View Full Version : The IC Thread

2012-07-17, 02:49 PM
Some would describe the throne room of the Prince Regent of Vvellberg as ostentatious. The educated, yet profane may supplement that description with a prefix of 'f*cking'. The less educated may yet describe it, with that oh so common sneer of disdain in their voice, as 'dead posh'. However one chooses to consider the room in which the assortment of our protagonists find themselves one may be absolutely certain that the red velvet, polished white marble and crystal which decorate the titanic room cost an utterly obscene amount of gold.

One may clearly observe that no expense was spared on the throne itself. Cast in white gold, garnished with diamonds and coated with red silks the chair is certainly a sight to behold. A pity, then, that the same cannot be said for the rather fat, spotty Prince who adorned it.

Of course, his garments were only of the finest quality and his hair almost literally shone in the light of the great glass hanging gaslights in the room, but the aesthetic effort did little to hide the fact that the Prince Regent of Vvellberg also dined on the finest of foods, and was quite fond of doing so. None could ever hope to describe him as handsome and as such he appeared quite out of place in his beautiful surroundings. The three muscular people standing beside him, adorned in the finest armour, each appeared to hold a far more royal presence than the actual ruler of the city.

That is, until he spoke.

His voice the very aura of regal command, he addressed the court assembled before him, that slight edge of upper class disinterest permeating his speech.

"So... You are the group that Paladin Sergeant Armenaz chose... I recognise..."

The Prince paused a moment, hiding a slight coy smile.

"Yes, I recognise two of you. Hamza and Torque. Welcome once more to the Throne Room, Paladin, Inquisitor. I'm quite sure I don't need to introduce you to the fine men and women at my right hand, but for the benefit of the rest of the party, might I introduce Corporals Rayna Arinstoff and Friedrich Galvin, led by Paladin Sergeant Aaron Corfus. Paladins, if you will."

At his command, the trio stepped down from their held position and joined the party in facing the Prince.

"They will be accompanying you for the duration of the task which I have set for you. Inquisitor Torque, your loyalty is beyond doubt, and as such you shall act as commanding officer for the Corporals. Hamza, you have far more autonomy than the pair, however while you need not follow the orders of the Inquisitor I would strongly recommend that you do. You must, and will, obey all orders issued by Paladin Sergeant Corfus for the duration of this mission."

The Paladin Sergeant, a tall, muscular human, gave a brief salute to the pair of Aasamir.

"Now... The rest of you must be wondering what this task is, and why you have been chosen. Some of you, such as Mr. Lockheed, have been chosen for their field experience. Others, such as Hamza and Torque, have been chosen as a result of their unwavering loyalty to the cause. Others among you, such as Messers and Miss Challdean, Mandrill and Raeka have been chosen due to the raw arcane power or technical aptitude that you possess."

"This task shall, I hope, serve only to be the first of many. I am in need of reliable, loyal servants in times such as these, and it is unfortunate that I cannot seem to find any whom I can trust. Just to clarify, I always find out who I can trust, and those that I find that I cannot tend to meet less than pleasant ends."

The Prince idly played with the large diamond ring on his index finger for a moment.

"The mission is simple, yet critical. I need you all to approach the goblin village of R'rashted, commune with the chieftain and encourage him to use his men to attack the headquarters of the Silver Staff trading company which is conveniently located near his village. It is critical that we financially cripple our foes, yet if we are to do so without overly provoking them we'll need to be able to completely deny having any part in this. The goblins provide the perfect cover."

"To this end I require that Mister Mandrill offer his... Explosive services to the goblins for a time. Once the goblins are convinced, provide them with all the ordinance that is required to make a scene. Messers. Chaldean and Rucker, please make a scene if the goblins happen to be uncooperative. From what our intelligence suggests they are a superstitious lot and seeing arcane casters would probably break their fragile little spirits."

"So, my time is short and I'd rather that you just get on with this so that I can provide those revealed as loyal to me with a task of real merit, but I'll happily answer any questions you presently have."

His speech over, the Prince instantly assumed a bored, aloof facade.

2012-07-17, 04:05 PM
Standing perfectly still, arms folded in front of him, Manar keeps his trademark sash wrapped around his face, the rest hidden in the shadows of his hat. His armor is tight-fitting, a contrast to his upper half. A bandolier of daggers and miscellaneous pouches filled with supplies hangs across his chest. His eyes flit around the room, taking in the extravagant sight before settling on the Prince Regent.

This is the illustrious Prince? He's nothing more than a pig!
Several thoughts of the like flit through his mind before he shuts them out and speaks up.

"Shall we be leaving immediately, your grace, or shall you allow us some time to prepare?"

2012-07-17, 04:29 PM
Raeka is accostumed to be ill-fitting wherever she goes, but you could safely say that this setting is a new record even for her. The short, white-haired humanoid keeps her wings tightly folded around her when the prince speaks, all the while keeping her yellow eyes fixed on him. It's a gaze that conveys nothing short of pure hatred. You human pig, I would jump at your throat and kill you where you stand, if I didn't know that it would mean Vassil's death she thinks, bitterly. She doesn't speak as she absorbes the prince's speech, immediately focusing on what is, for her, the most relevant detail. Only the first of many tasks. Alkamev protect her and Vassil, if that was really the case.

"They told me that this was it, I would do this one thing and then we'd be left alone" she hisses. "Was that a lie, too?"

Lord Tyger
2012-07-17, 04:50 PM
Torque sighed mentally and moved to place himself between the winged woman and the Prince. He didn't particularly relish the idea of getting into a fight with the strix, certainly not before he had had a chance to assess her abilities, but with four paladins in the room and a guardsman, he wouldn't be in much danger, and likely she wouldn't be fool enough to try anything anyways. "His Grace is the head of state," he said. "Whatever actions he takes are for the good of the loyal citizens of Vvellberg. As such, if you are loyal you have no need to fear harm from his actions."

Not the most auspicious start to a partnership, but if he could talk her down from getting herself killed now, he was confident he could patch things up between them later. And besides, it could be useful to have someone around who's not afraid to talk to powerful people like that. If nothing else, she can draw their fire.

2012-07-17, 05:07 PM
The strix's yellow eyes shift rapidly from the Prince to the aasimar "You know nothing of what actions he has already taken against me and mine" she replies, spitefully. "Or how we have already been harmed. You should not speak of things you don't understand"

She turns again towards the Prince "I left my home and came with your guards. I said I would do this one thing for you. I promised, and they promised back. When does this stop?"

2012-07-17, 05:15 PM
Tolthen idly made circles in the air with the spiked flailhead, thinking "So this is the guy I'm working for?

"Alright, is there anything else we need to know before we do this? As you said, time is of the essence, and even with the thorough debriefing you've given us, from my experience, knowing is half the battle."

He eyes Mazer, wondering if there would be problems. He was slightly nervous about having a gnome in their group, for he knew all too well the gnomish hatred of his kind. However, he seemed to not even bat an eye. (Maybe this will work better than I thought.)

He still worries about the Strix if for no other reason that she seemed very unstable. This was, however, hypocritical of him to think, considering his own... slothful tendencies. He shuddered as he remembered that one night at the bar, and examines his flame-scarred arms, which came as a result of his debauchery.

2012-07-17, 06:40 PM
Horus was not used to royal audiences! He was much more used to books and research and alchemy and science. The grandiose room was very intimidating, especially compared to his own small room at the Collegiate. Horus looks at the Stryx woman when she speaks up with nervous excitement.

"Look at the way she speaks to him!", he murmers under his breath.

He decides to remain silent until after the meeting. After all, there's always a meeting after meetings at the Collegiate. He will gather as much information as he can and then he will find out everything he can about the future operation. If he shows himself a useful team member, then surely these experienced warriors and magic wielders will accept him as part of the group.

2012-07-17, 06:49 PM
Topaz stands in the back of the group, her pale teal eyes amused as she watches the winged one argue with the prince and inquisitor. That one could prove interesting. She'll certainly be useful as the least inconspicuous of us, and that's coming from me. Her arms are crossed loosely across her chest, clothed in a tunic of rough navy blue fabric with a cravat in white and traveling trousers. While colorful and charismatic, she is not a great fit for this sort of room anyway.

"Oh, you know it, sir," she addresses the Prince with a grin, idling tapping the base of his spear on the polished floor. "If you're looking for a scene, you've come to the right place. Considering that one, too." She chuckles.

2012-07-17, 06:50 PM
Noticing the Stryx's outburst, he gives her a cold and calculating glare, knowing little of her and less of her people. He lingers on her a moment, as if lost in thought, before he returns his view to the Prince Regent.

Interesting. Very interesting indeed. If she talks to him like this, perhaps there will be a use for her. Maybe I will take mercy on her poor soul.

2012-07-17, 08:59 PM

The near perfect physical specimen stood in naught but his traveling leathers, good fitting pants of leather over proven travel boots.

Conveniently located towards the back of the group, just behind a striking young woman he assessed the group and their minor squabble. An accidental bump and twinge of radiated power let Zaavariel discern much...Sorceress.... a smile creeps across his face.

I've worked with less professional individuals before....it usually didn't end well...

His face turns to a momentary scowl as his gaze takes in the Paladins....it was paladins that killed his father...paladins that destroyed his village...paladins that made him who he is today...and paladins and their work that put food in his belly and women in his lap he had to remind himself.

Zaavariel stands quiet, his face set as he takes in what information he can between the petty squabbles and infighting...There is a job to do...

When he actually speaks it will be within quotes and bolder, italics are inside thoughts.

2012-07-17, 09:01 PM
Upon seeing the throne room, Mazer tried to calculate the millions of gold it must have cost to put it together ...gas lamps alone are a couple hundred each, not to mention the fine craftsmanship of the..
, but his thoughts quickly ended when his sight happened upon the prince. Immediately, Mandrill broke out in laughter, but stifled himself after receiving a few dirty looks from around the room. Eating well prince?

The oafish prince began his speech. Mandrill stood with his face sustaining a grin so wide, his eyes started watering.

"...Those that I find that I cannot tend to meet less than pleasant ends," The prince droned. Mazer let out high titter, amused by his own thoughts What, do they get to see your birthday suit? Hearing his own name yanked him out of his silly thoughts, "...Mister Mandrill offer his... Explosive services to the goblins for a time." "I ought to use a simple explosive for those goblins. A fuse grenade ought to do the trick, unless they don't know how to...goodness, I ought to dress up as a goblin myself if I'd like to get anything done,"Mazer says aloud, seeming to stare off into space until he concludes it with a chuckle about the goblins.

Mazer giggles as Raeka reacts quite warmly toward the prince. Her kind must love the royalty, for all they've doneAnd even more as the others react to Raeka. This ought to be quite the interesting mission, if we make it out the door

2012-07-17, 09:56 PM
Addendum: In all this, Mazer is standing in the front left of the group, Getting a close look at the gas lamps, and then listening to the prince.

Mazer Smilon 'Miles' Mandrill is just over three feet tall, with dark tan skin, over-sized bright green eyes, and shocking orange hair that sticks straight up in the front. His mouth is too wide for his face, and his voice is equally too loud. He wears a Blue leather cap, and a blue-grey leather tunic with yellow and white argyle patterns. Also with a white frilled shirt underneath. Over this he has a bandolier of vials with varying colors of liquid, and a large backpack loaded with what one can only assume is useless s**t.

2012-07-18, 12:29 AM
Lockheed, starting to become annoyed with the squabbling and distractions, decides to speak up, emphasizing with a loud BASH of his flail on shield.

"Hello, people? Mission? Come on, someone work with me here. If you guys want to argue and squabble, do it some other time, and especially not near the prince! We do have a job to do! Still, though;"
he turns to the Prince,

"Is there something we should know?"

He almost laughs while saying this, even though in his own opinion, and probably everyone else's, that the Prince was a completely f*cking ostentatious pig, who could use more than a little bit of exercise. Laziness was something that Tolthen disdained, though he told himself that there were different types of laziness. However, he's probably wrong on that, but still.

2012-07-18, 12:58 AM
Seeing some order brought to this chaos is disappointing to Mazer, but a chance to get distance from the royal ear sounded delightful. So when a hobgoblin named Tolthen Lockheed spoke up and asked for some direction, Miles agreed, "The hoblin is right, tell us anything else so we can get to it."

2012-07-18, 02:48 AM
"You shall have a short amount of time to prepare. I must address the assembled Paladins and Inquisitor privately and personally before you leave. This should give you enough time to garner some supplies from the stalls in the palace courtyard."

The Prince Regent gave Raeka a brief look of confusion as she began her outburst.

"I have no idea why they would have told you that my dear. Certainly, should the mission after this one prove to be a success your lover shall be freed and you and he may live out your despicable interspecies relationship in peace, but I need to see that I can place at least some degree of trust in you before setting you that more delicate task. Don't want any knives in the back or hexes cast down on me. I have an image to maintain."

The Prince smiled as he examined the platinum cuff links which adorned his shirt. The look on his face betrayed just how much he liked his expensive trinkets.

In spite of the Gnomes abrasiveness, the Prince actually cracked a slight, mysteriously inexplicable smile as he observed the little creature stifling his laughter. He had heard that Mandrill was, by all accounts, an eccentric, and that had been proven quite true.

"There's nothing you really need to know. Ask around the castle grounds, I'm sure there will be someone who can tell you a thing or two. And if any of you have ever been to Garven Spring you'll probably be aware of the village in question. Regardless, you are dismissed for the moment and may begin garnering supplies. Inquisitor, Paladins, please stay a while longer, I have something to discuss with you all."


The results of the knowledge (Local) and Thump's knowledge (geography) rolls have been posted under these spoilers - Please only read your characters own. I'll be very upset if you peek any others!

You feel slightly bemused that the goblins actually have a village at all. As far as you remember, the goblins of R'rashted lived in swamplands. Or was it desert? You realise how utterly unrelated both of those kinds of terrain and wonder briefly whether your brain is just making this up. Suddenly, inspiration hits - Forests! Of course, R'rashted is a mighty forest bordering the elven lands - That's why there are so many rumours of fights between the elves and goblins - They are right next to one another, and everyone knows that the chieftain of R'rashted is hideously abrasive, even for a goblin, it's no wonder the fair elven folk can't bear to be near them!
After a few seconds thought you realise that you had probably made all that up just because it sounded vaguely plausible and fit the stereotype of both goblins and elves quite nicely. You worry that you're a little bit racist for thinking that.


You know that the Goblin village exists. That's about it. You vaguely remember hearing that it is located at the foot of a mountain, but that information is pure hearsay and you don't completely trust it


You've been to the village of R'rashted several times before. You personally know the chieftain, one Quenza Volcroff, who you know to be remarkably charismatic for a goblin. You understand that he had succeeded in unifying the bickering goblin tribes under one banner by way of diplomacy and cunning words, rather than the usual method of beating everyone in sight. By way of a consequence the soldiers of the village are a cut above your average goblin town militia. There are whisperings that Volcroff may one day be able to use his charisma to bring other goblin villages under the one banner to create a goblin city, or even state. From what you've seen, this possibility is not particularly remote.
You know that the village is fiercely independent and not likely to support Vvellberg due to the latters jingoistic tendencies. However, you also know that they do not support Staffsten as they have no desire to trade with them as a result of a pre-emptive attack on goblins by mercenaries of the Raygar merchant family resident in Staffsten many years ago. The attack, as you remember, was in order to ensure safe trade routes from Staffsten to the land formerly possessed by the Hataxi dominion(which is now land taken in conquest by Vvellberg)
You know that a show of strength, or magical displays are not going to be particularly successful in winning over Volcroff, though the villagers are a different matter altogether.
The southern part of the village borders land newly acquired by Vvellberg. To the West is the great ocean, to the East lies land presently controlled by the Kingdom of Amox - A State which is allied with, and on very friendly terms with Staffsten. To the North lies a range of nigh impassible mountains. The one road through the only valley between two of the mountains leads to another collection of goblin hamlets.


