View Full Version : Lets Design a Arcane School

2012-07-17, 07:23 PM
So in a game I'm currently in I Must make a Arcane School in order to take Mage of the Arcane Order.
So what do you guys say? Lets make a School Out of Magic. I have 3 Level 18 Sorcerers to help me.

What it must Have
1 So It has to be big enough for about 500 Students at least.
2 Safety from attacks.
3 A Power Device for the MotAO Prc.
4 A way to earn money from it.

Then maybe a system of ranks.
Archmage (Me Balfazar)
Arcane Masters (PC's, Bal's on again off again, Bal's Best Freind)
Teachers of _______?

So Any Ideas???

2012-07-17, 07:35 PM
For the Spellpool, my campaign world takes the Adaptation and has it as a chained Demigod in the subbasements.

Returning the spell slots works to constantly improve the bindings that the demigod tries to corrode.

Only 500 students? A single Blightweirdstone ought to be enough to protect it from Scry-and-die (short of Wish)

Hells, even better, have the 'school' be some no-name magic mart in a metropolis, where the broom closet leads to a a Genesis demiplane. Protect the shop, and you're good to go.

Magic marts in metropoli (metropolises?) have a high GP limit, and so would be a good source of profit, especially with the crafting feats (or an Artificer cohort).

2012-07-17, 07:41 PM
There will be arm... Artificer in the school.
He will be a Level 14 Most likely.
I will try to use wish to make a Power supply. More over a stone that has no limit to the energy. So i can keep it at a high level when people use it a lot.
But how would i do this?

Also can i use a soul as the power. Namely mine.

2012-07-18, 06:47 AM
Perhaps we need to create a custom spell that will make the school buildings and spellpool source for you.

Mage's Magnificent Mansion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesMagnificentMansion.htm) is a L7 spell and is significantly weaker than what we wish to achieve.

So Lets start with a L9 spell as the base.

Balfazar's Special School
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 Hour
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Extradimensional School, up to thirty 10-ft. cubes/level (S)
Duration: 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You conjure up an extradimensional School Complex that has an entrance on the plane from which the spell was cast. The entry point looks like a faint shimmering in the air that is 10 feet wide and 20 feet high. You may designate a number of Gatekeepers equal to 1/2 your level (you may designate yourself as a gatekeeper), Only those your gatekeepers designate may enter the school, and the portal is shut and made invisible behind you when you enter. You or your gatekeepers may open it again from your own side at will. Once observers have passed beyond the entrance, they are in a magnificent Courtyard with an Impressive building beyond. The atmosphere is clean, fresh, and warm.

You can create any floor plan you desire to the limit of the spell’s effect. The place is furnished and contains sufficient foodstuffs to serve a nine-course banquet to fifty people per caster level. A staff of near-transparent servants (as many as twenty per caster level), liveried and obedient, wait upon all who enter. The servants function as unseen servant spells except that they are visible and can go anywhere in the school.

Since the place can be entered only through its special portals, outside conditions do not affect the school, nor do conditions inside it pass to the plane beyond.

At the Heart of the School is a Spellpool, in a chamber only accessable to designate gatekeepers. Points from the spellpool may be used to extend the duration of the school bryond the initial duration of the casting.

Refreshing the duration of the spell or changes to the Gatekeepers of the school is possible by recasting the spell from within the school.

A miniature portal carved from ivory, a small piece of polished marble, and a tiny silver spoon (each item worth 305 gp (As MMM but masterworked focus items)).

2012-07-18, 08:34 AM
Use a private demiplane with a spell trap of plane shift (or greater plane shift), and make sure it's protected at all times by a weirdstone. Gate in some Solars, Elder Titans and so on, and negotiate with them to construct a mythal epic spell that can be used to add extra shielding.

Remember that no matter what you do, a Wish spell can bust straight through any defense you try and put up. The "regardless of local conditions" clause included in its description can't be shut down.

2012-07-18, 11:09 AM
What is i cast wish to make it so that Wish's don't work in the plane?

2012-07-18, 05:07 PM
What is i cast wish to make it so that Wish's don't work in the plane?

That's still a local condition. It's also outside the safe list, so it might get messed up.

2012-07-19, 12:12 AM
Buy a scroll of Genesis (http://www.google.com/url?sa=f&rct=j&url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spells/genesis.htm&q=genesis+d20&ei=G5cHULqkI-bc2QWWw7DYBA&usg=AFQjCNHeSE_l80FLG-ZDzK712IYifLt_-g) to make a demiplane for your school, and sell scrolls/wands/magic items you create.

Flame of Anor
2012-07-19, 02:00 AM
What would be really cool is if the plane your school was on only had land in the shape of a giant floating doughnut, maybe a mile across. Then there would be three towers poking into the center of the doughnut, connecting in the middle. Gravity would always be towards the imaginary ring that goes through the doughnut, so you could step out of a tower onto the inside face of the doughnut, and then walk for a while onto the outside face of the doughnut. You'd be upside down from the tower's perspective, but you'd still stick to the ground! And you could climb up any tower, shift around by 60 degrees in the weightless connecting room, and climb down another one.

2012-07-19, 02:12 AM
couldn't i just make non directional gravity?

or zero-gravity, we fly with are reserve feats by shooting hahaha

2012-07-19, 02:43 AM
As a rank system, you can go with:

-Chairs of each magic school (abjuration, conjuration, etc.), who lead Departments of the same name.
-Masters, who oversee stuff other than the actual academics. Master of Security, Master of Finance, Master of Artifice, etc.
-Lecturers, who work under a department and teach.
-Sages, who work under a department and do research.
-Mage Propers, who have completed their training, but aren't on active duty within the school.
-Mage Assistants, who have completed their training, and work under a specific Chair, Master or Lecturer.
-Mage Apprentices, who are still in training.

Killer Angel
2012-07-19, 03:01 AM
Then maybe a system of ranks.
Archmage (Me Balfazar)
Arcane Masters (PC's, Bal's on again off again, Bal's Best Freind)
Teachers of _______?

So Any Ideas???

You'd need some professor Viletoad Evilmore (http://www.meetmyminion.com/?p=1547). :smallbiggrin: