View Full Version : 3.5 creatures with DR

2012-07-18, 08:34 AM
so i have a player with a custom magic item i made that has a passive ability. she doesn't even know its a magic item, and i'd like to freak her out a bit by "showing" her.

the problem is i am having trouble locating all the creatures with DR lawful, so it occurred to me it would be nice to start compiling a list of creatures with various types of DR, and what books, or dragon magazines they are in. anyone willing to help with this?

I'm going to just keep editing this post with an actual list, so people know what books have been gone though already.

Also if you can think of a better way to organize this than by book, that would be great too...

Monster Manual I
{table]Angel, Astral Deva - DR 10/evil - Pg 11
Angel, Planetar - DR 10/evil - Pg 11
Angel, Solar - DR 15/epic,evil - pg 12
Lantern Archon - DR 10/evil,magic - Pg 16
Hound Archon - DR 10/evil - Pg 16
Trumpet Archon - DR 10/evil - Pg 17
Barghest - DR 5/magic - Pg 22
Barghest, greater - DR 10/magic - Pg 22
Basilisk, Abyssal Greater - DR 10/magic - Pg 23
Bodak - DR 10/cold iron - Pg 28
Celestial creature - DR 5,10/magic - Pg 31
Demon, Babau - DR 10/cold iron, good - Pg 40
Demon, Balor - DR 15/cold iron, good - Pg 40
Demon, Bebilith - DR 10/good - pg 42
Demon, Dretch - DR 5/cold iron, good - pg 42
Demon, Glabrezu - DR 10/good - Pg 43
Demon, Hezrou - DR 10/good - Pg 44
Demon, Marilith - DR 10/good, cold iron - Pg 44
Demon, Nalfeshnee - DR 10/good - pg 45
Demon, Quasit- DR 5/good, cold iron - pg 46
Demon, Succubus - DR 10/good, cold iron - pg 47
Demon, Vrock - DR 10/good, cold iron - pg 48
Devil, Barbed (Hamatula) - DR 10/good - pg 51
Devil, Bearded (Barbazu) - DR 5/good, silver -pg 52
Devil, Bone (Osyluth) - DR 10/good - pg 52
Devil, Chain (Kyton) - DR 5/good, silver - pg 53
Devil, Erinyes - DR 5/good - pg 54
Devil, Hellcat - DR 5 good - pg 54
Devil, Horned (Cornugon) - DR 10/good, silver - pg 55
Devil, Ice (Gelugon) - DR 10/good - Pg 56
Devil, Imp - DR 5/good, silver - pg 56
Devil, Lemure - DR 5/good, silver - pg 57
Devil, Pit Fiend - DR 15/good, silver - pg 57
Dragon, True – DR 5,10,15,20/Magic – pg 68
Dryad - DR 5/cold iron - pg 90
Eladrin, Bralani - DR 10/cold iron, evil - pg 93
Eladrin, Ghaele - DR 10/cold iron, evil - pg 94
Elemental Air (Large, Huge) - DR 5/nothing - Pg 96
Elemental Air (greater, elder) - DR 10/nothing - Pg 96
Elemental Earth (Large, Huge) - DR 5/nothing - Pg 97
Elemental Earth (greater, elder) - DR 10/nothing - Pg 97
Elemental Fire (Large, Huge) - DR 5/nothing - Pg 99
Elemental Fire (greater, elder) - DR 10/nothing - Pg 99
Elemental Water (Large, Huge) - DR 5/nothing - Pg 100
Elemental Water (greater, elder) - DR 10/nothing - Pg 100
Fiendish creature - DR 5,10/magic - Pg 107
Gargoyle - DR 10/magic - Pg 113
Gibbering Mouther - DR 5/bludgeoning - Pg 126
Golem, Clay - DR 10/adamantine, bludgeoning - 134
Golem, Flesh - DR 5/adamantine - Pg 135
Golem, Iron - DR 15/adamantine - Pg 136
Golem, Stone - DR 10/adamantine - Pg 136
Grick - DR 10/magic - Pg 139
Guardinal, Avoral - DR 10/evil, silver - Pg 141
Guardinal, Leonal - DR 10/evil, silver - Pg 142
Hag, Annis - DR 2/bludgeoning - Pg 143
Half Celestial - DR 5-10/magic - Pg 145
Half Fiend- DR 5-10/magic - Pg 148
Inevitable, Kolyarut - DR 10/Chaotic - pg 159
Inevitable, Marut - DR 15/Chaotic - pg 159
Inevitable, Zelekhut - DR 10/Chaotic - pg 160
Golden Protector - DR 5/magic - Pg 166
Litch - DR 15/Bludgeoning, magic - Pg 167
Lycanthrope - DR 10/silver - Pg 171
Magmin - DR 5/magic - Pg 179
Mephit, All - DR 5/magic - Pg 180
Mummy - DR 5/nothing - Pg 190
Night Hag - DR 10/cold iron, magic - Pg 193
Nightcrawler - DR 15/silver, magic - Pg 195
Nightwalker - DR 15/silver, magic - Pg 196
Nightwing - DR 15/silver, magic - Pg 197
Nymph - DR 10/cold iron - Pg 197
Rakshasa - DR 15/good, piercing - Pg 211
Salamander - DR 10,15/magic - Pg 218
Satyr - DR 5/cold iron - Pg 219
Skeleton - DR 5/bludgeoning - Pg 225
Slaad, Gray - DR 10/Lawful - pg 231
Slaad, Death - DR 10/Lawful - pg 231
Sprite, Grig - DR 5/cold iron - Pg 235
Sprite, Nixie - DR 5/cold iron - Pg 235
Sprite, Pixie - DR 5/cold iron - Pg 236
Tarrasque - DR 15/epic - Pg 240
Titan - DR 15/Lawful - pg 242
Treant - DR 10/slashing - Pg 244
Vampire - DR 10/silver, magic - Pg 250
Xorn - DR 5/bludgeoning - Pg 260
Yeth Hound - DR 10/silver - Pg 260
Zombie - DR 5/slashing - Pg 266

So i'm sorely disappointed in the lack of DR Lawful creatures...
onto the Monster Manual II