You know that the village is run by a goblin, named Quenza Volcrof, who is regarded as a surprisingly stunning orator. The village borders the ocean and the lands of the Amox Kingdom, who are allied with Staffsten. You also remember that the goblins themselves do not particularly like Staffsten due to the fact that soldiers employed by the Raygar family killed a number of goblins in a pre-emptive attack in order to ensure safe trade routes from Staffsten to the land formerly possessed by the Hataxi dominion(which is now land taken in conquest by Vvellberg). You can't remember any other particularly key details


You know that the village is run by a goblin who is regarded as a surprisingly stunning orator. The village borders the ocean and the lands of the Amox Kingdom, who are allied with Staffsten. You also remember that the goblins themselves do not particularly like Staffsten due to the fact that soldiers employed by the Raygar family killed a number of goblins in a pre-emptive attack in order to ensure safe trade routes from Staffsten to the land formerly possessed by the Hataxi dominion(which is now land taken in conquest by Vvellberg). You can't remember any other particularly key details


Having been to the village before, you know right away that the quickest route to the village from the Palace in the city you presently occupy is not by following the main roads, but rather by heading north-north-east towards the shrine to Dete before heading directly north. That way, one avoids the ludicrous winds of the road. It should cut about two days off of travelling time, though you can't remember there being any inns along the shortcut.

2012-07-18, 03:35 AM
You don’t know why? I know why. They had been afraid. She had been screaming, shouting and on the verge of hexing them all… even if they were too many, even if she knew they would eventually take her down. Hell, at least she would bring a couple with her. They probably had seen it in her eyes, and tried to mollify her with the lie…and it had worked. Raeka could curse herself for her own idiocy. But now what? She doesn’t really have a choice in the matter, she supposes, not if she wants to see Vassil again.

“[You will pay for what you did]” she hisses to the prince, in her own language. Not because she doesn’t want to be understood. It’s because the particular way she phrases the sentence in strix makes it become something between a curse and a oath. A nuance she doesn’t know how to convey, using common. She holds the Prince’s gaze for another moment, then turns away, leaving the room.

2012-07-18, 11:30 AM
Tolthen again speaks to the prince, with all the aura of attempted politeness, even as he suppresses his oh-so-slight disdain for the fat man.
"Alright, we'll be ready by next sunrise."

He then turns to the rest of the group, speaking in a more relaxed tone of voice, with a faint smile.

"We heard the man! Let's get ready to blow some stuff UP!"

He marches out, with unusual grace, and then swearing sulfrously as he forgets a step on the stairs leading out, and almost falls to the bottom.

Lord Tyger
2012-07-18, 11:54 AM
As the Strix utters something in her foreign tongue and turns to stalk out, Alexander Torque relaxes slightly, but only for a moment before turning back to the Prince and assuming parade attention. His brightly polished armor gleams, and the rings on his fingers and the torc around his neck, all tastefully chosen to accentuate his natural coloring, would be enough to impress anywhere less extravagant than this hall. As it stands, he gives, or attempts to give, the impression of one who is blissfully unaware of just how good he looks. As he faces the Prince, he attempts to pick up any social cue that will tell him whether the Prince has reason to suspect him, particularly, of disloyalty.

Sense Motive [roll0]

2012-07-18, 12:54 PM
F.A.O Torque only-
You don't feel any indication, nor see any reason, for the Prince to be bluffing on this occasion. You do, however, find it slightly odd that an important person like he, who is clearly not physically fit, has no visible guards in the room. You would assume that they are simply hidden from sight, but something feels... Off.

2012-07-18, 01:27 PM
Horus bows meekly toward the extraordinarily ugly Prince and follows a few of the other people as they leave the room. He hurries to catch up to them before they disappear into the city.

"That was an.. unpleasant experience. If.. if anyone wants to meet to discuss some of what must be done before we leave, I'm planning to go by Cafe Libertine. It might be the last time in a while that we're able to enjoy such a place. A the very least it'll give us a chance to introduce ourselves..." , Horus says as he looks around to the other people, his eyes occasionally lingering on the outspoken Strix.

2012-07-18, 01:51 PM
Raeka hesitates for a moment. She doesn't have anything she wants to do, and she doesn't particularly care to walk around in these surroundings, enduring all those humans' gazes and raised eyebrows. Plus, she has to work with this people- not by choice, of course, but she may very well end up putting her life in their hands soon - it wouldn't be a bad idea to getting to know at least their names, and what their abilities are.

She nods at the elf, slowly. "Very well" she says, in a tone of voice very different than the one she used for the prince.

2012-07-18, 02:29 PM
Lockheed turns to face Horus, with a rather boyish grin on his face.

"Sure, I don't see why not, all things considered. Once we all meet up and are ready, I can bring us exactly where we need to be. I've been to the village before, and if we take my route, it'll cut two days off of our traveling time." He turns around to see Raeka, and attempts to be more polite as he speaks. "Hey, no need to be so tense at this point. The prince isn't around, and we'll be able to relax for a little bit at the cafe."

2012-07-18, 02:59 PM

When the group begins to funnel out, Zaavariel makes sure he is the last... Excluding those asked to stay behind.

Round a corner, cast detect magic discretely. Make sure to look back as if admiring the ostentatious surroundings in the grand hall before catching up to the group. Al's, looking at each person in detail if neccessary.

2012-07-18, 03:26 PM
With a nod, Manar turns on his heels and strides out, immediately setting out to gather supplies and prepare.


Going to look for bombs/smoke grenades, parchment and ink, and rope. Also, is his coinage obviously labeled with Vvelberg emblems, and someone would be able to easily see this?

2012-07-18, 07:08 PM
Shaking the strange thoughts out of her mind, Topaz perks up at the dismissal and talk of a 'cafe'. "What sort of place is this, exactly?" she asks the elf as she trots after him. "I don't suppose there are actual drinks and food there?"

If the deadline is to be ready by next sunrise, she has plenty of time. Besides, no self-respecting sorceress can say no to a possible party, right? Right. Noticing Zaavariel lingering behind her still, Topaz shoots him a smirk as she sweeps out of the room and follows the loose cluster going to the Cafe.

2012-07-18, 07:38 PM
Horus chuckles lightly to himself.

"As opposed to those cafe's that don't serve "real" drinks, yes? I hate those illusionary gnome cafe's.", he says as he jokingly shakes his fist. "Indeed, it serves food and both intoxicating and riding-safe beverages. It's a delicious little tavern that services many of the students and staff of the Collegiate of Magisters. I enjoy it. The atmosphere is intellectually stimulating, and there is usually a bard or two to help whittle away the evenings. Tell you what, I shall go ahead and get us a private room. We can order some food and share what we know about the upcoming ordeal there."

2012-07-18, 07:47 PM
Tolthen laughs heartily when he hears about the drinks at the bar. "Riding-safe drinks? I don't think I've heard someone say that since... jeez, when I was a kid? Besides, what kind of self-respecting hobgoblin "rides safe" in a bar? Also, I'll have to talk to one of those bards..."

2012-07-18, 08:01 PM
Horus grins toward Tolthen.

"My friend, it's always important to practice safe riding when going to a tavern. You never know who you are going to meet, after all."

2012-07-18, 08:04 PM
As the crowd meanders out of the room, Mazer gives a quick wink to the prince, "Stay out of trouble, Mr. Prince," he says as he turns to leave.

His gigantic grin seeming to grow even larger, he addresses the party around him, "Anyone looking to get some drinking done before we get to the bar?" Afterwhich he produces a bottle of whisky from his pack, takes a pull and holds it out for another to take. "The drinks they serve are always overpriced. Besides, this is some good stuff," he manages to choke out.

"Oh, and Horus. I'd watch it if I were you. Many a good man have met...unpleasant ends for speaking of illusionary gnome cafes."

