Regeneration of 10+number of heads

MT is busted, in some ways, which is why I'll never get to play one IRL

2012-07-16, 12:41 AM
Craft Contingency: Polymorph should work, right? You polymorph, your contingency casts Fuse Arms on you.

2012-07-16, 12:47 AM
Hrm... I'm not sure, honestly *i have never seen Craft Contingency (what book is it in) but I would think it might. If you're wanting to go into a Polymorpher, look up the Master Transmogrifist, and ask a dm about Natural Spell (I'd allow it, but I'm a newb at DM-ing)

EDIT: maybe some Warshaper as well, for immunity/big resist to crits and able to make a natural attack one size bigger (at max level you could xform into the squid with the super arms, with regen (from hydra/troll), and some immunity :DDD)

Thoughts like this make my irl DM hate me

2012-07-16, 01:31 AM
Two things:

1) fuse arms leaves you with two arms, not one; and the first two don't count. You only net a +12.

2) There's no need for craft contingent spell (CAr.) A simple contingency spell will work just fine.

2012-07-16, 02:14 AM
That would still net you +16, not +12. 4 sets of arms times +4 strength would equal 16. The fifth set of arms would prevent it from being +20, since apparently the spell is by set of arms. I originally thought it was by individual arms, and the reduction in strength makes this fairly useless.

Oh well, such is life.

2012-07-16, 02:31 AM
Sorry, my math has been known to get just a tick off at 2:30 in the morning. I'm told my speech gets a little wonky too.

2012-07-16, 06:56 AM
Also note that you can only grow one natural weapon of each type with Warshaper. It increases the damage of natural weapons you already have.

Also if you used the "able to cast a Polymorph" special requirement to qualify for Warshaper polymorphing into a squid disqualifies you from the class as you can't cast spells with verbal components while in a form that can't speak a language.

2012-07-16, 07:02 AM
^The RAW is pretty fuzzy on that one actually. Anyone reasonable would say you can grow one new natural weapon(two for claws or tentacles) but by the strictest reading, there's no explicit limit, so...

2012-07-16, 07:10 AM
^The RAW is pretty fuzzy on that one actually. Anyone reasonable would say you can grow one new natural weapon(two for claws or tentacles) but by the strictest reading, there's no explicit limit, so...

Yes but if you already have the natural weapon you are trying to grow it increases the damage of the existing weapon instead. You get only one weapon so you can't create sets which you could fuse (except maybe with that 3 armed green giant from MM...).

While there is obviously room for abuse by creating many different weapons it shouldn't be very useful for Fuse Arms purposes.