View Full Version : Campaign Log - Shadows of the Past

2012-07-16, 02:45 AM
Greetings. This is a log I have finally managed to write down based on a campaign centered around this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=245386)

This is the cast:

Ahmet- CG human male ftr2/wiz4/spellsword1/eldritch knight3

Kam Lung- LN half orc cleric1/monk6/sacred fist 3

Crell- CG human ranger 9/ftr1

Airlainth - N female wild elf druid 11

This is what happened, so far:

After years of fighting off hordes of monsters, crawling through sewers and old tombs, and finally taking down an oppressive regime. Our heroes have decided to split ways. Ahmet returned to the city of Kull' Arrab, in the far reaches of the Sea of Dust, eager to prove his name after years of absence. Kamyra decided to go on pilgrimage to the smaller villages and towns around the region by Justcrown. Crell decide dot set shop with arms for hire at the portal town of Bludhaven. As for Airlainth, she chose to travel to a trading post at the foot of the Giantshield Mountains, near Jottun's Foot.

Not long after each one had made a comfortable living in their respective locales, things took a turn for the worse. Ahmet, with the help of his father, High Chancellor of War, had been disputing at court to prove Ahmet a worthy citizen and hero of Kull'Arrab, when the massive bronze doors opened wide and a messenger on horse, both scorched to a crisp, galloped into the main hall and collapsed, much to the horror of everyone. Ahmet rushed by the fallen messenger's side, followed by a few priests. With his dying breath, the doomed courier announced, "The Lord of Fire...comes here", before closing his eyes for the last time in Ahmet's arms.

Panic echoed through the Tribunal, as war horns were blown. Ahmet looked puzzled. He had been away for too long. Who was this "Lord of Fire", anyways? As he walked out into the main plaza, he realized he had been away for far too long. Caravans crowded the streets, eager to leave the city. The court's circle of mages looked at each other and shook hands before disappearing. Ahmet's father dragged him back to their palazzo. There in the relative safety of their home, his father told Ahmet that he had known of the coming of this Lord of Fire weeks ago, and had prepared thusly, but that in exchange for this information, he had to let go what his prized more, his only son.

As Ahmet tried to reason as to why, a figure appeared from behind the silk curtains. An auburn haired elf maiden with a wooden mask, leather trappings and a most unusual pendant- a sphere with a live miniature oak- stepped into view.

"Your father has arranged for your safety, boy", the elf greeted. "However, I can spirit you away if you give me the names of those you wish to see, as accurate as you can, please, may this spell work". As he was asked, Ahmet wrote down all of his comrade's names into a piece of parchment. The elf rubbed the names on the parchment with a small opal. "Focus on who you want to see, and you shall be there. Be mindful. You may only use this twice."

"And you are?", asked Ahmet

"The reason you will live to save your kingdom, little Ahmet." And with that, the elf walked out of the room.

"Father, we can do this. I have faced enemies before. This invasion should pose no threat for the cit..."

It was then that the whole building shook. As father and son walked out to the balcony, a huge red dragon had roosted on the tallest, with a rider barely visible against the rays of the desert sun. Below, an enormous army of beasts and men alike stormed the main square, burning and slaughtering with impunity all those they came across.

"The city is MINE!", bellowed the dragon rider. Ahmet knelt before his father. "I am sorry, father. I promise a swift return. Our homeland will be safe..as will you." He placed the stone on his forehead and focused on one of his comrades and vanished. His father readied his blade and solemnly walked downstairs to meet the invading horde.

Airlainth had been living in the village of Homstead for a few months now. Trading had been normal, as usual, for the small community. However, a somber resident had moved into town. An artisan from the Giantshield Mountains had moved in. Quite a reclusive fellow, but most skilled in stonework pottery. The druid decided to pay the giant artisan a visit. His workshop was a dark dome with a lone furnace in the back. Hunched and draped, the giant turned around swiftly and took hold of Airlainth with a withered arm.

"Who dares enter my tribe???", croaked the giant.

"Ehhh... this is not your tribe, sir. This is your workshop. I'm Airlainth. I came to visit and see what you have for sale" The giant's hold lessened and scraped his blackened nails back into the shroud.

"My tribe... yes. Gone... no more Jottun. Only those without soul now."

This piqued the druid's interest. "Without..soul? Where? I heard you came from Jottun's Foot, but the place is sealed off."

"My brothers were taken... by the child from the void." The giant began pounding the side of the dome with his fist, breaking off pieces of the wall and his feeble knuckles in the process.

Airlainth, calmly retreated her steps out into the sunlight and went over to one of the caravans posted in town, ready to take off. There she would learn that in fact, Jottun's Foot had been sealed off for a long time. A caravan once tried going through the mists in the vale and never made it across the mountains. Sure, there were other routes, taking a day or two longer, but the traders would pay handsomely for anyone willing to rid the pass of that mist.

Airlainth looked on into the mountain and realized there was more than money at stake here. "A child of the void...and the giant's hand, his voice..." She sure could use the help of her brothers in arms. And if by providence itself, down from the skies dropped Ahmet, faced down in the ground.

Kamyra had been traveling with a caravan of pelorites just outside of Justcrown when her caravan met up with a group in pilgrimage. The group was lead by a bard. As for the rest, commoners which did not present any immediate danger. All were dressed in white tunics with a crudely stitched motif of a unicorn on the front. Curious, Kamyra walked up to a child in the group and asked her where they were headed.

"To see the goddess, ma'am."

"The goddess? Where?", inquired Kamyra

"The funny man with the lute knows, ma'am. Don't you want to see the goddess too?"

Kamyra walked up to the bard, a scrawny human with a long, furry cape and an over sized feather on his purple bonnet.

"Excuse me, sir. Where are you taking these people?"

"Oh, dear! To see the goddess, of course! She who has been amongst us for so long, and has finally revealed herself at Swan's Rest! We will be the first outsiders to see the goddess in her magnificence. No more pain, no more hunger, no more taxes! Blessed are you, to follow us in this most holy of travels!" The bard pranced and plucked his lute around Kamyra.

"Please stop that, sir. Now, who is this goddess? I am rather versed in religion and there never has been a god walking Oerth since..."

"Oh, child of little faith", scorned the bard. "We shall find paradise in Swan's Rest. Be not a thorn on our side with your blade and iron heel!"

Before Kamyra was able to punch him in the face, she felt two loud THUMPS behind her. Overjoyed was the aasimar to see Ahmet and Airlainth facedown on the ground. She helped them up, dusted them off and gave each other a big group hug. After catching up to speed, the group agreed that many strange things were happening around the world, and investigations were in order. However, where to go? The power of the opal had faded and they needed the help of their trusty ranger. Purchasing a pair of horses, Ahmet and Kamyra rode on, while Airlainth took to the skies.

"Won't you join us to see the goddess, little pelorite?", yelled the bard at Kamyra as they rode off.

"Oh, I will! You can bet your bonnet I will!!!"

Crell had been running a rather decent sword for hire business at the seaside town of Bludhaven. The jobs were usually bodyguard duties at the mayor's town speeches, or maybe escorting cargo to the nearby trading posts. Now and then, he would send his men to sea, to deliver cargo to the islands in the Ocean of Storms. The last, trip however, had not returned. Rumors were scattering about some evil in the Ocean. A "Devil of the Deeps". The tale would've amused Crell, had it not be that his entire crew had gone missing in the last voyage. When he decided to visit Merchant House Kadeth, he would find a most shocking revelation.

Merchant Oswald Kadeth was nearly in ruin. His house was in the middle of a repossession. Papers filled with bank notices littered his desk and floor. He was almost to the verge of tears when Crell came into his study.

"What happened, old friend", asked Crell

"I'm done, Crell. All my cargoes have gone missing. My ships have disappeared into sea. I have lost everything. I am sorry for the loss of your men. However, I have something to show you. You may come out, son."

A hidden panel next to Oswald's study moved ajar and a single wet, briny hand popped into view, holding on to the panel. "Boss?" whimpered the voice.

Crell recognized the voice, shattered as it was. as well as the wedding band on the creature's finger. Stanley Goodwin had been a new recruit for his company. He had made Crell best man at his wedding a few months ago. When Crell forced the panel open, there stood little Stanley. A hybrid of a man and a sea creature, dripping body fluids as his form was barely able to withstand being outside of his natural element. Stanley collapsed into Crell's arms.

"The Sea Devil..she is real. I, I was allowed to live because I cried the most as she killed our men, boss. I'm sorry. She told me she will never stop and that no sea is safe. Boss...I'm sorry..." And then he breathed no more.

After giving Stanley a proper funeral and compensating his wife with a generous 1000gp insurance, Crell was visited at his home by Ahmet, Airlainth, and Kamyra. In the thundering storm outside, they all discussed their respective situations and what should they do.

"I'm fishing myself a sea devil. Who's with me", growled Crell

"Jottun's Pass hides something quite...unnatural. We should go check it", cued in Airlainth

"My people are under siege!" I need your help to take down the Lord of Fire!", blurted Ahmet.

"This goddess is most intriguing...and it's not far." chimed in Kamyra.

No one noticed that during their late night conversation by the fireplace, on top of the wooden beams that supported the second floor of the house, a halfling listened in on them attentively.

The next morning, the party decided they needed information. Luckily, a temple to the Archmage had been in Bludhaven for a long time. As the group was greeted into the main foyer, crowded with neophytes and young wizards practicing their cantrips, they were introduced to Old Father Wilhelm, head priest of the temple.

"Wisdom may be found freely, yet rarely given out so." such where his greeting words. The party placed a small bag of coins on the table.

"Boy, fetch my crystal ball. You over there! Close the curtains." The neophytes rushed to perform their labor. Father Wilhelm peered into his crystal ball.

"I cannot pinpoint the Sea Devil, she may be quite good at hiding, and the oceans are vast, you know. As for the boy from the Void, all I see is gathering mist in the lingering dark. The goddess you seek, however...." And then he paused, sweat running down his forehead. "This creature is no divine being. It is an abomination! A demon from the deepest pits. She spreads foul knowledge no doubt for sinister agendas. And you allowed a pilgrimage to go to this...Swan's Rest, you say? The blood of innocents may lie in your hands...that is, unless you are willing to do the church of the Archmage a favor."

The party looked at each other. Ahmet was quick to ask, "What do you need, father?" Wilhelm stroked his white trimmed beard, "Her head. Bring me the monster's body. Rid Swan's Rest of her vile influence and not only will you have served a cause most noble, but you will enjoy the graces of the Church of Boccob...as well as a substantial reward."

"We'll head there and investigate, Father Wilhelm.", responded Kamyra. If there is something amiss, we'll deal with it. We have done this before, you know."

"Then, may the gods bless your journey and may your hand strike true in the name of Truth. You may now be dismissed, children."