2012-07-18, 08:11 PM
Catching a whiff of the flask, Horus blinks a few times as his eyes water.

"Emm..gwaah! Empty Night. What in the world are you drinking? Is that Alchemical?" Horus manages to cough out.

2012-07-18, 08:16 PM
Tolthen's head instantly whips around at the mention of whiskey. Seeing Mazer holding out a bottle for someone else to try, and catching Horus' expression, he decides Ah what the hell, I'll try it. "Gimme some of that!", he says, and takes a large swig, and his eyes light up.

"Damn, man, this is some good stuff! Remind me next time we stop at a bar to pick up the whatsitcalled, Empty Night? Or are you able to whip up a batch?"

Rolling a D100 for the hell of it. 1-50 he loves it, and 51-100 he hates it. [roll0]

2012-07-18, 09:47 PM
"Quite," Topaz agrees with a widening grin, laughing at the antics of the gnome in particular.

"Sure. I'll try some. The more the merrier applies for drinks as well." Taking the flask when the hobgoblin is finished, she favors the group with a smile... and then knocks back a mouthful of the liquor like a sailor.

"Damn, that's nice and strong," she coughs, patting her stomach and handing the flask back.

2012-07-18, 09:52 PM
"Alchemical? Sir, your nose is quite acute. This is a special brew my family makes, 'Firedrill Whiskey'. My great great grandfather first alchemically treated the whiskey barrels with the accelerant often used in alchemist's fire. Quite the kick."

2012-07-18, 11:10 PM
"I'll drink to tha', lad," the hobgoblin slurred, quite obviously tipsy, having never drank the gnomish brew before.

"Yer beer packs quite tha punch there, Mazer! Maybeh ye could show me the rrrecipe for it! We'd better get to the cafe, though, before all them good seats be taken!"

2012-07-18, 11:17 PM
Mandrill looks at the hobgoblin as he takes a drink, "You can't buy that around these parts, but I have a gallon on my person."

In the street, it happens upon Mazer that he hadn't seen any of these people before."Ho there, fellow compatriots. I seem to have forgotten my manners. My name is Mazer Smilon Mandrill. You may call me Miles. Or Mazer. Or if you come up with something interesting, I'd love to hear it. I like drinking and explosions.

2012-07-19, 12:22 AM
Tha name's Tolthen Lockheed, as the ever-so-blubbery prince introduced me. Nice ta' meet you, mister Mandrill. (Turns to Topaz) And what be yer name, miss? We haven't heard too much from ya, but I can take it that you also appreciate a fine drink, as do we!"

2012-07-19, 01:45 AM
"Yeah, that gnome brew's really something..." Topaz hiccups, slurring a little and feeling the drink as she trails along after the group. "The name's Topaz Rucker, but you can just call me Topaz. Nice to meet you'll. Ya, I love the drink; there's just something about that spice and fire going down your throat... I'd buy that brew, were you selling it good Smiles."

2012-07-19, 02:18 AM
The strix declines the offer of the drink with a shake of her head. Usually, she doesn't like most of the alchoolic beverages, outside those made by her own people, and she can't even remember the last time she drank decent sör. Plus, she can see the appeal of getting completely, hopelessly drunk, and when she feels like that, it's much better she doesn't even start to drink.

"My name is Raeka" she offers to the others. Her tone is carefully neutral, as her eyes scrutinise each of her companions.

2012-07-19, 02:36 AM
Mazer bursts into laughter, "Smiles is it? I enjoy that name very much. And your name is Topaz? If you have a container, or don't mind a glass vial, I can sell you a good 5 ounces of this fine drink for a mere 2 gold. I hold the same offer for anyone else interested.

The stryx denied the drink, which disappointed Mandrill. She was a bold sort, and might not think twice before heading back to the throne room and beheading the prince while under the influence, which could prove to be ten shades of hilarious. However, the gnome knew that there was much more fun to be had with goblins and grenades, so he didn't push the subject. "Best not to drink and fly, eh?" he added.

2012-07-19, 04:26 AM
Zaavariel only:

You detect an absolutely ludicrous aura of magic exuded by the Prince himself. The aura clearly illustrates that there is a functioning spell of at least the seventh level in play.

Manar only:

The gold of all nation states glitter equally - Your coins will no doubt be a mixture of Staffsten, Vvellberg, Collonia, Restanous and Amox mints.

Torque and Hamza only:

The Prince smiles warmly.
"That Strix sure is something, isn't she?"
Beaming, he leapt from his Throne with surprisingly agile movements, given his apparent size before descending the steps to stand on a level with the assorted group. Nodding towards Torque and Hamza in particular, he began to speak.
"I'm aware that, given your current status in our organisation and church that you have all met me many times before. However, this occasion is quite different. I have asked you to remain because I have a great deal of trust in each of you, and I shall display exactly how much presently."

At that, the Prince seemed to momentarily fade from existence. A slight cloud of smoke obscured his large form momentarily. When the cloud passed, a tall, muscular and surprisingly handsome gentleman stood in the place that the Prince had previously occupied.

"This is my true form, Paladins, Inquisitor. Like I said to the Strix however, I have an image to keep up. It just so happens that image is one of a fat, boorish oaf."

"I apologise for the deception, but it is necessary in order to truly take spies and traitors off guard. No one expects the fool."

The now handsome Prince chuckled.

"Now, to business. You are all aware that loyalty has proven to be a problem. I have absolutely no doubt that there will be persons on this mission who will attempt to sabotage it, either in order to help our enemies, or for some presently unknown reason. I just wanted to take some time to make your orders, should this eventuality occur, quite clear."

"Kill them. If you suspect anyone of treachery, attain as much evidence as possible, find out who they are working for and what their goals are and then inform the Inquisitor. I'm afraid that while the action of killing a traitor is certainly a good act, the most efficient method of it certainly appears to fall within a grey area. Hence, Inquisitor Torque, who has far more autonomy in such regards than you Paladins, can deal justice both swiftly and fairly. Once enough evidence is accrued, once the motivations and machinations have been discovered, Inquisitor Torque, you are to cut the traitors throats while they sleep."

"If my orders are clear enough and you have no further questions you may go and find the rest of the party. I leave this parting word though - Be wary of the Rouge, Manar. I have uncovered some strings which appear to be attached to that puppet, and he is certainly not above treachery. Keep a particular eye on him."

To the whole group (Excluding Torque and Hamza):

"Who doesn't enjoy a good drink, soldier boy?" A slightly gruff yet pleasant voice sounded. Seemingly from nowhere, one of the serving girls, a young hobgoblin lass, approached Lockheed.
"So you're going to Cafe Libertine? I'm staying in the inn just across the road from that - Here's my room number, just in case you fancy keeping a lonely serving wench company - Though I'm long out of Hobgoblin lands, I do still feel so... Drawn to the innate charm of the warrior..."
With a smile and a wink she withdrew a piece of paper from between her breasts and placed it rather firmly in Lockheed's hands. With a wink she left before any could ask her what the hell was going on, but not before she gave a cheeky wave to the rest of the assembled party.

Lockheed only:

Room 19 - Bring a shield, if you have one - My village used to have a rather interesting ceremony involving one I think we could replicate if you like
Amorously yours, Delvia ;)

2012-07-19, 07:01 AM
DC22 Spellcraft to identify spell school
[roll0] Damn close!

Catching up to the group and taking a long pull, "Tastes like Donkey piss....but I've had much worse and had a hell of a night! The half naked man is rarely comfortable in groups of people, preferring the company of one or two people, especially when they are women..

"Names Zaavariel."

Systematically looking at each person and looking for magical auras.

2012-07-19, 11:41 AM
Sense motive check on the girl. [roll0]

Tolthen smiles lecherously, brightening at the idea of a woman's company, especially of his own kind. One could probably tell that something's off, but he's too thoroughly drunk to realize it. "Hey, now thar's a good girl! It says... ooh! I'll be with you guys in a bit, I'ma just head to one of the rooms in the inn across the road quickly. I'll see you all in a bit!" He runs off to the inn.

Lord Tyger
2012-07-19, 01:26 PM
Hamza and GM

Torque's eyes widen slightly as the Prince makes his revelation. Whatever the Prince's sin might be, and Torque has not yet dared read him to find out, it would seem that it is not vanity. As the Prince goes on, Torque cannot resist glancing at the Paladin beside him, to see how she reacts to what is, in essence, a conditional order to have her new companions murdered. Finally, as the Prince finishes, Torque bows low.

"Your grace, rest assured, should I uncover any traitors, I will deal with them appropriately." Still bowed, he retreats from the room. Glancing about once Hamza joins him, he remarks dryly "It would appear our colleagues have not bothered to wait for us. Still, if I know Horus, he'll have dragged them to the Cafe Libertine. Shall we join them?" He pauses for a moment to consider. "They don't get many paladins there. Should be a laugh."

2012-07-19, 01:37 PM
GM Zaavariel should get a look at her with Detect Magic if she is using a spell to mask her form.

2012-07-19, 01:51 PM
Mazer looks about and figures that the night isn't as cheery as it ought to be. He reaaches into his bag, and comes out with a fiddle.

Perform (String Instrument)[roll0]

2012-07-19, 02:26 PM
As the hobgoblin walks off to rendezvous with that lady, Mazer pipes up, "Tolthen was it? Make sure you have a way to signal distress. And for goodness sake, use protection. You don't know where that wench has been."

2012-07-19, 02:32 PM
Tolthen stops for a moment, and calls back; "Yeh, if something happens, you'll know. Trust me on that, heh." He then swings the door open, and saunters into the inn. "Could someone direct me to Room 19 please?"

2012-07-19, 02:56 PM
Zaavariel only -You fail to identify the school of magic. No members in the party register as having any spell or special effect. The Hobgoblin wench is quite clearly in her true form - No spells are in effect

Hamza and Torque -
The Paladins look slightly uneasy at the prospect of what is quite literally murder - Quite understandably too. However, they respectfully bow to their Prince before leaving the room with the remainder of the party.
Paladin Arinstoff smiled at the mention of Cafe Libertine.
"Ah that old intellectual place. Used to skip theology lectures and head down there when I was in uni."
Realising what she had just said in present company she turned a bright shade of pink.
"That is, err... I think blind faith is better than diving into the ars- I mean, backside of religion... Erm..."
The young Paladin appears to visibly shrink. She curses herself silently for speaking out of turn."

Everyone - with the exceptions of Hamza, Torque and Lockheed -

Mazars performance is adequate. Several passers by even pass him a copper piece or two. A drunken couple - Two muscular elven men, even stop to dance to the jaunty jig for a short while.
A cheery, elderly gnome approaches, beaming from ear to ear. He tosses a gold coin to his kinsmen with a grin.
"Well sir, you're certainly no bard but that's a mighty fun tune. Not heard it in a good few years now though. You wouldn't happen to know a ditty by the name of Pachabels canon now, would you? I'd pay a fair bit of coin to hear that old song again."

Lockheed only -

"I can certainly direct you there soldier boy... I have to say you came quite quickly - I hope this is the only point in the evening that I have to say that..." The hobgoblin lass said with a seductive smile, beckoning Lockheed to follow her into her chamber.
"No shield? Oh well, we can do without. It was just a thought I'd had. Besides, we'll have to talk business once we've got our heads on the pillows. Don't worry yourself about that too much at the moment."
With a smooth motion the lass wrapped an arm around Lockheed's and began to lead him to her chamber.

2012-07-19, 03:05 PM
Tolthen taps the shield on his back, and slurs "Er, I do believe I have a shield right here, lass. And you won't have to worry about that other, so don't you worry."

2012-07-19, 03:24 PM
Lockheed only
"Ah, I hadn't noticed... Excellent! Well, painfully obvious now I suppose, but I want you to take me while I lie on your shield. It was a rite of the coming of age in my village when I was a lass and for all that city life has shown me, I have never experienced that. So come on then, we'll talk about the boring stuff after the fun stuff!"
The lass opens the door to her room and gestures for Lockheed to enter before her.

2012-07-19, 03:43 PM
Mandrill only -
You've heard of the song. You even know the sort of tune that accompanies it, though you have no real idea of how to begin playing it. The fact that the elderly gnome named such an obscure song, however, is enough to make you realise his identity - He is Francois D'Achouffe - The greatest gnome bard in the world and a retired adventurer to boot. He is a famed figure known for travelling worlds with his companion, the Epic Conjurer Alyson Rythstas. His knowledge of the entire cosmos quite possibly stands unparalleled.

2012-07-19, 03:54 PM
"Well, sir. You are quite right I am no bard, but I recognize you, and a chance to play Pachabel's canon for a man such as yourself would be a delight," Mandrill replied before bringing the fiddle to his chin to play.


2012-07-19, 04:03 PM
Mandrill only -
You realise that you only know the chorus. Trying as best as you can, you simply repeat that several times

Everyone, with the exception of Torque, Hamza and Lockheed -

Everyone is entertained by the tune. While it was not performed particularly well, you realise that in the hands of a skilled musician the song would sound wonderful. This hypothesis is soon proven correct when the elderly gnome gentleman produces a fiddle of his own and expertly begins to play the song. As soon as he finishes, he addresses Mandrill with a smile.
"Ach son, you're absolutely terrible - Now that's how it's done! Still, that was a good damned effort seeing as that song was written on a world which lies a good few million light-years away from here. I'm glad to see my reputation still precedes me. Well, here's six gold pieces for the attempt anyway. If you ever feel like making some advancement towards a career as a bard, look me up - You'll know where to find me. What's your name son, so's I remember?"

2012-07-19, 04:06 PM
Tolthen gently closes the door behind him, and removes his shirt and boots. Takes Delvia in his arms, and kisses her with fervor. (Fade to black)

2012-07-19, 04:14 PM
Lockheed only -
"Well, that was something. You are quite a kisser sir." Delvia smiles mischievously.
"Now... I do hope you've sobered up now. While all that was fun, and the drunkeness did add an element of illicitness, I do need you to be in complete control of your faculties at present. I know that you're a soldier of Vvellberg. But I know that you're also a hobgoblin warrior. A strong, masculine warrior...I just have to ask, before I continue, are you loyal to our fat, lecherous Prince, or do you consider blood and race to be of greater consideration?"

2012-07-19, 04:17 PM
With a great grin, Mazer replies,"The name's Mandrill, Mazer Smilon Mandrill. I would be delighted to actually learn how to play this thing. I'll most certainly come and find you sometime in the future. Be sure to have a most interesting evening, good sir."

2012-07-19, 04:21 PM
Lockheed only -
"Well, that was something. You are quite a kisser sir." Delvia smiles mischievously.
"Now... I do hope you've sobered up now. While all that was fun, and the drunkeness did add an element of illicitness, I do need you to be in complete control of your faculties at present. I know that you're a soldier of Vvellberg. But I know that you're also a hobgoblin warrior. A strong, masculine warrior...I just have to ask, before I continue, are you loyal to our fat, lecherous Prince, or do you consider blood and race to be of greater consideration?"

Tolthen tilts his head, and pauses for a long time, palms pressed against his head in thought. When he speaks it is in a low- somewhat hushed tone. "Well, to be honest, that's an easy question. My loyalties lie with race first, Crown and Kingdom second, always. While I have no ill blood with the Prince, as much as I wish he'd get a little bit more exercise and that he's learn to respect others, I find the mission I'm on questionable. However, I would like to see our lesser kin be able to truly live, like we have been able to."

2012-07-19, 04:32 PM
Everyone - With the exceptions of Torque, Hamza and Lockheed -

"Well son, I'll be here. Got a manor up in Bryanst pass a the moment. I'll certainly make a point of entertaining your fine self at some point -Your friends and companions included, of course!"

At that, the cheerful fellow left with a smile.