As the party rode off Bludhaven to Swan's Rest, Father Wilhelm looked on through the window. He turned back to look at his neophytes and with a wave of his hand, the young boccobites vanished into thin air. The priest sat down and took the crystal ball, now an elaborate tea cup and took a sip, as his features changed to that of a finely chiseled elf with grey hair and amethyst eyes.

"And there goes the first of six."

Please let me know if you have any observations regarding length and narrative, since I would like to post these on a weekly basis. Thank you!

2012-07-23, 05:04 AM
Greetings again! This is the second session that I've had with my party. Here goes a recap.

As our four brave heroes rode towards Justcrown, they stopped to marvel at the old highway, built by the ancient Suloise Empire ages ago. A distant cry for help raised their attention. Airlainth, turned into an eagle and soared forward to see what the matter was: an upturned caravan wagon and a lone peasant trapped underneath. What everyone failed to notice, even for the druid, was that a group of crafty bugbears and an invisible giant lay in waiting.

Too late did the party realize their mistake. The tanglefoot bags splashed on the heroes with little effort, sticking them to the ground. The druid, now in elven form was rushed in with a club to the face by the charging and raging ogre barbarian. Panic ensued as the bugbears closed in for the kill, shortswords at the ready. Luckily, even if their defenses were somewhat dull, the party pulled through. Alas, Kamyra fell to the ogre's great club and had to be carried well into the crowded gates of Justcrown.

Raviant had been teaching lute lessons to one of his most talented pupils in the city. As a bard of great reknown, Lacore had established himself as a most talented bard and as such, was accepted into the inner circles of the most noble houses in Justcrown, as well as the lowest guilds in the city.

A soft knock came through his studio door. Raviant opened to a herald from House Pottsdorff, home to Duke Ferdinand Pottsdorff, the most powerful man in the city. And he was holding his autumn ball tonight, as was wont to be every year around this time. With the particular inclusion of one attraction: the fabled ruby mask of Wee Jas as centerpiece.

"We expect to see you tonight, Maestro", and the herald was off.

The gates were brimming with pilgrims from all over. The city guard had established a perimeter in front of the gates. "Anyone willing to enter must pay a tourist tax of three hundred gold talents, as proclaimed by the City Council!", shouted a guard before a stone hit the side of his head from the angry crowd.

"We have the right to go in!", yelled a woman

"Who are you to deny us of our faith. We want to see the goddess!", cried a man.

Raviant had been called to the city gates to try and appease the crowd. When he realized that the lynching mob of outsiders totaled around eighty, he prudently erred on the side of diplomacy rather than using his bardic talents. Sadly, there was no sweet talking now and Raviant Lacore had to shield himself behind a guard as a mild hail of stones and pebbles were thrown his way. Before ducking for cover, however, the bard did notice four outsiders who did not belong with the zealous pilgrims.

"We need to get inside", proposed Ahmet.

"I'll fly in and see if I can find anyone that can let us in", declared Airlainth before turning into a bat.

"Sounds like a plan. This city has a church dedicated to Pelor. I'm sure I can get a good word with the High priest", chimed in a slightly recovered Kamyra.

"So... no bashing our way in, huh?" moaned Crell.

Thankfully, Kamyra´s lovely demeanor with the guards did allow her entrance into the city. Unaware as she was as she walked the crowded streets to the temple, that Raviant Lacore, Maestro of Justcrown tailed her a few paces behind, well disguised using his magic hat. A feat that eluded even Airlainth, who flew a few dozen feet above the aasimar.

Father Friederick of the holy temple of Pelor was most kind, as Pelorite priests tend to be. Kamyra got not only a sealed letter of admission into the city for Ahmet and Crell, but he handed the young priestess his personal invite to the Duke´s grand ball, noting that pompous events of that nature bored him to tears. A young neophyte sweeping the temple's patio- Lacore in disguise again- grinned at the turn of events and decided to tail them again in his natural form.

Once in the city, everyone was put up to speed regarding the events that night. The party was tired and weary. The battle hours ago had left them severely wounded, so off they went to rest their aching selves at the Foaming Wench, the classiest Bed & Breakfast in town. Lacore decided to join them as well- in the guise of a drunkard. Oddly enough, he crossed a regular patron that left the Inn who calmly greeted him, "Good evening, Maestro". This unsettled the bard for the briefest of moments before invading the party's table and pulling off an all-rounder for the group, making some casual talk about the gala tonight and how he-an amateur musician could use some help at the ball, and leaving without paying his tab.

As the group approached the manor in their most polished armor, they immediately got the evil eye from the herald, who just as quickly introduced the group when Crell and 6ft. stature asked him ¨politely¨to let the priest lady in and her bodyguards.

The main ballroom was lavishly decorated with crystal chandeliers and enormous paintings of the duke in a hunting getup and a ridiculously heroic pose. The duke himself waddled through the guests in his finest attire. Brimming with jewels and furs while supporting his heavy set frame with a golden cane. In the center of the room, atop a pedestal lay a black cloth covering what appeared to be a large round ornament- no doubt the duke's crowning piece of the evening. The mask of Wee Jas.

The group did some mingling of their own as well. Lacore took to the front of the ball and began his lute performance. Meanwhile, the group was harassed by an overly uptight waiter asking them if they wanted for a glass of "Champagna, monsieur?". Crell got a tad suspicious, but they all drank the fine liquor nonetheless. After Lacore's perfomance, the duke stepped into the center of the ball, next to the covered sphere.

"Behold! Fine citizens of Justcrown! I, Ferdinand Pottsdorff, presnet unto you my latest acquisition. Crafted in times immemorial, guarded in absolute secrecy, the most exquisite piece of Weejasite artifact. The mask of the Ruby Goodess herself!" And with that, the duke pulled down the black drape... only to reveal his cook hog-tied with an apple in his mouth.

Laughter ran through the hall which turned to cries of panic and horror as a small cloaked figure came crashing down from one of the chandeliers. On the culprits face, the deed- he wore the ruby mask.

"Guards! Lock the doors shoot that scoundrel!", barked the duke. Oddly enough, the arrows from the soldiers seemed to swirl around the cloaked figure and drop around the marble floor- none hit its mark.

"You over there! You have weapons! Use them!!!!", the duke ordered the group.

"Worry not, sir. All I need is my trusty falchion and..." Ahmet reached for his blade and grasped thin air. Crell tried to get his bow, but was gone as well. Same for Kamyra´s mace and Airlainth's sling. When did they get their items pocketed?

The druid wasted no time, calling forth the wrath of nature, she brought down a pillar of flame on the rogue as the guests ran to the edges of the ballroom. When the flames and smoke had subsided, there lay the cloaked rogue, with the gleaming ruby mask on his face still, dusting off the ashes, unscathed.

"You're mine!" Crell ran up to the rogue and attempted a good old grapple. Certainly a small creature like him would not be able to elude his broad arms. Confunded, Crell hugged stale air as the rogue simply dropped on the ground and lay there tapping his index finger on the mask, making a tentative tinkling sound. At this point, the thief began to slowly ascend up to the roof, no doubt planning his escape. Ahmet got the jump on him and caught him squarely in his arms.

"Who's got who, Ahmet?" mocked the rogue as both skyrocketed into the night sky leaving a sizeable hole in the ceiling.

"I believe it would be in your best interest to not let go, kid" warned the masked miscreant. Ahmet had barely a chance to realize they were high above the clouds, looking at the starry night, no land or ground lights in sight.

"I am not afraid of heights, little one. Why the mask?"

"Because it doesn't belong to that pompous jerk. The mask isn't magical, but it is worth a pretty copper or two. I know people who could benefit from the money, The fur wearing swine miles below has no need for it other than to be pretentious. I have been following you and your friends. I like your intentions, but be warned, you aren't the only ones looking for the goddess. There are others with less than chivalrous intentions."

"Why thank you, Ok, you win. Keep the mask. Just tell me where are our weapons."

"In your room at the Foaming Wench. Best of luck with that goddess-or whatever that is. Oh, and be mindful of he who is called the Maestro in town. He's a deceptive one. And now, if I recall correctly, you said you weren't afraid f heights, so...bye!" And with that, the halfling slipped out of Ahmet´s rip and shot off into the night sky. Fortunately, our hero is versed on the arcane studies, so carefully taking out a feather, he uttered the incantation and flew down rocket shaped into the garden where everyone had assembled and gracefully landed on his feet.

"My apologies, sir, he got away with the mask."

The duke was furious. After having his guards escort all the guests out, the party went to their room at the Foaming Wench. Sure enough, each one had their weapons stolen back on their bed, with a piece of parchment next to it and a big "B" written on it.

The events of the night had been strange enough. Now they were more than ready to venture into the woods beyond and find the elusive goddess. But before, they decided to ask about this Maestro.

2012-08-06, 03:39 AM
Greetings again! This would be the third entry into my campaign. Tonight we saw a lot of action a few plot developments. This is how it went down.

After a thorough interrogation with the duplicitous Raviant Lacore, the party learned from him that the elusive bard actually had some lore regarding a "great luminous crash" in the fey woods a few centuries ago. Before they had a chance to question him any further, a gentle knock was heard at the door.

"Yes?", greeted Lacore

"Maestro, this is for you. Have a pleasant day." responded a herald, handing him a letter.

"Hmmm....", mumbled Raviant. "It would seem that the Countess of Fekeimheim has decided to cancel tutoring for her children at my school.."

At that point, a lovely song was heard across the street, coming from the inn. The party, lead by Raviant, rushed downstairs across the street to the source of the enchanting song.

Sure enough, in the middle of the stage, sat a luscious elf maiden, hair as dark as a raven, dressed in silks and jewelry, singing a cappella. Everyone, even the heroes were enthralled by her amazing voice. It would take a while for Airlainth, the party's druid, to device that it was not an elf at all- but a nymph.

"Pottsdorff has had you replaced, Raviant", mocked Otis the inn's owner. "Unless you can out do this one, you're finished as maestro bard in Justcrown."

"I'll be back, Otis. And I'll bring the best epic any tavern has ever heard". replied Raviant before leaving abruptly.

The nymph eyed the party leaving and smiled wickedly.

Having been outdone by competition, Raviant decided to join our heroes in their quest for the woodland goddess. If anything, it would give him a tale to tell and regain his position in Justcrown. As the party prepared for their journey, they missed to notice that eyes were upon them. From elsewhere, forces were making their move into the fey woods, with sinister intentions.

As dawn broke, the group marched towards the back gate, the one that would lead them into the forest. Never had they seen such tall trees entrenched against a city wall before- almost as if repelling the urban invasion. Against the guard's feeble attempts to dissuade them, the gates were open to the party. And after a small trek, they found themselves in the ancient fey woods.

The forest was huge. The lush colors of the undergrowth mixed with sunlight almost blinded them. More so, the unnerving sense of being watched by the denizens of the forest put everyone on their toes, except for the druid and ranger. That is, until Ahmet found a diminutive new friend perched on his shoulder.

The elfin creature tugged at Ahmet's turban- by teeth and nail, trying to see his face. Ahmet shoved the pest away, too late realizing that he had over a hundred of the little ones fluttering around him.

"Assassin! Assassin!", they cried in unison. And soon, Ahmet found himself surrounded by a whirlwind of light as the bitter fey clawed and bit him. Thankfully, his abilities as a conjurer proved true and he was able to jaunt away, if only for a brief respite. The swarm was relentless, and after nearly finishing off the spellsword, Airlainth, the wild elf druid, convinced them through the old druidic tongue that they were no assassins and were here to help.

"The assassin must present himself to trial", echoed the swarm. "If your intentions are true, follow the trees, druid, to the sacred grove. The celestial warden will judge his vile deeds. Lie to us, and you and your friends will never leave these woods alive, by our oath." Having little choice (particularly since the druid and cleric refused to blow up the fey swarm), the party followed hours into the woods, noticing strange patches of sand and burnt forest. Animals would growl at them, the fey denizens would whisper in their ear "assassin" as the party walked through to their trial in the woods. finally, they came upon a sacred grove, covered in a thorn wall.

The druid was shocked. She had been to fey groves before, but never to one in such a derelict state. The sparkling pool at the center was a few days ahead from becoming a puddle of mud. The lovely trees that sprang around the pool were leafless and black. From the trees and beside the pool, dryads clung to life as their soil was slowly being corrupted. Across the pool, an elf-like figure with a brilliant sword beckoned them closer. The cleric immediately kneeled before the brilliant knight.

"Come forth, warrior", ordered the eladrin. "Remove your turban that I may gaze upon your face." Ahmet did as he was told, fearful before a being of the Outer Planes. "Your scent and appearance is similar to the assassin, but you are not he who dries the woods."

"Who is this assassin, sir", asked Ahmet.

"His identity eludes me. Yet he has sided with old Balion, the twisted druid. Long has Old Balion walked these woods, shunned by the one you call goddess. His depredations were always minor, put in check by the fey. Yet now, this new presence has given him strength and confidence. He seeks entry into the heart of the fey woods- Swan's Rest. In his wake, many pilgrims and forest dwellers have fallen prey to this new threat. If you and your friends are here to help, take this guide. He shall lead you to the Shepherd, who guards the way to Swan's Rest."

The guide was Delyne, pixie scout extraordinaire, who was quick to lay on Airlainth's shoulder. "We must make haste! The Shepherd awaits!" With a new course to take, the party would trek for a few more hours towards the Shepherd's grove. Hopeful to find answers and a guide.

As they approached the Shepherd's grove, things became odd immediately. No animals were in sight. The grove had closed upon itself, forming a thicket of blackened trees. The Shepherd himself had rooted himself in the way, awakening as the party walked into his domain.

"And youuuu areeeeee...", croaked the shepherd.

"They have come to seek audience at Swan's Rest, old one", replied Delyne.

As soon as the pixie finished exposing their intentions, the party noticed two black trees uprooting themselves and blocking their way out.

"Swan's Rest belongs to my master now, little gnat. No one shall pass through this blighted grove. Such is my task." bellowed the truant before swatting Delyne across the grove. The party readied their weapons and spells.

The Shepherd was monstrous. His arms reached far and wide and struck the ranger and druid with such force it almost killed them. The bard took out his lute and began to sing- only to be swatted by one of the animated trees. The spellsword jaunted left and right, avoiding the black roots that sprang forth from the desecrated ground. The party had managed briefly to cut down one of the trees, yet the Shepherd was still controlling what remained of it.

"Kamyra... what is this?!" yelled Ahmet as he was pound into the ground by the Shepherd's branch. "This is not a treant, no...it used to be. I think it's a..." Kamyra had barely the time to assess what she was looking at before one of the animated trees swatted her down. Raviant quickly slid next to the fallen aasimar and used the wand he had saved for so many years on her, revitalizing the cleric with enough energy for Kamyra to channel Pelor's sun power through her body and blast the undead treant into ashes. Bloody and torn, the party finished the last of his wood minions and using the last charges from Raviant's wand, healed enough to continue their trek until they came across Old Balion's cabin.

The area around the cabin was a wasteland. Charred trees marked the landscape. No animals could be heard for miles around. The cabin itself looked like it had been abandoned for years, sporting a thatched roof and crude wooden plans to support it. Around the house, a grim warning- skulls of several animals and humanoids perched on a pike. Our heroes decided to ignore such warnings and walked into the house-before the floor opened beneath them.

Kamyra was fast, even with her full plate on, she avoided the trap. The rest weren't as fortunate. As the party dropped into the abyss below, Raviant, ever cautious, took out a feather and whispering arcane secrets to it, blew it away. The group landed safely at the bottom of the pit, greeted by the sound of shuffling feet.

The aasimar had little time to realize what was going on with her friends below. The cabin door opened wide and a dried up husk of a man lurched out to her. Belying his appearance, he was fast-and struck hard. The pain was unbearable as Kamyra's cheeks were deprived of moisture as the salt mummy pounded her face with such a blow that almost broke her jaw. At the bottom of the pit, the party had a better chance, Crell feeling the salty crust of the mummy before having the monster felled by his comrades. Above, Kamyra focused her power once more to burn the mummy into salt chunks. She was quick to go inside the cabin and find a way to rescue her friends.

As luck may have it, the party found a ladder that led them straight into the living room-the only room of the derelict house. The place was a mess. It would seem nobody had used it in years, yet the bed was still warm. Trails of sand could be observed on the floor- no doubt the mummies killed earlier. As they began their search for clues, the party found a small oak figurine, carved in the shape of an elven female, beside it, a small, nondescript box containing two emeralds and a small diary. After careful examination for possible traps- and finding none, Raviant was quick to eye the last entry from the old journal.

I have been denied too long. My precious Arrallae belongs to me and me alone! The sand man has promised me the goddess if I show him the way to Swan's Rest. He can have the damn place. I just want to slit Jacob's throat myself. Steiner was smart to leave these woods. I was to be this forest's guardian. And now, I shall devour every thicket and stream. Then, my goddess will have to come out, and she will be mine. Neither the sand man or his Fire Lord may claim her. She is mine.

Raviant's face went grim. "Steiner...my mentor?" There was no time to waste. Our heroes knew that if this sand man managed to get into Swan's Rest, nothing good could come out of it. The entire forest would become a wasteland filled with the undead. They pushed through following a crude map left behind by Old Balion. Finally, they reached the edge of the woods. The great entrance to Swan's Rest.

As the party stepped into the stone circle engraved with the face of the goddess, they saw a most unusual group greeting them: a man clad in desert tunics, guarded by three salt mummies assessed the great circular door before him. Next to him, in an hunched position, stood a more feral looking man with greasy black hair, banging his scythe like a mad man at the door with a giant skeletal hyena roaring at the group. The entire place had the stench of undeath hanging heavy. Ahmet's eyes widened in fear.

"Ahmet, so nice to see you, little prince." greeted the man in tunics. His face was uncovered, revealing his aasimar nature-however, unlike Kamyra, his was a withered face, unnatural and dry, with but a glimpse of his divine nature through the flickering light that managed to stay lit in his sunken eye sockets.

"You're seneshal Kazim! You defended Kull'Arrab along my father! Why are you here?", demanded Ahmet.

"Ahmet, the city now has a new ruler. The Lord of Fire has taken Kull' Arrab and has set his blazing gaze upon these lands too. Be a good dog like your father and come with me to the city. My lord is most generous. You now stand in the line between life and death, boy. What will it be?", taunted the dry lich.

"Your head, monster!" cried Ahmet, falchion held high above his head, readying a spell. "Predictable prince. You have sealed your fate and that of the dogs that prowl with you. Balion, my friend. Dispose of this garbage and you shall be aptly rewarded. Ahmet, you and I shall not meet again. Die knowing your father is now my pawn." And with that, the dry lich vanished, leaving Old Balion, the mummies and his skeletal monstrosity to face off against a group of very tired heroes.

"You would stand between me and my goddess?", foamed the blighter. "NO ONE WILL TAKE HER FROM MEEE!" And with that, Old Balion thrust his scythe to the sky, drawing in the souls of fey and man alike to power his spells. The party faced near extinction as a pillar of dark fire collapsed upon them. Crell and Kamyra fell to the spell, Ahmet jaunted away in time, Raviant survived-if only barely, and Airlainth took to the skies as an eagle.

The battle was in full force. Balion's hyena was a terror to behold, ripping the heroes apart. Raviant had barely a chance to revive Kamyra and Crell with the last charges from his wand as the salt mummies exchanged blows with Ahmet. Auirlainth descend next to Old Balion as a brown bear and summoned a brother bear in the process, effectively flanking the Blighter. "So you think you have me, fools? I want you ALL DEAD!!!!" And with that, he struck his scythe on the ground hard, emitting a pulsing wave of fire that engulfed both bears and transforming himself into one-albeit without flesh.

The battle was going for the worse. Ahmet had no way to avoid the attacks from the mummies, Crell was barely holding on to life. Raviant had backed away and was performing his lute in hopes of raising the party's abilities in battle. Kamyra managed to call on Pelor's power one more time and reduced the skeletal hyena to dust, while Crell fired an arrow at Balion. Seeing the arrow bounce off his ribcage, the monster drew his angry gaze at the three adventurers farthest away, avoiding slashes from the druid and his bear, he called forth a second torrent of flame that devastated Kamyra, Crell, and Raviant. Lacore, unfortunately, would not survive this second blast. Kamyra managed to survive the onslaught enough to heal herself and a fallen Crell.

Meanwhile, it was a battle of the bears at the gate. Airlainth clawed and bit, as well as his summoned brother, but their attacks weren't as effective as Old Balion's. He called forth another wave of fire, blasting the summoned bear and actually making the druid retreat. Ahmet managed to dispatch one the mummies and rushed Balion who had now regressed to a very bloody human form.

"Kamyra! Destroy the mummies. We'll handle Balion!" Druid and Spellsword faced off against the Blighter, who used his last ounce of energy to blaze the area around him, dropping the druid and hurting the spellsword heavily. Kamyra managed to reduce the remaining mummies to dust with her last healing spells. "You're done, Balion", were Ahmet's words as his falchion went ghostly and ran the old blighter through. Old Balion fell on his knees and scraped the oak portal, "My goddess...why" And fell on the ground coughing blood.

At that moment, the great oak door began parting open. The group had to lower their heads as an intense light filled the entire bloody arena. Kamyra was able to discern a female figure amidst the dazzling golden light.