Lockheed only -

Delva, suddenly serious, nodded.
"Excellent. I knew you felt that way. My superiors didn't believe me, but I convinced them to give this a shot."
The lass sighed.
"I know this revelation may shock you, but I'm in love with you Tolthen. I have watched you now for months, I have followed you home each evening. I'm obsessed with you. I cannot get you out of my head. Every second that you are not in my sight I feel physically sick... I understand you may not feel the same way. I'll understand if you do not wish to commune with me any more. But I ask only one thing, that you hear what I have to say presently. Our race, our kin... Our friends depend on this... If you are disgusted by me, if you feel that I am just some pathetic wench vying for your affections, as I have no doubt so many finer specimens do, don't let that influence your decision. Another agent can contact you from this point forth. I can disappear. But please Tolthen. Fall in with us, do not stand against us."

2012-07-19, 04:37 PM

As the gnome ish wench leads him away, Zaavariel mutters to no one and everyone, "Hmmm....it's not an illusion, he's really being led away by a hobgoblin woman..."

2012-07-19, 04:39 PM
Everyone - With the exceptions of Torque, Hamza and Lockheed -

Raeka had watched the entire scene without speaking. It is difficult to discern what she was thinking, either - her expression is quite unreadable. "What else can you do, gnome?" she asks "Beside playing that instrument." The question is direct, maybe too much, but the tone isn't rude. More curious and genuinely interested.

2012-07-19, 04:46 PM
The hobgoblin is stunned for a moment, lost in thought. He's ben suddenly told that his people are in need of great help, and that they need him. He looks at Delvia, and feels something he hasn't felt before with a woman. It is love, a deep and abiding need for this lass. He then made a decision, but he fully intended to tell the group he was already with if it could be afforded. He took Delvia's hands, and kissed her full on the lips.

"Delvia... I don't want you to leave. I may have just met you, and while drunk, but being with you now... I need you. I love you. And my people. I will fall in with your people, and stand with you. But right now... (sigh), I need to know more about what I'm going to be doing.

2012-07-19, 04:56 PM
Lockheed only
Delvia falls silent. She grasps Tolthen tightly and begins to sob. Several moments pass. The lass regains herself and breaths deeply. Tears still rolling down her surprisingly pretty orange face, she speaks, her voice cracklin slightly with emotion.
"I'll tell you everything Tolthen my love... The chief, he told me to remain guarded, but I can't...
We know what the Prince of Vvellberg is planning. He wants to convince Chieftain Volcroff of R'rashted to attack Staffsten so that the mercenaries that the Silverstaff company employ have reason to decimate the village. The Prince wants to kill two birds with one stone; he wants to weaken the economic position of Staffsten and at the same time weaken R'rashted so that the goblin lands are easy pickings for his armies. If R'rashted falls, the hobgoblin villages in the valley to the north will be easy pickings for the expanding empire. I, for one, don't want to see my father killed and my mother and sister raped. For that reason, I need you to give a note to Volcroff, quite discreetly. Can you do that for me Tolthen?"

2012-07-19, 05:03 PM
Lockheed only
Delvia falls silent. She grasps Tolthen tightly and begins to sob. Several moments pass. The lass regains herself and breaths deeply. Tears still rolling down her surprisingly pretty orange face, she speaks, her voice cracklin slightly with emotion.
"I'll tell you everything Tolthen my love... The chief, he told me to remain guarded, but I can't...
We know what the Prince of Vvellberg is planning. He wants to convince Chieftain Volcroff of R'rashted to attack Staffsten so that the mercenaries that the Silverstaff company employ have reason to decimate the village. The Prince wants to kill two birds with one stone; he wants to weaken the economic position of Staffsten and at the same time weaken R'rashted so that the goblin lands are easy pickings for his armies. If R'rashted falls, the hobgoblin villages in the valley to the north will be easy pickings for the expanding empire. I, for one, don't want to see my father killed and my mother and sister raped. For that reason, I need you to give a note to Volcroff, quite discreetly. Can you do that for me Tolthen?"

Tolthen, shocked and outraged at the Prince for his plot to effectively commit genocide on his people, and them trying to kill his lover's family, immediately responds, with no hesitation in his voice.

"Volcroff will have his warning before the rest of the group I was with arrives. They are on the same mission I was on, and I will go there as quickly as I can to warn him. I will mislead them with false information to get as far ahead as possible to them. Your family will be safe, I promise you, Delvia."

2012-07-19, 05:05 PM
Everyone - With the exceptions of Torque, Hamza and Lockheed -
"Oh, there's plenty more to come, I'm sure you'll find," Mazer says with a wink. "We can talk more at the cafe."

2012-07-19, 05:23 PM
Lockheed only -

Inhaling deeply, Delvia clambered to her feet. Wrapping a robe around her previously nude form, she inhaled deeply.
"Thank you Tolthen. They say Chieftain Volcroff is truly the one and only... I hope this is true. Do you have family in the valley?"

2012-07-19, 05:42 PM
"I used to. I had my parents and three siblings, and they were killed in a forest fire a long time back. Though... I'm not sure if I should leave the rest of my group behind. I mean, it would be possibly easier without them, but if I should encounter danger... it would be nice to have them around in case things went south.

2012-07-19, 05:45 PM
Lockheed only -

The woman frowns.
"I'm... So, so sorry to hear that..."
After a moment of silence, in respect, she speaks.
"Anyway... I wouldn't worry about your compatriots. We already know that a good few of them are planning to betray the good Prince. No one is on our side, per se, but there are certainly overlapping interests."

2012-07-19, 05:48 PM
Lockheed only -

The woman frowns.
"I'm... So, so sorry to hear that..."
After a moment of silence, in respect, she speaks.
"Anyway... I wouldn't worry about your compatriots. We already know that a good few of them are planning to betray the good Prince. No one is on our side, per se, but there are certainly overlapping interests."

"Could I get specifics, or should I see if I can talk the whole group into helping me with this? I have a good feeling about the gnome, stereotypes aside, and I know the Strix has a problem with the prince already, but is there anyone else?

2012-07-19, 05:54 PM
Lockheed only -

"No! You can't tell the others!" Delvia shouts, visibly panicked.
"Like I said, we may have compatible interests, but that doesn't change the fact that they may be discovered as traitors and interrogated. If this gets out it'll spell doom for us all. You should be safe, given your long service in the Vvelberg military. From what my superiors know, you could have made Paladin by now, if you were a little less clever, but the Strix is a definite suspect of treason. Please Tolthen, take this mission on your own back. I'll be here to support you anyway. Well, not practically, but emotionally, if you really do feel for me the way that you claim to..."

2012-07-19, 05:57 PM
Everyone - With the exceptions of Torque, Hamza and Lockheed

Horus ushers the group to Cafe Libertine. He relaxes quite a bit just stepping into the location. It is obvious that he's familiar with both the cafe and the people here. He smiles broadly at one of the baristas, removes his glasses, and confers with her for a moment or two. Horus replaces his glasses and speaks to the group, "If you guys will follow me, I got the private room upstairs for us. I figure it's best if we have a bit more privacy for our discussion. I've left instruction with the ladies up front to tell the rest of our cadre where we are when they arrive."

Horus leads through the cafe with practiced grace. The entry room includes a bar against the wall where you can order drinks and food. Student art decorates the walls and, it seems, the two baristas as well, as they have some prominent tattoos and piercings displayed. A room opens to the right that leads to a dimly lit room filled with tables, a few of which are populated by students with their arcane textbooks sprawled over their entire surface. There is a small stage in front which looks like it hosts entertainment, though it is empty at the moment. The walls are covered in quotes and the writings of famous thinkers. There is a staircase in the back of the room along with a door that might lead to a patio.

Horus takes the staircase in the back that leads to a second floor loft with a view of the entertainers stand and a couple of large tables.

"I hope you enjoy this place. It's been one of my favorite hangouts for.. decades now. Has it already been fourty years? At any rate, I did not mean to interrupt the young lady Raeka, I am also curious as to what you all do."