"Balion, is that you?"

Killer Angel
2012-08-06, 04:52 AM
Sorry for the double post. :smallwink:

You can always delete it. It's one of the option in the "edit post". :smallwink:

2012-08-13, 01:44 AM
Greetings again! This is the fourth installment for my campaign log. Not much transpired onscreen, a bunch happened off screen and a big reveal for a finale.

As our heroes knelt before the bright figure before them, Old Balion, bloodied after the clash with the party, clung to the goddess' tunic.

"Arrallae... you are here...at last", coughing blood, death inevitable.

"Dear Balion", uttered Arrallae as she knelt before his broken body, caressing his cheek. "You have suffered because of me so much. Allow me to give you a rest deserving my bravest guardian."

A tear went down her cheek as she pressed her hands against the blighter's face. Old Balion managed to close his eyes and utter a silent "thank you" as his body glowed with in an incandescent white glow and burst forth, cleansing the bloddy arena and reviving the desecrated flora around them. The goddess stood up and looked at the heroes.

"Welcome to Swan's Rest...", before she vanished and the party was able to stand again. Before them, an inviting glow peered from the great wooden portal. Before they could venture into this paradise on Oerth, their gaze turned to Raviant lacore, great maestro of Justcrown, dead and burnt. Crell put the bard on his broad shoulders and all walked through the light threshold.

Kamyra had read in her cloister about the lands beyond death. The heavenly pastures, roll hills, ripe, plump fruits, rose scented breeze and pristine brooks. For a moment, she thought Balion had indeed killed them all. For this was certainly what paradise must've been like. At the center of this bucolic land, encased in a dome of roots and flowers, stood a modest temple from which the radiant glow of the sun seemed to have set upon. As they walked with their dead bard, the people of Swan's Rest looked on in bafflement. Never had they seen visitors to their land, much less blood. An elder man in leather armor approached them.

"How did you get in here?", asked the citizen.

"The seal is open, friend. we had to kill a corrupt druid to gain access. You are safe.", replied Ahmet.

"Balion...you killed Balion?", the man's face got red with anger.

"We can explain, sir" began Kamyra. "Balion attempted to enter Swan's Rest with the help of the undead. Monsters brought forth by a shrouded man from the sand itself. Please, we need to see the goddess. We have been cleansing the forest from these abominations, but the price was most dear to us."

The man's expression calmed down. "I am Jacob, mayor of Swan's Rest. I had not expected Balion to turn his zealotry this way. You carry a dead one with you. Maybe there is something that can be done. This way."

Our heroes were lead into the stone and root temple. Inside, in a small grove filled with beasts, sitting on a bench playing her lute, sat Arrallae eyes closed and an expression of sorrow reflected by her tune. The group knelt before her, impossible to describe the sensation of inner peace and absolute power that radiated from this elf maiden.

"My goddess, we are sorry to stand before you drenched in blood, carrying a dead man. However, many events are happening around the world and we believe you may be able to grant us guidance. We lay before you the body of Raviant lacore, pupil to Steiner Lacore. A man we believe you knew.", introduced Airlainth.

The goddess opened her eyes and looked at the group, a single silver tear running down her perfect cheek. "You knew Steiner?" "We know his pupil, who lays before you, madam." Arrallae put her lute down and stood up, her glorious crown of sunlight filling the entire room.

"All those who pass through Swan's Rest will be aided, no matter what", sentenced Arrallae. Having set that, she placed her warm hands around Raviant's burned skin. In a matter of minutes, his wounds healed and with a massive jolt, Raviant Lacore breathed once more. "Welcome back, child" smiled Arrallae as the bard drew a smile on his face by watching her perfect face meet his after a short travel through Olidammara's grand tavern.

"So, the forest has fallen to decay. Balion, my trusted friend and guardian became corrupted and fell. And you seek my guidance. How, exactly?"

"Goddess, we believe shadows are falling upon the lands of Oerth. We would like to banish them. But we know not where to begin. We have heard of sea devils, lords of fire, and even of a sinister child in the giant mountains. We would like your counsel and blessing.", explained Ahmet.

Arrallae took a deep breath and looked at Jacob. "Please, friend. Prepare the vault." Jacob's face turned pale. "Are you sure, Arrallae? You want to do it?"
"These travelers have risked their lives here while I have stood idly by. It is the least I can do, Jacob." Having said, she returned to her musings with her lute. Jacob walked the party outside.

"You need to understand, children", explained Jacob. "When Balion and I found Arrallae so many years ago, she had landed in the midsts of the forest. Amnesiac and afraid, we offered her shelter at our village. In time, she manifested amazing powers. Everything bloomed where once it lay withered and frail. Yet, for all her incredible healing powers. Her powers as an oracle proved to be most magnificent...and terrible. When we saw what risk it brought forth to her and anyone around her. Steiner came up with an ancient spell. One bound by the blood of the guardians of Swan's rest- Balion's, Steiner's, and myself. The spell sealed away the great oak portal to the village and even prevented scrying from magical sources. However, it could be broken by the blood of one of us being spilled on the gate. In this case, Balion's. Steiner left shortly after the spell had been cast. He wanted to spread his bardic teachings elsewhere. Where he is now, we do not know. As for Balion, he chose to guard the forest from outside in case anyone dared come in. I suppose his self-imposed exile proved too much for his sanity. His love for Arrallae and his inability to see her drove him mad. This man of shrouds must've used that to poison his mind and manipulated him into fighting you, thus opening the gate."

A heavy air hung around our heroes. "What can we do, Jacob", asked Kamyra.
"Arrallae sensed some beings of an unnatural nature prowling the forests. Deal with them and come back. Then I shall prepare the vault." Our heroes, replenished by the healing properties of Swan's Rest, went out into the fey forest again. No salt mummy would remain during their hunt. that was for sure.

Duke Potssdorff ran through the hallways of his palazzo, his nightgown stained in blood and a sheer look of panic on his face.

"Guards! GUARDS!!! Where are you?! I'm being chased!" The old duke opened the room in his study to see his best soldiers dead with clean cuts across their necks. Standing before them, the nymph bard he had hired days ago cleaned off her blade and gave him a nonchalant look.

"You witch! You were my protege! Why?"

"You fat fool. I am not your protege. You are but a minor spec to me. This house is now mine. Your death shall never be mourned, Potssdorff, because you never died."

A baffled look crossed the duke's face. "What do you mean?" As he asked this, a dark figure approached him from behind and placed it's shadowy claw on his face.

"I heard you like masks. So do I.", hissed the voice. The duke's final cry of anguish and pain was quickly silenced throughout a manor filled with dead guards.

Hunting for mummies this time around proved to be an easier task for our heroes. Ten were slain in different ambushes laid by the ranger. The vile, desiccated undead never stood a chance against the might of our heroes. As dusk approached. They decided that the mop up operation was complete. And so, they headed back to Swan's Rest to report their success.

"Wait.", stated Crell. "You go along. I have something I need to do. Something I should have done awhile back I'll see you all in the morning."

"Are you sure?" asked Raviant. "We still don't know if there are more mummies prowling the woods.."

"I'll be fine, bard." stated a grim Crell. "You go."

Crell found a secluded area far off into the woods. He lit a bonfire, took of his armor and painted wolf designs on his chest and face. Made a silent prayer to Obah Hai for his spirit companion to come forth. He knew it would be a long night. He did not, however, expected to be interrupted.

A female approached Crell's bonfire. An elven scout with a wooden mask. She knelt before the bonfire, both sharing the warmth of the fire.

"Crell. I have been watching you, Ahmet and the others. I am Myriam, sent to protect Ahmet since the downfall of Kull'Arrab. You must listen to me, Crell. You and your companions have helped this forest immensely. So heed my advice. Leave at your earliest opportunity. Things are about to change, and I would not like for you, Ahmet or the others to die needlessly. Promise me you will leave, Crell."

"I promise to tell my friends of this, elf. I cannot promise I will leave."

The masked scout stood up, walked into a tree and vanished.

The next morning. The party awoke to see Crell alongside a horse-sized wolf with an exquisite black pelt. "This is Rain. Rain, my companions". The party would've been scared by the sight of such a beats, but the calming winds of Swan's Rest had Rain as tempered as a pup.

"Nice pet, Crell. Are you ready to see the goddess?", asked Ahmet.

"He is no pet, wizard. He's my companion. Address him as such, please." answered Crell.

The party walked to the temple, where Arrallae and Jacob lay waiting at the door. "Are you ready?", asked gentle Arrallae.

"Goddess, show us what we need to do.", said Kamyra.

Arrallae took another deep breath and walked with the group to an area behind the temple. There, set in a rectangular fashion, stood perfect chiseled statues of Steiner Racore, Old Balion, and Jacob.

"My friends, my guardians.", whispered Arrallae as the statues glowed and a whirring sound came from the ground beneath them. An opening was revealed with stairs leading into the darkness. "No need for light here, children", stated the goddess as her blazing crown illuminated their path beneath Swan's Rest.
At the end of the brick and root tunnel was a circular room divided by an iron gate with a huge padlock and a key still in it. Inside the room, scribbled on the ceiling were old writings and markings depicting esoterica from ages past. in the middle of the cell was a steel chair with clasps attached to the arm rests. A table was placed before the chair with a small stool looking at the steel chair. On the table lay parchment and ink.

"Listen carefully", began Arrallae. "One of you will walk in with me to this cell, which must be shut and locked after that. The one who enters with me must fasten the steel clasps around my wrists as I sit down. I will then enter a trance and that person must write down everything I say, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Do you understand?"

The party looked quizzically. "Why must you be fastened to a chair?"

Jacob answered, "For her safety...and ours." his face had become most solemn.

Kamyra volunteered to go in with the goddess. She heard the loud rusting sound of the cell closing behind her and the key turning on the padlock. "Kamyra, child. take my sword.", offered Arrallae. "Should something happen, do not hesitate. Strike me down should I become the unspeakable." Fright flew through the group.

"What do you mean, Arrallae?", stuttered Kamyra.

"I may have the power of visions, but these powers awaken something in me sometimes. Something that, for reasons I still cannot understand, lays dormant in me. Please, aasimar, promise you will do what is right, ok?"

Jacob was in tears as Kamyra took the longsword from Arrallae. The goddess was fastened to the chair, lay her head down and began to speak as the writings in the domed ceiling lit up.

"A child of shadow, who walks amongst cursed jottun."

"Four sages of fire, earth, air, and water"

"Light and...urghhh shadow"

"Temple...ritual...in the mountains in the...north"

"When the six are one we...AGHHHHH!"

At that moment, Arrallae's crown of fire turned black. She looked at Kamyra with dark eyes, reflecting an empty, soulless void. Her hands clawing at the shell chair. A sinister smile drawn open her face.