Horus huffs slightly as he tries to move one of the tables to join the other. He pauses for a moment, flushes a bit pink in the face, and removes his glasses as he stands up.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't introduce myself. I am Horus, I have worked at the Collegiate of Magisters for a few years now, ever since I graduated. I have some talent in the Arcane Arts, though my interests lie very much in teleportation. The diffuse properties of space/time are really facinating, especially when you take into account the effects that mass usage of the items could have with trade! And then you get into the minutiae of the theo...", Horus shakes himself from his reverie and blushes a few shades darker, "At any rate, that's where my skills lie. I have actually been to R'rashted quite a few times and will be happy to share what I know about it. After we, UHH, move some of these, rrrpphhh, tables together."

He shoves the tables together as best he can, and then offers chairs to any of the women present before sitting down himself.

2012-07-19, 06:08 PM
Tolthen flinches slightly, then nods and clasps Delvia tightly to him, and kisses her once more. "I love you so much, my sweet... I'll take this on my own then. I'll deliver the false information to the party, and split off from them soon after. Your family will be safe. I must be off now, though, before they leave." He kisses her once more, and leaves for the Cafe Libertine, just in time to see the others heading inside. He follows and courteously greets the man who now calls himself Horus.

Tolthen enters the Cafe Libertine, and finds the room that the others are in. He enters the room unexpectedly, and seems to want to get right to buisness.

"My name is Tolthen Lockheed, and my profession is Army Ranger. How do you do?"

Lord Tyger
2012-07-19, 07:41 PM
Torque smiles and turns to the flushed Paladin. "Don't worry, I don't think any of us are likely to turn you in for heresy. Unlike some of my more... zealous colleagues, I'm sure we're all well aware that the true threats to this city are unfortunately rather more extreme than those who frequent the Cafe Libertine.

"I spend some time there myself occasionally, in the line of business. While it's usual patrons may be mostly harmless, one or two of them occasionally move past the purely theoretical, and it can be useful to keep an eye on them. Besides which, it's an excellent resource if you're looking for those of an intellectual bent. I met Horus- the wizard who will be joining us- there. I needed some background on a certain sort of magic. The investigation's ongoing, so I'm afraid I can't be more specific, but I will say that what he told me saved my ass."

Here, he turned to Arinstoff and gave her a wink. "And I do flatter myself that it was worth the saving."

Arriving at the Cafe, he announces, in a carrying tone,

"Besides all of which, the cook who makes this pastries is blessed by Tsnir with genius. There's no other explanation. Try them, you'll understand."

Diplomacy roll to improve Arinstoff's attitude towards me, and a sense motive to see if it's working, I guess?

Diplomacy: [roll0] (assuming she's potentially attracted to male aasimars. If not, subtract one)

Sense Motive [roll1]

2012-07-19, 10:12 PM
Topaz finishes chuckling at the wizard - he's cute for a wizard, in that adorable pet sort of way, she thinks. "Nice to meet you, Horus," she says, flashing a smile she thinks is charming before sitting down in the offered chair. "You sound like an interesting guy. All of you, really."

She looks up when the hobgoblin enters the room so suddenly, blinks, and then continues. "Well, as I said before, the name's Topaz Rucker. But please, just call me Topaz. I'm a bit of an arcanist myself, though certainly not the type to hang out in those fancy guilds. My specialty lies more in the business of, as the Prince so lovingly put it, making messes. And fixing them too, which of course was left out. You might know of the type." She gives a lazy smile and reaches for a drink if there are any around.

2012-07-20, 02:14 AM
Torque only -

The flirtatious comments appear to have worked - The young Paladin turns a deeper shade of pink, but this time there is a slight smile at play. You know for certain that her attitude towards you has improved considerably. While Paladin Galving seems mostly oblivious, Paladin Corfus shoots the young woman a look of distaste.

2012-07-20, 02:26 AM
Raeka raises an eyebrow as Horus offers her a seat - human customs, really, the majority of the time are a mystery for her. She doesn't comment, however. The wizard seems polite enough, and there's no reason to treat him rudely. "Raeka, as I said. I am an enchanter and wise woman as well." Among her people,that's what witches are usually called. "We have..." a pause, and then she corrects herself, voice going harder "We used to have a small trade on the fringes of the city." She did the brewing and the enchanting, and Vassil did the gathering and dealt with customers.

2012-07-20, 01:25 PM
Mazer pulls out a chair for himself before trying to leap up over the back of it to stand on the seat.
Acrobatics check[roll0]
As he attempts to jump, the chair simply falls backward, landing Mandrill on his back. Still lying on the floor, he takes a moment to laugh at himself before addressing the others, "Mazer Smilon Mandrill, at your service." He leaps quickly to his feet, corrects his chair, then continues, "Already introduced myself to some of you. I've worked as demolitionist and on-site medic for the past 15 years, travelling to different mines across the country. My expertise in either field is unmatched." Content with the introduction, Mazer pulls out the flask of whiskey and takes a drink.

Lord Tyger
2012-07-20, 02:04 PM
"Alexander Torque, on his Majesty's Inquisitorial Service," says Alexander, coming to join the others. "I've some magic, and some combat experience, but I confess the bulk of my talents are in more social situations. To date they've largely been confined to this city, and I confess I know little about the goblins we're going to speak with." He gives a somewhat self deprecating laugh. "I hope that they speak common."

Then, turning to Raeka. "I must apologize for my earlier statements. It was unclear to me at the time what could prompt such an outburst. If, as I now understand, your lover is hostage against your completion of this mission, then your concerns are, of course, more than understandable."

DM and Raeka only.
Hidden in his words of reconciliation is a second message, an offer, when the Prince's mission is completed, to use what influence he has in the city to help ensure her beau's safe return.

Bluff check to pass a message [1d20+17] plus one against anyone susceptible to his charming traits.

2012-07-20, 02:25 PM
Raeka narrows her eyes, studying the human as if prodding his sentences for potential traps Is that really an apology? From a human inquisitor? She doesn't manage to find anything wrong with his statement, and nods in acceptance of the man's words.

"He is, and it is your prince's doing" she says. She tries, very hard, to keep her tone hard and mocking, but the scorn in her voice doesn't manage to cover entirely the hoplesless and pain below. "Forgive me if I don't bow and scrape to him.". Her gaze fixes on him for another couple of seconds, scrutinising him Is he... Then the strix nods, once, in acknowledgment. "I appreciate your concern, human."

2012-07-20, 02:46 PM
Lockheed settles down in his chair with a sigh, and looks around, seeing that most of the group is in the room. He grabs a sheet of paper, and starts making a crude map. "See, we're here, in the city. Our fastest route to the city should be by heading directly west from the city, and traveling north along the beach, and it should take two or three days off our traveling time. I'm going to be heading in a different direction, since I have other things to do." He says this all in a matter-of-fact, emotionless voice, and he draws out a legend to help them navigate.

Craft (map) check [roll0]

2012-07-20, 03:11 PM

Watching as Lockheed lays out their suggested route...
Sense motive since he won't be accompanying us.

2012-07-20, 03:49 PM
Zaavariel only -
You don't see any reason to doubt Lockheed's route - You know that he's a Ranger and therefore probably quite adept at pathfinding

Torque and Raeka -

The secret message is garbled in transition - Raeka is aware that there is some offer of aid, but exactly what Torque is subtly trying to offer help with is completely unclear

Everyone -

The map drawn by Lockheed is adequate - It shows the exact route which is proposed contrasted with the winding road. It is quite obvious that the shortcut could cut at least two days off of the travel time.

Lord Tyger
2012-07-20, 03:51 PM
Torque raises an eyebrow as Lockheed makes his announcement. "Do you mean merely that you will not be travelling with us, or that you will not be joining us at the village?"

2012-07-20, 05:50 PM
I will still be meeting you at the village, I just have to take a quick stop somewhere before I leave. I'll be taking an alternate route. If that is all,"Tolthen stands up and picks up his gear, "I shall be off. I will see you all at the village. I should catch up to you midway." And with that, he sweeps out of the room in a hurried fashion, almost tripping as he leaves.