"Where are the rest! I am not complete!" Having said that, Arrallae broke off her steel constraints and knocked the table over. Kamyra was too terrified to act.

Ahmet was quick to react. He jaunted into the cell and seized the aasimar, intent to jaunt back outside. Only to realize he could not.

"Your knight can't help you, celestial swine!" Arrallae backhanded Kamyra into a corner with a force so tremendous it would not have even been hinted at with her frail figure. Ahmet took Arrallae's sword and stood his ground.

"Arrallae, this isn't you. Come back to us!"

"She is now mine, mortal. As will everyone once I get out of here."

Ahmet closed his eyes and thrust the sword straight into her heart.

At that moment, Arrallae's eyes returned to her golden glow, as did her divine crown. she stood there, embracing Ahmet as the tip of her sword stuck pierced her back. It was a clean cut.

"Did...did I hurt anyone?" whispered Arrallae as she fell back on the steel chair.

"I'm sorry, goddess... I", whimpered Ahmet.

"You did as I asked. My rest finally comes. Jacob, you are a great man. Please take care of Swan's Rest. I leave its charges to you."

At that moment, the entire room flashed in golden radiance. The goddess had died, by the hands of a mortal. When the light subsided, all that remained of Arrallae, the little goddess of the fey woods was a beautifully intricate white gauntlet, with her form engraved on it. Ahmet raised the gauntlet and was about to hand it to Kamyra, when he was struck in the face by an enraged Jacob.

"You killed her! I told you it was dangerous and you insisted. WHY?!"

Before Ahmet could utter a response, the ground above them shook and cries were heard on the surface.

The gates to Swan's Rest had been brutally destroyed as an army of giants and trolls, lead by duke Potssdorff and the Nymph who looked at the panicked peasants with sheer glee.

2012-08-27, 02:32 AM
Greetings again! After two weeks from posting here. This is what has happened so far.

The villagers at Swan's rest were in a turmoil. The giants and trolls slobbered at the idea of pounding the little humans. The duke and the nymph stood behind assessing the situation with full enjoyment.

"Bring us the goddess and your village shall be spared." Laughed the duke.

Not taking any chances, Jacob addressed the group. "Listen to me. You may not understand now, but you need to leave the gauntlet in the temple. It is safer there than in anyone's possession. Swan's Rest will not fall to them, I can assure you. But you need to heed my words. My people have been trained for years in the event that the barrier Steiner set up would fall, but I need experienced help. Please, give us a hand in this battle." His eyes fixed on Airlainth and Krell.

"We will help, Jacob", responded Ahmet. "They are waiting for someone to send the goddess. They will not expect the attack." Our heroes cast most of their defensive spells. Confident they would be able to tackle the forces sent upon them.

After thorough magic preparation, Ahmet decided talk was cheap. Readying his ice lance, he hurled it at the nymph, barely scratching her face. A bold move indeed, but one that would prove deadly. The nymph immediately disappeared and reappeared behind Ahmet, with a flurry of blade strikes. Ahmet was quick on his toes to jaunt away. Meanwhile, the village of Swan's Rest fired volley after volley of arrows, killing and severely maiming the giants in the process. Airlainth chose crowd control and made the trees around the trolls grow to massive size, granting them cover from arrows, but securing the townsfolk from their claws. The duke became invisible and began his move towards our heroes.

The giants were facing a rain of arrows. The trolls were heavily barricaded by the woodland growth. All that remained was the nymph, who was surrounded by the party. The fey rogue smiled and her eyes burst with ancient faerie light and stunned the ranger, giving her a chance to stick her rapier into his flank, followed by a fatal wound to the druid on his thigh. Ahmet was taunting the rogue, "Come get me, wench. I am your target.", confident on his abilities. "Is that so, Ahmet?" The voice came from behind. Ahmet had not seen anyone. Then, it hit him. Translucent shackles appeared on his wrists and ankles. Before him, the duke appeared, bastard sword at the ready. The nymph tumbled next to Ahmet as well. At that moment. The dukes's appearance changed. Before Ahmet appeared a mass of eyes and teeth. A formless void from a madman's nightmare. Ahmet dipped his trusty falchion and panicked, running away. At that point, he saw the tip of a rapier and a bastard sword coming through his abdomen. Lights went out for Ahmet as he saw before everything went dark Kamyra placing her shining hand through the stone floor, a tactic he had devised before the battle.

Jacob was quick to act. Summoning the plant life around the two assassins, he manages to surround them with vines and roots. "You are only delaying the inevitable, guardian.", smiled the nymph, as she and the duke disappeared from the live foliage and reappeared at the temple's door. Krell stood there, axe ready, to bash their heads in.

"I am the last thing you will ever see, ranger!", snarled the nymph as her eyes blasted him with fey magic. Krell was unable to withstand such power as cataracts swelled in his eyes and he became blinded. The next thing he felt was a barrage of steel in flesh and a good-bye kiss from the fey assassin on his cold cheek. The duke had made his way already into the temple. Outside, the trapped trolls and giants felt the brunt of Swan's Rest as volley after volley of arrows peppered them without respite.

Kamyra was quick to tend Krell's fatal wounds. "We cannot allow them to get their hands on Arrallae!" Jacob lead the party inside.

A tired and bleeding group met up with the interlopers. The gauntlet lay there, glowing and beckoning anyone who would dare take it. The nymph turned at them and danced on the spot, summoning a pillar of fey fire on them. Thankfully, our heroes had also prevented this and had elemental protection. Airlaith was quick to entangle the altar. She knew the duke would not be caught in the magical vines, but the gauntlet would be hard to pry. Immediately, she turned into an eagle and flew towards the duke.

Krell desperately attempted to blindly grapple the nymph, getting hot steel in his chest as a reward. Ahmet rushed her, attempting to sunder those cursed blades- sadly to no avail. The nymph was ecstatic and frustrated. Delighted to be able to shed so much blood. Frustrated because they wouldn't go down. "Give it up, fools. You have lost this battle. Save your lives at least. Don't be so pathetic! Varian, get the gauntlet!" The party looked perplexed as they realized she was addressing the duke. Varian was just about to snatch the armor piece, when down swooped Airlainth and took the gauntlet high into the temple's ceiling. She managed to dive around and fly into Kamyra, when she felt her heart nearly popping out of her chest. Varian was not one to be denied. His assassin spells nearly killed the druid midair.

Kamyra put her hand out, as the eagle dropped the gauntlet on her. She was quick to put it on and focus on what she had learned hours before. Everyone stood motionless as Kamyra's body swelled with golden radiance as she fought the surge of energy. Suddenly, with a great burst of light, Arrallae was expelled from Kamyra's arm, as the light firmed her shape around her altar, her stern gaze turned to Varian, who began sweating profusely. He barely had a chance to activate his escape scroll, which opened a portal to a shadowy plane. "I'm sorry, Nerine. I guess this is where we part ways, my dear." bowed Varian at the nymph before entering the portal. "Coward, you aren't leaving without me!" Nerine flashed in silver light before popping beside the portal. She looked at the group. "Don't count on your goddess to save you next time." And with that, she entered the portal, which closed swiftly behind her.

Outside, the last remnants of giants managed to run into the fey woods. Swan's Rest was saved, yet our he roe's hearts hung heavy. this had been no easy battle. Everyone bowed to the newly arisen Arrallae. "I have been aware of the events while I was...gone.", spoke the goddess. "You have defended Swan's Rest out of your own volition. And you, Kamyra, chose to use my power without regard of what might happen to you in order to save your friends. I hereby grant you the title of Guardian of Swan's Rest. You have my eternal thanks, heroes. Jacob excuses himself and the rest and escorts the party outside the temple.

"I asked you to leave the gauntlet inside and not use it because this isn't the first time she has died.", confessed Jacob. "Many years ago, when we asked her to read the stars, it was I who drove the sword through her heart. Back then, I was ready to be face a warrior's death, but a few days later, she emerged. I am surprised she has managed to remember what she saw during her absence. Now you know why we must keep this place secluded. Since you are Guardians of Swan's Rest, you may stay as long as you want. However, I ask you participate of the Sealing Ritual, written by Steiner so many years ago.

Two months passed as our heroes tilled the lands in swan's rest. Krell took to honing his archery alongside Jacob. Ahmet taught a few villagers the Art, so they may be prepared to defend their village even more effectively. Airlainth commuted with nature outside of Swan's Rest, learning the ways of the fey woods. Kamyra stayed close to Arrallae, teaching her how to control her dark visions. In the end, our heroes met at the great oak door with Jacob. The Guardain took out a ceremonial dagger and cut his palm with a silent swipe. "My blood". Then our heroes did the same thing "My blood", they chanted. "Our blood", finished Jacob, holding their hands with hjis and letting the blood drip into the oak door, outlining a red circle of light that vanished.

"It is done, you are now part of Swan's Rest. Guardians for Arrallae. Know this, however. If you choose to leave and carry on, you will not be able to come back. The seal may only be broken if a Guardian's blood is spilled upon the great Oak Seal. So, what will it be, brothers?"

The party looked at each other, then at Jacob. "You have been most kind to us, brother," began Ahmet. "I am afraid our journey is far from finished. We have others to meet. Unlike Arrallae, I doubt they will be as pleasant of an experience. The secret of Swan's Rest dies with us, Jacob. Farewell." The great oak door closed for the last time.

Elsewhere, an angry elven wizard held Nerine high in the air on invisible hands, choking the life out of her. Varian knelt before him, face to the ground.

"I sent you an army of giants. Provide you with an assortment of items to finish these fools and you come back to me empty handed?!"

Before Nerine's neck could be crushed by the arcane force of the elven mage, Varian intervened.

"I have glimpsed into their minds, master. I know where they are headed to next. I know how the artifacts work."

The elf released his grip on Nerine, tossing her across the room. As the nymph gasped for air, she saw the elf turn his back on her and beckon the Varian to follow him.

"We have much to plan."

2012-09-03, 03:48 AM
Greetings again! This is the weekly campaign log for my table top game. A big battle ensued. Our heroes got thrown in a cell, and a most uncommon help literally dropped fro the sky.

As our heroes rode away from Swan's Rest, they felt good. The seal was unbreakable, the town would be once again protected. The secret of the goddess safe with them.

Upon arriving to Justcrown, their stomach wrenched. Walking through the main plaza, leisurely strolling was the duke! The group was quick to hide in the alleys and take the back roads towards the front gate.

Upon arriving at the gate, the party came upon a group of dwarves. "You must let us in!", demanded one. "We need assistance!" Upon continued denial of assistance or entry, the group approached them.

"What ails you, dwarf", asked Ahmet.

"My company is being held by a foul hextorite!", formaed the dwarf. "We are on our way to Khedesh, to join the ranks of our new king. Now this devil worshipper has my commander and four of my comrades trapped in a camp nearby. We managed to escape- barely. We need help from the city, but no one will listen to us!"

The party looked at each other, then looked at the dwarf.

"Who is this hextorite. How many are with him and what forces does he command.", asked Krell.

"He stands with two trained ogres and employs bowmen. Our group was attacked from nowhere before most of us were carried away. I am Gustaf. If you can free my commander Olrrik, you will have my deepest gratitude and that of my people."

The party followed the directions laid out by Gustaf. Sure enough, they found a barricaded fortress made of wooden stakes as walls. Eight tall platforms towered over the base. Airlainth was quick to turn into an eagle and soar above the camp.

"The dwarf's story is true", began the druid when she returned. "I couldn't see any bowmen, but there are two ogres and a main tent with a flag presenting the gauntlet and arrows. A cage with dwarves stands beside it."

"We should climb the walls", suggested Krell.

"We could burn down a tower, draw attention to it and free the captives", suggested Airlainth.

"We could use diplomacy with them", suggested Kamyra. "They may be willing to negotiate."

The party looked at the aasimar with doubt, but decided that they may have a chance at seeing what this "champion" had to say. The party walked to the main gate of the camp, the druid flying above.

"We come to see the hextorite representative!" shouted Ahmet.

A middle aged man with a crew cut and a black goatee emerged from the tent. He wore heavy armor, as well as a tower shield, proudly displaying the symbol of his tyrannical god.

"What sort of envoys would stand at my door? Come in closer, that we may speak." greeted the warrior. The group cautiously walked well into the center of the camp, observing the high platforms. Little did they know, the danger lurked right beneath their feet.

An enormous symbol appeared at their feet. Ahmet, Krell, and Kamyra felt a terrible surge going through their mind as spells were being erased.

"Nobody knows I'm here. And now, you will pay dearly for your folly.", the champion raised his fist to the sky and blasted the group with not one, but two fiery pillars in succession. The group had barely a chance to react as Ahmet created a dense fog- hopefully to even the odds as the ogres rushed them in.

Rge battle was brutal. The archers on their platforms could do little to see through the fog and fire their arrows. The ogres were exchanging blows with kamyra, who finally fell. Krell and Rain, his trusty wolf, also fell to the blows from the ogres. Ahmet stood his ground as a third pillar of fire descended upon him. Quick to use his abilities, he jaunted right next to the champion, who bashed his skull in with his flail. With the ogres dead from the blasts and the party scorched, Airlainth descended as a bear and took on the hextorite. One mighty blow from the flail proved enough, as dark energies within the metal caused the druid to wrack in pain and blindness. Before her eyes lost vision, the champion's steel boot knocked her unconscious.

Ahmet's eyes opened, albeit slowly. He found himself in a cage. Krell lay dead inside as well. Rain had been bound in chains outside the cage. Kamyra and Airlainth were with him alive-but barely. All their possessions gone.

"Who are you?" asked a dwarf in a cage next to theirs.

"I'm Ahmet, and we came to rescue you"

"Good job.", replied the dwarf. "Silence! he comes"

The champion came out, triumphant of his victory. "Do you know why I haven´t killed you- or at least most of you?" goaded the hextorite.

"Let me out, dog!", barked Ahmet. "You are a coward who calls himself a champion? Release me and fight me. Come on!"

"As much as I would love to blast you all in your cage, there is someone who has shown slight interest in you...prince."

A smell of salt filled the air, as a shuffling sound came from the tent next to them. A shrouded figure dressed in royal tunics came into view. "Well, if it isn't the little prince that couldn't" smiled the weathered man of salt and sand.

"You monster! Let us go now!", Ahmet was in a frenzy.

"Your father showed the same bravado. Now he cleans the Firelord's boots every morning. Since you will not be swayed to our Lord's army. Allow me to demonstrate what awaits those who would deny his rule."

The shrouded man approached the chained wolf and placed his withered hand on the beast. Rain whimpered as foul energies flowed through him. He struggled with his chains to let go, but found his strength waning. At last, Krell's faithful companion turned into a perfect statue made of salt. The shrouded figure crushed the wolf's head and as salt dripped from beneath his fingertips he looked at the caged group.

"I will be gone now, shortly. When I return, champion, prepare these slaves to be taken to the Fire Lord." And with that, the man of salt and sand vanished into thin air.

"With the might of the Fire Lord and Hextor united, we shall rule these lands in a new era of order. You have lost. accept your fate and await the sand man." And with that the champion reentered his tent.

A heavy heart fell on the party. They had their possessions stripped. Krell lay dead in the cage with them. It was a matter of time before the evil lich from the sands would return and take them all to the Fire Lord. All hope was lost.

"I would swear you looked different at the ball, kid"

The party looked above their heads. Sitting on the cage was a halfling with a mohawk and a tuft of white bluish hair.

"We know you!", smiled Kamyra. "Please, can you help us? We need to get out of here before we are taken to the Fire Lord. We must defeat this champion!"

"Fire Lord you say?", the halfling sat on the cage's roof and pondered. "Very well. I'll help you out with those bowmen and get your supplies. After that, you're on your own."

The little thief flew from tower to tower, silently knifing the bowmen before sneaking into the champion's tent and walking out with a bag full of their supplies.

"And here you go. I would hurry if I were you. He may come out when he notices he's alone." The halfling plays with the lock on the cage, springs the door open, and shoots upwards into the sky.

"Alright. We're going to get this guy now. He has no ogres or bowmen. We must strike hard and fast!", pressures Ahmet. The Champion rushes outside his tent. "Where are my men?"

"You're men are dead, hextorite. You are soon to follow", answered Airlainth.

"You filth! I can handle all of you alone. Come now!" The champion raised his shield and flail, confident on his abilities. The party rushed in.

The battle was brutal. Airlainth summoned a bear to aid in the battle. Ahmet struck using his spells, attempting to trip. Kamyra stood in back, healing as necessary. The champion, tired of claw attacks and sword slashes, blasted them again with his terrible flamestrike. Alas, our heroes had learned from experience. They had cast spells to protect them from fire. Badly wounded as they were, they managed to stave off the pain. As the druid's summoned bear turned to ash, Ahmet, Kamyra, and Airlainth struck the Champion, making the terrible knoght kneel in a pool of blood.

"How...why", spat the hextorite.

"You have fallen. Tell your god in Acheron he may collect another soul for his hellish army.", answered Kamyra.

"You have no idea what you are up against. My only regret is that I won't be there to see your fall..." The champion laughed one last before succumbing to his fatal wounds.

The battle was won, but a terrible price.

2012-09-10, 12:55 AM
Greetings once again! This is my weekly log for the campaign I'm running! Some tensions arose this session, full preparation on ahead and an encounter with a sinister being with a most disturbing idea!

Our heroes swept the Champion's camp clean. The dwarves were most grateful as they paid their respects and marched on to the great city of Khedesh. After a few days riding along the road, the group decided it was time to investigate Airlainth's little problem at Hammerbruk. They sensed that whatever happened in Swan's Rest, may somehow be connected to this "child of the void" seen by Arrallae.

Upon arriving at the small trading post of Hammerbruk, things looked grim. The sky above was a perpetual grey. The lush forests and green pastures they had ridden by a few days back had become hard soil, withering weeds and an unnatural murder of crows flying about the trading posts. A grey dome with smoke coming from it in the outskirts of the town attracted their attention.

"A giant artisan lives there.", explained Airlainth. "Strange fellow too. Shall we go to the town proper? I haven't been here in awhile and would certainly like to
visit some of the locals. Plus, we could sell the loot from the Champion and buy some stuff."

The shadow cast from the mountain range opposite the small town was enormous, as if shielding its inhabitants with a veil. Our heroes decided to stop by the Weary Traveler Inn & Ale for some good rest.

Upon entering, Airlainth was welcomed warmly by Gerard, innkeeper and owner of the place. As the druid introduced his comrade and was finishing introducing Kamyra, she noticed a pesky fly landing on her hand. Then another. And another. One of the patrons stood back in disgust and fright as his mug issued forth maggots. Gerard began sweating and his face turned white as light foot steps were heard coming from outside and into the inn.

A child, no more than fifteen years of age stood before them. Yet this one had a different air about him. He wore black hair thrown back. A light armor hung to his chest, as if rusting. A black cloak, tattered to almost rags flowed behind him. The child gave off a vibe similar to Arrallae's, but different. If Arrallae issued forth life and vigor. This child emanated a chill from the grave itself.

"I heard there were visitors in town and I just had to walk in. How are you, Gerard?" greeted the child. Gerard was shaking as he bowed. "G...Good! I'm doing good!" The child turned towards the party his dark eyes fixed on Kamyra.

"I heard your name from outside the inn. Kamyra... that is a lovely name. He looked at her symbol and thought for a moment. You worship the sun and I can see you even belong amongst the illuminated in Heaven. What a joy to see such a beautiful flower in this ashen place."

"Thank you, you're too kind", responded Kamyra. "And you are?"

"Palindurias." responded the child before kissing her hand.

"That's enough, kid.", snapped Ahmet. "Why don't you go and..."

"I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!" Palindurias looked at Ahmet and with his stare alone made the warrior sit down. He turned to look at Kamyra.

"I hope we meet again, my dear. I believe I must go see someone." And with that, Palindurias left the inn, leaving the patrons quite shaken.

"Who was that, Gerard?" asked Krell.

"He's Palindurias. The child from Jottun's Foot." He looks at Kamyra. "I'm so sorry, madam."

"What's going on? Why are you sorry, Gerard?" asks Kamyra.

"Palindurias has taken a liking to you. He will most likely take you to the mountains now. Again, I'm very sorry."

"No, he will not!", stated Ahmet. I'm going to teach that kid a lesson!"

"Sir, with all due respect. I advise you against it.", began Gerard. "He may look like a child, but do not be deceived. Palindurias could kill you with but a thought. You would endanger this town if you provoke him!"

"Ahmet, Gerard is right." Kamyra says calmly, soothing him with her words. "Airlainth, do you know of any priest here that we can talk to regarding this child?"

"There is a chapel down the street. A gnome priest by the name of Gibbo. Never did talk much to him, though."

As the party left the inn, they caught sight of Palindurias walking towards them with a box in his hands.

"Sweet Kamyra! I must take my leave now. Hope to see you soon, dear!" He looks at Ahmet. As both exchange hate glances. Palindurias walks into an old rotten chariot, pulled by a skeletal horse, a cloaked driver at the reins. He steps inside and the chariot goes off at full speed towards the mountains.

"You were wise not to turn his ride, Kamyra.", counsels Krell. "Let's go see this father Gibbo."

As the party walked down the street, they noticed the crows perched on the roofs. "This is not normal. It's almost as if they're watching us." commented Airlainth.