DM only:
Tolthen then leaves the city, and takes the true fast path, by heading towards the altar of Dete.

2012-07-20, 07:06 PM
Watching Lockheed while he hurries out of the room, Mazer says, "Nice guy. Poor Manners, but nice guy."

For DM:
Sense Motive to determine if Lockheed's peculiar behavior is to compromise the mission. Mazer finds it suspicious that on a mission to interact with goblinoids, a goblinoid appears to be acting odd.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2012-07-20, 08:24 PM
Topaz blinks after Lockheed, and then she hums down at his map. "Not a bad artist, either. Anybody else have thoughts on, you know, strategy for once we get there?"

I wonder what he's going to do,she thinks. This seems a bit odd...
Sense Motive check, for all the good it'll do her: [roll0]

Lord Tyger
2012-07-20, 08:43 PM
"We'll need to find out who among the goblins has the authority, or at least the influence, to get what we need done. From there, it should simply be a manner of finding the right pressure to put on them." His brow furrows. "Hopefully whoever it is will speak Common. I'm afraid I've never studied Goblin."

2012-07-20, 08:54 PM
Horus perks up at the questions about the goblin camp.

"Oh, we'll be looking for Quenza Volcroff. I've had the pleasure of talking to him many times. He's the Chieftain. Not a poor Chief in the least, either. Very respectable. I would be wary of trying to intimidate him or forcing his hand."

Horus look at the map on the table.

"That was an abrupt exit. I hope Lockheed's business gets resolved quickly and well. I don't like our group splitting up. We're much stronger as a group than we are individually."

Horus takes a moment, obviously thinking about something.

Does anyone else speak the goblintongue?

2012-07-20, 09:05 PM
To everyone in the Cafe Libertine:
"So about the explosives themselves. I don't have enough money to buy grenades or kegs of black powder, and I don't necessarily have the time to craft grenades from raw materials. On average, a single grenade could take two and a half days with about 34 gold of raw material. I might be able to lessen this time with help, but I doubt even the couple grenades I can craft en route will suffice in crippling this trade company. I have another plan however, that is a bit trickier, but loads more fun."

2012-07-20, 09:09 PM
@ the Cafe
"Unfortunately, I don't speak Goblin, but I have a feeling our ranger does."

Lord Tyger
2012-07-20, 09:18 PM
Cafe Patrons
"His departure did seem a bit abrupt," Torque agrees. Did he make any mention of this private business of his on the way here?"

Then, as the gnome speaks, he turns to listen, intrigued by what this colorful chymist might consider fun.

2012-07-20, 09:22 PM
@ the Cafe:
"If we should so happen to run into trouble gathering explosives, I know that I can always personally create some on short order, but the mixtures are too volatile to trust to goblins. My secondary idea, if we should need it, is to have myself perform the demolition, disguised as a goblin to ensure no mistakes."

2012-07-20, 09:47 PM
@the Cafe
"No, in fact he didn't say a thing about other business on the way here," Topaz remarks, glancing between the gnome and inquistor like watching a ping pong match. "Just drank with us and flirted with another hobgoblin. And no, I do not speak Goblin either. Shame, really."

2012-07-21, 03:57 AM
Raeka only -

As the others discuss the curious situation surrounding Lockheed's abrupt departure, and the gnomes discussion on the topic of explosions, a curious thing happened.
Time itself appeared to freeze - The others became as still as statues. A new, hooded figure manifested in the centre of the room. The facial features, race and even gender of the creature is obscured by the heavy robe draped across its form. It chuckles.

"I bloody well love Wish. It's a damned good spell to use when you're as clever as me, hardly ever backfires at all now. Anyway, Raeka? Where... Oh, there you are. Hello! I'm quite crap at introductions. You've probably got no idea what's going on - Sorry! I'm Pamphilius, Major Magister of Staffsten. Before you call for help or try to get me killed by your friends for being 'The Enemy -"
The sorcerer managed to make the italicised words sound absolutely ludicrous.
"I think you'll want to hear what I've got to say. I've got an offer, of sorts, for you."

2012-07-21, 04:13 AM
DM only

Raeka had made a step backwards at the apparition. Now she narrows her eyes as she scrutinises the figure: "If yoy want to talk to me, talk." she says, guardingly. "But show your face. I will not talk to someone I can't look in the eye."

((OOC: [roll0]))

2012-07-21, 04:46 AM
Raeka only -

You try to figure out if the figure is bluffing but you find him utterly unreadable.
"Ach you've got no sense of dramatic flair." The figured said, sounding vaguely disappointed as he pulled back his hood to reveal the handsome face of a young human man.
"I was going to have smoke and everything, but I didn't want to waste the gold on a special effect... I feel like I should have now, this isn't a great revelation any more, it's just a boring political conversation..."
With a frown, the sorcerer leapt off the table to stand beside Raeka.
"Ok, well I can't talk for long. I know about the situation that you're in and I know that you'll never get out of it by playing the game. The glorious Prince will just keep finding reasons to keep Vassil locked up - He's been playing that game for years, locking up loved ones and stringing people along. Despicable if you ask me. He could at least make a vain attempt to pretend to keep his promises."
With a shrug Pamphilius took an oaken pipe from his pocket and lit it.
"The only smoke I'm getting it seems... I really should have just paid the extra and wished for the effect... Anyway, obviously I'm representing the interests of Staffsten here and I'm not just doing this out of the goodness of my heart, but I really do feel for you in this situation Raeka. That's why I hope you accept my offer. If you're willing to perform one, and I do mean one, task for me and my associates I promise you that we'll rescue Vassil from prison and offer you asylum in Staffsten. We've got another ninety seconds of talking time, so I'm afraid you have to decide if you're interested quickly."
With a warm smile the handsome man took a puff of his pipe.

2012-07-21, 05:03 AM
DM only
"Just one - that is the same thing the Prince guards told me." Raeka says "And the terms were changed as soon as I showed up." But it doesn't seem like she has much choice either. She really doesn't think the Prince would let Vassil go, not when he is such a convenient motivation to keep her in check."Speak, then."

2012-07-22, 12:12 PM
@the cafe
Having spent most of his time moving from stall to stall, shop to shop, Manar looks at his supplies he's gathered. Tucking them neatly away, he casually strolls to the Cafe Libertine, hoping to get in a few drinks and talk with his group before they leave. Upon entering, he tosses the nearest barmaid a gold coin and asks for an ale, spotting his fellows and moving to sit with them. Pulling up a chair, he lowers his scarf and waits for his ale.
"What'd I miss?"

2012-07-22, 07:22 PM
@ the Cafe:
"You haven't missed much, human. We were introducing ourselves, then straightening out the plan. Tolthen scribbled us up a map before leaving. He said he'd meet us there. Now we are deciding the best action to take to get this mission done. Tell us who you are, and what your thoughts on the situation are."

2012-07-24, 05:16 PM
@ the cafe

"Ah, good to know I don't have to play catch-up." He smiles to the barmaid as she brings him his mug, taking a long draught to relax. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he speaks up."Name? Don't have one, but most have taken to callin' me 'Blade,' on account of this." He pats the shortsword, sheathed at his side, but leaves his bandolier of daggers untouched.
"Don't know much about goblins, so there isn't much I can say. Putting a bit of fear in them, and maybe some bribery for good measure, might be useful. Can I see this map?"

2012-07-30, 10:16 AM
-this is for the description of how the map looks

@ the Cafe:
Mazer speaks up, "There's not much left to do but rest and leave first thing in the morning. We can explore our options en route and feel out the situation when we get there."

2012-07-30, 02:34 PM
Horus stands up.

"I agree but with one thing. Why not leave now? Getting a head start can only help us. No?"

2012-07-30, 07:19 PM
"Doubtless. Has anyone else got anything to do?"

2012-07-30, 07:43 PM
"Not I," Topaz says, taking another swig of her drink and standing up. "I already have adequate provisions, and could leave this very minute if the others are amiable."