Upon reaching the small chapel, the party knocked the door and a small slit opened at knee high as a pair of nervous eyes darted side by side and then looked up. "What do you want?" yelled a nervous voice behind the door.

"We're here to talk father Gibbo.", replied Ahmet.

"Nonononononononononono! And NO! The church is closed!"

After a good kick in the door by Krell, the frightened gnome cleric took a few steps back.

"Sorry for the door, father," began Ahmet. "But our friend Kamyra is..."

"I know, you fool!", yelled the cleric, obviously frightened and looking at the ceiling as he spoke. "She is gone. You hear me? Gone! There is nothing anyone can do now. Palindurias has chosen the aasimar. He rules this gods forsaken town with the will of a sadistic whimsical god. He will carry her away. When? I do not know. Should I know, revealing it would put my life at stake." As he says this, a crow caws through one of the windows and flies away.

"We met one like him not too long ago.", states Kamyra. "She, however had a different power than him."

"Thjere are more like that monster?", asks Gibbo.

"No, father. She had a power that embraced kindness and purity. What is the story with Palindurias?"

"Palindurias is...I don't know what he is, really. He fell over two hundred years ago in Jottun's Foot, north of this town, in the Giantshield Mountains. It was told that he killed the entire tribe of giants there and then turned them...into something abominable. A few years ago, an army of a thousand men lead by a priest of Heironeous, Sir Cornelius attempted to run through the valley and destroy the creature. None ever returned. I once attempted to face his murderous creations when one strolled into town. I was unable to even faze it with the power of Garl Glittergold himself. I tell you, this town is abandoned by the gods. Be wise and do the same."

"I doubt at this point that we could leave if we wanted to, father.", began Ahmet. "We will face Palindurias and save Kamyra and this town."

The gnome laughed hysterically. "You really think YOU can do all that? No one, kid. NO ONE has ever entered Jottun's Foot and come back. Not alive, anyway." BUt be my guest. Ride triumphantly into the shadows and be engulfed by them. Or, you can let him take Kamyra."

"Did he visit you" How do you know my name?" asked the cleric.

"He was here a few moments before you. He asked me to hand him a few scrolls. I put them in a box and he left."

"Scrolls of what, father?" quizzed the aasimar.

"A scroll to stave off the effects of the undead and the vile influence of negative energy."

The party looked at each other, thanked father Gibbo for the information and left to talk about it.

"Palindurias will probably make his move tonight, seeing how those crows made the gnome nervous. He probably knows what we're attempting to do. We need to prepare for a fight, my friends. And this time, we won't have the help of an entire village like Swan's Rest. We fight alone against this monster and his undead army. Kamyra, are you ready for this. You will be the deciding factor in this battle. We may not face him directly, but we're sending him a message, for sure."

As the group prepared for an incoming battle. Palindurias, in the heart of Jottun's Foot, covered in poisonous mists and hulking figures, sat on the hand of a huge grey giant. Her desiccated features belying great strength.

"Mamma, I'm bringing a girl tonight!"

2012-09-17, 02:44 AM
Greetings again! This is my weekly campaign log for my sunday game! Sadly, there won't be any new updates for a few weeks on account of players being unable to attend the session, but this one definitely left them at a cliffhanger!

Our heroes knew that a battle was inevitable, Palindurias' ambitious scheme to seize Kamyra and take her into the depths of his haunted valley was something they would not abide. However, the town was small. Open on all sides. They would certainly be outmatched. Allies were needed. Knocking on each and every door, the party managed to recruit a decent number of heroes for their cause. Frail Timothy, the wandering rogue, with his darts and rapier, who claimed he had never missed its mark. Sheriff Owen Pettygrew Cornstopple, gnome ranger with a particular distaste for the undead. Edgar and Magda, a warrior couple who lost their child to Palindurias a few years ago. Finally, the Cesar Brothers.Four enthusiast barbarians of Kord who were more than eager to bash some undead skulls with their great axes. As the party sent the sheriff, Timothy and Krell into the rooftops with blessed arrows, the remaining forces took their stand in the main road, as a multitude of crows roosted on the buildings looking at them intently.

Elsewhere, in a log cabin surrounded by mists, an old priest brewed some tea. He kissed his holy symbol of Heironeous and set about to tilling the small vegetable garden outside. As he stepped out of his home, from the mists walked young Palindurias, sporting a wide grin.

"Hello, Cornelius!"

"Palindurias", began the priest. "What is the torture you have for me today?"

Palindurias smiled as he looked at his crops. "No torture, old man. In fact, you are to preside a wedding soon."

Cornelius' face went pale. "Monster! Did we not have a deal? I stayed here and you were not to touch anyone in Hammerbruk! When will you leave those good folks alone, child!"

Palindurias' stared at him as the mists enveloped him and his cabin. His crops withered instanty, as vermin began to flow from the soil. His house began to root immediately, as if the process of time had accelerated exponentially. Cornelius fell on his knees as he grasped his holy symbol. His face shriveling as the dread mists washed over his body. Palindurias knelt before him and whispered into his ear.

"Listen, you old goat. You WILL marry me today. Her name is Kamyra and she will be here shortly. I have made sure Grokhun sees to that. You have no say in this matter. Take thee scrolls and use them on her when she shows up. And remember, I am in charge here. test my patience again, and you will be denied eternal slavation with your god. Should you be noble and kill yourself, I'll animate you as my personal gardener, you seem good at that. Then, I'll kill each and everyone in that miserable little town."

Palindurias parts the mists, leaving the priest some breathing room.

"Expect Kamyra and Grohkun anytime, old friend. Be safe.." And with that, Palindurias stepped into the mists and disappeared.

Cornelius, clung to his holy symbol, catching his breath.

"Whoever you are Kamyra, run! Run as far away as possible!"

Meanwhile, in Hammerbruk, a full scale war waged between our heroes, their allies and the vast undead hordes of skeletons. Timothy launched dart after dart from the safety of his rooftop. Krell kept scoring hits with his round tipped arrows, drenched in holy water. Sheriff Owen was a good marksman himself, managing to shoot a skeletal owlbear who was climbing his building. The battle on ground level was terrifying. Magda proved to be even better than her husband bashing the undead with her mace, yet not dealing a fatal blow. Edgar waved his greatsword around, managing to singe the skeletons, but not as efective as Magda. The undead scored good hits with their claws, inflciting the chill of the grave with every successful strike. Soon our heroes found themselves surrounded.

"Turn them all, Kamyra. DO IT NOW!!!" yelled Ahmet.

Kamyra focused the light of the Radiant One and caused a pulse of positive energy to wash the entire town. Our heroes breathed a sigh of relief, ony to find the undead crackling with dark energy and bursting in a flash of black energy. The effect was disastrous, as one of the Cesar Bros. fell to the negative backlash.

"They explode too? yelled Krell from his rooftop, before being hit by a skeletal ettin who managed to climb on top with him.

"Everyone regroup!" yelled Ahmet as the allies and party members stood their ground to the remaining undead beasts: an ettin, and owlbear, and a troll.

Airlainth shifted her form to a grizzly and charged the owlbear, incurring severe damage from his unholy claws and beak. Ahmet, Timothy, Owen, and Krell managed to take down the troll with a few well placed holy arrows. The Cesar Brothers rushed the ettin, falling to him in the process as the last brave brother dug the axe deep into him and the beast responded in kind blowing him up in a black blast.

Ahmet looked at the incoming horde of zombies in the distance and looked at the crows perched in the roof.

"Palindurias! I know you can see and hear us! You will never have Kamyra! We have met your sister, we know you are incomplete and wish for a light that eludes you, but Kamyra isn't the one! Listen, child of the void. Others are looking for you as well. We may assist you. We can be your allies. Stop this madness!"

The mists around Ahmet drew ever closer, enveloping him and a whisper was uttered into his ear.

I fear no one. You wish to ally yourself with me? Show me you have what it takes. Behold Grokhun.

The zombie herd in the distance stopped their shuffling and thundering footsteps were heard. A massive stone giant with leathery skin pulled tight over his bones stepped forth, wielding a giant mace wrapped in darkness. The sheriff and Timothy fled. "Skeletons we can handle, but Grokhun will surely kill us all!" Krell fird a few arrows from his bow, managing to hurt the undead giant, but thos one only smiled. "Kamyra's knight in shining armor can't handle himself?"

Ahmet took this personal. Giant and spellsword clashed. Ahmet used his conjuration training to avoid the giant's more fatal blows. Soon, howvere, his tricks were almost at an end and the giant showed no signs of giving up. As Grokhun raised his club to strike a killing blow. The voice of reason and sacrifice broke the tension.

"Grokhun! Stay your hand. I will go with your master. But please, leave these townsfolk alone.", Kamyra stood defiant on the rooftop. Ahmet turned around in shock, as did everyone else. The giant grinned black rotten teeth and walked towards the aasimar. "Wise choice, cleric." And with that, the remaining undead dropped, the power to animate them had dissipated with but a thought from Palindurias.

As the giant took Kamyra away into the mountains, the crows followed suit. Ahmet, Krell, and Airlainth stood there watching the inevitable. Ahmet clenched his fists at the sight.

"We're going to save Kamyra...whatever the cost."

2012-09-30, 11:36 PM
Greetings! After a two week hiatus, we resume the travels of our heroes in my weekly campaign log! A damsel in distress, a courageous hero, an impassable gauntlet full of monsters, and a terrible opponent to topple them all!

Ahmet, Airlainth, and Krell rode at full speed towards the mountain pass. They had spoken to the sheriff, the giant artisan and the gnome priest. All had given them advice and items to help them in their quest to rescue lovely Kamyra. Ahmet dreaded they might be too late.

Upon taking a few steps in, the horses panicked and galloped away as a vaccum of air and a bone chilling atmosphere permeated the place. Their hair turned white. Their skin began to sink in, leaving a bony complexion.

"Use the spell NOW, druid!", Krell yelled out.

Airlainth focused on the ancient teachings of Obad Hai and kissed the squirrel skull she carried as an ornament in her hair. Immediately, the group saw a fine golden lining covering them and disappear.

"This should protect us for about ten hours. We will be immune to the properties this cursed valley holds, but we must make haste. Who knows how long it will take us to find Kamyra."

The party, lead by Krell fought against the aggressive undead hordes. Ahmet used Arrallae's sword, Lightbringer, to cut down the sinister spectral musicians that haunted the valley.Troll skeletons and even a cursed undead summoner fell to their blades. However, after three hours of fighting, the group was staring at the hills of Hammerbruk, the town not too far away.

Ahmet gave Krell a stern look.

"You brought us back to the starting point? Even after the spell you cast, and what the giant artisan gave you to help through the valley?"

"We still have seven more hours, right?" Krell apologized. "Trust me, Ahmet. I want Kamyra safe as much as you do. I won't fail this time."

The party once again entered the misty domains of Palindurias.

Meanwhile, Kamyra and the old priest of Heironeous, Cornelius, fended off against the awful Tomb Motes, who swarmed the old cabin in the vale.

"I thought Palindurias said he wouldn't let harm come to me, father!" exclaimed Kamyra as she managed to burn a few of them with Pelor's might.

"He did, child! But some of the undead here, the less intelligent ones, see us as a free meal. Let's show them we aren't!" Father Cornelius summoned the Arch Paladin's wrath upon the remaining undead, burning them where they stood. He then turned to Kamyra.

"Child, I may not be able to leave the valley, but if your friends are going to run in, they at least need to know that this place is treacherous. It engulfs you and many lose their way. Magical travel in here is all but impossible. We must fin a way to send them a message so they know how to find the cabin."

Meanwhile, in Swan's Rest, Arrallae had a near collapse as Jacob caught her before she hit the floor.

"Are you ok?"

"I think they are fighting, Jacob", answered the goddess. "Somehow, I can sense them...but how?"

Back in the haunted valley, our heroes felt thundering steps approach them. As the mists parted and an imposing figure stood there, great club in hand and with a cadre of five human skeleton archers.

Palindurias' champion and the one who kidnapped Kamyra. The monstrous Grokhun.

The wight-turned giant smiled as he looked at the three. "The little flea that fought me in Hammerbruk. And his friends. Your jumping won't save you now."

"I learned a new trick, Grokhun. watch."

Ahmet focused and shut his eyes for a second. His body grew to enormous proportions, taking on the form of a bladerager troll. Airlainth prepared her fiery spell and Krell knocked his arrow back.

The ground rumbled as Grokhun ran towards Ahmet, leapt into the air and brought his mace down hard on his head. The attack was brutal. It dropped Ahmet in troll form instantly, leaving a crater where he lay. Airlainth took no time bringing down pillars of fire on the archers, managing to burn them instantly. Krell shot at Grokhun, but his attacks missed by a close shot.

The monster then approached the druid. "Should've sent more." With three powerful strikes, the mighty druid also fell to the giant's horrendous strength. Krell fired three straight arrows at Grokhun, wounding him slightly. "Pest! you're the last one standing..but not for long." Krell had little time to react as the giant ran towards him and leapt into the air as his club broke armor and bone in a gory splash.

As Grokhun surveyed the area, he smiled. Palindurias would be happy for him, and he was curious to see what he'd do with the bodies- or at least what remained of them.

As Ahmet lay there, bleeding out. He began smelling roses. A scent he hadn't smelled since Swan's Rest. A warmth came over him which trailed like a golden river towards Airlainth and Krell. Sinews attached themselves together and blood once again ran through their bodies.

Elsewhere, Arrallae, collapsed again on her chair and held on to Jacob's hand.

"I sensed they were in trouble...and i think I was able to help them. I don't think I can do it again, Jacob. Wherever they are, they must flee."

As our heroes stood up after the slaughter they ran into the mists again. Kamyra would be rescued, but time was running out...

2012-10-15, 12:50 AM
Greetings again! This is the weekly campaign log for my sunday game! Today, our heroes ran into more trouble than they could handle. Two terrible tormentors showed up to stir some trouble!

Our heroes woke up after Grokhun's punishing visit. The fact that they yet remained alive after the giant's onslaught proved that they indeed had the blessing of the gods -or at least one, on their side.

"Ahmet, this is impossible. We cannot rescue Kamyra if we cannot protect ourselves!", Airlainth was on the verge of panic as she began transforming into an eagle, intent on leaving the ghastly canyon.

"Listen, Airlainth. We have traveled together for how long? We do not leave our people behind. She would venture into the Hells for you, druid. And you know that!". Ahmet was clenching his teeth as he looked at the wild elf straight in the eye.

"Look, guys. I will continue following the track. We'll find her, trust me, please!". Krell interceded.

The druid reverted back to her elven form and the three continued on their trek through the roiling clouds of death that billowed forth from Jottun's Foot.

The next hour was a mixed blessing as our heroes pulled through. Sometimes, the mists lay quiet with nothing but a field of bones littering the landscape. At other times, the land would spawn warriors of bone and sinew that would rush at our heroes. Sword, claw and arrow would pierce them all only to find explosions as a grim reward. Ahmet was thankfully protected by the use of a simple Transmutation spell. The same could not be said of his comrades, who once again fell to the devastating blasts of the skeletal hordes.

"I told you, Airlainth. No one gets left behind." As he poured one of his potions into her mouth. "We stick together. We rescue Kamyra. And we leave this place."

As another hour drew close, Airlainth's spell to ward her from the effects of the valley was beginning to crumble away. "I really hope you have the right track this time, Krell. My time here is almost up. If that's the case, I won't be able to help much and will have to flee and wait for you two in Hammerbruk."

As soon as she uttered these words, Krell made a silent gesture with his hand, advising the group to find shelter behind some menhirs.


Two stone giants stood in place. Their bodies grey and rotten. One of them had his face completely removed, showing blackened muscle tissue and bone structure. The other one had the left arm barely hanging by a knot of bone and sinew. Behind them, an old wooden chest stood in a small cave, big enough for a man to fit in. Suddenly, a flap of wings was heard above the party and a beautiful snow white woman dressed in robes riding a metallic griffon descended in front of the two brutes. She got off the construct and with a simple tap to its head, the griffon shrunk in size and was placed neatly in one of her pouches.

"You two! Have you seen anyone coming around here?"

The zombies grunted and looked at each other.

"Not you two. You two!"

The giants belched forth two shadows that whispered into the woman's ear.

"Sister, you shouldn't be so careless shouting around the valley. We may very well be watched."

Another female stepped in through the mists. This one as beautiful as the first, but dressed as a warrior, with a tower shield hovering before her, a great sword strapped to her back and dragging a spiked chain. "Let us go, sister. We have a bride to prepare. Master Palindurias wouldn't want us slacking of now, would he. Besides, Cornelius' belongings should be well guarded here."

The robed sister calls forth her griffon and takes off into the lists above. Her armored sisters walks silently into a misty wall and vanishes from view.

"Did she say Cornelius? That's the priest who's taking care of Kamyra! That's his stuff! We need to get it! Maybe he can help us take down Palindurias for good!" Ahmet's eyes shined with renewed hope.

"Wait, Ahmet. This smells like a trap to me. We have no spells and who knows how difficult these giants may be?", objected Krell.

"They can't be more difficult than Grokhun. They show no sign of intelligence. We can get the drop on them, Krell. Let's go!" Airlaninth turned into a bear and rushed one as Ahmet transformed into a blade rager troll and both got the jump on the giants.

The battle went well. The undead barely had a chance to react as ranger, warrior, and druid tore through the undead and the ghostly parasites within with relative ease.

"Now, for the loot! Open it up, Krell.", Ahmet suggested. Sure enough, a pristine set of full plate, a cloak, a pair of boots, a large shield with the symbol of the Arch paladin and a longsword filled its contents, as well as a small crystal ball.

A slow clap was then heard from the skies as one of the sisters drifted into view riding her griffon. The armored one silently materialized a few feet away from them.

"I told you, Loretta. They wouldn't resist the urge for treasure. The armored woman began spinning her spiked chain.

"How right you were, Charlotte. Shall we begin?" Loretta from the skies produced a wand and directed it at Ahmet, still transformed in a troll. Immediately, all his magical defenses vanished and the void that is Jottun's Foot immediately took hold of the warrior as his skin begun to turn on a pale color and his hair went white and begun shedding. Charlotte swung her spiked chain and smacked the druid in the leg, entangling the chain and making the wild elf fall on her back.

The situation was desperate. Ahmet ran towards Krell, coughing and barely managing to speak. "We... need... to get... out of here. " He clung to Krell's armor and his hands begun to wither.

"Sister! Show them what happens to those who cross our master!" Loretta pointed her wand at Krell, intent on dispelling his wards as well, however, the spells held true, and Krell remained unharmed as he fidgeted with the crystal ball.

Come on. Come ON!

As Charlotte drew in close to sever Airlainth's head from her body, Krell pressed the crystal against his forehead.

"If anyone can hear me. Anyone, please! I'm Krell and my friend Ahmet and Airlanth are trapped with me in the bowels of Jottun's Foot. We can't escape. Please!"


That voice. From Swan's Rest. And the scent of roses... Arrallae?

"It's you! Please! Help us!!!"

The pearl begun radianting a golden aura in a wide radius, encompassing everyone.

"This should grant you respite from the powers of the valley. Flee!"

Without a second thought, Ahmet used his dimensional door spell to transport himself and his comrades far away into the valley. It did not matter where, but anywhere not in the vicinity of these sisters would prove most useful.

As the party reappeared elsewhere in the stone vale, they gathered up their thoughts from seconds earlier.

"We need to regroup. Gather information on this Charlotte and Loretta and return to this godforsaken place better prepared." Ahmet concluded solemnly. He used his last spell to transform into an air elemental and carried Krell while Airlainth shifted form to an eagle. Both soared upward into the mists, hoping to find an exit. At last, after a few minutes and much pain, they saw light and the village of Hammerbruk greeting them.

Sheriff Pettygrew almost fainted when he saw the group return.

"You aren't ghosts, are you?"

"No, sheriff. We are not. But we have failed to rescue our friend, for now. We need to speak to father Gibbo. We need answers.", responded Ahmet.

"Odd. Just a few hours after you went in, two travelers stopped by. Asking about the mountain. A pretty elf maiden and a stocky man with a noble bearing.

The group looks at each other.

"Listen, sheriff. And listen well. Those two are dangerous. Very dangerous. Do not raise an alarm about it, but advise the townsfolk to calmly stay in their homes. We have dealt with these two before and they are murderers of the worst kind. Do not engage, ok? Now please, come with us to the church. You might be interested to hear what we found."

As the party reached the old chapel, father Gibbo greeted them with a surprised look.

"You returned? How?"

"Luck, father, and a little help from the outside. I need to know about two sisters, Charlotte and Loretta."

Gibbo grew sullen at the inquiry. "Charlotte and Loretta Brunnhausser. Daughters of Lord Vasili Brunnhausser, a regent from the lands north of here. His daughters lead an army of men and beasts alike into Jottun's Foot, but they never came out again. Father Cornelius came here a few years ago to rescue them, but he also disappeared."

"I'm afraid the Brunnhausser sisters now work for Palindurias. As for Cornelius, I have a hunch he is alive. With Kamyra. That army of undead? Those were the soldiers used by the sisters many years ago. Now under the service of that child. To top it off, there are two agents here that seek Palindurias' head."

Ahmet pondered on what he just said and looked at his group.

"I think it's time to resolve this mater, but I have a feeling it won't be easy."